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Justification of the

Unnecessary War
By: David Wilson
Teacher: Mrs. Egan
Course: 8
Grade Composition
Reasons for this Topic
1. This is a very controversial historical topic
that has severe questions.
2. Some historians say that the brutality of the
Spaniards was overlooked and exaggerated.
3. This topic has a risk/reward scenario and I
feel like I have a very valid argument.
Thesis Statement
The U.S. was justified in declaring war on
Spain in 1898 because the Spaniards
attacked the U.S. humanitarian aide ship
on the Cuban coast and the Americans
wanted to free the Cubans from Spanish
The Cubans were put in concentration camps
and were massacred in their on villages. They
couldnt even attend good schools.
The Cubans had no say in their own government
and couldnt vote as well. The Spaniards were
dictators towards the Cubans.
The United States helped the Cubans escape the
hands of the Spaniards and Cuba became the
foundation of the new Latin American Policy.
As I said early, some historians say that
the Spanish-American War was
exaggerated but through my paper and
this PowerPoint that it proves that the
United States were true heroes for the
Cuban people.
Works Cited Page
Somerlott, Robert. The Spanish-American
War Remember The Maine. Berkeley
Heights New Jersey: Enslow Publishers,
Inc., 1995. Print.
The Platt Amendment . U.S.
2008. Independence Hall Association.
Web. 20 February 2014.

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