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I n d i a n M u s l i m s’ L e a d i n g E n g l i s h N e w s p a p e r , p u b l i s h e d s i n c e J a n u a r y 2 0 0 0 Rs 10 1-15 October 2009


32 pages
233 Vol. 10 No. 19
ISSN 0972-3366

Inside »
Terrorism 2,39,12,17 Books 28
Hindutva/BJP 4,9,13 Cartoons 1, 17
Muslim policy 5,7 Islamic Perspectives 29
Media 6 International 23-27
Gujarat 10,11 National 3-22
Kerala round-up 8 Speaking Out 18
J&K 5,14 Newsmakers 16
Human rights 11,28 Community News 19-22
Analysis 9,18 Rejoinders/opinion 15
Special Reports 13, 17-18 Classifieds 30
HYDERABAD’S PRIDE, p. 16 HYDERABAD’S SHAME, p. 17 Issues/Opinion 2,15 Letters 31

Hafiz Goose, Gander Modi, Different Sauce!

NM SAMPATHKUMAR IYANGAR Gandhi, who 'bravely' taught a lesson to a whole commu-

ere the anti-Muslim riots in 2002 in Gujarat part

nity. From all indications, the wizened 74-year-old
appears set to serve the cause of justice till in his late 80s.
Leader of Free Gaza Boat
W of State-part of an orchestrated violence as
numerous quarters from across India and the
world think they were? The Nanavati-Mehta
Judicial Commission has, at last, taken a formal decision
that rubbishes persistent claims by human rights watchers
Given the 'dynamic' pace of his work, he may surpass the
record of Justice Liberhan, who took 17 years to compile
a monumental record of the demolition of the Babri
The 'honourable' judges also rejected the plea to
Movement to visit India
Malegaon: The Palestinian lady who is spearhead-
ing the international movement to break the cruel
and illegal Israeli blockade of Palestine’s Gaza
Strip is visiting India partly sponsored by MG. She
to that effect. The commission's order issued on Sept 18 summon two of Modi's lieutenants, Ashok Bhatt and
Gordhan Zadaphia. The same rationale to shield Modi will be in Delhi during 28-30 September. Huwaida
and made public on Sept 19 characterized testimonies not
was employed to let them off the hook. Ashok Bhatt had Arraf will be reaching Mumbai on September 25
just of activists but of top police officers as well as "vague
been a prominent don of Khadia area in Ahmedabad in and will come to Delhi on 28. A Palestinian-
allegations" and "unwarranted assumptions." It categorical-
his heydays. After providing "protection" to the wealthiest American, Huwaida Araf received her Bachelors
ly refused to summon Narendra Modi to question him on his
of traders in Gujarat concentrated in the busy locality, he degrees from the University of Michigan, and her
actions and inactions, which his own Party supremo AB
became a typical Indian trade union boss, much sought Juris Doctor from the American University
Vajpayee described it as a "blot" on India's face.
after by tycoons to buy industrial peace. Becoming Modi's Washington College of Law, where she focused on
Around the same time that the former Supreme Court
health minister in 2002, he became law minister and is international human rights and humanitarian law. In
judge stuck to his position to not touch an alleged crimi-
now the 'honourable' Speaker of the august Assembly of 2001 Huwaida co-founded the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), which has
nal responsible for massacre of hundreds of Muslims, the
lawmakers of the state. Zadaphia was the home minister twice been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. During 2007-2008, Huwaida taught
honourable Home Minister of the country, P
Chidambaram, was singing an entirely different tune. who oversaw the pre-preparations and the conduct of the human rights law at Al-Quds University in Jerusalem. She was one of the initiators
Commenting on the restriction imposed by Pakistan gov- riots. Impatient to consolidate his power through more and organizers of a delegation of American lawyers to Gaza in February 2009, and
ernment on the movement of Hafiz Muhammad Saeed for hawkish postures, he soon fell out with his boss. co-authored the report on their findings, "Onslaught: Israel's Attack on Gaza and the
the second time in this year, Chidambaram said: "My However, Zadaphia has been lucky to escape the fate of Rule of Law." She made history when in July 2009 she set for Gaza on a ship as part
demand is that now that he (Saeed) has been arrested he Haren Pandya - another Home Minister who fell out with of what she termed as 'Free Gaza Boat Movement'. The passengers included Nobel
should be interrogated on the 26/11 incidents. His role in Modi due to overambitions and got bumped off under laureate Mairead Maguire and former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. The
the 26/11 attacks must be investigated." mysterious circumstances. ship also carried three tons of medical aid, children's toys, and rehabilitation and
Chidambaram is just back from a junket to US where As a saving grace, the Commission decided to get reconstruction kits for twenty family homes.
he urged anyone who cared to meet him to intervene in tough with three small-time staff of those days, who ran "The objective of Huwaida's visit to India is to get the country involve far
the issue and press Pakistan to deal sternly with the Chief errands for the CM. The personal assistants Sanjay more deeply than hitherto, into the International Palestine Solidarity Movement",
of Jamaatud Dawa. Any person with a trace left of a sense Bhavsar, Tanmay Mehta and Om Prakash Singh have said Firoz Mithiborewala who is coordinating the tour.
of balance would observe the striking double standards. been directed to file affidavits. They have been asked to
What is sauce for the goose must be sauce for the gander recall their mobile-phone communications at the height of Coming very soon
too. It is simply not fair to divorce prosecution of a schol-
arly Islamic ideologue for alleged crimes from interrogation
the riots between February 28 and 3 March 2002.
The Commission came to this decision on an applica- Book smashes “Islamic
tion moved on 31 August 2007 after a full two years of care-
of a street-smart chief scientist of the laboratory of [a bar-
baric brand of] Hindutva that called for the pogrom. ful analysis. Jan Sangharsh Manch, a civil rights organiza- terrorism” myth in India
The judicial panel that so nonchalantly indulged in tion fighting for 'justice' of a different kind incomprehensible A book by a very senior retired police
whitewashing comprises of retired justices GT Nanavati to the honourable judges, had asked it to summon them for officer, who knows the system inside
and Akshay Mehta currently. Funnily enough, it was to questioning. The learned judges could not agree with any
of the eight contentions submitted by its counsel Mukul
out, says it all in black and white: who
shed authentic judicial light and bring the truth behind the
actual masterminds that the Commission is supposed to Sinha. The JSM counsel had wanted to question - apart started terrorism in India, who created
exist. Both Nanavati and Mehta have no reason to short- from Modi, Bhatt and Zadaphia - the three personal assis- and sustains the terrorism libel
en their sinecure assignments, secured to reward loyalty tants as well as RJ Savani, DCP, Ahmedabad Zone 5 dur- against the Indian Muslims, how
to appropriate regimes during employment. Another dig- ing the days of the disgraceful governance. investigations are manipulated by IB
nitary - Justice KG Shah - was to originally head the "The commission does not think it proper to summon and security agencies which not only
panel. But, the farce of a known BJP loyalist heading the the chief minister or any other minister of the government
play blind to the Hindutva terror but
Commission was too obvious to continue. He was not and question them about the incidents merely on the
outright dumped, but allowed to work under Nanavati. basis of vague allegations or wrong and unwarranted even encourage it, how innocents are
This he did for six years before dying in 2008 after serv- assumptions," the panel observed in the order. At the picked up with no proof and how evi-
ing the cause of 'justice' in India till the age of 73. same time, Tanmay Mehta and Sanjay Bhavsar have dence is cooked up to implicate them in crimes they never
Nanavati had headed a Commission to probe the committed, only to keep the myth of “Islamic terroism” alive,
been asked to state if they had talked to Jaydeep Patel, a
1984 anti-Sikh riots. Predictably, he could not even move notorious VHP leader of Naroda in Ahmedabad. how the Hindutvites with the help of their supporters in the
his little finger against powerful cronies of Indira/Rajiv Continued on page 18 system used the 26-11 Mumbai terrorist attack to kill ATS
MG/Yusuf chief Hemant Karkare in a side operation? This and many
For maximum utilisa- other questions nagging the country in general and the
tion of your Zakat, Muslim community in particular will be answered by this first
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2 The Milli Gazette, 1-15 October 2009

lack of consultations prior to the NIA Act being rushed through

Call out the NIA! has led to the Home Minister promising a revisit to the Act.
However, objections could have suspect motives such as restrict-
ing scope for additional scrutiny of the center so as to constrict
the possibility of unpalatable revelations. This increases the
FIRDAUS AHMED While the RK Raghavan-led Supreme Court appointed Special Investigation Team would likely throw up more light on immediacy with which New Delhi must take the checks and bal-
this angle as it culminates by end this year, the National ances introduced to their logical conclusion.
shrat Jahan died in an 'encounter', her life claimed by Investigation Agency, set up with considerable fanfare in wake of

I encounter specialist DG Vanzara, a DIG of the Gujarat Police

now in jail for the killing in yet another 'encounter' of
Sohrabuddin Sheikh and his wife Kausarbi. In the Sohrabuddin
case, a superintendent of police of the intelligence bureau and an
officer of the Rajasthan cadre were also involved. The Ishrat Jahan
26/11, should be put to work on this case. What requires probing
is the manner the intelligence bureau advisory on terror has been
taken by the Gujarat police as rationale for the killings of Ishrat
Jahan and three others. Filed by an under secretary of the
Ministry of Home Affairs on August 6 before the Gujarat High
nother long pending measure is warranted to be pro-
gressed using this juncture as opportunity, that of police
reforms. It appears from the pattern discerned here that
sections of the police stand compromised through infiltration of
majoritarian sympathisers. Their placement in key positions
case recently hit the headlines because of the courageous report Court, the affidavit confirms that Ishrat Jahan, Pranesh Pillai alias and unprofessional actions now constitute a threat to the sec-
of Metropolitan Magistrate, SP Tamang. Of consequence is the Javed Shaikh, Amjad Ali Rana and Zeeshan Johar as terrorists ular character of the state. Core values being threatened there-
supposed motive of the police officers involved, that of seeking pro- linked with Lashkar-e-Taiba. The affidavit was filed on a plea by by, they are an existential security threat. Underway is virtual-
motions based on their performance against 'terrorists'. This appar- Ishrat's mother for a CBI probe. The Times of India reports that ly an ongoing coup in slow motion from within, one that can be
ently understandable motive anchored in human greed serves only an IPS officer, Rajinder Kumar, of the Gujarat cadre, once the speeded up in case the political constellation at Delhi is right
to paper over a grimmer reality. state IB chief between 2002 and 2005 and now an Intelligence once again in future. Police reforms, mandated by the
Those killed were billed as members of the terror outfit Bureau joint director, was responsible for most of the intelligence Supreme Court in response to the PIL of former DGP, Shri
Lashkar e Tayyaba out to assassinate the chief minister of inputs on Gujarat encounters. Thus emerges a questionable con- Prakash Singh, require progressing and monitoring by the
Gujarat. This is a plausible construct in light of the strained com- nection stretching from Maharashtra, from where the abductions MHA. A professionalisaton of the police could set back this
munal relations in Gujarat post the carnage of 2002 and sus- for the fake encounters took place, through Gujarat where these agenda, to the extent it exists, besides being a project worth
tained propaganda on the suspect nationalist credentials of the were executed to New Delhi where the rationale was apparently pursuing on its own merits.
minority. The terror connection serves to justify 'encounters' in the manufactured. This is a fit case for the NIA to earn its credentials, India is a veritable conglomeration of minorities along dif-
public mind, creating heroes of 'specialists'. However, this serves set a precedent and lay out its own standards for itself. fering axes as ethnicity, persuasion etc. The difficulty of creat-
to eclipse a divergent construct. Such encounters, and media The NIA was created in December last through the NIA Act. ing a majority based on shared primordial affinities has not dis-
hype surrounding them, have instead served to create and proj- It was meant to enable the Center to act in cases of national suaded its activists. Their project requires creation of an 'Other'
ect an image of a minority with external linkages. When seen in import through the inclusion of a schedule of central acts cover- to succeed. They have managed partially to control the dis-
the light of the various bombings of questionable origin across the ing offences against the state, terrorism, atomic energy, anti- course through 'black propaganda', by succeeding in attribu-
country culminating in 2008, the political project appears to have hijacking, weapons of mass destruction etc. Since 'terrorism', of tion of all terrorist incidents as minority perpetrated. This has
been for creating and sustaining an image of a 'fifth column' in which the 'encounters' and bombings are part, acquired a nation political utility for such forces in marginalising the minority even
India's midst. The hope for fallout was likely as not to influence wide footprint, it requires a central agency to probe. With revela- while elevating their political agenda as the only way a cultur-
perceptions and craft an electoral majority nationally out of tions of Hindu terror groups, such as an army intelligence officer ally-defined nation can safeguard and cope with the externally-
denominational majority. It's a political project that has deeper led Abhinav Bharat involved in terror, and linkages in right wing inspired internally-abetted aggression. Therefore, the Ishrat
roots not only in compromised state structures, which by now subverted police and intelligence apparatus in concerned states, Jahan case has wider ramifications. Clearly, attribution of com-
describes the state of the Gujarat police accurately, but also in there is a case for central intervention for investigation and out- paratively innocent self-interest of the involved police officers
formations that claim a cultural rather than political agenda. ing of the truth. Some states having rightly raised objections in these killings would be to obfuscate the political connection
based on constitutional issues as center-state relations and the and context of these crimes. 
followers are now counted among the most
Austere Measures Without The Ouster of Capitalism? wasteful spenders in the world. Regretfully,
Ramazan and Haj have become the biggest vic-
SOROOR AHMED very next day flying on a chartered helicopter or globalization should it be followed in India in this tims of the capitalist design. The television chan-
Those who spend lavishly and squander wealth plane to their destination not far away from their age of anti-Mahatma Gandhism. After all the nels beaming Islamic thoughts, discussions and
have been equated with the brother of Satan by city. Father of the Nation always advocated and prac- debates day in and day out are no exceptions.
Quran some 14 centuries ago. This was not an But all these cosmetic steps raise a very seri- tised "Simplify your Needs" policy. He said so in a See their 'Islamic' advertisements. Netizens, all
isolated statement or executive order issued at ous question: Can austerity and capitalism--the different social and economic milieu. He wanted over the world, are these days flooded with offer
the time of crisis, such as food famine etc, but a system, where everything is decided by market-- to make a different India, not the capitalist one. of Iftar at Rs 695 per plate--yes Rs 695--in certain
part of the basic teachings of Islam. The Hadith go together? We adopted this economic policy in A person's way of life depends on the philos- Karachi restaurant.
(Tradition) of Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be 1991 and have been championing it since then. ophy of life s/he adopts or propagates. Mamata is When the first masjid of Islam was just a
Upon Him), which says spend less water even if When it is market force, which decides the fate of known for her frugal living but it has something to thatched roof structure, mosques these days are
you are performing wazzu (ablution) with water a human being, the society, the country and the do with the general atmosphere of West Bengal, beautified like five-star hotels. Emperors of the
from sea, explains the fundamental philosophy of world where s/he is living how can we cut the where unlike many other states, even the chief past got built masjids like Taj Mahal. They have
this ideology. cost? minister, be it Jyoti Basu or Buddhadev their own design. Keep the simple Muslim souls
Today the Indian leadership has woken up to In a capitalist country what is wrong for a min- Bhattacharya, leads a relatively simple life. confined to these palatial masjid so that they can
realize the importance of austerity when the ister to live and dine in five-star hotels for months Similarly, defence minister, A K Anthony's wife offer namaz and do not pose any serious chal-
country came under the tight grip of drought and together. After all it is good advertisement for the may be found travelling in bus in Kerala, but that lenge to the concept of monarchy.
subsequent food shortage. First in the month of hotel industry in this age of recession, when there too has something to do with the overall political Two recent--one can call it Islamic--examples
August came an appeal by the Rashtriya Janata is less flow of international tourists to India. Why culture in that state. The relatively less flamboy- are enough to explain the digression in our prac-
Dal president, Lalu Yadav. He asked the affluent then the ministers were compelled to leave and ant life-style of the Left leaders--they can be fault- tice. A reputed young Islamic scholar often seen
lot to skip at least one meal a day as the country put up at less expensive places before they are ed on other counts-- can not be seen in isolation in a television channel went to a certain Gulf
has the stock of just 13 months of foodgrains. permanently accommodated? as it has something to do with their philososphy country. Before starting his television programme
A fortnight later came Union finance minister's If all the politicians, who form a sizeable num- which is totally opposed to capitalism, that he spent a few minutes applauding the grandeur
request to cut costs. External affairs minister, S M ber who travel in the executive class everyday, encourages wasteful expenditures through of the structure of a particular mosque and the
Krishna and minister of state in his ministry, opt for economy class the airline industry would attractive advertisements and other means. expnsive chandeliers worth millions. No word on
Shashi Tharoor, left their temporary stay in the face serious loss. What will happen to the private Curiously, this appeal to skip a food a day or the need of simplicity of the structure.
five-star hotels. Pranab even appreciated the firms running charter planes and helicopters if spend less on one's own life came during Another one is related to a retired Professor
simplicity of Mamata Banerjee. they are not hired by politicians? Liquor baron- Ramazan, the month of training for Muslims. Yet, who after returning from a trip to the Unites States
As if that was not enough Sonia Gandhi flew turn-MP, Vijay Mallaya or the then Punjab chief we as a community, failed to tell the world that organized a meeting where he lectured on the
to Mumbai and Mysore by economy class and minister, Captain Amrinder Singh, (obviously not this is the basic principle of our ideology. post-9/11 situation in that country. He explained
Rahul Gandhi went to (and returned from) now) treat their helicopters like taxis. It is other Tragically, Ramazan has now come to be associ- to the audience as to how the Muslims are
Ludhiana by Shatabdi Express. He opted for thing that a helicopter ride costs as high as Rs ated with more spending on lavish food and par- allowed to offer namaz even at the John F
much cheaper, chair car, while travelling. Other one lakh per hour or even more. What will hap- ties. So the first thing the Bihar chief minister Kennedy international airport. He then turned his
ministers in the cabinet too followed their leaders pen to these poor tour and travel operators if aus- Nitish Kumar did to cut cost in his home state is attention to the month of Ramazan. In a great
as the government has asked them to cut at least tere measures are implemented strictly? to skip this year's Iftar party. The fault is not in detail he discussed about delicious food and cold
10 per cent travel and administrative expenditure It can be argued that Vijay Mallaya (not of him, but in the Muslims, who failed to disseminate drinks people bring to mosques as they break
in view of the drought. Congress Party) and Captain Amrinder Singh are the basic message of Ramazan. The well off fast there. The left-overs are then kept in refriger-
Whether such exercises really help cut waste- rich people and can afford using private flight like among the community throw sumptuous Iftar par- ators for Sehri. The following day again people
ful expenditures or whether they cause much cars. But then Krishna and Tharoor too said that ties for those whose tummies are already filled-- bring huge amount of food for Iftar. Without a
hardship to the common passengers--in the they are paying from their own pockets to live in no not for under-nourished ones. tinge of regret he proclaimed that the previous
name of security to the VVIPs of course--is not five-star hotels; still they were asked to reduce What an irony it is: the Indian government day Iftar kept in fridge is simply thrown in the
the debate here. We have seen umpteenth expenditure in this year of food scarcity. having the capitalist economy policy is advocat- dustbin as there are enough of fresh things to eat
examples of netas pedalling down on a bicycle Since austerity is against the basic essence ing austerity today. In contrast the very founda- and drink. Are we rozadars or Satan's brothers--
for a day in the name of saving petrol and on the of the policy of liberalization, privatization and tion of Islam is based on simplicity but sadly its the Satan of capitalism. 

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The Milli Gazette, 1-15 October 2009 3

Batla House remembered ZANZIBAR UNIVERSITY
New Delhi: Jamia Teachers' Solidarity Faculty’s Jamia Teachers' Solidarity
Association (JTSA) organised a Torch
Light Procession in Jamia Nagar in the
Association has also organised an
online petition for judicial probe into
evening of 18 Sept, on the eve of 1st Batla House encounter. Readers are
anniversary of Batla House Encounter.
JTSA is demanding judicial probe into
encouraged to
Batla House Encounter, speedy justice for com/jtsa2009/petition.html and sign the
the accused and arrested youths and an
end to communal stereotyping and minor-
In a communication the Jamia 1. LAW (2 posts)
ity witch hunting in Teachers' Solidarity
the name of War Association said that 2. ACCOUNTING (1 post)
against Terror. “after the revelation
The march start- that Ishrat Jehan 3. MARKETING (1 post)
ed from Khallillullah was killed in cold
Masjid at 6:45 on 18 blood, it is time University-level teaching experience is preferable
September. People again for us to re-
of all walks of life assert that a fair and but PhD is a must.
took part sporting independent probe
black bands to must be held in the Write/email with full details, copies of degrees and testimonials to:
protest 'encounter killings' and to Batla House 'encounter'. Note that a
observe 19th September as Black Day. magisterial enquiry was blocked by the The VC, Zanzibar University, c/o Pharos Media,
Faculty members of Nelson Mandela government through the refusal of the Lt.
Centre for Conflict Analysis and Peace Governor of Delhi to allow for the same.” D-84 Abul Fazal Enclave-I, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi- 110 025
Building, Jamia Millia Islamia are active- For more information contact Manisha
ly involved in this movement. Jamia Sethi at Email:

Zakatul Fitr distribution made more effective This is a direct & free recruitment. No placement fees to be paid
Malegaon: In an interesting development, Jamiat unteered to manage the entire
Ahle Hadees in Malegaon this year took it upon
itself to collect the Zakatul Fitr - the Eid charity
affair instead of thronging the markets and
shopping malls for last minute Eid purchases. Asif Mohammad Khan
and then distributed them to the poor and needy.
Earlier, food grains normally wheat was individu-
Led by Hafiz Ashfaque and Hafiz Faisal, these
volunteers devoted themselves for the noble
cause the entire Chand Raat - the night that
victorious in Okhla election
ally delivered at the doorsteps of the poor to pay New Delhi: RJD candidate Asif Mohammad 11,362 votes. Thus, Delhi's ruling Party
the Zakatul Fitr - the mandatory charity given at precedes the Eid Day. On the expected lines, Khan won Okhla assembly bye election by a Congress lost at both seats mainly because
the eve of Eid - the Muslim festival marking end of the idea received applause also from the lucky margin of 5007 votes, defeating his nearest of internal dissensions. (NA Ansari)
Ramadan - the holy month of fasting. poor and needy who got the 'unique food packs' rivals Braham
However, deviating from the traditions, at their doorsteps few hours before the Eid Singh of BSP and
Jamiat Ahle Hadees Malegaon this year pre- prayers. "A good and touching initiative", one of Farhad Suri of the
pared hundreds of packets containing each of them could just say. ( Congress Party.
food grains, flour, rice and edible oil, and distrib- Asif polled a total
uted them to the needy after the crescent Dismissal of student for sporting beard stayed of 23,394 votes.
appeared over the horizon. New Delhi: The Supreme Court on 11 Sept permit- The election was
"In Malegaon, Muslims are normally paying ted a Muslim student, who was sacked by a held on 15
Zakatul Fitr in the form of wheat after the new Christian school in Madhya Pradesh for sporting a September (during
moon is sighted. But looking at the overall beard, to continue his studies in the same institu- Ramadan) and the
motive behind the Eid charity, the traditional tion. A Bench consisting of Justices B.N. Agrawal counting took
practice does not seem to be serving the actual and G.S. Singhvi stayed the dismissal order place on the 17th.
purpose", said Jamiat Ahle Hadees Maharashtra passed by the Nirmala Convent Higher Secondary Congress candi-
president Dr. Saeed Ahmed Faizee. School, a government-recognised minority institu- date Farhad Suri
Zakatul Fitr is mandatory on every Muslim to tion, on an appeal by the student, Mohammad with 17,604 votes
mend, as the Prophet (pbUH) said, the mistakes Salim. Earlier, on March 30, a Bench headed by was relegated to
that intentionally or unintentionally committed Justice Markandey Katju rejected the student's the third place.
while fasting in Ramadan. It is paid at the eve of petition orally observing that secularism could not There were as
Eid al Fitr, the day of celebrations that marks the be overstretched and that "Talibanisation" of the many as 11 candi-
end of month long fasting. As the traditions go, country could not be permitted. Salim sought dates from this
they are donated to the poor and needy so that review of the plea stating the observations on Muslim-dominated
they also enjoy the festive season along with fel- "Talibanisation" caused incalculable damage to the assembly con-
low Muslim brothers. "The traditions from the country's image and the judiciary, besides, hurting stituency which
holy sources about the Zakatul Fitr describe that Muslim sentiments. Salim said the order "needs to was earlier held by
no Muslim should remain hungry on Eid al Fitr. be reviewed afresh as the core issue of a Muslim's Congress's Parvez
If we donate the poor with just wheat, that too right to sport a beard as guaranteed by Article 25 Hashmi. BJP can-
hours before dawn, it would be neither feasible of the Constitution [right to practise and profess didate Mohammad
nor sufficient to prepare a suitable Eid meal for one's religion] was violated by the school." Irfan who polled
them", said Dr. Faizee adding that "Hence this On July 6, Justices R.V. Raveendran and only 2519 votes
year, deviating from the traditional practice, we Katju withdrew the March 30 order and directed lost his security deposit and in addition to him Asif Khan's victory widely welcomed
collected the charity amounts, purchased food that the matter be placed before Chief Justice six other candidates too lost their deposits. In New Delhi: The victory of RJD candidate Asif
grains, flour, rice and edible oil, and distributed K.G. Balakrishnan for posting it before another this election 3 candidates polled less than 100
Bench. Accordingly, the appeal was heard by Mohammad Khan in Okhla assembly con-
them to the poor and needy." votes. This seat had fallen vacant after the
Justices Agrawal and Singhvi. Justice Singhvi stituency bye-election was widely welcomed by
The concept in fact finds its roots at some existing MLA Parvez Hashmi of the Congress
places in Mumbai, Bhiwandi and few other parts asked senior counsel B.A. Khan, appearing for was elected to the Rajya Sabha. the people of Jamia Nagar and Muslim organi-
in the country where people were doing this the petitioner, whether the student was dis- Asif Mohammad Khan described his victory as sations. Maulana Mufti Mohammad Mukarram
since years. However, it was the first time that missed solely for sporting a beard. When coun- the victory of Okhla's poor, oppressed and inno- Ahmad said that his victory is in fact the victory
someone adopted the concept in Malegaon. sel said "yes," Justice Singhvi said: "In that case, cent people. After his victory, he went to Panj of Atif and Sajid who were unjustly killed by
"On a recent visit to Bhiwandi, we came to know tomorrow they may say that no Sikh student can Piran graveyard in Nizamuddin and prayed on police and the defeat of Batla House encounter
of the idea. Back in the city, we discussed it with be admitted. Nowadays it has become fashion- the graves of Atif and Sajid who were killed in by police. All India Milli Council's general secre-
the Jamiat authorities who immediately decided able for boys to sport earrings. Will it not be Batla House encounter (see photograph). tary, Dr Mohammad Manzoor Alam described
to replicate it in Malegaon", said Hafiz Ashfaque allowed? It is ridiculous." Justice Agrawal said, Another bye-election on the same day his victory as that of democracy and an expres-
who was part of the delegation of that the tex- "They may refuse admission on the colour of the was held for Dwarka assembly constituency sion of people's anger over the insensitivity of
tile town near Mumbai. skin also." Counsel said the boy had already lost in which BJP candidate Pardhuman Rajput Congress governments at the centre and in
Meanwhile, dozens of youths accepting the one year. Salim had contested that he was dis- won, defeating his nearest rival Tilotma Delhi state over the killing of two innocent
call given by Jamiat Ahle Hadees Malegaon vol- criminated against for his religious beliefs. Chaudhary of the Congress by a margin of Muslim youths. 

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4 The Milli Gazette, 1-15 October 2009

