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Presented by,

Based on the defects in the components and customer
There are 10 ranks having in failure modes.
Calculating the severity levels provides for a
classification ranking that encompasses safety,
production continuity, scrap loss, etc.
12 Failure is of such minor nature that the customer
(internal or external) will probably not detect the
35 Failure will result in slight customer annoyance
and/or slight deterioration of part or system
performance.50% (Failure modes.

6-7 Failure will result in customer dissatisfaction and
annoyance and/or deterioration of part or system
performance 30%(Failure modes)

89 Failure will result in high degree of customer
dissatisfaction .10%(Failure modes)

10 -Failure will result in major customer dissatisfaction
and cause non system operation or non-compliance with
government regulations.

FTA is a structured approach for analyzing the root causes of a
failure mode.
It is used heavily in safety engineering.
Fault tree analysis is an effect and cause diagram.
Is a systematic method of System Analysis
Examines System from Top Down
Provides graphical symbols for ease of understanding
Incorporates mathematical tools to focus on critical areas

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Allows easy conversion to probability measures
But may lead to very large trees if the analysis is
extended in depth.
FTA used in Safety Engineering.
Limitations for FTA;
Can be costly in time & effort
Accuracy is Depends on skill of analyzer..

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