Gramática: (El Utilizar Una U Otra Dependerá Del Verbo de La Oración Principal)

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Su estructura es la siguiente:
So am I / Neither am I
So do I / Neither do I
So can I / Neither can I
Se utilizan para expresar coincidencia con lo manifestado por el interlocutor.
a) Si ste realiza una afirmacin, la coincidencia se manifiesta con las expresiones:
"So am I" / "So do I " / "So can I " / "So have I "
(El utilizar una u otra depender del verbo de la oracin principal)
b) Si por el contrario ste realiza una negacin, la coincidencia se manifiesta con las
"Neither am I " / "Neither do I " / "Neither can I" / "Neither have I "
En el caso de la negacin se puede utilizar tambin una estructura alternativa:
"I am not either" / "I do not either" / "I can not either" / "I have not either"
El verbo que se utiliza en estas respuestas es el auxiliar de la oracin principal:
(Peter) I can play tennis / (John) So can I
(Peter) I haven't been to Paris / (John) Neither haveI
(Peter) I study French / (John) So do I
El verbo de estas respuestas va en el mismo tiempo que el de la oracin principal:
(Peter) I was in Germany last November / (John) So was I
(Peter) I won't play football this Sunday / (John) Neither will I
(Peter) I worked in a bank last summer / (John) So did I
El sujeto es siempre un pronombre personal:
(Peter) I am going to the cinema / (John) So is she
(refirindose a una tercera persona que por el contexto ambos interlocutores conocen)
(Peter) I finish my studies this year / (John) So do we
I like football a lot. ________
I didn't go to that concert. ________
I can speak English fluently. ________
I have read that book. ________
I am fed up with his critics. ________
I don't feel well today. ________
He did his homework. ________
I could get a ticket for the flight. ________
I cannot fix my bike. ________
I went to the beach last Sunday. ________
I have tidied my bedroom. ________
He couldn't finish the marathon. ________
I didn't pass the exam. ________
He has played tennis this afternoon. ________
I haven't finished my breakfast. ________
I feel very sad. ________
I don't like his girlfriend. ________
He liked your party a lot. ________
I cannot lend him money. ________
I haven't been invited to the party. ________
I have watered the garden. ________
He arrived very late; I had already left. ________
I wasn't there when the bomb exploded. ________
He has spoken in the meeting. ________
He isn't ready for the match. ________

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