Frenchman stokes Hindutva hate
A fundraiser in New Jersey on 16 Aug. raised $50,000 for a "Hindu
Holocaust" museum to be built in Pune. The museum is the brainchild
Discussion on Quds in Jamia Millia
of a Frenchman, Francois Gautier, and is under the auspices of the New Delhi: A meeting in conection with Quds Day was held in made an appeal to prime minister Manmohan Singh to put pres-
Viraat Hindu Sabha (VHS). They claim that over the past thousand Jamia Millia Islamia's Centre for West Asian Studies on 17 Sept. sure on Israel and United Nations to stop oppression and bar-
years, millions of Hindus were killed, with the intention to wipe Hindus in which ambassadors of various countries, intellectuals, ulama, barism on the helpless people of Palestine. Many others like Dr
off the map. The numbers are vague, as one might expect, but the cul- scholars and journalists in large number participated. Prof Anwar Tasleem Rahmani, Maulana Mirza Imran Ali, Maulana Jalal Haider
prit is precisely defined: Islam. The VHS uses the phrase "Islamic Alam, director of the Centre speaking on this occasion said that Naqvi, joint secretary of Majlis Ulama-e Hind, Syed Qamar Abbas
genocide of Hindus" to make its case. To me this is remarkable stuff. this meeting is held to express our solidarity with the people of Saraswi and a large number of people also addressed the demon-
It reduces the complexity of the Subcontinent's rich history into a sim- Palestine and to review their struggle from different angles. strators. Thereafter, while raising slogans they march ahead from
ple morality play that has only two characters: the Hindu and the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Nabi Zadeh said that Jantar Mantar towards Parliament Street where they were
Muslim. The latter is the invader who has come and killed the former. the government and people of Iran fully support the struggle of stopped and arrested by the Parliament Street Police Station but
Nothing else matters. The idea of the Hindu Holocaust casts the Hindu the Palestinian people. Others who participated in this meeting soon thereafter they were released. Subsequently a delegation of
as history's victim, who should now become history's aggressor to and expressed their views were ambassadors of Jordan, repre- National Council of Shia Ulama submitted a seven-point memo-
avenge the past. But the Hindu was not always the victim. If you read sentatives of Arab League, Egyptian embassy, former ambassa- randum to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh demanding use of his
the historical records carefully, you will find that many Hindus partici- dor Ishrat Aziz, Prof Rama Krishnan and others. influence for immediate vacation of Palestinian areas particularly
pated in the slaughter of other Hindus, and that the Hindu-Buddhist Meanwhile, Quds Day was observed in different large and Gaza Strip by Israel, stoppage of Israeli oppression on the inno-
battles of the ancient world were perhaps more bloody than anything small cities of India like Delhi, Mumbai, Lucknow, Hyderabad, cent and unarmed people of Palestine. The prime minister was
that comes afterward. Or indeed, that the systematic violence against Bangalore and Kashmir Valley on 18 Sept. and special prayers asked to use Indian government's influence to solve the problem
Dalits and other subordinate castes should hold our attention far more were held for the liberation of the oppressed people of Palestine. of Palestine.
than it does. Protest demonstrations were also held in these and other cities In Lucknow, Ali Congress organised a meeting here on 18
Between Hindus and Muslims there has not been an endless wherein it was stated that durable peace in the Middle East can- Sept. on the occasion of Quds Day in which Muslims were asked
rivalry for social power. When Islam enters the Subcontinent, it does not be established unless an independent state of Palestine is set to get united to liberate the First Qibla from the occupation of
not come in the saddlebags of the Ghaznis or the Ghouris, but up there. Special prayers were also held in Delhi's Jama Masjid, Zionist forces and be on the watch against the unholy alliance
amongst the rumble of goods brought by traders. Early conversions Fatehpuri and other masjids, Nizamuddin Aulia's Dargah, Imams and intentions of imperialist, Zionist and fascist forces. Al Haj
are not by the sword but by the merchants. There was killing, but that of both the “Shahi” masjids, Syed Ahmad Bokhari and Mufti Mirza Irshad Husain said while addressing the meeting that we
was as much for reasons of warfare and plunder as for reasons of Maulana Mukarram Ahmad asked people in their Friday sermons should also be watchful to see if our governments and inimical
God and tradition. An interested reader might want to look at the dis- to observe this day with special importance and respect. In spe- forces are not occupying our mosques anywhere in the country
tinguished historian Romila Thapar's superb book Somnatha: The cial prayers while expressing sympathy with the people of and agents of imperialist and Zionist forces are not working in
Many Voices of a History (Penguin, 2005). There, Professor Thapar Palestine, Israeli government was strongly criticised for its atroc- our midst against our interests and whether we are sponsoring
shows us that Mahmud Ghazni's destruction of the Shiva temple in ities and bombings on the innocent and helpless people of people like Shaddad, Pharoah, Nimrod and Yezid. Speakers said
1026 was driven not so much by a fanatical religious belief but Palestine. Demand was also made to United Nations to pass a that leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Ayatullah Khomeini
because his father, Subuktigin, needed money to sustain his faltering resolution in Security Council compelling Israel to vacate occu- had willed to go on observing Jumatul Vida as Quds Day for as
kingdom in Central Asia. pied areas in Gaza Strip, West Bank and other areas illegally long as it is not completely liberated from the occupation of
When one looks at the sources contemporaneous with the occupied by Israel and this country should be tried as war crimi- Zionists and the oppressed people of Palestine do not get their
Ghaznavid attacks, one finds that they mention these but only as a nal for unleashing war of attrition against Palestine and its inno- independence. He further said that Ayatullah Khameini's will and
series among many. There was nothing about them that merits the cent and helpless people a number of times. Maulana directives teach us that voices of protests should be raised not
term "Holocaust," even as they were certainly destructive of the tem- Amiduzzaman Kairanwi, working president of the Old Boys only against Zionist and imperialist forces but also against all
ples and of the people who worshipped there. What Thapar points to Association of Darul Uloom Deoband, demanded trial of Israel as those forces which are exploiting oppressed people. We should
is that this was not all done by the Central Asia marauders. Many a war criminal for unleashing war against Palestine. oppose all governments which not only deprive us of our rights
Hindu rulers led attacks on Hindu and Jain temples at this same time, A demonstration sponsored by the National Council of Shia but are also heaping cruelties on us, occupying our places of
and for similar reasons, as can be seen in the destruction of the Jain Ulama was held at Delhi’s Jantar Mantar on 18 Sept to commem- worship, conspiring to gobble up our valuable lands and helping
temples of Karnataka (which were converted into shrines of Shiva). orate the International Quds Day for the liberation of the First and sponsoring our enemies. He said that Baitul Maqdis is far
Indeed, there is little evidence of animus between Hindus and Qibla Baitul Maqdis and in support of the innocent people of away from us but in our own city there are many mosques which
Muslims in the few hundred years after the entry of Ghazni. In the 13th Palestine. Addressing the vast gathering of demonstrators, pres- have been confiscated under Section 145. Government is occu-
century, a local raja, Sri Chada, granted a merchant from Hormuz the ident of the National Council of Shia Ulama, Maulana Syed pying the lands of Imambaras and Karbalas. We should raise our
right to build a mosque on temple land. He also provided the mosque Mohsin Taqvi said that unity amongst us is very essential in order voice of protests against these also. On the occasion of Quds
with a disbursement for teachers and preachers, for the daily reading to protect the honour and sanctity of Baitul Maqdis and to get rid Day, together with the restoration of First Qibla and independ-
of the Quran and for the celebration of festivals. The Veraval- of the cruelties and exploitation of the oppressors. He said that ence of Palestine, we should also pray for the destruction and
Somanatha inscription of 1264 shows us that even orthodox Shaivite awakening of Muslims and their unity is what the big powers are failure of people who want to harm Muslim Millat and destroy
afraid of. God's properties and legacies of our ancestors. In the meeting,
priests cooperated in the building of the mosques. In the centuries that
General secretary of the National Council of Shia Ulama concern was expressed over the increasing suspicious activities
followed, common people of Gujarat followed the kind of tradition that
Maulana Sheikh Mohammad Askari while addressing the demon- of agents and personnel of Israeli embassy in UP and Muslims
runs from the padas of Narasimha Mehta to the padmavat of Malik
strators said that the Quds Day is in fact a symbol of opposition were asked to beware against every danger and conspiracy. In
Mohammed Jayasi, the ethos of mutual cultural development that was
against oppression and hence keeping silence over oppression this meeting molvis were specially requested to avoid their mutu-
the hallmark of India for hundreds of years. Things developed to such
is not only cruelty in itself but also a support for oppression. al recriminations and confrontations, greed for wealth and flattery
a pass in Gujarat that in 1911, more than 200,000 people returned
Another speaker, Maulana Syed Naeem Abbas, while condemn- of people in power and apprise the people of Muslim Millat of their
themselves as "Hindu-Musalman." In Kathaiwar and Kutch, wedding
ing the oppression of innocent and unarmed Palestinian people, Islamic responsibilities and duties. (NA Ansari)
services were, until very recently, solemnized by both a Saraswat
Brahmin and a Qazi. Such is the history that is thrown to the wolves
by the creation of a "Hindu Holocaust" museum.
Gautier came to India from France about 30 years ago, and set-
Palestinian refugees protest against UNHCR
tled in Pondicherry. He has written a few tracts and writes occasional- New Delhi: A group of Palestinian refugees staged a sit-in process would take another a year. Palestinians say there is a
ly for the newspapers. His work reads like another European apologist protest on 22 September in front of the United Nations long wait ahead before they can be settled.
for extreme Hindutva, Koenraad Elst. Both went to strict Catholic Commission on Human Rights (UNHCR) office here. The
schools and now hold a deep animus against Christian missionaries, refugees, driven away from Iraq, accused the UNHRC of ignor-
Muslim board to create awareness about divorce
but seem to take their venom out mainly against Islam. Gautier and Lucknow: All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) has
ing them and appealed that they should be soon rehabilitated
Elst want to make plain the "Muslim genocide against Hindus." But decided to create awareness among Muslims against growing
and settled in European countries.
neither is a serious student of history, with little idea of how to read his- trend of divorces in the community.
"The UNHCR neglect us. They don't care about us. About
torical texts. They draw more from a misplaced passion than from a "A growing trend of 'talaqs' has been witnessed among members
me, I have been waiting here for one year and one month with-
real, sober scientific exploration of the facts. That they are taken seri- of the community. Hence seminars and discourses will be held at
out any progress. I don't have a blue card yet allowing me to get
ously is a sign of the degradation of reason in the world of Hindutva. various places including mosques to make people aware of the
a meagre stipend. There are people who are still waiting for
Vijay Prashad ills of divorce," a senior AIMPLB member and Naib Imam of
embassy interviews. There's no news,” complained Mohammed
Professor of South Asian History Trinity College Hartford, Conn. Idgah, Khalid Rasheed Firangimahli, said here on 13 Sept.
Mousa, a Palestinian refugee living in India. Currently there are
Through the discourses, people will be made aware under what
about a hundred such refugees who had fled from Iraq after the
Hindu students break madrassa stereotypes atrocities against Palestinians in particular and Sunnis in gener-
circumstances talaq (divorce) can be held valid as per the
With the word “madrassa” emerge in the mind images of students clad Quran, he said adding that people's misconceptions with regard
al. They started fleeing to India and other destinations during the
in sectarian attires, complete with a quintessential skull cap on the to this practice will also be removed.
last four years. Some have been offered US visa but they have
head, reciting verses from the Holy Quran. Going by the results of "Talaq cannot be justified... neither from the Islamic point of view
refused to go there, fearing discrimination against them. Most
Bihar State Madrassa Examination Board the traditional roll model is nor from the social point of view and all out efforts will be made
a part of the truth and not the whole truth. prefer European countries.
to check this growing practice among the community members,"
Among the names emerging from the list of students who have “This office is to help refugees. What about me? I have no
Firangimahali said adding that talaq is forbidden in Islam except
passed various grade exams conducted by BSMEB this year are sleep. May be very soon I will go crazy because I don't get sleep
under plausible and pressing circumstances.
Surya Narayan Sah, Priyanka Kumari, Pooja Kumari and Preetam anymore. I feel my head will burst. My son's future has finished,
Informing that there has been a marked growth in matters relat-
Kumari. These students are among 100 Hindu students, both girls and this is his fourth year and he will leave the college. I'm 52 years
ed to talaq which come before Darul Qazas (Islamic courts), he
boys, of Madrassa Islamia, Sandalpur in Araria district. A total of hun- old. What is this family? No nationality, no job, no money, no
said it is a matter of concern for all. Besides creating awareness,
dred non-Muslim students came out in flying colours in the Maulvi, future, no home!” cried Jamal Ibrahim Ahmed, another refugee.
the Darul Qazas will make efforts to dissuade couples seeking
Fauqania and Wastania grade exams results of which were declared Sabreen Hassan Mahmood, most of whose family members
divorce before starting the proceedings, Firangimahal said.
on Monday. A list of non-Muslim candidates of Fauqania exam could have been living in Sweden for the past some months, lives by
"Acting as councillor, the Darul Qaza will organise more than one
be procured from the madrassa board. A total of 37 students in the list herself in New Delhi. "I was in Iraq. I came here a year ago. After
meeting between couples to try to work out an understanding,"
have passed the exam successfully. Names of Rupa Bharti of some months all my family members were sent to Sweden while
he said.
Madrassa Munamia, Sanjay Kumar of Madrassa Islamia, Khardaur, I'm left to live here alone for the past seven months. No relative,
"It will have to be ensured as to why the couple was seeking a
Sanam Kumari and Sandhya Kumari of Madrassa Rahmania, Joktia salary is very bad here. Promises are made again and again but
(both in West Champaran), Balia (Begusarai) and Anita Kumari of divorce and whether it was the only and last option left for them.
of no avail," said Sabreen Hassan Mahmood, a Palestinian
Madrassa Faiyazul Uloom (Chhapra) are included in the list. "It would have to be seen whether the couple can work out their
refugee living in India.
What makes non Muslim or Hindu parents enroll their wards in an differences and if they can save the marriage," he said. On the
The Palestinian refugees are in India are not allowed to
institution which bears a religious tag of other sect and is being asso- reasons behind the growing trend, Firangimahali said during the
engage in economic activities, including taking up a job or start-
ciated with terrorism? According to the board officials, the quality of past few years, people have been found to be opting for divorce
ing a business.
education and the strict discipline observed in the madrassas is the as an easy remedy without working out their differences because
Most of them get a monthly stipend from the UNHCR, which
main draw for parents of the Hindu students. The religious tag and the of the rise in the level of stress in everyday life but the effort of
they say, is not sufficient to make ends meet. About 50 refugees
stigma of terrorism is no deterrent for them as they know it is all prop- the board would be to see that snapping of ties should be the last
are still waiting for an interview at the Swedish and Canadian
aganda.  resort. 
embassies, which are willing to accept them. However, this
The Milli Gazette, 1-15 October 2009 5


Kashmir Valley awash in liquor

rinagar: Kashmir Valley has now become a centre for tres in large numbers and heavy sale of liquor took place even at were sold in the Valley whereas by the end of November 2008,

S sale and purchase of liquor. In the month of August

alone, liquor worth Rs one crore approximately was sold.
This is confirmed by government also. According to unof-
ficial sources, from 13 to 16 August liquor worth Rs 1½ crores
was sold legally as well as illegally which was used at tourist
much higher cost. According to another reports, people belonging
to police department alone consumed liquor worth Rs 37 lakh on
15 August. It is also reported that local and foreign tourists while
visiting tourist resorts on normal days purchase about 15000
litres of liquor daily and during the three days of holidays this fig-
this figure had reached 4 lakh bottles. It is estimated that at this
growing rate, by 2010 annual sale of liquor in the state will be
about a million bottles. In this way there will be a 25% increase in
the sale of liquor in two years only. According to official sources,
at present there are 226 shops in the state selling liquor, of which
resorts like Pahalgam, Gulmarg, Sonamarg and other places dur- ure had reached around 50, 000 litres. In view of all this one can 218 are in Jammu region and only 8 in the Valley. At present
ing the holidays. However, police or excise department did not easily conclude that habit of consuming liquor is fast increasing in liquor is openly available in 45 bars and hotels of the state of
take any action against any body for selling it illegally. According the Valley and at tourist and health resorts large amount of liquor whom only 2 are in the Valley. The government gets an income of
to some sources, large scale sale of liquor in the Valley has is consumed. Though liquor was being openly sold and con- Rs 245 crores annually. Many people are concerned over
become an important source of income for the government and sumed, neither any body made any complaint about this to increasing habit of consumption of liquor and while issuing licens-
therefore effort is being made to encourage the sellers of liquor authorities nor police at its own initiative took any action against es for sale of liquor many rules and restrictions are being violat-
and bootleggers. this as a result of which these people i e sellers as well as con- ed. Many shops have been set up only a few metres away from
According to reports, because of holidays on 14 and 15 August sumers are getting encouraged. schools and places of worship and in spite of people's protests,
and earlier strike on Friday 13 August, people visited tourist cen- It may be noted that during 2006-07, 2.85 lakh bottles of liquor no action is being taken to remove them. 

Equality panel’s challenges riage procession) of Lord Rama in November. It will travel from
Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh to Janakpur in Nepal along with the
rath of Lord Rama. The VHP spokesperson Sharad Sharma said
MOHAMMAD NAUSHAD KHAN made by the law ministry and had accordingly re- drafted the over 250 saints will take part in the marriage party. "Our leader
Cabinet note. According to minority minister once the Equal Ashok Singal will also participate in the rath yatra. Those who are
or the protection of the deprived, the United Progressive Opportunity Commission is set up people approaching the old and have difficulty in walking will follow the yatra in cars," he

F Alliance government is likely to table a draft Bill in the

coming winter session of Parliament, inorder to pave way
for setting up an Equal Opportunity Commission.The draft
Bill was prepared and distributed by the Ministry of Minority
Affairs among various ministries and concerned departments.
Commission will not have to bring data to redress their griev-
ances. All they need is just to trigger off an inquiry.
The EOC is in different name in various countries but the
basic purpose remains the same ie to safeguard the marginalised
sections of the society irrespective of their caste and religion. It
added. Mr Sharma said the purpose of yatra is to communicate
with people. The VHP leaders and supporters will accompany a
rath carrying the idols of Lord Rama and his brothers Bharat and
Luxman. It will start on 14 November and reach Doodhamati vil-
lage on 21. Its procession will pass through Azamgarh in Uttar
Questions were raised by ministries like Home, HRD and Law can be said to the extended version or the amalgamation of these Pradesh and Buxar in Bihar and enter Nepal via Raxaul.
over some points in the proposed Bill and on the basis of that countries. In America it is known as the Civil Rights Act (1964), in The saints in Ayodya used to take Rama's baraat from Ayodya to
refused to accept and urged the ministry of minority affairs to look UK it is the Equality Act(2006), in Canada it is the Employment Doodhmati village in Janakpur district of Nepal on foot every year
again and redraft to make it acceptable to all.G K Pillay, Home Equity Act(1995), in Australia it is the Human Rights and Equal in November. There the saints took part in the marriage ceremo-
Secretary was of the view that the very definition of deprived Opportunities Act (1986) and in New Zealand, it is Employment ny of Rama and Sita. The procession was discontinued following
group was not clearly drafted and hence it was most likely to be Relations Act (2000). But the big question is: will our government
the demolition of Babri Masjid and communal violence in 1992. It
misused in the near future. He also said "equal opportunities be able to implement the EOC in the line of these countries or it
will be just like other Commission and Committee. is believed that the marriage party of Lord Rama had gone from
have to be given to individuals and cannot be given to groups
because within the groups there would be persons who are more Ayodhya to Doodhmati in Nepal's Janakpur in mythical Satyug
advantaged".The Minority Ministry after considering suggestions VHP plans rath yatra in November era. Earlier in the second week of September, VHP leader Ashok
made by different ministries redrafted the Bill and has sent to the Upset over the Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) failure in meeting Singal had alleged that LK Advani took out a rath yatra in 1990 to
law Ministry for final inspection.Minority Minister Salman Khurshid the aspirations of its supporters, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad use the Ayodhya Ram temple issue for his personal political end.
said "his ministry has incorporated substantially the suggestions (VHP) has planned a rath yatra in the guise of the baraat (mar- (Fahmi Rahmani)

Indian security - Israel knows better

srael has warned that “Islamist” militants are last year's attacks in Mumbai. 'Living allowance'-are being offered in govern- Monks in mosques are forced to preach to

I preparing attacks in India similar to those in

Mumbai last year. Major hotels and a Jewish
centre were among the targets in Mumbai,
the warning said.
Israel's counterterrorism unit said on 17
PTI added in a report datelined Occupied
Jerusalem, that the areas of attack include
Jammu and Kashmir and added that the Israeli
travel advisory to its nationals has rated the
threat as "imminent and concrete". The adiviso-
ment departments and companies. But it is
actually a ploy used to find out who is fasting,"
said Dilxat Raxit, World Uyghur Congress
spokesman, speaking to The Epoch Times.
According to Dilxat, Uyghur Communist
others that fasting is a "feudal activity" and
harmful to health, said Dilxat. Otherwise, their
religious certification will be cancelled.
When asked about Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) leader Hu Jintao's recent visit to
September that the group whcih launched the ry has recommended the Israelis currently in Party cadres throughout Xinjiang had been Xinjiang, Dilxat said: "Xinjiang's situation has
Mumbai attacks was planning to target Western India to avoid crowded areas, especially tourist forced to sign "letters of responsibility" promis- not yet returned to normal. Rather than asking
or Israeli tourists across India. Israeli television areas, which have no apparent armed security. ing to avoid fasting and other religious activities. the local Han people to respect the religion and
reported that a travel advisory warns Israelis They are also responsible for enforcing the pol- culture of Uyghur people, Hu encouraged the
against travelling to India. icy in their assigned areas, and face punish- use of military troops to suppress and further
"The terrorist group that carried out the seri- China's Muslim Uyghurs ment if anyone in these areas fasts. restrict our religious freedom. The communist
ous Mumbai attack in India is planning to carry For the first time, Dilxat said, the crackdown regime often talks about 'maintaining stability,'
out a number of attacks across India, particu- Forbidden to Fast has extended to retired Communist Party mem- but what they do is always different from what
larly against concentrations of Western or Chinese authorities in Xinjiang Province have bers. Current cadres are required to visit them they say. They are actually the ones who are
Israeli tourists," AFP quoted the counterterror- issued a notice that any Uyghur cadres or work- to prevent them from participating in the fast. If
destroying stability."
ism unit as saying. The Israeli statement said ers found not eating lunch during Ramadan anyone violates the ban, local leaders will be
An Epoch Times reporter contacted the
the planned attacks could target other Lubavitch could lose their jobs. held responsible and severely punished, he
It is part of the campaign of local authorities CCP's State Ethnic Affairs Commission to see
centres in India. The warning was based on "a said.
in Xinjiang, home to the Muslim Uyghur ethnic whether the restrictions claimed by Dilxat were
concrete, very serious threat", it said. Muslim restaurant owners are forced to sign
Reuters added from Occupied Jerusalem group, to force the Uyghur people to give up a document to remain open and continue selling official, or what the official stance on Ramadan
that Israel received a "pinpoint" intelligence tip- their religious rituals during the fasting month of alcohol during Ramadan or have their licenses was. The media contact wouldn't speak on the
off that Pakistani militants may carry out a Ramadan. revoked, he said. subject, instead giving two numbers in Xinjiang
series of attacks there in the coming weeks. Ramadan is a holy month in the Islamic cal- Uyghurs arrested during the July riots in that he said the reporter would be able to call to
Citing a leaked copy of the travel advisory, endar, which began this year on Aug. 22. It Urumqi are also prohibited from fasting; those find out more. Both numbers were continually
Israel’s Channel Two said the alleged militants requires not eating during the daytime. who insist on fasting will be force fed food and busy, and when the reporter called the State
had al-Qaeda links and planned to target both "Free lunches, tea, and coffee-that authori- water while enduring insults for their misbehav- Ethnic Affairs Commission back, the man hung
Western and Jewish tourists in attacks similar to ties are calling 'Care from the government' or ior, he said in the interview. up. (
6 The Milli Gazette, 1-15 October 2009

Meeting with RBI official over Interest-free Banking
Mumbai: A delegation of Indian Centre for Islamic Finance (ICIF), Syed Zahid Ahmad adds from Mumbai: in helping Gujarat police unofficially. He claimed that AP police
consisting of General Secretary, H Abdur Raqeeb and two of its I attended FICCI's seminar at Hotel Grand Hyatt, Mumbai on 9 had given logistical support to Gujarat police. With this argument
trustees Dr. Rahmatullah and Mr. KM Abdul Salam, former September where I posed a question to Dr. K. C. Chakrabarty, he pressed for the transfer of the investigations to outside agency
Manager of RBI met Dr. K C Chakrabarty, Deputy Governor Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India, in which I said, I am a like CBI. "What was the motive of the Andhra Pradesh Police to
Reserve Bank of India at his office at RBI in Mumbai on 14 Sept. Muslim and my faith does not allow me to indulge in any interest- join the conspiracy? What could have actuated their action when
They discussed the introduction of interest-free banking in based financial transaction. There is a large financial exclusion of it was not officially done?" the Bench comprising justices Tarun
India in the light of the recommendations of Dr Raghuram Rajan Chatterjee and Aftab asked. Two vehicles carrying AP Police per-
Indian Muslims due to non-availability of interest free banking in
Committee on Financial Sector Reform which said that it would sonnel had escorted the three victims from the state to Gujarat to
India. Have you taken note of the fact that Muslims do not repre- facilitate the killings. Sohrabuddin, along with Kauser Bi and their
be possible through appropriate measures to create a framework sent even one percent of the employees in RBI? For financial
for such products without any adverse systemic impact. friend Prajapati, were picked up in a joint operation by Gujarat
inclusion of Indian Muslims, the Raghuram Rajan Committee has and AP Police from a bus on its way from Hyderabad to Sangli in
Mr. Anand Sinha working group constituted by RBI to exam-
already made recommendations to create financial infrastructure Maharashtra on November 22, 2005. Gujarat police has claimed
ine the Islamic instruments had compared the conventional and
Islamic Banking in a commendable way but concluded that it is for interest free banking. Have you studied that report? What RBI that they had come to Gujarat to kill Gujarat Chief Minister
not feasible in the current regulatory framework. is going to do with that recommendation? Have you ever evaluat- Narendra Modi. Besides the AP Police, the role of Rajasthan
The delegation impressed upon the Deputy Governor that the ed the potentials of Islamic Banking for Inclusive growth of India? Police also figured during the investigations conducted so far into
RBI should have taken the views of financial services industry as Dr. Chakrabarty’s reply was as follows: We have not the killings. The amicus curiae also accused the state police of
well as the Islamic financial experts and recommended for regu- designed the financial regulations of the country. Though we have leaving several loose ends in the investigations, as the state had
latory amendment for according a level playing field for those who not studied these issues so far, but it does not mean that if some- been consistently making efforts to shield the accused. "In a case
want to engage in Islamic banking activities as done in UK and thing has not been studied so far, it will not be studied in future. where investigations have never been fair and where the state
Singapore. They submitted the documents of Islamic finance reg- We would like to take these issues into consideration. has not been fair in the advancement of the course of justice, we
ulations in non-OIC jurisdiction which gives details of how regula- must have thorough investigations into the incidents, as police
tory amendments were carried out in UK, Singapore, Japan, Azamgarh dharna on Batla House anniversary officers are involved in the murder," the amicus curiae urged the
France and Hong Kong to prepare the way for a level playing Azamgarh: Supporters of Ulema Council and other organisations Bench. He further pointed out that no efforts had been made till
ground for Islamic banking to function. staged dharna and submitted memorandum to the district officials date to establish how Kausar Bi and Prajapati had been killed.
FSA (Financial Services Authority) of UK and MAS (Monetary on the first anniversary of the Batla House encounter at various The amicus curiae pointed out that Inspector Solanki of the
Authority of Singapore) have brought out detailed documents on place in Azamgarh district on 19 September. Gujarat CID, who had conducted preliminary investigations into
Islamic finance institutions which can provide a roadmap for "Our main demand is for a high-level probe into the Batla the fake encounters, had recorded a number of crucial state-
Indian regulators to follow. House encounter," Kalim Jamai, state president of the youth wing ments linking top police officers of the state to the killings, but the
The delegation also submitted a copy of the document of HM of Ulema Council (UC), told TOI over phone. He said the UC had report has neither been submitted in the apex court nor had
Treasury - The development of Islamic finance in the UK: The announced a protest programme at a large scale, but in view of formed part of the charge sheet filed in the trial court.
Government Perspective of December 2008 and IMF Working the festivals, the programme was cut short and only memoran-
RAW trained Pak Taliban militants?
Paper “Introducing Islamic banks into Conventional Banking dum was submitted to the officials at different places. A report submitted to senior officials in Pakistan by a joint inves-
Systems” by Juan Sole. While UC chief Maulana Amir Rashadi Madni went to tigation team has allegedly claimed that the 23 arrested com-
Emergence of Islamic financial institution in Kerala also came Sanjarpur, the Magsaysay award winner Sandeep Pandey and manders of Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan have confessed involve-
into discussion. The Deputy Governor said that RBI is not against activists of Peoples Union for Civil Liberties staged a dharna near ment of secret departments of India, including RAW, and
Interest-free banking but needs a regulatory amendment of the the collectorate. In view of the UC programme, elaborate securi- Afghanistan in supporting militants in Pakistan. According to
government through Parliament to include the same. The delega- ty arrangements were made in the district. reports, the militant commanders, including Sim Khan, Mahmood
tion emphasized that Interest-free banking is imperative for the Khan and Maulvi Umer, who were arrested during operation Rah-
inclusive growth of the minorities and marginalized sections of the Sohrabuddin encounter: AP police under SC scanner e-Rast, have confessed that they were provided financial aid,
society and it will open the gate for the flow of investment from liq- Ahmedabad: Supreme Court which is hearing the controversial weapons and special training by secret agencies from India and
uidity-rich Gulf region to our country as they are considering India Sohrabuddin fake encounter case is now probing into the role of Afghanistan to fight against the Pakistan Army. The report stated
to be a safe region to invest after 9/11. Andhra Pradesh police in the episode. Gujarat government has that secret agencies from India were in contact with militants in
The ICIF leaders are planning to meeting the Union Finance told the Court that the encounter of Sohrabuddin by Gujarat Jalalabad, Kandahar and Mazar Sharif and the militants went to
Minister Mr Pranab Mukherji as a follow up on their discussions police was fake, but it is yet not able to explain many important their collaborators via secret ways where they were invited to
with the RBI Deputy Governor and to press for regulatory amend- issues like how Sohrabuddin's wife Kausar Bi and witness feasts and they were provided weapons and money earned by
ments in Parliament or issuance of an executive order of GOI in Tulsiram Prajapati were killed. The new issue has come up before the narcotics trade, the Dawn reported on 19 September. The
this respect. (Mohammed Sadath) the Court as amicus curiae in the case Solicitor General Gopal report also revealed that some militants received special war
Subramaniam raised the question of the role of the Andhra police training from Afghanistan. (

Sychophancy is pastime of Bihar Muslim journos

SOROOR AHMED not received the reward money of 2008, not to speak of 2009? in the last two years. The Centre announced these scholarships The big question is if Muslim students did not get a single after the recommendation of the Sachar Committee report.
penny, how is it that the number of first divisioners got doubled? It is the organizations like Al-Khair Charitable Trust, Students
ycophancy has its limit. And when one crosses it s/he Both the minister and the journalist tried to cheat the readers by Islamic Organization and Bihar Rabita Committee which jointly

S loses all self-respect. But the journalists and opinion-

makers in Bihar, especially Muslims, are caring little
about it and are indulging in bootlicking of a unique sort.
Not to speak of Urdu media, which even fears to publish the
comment of the opposition leaders, Muslims working in English
hiding a very important fact. The number of not only the Muslim
first divisioners has increased, but the performance in general
has improved because unlike in the past, the Bihar State
Examination Board has now introduced the CBSE pattern of
questions. Earlier the pattern of question was subjective, there-
formed the Alpsankhiyak Chatwirti Morcha (Minority Scholarship
Front), collected donations from people and published and distrib-
uted thousands of forms to students. In 2008, the central fund meant
for the scholarships was allowed to lapse on March 31, 2008. This
prompted the Morcha to stage a sit-in near Patna's busy Income Tax
and Hindi Press are going to any extent to come up with fantas- fore the percentage of those passing the examination and secur- roundabout on April 23, 2008. It was only after this protest that the
tic stories about the so-called performance of the Nitish Kumar ing first division was much less. forms of the students submitted in the state minority welfare depart-
government. It needs to be mentioned that 19.60 percent of the Muslim ment were sent to the Centre. And even when the cheques came
Read these opening lines of the story filed by Faizan Ahmad, students who passed in 2009 secured first division. The general from the Centre to the state government it took months to be distrib-
the Times of India's special correspondent in Patna: "Sometimes percentage is 19.53 per cent. It also needs to be made clear that uted among the beneficiary students.
incentives make a world of difference. Even when it comes to when the scheme was announced by the chief minister on This year too all the forms were published by the Morcha.
education. Take for instance the state government's cash incen- November 11, 2007 it was none else but the alliance partner the The state government failed to renew the scholarships of the stu-
tive to Muslim students: money sure has helped mint merit. The BJP, which publicly issued a statement opposing it. Even the dents of Professional Courses who got money last year. They are
scheme has resulted in a record jump in the number of Muslim finance department reportedly objected to it. And then too the
supposed to get scholarships till their course is completed. As
students securing first division in the Matriculation exams." argument was that the percentage of Muslims securing first divi-
there was no announcement, no advertisement and no notice
Then in the very second paragraph of the same story pub- sion is slightly better in Bihar than the general, therefore, why
from the state government about these scholarships--though the
lished on August 13, 2009 he quoted Shahid Ali Khan, minister of should they be given incentive or reward. How was the percent-
Centre has earmarked a separate fund for publishing forms, giv-
minority welfare in the Nitish Kumar government: "The increase is age of Muslim first divisioners better than the general in 2007
when the examination was held in March of the same year and ing newspaper ads and other related works--according to sources
over 100 per cent and the credit goes to the state government's out of the total quota for Bihar in Pre-Matric scholarship only one-
policy of giving cash incentive to each Muslim student passing out the chief minister’s announcement came in November?
fifth could apply this year. The last date of submission of forms
with a first division." The news story goes on to state that, "The was August 15 and they would now be sent to the Centre for the
ut the minister shamelessly went on to state in the Times of
Nitish Kumar government in 2007 announced a reward of Rs
10,000 to each Muslim student securing first division at the
Matriculation exam. That year a total of 2,627 Muslim students
had passed out with first division. In 2008, this number swelled to
B India story: "This sense of competition has yielded good
results." He further said that the scheme will motivate
Muslim children to join schools. The minister and the journalist
release of amount. Sources said that though Bihar's quota was
1,60,000, the number of applications received is something
between 30,000 and 32,000.
This is just the tip of an iceberg about scholarships. The real
5,800 and in 2009 the number shot up to 11,500." tried to take the readers and Muslim community for granted. The
fact is that the state government did not even publish the form for story is known to both the minister and journalist. But they are
Wait a moment and read what Khan told the same newspa-
applying for the reward money. Not to speak about this so-called true clever by half and are befooling none, but themselves.
per in the same news-story: "Students of 2008 batch will be hand-
ed over the reward money very soon and applications are being “reward” for the first divisioners, the state government has not Shahid Ali Khan, being a minister, is paid for being loyal to his
collected from the 2009 first divisioners." published a single form for the four central government scholar- chief minister, Nitish Kumar. But can a journalist like Faizan
May one ask Faizan Ahmad and Shahid Ali Khan as to how ships for minority students though the Centre created a separate Ahmad go to such an extent. He is paid to publish the real story,
is it that the Muslim students performed so well and the number fund for it. Not a single form of Post-Matric, Pre-Matric, Merit- not to butter up the powers that be. But in the name of journalism
of first divisioners got doubled when according to them they have cum-Means and Professional Courses scholarship was published this is happening now in Bihar. 

