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1 unbaked deep-dish pastry shell (9 inches purchased !r h!"e"ade

# "ediu" t!"at!es$ cut int! 1%& inch slices
1' bac!n strips$ c!!ked and cru"bled
1 cup (& !() shredded cheddar cheese
1 cup "ay!nnaise (reduced *at !r *at-*ree n!t rec!""ended Mi+ht as ,ell use the
*at stu** al!n+ ,ith 1' slices !* bac!n-
Bake pastry shell acc!rdin+ t! packa+e directi!ns. c!!l) Place t!"at!es in crust.
sprinkle ,ith bac!n) In a b!,l$ c!"bine the cheese and "ay!nnaise) /p!!n !0er
bac!n in center !* pie$ lea0in+ 1 inch ar!und ed+e) Bake
at #1' *!r #'-&' "inutes !r until +!lden br!,n (c!0er ed+es ,ith *!il i* necessary t!
pre0ent !0er br!,nin+) /er0es 2)

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