With best compliments from

Kaleem Kawaja Washington DC
The Milli Gazette, 1-15 October 2009 7

“Muslims should be given reservation by including them in OBC category”
New Delhi: Union Minister of State for 16 of the 20 states marked for the programme. of such districts and has so far been sanctioned Rs 180.57 crore
Minority Affairs, Salman Khurshid said Minority Ministry statistics show that states like Jammu and out of the overall allocation of Rs 1015.70 crore.
while speaking at a seminar on “Minorities Kashmir, Delhi, Arunachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Sikkim Bengal, Assam and Haryana have fared better. While Bengal
and National Stream” at Delhi's St have not even submitted the development plans for their districts, has sent proposals for 10 of its 12 identified districts and began
Stephen's College that minorities should while Bihar and Manipur were late in utilising the funds sanc- implementing the scheme in six of them, work has taken off in 11
be included in OBC category (27% reser- tioned by the Centre and Orissa is yet to seek the funds from the of the 13 minority- concentrated districts in Assam. (indianex-
vation) and given the benefits of reserva- government. - Manoj C G)
tion, as is being done in states like According to the Ministry, the scheme is progressing satisfac-
Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu where torily only in West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Assam and Haryana. Interest-free micro credit best way to help the poor
this facility at 6 percent, in proportion to The Centre plans to spend about Rs 2,500 crore for the scheme, Hyderabad: Vijay Mahajan, Chairman of Basix, a micro financing
their population, is being given to them for under which states recommend specific development projects for company, says that interest-free micro credit or equity financing is
the past 10-15 years. He said that in Andhra Pradesh under this the districts identified. The Centre approves the plans after which the best and most appropriate way of improving the lot of poor
system 4 percent reservation was intended to be given to minori- the funds are released. Bihar, which has seven minority concen- people and enabling them to stand on their own feet. He said that
ties but the matter is pending in the court there. He said that these trated districts, tops the list of states which are slow in implement- his company will soon start a pilot project based on interest-free
are his personal views but this problem, i.e., reservation for ing the scheme. The ministry has found out that the state simply or equity finance. He said this while speaking at a 5-day orienta-
minorities is under consideration of the government. He added sat on the funds allocated to it in February this year and released tion and training camp on interest-free micro financing organised
that Supreme Court has laid down the limit of reservation upto 50 it to the district authorities only in August. Same is the case with
by Human Welfare Foundation at Hyderabad.
percent, so from this point of view, minorities can be included in Manipur, which has six such districts.
He said that one may call it Islamic finance or Shariah complaint
OBC category and given reservation. Earlier the minister had said The programme is yet to take off in Jharkhand, Uttarakhand
finance, it is equity finance in which both the investor and the
in his first statement after taking over the ministry that no reser- and Karnataka which received funds in the last three months,
entrepreneur share both the profit or loss, good luck or bad luck.
vation is possible for the Muslims. while Maharashtra is yet to seek release of the funds although its
development proposals for three districts were cleared in July. This company (Basix) was launched in 1996 and has so far dis-
Interestingly, Orissa has not even bothered to seek release of bursed loans worth Rs 2000 crores to about 12 lakh poor people
PM's high-priority minority dist the funds from the Centre although the development plan for its or households in many states of the country. The rate of interest
scheme runs aground in states lone minority-concentrated district of Gajapati was cleared in at which loans are given is, however, on the higher side i.e. at
24%. Considering that there are tremendous possibilities in the
New Delhi: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh may have accorded February, a status report prepared by the ministry on implemen-
high priority to the multi-sectoral development programmes being tation of the scheme showed. equity or interest-free financing, the company plans to launch
implemented in the 90-minority concentrated districts of the coun- Even in UP, the scheme has got going only in 12 of the 21 soon its new scheme either in Hyderabad or Chennai. He says
try, but latest statistics reveal that the scheme has not taken off in minority-concentrated districts. The state has the largest number that Islamic finance is more equitable for the poor.

and are under "illegal detention" at present and they would be

Trial of Azamgarh continues produced at a place and time convenient to the police. The fear
and terror has made many to keep mum and they dare not speak
about their missing kins.
HAIDER ABBAS news channel office in Delhi from where the Police later arrested Here is a list of people from Azamgarh who have been arrest-
him. On Sept 21, 2008 Saqib Nisar, Ziaur Rehman and Shakeel ed, gone missing or have been "encountered" by the police:
Lucknow: There is no sign of any respite for the residents of were also arrested. Killed by the Police - two:
Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh (UP) as the whole region is under a 1. Atif Amin son of Muhammed Amin, village Sanjarpur. Killed in Delhi.
After the Batla House encounter, dozens of youths from Accused in 52 cases of Ahmedabad, Varansai Sankat Mochan and
siege, since the Batla House encounter of Sept. 19, 2008. " No, Azamgarh were arrested by police and named in various blasts UP courts blasts.
it had started much earlier, when Tariq Qasmi and Khalid Mujahid across the country. Police raided their houses as a routine. The 2. Sajid son of Dr. Ansarul Hassan, village Sanjarpur. Accused in 52
were accused of the blasts in courts in Lucknow, Varanasi and first raid took place in Sanjarpur on Sept 22 , 2008 at about 6:30 cases of Ahmedabad, Varanasi Sankat Mochan temple and UP
Faizabad, all in UP, and were arrested on Dec 22, 2007," said pm when houses of Arif, Khalid, Salman, Sajid Bada, Dr courts blasts.
Rajiv Yadav, a resident of Azamgarh and an active member of Shahnawaz (they all are the brothers of Saif who was caught Arrested - 17:
Peoples Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) while talking on phone. 1. Hakeem Tariq Qasmi son of Riyaz Ahmed, village Sammopur, accused
after the Batla House encounter) were searched. The behaviour in UP courts blasts.
His fact-finding report was released on August 28, 2009 by of police was criminal as well as communal. STF officials came in 2. Abul Bashar son of Abu Bakar, village Binapara, accused in
Sandeep Pandey along with SR Darapuri, Vandana Mishra and their civvies riding vehicles without number plates, and misbe- Ahmedabad 19 blasts, one in Gandhi Nagar, involved in 15 bombs
Aridamanjit Singh, all noted human rights activists. The report in haved with women and tore copies of the Quran during the raids. recovered in Surat.
Hindi is named "Batla House ke baad Azamgarh". It was compiled They shouted at people that 'because of this book your children 3. Sarwar son of M. Haneef, village Chandpatti, accused in eight cases
with the joint efforts of Mashiuddin Sanjari, Shahnawaz Alam, are becoming terrorists'. The STF would always arrive in their of blasts in Jaipur.
Tariq Shafeeq and Rajiv Yadav. Three of them belong to 4. Saifur-Rehman son of Abdul Rehman, Azamgarh city, accused in
civvies along with arms in large numbers and ropes and this was Ahmedabad and Jaipur blasts.
Azamgarh while Shahnawaz Alam is from Balia (UP). reported to Police Station House Officer (SHO) Kamleshwar 5. Muhammed Saif son of Shadab Ahmed, village Sanjarpur, accused in
The report was an outcome of their continuous tryst with peo- Singh who said that whatever was happening was right. The 52 cases in blasts in Delhi, Jaipur, Ahmedabad and a suspect in
ple who had been hounded by the police and administrative same was reported to District Magistrate, Superintendent of Karnataka blasts.
apparatus in the wake of wild accusations of being involved in Police, Director Inspector Police but none of them gave any 6. Arif son of Mirza Naseem Beg, village Sanjarpur, accused in 36 cases
various blasts all over the country. assurance, neither did they take any action. Instead, they sup- of blasts in Lucknow and Ahmedabad.
The report begins by stating that the media hype after the 7. Saqib Nisar son of Nisar Ahmed (his whole family is staying in Delhi).
ported the STF. Accused in cases of blasts in Delhi and Ahmedabad.
blasts in Delhi on Sept 13, 2008, and the people named in it from Police forces from other states also competed for their share 8. Hakim son of Abdul Kareem, resident of Rehmat Nagar. Accused in
Azamgarh, made the whole district tense. Reports from media as after the Batla House encounter, and therefore more suspects nine cases of blasts in Delhi.
well as from the Special Task Force (STF) officials, who descend- were named. Mumbai police named a few on Sept 24, 2008, in 9. Zeeshan son of Ehsan. Accused in 35 cases of blasts in Delhi and
ed on the district in vehicles without number plates, named a few the 2006 train blasts of Mumbai, and arrested Arif Badr, Sadiq Ahmedabad.
persons who were later forgotten after the fake encounter of Batla Sheikh, Zakir Sheikh and Afzal Usmani, the last being a resident 10. Sadiq Husain son of M. Amin Ansari, resident of Purabagh in
House in which Sajid and Atif Amin were killed alongwith police Mubarakpur. Accused of carrying arms from Mumbai to Azamgarh.
of Mau, UP. Arif was shown to have been involved in the blasts of 11. Khalilur-Rehman son of Mutiullah, resident of Nayapura in
officer Mohan Chandra Sharma while another police officer was Delhi and Ahmedabad too. Zakir Sheikh was accused of being a Mubarakpur. Accused of carrying arms from Mumbai to Azamgarh.
injured. participant of blasts in various courts in UP and at Sankat Mochan 12. Masoom Raza son of Riyazul Hasan, resident of Ranipura in
The 22-year-old Atif Amin was a research scholar in the temple of Varanasi. Mubarakpur. Accused of carrying arms from Mumbai to Azamgarh.
Human Resource Department of Jamia Milia Islamia, Delhi. He What makes it important to note is that even after being 13. Nazre Alam son of Zafar Alam, resident of Mapura Rani. Accused of
was staying in Delhi for the last couple of years. He was later chargesheeted, in some cases and jailed, the arrested faced new carrying arms from Mumbai to Azamgarh.
named by the police to have been involved in Sankat Mochan, 14. Arif Badar son of Badrud-Din, village Israuli, Azamgarh. Accused in
accusations after Batla House encounter. This comes to around cases of Delhi and Mumbai train blasts.
Gorakhpur, Ayodhya and various other blasts in courts in UP, 50 cases per accused. All of the accused are around 22-23 year- 15. Sadiq Sheikh son of Israr Ahmed. Accused in Mumbai train blasts.
Ahmedabad, Delhi and Jaipur and was dubbed as a kingpin of the old and were either engaged in higher education or in some tech- Ahmedabad, UP Sankat Mochan and attack on the American
"Ghaznawi Brigade" of an equally unknown "Indian Mujahideen" nical work for their livelihood. Centre, Kolkata, West Bengal.
which was held responsible for all the recent blasts. One who is "missing" is Abu Rashid who is a resident of 16. Zakir Sheikh, village Kaunragahni, Saraimir. Accused in Ahmedabad
People in Sanjarpur came to know from media that Sajid and Sanjarpur and was working as an apprentice in an opticians shop and Mumbai serial blasts.
Atif were murdered and Saif had been caught. Atif hailed from 17. Afzal Usman, village Dhalahi, Firozpur. Accused in Mumbai serial
in Mumbai. Police had visited his place in Mumbai but at the time blasts and Ahmedabad.
Sanjarpur village in Azamgarh, and his father had built a house in Abu Rashid was visiting paternal village Sanjarpur; therefore, the Missing - 11:
the nearby town of Saraimir, where his whole family had shifted. police interrogated his brother Abu Talib, and his uncle who were 1. Dr. Shahnawaz son of Shadab Ahmed, village Sanjarpur Accused in
People in his village remember Atif as a nice athlete and that he living in Mumbai. Police forced them to call Abu Rashid to return Delhi, Ahmedabad, Mumbai serial blasts.
visited his village quite often. Sajid, on his part, had left Azamgarh to Mumbai "without informing UP police". On Sept 23, 2008, Abu 2. Sajid Bada son of Quraish Ahmed, village Sanjarpur. Accused in 52
for the first time only three months before the fateful "encounter" Rashid informed media including Aaj Tak news channel that his cases in Delhi, Ahmedabad and Jaipur.
during which he had appeared in an entrance exam in Jamia Milia 3. Khalid son of Sagheer Ahmed, village Sanjarpur. Accused in 52 cases
relatives were being coerced by Mumbai police, therefore, he in Delhi, Ahmedabad and Jaipur.
Islamia, Delhi after which he came back to his village. He is the would be leaving for Mumbai. His relatives say that Abu Rashid 4. Salman son of Shakeel Ahmed, village Sanjarpur. Accused in 52 cases
son of Dr Ansarul Hassan. One month later he had again left for was to travel to Varanasi from where he was to take a train for in Delhi, Ahmedabad and Jaipur.
Delhi where he enrolled in a computers course and joined Mumbai, but since then Abu Rashid has gone missing. 5. Abu Rashid son of Akhlaq Ahmed, village Sanjarpur. Accused in
English-speaking classes. It took him just one month more in When Abu Rashid did not reach Mumbai, his brother Abu Mumbai serial blasts.
Delhi to be killed in a fake encounter on which objections have Talib was brought to Azamgarh by Mumbai police. Now Abu Talib 6. Muhammed Ariz son of Zafar Alam. Resident of Azamgarh city.
been raised by many human rights organisations. Now the clean Accused of firing at police after the Batla House encounter.
has abandoned his business in Mumbai and is too scared to go Absconding.
chit given to the Delhi Police by the National Human Rights back there. Residents of the village and their relatives allege that 7. Mirza Shadab Beg son of Mirza Ehtesham Beg, Resident of
Commission for its role in the fake encounter has made NHRC to their houses have all been surrounded by security personnel and Azamgarh city. Accused in 52 cases of blasts in Delhi, Ahmedabad
lose its own credibility. that one day they would unearth Abu Rashid and kill him in an and Jaipur.
Another student arrested in the wake of the Batla House encounter. If Abu Rashid was to abscond, why did he speak to the 8. Shahzad son of Sheeraz. Accused of firing at police after the Batla
encounter is Zeeshan, son of Professor Ehsan, who had stayed media before planning to return to Mumbai. House encounter. Absconding.
in the fateful flat and left in the morning to appear in an exam. On 9. Asadullah son of Dr. Javed, resident of Muhalla Ghulami Ka Pura.
The report says that today there are more than a dozen such Accused in Delhi blasts.
his return, he came to know that Sajid and Atif had been killed by Abu Rashids in Azamgarh who have been zeroed in by the police 10. Habeeb Falahi son of Abul Jaish, resident of Grambari Khaas.
police, so he called up his father. Professor Ehsan told his son to and that some of them belong to peoples' movement and human Accused in Ahmedabad blasts.
immediately surrender to the authorities. First he went to Aaj Tak rights groups. Some of them have been already caught by police 11. Wasif Meyar, village Phariha. Accused in Ahmedabad blasts.
8 The Milli Gazette, 1-15 October 2009

Kerala Round-up: Fahmi Rahmani

AMU campus: Kerala appoints fast track officer

howing its positive attitude towards minority development, Minister. Municipal council members, led by its chairman, B.P. online video streaming, live telecast and screening facilities. A spe-

S the Kerala government, on 12 September, appointed S

Lalithambika as fast track officer to accelerate the land
acquisition procedures for proposed off-campus centre for
Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) in Malappuram. A report of high-
level committee had suggested the State government to complete
Farooque, who submitted the proposals, said implementation of
these was important for the overall development of the town. The
council members met Ahamed at his house in Kannur. The propos-
als submitted to the Minister included a flyover in the town, widen-
ing of Railway Station Road here and construction of an under-
cial committee of 5555 members with 2222 specially-trained volun-
teers made the preparations perfect.

Controversy over American iftar party

The iftar party organised by the US Embassy in Kerala brought out
land acquisition procedures under a fast track method. bridge at Thayatheru. The Minister told the delegates that the pro- severe criticism from various corners including Muslim outfits and
The high-level committee members Dr KP Gopinathan, deputy posals would be studied and considered positively. political groups. The Communist Party of India (Marxist) strongly
director of Collegiate Education in the Higher Education voiced against the iftar party. The party was conducted for repre-
Department, Dr K Vijayakumar, special officer of land acquisition, sentatives of various Muslim organisations. The Minister-
Ali Askar, assistant officer, and PK Gopalan, Deputy Collector, had Counsellor for Public Affairs at the US Embassy in New Delhi Larry
visited the place recently. Their report is supposed to have prompt- Schwartz organised the iftar party on behalf of the US Embassy in
ed the government to appoint S Lalithambika as the fast track offi- New Delhi and the US Consulate in Chennai at the Hotel Ashoka
cer of land acquisition for the off-campus centre of the AMU and the Inn in Thrisur on 9 September. CPI (M) Thrisur district secretary
Railway Coach Factory in Palakkad. The office for the land acqui- Baby John termed the iftar party as 'a sign of the US plan to enter
sition has begun functioning in the Institute of Land and Disaster all walks of life in the country.' He questioned Kerala Nadvathul
Management Complex in Thrivandram. Mujahideen (KNM) leaders for attending the programme.
Earlier on 7 September, a public convention was held at the The Popular Front of India (PFI) had called for all Muslim
Perinthalmanna Town Hall regarding the land acquisition, begin- organisations to be careful of the tricks of the US. Earlier the US
ning of admissions in a temporary set up and other matters related had arranged free trips to their country for selected leaders from
to the AMU campus. People representing different political, social Aboobacker Musliar, All India Jamiyyathul Ulama general sec- the community. Now they are trying to penetrate into the communi-
and cultural groups attended the gathering along with the general retary inaugurating the mass prayer in Malappuram ty through iftar parties. However, it is noteworthy that the major
public. The convention had expressed its concern over the delay in organisations kept away from the iftar, the PFI said in a statement.
land acquisition and the coldness in the appointment of officers. Thousands attend mass prayer at Swalat Nagar The Forum for Faith and Fraternity representatives attended the
The Central government had allocated Rs 25 crore for the More than 500, 000 Sunni believers gathered at Swalat Nagar in meet but also wrote a letter to Mr Schwartz about the organisation's
AMU campus in Malappuram, a Muslim dominated and education- Malappuram to take the pledge against terrorism and pray for disagreement with the American policies.
ally backward district in northern Kerala. After bitter controversy, the peace on the Laylat Al Qadr, the holiest night in the month of At the function, Mr Schwartz said the US was not the enemy of
Left Democratic Front (LDF) government in Kerala has selected Ramadan, overnight on 16 September. The prayer meeting, organ- Muslims, and that the iftar was organised to strengthen the friend-
397 acres of land at Perinthalmanna for the campus. The primary ised by the Ma'dinu Ssaquafathil Islamiyya as part of its Swalat ship between the US and Muslims. The videos of the famous Cairo
survey of 392 acres, which is spread over three panchyats, has anniversary, is billed as one of the largest Muslim gatherings speech and the Ramadan speech of the US President Barak
been completed. The 158 acre plain land on the mountain will be across the globe. The organisers said going by the count of food Obama were shown. Larry Schwartz also held a special talk with
used for the construction of the buildings and the rest land will be packets distributed, the total number of devotees attended the the guests. The guests opined that the US should admit the Iraq
used for other purposes. Water for the campus will be taken from a prayer meet could touch 600,000. The holy night of boundless invasion was wrong. They also criticised the US policies in
river nearby. The Water Authority and the Revenue Ministry have blessings is believed to fall on the eve of 27th day of Ramadan and Palestine and Afghanistan.
chalked out a plan and draft for the same. is considered greater than a thousand nights in sanctity and Meanwhile, Ittihadu Shubbanil Mujahideen (ISM), youth wing
rewards from Allah. of the KNM, organized a friendly meet of the leaders of youth
MECA demands special quota for backward women Inaugurating the prayer gathering, All India Jamiyyathul Ulama organisations in Kozhokode. The meet expressed concern over the
The Muslim Employees Cultural Association (MECA) urged the general secretary A.P. Aboobacker Musliar termed people's indiffer- increasing influence of quotation groups in the State. The get-
State government to make a provision for special quota for the ence to righteousness and lack of faith in God as the reasons of all together called for a common united move without considering reli-
backward classes in the proposed 50 per cent quota for women in problems. He said that the light of virtue would be visible to the gion, caste and political orientation against criminalisation which
the upcoming elections to the local bodies. The State Assembly humanity only when people purge their minds of bad thoughts. By destroys the stability and harmony of the society. KNM general
has unanimously passed two bills seeking to reserve 50 per cent of asking people to fast in Ramadan, Islam attempts to achieve this secretary CP Umer Sullami inaugurated the programme. The meet
seats in local self-government institutions for women. goal, he added. Kanthapuram called upon the people to embrace was organised as part of the state conference of the ISM to be held
The Bills amend the Kerala Panchayat Raj Act and the Kerala tolerance as a basic tenet for virtuous life. Quoting the Quran, he in Thrissur on 2 and 3, January 2010. 'Youth for Virtue and
Municipality Act more or less on parallel lines to reserve not only 50 said that if anyone took the life of another without justice, it was Reformation' is the slogan of the conference.
per cent of the wards in the local bodies, but also 50 per cent of the equivalent to taking the lives of the entire humanity. "This is the
positions in the committees (standing bodies) in each panchayat, best message of tolerance," he said. Fake encounter: Jamaat for state government intervention
municipality and corporation in the State. The Bills are in the wake Sayed Ibrahim Khaleel Bukhari, chairman of the Ma'dinu Kerala unit of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind asked the State government
of the Union government's decision to reserve a half of the local Ssaquafathil Islamiyya, delivered the keynote address. He called to interfere in the issue of fake encounter of Javad. It added that
bodies' positions to women. Kerala became the first State to legis- upon the people to return to the fundamentals of respecting the eld- the Kerala government is morally responsible to ask for explana-
late the provision. ers. "Without respecting and loving your parents, teachers and eld- tion from the Gujarat government in the matter. Pranesh Kumar
Speaking after the passage of the Bills, Minister for Local Self- ers, you can never aspire to win in this life and the next," he said. alias Javed was a Keralite and hailed from Alappuzha district in
Government Paloli Mohammed Kutty said the whole State wanted He said Ramadan was giving the message to eradicate evil quali- southern Kerala. The report of Magistrate Tamang has proved
the women to step on to a wider platform, on equal terms with the ties like enmity, envy, and greed. "Love should replace those qual- that Prenesh Kumar alias Javed was killed by the Gujarat police
men, to perform their role in society. This was the second phase of ities," he said. Bukhari called upon the people to show mercy to fel- in a fake encounter. The report made public recently in
the women's empowerment campaign of the State after the low beings adding 'Only then God will show His mercy on you.' Ahmedabad has underlined the hollowness of anti-terror fights.
Kudumbasree movement, which had brought women from all poor A.K. Abdul Hameed, programme convener and former chair- The incidents of killing innocent Muslim youth to gain medals
families in the State under the umbrella of vibrant self-help groups, man of the State Haj Committee, Sayed Ali Bafaqui Thangal, have increased in our country. Government agencies themselves
he said. Sayed Abdurahman Al Bukhari, president of the Samastha Kerala give leadership for terror activities. Detailed investigation should
N.A. Ali, general secretary of the MECA, said that the majority Jamiyyathul Ulama, Sayed Umerul Farooq Al Bukhari, Sayed be conducted on all the terrorist attacks in the country in the last
of Union government-funded projects were now being implement- Husain Shihab Atakoya Thangal and Sayed Yousuful Bukhari ten years, Jamaat State Secretariat demanded. Javed was
ed through local self-government institutions with a view to benefit- attended the programme. among the four that included Mumbai college girl Ishrat Jahan
ing the minorities and backward classes. He noted that Muslims Khaleel Bukhari also led the mass pledge against terrorism who were killed in a fake encounter by the Gujarat police in
and Ezhavas were the two major backward communities in Kerala. and the participants expressed their solidarity with fellow citizens, Ahmedabad in June 2004.
MECA, a common platform for the Muslim government society and nation. They pledged that they would restrain from all
employees of Kerala, has been fighting for the rights of the commu- activities that jeopardise the unity and social harmony of the IUML offices attacked in Kasaragod
nity in various fields including education, government service and country. The believers took the oath to respect other religions and Tension broke out at Thrikkarippur in Kasaragod district as local
reservation. not to associate with any activities that pose a threat to the unity offices of the Indian Union Muslim League (IUML) were attacked by
and integrity of the country. They stayed awake throughout the suspected Communist Party of India (Marxist) workers in the early
Acquire land for development projects: Ahamed night chanting prayers for peace and forgiveness and took the hours of 23 September. A journalist working for IUML newspaper
The Union Minister of State for Railways E oath to 'eradicate the menace of terrorism and work for world Chandrika also attacked during the incident. The IUML branch
Ahamed said that the Railways would be peace' in the wee hours just before the morning prayers. The committee office at Vellap area was set ablaze by miscreants while
able to commence development projects focus of the congregation last year was also world peace and reli- crude bombs were hurled at a building in memory of IUML leader
only if the Kerala Government acquires and gious extremism as Khaleel Bukhari made a fervent appeal for C H Mohammed Koya in the town, which recently had witnessed
hands over land. He was talking to showing "mercy to your fellow beings; then, God will be merciful clashes involving the rival CPI-M and the IUML.
reporters before flagging off the tri-weekly to you" and "an extremism of love and not hatred and terror is The incidents followed the attack on a CPI-M local commit-
day express in Trivandrum on 10 what we needed." tee office, allegedly by IUML workers on September 21, police
September that would run between Prominent personalities including Inspector-General of Police said. The IUML observed a day long hartal in Kasaragod town
Kochuveli and Mangalore. (north zone) B.S. Mohammed Yasin, District Superintendent of to protest against the attacks. Top police officials have camped
Mr. Ahamed expressed the hope that the State Government Police M. Patmanabhan, M. Ummer, MLA, and Malappuram in the town. The police said the situation in the area was now
would provide land in three months for the proposed coach factory municipal chairman Kiliyamannil Yakoob along with thousands of under control.
in Palakkad. People should cooperate with the State Government people from the various corners of the State attended the grand The IUML has condemned the attacks and warned that there
in acquiring land for projects, he said. "The factory is the need of iftar meet at Ma'din grounds. The organisers claimed it to be the will be strong retaliation if the Left Democratic Front government
the hour as we are facing shortage of coaches," he added. "The largest mass Iftar in the country. fails to put down violence. The State working committee expressed
setting up of the factory will be of immense help to the Railways as Food was served for the participants who arrived from remote the party's resentment at these incidents at a meeting at the
there are only two such units in the country," he said. A sum of Rs. areas at Ma'din Edu-Park. Apart from the main venue, people were League House in Kozhikode on 24 September. Deploring the
113 crore had been allocated for the State. This is in addition to the accommodated in other 10 grounds, spread across 10 kilometers attack, allegedly by policemen, on Rehman Thayalangadi, journal-
Rs. 90 crore provided earlier and the funds provided for develop- on either sides of the highway. Special facilities were provided for ist working for the Chandrika, and the attacks on party offices at
ment of Kochuveli, Nemom and Trivandrum stations. "The tri-week- women. The mass prayers were telecast live by television channels Thrikkarippur, a resolution adopted by the committee said 'these
ly will be made a daily once infrastructure is in place," he said. while special video-screenings were held at centres in Chennai, incidents are an insult to the dignity of the people of Kerala.' The
Later on 12 September, the Kannur municipal authorities sub- Bangalore, Mumbai and Delhi in India and major cities in the Middle State government had failed to provide protection to the people, the
mitted proposals for railway development in the town to the East. Several people abroad joined the congregation utilising the IUML alleged. 
The Milli Gazette, 1-15 October 2009 9


Ishrat Jahan: Murder in Cold Blood

Ram Puniyani road on the outskirts of Ahmadabad. To show that it was Gujarat Government is just to show a brave face in the encounter, arms-ammunition was kept on their body. At light of exposure of its brutality in killing the innocents.
this point of time National Human Rights Commission Incidentally Ishrat was wearing her college, Khalsa
In the aftermath of Gujarat carnage asked for magisterial inquiry. Later state Government College Mumbai, Identity Card around her neck when
the then Prime Minister, Atal also confirmed of magisterial inquiry going on. At the she was killed in cold blood. Legal nuances and nitty
Bihari Vajpayee subtly reprimand- same time the police investigation was also started. gritty apart where are we heading in Twenty-first
ed Modi Government that Raj Justice Tamang has come out Century?
Dharma should have been followed. with his report that it was not an Just slightly an year ago in the
The implication was that state encounter and that the four killed in Justice Tamang has come face of police arrest of many Muslim
should have actively intervened to cold blood by police were not having out with his report that it youth in the aftermath of bomb
protect the innocents who were any terrorist links. In response the was not an encounter and blasts citizens tribunals were held in
killed during the violence. What Gujarat government is leaving no that the four killed in cold Hyderabad and then in Jaipur. Legal
will one say if the same state selectively picks up inno- stone unturned to say that Justice blood by police were not luminaries and social activists
cent citizens, kills them and presents false stories to save Tamang had no business to release formed the jury of these tribunals.
its skin? While taking the oath, while joining the state his report, the Gujarat high court having any terrorist links. In Both tribunals pointed out that the
one is supposed to treat all citizens as equal irrespective has brought a stay on the report. But response the Gujarat govern - attitude of police is very biased and
of their religion, caste and gender. What do we say about already the contents of the report ment is leaving no stone many a Muslim youth are being
the state, which goes on to kill its innocent citizens who are known through the media unturned to say that Justice arrested without any proof whatso-
reports and Gujarat Government is
happen to belong to minority community?
finding no place to hide its face, also
Tamang had no business to ever. Will such actions by state, will
such a defense of killing of inno-
As the Citizen’s Tribunal pointed out in the after-
math of Godhra train burning Gujarat State machinery Supreme Court has seen nothing release his report, the cents, not intensify the sense of
was told to sit back when the rioters were unleashed to wrong in what Justice Tamang did. Gujarat high court has injustice amongst a section of Indian
kill and maim, to loot and to rape during the carnage. The total lack of remorse on the part brought a stay on the report. citizens?
Now we know that in the same state, police officers have of Gujarat Government is not sur- But already the contents of Where are we heading to? On
become emboldened enough to pick up minority ele- prising at all! one hand there are inquiry commis-
The officer, D. G.Vanjara, who
the report are known sion reports showing as to how com-
ments, kill them in cold blood and proclaim that it is an
encounter! The repeated cry of terrorists planning to kill killed these four, was also the one th rough the media reports munal organizations orchestrate
Modi has been a favorite ploy of the police officers for who had brutally killed and Gujarat Government is crimes and the section of police and
killing innocents to please the CM, to seek promotions. Soharabbudin and his wife finding no place to hide its part of state administration col-
It also helps to create a larger than life picture of Modi. Kauserbi, and is now behind the face, also Supreme Court ludes. On the other plane there is
When Ishrat Jahan was killed in June 2005, along bars. There is a section of Gujarat the phenomenon of terrorism, which
people, who are very appreciative of
has seen nothing wrong in has many factors contributing to it
with three others, the police officers boasted of their
success that they have ably averted the attack on Modi what Vnajara has done, and the sit- what Justice Tamang did. but it is only Muslims who are
by killing four terrorists of Lashkar-e-Tayyaba. Forensic uation which Modi Government has The total lack of remorse on blamed for that. We are also witness-
and post mortem reports confirm that they were killed brought in. Now the Gujarat the part of Gujarat ing a serious and by now inbuilt dis-
in cold blood on 14th June, shot at close range in a police Government asks that when the Government is not surpris- crimination leading to exclusion of
custody and then, taken in a car, then put in a row on the police inquiry was going on, what is minorities from the social facilities.
the legality of magisterial inquiry?
ing at all! In such an atmosphere what will
On the contrary as per the law after happen to the psyche of the youth
India will be a Hindu state in 30 years the death of a person in police custody, or due to police and others from minority community? The social dis-
New Delhi: RSS chief Mohan Rao Bhagwat said at a press con- action of this type, inquest, magisterial inquiry and parities we are creating due to such policies are there for
ference in Delhi on 28 August that in the next 25/30 years Sangh police inquiry all these have to be done. all of us to see. The tragedy is that a section of people
will achieve its target i e India will become a Hindu Rashtra. In It is not that it is the first time that encounter, fake have started asserting the correctness of these happen-
reply to questions about the on-going crisis and confusion in BJP, encounter killings, are taking place. The difference here ings. The situation which is being created due to all this
he avoided a clear-cut answer and said that it is BJP's internal is the total identification and defense of such acts by the is further used to blame minorities for it. The Modi-
problem; let them solve it. Sangh is not concerned with it. Media political leadership of state. The difference is that a sec- Vanjara duo, which is becoming a law unto them, is the
persons had been expecting that Bhagwat will express his views tion of people are being made to believe such dastardly symptom of deeper malaise of Gujarat. (Issues in Secular
about this but his reply disappointed them. He however said that acts are needed to make the society safe. The effort of Politics)
he is confident that its leaders will themselves solve the difficult
He said that the thinking of Indian Muslims towards Sangh is

Milli Information Network

changing fast and people of Muslim society are associating them-
selves with Sangh in large number which is a matter of great
pleasure for us. On persistent questions by media persons about
Sangh views on BJP, he said that Sangh neither gives advice to
any body nor interferes in political affairs of any party. On the
issue of Jinnah he said that people cannot forget his direct action Time to network the community
and he too remembers it. As regards other issues concerning him
(Jinnah) he said that these are topics of research with which he The Muslim community’s many ills and problems stem from the fact that there is a marked lack of information-
has nothing to do. About the present situation of BJP, he said that sharing and dissemination. The leadership is limited to some big cities while the majority lives in thousands of
minor differences should do not be taken to mean that BJP's towns and lakhs of villages across the country. ... This makes it difficult to manage the two-way circulation of infor-
mation, from the leadership to the masses and from the masses to the leadership. To tackle this problem, a network
decline is imminent. He said that if BJP needs help, Sangh is pre-
of information centres should be established all over the country. There should be one at least in each district head-
pared to help them. When asked about who will play the role of
quarter, and more in larger towns and cities. These information centres will function from the offices of commu-
Atal and Advani now, he said that the party will decide this. He nity organisations or in libraries and reading rooms...
however hinted that after 70, leaders should retire.
Commenting on Bhagwat's target of India becoming a Hindu Acting upon the above editorial published in MG 16-31 Dec. 2007 we registered a website
Rashtra in 30 years or so, incharge of Rabta Madaris Islamia We are in the process are developing a large network of milli NGOs. Kindly get yourself listed on the network.
Darul Uloom Deoband, Maulana Shaukat Ali Qasmi said at Each listed organisation will have their own webpage on the network. Fill in the below form and send it to us by
Bangalore on 30 August that India is secular country where roots email or post.
of secularism are very deep and strong, Mohan Bhagwat can
never succeed in his target of India becoming a Hindu Rashtra in Name of Organisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
30 or so years. He said that before this, the organisation Abhinav Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bharat had laid the target of 25 years and for which it adopted the Pin Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
path of violence. He said that even if they take recourse to maxi- Phone (std code) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
mum violence, they will never succeed in converting this great Email . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Website . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
country to Hindu Rashtra. Name of Main Trustee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Geographical Reach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Giving respectable position to Brief note of Nature of Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bhagwa brigade is deplorable ............................................................................................
New Delhi: Convener of National Democratic Forum, Akbar Fahmi
said while talking to media persons that after inclusion of Kalyan Category of Work: [Please encircle] Charity / Child Guidance Clinic / Children / Communal Harmony /
Singh in Samajwadi Party people as well as media raised a great Community Development / Disabilities / Slum Children / Human Rights / Family Welfare / Literacy / Education
hue and cry but after making Sudhir Kulkarni a member of Railway (scholarships/coaching) / Media / Medical / Orphan children / Religious / Social care / Social Justice / Social
Advisory Board by UPA government, the silence of media as well Welfare / Vocational Training / Volunteer Mgmt / Widows / Women / Others
as people is perplexing and at the same time significant also. He
said that giving an honourable position to Sudhir Kulkarni in this [Masjids and Madarasahs will also be listed on the network]
government not only reflects government's character but also
makes its intentions suspicious. He said that Sudhir Kulkarni is the Any literature (brouchure, leaflets, audited accounts etc) may also be submitted.
same man who had played an important role in the demolition of
Babri Masjid. He further said that giving respect to Bhawa The Milli Gazette, D-84 Abul Fazl Enclave - I, New Delhi 110025 Tel.: 2694 7483
Brigade's think tank people in the above-mentioned government is
a matter of great pity.  Cut or photocopy
10 The Milli Gazette, 1-15 October 2009


Focus now on Sadik Jamal’s encounter

he magisterial report, observing the encounter of Ishrat a bus on its way from Hyderabad to Sangli in Maharashtra on 22 there was no space available for Muslims. Even after Muslims

T Jahan and three others to be fake, has not only given a

sigh of relief to the families of the deceased, but also a
ray of hope for justice to another such family in
Bhavnagar which had lost one of its members in January 2003
when the Ahmedabad police shot dead Sadiq Jamal Mehtar
November 2005. Gujarat police has claimed that they had come
to Gujarat to kill Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi.
Besides the AP Police, the role of Rajasthan Police also fig-
ured during the investigations conducted so far into the killings.
The amicus curiae also accused the state police of leaving sev-
offered to pay more than the market price, they were turned away.
In fact, at the stall of Shree Balaji Constructions, some peo-
ple were told that they were welcome to invest in their scheme but
they cannot reside there. Now, what sort of a criterion is that?
Gafoorjiwala, a resident of Paldi, is a director of a sports
(20), an autorickshaw driver, in Naroda claiming he was a eral loose ends in the investigations, as the state had been con- adventure company. In his quest for a house in Satellite or Bopal,
Lashkar-e-Toiba operative on a mission to kill Chief Minister sistently making efforts to shield the accused. Gafoorjiwala went to the exhibition but was turned away by the
Narendra Modi, VHP chief Pravin Togadia and BJP leader L K “In a case where investigations have never been fair and builders. He said, “I asked them on what grounds was I being
Advani. where the state has not been fair in the advancement of the turned away. I have the money to invest, I have a clean record, I
The Ahmedabad Crime Branch eliminated him on 13 January course of justice, we must have thorough investigations into the am no trouble-maker, I am as patriotic as anyone. So why am I
2003 near the city's Galaxy Cinema. He, too, was alleged to be incidents, as police officers are involved in the murder,” the ami- not being sold a house in Ahmedabad West? The builders said I
part of a LeT conspiracy to kill Modi. cus curiae urged the Bench. He further pointed out that no efforts am a Muslim, and their other customers will have a problem if I
Mumbai-based scribe Ketan Tirodkar later said that he had had been made till date to establish how Kausar Bi and Prajapati live near them. It’s absurd and insulting.”
introduced Sadik to former Mumbai encounter specialist Daya had been killed. The amicus curiae pointed out that Inspector While it is no secret that builders shy away from selling hous-
Nayak to help him get out of some petty gambling cases in Solanki of the Gujarat CID, who had conducted preliminary inves- es to Muslims in ‘non-Muslim’ areas, the fact that Muslims are
Bhavnagar. In an affidavit filed before a lawyer of Human Rights tigations into the fake encounters, had recorded a number of cru- prevented from buying houses in an open forum like a GIHED is
Law Network, Tirodkar alleged that Nayak had detained Sadik cial statements linking top police officers of the state to the shocking
and created a criminal profile for him. He said Nayak had then set killings, but the report has neither been submitted in the apex
him up as a militant to be killed in an encounter on the request of court nor had formed part of the charge sheet filed in the trial Saffron rule in Gujarat cricket too
a "big politician" from Gujarat. Sadik's brother Shabir Jamal filed court. Saffron supporters in Gujarat are now in control of Gujarat Cricket
a writ petition before the Gujarat High Court on 10 May 2007, Association. Chief Minister Narendra Modi bowled his detractors
seeking to reopen the encounter case. No house for Muslims in West Ahmedabad and critics with a new inning in his life. He became President of
Aari upper ni chhaap dhowai jase. Ame koi international If you are a Muslim, you cannot get a house in west Ahmedabad. the Gujarat Cricket Association at the annual general meeting of
gunno nathi kariyo. Amne insaaf males (The blot on our family will because your Hindu neighbours will be in trouble. Tag of Muslims the GCA held here beginning his journey into cricket politics, a
also be erased. We have not done any crime. We will get jus- is not in the line of Builders of Gujarat as Institute of Housing and field which has all the intrigues and bitchy betrayals of power pol-
tice),” said Shabbir, younger brother of Sadiq. Estate Developers’ (GIHED) exhibition, showed this serious trend itics.
D G Vanzara, who is now in jail in connection with the at the Gujarat University Convention Centre recently. His election has come as a surprise to all since no one had
Sohrabuddin Sheikh and Ishrat encounter cases, was the then Even as around 1.5 lakh home-seekers thronged the idea of this development at the AGM meeting. Till now, it was his
Deputy Commissioner of Police, Ahmedabad builders’ stalls during exhibition, Muslims looking to purchase close confident Minister of State for Home Amit Shah who was
After the “encounter,” Vanzara had announced that he was a houses in the western part of the city were turned away. They leading the coup in the cash rich Gujarat Cricket Association.
LeT man. Incidentally, the team of top police officials was the were told matter-of-factly, “There is no provision for Muslims in Shah has been suitably rewarded for the coup for his master
same in all the three “encounter” cases. After the Supreme Court our schemes.” Modi with the post of Vice President of the GCA. Though the post
ordered an inquiry into the Sohrabuddin case, Shabbir moved the It didn’t matter that the Muslim buyers had money to invest. It of VP is quite inconsequential, the equation between Modi and
High Court on 13 May 2007, seeking registration of criminal certainly didn’t count that they were educated and urbane. Many Shah in the ruling BJP in Gujarat indicates that Shah will call
cases against Vanzara, the then Joint Commissioner of Police P Muslims came and went house-hunting at the GIHED exhibition. shots for his master Modi. With this win in GCA, Modi has joined
P Pandey, and others involved in the case. The petition is pend- Almost every stall said “no” to them. Some didn’t even give them the club of politicians including former BCCI chief Sharad Pawar
ing. the scheme brochures. and his own party leader Arun Jaitely, who is currently heading
Sadiq’s 65-year-old father, Jamal, said that the taint has been Almost every stall that Muslims visited in the exhibition said Delhi and District Cricket Association. 
unbearable for the family, but they are hopeful of getting justice
one day. “Look at the Sohrabuddin case and where the Ishrat
case is heading. We trust the judiciary,” he said.
Gujarat State on Trial for extrajudicial killings
Gujarat High Court transferred the petition of Gopinath Pillai, Unfortunately for the state government, it is already
father of one of the persons killed along with Ishrat Jahan, to
embroiled in another encounter case before the Supreme
Justice Kalpesh Jhaveri who is hearing the case of encounter of Court, where it was compelled to admit that the death of
New Delhi: When police in western Gujarat state claimed to
Ishrat Jahan. have shot dead four members of the militant Lashkar-e-Toiba Sohrabuddin Sheikh on 13 Jan. 2003 was the result of a fake
Justice H N Devnani was hearing the petition of father of (LeT) group, including a 19-year-old girl student, on Jun. 15, encounter carried out by the state police. Sheikh was shot
Gopinath Pillai who has moved Gujarat High Court seeking CBI 2004, in an 'encounter,' few believed them. For one thing, the dead by police outside Ahmedabad. They later murdered his
investigations into the killing of his son by Gujarat police. The word 'encounter' has become popularly accepted as euphe- wife, Kausar Bi, on Nov. 27, 2005. Worse, a conscientious for-
case has been transferred to Justice Jhaveri since the issue mism for stage-managed, extrajudicial killings by police in mer director-general of police in Gujarat, R. B. Sreekumar, has
involved in both cases is same and both were killed in the same India. And for another, the pro-Hindu Bharatiya Janata Party gone public over how so-called encounters were a "matter of
incident. (BJP), provincial government in Gujarat led by Chief Minister policy" in the state.
The case has hit headlines in media after five years as the Narendra Modi, was yet to live down the opprobrium of the Sreekumar, now associated with the Mumbai-based non-
report of Metropolitan Magistrate S P Tamang says that Ishrat February-May 2002 anti-Muslim pogrom in which at least 1,000 governmental organisation Citizens for Justice and Peace's
and others were killed and later the murders were shown as people died and thousands were left homeless. campaign to secure justice for the victims of the Gujarat
encounters. Human rights activists said there was something too pat pogrom, released in November last year a book detailing collu-
about the way the bodies of the victims, the weapons they sion between the police and the state government in the 2002
Encounter case team gets six more officers were supposed to have been carrying and the car they were violence.
The three-member team appointed by Gujarat High Court to riding in were arranged at the scene of the shootout on the out- The Diary of a Helpless Man describes the Modi govern-
enquire into the encounter of Ishrat Jahan and three others has skirts of the industrial hub of Ahmedabad, the largest city in ment - in power since October 2001 and now running its third
been added six members. The probe into the encounter of June Gujarat. Curiously, no policeman was injured in the alleged term - as ''cruelly communal" and run by bureaucrats who are
2004 has been started after five years as Ishrat Jahan's mother encounter. "sophisticated sycophants" and by police who are "the most
moved the Gujarat High Court for CBI inquiry into the incident. On 4 Sept., allegations by human rights activists were corrupt in India,'' with some of its inspectors collecting as
Those who have been appointed are ACP V R Toliya, S P P given credence when Ahmedabad metropolitan magistrate S.P. much as 3.7 million Indian rupees (75,000 U.S. dollars) a month
K Jadeja, Inspectors M A Singha and P M Parmarand sub Tamang pronounced the encounter a fake and said that the four in bribes.
Inspectors A M Syyed and R D Raval. Initially the committee had victims - Ishrat Jehan, a 19-year-old girl student, Javed Ghulam But credit for legally nailing the fake encounters on the
DGP Pramod Kumar, DIG JK Bhatt and Mohan Jha. Sheikh alias Pranesh Kumar Pillai, Amjad Ali alias Rajkumar Modi government must go to Ahmedabad-based lawyer and
Last month, the case had hit headlines in the media in the Akbar Ali Rana and Jisan Johar Abdul Gani - were not linked to human rights activists Mukul Sinha, who has been handling
the LeT. Tamang stated in his report that police had, in fact, several cases on behalf of the survivors of victims, including
country with Judicial Magistrate Tamang preparing a report of
shot the four in "cold blood using their service revolvers". Shamima Kausar, mother of Ishrat Jehan. "Things are finally
investigations into the encounter in which he said that it was a
"Even if the occupants of the car were members of the LeT, beginning to come together after all these years. The end is
cold blooded murder turned into encounter. the police should have followed due process rather than resort to now in sight to the many cases and investigations filed against
what can only be described as cold-blooded murder,'' said Colin the Modi government that are related to the 2002 violence and
New twist in Sohrabuddin encounter Gonsalves, a leading Supreme Court lawyer and rights activist. the series of encounter killings targeting a particular commu-
Supreme Court which is hearing the controversial Sohrabuddin Gonsalves told IPS that the police officers involved should nity [Muslims]," Sinha told IPS over telephone from
fake encounter case is now probing into the role of Andhra be proceeded against as laid down by several rulings. The Ahmedabad. "A real breakthrough came in the case of
Pradesh police in the episode. Gujarat government has told the Justice Jeevan Reddy committee, which dealt with encounter Sohrabuddin Sheikh,'' said Sinha, a member of the Jan
Court that the encounter of Sohrabuddin by Gujarat police was killings, had recommended in 2005 that whenever a policeman Sangarsh Manch (JSM) or People's Revolutionary Forum.
fake, but it is yet not able to explain many important issues like kills somebody, a criminal prosecution must be launched and it Sinha said the common thread running through the cases
how Sohrabuddin’s wife Kausar Bi and witness Tulsiram Prajapati should be left to a court to decide if a plea of self-defence holds. he has been fighting is the Gujarat police alleging that the peo-
were killed. The new issue has come up before the Court as ami- Similarly, the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), ple they executed were members of the LeT and were plotting
cus curiae in the case Solicitor General Gopal Subramaniam a statutory body, ruled in 2003 that although police had the to kill Modi and other top leaders of the BJP or its affiliates.
raised the question of the role of the Andhra police in helping right to self-defence and may resort to reasonable force while "It helped that the name of Vanzara figured as the police
Gujarat police unofficially. He said that AP police had given logis- arresting suspects in serious crimes, "deaths caused in an 'encounter specialist' in all of the cases," Sinha said. "Modi,"
tical support to Gujarat police. With this argument, he pressed for encounter, if not justified, would amount to an offence of cul- said Sinha, "has stayed in power all these years by successful-
the transfer of the investigations to outside agency like CBI. pable homicide''. ly polarising the Hindu and Muslim communities in Gujarat and
“What was the motive of the Andhra Pradesh Police to join the The NHRC was also clear that a "magisterial enquiry must constantly whipping up public fear that Gujarat was under
conspiracy? What could have actuated their action when it was invariably be held in all cases of death which occur in the siege by the LeT."
not officially done?” the Bench comprising justices Chatterjee and course of police action and the next of kin of the deceased be The JSM is currently the only voluntary agency left in
Aftab asked. invariably associated in such inquiry". Ahmedabad vocally opposing the Modi regime's policies. "We
Two vehicles carrying AP Police personnel had escorted the But far from moving against the 21 policemen involved in have managed to survive by constantly keeping the people
three victims from the state to Gujarat to facilitate the killings. what has come to be known as the 'Ishrat Jehan case,' the informed about the truth and through our links to the powerful
Sohrabuddin, along with Kauser Bi and their friend Prajapati, Modi government petitioned the Gujarat High Court to have Gujarat Union of Trade Unions,'' Sinha explained.
were picked up in a joint operation by Gujarat and AP Police from Tamang's report scrapped as "illegal and doubtful". (
The Milli Gazette, 1-15 October 2009 11

Conditions For Reconciliation with Justice Do Not Obtain in Gujarat
Aligarh: “The State, Including Judiciary & the Civil Society Failed made situation like Gujarat passively acceptable by the people. Nellie massacre of 1983, in the Hindu. It appeared to him that he
the Victims,” said the well-known social and rights activist Harsh In his detailed analysis of the book, Prof. Masoodul Hasan, wrote from the heart.
Mander here during a book release. one of the most distinguished scholars of the AMU, observed that Dr. Shakeel Samdani recalled how as a mere Additional
Prof. Irfan Habib paying tribute to Harsh Madner in glowing the book written in a superb literary style combining the clinical Collector he got anti-Sikh riot in Indore controlled, by calling the
terms that it was reassuring to know that the country which wit- and the artistic technique and tools was the outcome of sincere army without seeking permission from any political authority.
nessed massacres like Gujarat has given birth to not only heart searching of one who had a heart of gold. He expressed Paying tributes to him, he observed that we should all seek inspi-
Gandhi, but a person like him, of whom we were all proud, appreciation of the coinage of the term Nyayagrah for people's ration from Harsh Mander's work. Prof. Shamim Ahmad forceful-
summed up the sentiments of all teachers, students and social collective struggle for legal justice. Prof. Hasan also made copi- ly brought out pervasive injustice to Muslims, who were in a
workers who had assembled under the chairmanship of industri- ous references to Prof. Ansari's work as an activist and scholar, unique situation of victimhood. He gave a call for trial of Modi
alist-philanthropist Zafar Alam on 16 September in the Arts including his work in the area of communal violence. under some competent international authority.
Faculty Lounge of the AMU for the release of his book, Fear and While complimenting Harsh Mander for his commendable In his concluding remarks Prof. Ansari pointed out that issues
Forgiveness: The Aftermath of Massacre (Penguin, 2009). Prof. work both as an activist and writer Prof. Hamida Ahmad regretted of justice, peace and reconciliation in Gujarat could not be dealt
Habib characterized the Gujarat carnage, which constitutes the lack of any progress in the accountability of law-enforcement sys- with in isolation. Gujarat 2002 is the outcome of the failure of the
background of the book, as not only an onslaught against tem since early 1960s. She recalled how Subhadra Joshi's visit judiciary since December 1949 till 1994 in Ayodhya. Why did
Muslims but against the entire nation. after Hashimpura (Meerut) - Maliana massacre by the PAC in 1987 Ayodhya happen? It needs to be publicly debated, like the current
The programme started with recitation from Hindu, Muslim had inspired hope in her as a student, which was never fulfilled. debate over why Partition happened, fixing responsibility for not
Christian ,Buddhist, Sikh an Jain scriptures on the theme of sanc- Dealing with reconciliation - the theme of the book - she only 6 December 1992,but all events since 22-23 December
tity of human life.The book was formally released by Dr.Zakia appreciated that Harsh Mander distinguished between subjuga- 1949 He further observed that to be able to cope with the post-
Siddiqi. It was followed by reading of passages from the book by tive reconciliation of the oppressed to her inferior status and rec- Ayodhya situation of which Gujarat is an episode required para-
Dr. Sami Rafiq and Haris. onciliation with dignity among equals. digm shift from pre-1947 secular communal polarized public dis-
Welcoming Harsh Mander, Prof. Iqbal A. Ansari, President She made the perceptive observation that there was no course to a more comprehensive model of peace & reconciliation
Citizens For Peace and Human Rights, which organized the pro- question of acknowledgment of guilt by those who planned the for the entire subcontinent making us rethink our concepts of
gramme in collaboration with the Dept. of Political Science of the carnage pursuing their agenda of hate and revenge. Recalling nation, community, citizen and State in human rights perspective.
A.M.U, observed that Harsh Mander combined rare intellectual the oft-made observation including that by Harsh Mander that no In his response Harsh Mander gave reasons for writing the
and moral integrity with compassion, which has made him under- riot could continue beyond a few hours, if the law was enforced book based on his experience in Gujarat since 2002 till date -
take dedicated work for all marginalized, poor and oppressed impartially, she wanted to remove the distinctions caused by especially the narratives of sufferings of the innocent victims,
people. Muslims in his view are not only target of violence of hate labels between 'riot' and 'terror'. Both were the same. She hoped which needed to be recorded - as he discovered in Nellie
groups but also suffer daily discrimination and are being treated that Indians would remind themselves that they treated Ashoka (Assam) when he visited the victims of Feb. 1983 carnage, who
as second class citizens. the Great and Akbar the Great not Alexander the Great, and narrated the 25 year old events as if they had happened in the
Introducing the book, Prof. Ansari said that the book affirms would remove the blot of Modi becoming the Great. recent past. Since his idea of India was based on equality of
that there cannot be any durable peace without punishing the Prof. Khwaja Shamim Ahmad acknowledged the heart mov- rights of all citizens, especially equal justice for all, he initiated
unrepentant guilty and fully rehabilitating the victims. However ing narrative of the book, which touched him. He recalled the Nyayagraha movement to struggle for securing legal justice while
going beyond legal retributive justice it explores chances of Aligarh riot of 1978 in which the PAC had done targeted killings adhering to truth.
restorative justice, by a process of healing and reconciliation of Muslims. Were the rifles scientifically trained to recognise and Apart from the narrative of the pregnant Kausar, whose
which required: (i) acknowledgment; (ii) remorse; (iii) reparation; kill only Muslims? He put the question to Prime Minister Morarji abdomen was ripped open and foetus smashed, he recalled the
and (iv) justice. Desai, when he observed that when riots broke out, police would effacement of Wali Dakni's shrine and overnight building of a road
The writer feels that none of them obtained in Gujarat. resort to firing. over it. However, it should be comforting to know that every night
Instead of even slightest signs of acknowledgment of guilt, Modi The retired district judge Dharam Sing Ram commended after the traffic comes to a halt Hindu devotees offer floral tribute
and his gang celebrated the event as Gujarat's Gaurav (Pride) - Harsh Mander's work, to which, he felt, we should extend support to the Saint. Referring to the findings of Ashish Nandy he
in the process Modi becoming a folk hero. so that gross injustice to Muslims and other weaker sections expressed satisfaction over the fact that during 1947 holocaust
Prof. Ansari referred to passages in the book, which honest- could be removed, without which India's claim as a law-governed 26 per cent of people on both sides of the Indo-Pak border saved
ly brought out how the State's institutions, the rights groups and democracy would remain hollow. life of the other community as compared to one per cent savers
secular intellectual class failed the victim group. However the Dr. Mufti Zahid recalled Harsh Mander's initial sacrifice by of Jews in the Holocaust in Nazi's Germany.
book also points out that for the first time the efforts of civil soci- resigning from the administrative service and undertaking the In his presidential remarks, Mr. Zafar Alam expressed his
ety groups supported by the NHRC resulted in the reopening of mission of rousing people's conscience. His sincere dedication to sense of pride and achievement after meeting Harsh Mander for
cases and retrials leading to convictions under the direction of the the cause made us regain hope. He felt that the facts of the inci- the first time. He congratulated him as well as other human rights
Supreme Court. dent of Ishrat Jahan's false encounter killing coming to light was activists who were serving as catalytic agents for an ongoing
Inaugurating the session, the Aligarh industrialist and philan- a hopeful sign of accountability. change, and expressed his conviction that parliamentary democ-
thropist, Mr. Pramoad Kumar, pointed out the general state of Dr. Asim Siddiqi paid tributes to Harsh Mander, whose racy in India would be able to bring about structural reform in the
lawlessness of the police and the law-enforcement system columns in newspapers he looked forward to reading with inter- model of governance so that recurrence of massacres and
wherein false encounter killings and torture were common - which est every week; and was moved by his recent account of the pogroms could soon become a thing of the past. 

Former employee wins case but High Court’s support of clean chit to Delhi
embassy not keen to honour Indian law New Delhi:Police challenged in Supreme Court
Delhi High Court's acceptance of National Human Rights Commission's investiga-
New Delhi: A dismissed Iranian embassy offi- is arbitrary, illogical and capricious," the peti-
cial has approached the Delhi High Court seek- tion filed through his counsel Saif Mahmood tion report giving clean chit to Delhi Police's Special Cell in Batla House encounter case has
ing a direction to the Centre to grant him sanc- and Sumant De alleged. been challenged by ANHAD (Act Now for Harmony and Democracy), an NGO in a petition filed
tion to move a civil court for executing a decree The Counter Affidavit was filed by the in Supreme Court on 18 Sept. The NGO has stated in its petition that the High Court has erred
directing his previous employer to pay him a Deputy Chief of Protocol (F), Ministry of in accepting NHRC's investigation report because this Commission did not thoroughly investi-
compensation of Rs 789,600. A district court, in External Affairs on 5 August 2008 while the gate the encounter which resulted in the death of Inspector MC Sharma and two alleged young
a decree order last November, had asked the rejoinder was filed by Rizvi on 17 November terrorists, that the Commission did not personally visit and inspect the place of encounter and
Iranian embassy to pay Rs 789,600 with nine 2008. Since my illegal termination I am jobless, its strategic surroundings nor did it meet and interview any eye witness, local people etc which
percent annual interest (till the payment is living on the mercy of others, Rizvi told MG. are essential for any kind of enquiry. The petition also said that the Commission relied totally
made) for removing him from his service seven Earlier there were two more cases against on the version of Delhi Police and did not base its report on its own independent investigation.
years ago. foreign missions which were disposed off at Hence in order to remove all doubts and suspicions, an independent judicial enquiry is essen-
The High Court sought its response on a the stage of permission to file the suit. One of tial, the petition said. It is however not known if the apex Court has admitted this petition for
petition filed by Syed Ashraf Hasnain Rizvi Mr. Ali Akbar Kashani sought permission from hearing.
(, who worked in the MEA for filing a suit against UAE Embassy Shahi Imam of Jama Masjid Maulana Ahmad Bokhari, supporting the demand for judicial
Science and Education Section of the embassy, in 1971, while the second one was by enquiry asked if government and Delhi Police think that Batla House encounter is true, why it
as secretary from 1 Oct. Harbhajan Singh Dhalla does not order an independent judicial enquiry? Referring to the result of the recent Okhla
1989 to 15 May 2002 who sought permission assembly bye-election he said that by defeating the Congress candidate people of Okhla have
when his services were "Rejection by the MEA to file a suit against the expressed their no-confidence in Congress governments, both at the Centre and Delhi state,
terminated by an oral Algerian Embassy during
communication “with- of his request for grant 1983-86. In both the
because of attempts to hide the truth behind Batla House encounter. (NA Ansari)
out any reason” accord- of sanction to execute a cases the MEA has
Accused in CRPF camp attack acquitted by High Court
ing to Rizvi who in his refused to give its con-
petition has sought
decree obtained in a sent for filing the suits New Delhi: Delhi High Court acquitted on Monday 14 Sept Maqsood Ahmad who was accused
direction to the MEA to suit, consent for which against the respective of his complicity in attack on CRPF camp at Jharoda Kalan, New Delhi in 2001 in which one
grant him sanction for embassies. The refusal CRPF man was killed and who was sentenced to death by a lower trial court in 2004. He was
execution of the decree
was earlier granted by was challenged by both also wanted by police along with his accomplice, Mohammad Saeed in Ayodhya Fidayeen
passed in 14 Nov. 2007 the same ministry, is the petitioners in the attack in 2005. The High Court acquitted him because the police had failed to produce any
by the additional district
judge DC Anand. He
arbitrary, illogical and Court Law. The MEA/UoI
lost both the cases.
concrete proof of his involvement in the attack, except that he had refused to join the identifi-
cation parade and that he was a Pakistani and had entered India without valid documents. The
also pleaded for setting capricious," the peti- Rizvi said, while High Court bench consisting of Justice Pradeep Nandrajog and Justice Indermeet Kaur said
aside an order issued tion filed through his speaking to MG, that it is that both these reasons for arrest have no relationship with attack on CRPF camp and killing
by MEA on 4 April deny- not a matter of a few of the CRPF man, a constable.
ing him the sanction. counsel Saif Mahmood lakhs rupees as ordered The High Court bench came down heavily on the police and said that it failed to draw his
"Rejection by the and Sumant De alleged. by the court, it is the mat- sketch and that it also failed to take the assailant (Maqsood)'s footprints. The bench further
MEA of his request for ter of the life and honour observed that the lone witness was the constable L.H. Fernandes (who was subsequently
grant of sanction to exe- of Indian citizens in their killed) who could not see the assailant properly and hence his (assailant)'s sketch could not be
cute a decree obtained in a suit, consent for own country. Are foreign missions not bound
drawn. In view of all this, the High Court bench acquitted him of the attack (on CRPF camp)
which was earlier granted by the same ministry, to obey/follow Indian laws, Rizvi asked.
and killing of the constable. 
12 The Milli Gazette, 1-15 October 2009

A Note on Maharashtra & Guidelines for Muslim Voters

Maharashtra Assembly Election, 2009

SYED SHAHABUDDIN Chart of Winnable Muslim Constituencies
subgroup in the constituency, it is possible for the
Muslims to attain higher representation in the
Maharashtra ranks 4th among the states Average Population—3,50,000 Assembly, than in 2004. Secondly, Muslims should
of the Union from the point of view of aim at such seats, in which no other social group or
Division District Due Constituencies
Muslim population. It comes immediate- MuslimPopulation(Lacs) NameͲMuslimPopulation Seats No.NameͲ%ofMuslim community has a higher proportion.
ly after UP, West Bengal and Bihar. With 1.Amravati12.4 Amravati(3.5L) 1 38.Amravati 11. All secular parties are however anxious to use
a population of 10.3 million Muslims, it Akola(3.0L) 1 31.AkolaEast24% every election to expand their influence and they
has 7.43% of the National Muslim popu- Buldhana(2.8L) 1 22.Buldhana24% insist on contesting seats even with a low concentra-
lation and about 10.6% of the total State YavatmalͲWashim(1.1L) 1 78.YavatmalͲ tion of their social group. But except high concentra-
81.Pusad tion areas, experience shows that with social affinity
Population of 96.9 million (2001).
2. Muslims are not spread uniformly 35.Karanja22%
alone, no secular party except NCP can win many
throughout Maharashtra. In 14 districts. 2.Konkan34.5 MumbaiCity(7.4L) 1Ͳ2 177,BandraWest seats.
their Proportion is more than the state average, but in remaining 180,Wadala22% 12. On the basis of the election results of 1999 and
districts their proportion goes down to even less than 5%. 184,Byculla25% 2004 the estimated Muslim population in various con-
3. Maharashtra Legislative Assembly has 288 members. The 186,Mumbaidevi25% stituencies, a district wise chart (See table) has been
average population per constituency is 3.35 lakhs. The due MumbaiSuburban(14.9L) 4 160,KandivaliEast20% tabulated to locate winnable Muslim constituencies,
101,Charcop division-wise and district wise. But, the weakness lies
number of Muslim MLA's in the state should be about 31.
Muslim population exceeds 3.35 lakhs in 10 districts and can 175.Kalina20%
in that no accurate count of Muslim voters or propor-
alone generate 16 seats proportionately. But the average Thane(8.8L)2Ͳ3 2or3 136,Bhiwandiwest30% tion of Muslim electorate is available. Only a local
number between 1952 & 1999 was only about 9.5.In 2004 137,BhiwandiEast30% Muslim organization is in a position to count & deter-
the number of Muslim MLA's rose to 11. However, addition- 138,Kalyan mine the proportion of Muslim voters, This must be
al 8 Muslims from various parties were runners-up, and 23 145,MeeraBhayander31% done, particularly where it is likely to exceed 20%.
more Muslim contestants were placed as second runner-up, 149,MumbraͲKalana30%
excluding the Muslim winners or first runners-up. Thus, a
total of 11+8+23 i.e., 42 constituencies had voted significant- Sindhdurg 2 193.Shivardhan
13. What is needed is to form a Maharashtra Muslim
ly for Muslim candidates which shows that in ideal conditions, 3.Aurangabad11.3 Aurangabad(5.7L) 1or2 107.AurangabadCentral25% Forum with participation of the MMM, the JIH,the
the Muslim community can reach the due level of represen- 108.AurangabadWest25% JUH, the Ahl-e -Sunnat and the Ulema Council to
tation. 104.Sillod20% negotiate with the leading political players in the field
4. Maharashtra is divided in 7 administrative Divisions. Each is 109.AurangabadEast25% to persuade them to field Muslim candidates who
subdivided in districts whose total number is 35. It is possi- Parbhani(2.4L) 1 96.Prabhani command credibility in the eyes of the community and
Jalna(2.1L) 1 98.Pathrior99Partur are also acceptable to the non-Muslim electorate.
ble that within a division, some districts may have high Hingoli(NA) 1 93.Kalamnuri25%
Muslim population to generate at least one or more seats. 4.Nanded10.8 Latur(2.9L) 1 239.Ausa25%
14. General Guidelines
But the other districts in the same Division put together may Nanded(3.9L) 1 86.NandedNorth30% (1) All eligible Muslim should be dully registered as
exceed the magic figure of 3.35 lakhs of Muslim population & 97.NandedSouth30% voters, particularly those who have just crossed 18.
generate a seat. A Secular party may field one additional Osmanabad(1.5L) 1 242.Osmanabad25% (2) All Muslim voters should cast their vote.
Muslim candidate in a suitable constituency in one of the oth- Beed(.5L) 230.Beed25% (3) The number of Muslim voters in every constituen-
ers districts. 5.Nagpur(2) Nagpur(3L) 1 55.NagpurCentral,or30% cy should be counted, polling station-wise; only the
5otherDists.(lessthan1Lea 1 58.Kampti30%
5. The same is true of constituencies within a district. With a constituency which has more than 20 % Muslim vot-
large Muslim population, some constituencies may be Muslim 6.Nashik13.9 Dhule 1 7.DhuleCity35%
ers may be claimed as a Muslim winnable seat.
winnable with about 25% plus Muslim population. Other con- Jalgaon(4.6L) 1 13.JalgaonCity20% (4) Muslim opinion-makers in every constituency
stituencies which are contiguous may generate one addition- Nashik(5.3L) 1or2 114.MalegaonCentral25% should form a small Committee to select the best can-
al Muslim winnable seat, if their total Muslim population Ahmednagar(2.6L) 1 didate from the Muslim point of view. This should be
exceeds 3, 35,000. Nandurbar 1 conveyed to apex Muslim Forum in the state for nego-
STATE POLITICS BestMuslimConstituencyintheDist. tiation with major parties in the contest.
7.Pune16 Pune(4.5L) 1 214PuneCantt.or20%
6. Maharashtra has a tradition of anti-Brahmin movements dat- (5) The Committee should also prepare the
ing back to two centuries. In modern times it crystallised in Solapur(3.8L) 1 248.SolapurNorthor
electoral history of the constituency to find out, how
the form of Republican Party which claims to represent the 249.SolapurSouth much times it has been won by a Muslim candidate
Dalit masses. Unfortunately, this party has over the years Kolhapur(2.4L) 1 273.Kagal and how many times a Muslim candidate has lost by
broken into several fragments and depending upon the caste Sangli(1.3L)Satara(4.5L) 1 281.Miraj a small margin.
of its leaders, each faction nurses a particular social con- Total 31Ͳ35 (6) As finally decided, all Muslim voters should
stituency & uses it to make a deal with a major party. ing a Republican-Left Democratic Front(RLDI), under the vote for the common candidate.
7. Socially in Maharashtra the Marathas constitute the biggest leadership of the Republican leader Ramdas Athawale with 15. The Forum should target all Muslim Winnable Seats which
social group or community whose undisputed leader is the objective of providing a third alternative to the people of should be identified by the following criteria:-
Sharad Pawar of the NCP.Brahmins and other high castes Maharashtra going beyond the INC-NCP alliance and the (1) Muslim voters constitute at least 20 %of the electrorate.
generally support the BJP and Shiv Shena, apart from urban BJP-Shiv Sena alliance. The Front presently includes, apart (2) Muslim voters are more than those of any other identifiable
middle classes. from the RPI, the Peasant and Workers Party, the CPM, CPI, social group.
8. The Muslims are often fragmented on baradari & sectarian SP, JD(S) and LJP, not to mention some minor local parties. (3) Muslim community is not divided by baradaris & sects.
basis and even by geographical origin. Since Metropolitan Prakash Ambedkar a prominent dalit leader has not joined (4) Muslim community is on good terms with other social groups,
Mumbai has attracted people from all over the county in the Front. One major national party, the BSP, with about 5 % particularly, the Dalits.
search of livelihood and, new-comers generally find shelter of the voters remains out of this combination and has the (5) Muslim community has one or more suitable potential candi-
in the localities inhabitated by those who came earlier or ambition of contesting as many seats as possible, winning at dates, active in public life and acceptable to all Muslims and
belong to the same caste or sect. Muslim Parties, during the least 25 seats and playing the king-maker, if no alliance or some other social groups.
Lok Sabha Election 2009, tried to form a united Muslim front party emerges with a majority. Both the RLDF & the BSP are (6) Muslim community has formed a local consultative committee
but it failed to take roots likely to cut into secular votes & weaken INC - NCP against to choose a Muslim candidate and project him. The local
9. With their pattern of dispersal, Muslims cannot win many SS-BJP. committee should advise the apex Muslim Forum to place his
Assembly seats under the present electoral system in their 10. So far, the Muslim votes have been shared by the INC-NCP, name before the major contestants & negotiate their support.
own, as there are no Muslim majority seats & very few with SP and BSP. By contesting against each other, they divide (7) The agreed candidate is in a position to raise some resources
above 25 %Muslims. But they may win seats with a suitable Muslim votes in almost every constituency. If Muslims sup- from his friends, sympathisers & well-wishers, apart from the
social partner on give-and-take basis. The best choice could port one major well-selected contestant unitedly and mas- party which nominates him as its candidate.
be the Dalits, if and only if Republican Party reinvents itself sively in 30 odd Muslim constituencies of higher Muslim con- (8) The candidate is in a position to set up his polling machinery to con-
as a viable force. It has recently made a beginning by form- centration and if the candidate belongs to the biggest Muslim duct an effective campaign and establish contact with all the voters. 

Ishrat Jahan murder: an open letter to the PM bers of the government and officials responsible for mass hate
crimes on the additional ground of the Supreme Court’s stric-
tures about systematic subversion of justice in Gujarat and on
India ,which largely obtains in Western democracies, irrespective
“Mr.Prime Minister, of their lawlessness while dealing with others . the ground of its non –compliance of norms and directions on
You are presiding over the destiny of a nation ,which claims to be Why do Advanis ,Uma Bharatis,Kalyan Singhs ,Bal relief operatios by the NHRC.The fig leaf of Modi having won pop-
the largest democracy in the world without rule of law and a sec- Thackerays,Singhals,and Modis enjoy not only impunity but ular mandate was too thin to provide any real protection in the
ular state without secular justice.” respectability because even Human Rights activsts swear by Court against exercise of article 356 by the Union Government if
The latest example of the lawlessness of the Indian State is Indian Secularism which means equal respect for all religions it had the will to punish the guilty and rehabilitate the victims
the recent report on fake encounter killing of Ishrat Jahan and ,not effective equal enjoyment of human rights including equal .Whenever article 356 has been or will be appropriately used,it
three others by police officers in Gujarat in which most damning protection of the law by all ,especially vulnerable minorities and will be exercised against popularly elected government in the
aspect is the collusive role of the Union Home Ministry .No less weaker sections. event of serious breakdown of constitutional functioning of the
harrowing is to recall the media – official collusive reporting of the Have the human rights groups ,like the PUCL,taken any system in the state as was the justification for its recourse in
event by likes of Praveen Swami of the Hindu and most electron- notice of the Special Report on India by the UN Special 1992. ,which got upheld by the Supreme Court.
ic news channels as a definite case of L-e-T /J-e-M backed acts Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief released in Feb 09 We know why the Government led by Manmohan Singh-
of terrorism aimed at enabling one mass murderer wear the halo in which it has warned about repetition of Ayodhya /Mumbai 1992 Sonia Gandhi,who had stalled the functioning of the Parliament
of martyrdom . and Gujarat 2002 if the guilty continue to enjoy impunity ? for a number of days in 2002 over their demand for dismissal of
What does the Unioin Minister for Law and Justice It is time that victims asked senior human rights and peace the Modi Government ,lacked the will to try and punish Modi and
,Mr.Veerappa Moily mean by stating that revelations in Ishrat activists, who unambiguously gave their verdict of company.They must have got terrified by the ghost in the mirror
Jahan encounter case were “very serious matter for the country genocide/pogrom about Gujarat 2002, why did they not show any ,very palpable in 1984 but also by very many others like Nellie
and in any other foreign country Narendra Modi would have perseverance in demanding dismissal of the Modi government by 1983 ,Hashimpura-Maliana 1987,Bhagalpur 1989 etc etc
been in some other place” ? as reported by the Indian Express of the UPA government soon after its coming into power in 2004, But why do we not muster courage and perseverance?
9Sep 09.It is an obvious admission of absence of rule of law in followed by appointment of a special Tribunal for trial of mem- (Prof.) Iqbal A. Ansari, Aligarh
The Milli Gazette, 1-15 October 2009 13

Partition-Jinnah debate: don’t demonize Jaswant Singh
FIROZ BAKHT AHMED have been removed by either in Nehru or the Janata Party’s Jaswant isn’t wrong when he states that Jinnah was a nation- regime as claimed by Laila Kabir, daughter of Humayun Kabir, alist leader. The fact is that prior to the misunderstanding and bad
and by Nooruddin. blood created first in 1929 on the issue of “Separate Electorate”
he ghost of Partition is haunting us even today. Though I When the author visited Nooruddin at his house at his and then in 1946, regarding the Cabinet Mission Plan, Jinnah was

T am a staunch supporter of Maulana Azad and not Jinnah,

I feel that Jaswant Singh, the erstwhile Bhartiya Janata
Party leader has a point not necessarily about Jinnah
being a ‘great man’ but to peel off the years and years of falsifi-
cation of the truth behind Partition through
Kolkata (32 Bright Street), he was told by him of certain glaring
realities about Partition that hadn’t seen the light of the day that
got published in major newspapers and magazines of that time,
like The Times of India, Deccan Chronicle, The Illustrated Weekly,
The Telegraph, Sunday (Weekly). A lot of
head high above shoulders of all the nationalists. “He fought the
British for an independent India but also fought resolutely and
relentlessly for the interests of Muslims of India... the acme of his
nationalistic achievement was the 1916 Lucknow Pact of Hindu-
Muslim unity,” Jaswant has rightly written.
his path-breaking research, Jinnah - India, Azad’s unpublished works had been The seeds of discord for the Partition were sown in the mis-
Partition, Independence. Singh rightly thieved or destroyed by some distant rel- management of the Cabinet Mission Plan as per the facts record-
describes the Partition of India as the atives of my father living as a recluse in ed in eminent scholar and editor-in-chief of Salar Urdu daily,
“defining event of the 20th century” for this Calcutta during the controversy of India Bangalore, B Sheikh Ali’s book Maulana Azad: Vision and Action.
entire Subcontinent. Wins Freedom. It was a time when dirty He states that according to the federal system, both Hindus and
Jaswant has done nothing historically linen was washed by some relatives of Muslims were to be given their due and both were satisfied about
wrong other than raising curtains from Azad to grab the royalty rights of India that.
some otherwise embarrassing but true Wins Freedom. During 1946, even Maulana Azad was in favour of the
facts leading to the vivisection of the coun- Maulana Azad was quite aggrieved Cabinet Mission Plan as the populace was sensibly categorized
try besides the “epic journey of Jinnah about Partition on Nehru-Edwina front. He into three areas, namely, A, B and C. ‘A’ represented the areas
from being the ambassador of Hindu- had accused Nehru of being lured into with Hindu majority while ‘B’ stood for Muslim dominated areas
Muslim unity, the liberal constitutionalist Partition by Lady Edwina Mountbatten. and ‘C’ stood for areas with Muslim majority in the North East.
and Indian nationalist to the Quaid-e-Azam Maulana had clearly stated that there This was a plan that had eased communal conflagration and
of Pakistan”. Jaswant Singh strongly con- were times when Pandit Nehru, aimed at cementing communal concord.
tested the popular Indian view that Jinnah Mountbatten and Lady Mountbatten were It was all harmonious till a time when Maulana Azad sensed
was the villain of the 1947 Partition or the seen sitting together while at others only that Sardar Patel had instigated Nehru to not only make changes
man principally responsible for it with Nehru and Edwina were seen together. into the Cabinet Mission Plan but his intention to completely
proven facts. So, why all this hue and cry? Azad had also written a book Jashn-e-Azadi ya Taqseem-e- shelve it. Azad ran to Gandhi at 10 AM on March 31, 1947 to
Calling a spade a spade, Singh raises several pertinent and Hind that never got published and contained some glaring truths report to him that the danger of Partition was lurking and that he
thoughtful questions on Partition. “...How can you divide a geo- on Partition as per a page 1 report in The Times of India (10 must interfere. He was told by the Father of the Nation that no
graphic (also geo-political) unity?” Azad asked a question of the October 1992) by Sakina Yusuf Khan. My father told me that the changes would be effected into the Cabinet Mission Plan and if
same sort, “How can you divide water into two?” True, a nation book was basically a retort against Nehru, Patel and Gandhi that happened it would be on his dead body. A panicky Maulana
like India was not to be slashed into two through a surgical oper- regarding their roles in Partition. got pacified.
ation. Since Maulana had a tremendous regard for these people Nevertheless, by 4 PM the same day, no one knew what had
The BJP leaders’ affinity to Quaid-e-Azam Mohammed Ali and he didn’t want to hurt them during their lifetime, he had made transpired between Nehru and Sardar Patel that they had finally
Jinnah is not a newfound love. In the past too party heavyweights a will that these last 30 pages of that book be published 30 years decided for Partition. Azad was a man of unsurpassable intuition
like — Advani and Vajpayee — while on their Pakistan tours — after his death — a time when all these people too would be no and got the feeler that Partition was on cards.
have expressed similar sentiments. more. Jolted and jarred, Azad again ran to Gandhi realizing that
We also pity the way the BJP has demonized a man of Azad thinks that Patel was the one mainly responsible for Partition had become inescapable. Gandhi who had said that
Jaswant’s stature in the same manner as Jinnah is demonized in Partition. Page 201 of the 1988 edition of India Wins Freedom Partition would take place on his dead body, was now a totally
India. Jaswant is victimized today ironically by both — the states, “I was surprised that Patel was now an even greater sup- changed man and he too sided with Nehru and Patel on the issue
Congress and the BJP which have reasons common for doing so. porter of the two nation theory than Jinnah. Jinnah may have of Partition.
The way his book was banned in Gujarat and the way he has raised the flag of Partition but now the real flag bearer was Patel.” According to B Sheikh Ali, Azad said at that, “What shocked
been thrown out of the BJP, is tragic. Advani too went gaga over That proves Jaswant’s point. me to the smithereens was the fact that Gandhi too started quot-
Jinnah but he was not meted the same fate as Jaswant. In fact The diary of Maniben, Patel’s daughter, who used to accom- ing the same ideology for effecting Partition that was Patel’s.” In
the very ban will give the book a cutting edge. It’s human nature. pany him to almost every place, from June 8, 1936 till Sardar’s fact, it was this moment that took all life out of Azad who had
Partition is a very complex and complicated jinx to under- death on December 15, 1950 serves to highlight the deep regard doted on Gandhi particularly and on Nehru for warding off vivisec-
stand. However, it couldn’t be understood unless we go into the Patel held Gandhi in and also his serious differences with Nehru tion.
details with Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, quite a few of which were on a host of issues, including Hyderabad, Kashmir, foreign policy, After that, Maulan Azad became a living dead body. Aruna
confided into me by his nephew (and my father), Ghulam Yasin’s especially with regard to Tibet, Hindu-Muslim problems, particu- Asif Ali, pioneer of Independence, once told me in her daily Patriot
son, Nooruddin Ahmed at the time when 30 unpublished pages of larly the problem of refugees who were being driven out from East office at Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg how inconsolably Maulana
Maulana Azad’s India Wins Freedom were published in 1988, as Pakistan, the Nehru-Liaquat Pact notwithstanding, and on corrup- Saab wept on the midnight of August 15 at a truncated freedom.
per his wishes, 30 years after his death. Nooruddin was brought tion, socialism, centralized planning, Nehru’s autocratic style of It’s time that the reality of Partition dawns upon people and
up by Maulana like his own son as Azad had no issue. functioning, etc. the blot from the Muslim community held responsible for the
While on the other hand, similar allegations had been record- Mani’ben’s diary reveals differences between Sardar Patel Partition is washed.
ed by Maulana Azad in his last 30 pages of India Wins Freedom and Maulana Azad, particularly with regard to Maulana’s “secret” The author is a Delhi-based commentator
that were to be published 30 years after his death (February 22, dealings with the Cabinet Mission and later in respect of the on social, educational and religious issues
1958) in 1988 by Orient and Longman. The real pages seem to Hindu-Muslim problem.

RSS and BJP script farwell of Adavni

MOHAMMAD NAUSHAD KHAN Kumar were invited to meet separately. Rajnath intellectuals from other background. However nominated president or generational change will
Singh’s all out effort to woo Sangh for a second leaders close to Advani like Jaitely, Swaraj, be able to pacify rivalry within BJP or will it fur-
For the time being there has been an uneasy term went in vain. RSS Chief also met separate- Venkaiah and Anath Kumar were not allowed to ther aggravate it from bad to worse.
calm in the BJP camp.The dust seems to have ly with Advani, Murli Manohar Joshi and some attened the meet. Even in the RSS camp there
settled for now but not for too long. After initial state leaders of the BJP. If Mohan Bhagwat’s has been division of opinions as some of them The tallest leader of the BJP L K Advani despite
hiccup and confrontation L.K Advani has finally purpose of meeting these leaders was to unite are in close proximity with the BJP and its lead- his contribution is now marginalised and isolat-
bowed reluctantly to the will of the RSS after them then he could have called them collective- ers often accused of working on their own agen- ed like never before. The recent verbal attack on
having seen voices of protest from all sides. An ly and advised them to forget their past bicker- da ie hobnobbing with the BJP leaders. Two him by so many leaders of the BJP on Kandahar
orchestrated forceful farewell to the tallest ing and work together. important Swayamsevaks like Madan Das Devi in particular and leadership in general has
leader of the BJP. RSS has scripted the final Ironically the RSS has authorised L.K Advani to and Suresh Soni were asked by the RSS chief pushed him into corner. Once a mass leader is
political yatra of Advani. ensure smooth organisational restructuring and to keep away from the introspection meet of now a lonely figure in his own party. He is very
Advani can feel like the patron of the BJP, but nurture young leaders like their guardian but at RSS. Devi is believed to have a soft corner for much dejected and perturbed by the tirade of
without any command and say within the BJP. the same time did not find even useful to invite Advani. His presence could have politicised the partymen once considered close friends and
He will be honoured but will not be heard. The him and his men to the two day introspection of meet. Now with the prevailing groupism in admirers. Friends of Advani have now turned
vociferous tirade against Advani will compel him the RSS during 9-10 September in Mumbai. On Sangh high rank whom will they call upon to foes. Even state leader like Parikar has done
to be in political hibernation.The recent develop- the contrary leaders like Arun Shourie and son resolve their own differences. the damage on Advani by sayig and comparing
ment in BJP and its leaders making a beeline to of Jaswant Singh were invited ignoring recent Now it has become a contentious issue for both him to be like a rancid pickle.This is the way the
Mohan Bhagwat proves beyond doubt that BJP outburst of Jaswant Singh and Arun Shouri. the RSS and BJP to find successor of Rajnath leaders of the BJP treat their veteran
works on the manifesto of the RSS. Dual standard of BJP was exposed from the fact Singh. Given the differences and the self cen- leaders.The party as a whole has now become
The interference of Mohan Bhagwat has that Jaswant Singh was expelled without even tered leaders of the BJP it is almost difficult to indisciplined and affected by hierarchy disorder.
brought some respite for the BJP but during the issuing any show cause notice. The BJP lead- have a concensus over the next party president If political immunity becomes weak in a leader
process RSS could not protect itself from the ers dared to take such a quick action against or in the restructuring of the organisation.The then he is attacked from one and all sometime
communicable disease of infighting and Jaswat for he was not as close to RSS as was RSS is in search of a leader who can be a yes with a purpose and sometime without any rea-
groupism of the BJP. Behind the scene the BJP Arun Shouri.Rajnath Singh issued show cause man of the Sangh along with the one having son. With the prevailing situation and the voices
is divided in pro and anti RSS group while RSS notice to Shouri unlike Jaswant because he good rapport with the BJP leaders. In other of protest one after another Advani has put off
pracharaks on the lines of promoting groupism could dared to to go against as Shouri praised words a non controversial figure to stop infight- his talent hunt yatra for now and it is believed
in the BJP camp. RSS is now polarising the BJP and even invited RSS to take over the affairs of ing and groupism. During the process some that he may tour after the assembly polls on 13
camp in its favour to ensure its firm grip inorder the BJP.Rajnath became so helpless that he did probable names like Jaitely, Sushma, Aapte, October.This yatra was aimed to revive the
to promote its core ideology without any not speak even a single line against Shouri. A Joshi, Shouri and some state leaders like party at all levels, in order to boost the morale of
resistence. Mohan Bhagwat is making all efforts clear cut message to all cadre that you will be let Parikker, Raman and Shivraj Singh are tossed the cadre. How can L K Advani revive the party
to place Sangh leaders or its hard core support- off even if you abuse leaders of the BJP no mat- up to feel the mood and pulse within and outside when he is attacked by all leaders of the BJP, no
ers in the BJP for the organisational restructure ter how tall he is in the party, but will not be BJP. To find out leader who can keep the flock matter how big or small. Is it possible for Advani
likely to take place in the near future. Rajnath spared for raising head against Sangh. under one roof at the present moment is really a to motivate leaders when he himself has been
Singh and his anti lobby like Arun Jaitely, The others who were invited include Rajnath hard nut to crack for both the BJP and RSS. The shown the door and has been asked to move
Sushma Swaraj, Venkaiah Naidu and Ananth Singh, Bal Apte, Murli Manohar Joshi and some biggest concern for them is whether the newly out gracefully. 
14 The Milli Gazette, 1-15 October 2009


Dateline Srinagar: AFSANA RASHID

Bail to Shopian accused

ammu and Kashmir High Court on September 11 granted Kashmir Liberation Front here on September 14 against 'delay' various jails and those who have completed their term should be

J bail to four police officials arrested for destroying evidence

in Shopian rape and murder case.
The single bench comprising Justice Sunil Hali granted the
in arresting those involved in rape and murder of two women in
JKLF leaders, including Noor Mohammad Kalwal, Shakil
sent to their native countries. He however, expressed his dismay
over the breach being resorted to by New Delhi.

bail to former superintendent of police, Shopian, Javed Iqbal Ahmad Bakshi and Sheikh Abdul Rashid took out a procession Workshop of RTI
Mattoo, his deputy, Rohit Baskotra, the then station house offi- here while raising slogans and holding placards. Asking the members of legislative assembly more so belonging
cer, Shafiq Ahmed, and the then sub-inspector, Gazi Abdul They alleged that despite assurances, the government is not to Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to act as watchdogs in dis-
Karim. They were directed to furnish a bail bond of Rs 50,000 taking adequate measures to nab those allegedly involved in bursal of funds meant for developmental activities, PDP patron
each. Shopian rape and murder case. and former chief minister Mufti Mohammad Syed on September
The police officials were arrested on July 15 on orders given Spokesman of JKLF said that several activists were held by 9 said that Right to Information (RTI) Act is a powerful tool pro-
by a division bench of the High Court for allegedly destroying evi- police when it tried to disperse "peaceful demonstrators." vided it is used in right earnest.
dence in case of alleged rape and murder of Neelofar (22) and Meanwhile, police on September 8 recovered the body of a Speaking at a one day workshop organized by youth wing of
her sister-in-law Aasiya (17), whose bodies were found on May member of Majlis-e-Mushawarat, a group that has been spear- PDP on RTI Act, PDP patron said that officers have a moral
30 from a stream in Shopian. heading an agitation for justice in Shopian rape and murder authority and they should not be swayed by favours to politicians
Two police officials, the then SP and the then deputy SP, had case. or 'influential' people. He added that government should provide
approached the Apex Court for bail. However, the Court had The body of Mohammed Hussain Zargar [42], a property information to people on varying issues in same manner as it
rejected their application and asked them to approach local court dealer, was discovered in an orchard three days after he had dis- does in assembly. "I am glad that during the budget session of
even as the state government had filed an affidavit justifying the appeared. The incident triggered protests in the area. Zargar legislature we got information on important issues like occupa-
arrest. Later, on August 6, the Sessions Court Shopian, had was one of the activists of Shopian Majlis-e-Mashawarat. tion of land by security forces. The government is bound to pro-
rejected bail to all four police officials. "Zargar was a pro-active member of the group," says vide information on floor of the house and same parameters
Granting the bail, the High Court observed that Special Mohammed Shafi Khan, president of the Committee. He said need to be followed vis-à-vis dissemination of information under
Investigation Team [SIT] of police, which was probing rape and that Zargar had gone missing on September 5 and it was sus- RTI Act," says Mufti. The PDP patron said that government
murder of Neelofar and Aasiya had failed to produce any evi- pected that he had been picked up by Special Operations Group instead of setting its own agenda is following the agenda set out
dence against the arrested police officials. of Kashmir Police. by PDP. "PDP's agenda on issues like demilitarization, water
"The SIT isn't expanding scope of probe and has restricted "But police have denied it? Today, when we were returning resources and revocation of Armed Forces Special Powers Act
investigation to the arrest of policemen," observed Justice Hali from Srinagar for a court hearing in the rape and murder we were (AFSPA) is being followed by government," he adds.
while directing police officials not to proceed to Shopian or leave told that Zargar's body was found in an orchard," says the pres- Dr. Raja Muzaffar Bhat, convener-RTI Movement says that
the state without SIT's permission. ident. his members intend to seize vehicles being used by under-sec-
"If the SIT finds any evidence against policemen, it can He added Zargar was found lying in a pool of blood. "We retaries and deputy-secretaries of various departments in the
approach district and sessions court Shopian and initiate action can't say what kind of injuries he had because police quickly took Civil Secretariat. "We filed an RTI application with Director, State
against them," he said. the body to a hospital. He had no injury on his face but his Motor Garages asking him to provide information about vehicles
The court observed that SIT had remained silent about fail- clothes were blood soaked." being used by under-secretaries and deputy-secretaries. In the
ure of doctors to conduct a full post-mortem. "If the FSL report "Zargar had announced that he would sell his property to answer it has been stated that no such vehicle is being used,
was prepared on June 1, why wasn't it obtained for five days? support the family till those responsible for rape and murder which we known is a blatant lie. Now we have decided to confis-
Nothing has been done (by SIT) with regard to fudging of slides." were exposed and brought to book," says Khan. cate vehicles being used by these officers," says Dr. Muzaffar.
The court had reserved its judgment after defence counsel The RTI activist expressed his dismay over hike in registra-
for police officers, Aseem Mehrotra, concluded his counter- argu- Death in custody tion fee from rupees five to rupees fifty and said that 90 percent
ments by claiming that police officials were being made scape- Expressing concern over the death of Sheikh Jamal-ud-din government departments are yet to designate Public Information
goats by government. Afghani in custody at Jodhpur jail, Mohammad Ahsan Untoo, Officers (PIO's) as per provisions of amended Jammu and
Advocate General Mohammad Ishaq Qadri and Kashmir Chairman-International Forum for Justice/Human Right Forum, Kashmir RTI Act, 2008. "We moved an RTI with Divisional Forest
High Court Bar Association President Mian Abdul Qayoom, dur- Jammu and Kashmir said that Pakistanis lodged in various jails Officer (DFO) Budgam asking him to provide list of persons
ing their arguments, had opposed bail plea of the officers. are serving imprisonment despite Public Safety Act (PSA) being booked for timber smuggling over the past one decade. FIR's
The state government has already handed over the case to quashed against them. have been lodged against 18 such persons and arrests of some
Central Bureau of Investigation [CBI] and waited for the agency Addressing media persons on September 8, Untoo said that are likely to be effected in near future," said the convener.
to take up investigation. A high level team of CBI has reportedly Jamal was 'tortured to death' at Jodhpur jail while he was lodged.
arrived in Kashmir on September 17 to take over the investiga- "It was on August 20 this year that this militant commander orig- J&K woos investers
tion. The 12-member team is likely to visit Shopian and interact inal resident of Mandukhail-Afghanistan presently residing at Stage is all set for prospective investors of the country to come
with senior officials and witnesses to gather material for a thor- Karachi-Pakistan succumbed to torture inflicted on him," he to Kashmir valley with Confederation of Indian Industry [CII]
ough probe. Mehrotra had created sensation in the court earlier adds. The chairman said that Sarfaraz Khan, resident of more than hopeful to invest in development sectors.
by alleging that the injury form filled by doctors during first post- Muzaffarabad in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK) who was A CII team headed by its chairman, Harpal Singh during its
mortem examination on bodies of the victims were removed from lodged at Kote Balwal jail has been shifted to Tihar jail in Delhi. visit to the valley in first week of September met politicians,
case file. In the same way other detainees such as Raja Farooq Khan, bureaucrats and businessmen to seek their assistance while
Justice Hali had made some scathing observations during resident of Koili-Pakistan, Khan Nasarullah, resident of Punjab- motivating entrepreneurs to come and invest in Kashmir valley.
earlier hearings about the investigations of the SIT saying it Pakistan and Sajid Ali Bukhari, resident of Koili-Pakistan are also "We are hopeful that CII would be able to contribute to devel-
seemed that it was restricted to determining the role of the languishing in various jails of India despite them passing through opment of state. We have got positive response from bureau-
arrested police officers in the case. failing health, he said. crats and local businessmen, though the latter have expressed
"The directions of the Division Bench on narco analysis of Giving details about foreigners lodged in various jails of worries as well," says Harpal Singh. Dwelling upon purpose of
the witnesses (who deposed under section 164-A) and expand- India, Untoo said that 18 persons are behind bars in Jodhpur jail, visit the chairman said that confederation aims to clear the air
ing the scope of investigation have not been followed," observed 25 persons in Tihar jail whereas this number stands at 2, 1, 3, 4, regarding investment in Kashmir. "We have brought some busi-
Justice Hali. 3 and 3 for Sangrur, Varanasi, Banaras, Allahabad, Agra and ness leaders of northern region to this place and would bring
"The SIT has not gone into failure of doctors to conduct full Mumbai jails respectively. some others in future," he said adding "CII along with state gov-
post-mortem. There is nothing on record to suggest that anything "Government of India has time and again never implement- ernment has framed joint task force to look for overall develop-
has been done with regard to fudging of slides (containing vagi- ed recommendations and directions of Supreme Court and the ment of state." Singh said that Confederation has begun to inter-
nal smears)," he added. other courts. This shows that courts are working under political act with the government. "We look forward for long term relation-
Mehrotra argued Dr Nighat Shaheen, the gynecologist who pressure and they are not able to work in a free environment. We ship." He said that issues like connectivity with the region hold-
was part of the second post mortem team, should be interrogat- demand that international human rights groups like Amnesty ing key for development of state were discussed in regional
ed. Appealing the people to observe Kashmir bandh on International, Human Rights Watch and International Red Cross council meeting of confederation held here on September 6
September 12, Mohammed Shafi Khan, president of Majlis-e- Committee should investigate the death of Afghani so that truth afternoon.
Mushawarat said, "I appeal all Kashmiri brethren to observe a comes out," says the chairman. The chairman said that investments in region would be car-
complete shutdown on September 12. The protest is not against He added that these international human rights groups ried out in sectors like health, education, tourism, power, renew-
the High Court judgment but against government, Special should pressurize Government of India so that 'torture' is able energy, handicrafts and skill development. "Youth need to
Investigation Team and Jammu and Kashmir Police." stopped on people serving imprisonment in various jails. be trained so that they are employed by the industry. This has
However, Hurriyat conference [G] chairman Syed Ali Shah "I myself was imprisoned for five and half years at Tihar jail lead to focus on skill development," he said.
Geelani had appealed Majlis-e-Mashawarat to confine the strike and I can easily narrate the ordeal detainees have to go through. CII is taking up six Industrial Training Institutes in the valley
to Shopian only, according to the spokesman, Ayaz Akbar. Our demand is simple and that is the foreigners should be and 14 schools in Baramulla district to impart information tech-
The shopkeepers in Shopian town downed their shutters and released and they should be deported to their respective coun- nology to learners. "In many areas like health, education and
transport went off the roads. People carried out protest demon- tries," says Untoo. power, public-private partnership is possible. Besides, CII can
strations and demanded action against culprits. The chairman said that Supreme Court has recently issued raise a platform for issues important to large number of members
A protest demonstration was held by activists of Jammu directions those foreigners especially Pakistanis languishing in of the society," says Singh. 

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First English Newspaper of Indian Muslims, Telling the Muslim side of the story fortnight after fortnight since January 2000
The Milli Gazette, 1-15 October 2009 15

News from Modi jail world of US President's limits of credibility. If he cannot tackle
America's most lauded 'ally', to fall in line with his worldview, the
stark gossamer fragility of his presidency could only generate deri-
9/11 still haunts Muslim world
The tragedy of 9/11 was too serious, too terrible to give up hope so
quickly that common sense will prevail, that horrible scenes would
Ahmadabad Central Jail is now moving to police raaj. After beating sion among his detractors and pity in his admirers. be replaced by positive ones, that dialogue would replace hostility,
blast case accused last July, now the prisoners are not allowed Time is flying and given the past record of Israeli-Palestinian nego- and that Obama will meet even if the minimum expectations of his
even to offer Eid prayers with other prisoners. All 64 accused of tiations, delays and procrastination favour only one side that has fans in the Muslim world, before the number continues to double.
blast case who are here from nine different states, confined in dragged on the peace process of any kind for the last forty years. 9/11 should not be a political episode to underscore the reason of
Ahmedabad Central Jail, are now on the target of Ahmedabad The drama starts with the every new US President taking office and why the fight in various Muslim countries should continue; nor
police. Visiting hours with their family members are cut and now ends with the end of his presidency, with Israel using the interreg- should it be an opportunity to rejoice at the death of the Muslims.
they will meet their families only two days a week, i.e., Thursday num to dug in more and more in ways that would leave hardly any We should collectively abhor the rationalization of violence on the
and Friday. Kindly forward this to the the Human Rights thing left to negotiate. Obama has come with a bold new commit- basis of vengeance, and consider what it might take to relieve
Commission and also do something in July 09 attack matter. ment to change the US and the world with it. But half a way in his those afflicted with a sense of hostility: Could it perhaps be that our
Khalid Shaikh, Advocate, Ahmedabad first 4-year presidency, he has barely touch the contours of war in common aspirations for peace and freedom are somehow out of
II Afghanistan, a monumental economic recession, his pet project of reach? Could it be possible that we just might be culpable for the
The Magisterial Enquiry, which is mandatory in every encounter universal health care, and the way his cards are played out, he denial of those simple aspirations of peace and freedom. We must
case (ironically which was never done in the Batla House seems to be playing more of a bluff game than a winning hand. embrace again the anguish of what happened on 9/11, ever aware
encounter) has finally termed it Ishrat Jahan's killing as a fake Israel has cleverly positioned Iran as the most pressing issue for that the body count grows even today. And although the wreckage
encounter on 7 a metropolitan court. It is not a matter of the world to come to terms with while it merrily whips up its assem- of that horrible day was cleared away years ago, the lessons of that
surprise for us as to know that how Ishrat Jahan was killed was bly line in West Bank creating facts on the ground. The UN spon- day are still buried beneath our anger, frustration, and prejudice. To
nothing but in cold blood. Perhaps one will also agree that such sored Goldstone report on war crimes in Gaza is snowed under by unearth these lessons, we must widen our horizons, from New York
things are happening and happened in Gujarat under Modi. The Jewish dominated world press's cabalist propaganda of bias, even to Baghdad, from Kabul to Gaza, cities which are in some way
famous case of Shohrabuddin also falls into this category. though the South African judge, Richard Goldstone is himself a worlds apart, but in other ways much closer than we may innocent-
Unfortunately, in India, things had been happening in this fashion, Jew and a self- confessed Israel supporter. The dire train of event ly suspect.
some handful of police officers perpetrate such crime in broad day that may land Israel in International Court of Justice at The Hague Md. Ziyaullah Khan, New Delhi
light just appease some filthy minded and communal politicians like is so alarming to Israel that it has mounted a concerted attempt to
Modi etc. Its ironic though, that despite all hue and cry made on discredit the Human Rights report.
people like Modi, hardly anything is done against him. Even the The worst part is that even the Muslim governments around the
One day NHRC would express apology
recent mayhem in the BJP disclosed, how much deep is the hand world are so insensitive to the plight of their brethrens in Gaza;
National Human Rights Commission was asked to enquire into the
of Modi dipped in the blood of innocent people butchered in the there is no world-wide move to get Israel into the docks for its most
police claims about the encounter in L-18 Batla House. Police
2002 Gujrat riots. If we remember the recent interview of Mr. Arun horrendous crimes on Palestinian civilians including children,
women and old people. claimed that during the Batla House encounter two “terrorists” were
Shourie, it would reveal, how disturbed was Mr. Vajpayee, and he killed and police inspector Sharma died. The Government has
really wanted to do something, but thanks to the pressure within or President Obama is seized of the fact that war on Al Qaeda could
not get any support from even the well meaning masses in the boasted that its RTI rule is a big achievement of UPA. We saw
whatever, nothing came out of this. Its high time, that the Indian many officers were fined under this rule but when some Muslims
judiciary should act against the culprits as no one is above the law Muslim world, unless US makes Israel-Palestine settlements its
number one priority. Israel will use every trick in the trade to turn demanded post mortem report of two Muslim youth (students)
despite how powerful he or she stands anywhere. killed in a fake encounter as well as the inspector’s post mortem
Md Ziyaullah Khan, Mehrauli, New Delhi 47 world focus away from its rape of Palestinian entity, in any shape it
tries to survive. It is up to Barack Obama not to be taken in by report, the government refused to release the reports. In general case a certain rule would be effective but when Muslim right comes
Israeli ruses to postpone the inevitable as far into the future as pos-
sible. It is for the US, to realize how its acts of commission and the same rule fails. Police claimed that Atif and Sajid accounts in
Has not Hijrat become compulsory? Azamgarh had made transactions of 30 lakhs within three months.
The latest anti-Muslim impressive intolerance at Kalalti village omission are encouraging Israel to lead a life of an outlaw nation
that thrives in defying international laws and committing genocidal But the concerned bank manager said that Atif and Sajid did not
seems to warn us Muslims that the sooner we throw away all mate- have more than 3 thousand rupees. This was the sort of encounter
rial wealth and move to live and die together the better because the attacks on hapless Muslims of Palestine.
Ghulam Muhammed, Mumbai where Atif and Sajid had 8 to 10 bullet wounds on the top of their
honour especially of our woman folk is more valuable than anything heads. Even then NHRC gave a report that it was a genuine
else in this transient life. However, prior to it, Muslims living in very
II encounter. Furthermore, many more loopholes are obvious in the J
small number everywhere should perform namaz in buildings until police claim. In its report, the NHRC simply copied the police S
the unavoidable migration (Hijrat) is possible. This refers to the U.N. report that Israel had deliberately targeted
civilians in Gaza earlier this year, by using disproportionate force claims. a
S. Akhtar, Khanpur Deh, Gujarat Let us see how Supreme Court judge Mr Katju expressed apol- Is
killing over 1400 Palestinians. It was a shame on the so-called civ-
ilized nations who watched in shrilled silence for three weeks, the ogy for his “Taliban” remarks and his decision in Mohammad b
Diminished US President Lectures to the World at UN Salim’s expulsion from a Christian missionary school due to sport-
Another fine piece of rousing oratory and US President had done inhuman assault carried out by one of the powerful armies of the
world in the name of "Dahiya doctrine".That a lethal chemical like ing beard. Justice Katju observed in this decision that beard and
his bit for the day. He rushed out of the UN premises as if his tail purdah are means to Talibanisation and the schools have their own
was on fire. In fact, his oratorical high notes were drowned by white Phosphorous was used even on the U.N. compound shelter-
ing hundreds of civilians, speak about the ruthless character of the law which should be obeyed.
behind the scene guffaws he earned for trying to tame Israel and Later on, Justice Katju apologised and withdrew his decision
falling on his face. Weeks his special envoy has spent in Israel, Israeli army. The U.S. had no qualms in conducting trial in a kan-
garoo court and executing Saddam Hussein for using chemical and the case was transferred to CJI. CJI bench gave decision in
feeding media with daily photo ops shaking hands with Israel's favour of Salim and allowed him to study in the same Nirmala
indomitable hard-line Prime Minister but there was no news if the weapons.Why the same yardstick is not applied for Ehud Olmert
and Ehud Barak who were responsible for targeting the Gaza civil- Convent, Vidisha. Similarly great Hindu Shankaracharya also apol-
Mount Sinai moved even a measly centimeter. And still Barack ogised to Muslims for his book The History of Islamic Terrorism.
Obama soldiered on. Though Obama has much tougher chal- ians? Is it not a sheer hypocrisy by the sole super power?
Syed Sultan Mohiddin, Kadapa (A.P) This book is widely circulated by Hindutvawadi forces. But Swami
lenges testing his mettle, Israel stands out as the barometer to the Laxmi Shankarcharya now knows the facts of Islam and Sirat. He
wrote a book Islam-Terror or Ideal (Madhur Sandesh Sangam, E-
20, Abul Fazl Enclave, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi- 110025 priced at
Fake encounter, cruel smiles Rs 40, pp. 110). Swami Laxmi Shankaracharya wrote in this book
that "due to lack of knowledge and facts earlier I wrote about Islam.
Ishrat Jahan (19), a second So I seek apology from Muslims and the Prophet for what I wrote
year student of Mumbai’s about the history of Islamic Terrorism which is now null and void".
Khalsa College, and three A Supreme Court judge and a Shankracharya seek apology. We
others were shot dead in a expect that one day NHRC too would correct its fault and seek
fake encounter on the out- apology.
skirts of Ahmadabad by S. Haque, Patna
Gujarat Police on the Say no to genetic food
grounds of being terrorists. Over 25,000 people like me wrote to Nestle telling the company to go
It was a gruesome scene GE-free in India. Hundreds of phone-calls have been flooding their
where police constables and voicemail. And hundreds of people have returned their Nestle prod-
others are seen laughing at ucts to the company. Nestle's response to all this? They will sell
dead bodies. No civilised genetically-contaminated food in this country if consumers prefer to
society would laugh at dead eat such food. I say it's time to tell Nestle what consumers really pre-
bodies. This is the highest fer. After all, if Indian companies like Ruchi Soya, MTR and Britannia
can commit to selling GE-free food in India, why can't Nestle? Please
point of sadism and cruelty
do what I have done. Just click here to give Nestle a taste of 'con-
to be cheerful at such sumer preference'. And thanks for your support!
events. The police visit:
Constable’s face expres- safefood/poll/?tyf=1 In a span of more than 30 days, 257 deaths were
sions and body language confirmed due to swine flue. Death toll per day works out to 8.5 per-
are tell the tale of what is sons. But during the same 30 days period, India lost 1,72,800 under-
running inside him. We, 5 children due to malnutrition. Because of rural economic stress, on
members of Civil Society an average one farmer commits suicide every 31 minutes. So in 30
expect some respect to the days, about 1400 farm lives were lost. During the same period of one
month, about 43,000 Indians died due to TB. Farm crisis kills 5.5
deceased from others and times the deaths due to swine flu. TB kills 167 times and malnutrition
particularly from state swallows 670 times that of swine flu death toll. Every life is precious.
machinery. This was seen in But why this special hue and cry over swine flu crisis? Because
the photograph published in unlike malnutrition, farm crisis and TB, swine flu does not differenti-
The Indian Express, ate club class and economic class. Swine flu is very egalitarian in its
Ahmadabad edition (9 attack. It hits our classes also. There lies the secret of our state's
September 2009). alacrity and media's super hype.The plague crisis a decade ago cre-
ated a similar hue and cry from our classes. All lives are not precious.
Farooq Abdul Gafar Bawani
But some lives are very very precious.
Bhidbhanjan Street No. 1, Sankara Narayanan
Rajkot - 360 001, Gujarat

Read more letters on page 31 and on MG website. Readers who do not want their email IDs printed should indicate so in every letter
16 The Milli Gazette, 1-15 October 2009

DR SAYED MAHMOOD NAQVI, a prominent scientist of
Prof AKHTARUL WASEY, educationist and well versed in Islamic asked Waqf Board members to conduct an election. In this election India died in Hyderabad. A native of Amroha, he had been
Studies has been appointed a member of Planning Commission's Waqf Board's 7 members elected him secretary of this Waqf Board. living with his son in Hyderabad. He was honoured with
Advisory Group for primary and secondary education. Prof Akhtarul Prof ASIF ALI KHAN has been appointed new Dean of AMU's many awards for his valuable contribution to science such
Wasey who is presently the director of Dr Zakir Husain Institute of Faculty of Life Sciences till November 2010. He has taken over the as the prestigious Shanti Swaroop Bhatnagar Award,
Islamic Studies at Jamia Millia Islamia, is the lone Muslim member charge from outgoing Dean, Prof Absar Mustafa Khan. Another
of the 32 member group for school education headed by Narendra Lifetime Achievement Award given by Union ministry of
appointment is that of Prof. S. Mehdi Abbas Rizvi who has been MYF Geology etc. He was 71 and is survived by three sons.
Jadav in the Planning Commission. appointed new Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering
Prof FARASAT ALI SIDDIQI of AMU's Department of Geography JAMUNA DAS AKHTAR, noted Urdu journalist and writer
for a period of theree years. His appointment is in place of Prof died in Delhi on 1 Sept. at the age of 93 years. He started
has been appointed Head of this Department and has taken over Mohammad Hamiduddin. Yet another appointment is that of Prof
the charge from the outgoing head, Prof Abdul Munir. Many of his his journalistic life in Lahore before partition of the country
Mohammad Ali who has been made this University's new Head of after which he came to India and continued his journalistic
research articles have been published in national and international the Department of Applied Chemistry.
journals and he has represented AMU in more than 35 national and and literary activities in Delhi. He was a great champion of
Javed Abidi is one of the Hindu-Muslim unity and Indo-Pak good relationship. He
international conferences. He is also a member of at least four
National Geographical Societies of India. five short-listed for the also worked for bringing about social reforms. He wrote
Prof A.M. QIDWAI of Delhi University's Department of Chemistry Guardian Achievements in novels opposing slave trade and trafficking of women and
has been appointed Vice Chancellor of Jivaji University, Gwalior International Development children and strongly condemning those who patronised
(MP) in place of Prof Shashi Prabha, the outgoing VC. An M Sc and Award 2009 for his work for this great evil. He was honoured with a number of journal-
Ph D from AMU, he has also done post doctoral research from the cause of Disabled istic and literary awards by Delhi government, Urdu
Leeds University (UK). Prof Qidwai is one of the 5 members of the Welfare. He is the only Academy, ATU (Anjuman Taraqqi-e Urdu) Birmingham etc.
International Advisory Board of Green Chemistry from Asia and is Indian and the only one He wrote more than two dozen novels in Urdu (most of
the coordinator of International Chapter of Green Chemistry in India. from the Subcontinent to which have been published in Hindi also) and about half a
In 2000 he was honoured with World Green Award and a Gold have made the top 5. He dozen novels and books in English.
Medal by Delhi Green Award Committee.It may be noted that he is heads NCPEDP MAULANA MOHAMMAD YASEEN, Sheikhul Hadith of
the third Muslim to be appointed Vice Chancellor within a month, ( / Madras Muftahul Uloom, Jalalabad died on 16 Sept at the
after Prof Furqan Qamar (VC, Jaipur University) and Prof Imran MG readers age of 95 years. He was confined to bed for the past about
Saleem (VC of Singhania University). Yet another VC appointed this are requested to visit
month (Sept.) is Najeeb Jung of Jamia Millia Islamia. 5 years. He was well versed in Hadith and taught Hadith
http://internationalachieve- Bokhari Sharif for about 25 years. He leaves behind his
MOHAMMAD ALI ZAIDI, a social worker who at the risk of his own mentsaward.guardianpro-
life had saved many Sikh families and their members in Tirlok Puri's wife, four sons and two daughters. HAKEEM ANJUM, a famous Unani physician and expert in
Block No. 32 of Delhi during anti-Sikh riots of 1984 was honoured nation/Index and vote for
with Memorial Certificate at a function held at Press Club's feeling pulse died on 21 September, Eid Day at the rather
Convention Hall, Rafi Marg organised by All India Sikh Students KHURSHEED AHMAD, senior Congress leader has been appoint- young age of 45 years only which left his family in mourn-
Federation. It may be noted that for the 'crime' of protecting Sikh ed a member of Election Committee by Sonia Gandhi. Earlier, ing on the happy occasion of Eid. He was such an expert
brethren and taking them at safe places in those days, his own Khursheed Ahmad was an MLA and MP from Haryana and also a physician at such young age that even the much senior and
house was set on fire by anti-social elements and 3 plots owned by minister in the state. experienced hakeems rarely disagreed with his diagnosis
him were also forcibly occupied by those elements. Prof S. MUFEED AHMAD of Business School and Founder Director of diseases and prescriptions. He was also expert in identi-
Dr S.M. HUSAIN, President of Maharashtra State Tibbi Congress of Convocation Complex of Kashmir has been selected by fying different herbs that are used for treatment of diseases.
has been appointed by Indian government as adviser to government International Publishing House, New Delhi for being honoured with MAHMOOD HASHIM, noted author and critic died in New
on Unani system of medicine and treatment and export of Unani 'Best Academic Achievements Award' in recognition of his excep- Delhi's AIIMS on 22 September after a prolonged illness at
medicines. Dr Husain is an author of dozens of books on Unani Tibb tional calibre and outstanding research contributions in his chosen the age of 74 years, according to his family members. He
and also the Chief Editor of Unani Medical Journal and Al Tibb. area of Human Resources Development in the country. He has also was a dynamic and brilliant author and his writings fully rep-
Prof MOHAMMAD MAHMOOD ASHHAR of AMU's Civil been honoured with 'Excellence in Teaching Award' and Shiksha
Rattan Award. resent his sharp intelligence, vast studies, maturity of
Engineering Department has been appointed new Programme thoughts and farsightedness. He is survived by wife, four
Coordinator of National Service Scheme (NSS) by Vice Chancellor KAVIKO ABDUL RAHMAN, famous Tamil poet and Islamic scholar,
has been elected as the new chairman of the Tamil Nadu State Wakf sons and one daughter.
Prof P.K. Abdul Azis with immediate effect till further orders.
Board. Known as one of the top ten Tamil poets of the era, 'Kaviko' TAMIZUDDIN 'TAMEEZ', a senior poet who truly represent-
Chairman of UP branch of Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) of has bagged several state and national awards including the Sahitya ed Delhi's Culture and Civilization died in Delhi on 16th July.
Sharad Pawar. His appointment as chairman was widely welcomed. Academy Award for his famous work 'Aalaapanai', thus making him He had lost his eye sight about 20 years ago but his blind-
MAHMOOD AHMAD of CNEB has been elected president of the first Tamil Muslim to get the prestigious honour. Kaviko hails ness did not in any way affect his poetry and other activities.
Journalists Association for People (JAP) in the Association's annual from Madurai, the literary hub of Tamil Nadu since ancient times. He Born on 16th July 1929 in Koocha Chelan locality of Delhi,
meeting held on 17 Sept. at New Delhi. was a professor and the head of the department of Tamil in the coincidentally he died also on 16th July, 80 years later.
Dr S.U. KHAN, a prominent hakeem of Muzaffar Nagar has been Islamiya College, Vaniambadi. His father Mahdi also was a famous MAHMOOD AHMAD SIDDIQI, a prominent personality of
re-appointed secretary of Nawab Azmat Ali Khan Waqf Board after scholar and poet, who has translated many famous Islamic works to Delhi and president of Saajhedari Welfare Education
being ordered by Allahabad High Court. It may be mentioned in this Tamil. Kaviko has been elected for a term of five years. Foundation died on 11 Sept. at the rather young age of 45
connection that a dispute between him and Imran Siddiqi for secre- MEERAN SAHAB MATTE of Deshnur village in years. He had been actively working as president of the
taryship of this Waqf had been going on for two years when the dis- Belguam Dist completed this year's month long fasting Foundation in the field of education and environment. He
pute was taken to Court whose verdict went in favour of Dr S.U. at the age of 103 years according to the Islamic calen- had in fact gone to Dehradoon for business purposes
Khan. After Court's order, Muzaffar Nagar's DM, Ameet Abhyaat der and 100th year of Christian calender. (Dr. Sabir where he died. He is survived by his wife, one son and two
Momin)  daughters. 

International Lakes Environment Foundation in the first week of Hasnain is the first Indian to get this coveted German fellowship.
AWARDS Nov. '09 in Japan. The honour conferred upon him at a function organized by the
SHAMSUR RAHMAN FAROOQI, famous Urdu critic, novelist, poet PROFESSOR HAMID ALI of the Department of Petroleum Studies, Robert-Koch Institute (RKI) in Berlin, Germany. The Institute is one
and Padma Shri has been selected by America's Urdu Markaz AMU Aligarh has been conferred upon the Best Educationist Award of the central institutions for health protection in Germany.
International Award Committee for being honoured with 'Asar by the Solidarity Council, New Delhi. Prof. Hamid Ali received the Delhi based inde-
Lucknavi's Urdu International Award 2009' in recognition of his life- award in a Seminar Education and Industrial Development held at pendent documentary
time literary services. The Award, consisting of a beautiful shawl, Constitution, Speaker Hall, New Delhi. filmmaker MERAJUR
Memento and a cheque for USD 5000, will be given to him at a func- Principal DR Z J KHAN is awarded with Gold Medal for best RAHMAN BARUAH
tion to be held at Los Angeles on 8 November. This information was Research Paper by IOE (India) in Electrical Engg. Division at 23rd won the 55th National
given by Mrs Nayyar Jahan, secretary general of Urdu Markaz Indian National Congress held at NIT, Warangal. Award for his docu-
International Award Committee, California. DR. SHAHAB FAZAL, Reader, Department of Geography, Aligarh mentary film 'Shifting
MOHAMMAD AYAZ AHMAD, a research scholar in Experimental Muslim University has been awarded with prestigious Canadian Prophecy." The film
High Energy Physics Lab of AMU's Department of Physics has been Government's Shastri Faculty Research Fellowship. Dr. Fazal was awarded Rajat
honoured with Best Scientific Secretary Award at the International would be visiting Montreal University, Canada to work on a research Kamal for the 55th
School of Sub-Nuclear Physics Conference held in Italy. project entitled "Livelihood transformation in the Montreal peri urban National Award in the
Mohammad Ayaz is also a member of Indian Physical Society. interface". Dr. Fazal has availed prestigious doctoral and post doc- Best Film on Social
Dr SHAKIL ROMSHO of Kashmir University's Department of toral fellowships such as CSIR Fellowship, British Government Issue category.
Geology and Geo-Physics has been selected by Japanese govern- Commonwealth Academic Staff Fellowship, Department of Science Mr. Baruah is an
ment for being honoured with Sixth International Kasmiguara Award and Technology's Young Scientist Project etc. Dr. Fazal has also accomplished docu-
in recognition of his services for keeping lakes in Kashmir Valley pol- been a member on Indo-German Joint Research Team working for mentary filmmaker
lution-free through his researches in geo-informatic techniques. The DST-DAAD Research Project. Presently he is working on a major with several docu-
Award, consisting of 2, 50, 000 Japanese Yen, will be presented to research project sponsored by ICSSR. mentaries and awards to his credit. He won the Best Director Award
him on the occasion of 13th World Lakes Conference organised by Union Minister of State for Railways E. Ahamed urged the students at Hyderabad International Film Festival in 2008 for the same film.
of Malappuram to come up with more number of "Sifting Prophecy" is about the struggles of Muslim women in Tamil
IBRAHIM HAFIZ SYED AHMED, a 12th ranks in competitive examinations. In a talent Nadu. The film is woven around Sharifa Khanam who is trying to
standard student of Al Joudha Secondary meet organised by the District Panchayat on 23 build a mosque for Muslim women.
School, Ras Al Khaimah, UAE, hails from June, Mr. Ahamed distributed the District OMAR ABDULLAH, J&K chief min-
Hyderabad has won the first place in the Panchayat awards to the toppers of medical and ister, is among this year’s awardees
13th Session of Dubai International Holy engineering entrance examinations of this year of “Videocon India Youth Icon
Quran Award. Mr Ibrahim who clinched from the district. Six students in the engineering Awards” whose aim is to to identify,
the top price by contesting 76 participants entrance and 14 students in the medical honor and celebrate young exem-
from different parts of the world, is the first entrance who secured ranks in the first 100 plary Individuals for extraordinary
Indian who wins the coveted price of were honoured. Besides, the first, second and contribution towards society being
250000 UAE Dirhams. He received the third rank winners of Calicut University in vari-
hosted by izcraft International and
award from Sheikh Hamdan Bin ous examinations were also given awards.
Samay news network. Other
Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum , the University of Hyderabad Vice-Chancellor
crown Prince of Dubai. He studied Quran SEYED E. HASNAIN has honoured with the awardees include FARHAN
at Hifzul Quran College, Markazu prestigious Robert Koch Fellowship for this year. AKHTAR (cinema), SHAFI
Saqafathi Sunniya, Kozhikode, Kerala. He received this fellowship for his contributions QURAISHY (Artist) and
to the study of infectious diseases. Professor SHEHNAAZ (Social Activist, Pukar). 
The Milli Gazette, 1-15 October 2009 17


An evening with a “terror mastermind”

oday I received a wonderful gift. It was nothing one can do. One should enter the sys-

T from a boy called Imran, one of the 40

innocent Muslim boys (all between 17
and 25 years of age) who were arrest-
ed in relation to the bomb blasts in the twin
cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad. They
tem and change it from within". The boy exuded
such faith in India, India's secularism, Indian
courts, contrary to my own much depleted one.
One could not miss the youthful naivete, or the
liberal innocence when he speaks (me, a
were released after a long campaign led by Muslim?) but to speak it after the brutal torture
Civil Liberties Monitoring Committee and for being one! One really did not have the
Hyderabad Forum for Justice against the ille- courage to puncture that professed faith or
gality of their detention and torture. Out of innnocence or hope. Last heard, he was work-
these, Imran was named a 'mastermind' and ing with LokSatta and was giving passionate
kept away from other boys in a top security election speeches.
barrack with Naxalite leaders. He was the last We met him today again at an Iftar party
to be released, after 16 months detention, organized by Lateef Khan and Rafat Seema.
longest period among the detained Muslim Juanid had also come. So we exchanged pleas-
youth. antries as usual. Towards the end, suddenly
I saw him for the first time when Civil Imran says he wants to give something; comes
Liberties Monitoring Committee began video out with a neatly packaged gifts, distributes
documentating of the detainees' testimonies. them to three of us and says, "When I was in jail,
First we recorded Rayees' testimony who was a it was statements of you people that gave me
named witness in the killing of Mojahid, the son hope. While the entire media was calling me all
of Moulana Islahi, during their protest against - of assisting the terrorists to launder money - good things get arrested, its ok for me to get kinds of things, it was people like you who said
arrest of Moulana Naseeruddin. He was tortured because of which he was named a mastermind. arrested too". I may be innocent. The work that you do is
and also made to confess to his “crime.” Imran "Do police know what bank employees do? After Imran came out on bail, police harass- tremendous. I also want to do such work, not
looked hardly out of teenage, dressed in mod- Don't they know what engineering students ment still continues, he and his family are only for Muslims, but for people of all communi-
ern clothes, with a latest edition of Nokia cell- read? My textbooks were shown as evidence of marked as Muslim, people in the local mosque ties." The packaged thing was deeply
phone, extremely articulate in English. my knowledge of 'high-tech' crime, is there any- have stopped speaking to him; his sister's mar- embarassing but what he said was worth a
Once he started, there was no stopping him, thing more ridiculous than this?" riage prospects are in jeopardy. But he is deter- treasure! A.SUNEETHA
we hardly needed to prod him to speak. He was During the torture in a private farm house, mined to write for civil services and join the sys- Anveshi Research Centre for Women's
21 or 22 when he got arrested, a student of he heard screams of other detainees but did not tem. "If one stays out of the system, there is Studies, Hyderabad
engineering, working in ICICI as a part-time get to meet them. And, alongside the rest of the
employee, a dutiful but happy go-lucky young detainees, he also had to “confess” to his
man, with more Hindu friends than Muslim. “crime”. "I challenge all the officers. If anyone is
Having been a resident of Bowinpally all his life, tortured like that for two days, he will confess to
with a father working in NGRI, having studied in any crime," he siad. Police threats to his family's
Kendriya Vidyalaya, he said, he never 'felt he welfare also made him to 'admit' to his 'crimes'.
was a Muslim' nor did his neighbourhood, What made him survive the prison and the tor-
friends, school made him feel so. More than ture was the experience of staying with the
angry, he still retains the surprise that, of all the Naxalite leaders, whom he affectionately calls
people, he was arrested for being a “Muslim”, Ganeshanna, Shankaranna etc., from whom he
that too being "a terrorist". The charge looked so derived a lot of inspiration. He told us, 'they eat
outrageous to him that he never believed, only one meal a day, though they are given food
despite terrible torture, that anything can come twice. They are in the prison not for personal
out of it. He was arrested for a 'high tech crime' gain, but for other people. If people who do such

AWMELA holds awareness program for Swine Flu

Azamgarh: Association for Welfare, Medical, Educational and Legal Assistance organized a pro-
gram on 13 September 2009 in the Hall of Shibli National Inter College, Azamgarh, to create
awareness for Swine Flu. Dr. K.M. Agarwal, CMO Azamgarh, Dr. Furqan (President, IMA), Dr. DP
Rai (Secretary IMA), Dr. Ghayasuddin, (District Hospital) enlightened the gathering about Swine
Flu. Dr. Agarwal informed that there is no patient of Swine Flu in Azamgarh but advised precau-
tion in gathering especially educational institutions. In case of child suffering from this kind of Flu,
he should be quarantined, advised the CMO. Abu Mohammad, Principal SNIC condemned the
media hype in exaggerating the menace of Swine Flu and warned against evil design of devel-
oped nations. Maulana Umair-us-Siddiq Nadwi, Senior Rafiq Darul Musannefin Shibli Academy,
Azamgarh appreciated the formation of AWMELA and its initiative. He told about the outbreak of
Swine Flu in epidemic form in 1918 when a lot of people died. However, he emphasized on good
sanitation and hygiene and strongly condemned the loitering of Swines on roads and public
places that is a carrier of a number of diseases. Dr. Javed Akhtar presented details about Swine
Hyderabad: Eid namaz was offered by lakhs of Muslims at Ujale Shah, Akber Bagh Eidgah here. The Flu, its definition, treatment, and prevention etc. through a power point presentation. Use of
sermon (khutba) was delivered by Moulana Naseeruddin who was recently released by Supreme gloves, masks and mock examination of patients were demonstrated.
Court on bail after long incarnation without trial in Modi’s Sabarmati Jail at Ahamadabad. SALMAN SULTAN

Sale of children by father

Hyderabad: Mohammad Aiyub, a resident of this city's Mumtaz that he was employed as security incharge at
colony went to Hyderabad Press Club to sell his children. His 5- Vapade. In 2007 officers falsely accused him of
year daughter was holding a placard on which was written 'Aulad theft in order to hide their own act of theft and
barai farokht: Panch bachchian, do ladke' (children for sale, 5 got him sacked from service. From that time
daughters and 2 sons). On that occasion he told media persons onwards he is jobless. He said that 'my children
are hungry. I
could not
This is not a arrange even
wolf; it is a their clothes for
Eid. We bring
lamb iftari from
mosque to
break fasts and
I am indebted to
the tune of Rs 3
lakhs'. He fur-
ther said that he
works on daily
wages of Rs 150 and is unable to times not. He said that he approached different ministers and
meet the expenses. Sometimes went to offices of political parties also (for job) but could not get
he gets the daily job and some- any help. He said 'I cannot see my children die of hunger and
hence have brought them to sell'. 
18 The Milli Gazette, 1-15 October 2009

also be ignored. Against this backdrop, Iftar parties at least occasion to both invited ones and those who stay away from
help others in learning a little about religious principles fol- the same gatherings to voice their stand on issues concern-
lowed by Muslims and positive approach held towards them ing them regarding development of the community.

Political Iftars: by politicians in the fray. Irrespective of whatsoever is the

political motive of the parties/leaders hosting these Iftars,
their being held certainly plays a major part in highlighting
The multi-religious nature of Indian secularism must
also be given due importance. Indians of all religions are
fairly at home in adding quite a few celebrations to their

just a farce? positively an important part of Muslims' religious practices.

The situation would have been different if the percentage
of Muslims' population was closer to 50 or even more than 25
respective beliefs and practices. The Iftar parties fall in the
same bracket, that of displaying the spirit of Indian secular-
ism, particularly when non-Muslim politicians host them.
ow critical should one be of Iftar parties hosted partic- percent of the country's total population. The prospects of Irrespective of what their main political objective be, per-

H ularly by Indian politicians to apparently attract

Muslims to their respective political parties?
Undeniably, each individual- whether politically associated
non-Muslims' approach towards Muslims being dependent
on negative reports presented to them by anti-Muslim
extremist elements would then have been negligible. With
haps, one should give some importance to their using the
occasion to let the rest of the country and world know about
the importance they are giving to Indian Muslims and their
with any group or not- has the right to her/his own views on their being naturally aware about religious beliefs and prac- Iftars. Every time the Indian politicians make the extra effort
the issue. Those viewing these critically as a cosmetic show, tices followed by a large number of Muslims (because of to display their "secular" spirit, it must be also be viewed as
only to assert their support for Muslims, certainly have a their numerical percentage), their views would have been a blow for those still keen on fuelling communal fire and
point. Expressing support for Muslims, through these Iftars, based on their own interaction with them. The reality is that painting a negative image about Indian Muslims. Definitely,
without assuring them security - social, economic as well as one out of two or four Indians is not a Muslim, but only one this does not imply that the community members should be
political- certainly demands explanation about how genuine or two of 10 Indians is a Muslim. Numerical statistics are satisfied only with such parties. They are not. The blow suf-
their claims really are. At the same time, one is forced to delib- such that except for in Muslim majority areas, non-Muslims fered by Congress in the recent by-polls for Okhla assembly
erate on whether there should be a call for boycott and also in other parts of the country may tend to have a wrong, sub- seat is just a minor indicator of this hard fact. The Congress
cancellation of Iftars deliberately hosted for political gains jective and even negative views about Muslims with whom may have tried its best to evade Batla House "encounter"
and some media coverage. Frankly speaking, not really. they have probably never even interacted and/or have learnt and other problems faced by voters here, but the people
It must be accepted that these Iftars play some role in about only through secondary sources. have not. Thus, while the respected leaders are welcome to
making rest of the country aware of the importance Indian display their "secular" spirit by holding Iftar parties, they
Muslims are assumed to have politically in the country. esides, with due respect to criticism voiced about these must remember that however well attended these gather-
Objectively speaking, though Muslims form the largest
minority in the country, less than 20 percent of the entire
population, it must be noted that considerable sections of
B Iftars being a farce as they are simply a political exer-
cise to win over Muslim votes, one may look at the
same point from another angle. Accepting that it is time the
ings may be, they certainly do not suggest that they have
won over the Muslim-vote. The leaders need to implement
proposals -outlined on paper- and display their success in
majority community are not yet totally aware about their reli- same leaders took constructive steps towards development contributing constructively towards development of Indian
gious beliefs and practices. The role played by several of this community, it would be erroneous to assume that Muslims. Today's Indian Muslim voter is far too shrewd to be
extremist elements and groups in projecting only a negative Muslims who choose to attend these parties have closed their taken for a ride by only political gimmicks, including Iftar
image about Muslims, linking them with terrorism, cannot eyes towards the same point. Rather, these Iftars also give an parties. 

Continued from page 1 conjectures" on examining the dossiers prepared by the Indian achieved at mind-boggling costs to the public, has repeatedly been
authorities was only a part of the unveiled facts. It must be recalled successful in drumming up patriotic frenzy to let them continue reign-
The honourable judges directed Om Prakash to inform it through an that Indian Home Minister Shivraj Patil and Maharashtra's CM ing over the masses.
affidavit whether or not a mobile phone, number 9825000836, was Deshmukh had been quietly removed from public view after the The Indian political class has managed to erect an invisible
registered in his name or whether it belonged to him otherwise. He attacks, apparently to keep disturbing facts about highly placed apartheid system, right since the British Empire vacated all its
is to confirm whether or not he had talked with any or both of the hon- Indian dignitaries in the dark. colonies, transferring power to home-grown leaderships. The
ourable ministers (NOT the honourable CM!) over the phone. The Be that as it may, the "crime" was more than a full 6-1/2 after close apartheid affected the minority community of 27 million Christians
Commission wants to know the nature of conversations if he does to 2000 innocents were slaughtered and tens of thousands driven off only to a limited extent, mainly because of their highly developed
not choose to deny them outright. Nanavati and Mehta obviously find from habitats in 2002. The whole world is aware of the person whose institutions in economic and social spheres. The 160-plus million
it difficult to sweep under the carpet the data of mobile calls collect- actions and inactions fueled the pogrom. He allegedly instructed the Muslims who are comparatively poor and backward due to the
ed by IPS officer Rahul Sharma about conversations between key administration not to restrain rampaging Hindutva goons from taking migration of a big chunk of the well-off sections to Pakistan and else-
characters during the pogrom. revenge. He justified the violence as "action-reaction phenomenon" where, on the other hand, are the worst victims.
Jaydeep Patel had proudly taken credit for teaching some essential for the burning of two rail coaches full of passengers and said the Perpetration of the apartheid system is the main objective for pro-
lessons to hundreds of "Muslim upstarts" in the state during and after mobs must be allowed to "vent their anger." Yet, the Nanavati-Mehta voking conflicts deliberately and repeatedly. It is also behind the sim-
riots. He was nabbed along with Madam Maya Kodnani, a sitting Commission supposed to facilitate dispensing justice "does not think mering dispute over Kashmir. Stationing of seven lakh troops in the
minister in Modi's cabinet, only after the Supreme Court-appointed it proper" to inconvenience the gentleman by questioning him, let disputed territory, resulting in routine human rights abuses, can only
Special Investigation Team could not delay it any further. It is anoth- alone arresting him! fuel retaliatory terror. After every incident of terrorism and riots, it is
er matter that it is business as usual for both the dignitaries current- The only work that India's security agencies have managed in the normal to pick up a number of Muslim youth on mere "suspicion" and
ly, who are happily out on bail. That should not surprise anyone con- last ten months, apart from staging fake encounters and stepping up let them rot without trial in jail indefinitely with courts' consent. Also,
versant with trends in India ever since the country became 'free'. security to VIPs, has only been to produce bulky dossiers. P any disapproval from this section for suicidal war advocacy is equat-
Ruling as well as opposition groups, whether at the state or at the Chidambaram, who became the boss of New Delhi's internal securi- ed to treason. In the cruelest manifestation of the apartheid system,
Central level, have been artfully collaborating with one another to ty machinery after the sacking of Shivraj Patil, did not bat an eyelid Muslims are expected to declare their unconditional allegiance to the
destroy any semblance of human rights that existed for minority to claim: "Evidence is in Pakistani soil. When Pakistan says give us powers-that-be after every riot and every outbreak of conflict, or face
communities under colonial rule. evidence, evidence is not on Indian soil, all the evidence against social ostracism.
The nexus between "communal fundamentalist" state governments Hafiz Saeed is on Pakistani soil… Therefore, one must investigate in It is ironic to find that the Muslim leadership in India has routinely
on the one hand and New Delhi and its supposedly independent Pakistan and find the evidence in Pakistan(!)" herded the masses steeped in ignorance and backwardness to back
arms on the other hand is particularly striking. Occasional "remedies" It is not that Chidambaram is so naïve as to be blind to the problems the Congress party. This translates into covertly supporting the
to undo injustice come about only after so much of delay as to make of the fledgling civilian government in Pakistan to bow to the diktats apartheid policy, because it was Congress that had sown and has
them a cruel joke. That too is limited to cases where international of the big brother even if wants to. Unfortunately, the governmental been nourishing the invisible apartheid. It will be no exaggeration to
human rights groups exert tremendous pressure. Not just in Gujarat, structure in that country is different from India's. For one thing, courts state that the likes of BJP and Shiv Sena have only taken advantage
the conspiracy to rob life and liberty of individuals is nationwide. The elsewhere are not as pliable as Indian courts. It is possible in India of this policy to a limited extent. In most cases, including in the eye-
prosecution invariably can go on extending custody of uncomfortable to keep anyone, particularly a Muslim, in jail without trial with courts' wash probe into the Gujarat pogrom, they have been partnered by
suspects till they go insane. Courts have no qualms to readily deny nod by following "proper" procedure. Arbitrarily picked up suspects of the Congress top brass and the constitutional authorities that have
bail to hapless victims who lack enough resources to feed parasites. terror dramas can be convicted and sentenced to death based sole- been thoroughly corrupted.
In order to prove their loyalty to authorities, they have robbed hun- ly on "confessions" extracted in custody. The interior minister of Take the unceremonious burial given to Sri Krishna report into the
dreds of families of their breadwinners. Pakistan Rehman Malik has repeatedly told the Indian high commis- Mumbai riots; take the 'effective' follow-up actions on Liberhan's 17-
A person needs to be as wealthy as Rubabuddin Sheikh - brother of sioner that their judiciary wants authentic documents "particularly year eyewash of probing Babri demolition; take the Apex Court's wis-
Sohrabuddin Sheikh who was eliminated in cold blood by top IPS that information which we need from India." dom behind jailing an unfortunate riot victim on contempt charges for
officers of Gujarat - to interest the Apex Court in gross inhumanities. When the JuD chief was put under house arrest for the first time, the flip-flopping in her deposition before it, frightened to the spine by
Sheikh and his wife Kausar Bi were kidnapped in broad daylight from courts directed his release because the charges were "sketchy". powers that the court is powerless to touch; take the indifference to
an APSRTC bus in connivance with top cops in Maharashtra to Currently, Saeed has been booked in two cases under Anti-Terrorism the plight of the POTA-accused in the Godhra train burning incident
stage a bizarre 'encounter' in Gujarat. Act in Faisalabad for making "provocative speeches, urging people in 2002 who had to rot in jail for seven years without bail after POTA
Often, the occasional churning of the 'conscience' of high-profile to wage a jihad against infidels." No self-respecting judge anywhere itself had been repealed but their release was stayed while the court
judges fails to have any impact either on victims/their kin or the mur- in the world will consider sympathizing per se with a struggle against took its own sweet time to dispose off a challenge to the repeal itself;
derers. For example, the murderer IPS officers who fraudulently suppression of popular aspirations in an "occupied territory" as ter- take the hundreds of thousands of breadwinners behind bars in sev-
cooked up a conspiracy by Sohrabuddin to kill Narendra Modi are rorism. In any civilized country, prosecution can be based only on eral states ruled by "secular" parties; take the case of NHRC's clean
enjoying five-star comforts in jail. It should not be surprising to see specific offences and no one can be punished simply for beliefs. chit for the fake encounter at Batla House where the murderer cop
them one day as honourable ministers like Bhatt and Kodnani! Chidambaram, however, crossed all limits of diplomatic decency was given top State honours... These are just a few of the nightmar-
Investigations by Anti-Terrorist Squad into the "conspiracies to kill when he termed the Lahore High Court's verdict setting Hafiz Saeed ish fruits of blindly allying with hypocritical groups that promote the
Modi" are still going on and the Muslim youths picked up for alleged free on grounds of insufficient grounds as "charade." It is anyone's apartheid. Unless the minorities assert themselves and bravely raise
role are rotting without trial. guess whether the independent judiciary will sanction indefinite their voice against the bogey of war advocacy, it will be impossible to
detention of the Professor, as long as Indian rulers attempt doctoring escape the vicious circle.
t is interesting to observe the trashing by Nanavati-Mehta duo of their dossiers, blacking out disturbing facts about Indian citizens, It is time that Indian rulers are forced to dismantle the invisible
the widespread demands to question Modi in the light of New
persistent demand for prosecuting Hafiz Saeed, who it claims
without whose knowledge such an attack could not have taken
place. It is uncomfortable for both the ruling elite and the ones in
apartheid and end State-orchestrated terrorism within the country
rather than spoiling for deadly conflagrations, which only adds to the
is the alleged mastermind behind November 2008 terror attack in opposition to admit that the countless terror bomb blasts, including agony of the people. As popular outrage gets out of control, there is
Mumbai. It is not entirely impossible that the JuD chief played a the Mumbai attacks, cannot be blamed on JuD or Syeed alone. every risk of their being overthrown through terror attacks. This can
direct role in the carnage, as India claims he had. Nor is it right to rule Warmongering with a neighbour, already badly bruised in a different be averted only by instilling a sense of justness in State machinery
out offhand that he has distanced himself completely from the activ- conflict, happens to be a compulsion to the ruling elite of India. It and not by terrorizing people who demand that. Crying hoarse
ities of LeT, as he claims. While LeT continues its struggle to "liber- needs to cover up not just glaring intelligence and security lapses in demanding prosecution of foreign citizens running NGOs to serve
ate" Kashmir from "occupation forces", JuD has been an NGO since case of the Mumbai attack. All round tyranny and corruption have led the people there cannot be the substitute for credible prosecution of
it was formed, from all available evidence. JuD is known for deep to breakdown of constitutional institutions and failures of all govern- highly placed goons responsible for mass murders. India must give
dedication to charitable activities, efficiency and dynamic manage- ing structures. No wonder, numerous foreign affairs bureaucrats, utmost priority to purge the machinery if the goal of human rights pro-
ment. Like any respectable Church group, the constructive work it high profile politicians and the Media were pressed to mount a stri- tection and justice dispensation is to be achieved. The entire struc-
does is beyond governments' capabilities. dent rhetoric, short of declaration of war. Scaring the neighbour and ture needs to be cleansed of parasites that use their top positions of
Perhaps, Hafiz was indeed involved in the Mumbai attacks, in which the international community about a flare up between nuclear armed office to sabotage justice from within, if India is not to implode.
ten gunmen went on a 60-hour rampage that killed 166 people. adversaries, the rulers calculate, can secure some sort of "triumph" The author is an independent analyst of South Asian issues, based
Perhaps, what the Lahore High Court found to be mere "hearsay & over the imaginary enemy. Showcasing the imaginary 'triumph', in Ahmedabad, India.
The Milli Gazette, 1-15 October 2009 19

Supreme Court upholds Hindu students in Bihar Madrasas poor literacy figures. The AMU centre would be very helpful in
right to grow beard Patna: Results of Bihar State Madrasa Examination Board imparting quality education to the students of minority commu-
Vidisha/New Delhi: Supreme Court, in response to the petition (BSMEB) for Molvi, Fauqania and Wastania grade examina- nity and will improve the educational atmosphere in the State."
filed by Mohammad Saleem, a 10th class student of Nirmala tions were declared on 7 Sept. from which it was known that After all, Katihar is better connected and has a much better
Convent Missionary School of Madhya Pradesh's Vidisha dis- more than hundred Hindu boy and girl students passed these infrastructure than Kishanganj. This too is a Muslim-concen-
trict who was removed from the school for his insistence to examinations. In Fauqania examination alone, as many as 37 trated district. Besides, Kishanganj is also close to
keep beard in defiance of the School's dress code, upheld his non-Muslim (Hindu) students passed in madrasas at different Murshidabad, which too has been selected for the AMU centre.
case and directed the said School to re-admit him in the school. places in the state like Madrasa Islamia at Sandalpur in Araria Meanwhile, the activists of Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad
Supreme Court's 2-member bench consisting of Justice B.N. district, Madrasa Rahmania at Jaktia in West Champaran, on 20 September burnt the effigy of Nitish Kumar in protest
Agarwal and Justice Sanghvi in its interim order described Madrasa Faiyyazul Uloom in Chhapra etc. Board chairman, against the granting of land to the AMU in the district. On the
Convent School's action as 'funny' and ordered that till its final Maulana Ejaz Ahmad says that he talked to parents of many of other hand, the AMU Vice-Chancellor, Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis
verdict, neither his (Saleem's) education should be stopped nor these students who said that education at madrasas was bet- while thanking the Chief Minister of Bihar Nitish Kumar in tak-
he should be asked to shave off his beard. The Court also said ter than other schools and their wards were more disciplined. ing the decision to give 100 acres of land free of cost to Aligarh
that on the basis of beard, which is a religious symbol, no stu- He also said that the fact that more girls are joining madrasas Muslim University for opening its centre in Bihar, has request-
dent should be prevented from pursuing his education. and pursuing education is an encouraging trend, and that ed him to urgently provide an additional 150-200 acres of land
School's Principal Mrs Rosy said that in deference to Supreme Muslim girls outnumbered and also surpassed boys in contiguous to the currently identified site for establishing the
Court's verdict, School management, in spite of his beard, has Fauqania (equivalent to matric) and Wastania (equivalent to AMU centre in Bihar. He said this will allow the university to
allowed him to continue his studies. Welcoming Supreme middle school). prepare the Detailed Project Report (DPR) and Feasibility
Court's verdict, Maulana Wali Rahmani of Khanqah Rahmani, Report (FR) as required by the Government of India.
Munger said that though the Court's order is interim, it has Vice Chancellor launches the official AMU website
upheld the Constitutional provisions about religious freedom. Professor P. K. Abdul Azis, Vice Chancellor, has launched the Islam not synonymous with terrorism: Shabana
official website of Aligarh Muslim University ( Johannesburg: Participating in a discussion on Islam, well-
Objection to AMU being described as a community refuge The new website provides all relevant information regarding known Bollywood actress Shabana Azmi said, "(Islam) is liber-
Aligarh: A former member of Aligarh Muslim University, the functioning of Aligarh Muslim University, Vice Chancellor's al in some countries, moderate in others, intolerant in some
Surendra Kumar Azad has strongly objected to AMU being Office, Registrar's Office, Controller's Office, faculties and and extremist in the others. But it is not homogeneous. To say
described by some people as a refuge of a particular commu- departments of studies that are linked with the new website. that Islam is synonymous with terrorism is unjust, unfair and
nity. While condemning this statement, he said that late Information related to admission and details of various courses cannot be accepted because it is a blatant untruth." To say that
Mohammad Ali Jinnah alone was not responsible for partition of are also available on the concerned link. While inaugurating Islam is synonymous with terrorism is "unjust and unfair", Azmi
the country, adding that the opponents should study the histo- the new website Professor P. K. Abdul Azis expressed the hope told an audience here as she launched a retrospective of her
ry of partition of the country. He said that Aligarh Muslim that people from all over the world can now get information films. "I think that the 9/11 crisis also became an opportunity; it
University has neither ever been the fiefdom of a particular about the ongoing academic activities and other research work. was the first time that Muslims got together to make the world
community nor it is so today and even today the example of This is necessary for collaborations with other Universities as realise that Islam is not homogeneous, that it resides in 53
Hindu Muslim unity that is found here is difficult to find any- well. Prof. M. T. Ahmad, Director of the Computer Center and countries of the world, and becomes the culture of the country
where else in the country. He asked those people what they Mr. Mallik Hashmi, Computer Programmer explained the in which it resides," Ms Azmi said.Questioned on the situation
would say about the conditions in BHU where a particular com- salient features of the new website. Mr. Afzal Ahmad, System with Muslims in India, Ms Azmi said that Muslims in India had
munity is occupying and controlling every thing and how many Manager proposed vote of thanks while Mr. Saleem Ali, "ample room to aspire", but that did not mean that discrimina-
teachers, non-teaching staff, employees and students of minor- Assistant Computer Programmer conducted the programme. tion does not exist there. "Discrimination exists against minori-
ity community are there? Taunting the people of such mentali- ties, it exists against women; it exists against Dalits. But the
ty he said that crying about the vote bank politics does not Land offered to AMU for Bihar Campus important thing is that there is a very robust civil society, and at
behove those people who want to collect votes after inciting Following a shocking defeat in the just concluded Assembly by- the level of politics, that fights back and says this is not how we
religious feelings of people on the pretext of building temple elections, Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar has decided to do it; so we have to draw comfort and strength from that."
after demolishing the mosque. He further said that a number of hand over 100 acres of land at Kishanganj free of cost for
schemes are being implemented by central government for the opening an off-campus centre of Aligarh Muslim University Nobody can be legally compelled to sing patriotic song
progress and welfare of minorities, Dallits, poor and backward (AMU) in the State. In a letter to AMU vice-chancellor PK Abdul New Delhi: Member of Law Commission of India, Prof Tahir
class people without any kind of discrimination. He also made Azis, the chief minister invited the university authorities to set Mahmood said, while clarifying legal position of patriotic songs,
it clear that mischievous, terrorist and hate mongering ele- up the campus in the Muslim-dominated area. "You will be glad that the country's law and Constitution do not recognise any
ments who are trying to harm the people and country and sow to know that the government of Bihar has decided to give 100 song other than 'Jan, Gan, Man….' as national song. Moreover,
the seeds of discord have never been given any place in AMU, acres of land, free of cost to AMU for opening its centre in it is also not legally compulsory to sing this song, he said. He
adding that AMU is a living example of communal harmony in Kisanganj district," the letter said. The AMU administration has said that long ago in response to a petition filed by Christian
the country and the world. decided to establish five off-campus centres in different parts of community, Supreme Court had made it clear while pronounc-
the country. Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee also ing its verdict that under the Parliamentary Act 1977 regarding
Urdu, Hindi, English dictionary announced fund allocation for this purpose in his Budget national symbols, respect for the national song Jan, Gan,
New Delhi: Delhi University's Directorate of Hindi Language speech in July. Apart from Bihar, AMU will open branches in Man…. is compulsory and standing in token of respect while it
has prepared for the first time an Urdu, Hindi and English dic- Murshidabad (West Bengal) Malappuram (Kerala), Bhopal is being sung is enough and its singing is also not compulsory.
tionary which was released on Hindi Day on 14 Sept. along (Madhya Pradesh) and Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh). The He said that according to this judgment of Supreme Court, if
with 4 other books by the University's Dean of Colleges. rivals accused political interests in shifting the place of campus some one objects to the national song on religious or any other
Running into 1389 pages, this Dictionary is in two volumes, first from Katihar district to Kishanganj district. Nationalist Congress ground, he cannot be compelled to sing it, adding that when
volume consisting of 717 pages. According to Dr Asha Gupta, Party (NCP) accused chief minister Nitish Kumar of 'doing dirty even for a patriotic and wholly national song Supreme Court's
Director, it took 7 years of hard work for compilation and com- politics' by opening the centre in Kishanganj district. NCP gen- judgement does not make it compulsory to sing, there is no
pletion of this Dictionary by M.S. Usmani, Sudhendra Kumar eral secretary Tariq Anwar said the AMU administration had last question of making compulsory singing of any other patriotic or
and Meena Usmani. One of these three i e Sudhendra Kumar year decided to open its centre in Katihar district, but chief min- other song. Commenting on the agitation and protests against
is no more now. Delhi University's Head of Hindi Department, ister played dirty politics by shifting it to Kisanganj district. The the fatwa regarding Vande Mataram, Tahir Mahmood said that
Prof Sudesh Pichori has thanked the Hindi Directorate for the project's initial site was Katihar for which Tariq Anwar had lob- in such sensitive matters, instead of religious fatwas, if guid-
stupendous task of preparing this unique Dictionary. bied hard. Those opposing the State government's move are ance is sought from laws of the country, the aims and inten-
questioning its authority to make such change. Justifying his sions of communalist forces can be defeated. Hence it would
CDs of Johnny Foster sent to many VIP and VVIPs decision to give land at Kishanganj Mr Nitish, in the letter to be better if before issuing any religious fatwa, knowledge about
Aligarh: Muslim and non-Muslim student of AMU in celebration AMU VC, said, "Kishanganj is a Muslim-dominated district with national laws may be obtained.
of the holy month of Ramzan took part in the preparation of a
CD of Johnny Foster's small poem on Ramzan and its mes-
sage of spirituality and harmony. Johnny Foster said that in
addition to important personalities in AMU and Aligarh city,
copies of this CD have also been sent to important personali-
ties like the President of India, Prime Minister, Vice President,
Mrs Sonia Gandhi, UP chief minister Mayawati, Oscar Award
winner AR Rahman, Atal Bihari Vajpaee, Mulayam Singh
Yadav, Prof Gopi Chand Narang, Khushwant Singh etc as gifts.
The poem is in Urdu whose English translation is like this:
Ramzan has come with the blessings of Allah/Ramzan has
come and there are prayers and worships everywhere/People
of all faiths are participating in iftars/Once again Ramzan has
come to distribute and spread love.

Rs 10 lakh for Imam Ahmad Raza Library

Bareily: Virendar Gangwar, MLA from Bareily Cantt area has
donated Rs 10 lakhs for building of Aala Hazrat Imam Ahmad
Raza Library which will be built in Maulana Azad Inter College
campus here. Permission for building of this Library has also
been accorded by Nagar Nigam and city administration. The
Library will be built and its foundation will be laid after Eid.
While donating the amount, MLA Virendar Gangwar said that
the whole world knows Imam Ahmad Raza who wrote 740 reli-
gious books and has done great work for the nation, millat and
20 The Milli Gazette, 1-15 October 2009

JIH to contest in Maharashtra elections Ashok Chavan and NCP supremo Sharad Pawar demanding 35 purpose of reservation. He demanded that Muslim Meenas or
Mumbai: Jamaat-e Islami Hind, Maharashtra branch after study- Muslim candidates in the ensuing assembly elections in Mayos should also be included in notified list and given reserva-
ing social, political and economic conditions in the country and Maharashtra. The 12 Muslim candidates who find the place in the tion benefits. Another demand he made was that the process of
state in detail, has decided to contest 38 seats and put up Muslim first list of the Congress candidates include Baba Siddiquee, Dr. special recruitment of Muslims in local police and para military
candidates in these assembly constituencies in the forthcoming Sayyad Ahmed, Amin Patel and Mohd Aslam from Mumbai, Javed forces started by late Indira Gandhi may be restarted. He also
assembly elections in Maharashtra. This was stated by Jamaat Dalvi from Bhiwandi, Shaikh Rasheed from Malegaon, Saleem demanded that large number of Muslims who were arrested under
(Maharashtra)'s secretary and spokesman, Aslam Ghazi. He also Patel from Jalgaon, Anees Ahmed from Nagpur, Razia Baigum POTA may be released because the committee appointed by
said that JIH will support only those secular parties/candidates from Balapur, Anwar Bapu Deshmukh from Pator and Abdus court to find out whether their arrest under POTA was necessary
which accept its following demands and who will be secular in Sattar from Sillod. Babajani Durrani is one of the two candidates or not, had found that it was not at all justified, but even then they
outlook and of good character. Three important demands of JIH that the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) has included in its first are in jails. He therefore demanded their release.
are: security of important interests of Muslims and Islam, to pre- list of 80 candidates. (
vent people and parties of communal, fascist mentality from com- Compensation to Bhagalpur riot victims
ing to power, and to ensure the rights of backward classes peo- Darul Uloom's fatwa against Vande Mataram Bhagalpur: The process of payment of compensations to
ple and women to them. Other demands are: controlling the invites threats and action Bhagalpur riot victims at the rate of Rs 3.5 lakh per head/family
prices especially of essential commodities, government should Saharanpur: Threats to Darul Uloom, Deoband and action against on the pattern of compensations to victims anti-Sikh riots of 1984
be serious about solving the problems of farmers and putting a has begun. This was stated by Bhagalpur's Additional Collector,
it is being demanded by some radical Hindu organisations for its
ban on mahajani (money lenders) loans, implementation of Mr Mushtaq. He said that the district authorities had sent a list of
fatwa against Vande Mataram. Rashtravadi Maha Sabha, an
Narendra Jadhav, Sri Krishna Commission and Gundewar 861 persons who were killed or are still missing. At that time the
Commission’s reports, preventation of cruelties to minorities and organisation which was hitherto unheard of has jumped in the field
in opposition to this fatwa and in spreading communal hatred. A central and Bihar governments had given Rs 1.10 lakh per fami-
dalits, ensuring regular supply of electricity and reduction of its ly of the dead. The present Bihar government had demanded the
charges, ending privatization, rejection of MERC recommenda- few days ago it had burnt an effigy of Darul Uloom Deoband in
protest and anger against its fatwa in opposition to singing of central government to give compensation to these families at the
tions, immediate trial of people arrested on the charge of terror- same rate which were given to family members of the dead per-
ism and they should be given full opportunity of proving their Vande Mataram by Muslims. Now on 5 Sept. it issued an ultima-
tum to Darul Uloom to withdraw its fatwa within 15 days otherwise sons in anti-Sikh riots. Accepting the demand of Bihar govern-
innocence, misuse of MCOCA should be stopped, terrorists
a movement against it will be started and its effigies will again be ment, the Centre has provided a total of Rs 2, 57, 42, 000.
attack of 26/11 in Mumbai and murder of Hemant Karkare and
burnt at different places in the country. Accordingly, the compensation now will be Rs 3.5 lakh per fami-
others should be got investigated by a sitting judge of Supreme
Darul Uloom's rector Maulana Marghoobur Rahman and almost ly of the persons killed. President of Bihar United Front, Amman
Court etc, enactment of law against foeticide, providing legal sta-
Khan who had also been trying to make increased payment to
tus to minorities commissions and Waqf Boards and occupied all other Ulama and religious leaders have strongly condemned
properties of Waqf should be returned, Bihar government's law of the family members of the persons killed, said that this has been
the campaign and threat of communalists led by Rashtravadi
Waqf should be implemented in Maharashtra, at least 38 made possible by the efforts of Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and
Maha Sabha. They have also expressed their surprise and disap-
Muslims should be given tickets from areas where population of Shahnawaz Husain, MP from Bhagalpur for which he and the
pointment over government's inaction in controlling the activities
Muslims is 20% or more. affected family members are very grateful. He also said that
of this communal organisation and its supporters and giving it a some people, acting as dalals, are visiting the houses of people
free hand. Darul Uloom's Maulana Abdul Kaliq Madrasi said that who will be getting increased amount and on the pretext of
Only 14 Muslims in Cong-NCP first list for Maharashtra if government authorities don't rein in this organisation's activities
Mumbai: Contrary to their popular claim of Muslim uplift and obtaining affidavits from them in token of having received the
and its hate mongering campaign, it will become a great danger amount are demanding money. He demanded that government
seemingly working on a policy to deny fair Muslim representations to communal harmony and peace. He said that communal organ- should find out such people and take strong action against them.
in the parliament and legislative assemblies, the Congress-NCP isation appear to have made Rashtravadi Maha Sabha a pawn in
alliance in Maharashtra gave party tickets to only 14 Muslim can- their plan of bringing bad name to Darul Uloom Deoband and Newspapers more reliable than channels
didates when they unleashed the first list of the candidates on 23 spreading the virus of communalism and demanded strong action New Delhi: A survey of different sources of media conducted by
September. Out of these 14, 12 Muslims are in the first list of 159 against its activities. Media News and Media System showed that almost 80 percent
Congress candidates whereas NCP has given the party tickets to
people believe that while presenting political news on TV chan-
two Muslims in its list of 80 candidates. The Congress party has Religious Madrasas Board to set up University nels, electronic media is partial because political news are pre-
an alliance with Sharad Pawar-led Nationalist Congress Party Saharanpur: President of All India Deeni Madaris Board, Maulana sented in accordance with channel's relationship with the party or
(NCP) for the ensuing assembly elections in Maharashtra. Ya'qoob Buland Shahri announced at a press conference that parties. Those interviewed said that news channels and newspa-
For the total 288 assembly seats that will go to polls on Deeni Madaris Board will set up a University somewhere in west- pers of our country are guided to some extent by same particular
October 13 this year, Congress will be contesting on 174 seats ern UP which will be named Faqihul Islam University and political ideology or thinking. About 35 percent of the people said
whereas NCP would be fielding 114 candidates on its party tick- demanded the state government to allot land for this University. that in matters of presentation of political news, newspapers are
ets. He said that a conference to review and discuss the problems of more reliable than news channels. Thirteen percent people have
Muslims in Maharashtra are already disgruntled against the Muslims was held in Delhi's India Islamic Cultural Centre on 7 July belief neither in newspapers nor in news channels while 66 per-
ruling Congress-NCP alliance due to its lackluster attitude in which this Board had made clear its stand that in view of all- cent believe that at the time of elections there is not much differ-
towards the community in the past ten years. The mishandling of round backwardness of Muslims, which was also pointed out by ence in news, reports and advertisements. In the views of 77 per-
the 2008 Malegaon blast case that made the headlines few all commissions appointed by government like Gopal Singh cent people, election is a political drama for news channels and
months before the polls had only intensified their anger. Commission, Sachar Commission and Ranganath Mishra they are more concerned with earning profits.
However, at the time when the community was expecting Commission, education must be promoted among Muslims and
from the ruling alliance to compensate for the poor representation for this, Deeni Madaris Board had made a plan to set up a Conditions normal in Sangli
given to the Muslims in 2009 Parliamentary elections, the alliance University and for this, government should provide land. Kolhapur: Curfew has been completely lifted from 6 in the morn-
ditched the community once again when it included only 14 Taking up other topics, he demanded that in view of Ranganath ing in Maharashtra's Miraj Sangli areas famous for powerlooms.
Muslims in its first list. Mishra Commission's recommendations, reservation to Muslims It may be recalled that on 7 Sept. communal tension and riot had
On the basis of the Muslim population in Maharashtra, com- in different departments should be provided. Regarding Aligarh erupted when some posters showing Chhatrapati Shivaji killing
munity leaders were demanding alliance tickets for 35 Muslim Muslim University and Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi he said that gov- Moghul general Afzal Khan outside Ganesh Mandal were torn
candidates. Congress High command too had promised during ernment knows very well that these institutions were set up by during Ganpati pooja function in Miraj. Therefore, tension and
the Lok Sabha elections that it would field enough number of Muslims but now their minority character is in danger. He riots had erupted in Sangli and Miraj also and in order to avoid
Muslim candidates in the assembly elections. demanded that government should enact a law in Parliament and further riots, complete curfew was proclaimed in the whole of
"During the 2009 parliamentary elections in a meeting at declare both these as minority institutions in the same way as the Kolhapur. As situations began to improve, curfew also was being
Islam Gymkhana in Mumbai the Congress had promised a fare former NDA government had made Jamia Hamdard in New Delhi removed gradually except night curfew. From 17 Sept. night cur-
Muslim representation in the assembly elections", said Fareed a minority institution. few also was completely removed.
Khan of Qaumi Majlis-e- Shura. The Congress-led UPA had He said that many Muslim majority areas and districts where
received overwhelming support from the Muslim community dur- Muslims have a decisive role were deliberately and under an Quran exhibition at Salar Jung Museum
ing the 2009 parliamentary elections. However, in Maharashtra it organised plan declared reserved constituencies in order to weak- Hyderabad: As part of the ongoing Muslim holy month Ramadan,
had fielded just two Muslim candidates - both of them lost the en their (Muslim) voting power. In view of this he demanded that the Salar Jung museum in Hyderabad organised an exhibition of
elections. As of now there is no Muslim MP from Maharashtra. such reserved constituencies in Muslim majority areas and dis- rare Quran manuscripts at the Mir Abbas Yar Jung Hall. It is
"Even Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on his visit to Mumbai tricts should be abolished so that there should be more represen- believed that Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad more
during the parliamentary elections had admitted that appropriate tation of Muslims in state assemblies, Parliament and other elec- than fourteen hundred years back in this month. Besides having
number of Muslim candidates was not given tickets. He had prom- tive and legislative bodies. the manuscripts ranging from the 14 and 16 centuries, the exhi-
ised to compensate it in assembly elections", said Fareed Khan. He said that people of Meena community who had embraced bition titled as 'Exegesis of the holy Quran' is having on display
"However, the ongoing development reveals that the alliance Islam and have come to be known as Mayo in Haryana and some rare Quran documentation dating back to the 9th century,
is not serious about its promise and it is again taking the commu- Punjab etc have not been entered in notified lists for the purpose spread across around 1500 calligraphic panels. (
nity for granted", he added. As a reminder to the alliance leader- of reservation but Hindus of Meena communi-
ship, Fareed Khan had even written a letter to Chief Minister ty have been entered in the notified list for the

D-84, Abul Fazl Enclave-I, Jamia Nagar,
New Delhi-110025 India Tel.: (+91-11) 2694 7483
The Milli Gazette, 1-15 October 2009 21

Build trust relationship with minorities: PM of revolutionary importance in Saudi Arabia's history because it /
New Delhi: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh asked the heads of will be a co-education University.
state police forces to build a relationship of trust with minorities. 367 Urdu and English newspapers being published in J & K
"Special efforts must be made to establish a relationship of trust Kerala will host global Islamic finance conference in Oct. Srinagar: In Jammu & Kashmir 367 Urdu and English newspa-
and confidence between our police forces and the minority com- Jeddah: An international conference on Islamic finance and inter- pers were being published in the year 2008-09 to whom an
munities. You must not fail in this aspect," Singh said addressing est-free banking will be held in Farook College in Calicut on Oct. amount of Rs 8.12 crores was given for advertisements. This was
the All India Conference of DGPs and IGPs here on 15 3-4 with the support of the Jeddah-based Islamic Development stated in the state assembly by Ali Mohammad Sagar, minister for
September. The statement came a week after a magisterial Bank (IDBA) and Kerala State Industrial Development law and Parliamentary affairs in reply to a question by
Corporation (KSIDC). The conference, organized by the post- Mohammad Yusuf Jang of National Conference. He said that 240
probe noted that the Gujarat Police had killed four youths, includ-
graduate department of Rouzathul Uloom Arabic College newspapers in Urdu and 127 newspapers in English are pub-
ing teenager Ishrat Jahan, in a fake encounter in 2004.
(RUAC), will be historic as it comes at a time when financial lished in the state. He further said that from Srinagar 142 news-
Dr Singh reminded the police officers to protect the weak and
experts and investors are seeking effective solutions to the glob- papers in Urdu and 39 in English are published and from Jammu
defenceless. "Indeed, it is your solemn duty. Those who seek to
al crisis, said Hussein Madavoor, principal of RUAC.About 200 98 are published in Urdu and 88 in English and that during the
promote communal violence and discord have to be dealt with year 2008-09, Rs 4.60 crores were given to English newspapers
firmly," he said. The common man should go about his daily life delegates from India and abroad will take part in the two-day con-
ference. "We have invited IDB President Ahmed Muhammad Ali," advertisements and Rs 3.52 crores were given to Urdu newspa-
with a sense of security and should have faith in policemen and pers for this purpose.
police stations. "I believe this to be the real test of our efforts, a Madavoor told a press conference at Al-Noor Medical Center in
test that we cannot afford to fail," he added. Sharafiya. Apart from finance ministers, bankers and economists,
Churches constitutes forum in Karnataka
The Prime Minister desired that 'new-age policemen' deal commerce department students and teachers will also be invited
Bangalore: To obviate the growing Sangh Parivar attacks against
with terror issues. "A police station has to be the fulcrum around to the conference.
Christians in the state the Churches across Karnataka have
which this should take place. We need higher numbers of police- Most people in India and elsewhere in the world are still
come together to form the Karnataka United Christian Forum for
men to improve the present low police-population ratio," he said. unaware of the features and benefits of Islamic banking and Human Rights with the objective of protecting human rights, pro-
Emphasising the importance of technology, Dr Singh mentioned finance, said Madavoor, a member of Kerala State Wakf Board, moting unity among churches, and promoting peace in the com-
the need of more professionals, better-motivated and well trained while highlighting the significance of the conference. munity. "We felt the need to come together as we needed to know
police forces. "An American team of experts, which recently visited Riyadh ourselves. A code of conduct is being put in place for all church-
to study prospects of Islamic finance, reached the conclusion that es. In this way, we are trying to help ourselves and prevent
Too many cancer patients in Mewat district it is the right alternative to contain global financial crisis," said attacks and accusations against churches," Archbishop of
Mewat: It is appears that the dreaded disease cancer has got a Madavoor, a graduate of Umm Al-Qura University in Makkah. Bangalore Bernard Moras told presspersons here on September
foothold in Mewat region because of which hundreds of people The Reguram Committee, appointed by Indian Prime 10. All the churches that enter into a memorandum of association
have so far died here. In addition to those already dead, thou- Minister Manmohan Singh, recommended the introduction of have to adhere the code of conduct, he pointed out. "So far,
sands of other people are suffering form this disease but even interest-free finance and advised the government to take meas- nobody has openly said that they would not join the forum. We
then the department of health is paying no attention to this dis- ures for the delivery of the service on a large-scale, including are trying to educate all of them. Though resistance may come
ease as well as the affected region. The inhabitants of this region through the banking system. Madavoor said the conference from individuals, churches have not resisted the move," he said.
say that they made a number of complaints to high officials of would urge the Indian government to license institutions to pro-
Health Department but they did not bother to either visit this place vide Islamic banking and finance services and open degree Muslim Groups Meet 3rd Front In Maharashtra
or take necessary steps for the treatment of people. Being disap- courses in the subject. Such courses will create more job oppor- Mumbai: Disgruntled by the Cong-NCP’s mishandling of the state
pointed at their indifferent attitude, the people have now decided tunities for Indians in the Gulf countries, he added. (P.K. Abdul of Maharahstra, Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, Maharashtra, started con-
to approach central and state governments for help saying that if Ghafour, Arab News) sultation with the Secular and Muslim NGOs’ and the leaders of
the government does not pay any attention to this they will start the 3rd Front. Jamaat has decided to pull out a party-wise support,
a movement against this because before the recent Lok Sabha Essay Writing Competition i.e., to the Congress and NCP in Maharashtra assembly Election.
elections, state government had promised that a cancer research Aligarh: AMU is organising an essay writing competition on "Sir Engineer Nazar Mohammed Madu, President of JIH Maharashtra
centre and a medical college will be opened in Mewat but today Syed's Vision & Mission: Relevance in the New Millennium" with said, “The Cong-NCP Govt. failed to stop the communal violence
neither the state government remembers its promise nor is it pay- the following Rules and Regulations: in the state, the latest is the Miraj riots. This Govt. failed to imple-
ing any attention to the campaign being carried on by the people  The participant must be a bonafide student of a University or a ment Sri Krishna Commission Report and played a hypocratic role
College. in Hari Masjid Firing and Sadhvi Pragya, Malegaon Blast Case.”
against government's careless attitude. It may be stated that hun-
 The essay should be submitted on A4 size paper in double space He is also disappointed after seeing the list of the candidates
dreds of people, including some prominent and well-known peo- typed on one side and should contain around 3000 (three thousand)
ple have died of this dangerous disease and it has now reached declared by the Cong and the NCP. “They have allotted only 16
words duly forwarded by Head of the Institution. A soft copy is also
dangerous proportions and if necessary steps are not taken on required. seats as against our demand of 38 seats and even drop the sitting
emergency basis, thousands more may die soon.  The essay must be original, not already published in any book, MLAs like Bashir Patel and Yusuf Abrahani.” Going against the
magazine and newspaper. spirit of secularism and democracy, the election in India is basical-
A rare manuscript of Qur'an in Azamgarh's village  Bonafide certificate from the College/University, two passport size ly based on caste, region and religion. All parties select their can-
Lucknow: A rare copy of hand written Qur'an has been found coloured photographs, correspondence and permanent address didates according to the population of the constituencies. Nazar
which is safely preserved in Madrasa Darul Uloom Husainabad in including contact number and E-mail ID of the participant must be shunned this notion and said, “It’s like reservation in politics. When
Azamgarh's Anjan Shaheed village. Of the 30 paras (chapters) of provided on a separate sheet attached along with the essay. seats are reserved for SCs/STs etc then why not for Muslims? We
 There are three cash prizes viz., First Prize of Rs. 25,000.00, are not demanding the reservations of seats but we demand the
the Qur'an, 26 are gold-plated. Historians describe this rare
Second Rs. 15,000.00 & Third Rs. 10,000.00. Besides State level political empowerment of the underprivileged community and like
Qur'an of Moghul period and written by Emperor Aurangzeb him- toppers of aforesaid competition will also be given a sum of Rs.
self. It is estimated to be about 300 years old and gold polish on to have a representation according to ratio in the population.
5,000.00 as consolation prize.
its verses maintains its shine and brilliance even today. It is well  The first, second and third prize winners will be given both ways AC- Proper representation is the pre-requisite of real democracy,” he
known that Aurangzeb did not use official treasury for his person- II class railway fare and State level toppers will be given second said. Even Rangnath Mishra Commisssion has supported the eco-
al use and used to write Qur'an or knit mats and caps and with class sleeper fare. nomical and educational reservation. The Third Front in
their sale proceeds, used to meet his personal expenses. It is  All prize winners shall be provided boarding and lodging in the Mahrashtra is weak, it would play a spoilers role and ultimately
also interesting to know how this rare Qur'an reached this University along with one relative (Father, mother, brother or sister). benefit the Shiv Sena-BJP alliance, opponents of this approach
madrasa. It is said that in 1957 a 60-year old man gave this  The essay must be sent to the Public Relations Officer, AMU; said. To this, Nazar replied saying that “Cong-NCP do not have
Qur'an to the trustee of this madrasa, Maulana Abdul Haee Aligarh latest by 1st October 2009. the monopoly of secularim and they must accommodate leaders
 Information about the life and achievements of Sir Syed Ahmed of all the castes and communities.” As far as spoilers are con-
Chishti. This man was in the habbit commuting theft in younger
Khan, founder of the Aligarh Muslim University is available on the cerned, he replied, “Frustrated workers of Cong-NCP who did not
days. One day he stole some ornaments and clothes etc from a University website
big wooden box. This Qur'an also was there which he did not see get the ticket will be the biggest spoilers. What plans these parties
The prizes shall be presented on the occasion of Sir Syed
at that time. When he brought the booty at home and examined have to control them?” Jamaat-e-Islami Maharashtra decided to
Day celebration on October 17, 2008. For further enquiry,
them he found that this Qur'an was also there. When he failed to support strong secular candidates who are in agreement with the
participants may contact AMU PRO Dr. Rahat Abrar at
decide what to do with this Qur'an, he gave it to the trustee who Peoples’ Manifesto released by the Jamaat. Besides legalising
kept it in Madrasa Darul Uloom Husainabad and ever since it is waqf board, reservation, preventing communal violence, Jamaat
lying there. has also demanded special action to regin in the inflations, imple-
National Meet On The Status Of Muslims
mentation of Sri Krishna Commisssion and Gundewar commission
New Delhi: Anhad is organizing a National Meet during 3-5
Demand for Urdu Pradesh reports and special care for the farmers in Maharashtra.
October at Delhi on the Status of
Muradabad: Milli Council's general secretary and president of All Muslims to document the continu-
India Muslim Federation, Haji Naseem Ahmad, advocate said ing ways of discrimination, exclu-
here that his Federation will campaign for a separate state by sion, persecution of Muslims in
including Western Uttar Pradesh and to be named Urdu Pradesh India today, to document overt as
for the promotion of Urdu. He said that the present state of UP is well as low intensity violence and
too big to be governed efficiently from Lucknow and when a sep- the insecurity that they live with,
arate state of Urdu Pradesh will materialise by including Western and to prepare a charter of
UP, the problem of High Court bench will be solved automatical- demands for the present govern-
ly. He further said that the Federation has been demanding from ment. We also plan to develop a
the very beginning that a separate state of Urdu Pradesh is strategy paper for voluntary
essential for the promotion of Urdu and progress of Western Uttar organizations who are working for
Pradesh. Therefore a campaign for this on a mass scale will be the minority rights. During the
launched. three day meet senior activists,
academicians, grass root workers
Ahmad to represent India at Saudi university's inauguration and victims would present and lis-
New Delhi: Union minister of state for railways, E. Ahmed has ten to testimonies and reports,
been deputed by prime minister Manmohan Singh to represent and reflect on these conditions.
India at the inauguration of Saudi Arabia's 'Shah Abdullah Panel of distinguished jury mem-
Science & Technology University'. This University, situated at a bers will come up with recommen-
place 80 kilometres away from Jeddah and spread over an area dations on the last day. For more
of about 6000 acres, will be inaugurated on 23 Sept. and will be information, write to: JIH MAHARSHTRA LEADERS MEETING THIRD FRONT LEADERS IN MUMBAI
22 The Milli Gazette, 1-15 October 2009

Rs 30 lakh reward for memorising Qur'an ful for those learning Kashmiri language and also for the steps country's minorities, according to officials. "Three universities pri-
Dubai: Ibrahim Hafiz Saeed Ahmad of India who took part in the taken/being taken by the government to promote and popularise marily for the students of minority communities will be set up with
13th Dubai International Qur'an Kareem Award's annual compe- Kashmiri language. a view to providing them better higher education," a senior offi-
tition won an award worth Indian Rupees 30 lakh for memorisa- cial of the minority affairs ministry said, requesting anonymity
tion of Qur'an. There were 77 competitors from Asian and African Namaz and iftar in temple since he is not authorised to speak to the media.
countries. The concluding function was held at Dubai Chamber Lucknow: One of the many examples of mutual love and religious These universities will be set up in Mysore (Karnataka),
of Commerce. Chairman of the Award's Managing Committee, cooperation can be seen in Chandoli district’s Naubatpur village Kishanganj (Bihar) and Ajmer (Rajasthan). According to the offi-
Ibrahim Boo Maliha said while addressing the audience on this where at Sankatmochan Temple Muslims offer namaz in the cial, "Fifty percent of the seats in these universities will be
Temple's compound and break fasts with the eatables cooked by reserved for minority students to make them more competitive in
occasion that the Award Committee promotes the campaign for
Hindus. This has been going on every year during the holy month the job market." To be set up on land owned by Waqf boards,
memorisation of Qur'an in the country and in foreign countries.
of Ramzan for several years. 65-year old Alakh Narayen of this these universities will provide education in all modern subjects
village says that he feels proud to see that this temple of our vil- along with theological teaching. However, officials said the
Communal violence at Jumatul Wida namaz
lage presents a true picture and spirit of secular values and reli- biggest problem in establishing such universities will be to over-
Bareily: It appears that communal elements were waiting for
gious tolerance where Muslims offer namaz and Hindus prepare come es for providing 50 percent reservation for students from
some opportunity to spoil peaceful atmosphere and indulge in
items for iftari and dinner and all eat together. Another resident of minority communities. "Our effort is to find a solution according to
communal violence on some pretext. They succeeded in this on
the village Inderjeet Pande says that he feels a strange kind of constitutional provisions so that the proposal doesn't get stuck in
the occasion of Jumatul Vida in Gosai Gotia of Bareily District.
inner pleasure in serving Muslim brethren during the month of legalities as it happened in n legalities asthe case of AMU."
In this village there is a 20-year old mosque which is known as
Ramzan. No one in the village knows since when and how this In a 1968 lawsuit, the Supreme Court of India scrapped the
Kali Masjid which is situated in a Hindu area. Muslim population
tradition started in this 150-year old Sankatmochan Temple. minority status of the AMU. Then prime minister Indira Gandhi
is at some distance from this place but they come to this
There are about 3000 inhabitants in this village of whom about restored the AMU's minority status through legislation in 1981.
mosque for offering namaz. Since this mosque is not in good
800 are Muslims. But in 2006, a division bench of the Allahabad High Court struck
condition, Muslims wanted to make some repairs and renova-
down the provision of the AMU Amendment Act, 1981. It rejected
tions but Hindu population did not allow them to do so. On the
Jinnah' advice to Kashmiris the central government's plea for restoring the minority status of
Jumatul Vida day when Muslims in somewhat larger number
Srinagar: Way back in 1944 a delegation of some Kashmiri the AMU and scrapped 50 percent reservation for Muslim stu-
came to this mosque for offering namaz, the local population
youths had met late Mohammad Ali Jinnah in Nishat area of dents. This was challenged by the centre in the apex court, which
did not allow them to perform ablution on the road. When they
Srinagar. One of the members of this delegation was Mohammad is yet to take a decision on the matter. Minority affairs ministry
wanted to offer namaz outside the mosque at open and vacant
Yusuf Khan who is now 85. According to him, at that time officials said the government was trying to work out a new model
place because of shortage of space inside the mosque, they did
Mohammad Ali Jinnah had told the delegation members that 'You to overcome such legal hurdles. According to this model, the
not allow this also and prevented them from doing this by force.
should not raise the slogan of Pakistan because your (Kashmir's) "land for these universities will be given by the Waqf board and
Perforce, Muslims offered namaz inside the mosque but since
accession to Pakistan is not good. The political struggle that we the government will set up a university on it. Since these univer-
all of them could not offer namaz in one group, they wanted to
(Muslim League) are doing is the politics of British India and sities will be for the minorities, reservation for 50 percent minori-
perform namaz in another shift after completion by the first
hence you should not get involved in it. You have a state; your ty students will be justified". The draft has been prepared and will
group but those who were bent upon making mischief did not
Raja is a Hindu. Because of our struggle and campaign we are be sent to the Ministry of Human Resource Development (HRD).
allow this also and were ready to fight if Muslims tried another
in a great dilemma. Therefore you also should not be a victim of (Khalid Akhter, IANS)
shift of namaz. Feeling quite helpless, they informed police.
When police force arrived, the Imam led another shift of namaz another dilemma. Your slogan is all right and therefore you AMU Students' Grievance Committee
in the presence of police but as they were offering namaz, the should be firm on your slogan of Azad Kashmir.'
Aligarh: The Students' Grievance Committee set up as a stop-
communal and mischievous elements reached the top of the According to Yusuf Khan, before partition of India Jinnah had no
gap alternative to Students' Union in the Aligarh Muslim
mosque and started pelting stones from there on the namazis plan to include Kashmir as a part of Pakistan. At the time when
University, has set in motion a slew of measures in the University.
in the presence of police itself as a result of which at least three the delegation had met Jinnah, Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah had
namazis received serious injuries on their heads, including The newly established students' body has started addressing the
been leading a campaign against Dogra Maharaja but, according
Khalid, a photographer of Hindi daily Dainik Jagran who fell to Yusuf Khan his (Sheikh Abdullah's) inclination was towards genuine problems and difficulties faced by the students both in
down in an injured condition. Thereafter there was stampede on Jawaharlal Nehru. In the second decade of 20th century elec- the academic departments and residential halls.
all sides. Police, in order to stop stone pelting by the unruly ele- tions had taken place in 16 or 17 Indian provinces under The AMU Vice Chancellor, Prof. P. K. Abdu Azis has initiated
ments, started chasing and beating them. At this, others who Government of India Act in which Congress had secured a major- a novel procedure to provide a 'voice' to the students through the
were watching the 'drama' started raising slogans and they also ity. The state government discriminated against Muslims instrument of face-to-face interaction. All the top University func-
indulged in violence. Since the existing police proved insuffi- because of which they (Muslims) felt that their social and eco- tionaries including the Vice Chancellor, Registrar, Controller of
cient, another reinforcement was sent by high police officials nomic rights are not safe under Congress. Thus the politics of the Examinations, Proctor, DSW and Finance Officer interacted with
who also arrived at the scene along with D M and other officials. Valley was divided between pro-India and pro-Pakistan camps. the students holding top ranks in each class and course of the
Two companies of PAC arrived there to control the situation. Yusuf Khan was an active member of pro-Pakistan Muslim University. The students air their grievances and the administra-
The entire area turned into a police cantt. Situation was brought Conference. When Jinnah had come to Kashmir in 1944, Khan tion takes on the spot decision to redress the problems. The
under control with great difficulty but possibility of recrudes- had received a head injury in a clash with the supporters of system has set in place a new and powerful mechanism that pro-
cence of violence is not ruled out after PAC is withdrawn. Sheikh Abdullah. He had met Jinnah along with the delegation vides the students of the University an access to address the
with his injury. Khan had met Jinnah for second time at Mumbai's issues of main concern to the student community.
Inauguration of Kashmiri language dictionary Malabar Hills. Khan said that by that time his friend K.H. Khurshid In a two-day interactive meeting presided over by the Vice
Srinagar: A Kashmiri language dictionary compiled by Kashmir had become Jinnah's secretary. Subsequently, he had become Chancellor, Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis held on 9-10 September (see
University's Department of Linguistics was inaugurated by
prime minister of Azad Kashmir also. photograph below) in which more than 300 students representing
University's Vice Chancellor, Prof Reyaz Punjabi at a function
Khan in no case is prepared to believe that Pakistan was the 325 courses spoke on various issues both student-centred and
held on 2 Sept. Speaking on this occasion, Prof Punjabi said that
demand of Jinnah. He is sure that demand for Pakistan was department-specific. Without mincing words they openly criti-
need for a Kashmiri language dictionary was badly being felt so
thrust on Jinnah by Congress. He also agrees with the views of cized the existing flaws and deficiencies and demanded immedi-
that students receiving education in Kashmiri could benefit from
it. This dictionary is named 'Kashmiri Zabaan' and the Jaswant Singh and Advani that Jinnah was purely a secular, ate action to improve the quality of teaching-learning process in
Department of Linguistics has published it in 3 languages i e political leader. the University. The meeting bears testimony to the emerging
English, Kashmiri and Hindi. For English, Roman script has been trend that girls have replaced boys in securing top scores in the
used, for Kashmiri, Persian and Arabic script and for Hindi, Government plans three universities for minorities University examinations. The girls have outnumbered the boys
Devnagari script has been used. The dictionary includes more New Delhi: After allocating Rs. 25 crore (Rs.250 million) for two
and they were seen to be more vociferous in pinpointing the gaps
than 12000 words. This dictionary is being very much appreciat- more campuses of the Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), the gov-
ernment is planning to set up three more universities for the and shortcomings.
ed by academic and literary circles because it will be very help-


The Milli Gazette, 1-15 October 2009 23

Algerian kids falling prey to Jewish ‘organ harvest’
newspaper article suggests that Algerian children The story is based on statements made by Mustafa Khayatti, ficking and political corruption.

A are kidnapped, trafficked to Morocco where they are

sold to Israelis or American Jews for the sake of
organ harvest. An international Jewish conspiracy to
kidnap children and harvest their organs is gathering
momentum as another shocking story divulges Israeli plot to har-
vest organs from Algerian children.
The story, published in the Arabic-language Algerian daily al-
head of the Algerian National Committee for the Development of
Health Research. Khayatti maintains that the abduction of
children in Algeria is linked to arrests made in New York and New
Jersey at the end of July, in which several Jewish men were
arrested in connection with an investigation into illegal organ traf-
The story comes in line with the article published last month
in Aftonbladet, Sweden's largest circulation daily, suggesting that
the Israeli army kidnapped and killed young Palestinians to har-
vest their organs. It shed light on the case of Bilal Ahmed
Ghanem, a 19-year-old Palestinian man, who was shot dead in
1992 by Israeli forces in the West Bank village of Imatin.
Bostrom, who witnessed the man's killing, said Ghanem's
Khabar, charges that Interpol, the international police organiza- body was abducted following the shooting and was returned at
tion, has revealed the existence of 'a Jewish gang' that was midnight -- during an imposed curfew -- several days later by the
'involved in the abduction of children from Algeria and trafficking Israeli military with a cut from the stomach to the neck that had
of their organs.' been stitched up.
According to the story, bands of Moroccans and Algerians Bostrom argued that an autopsy would be required if the
had been roaming the streets of Algerian cities in an attempt to cause of death was not apparent, while in this case it was clear
hunt for young children. They then trafficked the kids across the that Bilal was shot dead. After that incident, at least 20
border into neighboring Morocco. Palestinian families told Bostrom that they suspected the Israeli
The children were then sold to Israelis and American Jews in military had taken the organs of their sons after they had been
Oujda, the capital of eastern Morocco, for the purpose of organ killed by Israeli forces and their bodies had been taken away.
harvesting in Israel and the United States. (

Military officials at Bagram are caught on tape urging

Containing the Iranian ‘Threat’ US soldiers to evangelize in the Muslim country
ran is the sheep surrounded by hungry a threat to the mighty US and Europe? Obama’s JEREMY SCAHILL peace, for stability."

I wolves, including the vulture like Zionist-

hyena. A cursory examination of the region
shows, the US bases surround Iran from all
directions. In addition, Israel armed with
nuclear weapons is constantly urging the west-
ern powers to launch a pre-emptive strike using
the same old pretext of holocaust-weapon;
move may not be as benign as it looks. This
move appeased Russia and ultimately, the aim is
to get Russia on board to confront Iran, or at the
very least persuade Russia not giving weapons
or others forms of assistance to Iran. In response
to shelving this plan, the US hopes that Russia
will reciprocate by halting the planned delivery of
ew video evidence has surfaced
showing that US military forces in
Afghanistan have been instructed by
the military's top chaplain in the
country to "hunt people for Jesus" as they
spread Christianity to the overwhelmingly
A US military spokesperson, Major Jennifer
Willis, denied that the US military has allowed
its soldiers to attempt to convert Afghans and
said comments from sermons filmed at Bagram
were taken out of context.
She said the bibles were never distributed.
"That specific case involved a soldier who
Muslim population. Soldiers also have import- brought in a donation of translated bibles that
somehow Israel are the victims or potential vic- sophisticated anti-aircraft systems to Iran that
ed bibles translated into Pashto and Dari, the were sent to his personal address by his home
tims of Iranian aggression. The lying treacherous would enable Tehran to shoot down any US or
two dominant languages of Afghanistan. church.
Zionists always masquerading themselves as Israeli planes seeking to attack its nuclear facili- He showed them to the group and the
What's more, the center of this evangelical
victims, but they are the ones kill without ties. chaplain explained that he cannot distribute
operation is at the huge US base at Bagram,
remorse and in far greater number, the stench of Sanctions has not worked against Iran, and one of the main sites used by the US military them," she said. "The translated bibles were
blood still emanates from the women and chil- history shows it is unlikely to work, as every to torture and indefinitely detain prisoners. never distributed as far as we know, because
dren of Gaza testifying to this fact! nation is resilient to foreign pressure, especially In a video obtained by Al Jazeera and the soldier understood that if he distributed
The Zionist dominated western media is when that pressure has no justification. The US broadcast Monday, Lieutenant-Colonel Gary them he would be in violation of general order
filled with suggestions that Iran is on the march, made it no secret that they had role in agitating Hensley, the chief of the US military chaplains 1, and he would be subject to punishment."
it is ready to conquer the Middle East, Europe the demonstrators to destabilise the country, in Afghanistan, is seen telling soldiers that as The video footage was shot about a year
and the rest of the world. A check on reality weaken its resolve. That too has failed. Obama followers of Jesus Christ, they all have a ago by documentary filmmaker Brian Hughes,
shows the US military bases in distant lands is has stated he wishes to engage Iran rather than responsibility "to be witnesses for him." who is also a former US soldier.
construed as self-defence (not empire building), confront it militarily, which is frustrating the "The special forces guys - they hunt men "[US soldiers] weren't talking about learning
and Iran protecting its borders and resources is Zionists. This might be one of the reasons basically. We do the same things as Christians, how to speak Dari or Pashto, by reading the
a threat! Iran has always been confined to its behind the recent Israeli decision to build more we hunt people for Jesus. We do, we hunt them Bible and using that as the tool for language
borders unlike the US and Israel. The claim settlement. The Times reported on a quid pro down," he says. lessons," Hughes told Al Jazeera.
about Iranian threat is ominous of a self-fulfilling quo deal where Israel would give concession on "Get the hound of heaven after them, so we "The only reason they would have these
prophecy; you claim a threat exists, so you agi- its illegal settlements in occupied Palestinian ter- get them into the kingdom. That's what we do, documents there was to distribute them to the
tate the enemy into action by applying sanctions ritories in return with a green light from the west- that's our business." The translated Bibles Afghan people.
and constantly demonising it. ern powers for an Israeli strike on Iran’s nuclear appear to be the New Testament. According to And I knew it was wrong, and I knew that
It is the traits of cowards to pick a fight with facilities. “Israel has chosen to place Iranian Al Jazeera, US soldiers "had them specially filming it ... documenting it would be important."
printed and shipped to Afghanistan." The broadcast of this video comes just days
weaker nations, and the vultures to feed on the threat over its settlements,” a senior EU diplomat
On the tape, one soldier describes how his after a new poll of White Americans found that,
dead corpses. Thus, note the contrast in told The Times on July 16.
church in the US helped raise money for the in the US, church going Christians are more
response with a resolute North Korea armed with Obama should be truthful with the Islamic likely to support the use of torture than other
bibles. Al Jazeera reports that "What these sol-
Nuclear weapons. This proves that Iran needs to world is he really wants to uphold the bold decla- segments of the population.
diers have been doing may well be in direct vio-
possess nuclear weapons to protect its sover- rations made at the Cairo speech. For example, lation of the US Constitution, their professional The Pew Research Center poll found:
eignty and of course, the lucrative oil from he stated recently that he wishes with conviction codes and the regulations in place for all forces "White evangelical Protestants were the reli-
thieves and pirates. to see a nuclear free world, but it seems that he in Afghanistan." The US military officially forbids gious group most likely to say torture is often or
The recent decision by Obama to shelve is only seeking a nuclear free Iran, as he is silent "proselytising of any religion, faith or practice." sometimes justified - more than six in 10 sup-
Bush’s plan to build the Missile Defence System about Israel’s nuclear weapons. But, as Al Jazeera reports: ported it. People unaffiliated with any religious
in Eastern Europe to contain the Iranian missile Similarly, Obama stated earlier that the US [T]he chaplains appear to have found a way organization were least likely to back it.
threat has once gain raised this issue of the so- would extend a hand if Iran would be willing to around the regulation known as General Order Only four in 10 of them did."
called Iranian threat. This Missile defence System unclench their fist. The Iranian response is sim- Number One."Do we know what it means to This is certainly not the first scandal where
was originally conceived by Ronald Reagan, dur- ple, if you are truthful Obama, then you should proselytise?" Captain Emmit Furner, a military US military forces or officials have been caught
ing the cold war era to confront the Soviet Union. recognise that it is your fists that extends across chaplain, says to the gathering. "It on tape promoting an evangelical Christian
The plan waned as the cold war era ended, but it the Atlantic Ocean to our borders. If you remove is General Order Number One," an uniden- agenda. Perhaps the most high-profile case
was subsequently revived by George Bush as a your bases, sanctions, and keep the ugly hyena tified soldier replies. But Watt says "you can't involved Lieut. Gen. William Boykin, who was a
defence against the Iranian missile threat. on your leash, you will find that Iran has the mag- proselytise but you can give gifts." Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for
Obama says the intelligence reports show ical carpet rolled out for you to fly into Tehran. Trying to convert Muslims to any other faith Intelligence under Bush. Boykin was part of
that Iran does not really have intercontinental Yamin Zakaria, London, UK is a crime in Afghanistan. Donald Rumsfeld's inner circle at the Pentagon
ballistic missiles; even if it did, does it really pose The fact that the video footage is being where he was placed in charge of hunting
broadcast on Al Jazeera guarantees that it will "high- value targets." Boykin was one of the key
Hundreds of Chinese working in Saudi Arabia embrace Islam be seen throughout the Muslim world. U. S. officials in establishing what critics alleged
Riyadh: About 660 Chinese working on Al Haramain's mega train project in Saudi Arabia have It is likely to add more credence to the per- was death-squad- type activity in Iraq.
embraced Islam. In addition to Chinese, about 50 men and 15 women from other countries ception that the US is engaging in a war on In October 2003, Boykin was revealed to
working on the same project have also embraced Islam. They were brought into the fold of Islam with neo- crusader forces invading have gone on several anti-Muslim rants, in pub-
Islam by Macca Al Mukarrama region's under secretary Dr Abdul Aziz Al Khaziri by making Muslim lands. lic speeches, many of which he delivered in mil-
them recite Kalima Taiyyaba. Commenting on large scale conversion of non-Muslims he said Former Afghan prime minister Ahmed Shah itary uniform. Since January 2002, Boykin had
that this is a direct reply to those who were strongly opposing the employment of non-Muslims Ahmedzai told Al Jazeera there must be a "seri- spoken at twenty-three religious-oriented
i e Chinese and others on this project in the holy cities and were demanding the cancellation ous investigation," saying, "This is very damag- events, wearing his uniform at all but two.
of their contracts. He said that this is a matter of pleasure that by the grace of God more than ing for diplomatic relations between the two Among Boykin's statements, he said he knew
10 percent of the 5000 Chinese who are working on this project have converted to Islam, counties." the U. S. would prevail over a Muslim adversary
adding that this is the beginning and many more may follow. Sayed Aalam Uddin Asser, of the Islamic in Somalia because "I knew that my God was
Front for Peace and Understanding in Kabul, bigger than his. I knew that my God was a real
Dutch MP: Fine women for wearing headscarf told the network: "It's a national security issue ... God and his was an idol." Boykin also charged
A controversial Dutch lawmaker has urged the country's parliament to pass a law to fine our constitution says nothing can take place in that Islamic radicals want to destroy America
women who wear Islamic head coverings. Geert Wilders said women observing the Islamic Afghanistan against Islam. "because we're a Christian nation" that "will
dress code or Hjiab should be fined 1,000 euros (1,461 dollars) per year. The leader of the lib- If people come and propaganda other reli- never abandon Israel." Our "spiritual enemy,"
eral-right Freedom Party PVV made his remarks during a parliamentary debate about the gov- gions which have no followers in Afghanistan Boykin declared, "will only be defeated if we
ernment's budget plans on 16 Sept. [then] it creates problems for the people, for come against them in the name of Jesus." 
24 The Milli Gazette, 1-15 October 2009

My Flower to Bush, the Occupier—The Story of My Shoe
MUTADHAR AL-ZAIDI shoe was the appropriate response when all values were vio- order to gain their objective. It is not strange, not much different
lated. from what happened to the Native Americans at the hands of
Mutadhar al-Zaidi, the Iraqi who threw his When I threw the shoe in the face of the criminal, Bush, I colonialists. Here I say to them (the occupiers) and to all who fol-
shoe at George Bush gave this speech on his wanted to express my rejection of his lies, his occupation of my low their steps, and all those who support them and spoke up for
recent release. In the name of God, the most country, my rejection of his killing my people. My rejection of his their cause: Never.
gracious and most merciful.Here I am, free. plundering the wealth of my country, and destroying its infrastruc- Because we are a people who would rather die than face
But my country is still a prisoner of war. ture. And casting out its sons into a diaspora. humiliation.
Firstly, I give my thanks and my regards After six years of humiliation, of indignity, of killing and viola- And, lastly, I say that I am independent. I am not a member
to everyone who stood beside me, whether tions of sanctity, and desecration of houses of worship, the killer of any politicalparty, something that was said during torture -- one
inside my country, in the Islamic world, in the free world. There comes, boasting, bragging about victory and democracy. He time that I'm far-right, another that I'm a leftist. I am independent
has been a lot of talk about the action and about the person who came to say goodbye to his victims and wanted flowers in of any political party, and my future efforts will be in civil service
took it, and about the hero and the heroic act, and the symbol and response. to my people and to any who need it, without waging any political
the symbolic act. Put simply, that was my flower to the occupier, and to all who wars, as some said that I would. My efforts will be toward provid-
But, simply, I answer: What compelled me to confront is the are in league with him, whether by spreading lies or taking action, ing care for widows and orphans, and all those whose lives were
injustice that befell my people, and how the occupation wanted to before the occupation or after. damaged by the occupation. I pray for mercy upon the souls of
humiliate my homeland by putting it under its boot. I wanted to defend the honor of my profession and sup- the martyrs who fell in wounded Iraq, and for shame upon those
And how it wanted to crush the skulls of (the homeland's) pressed patriotism on the day the country was violated and its who occupied Iraq and everyone who assisted them in their
sons under its boots, whether sheikhs, women, children or men. high honor lost. Some say: Why didn't he ask Bush an embar- abominable acts. And I pray for peace upon those who are in their
And during the past few years, more than a million martyrs fell by rassing question at the press conference, to shame him? And graves, and those who are oppressed with the chains of impris-
the bullets of the occupation and the country is now filled with now I will answer you, journalists. How can I ask Bush when we onment. And peace be upon you who are patient and looking to
more than 5 million orphans, a million widows and hundreds of were ordered to ask no questions before the press conference God for release.
thousands of maimed. And many millions of homeless because of began, but only to cover the event. It was prohibited for any per- And to my beloved country I say: If the night of injustice is
displacement inside and outside the country. son to question Bush. prolonged, it will not stop the rising of a sun and it will be the sun
We used to be a nation in which the Arab History mentions many And in regard to professionalism: The pro- of freedom.
would share with the Turkman and the Kurd stories where professional- fessionalism mourned by some under the aus- One last word. I say to the government: It is a trust that I carry
and the Assyrian and the Sabean and the ism was also compromised pices of the occupation should not have a from my fellow detainees. They said, 'Muntadhar, if you get out,
Yazid his daily bread. And the Shiite would at the hands of American voice louder than the voice of patriotism. And tell of our plight to the omnipotent powers' -- I know that only God
pray with the Sunni in one line. And the policymakers, whether in if patriotism were to speak out, then profes- is omnipotent and I pray to Him -- 'remind them that there are
Muslim would celebrate with the Christian the the assassination attempt sionalism should be allied with it. dozens, hundreds, of victims rotting in prisons because of an
birthday of Christ, may peace be upon him. against Fidel Castro by I take this opportunity: If I have wronged informant's word.'
And despite the fact that we shared hunger booby-trapping a TV cam- journalism without intention, because of the They have been there for years, they have not been charged
under sanctions for more than 10 years, for era that CIA agents posing professional embarrassment I caused the or tried. They've only been snatched up from the streets and put
more than a decade. as journalists from Cuban establishment, I wish to apologize to you for into these prisons. And now, in front of you, and in the presence
Our patience and our solidarity did not TV were carrying, or what any embarrassment I may have caused those of God, I hope they can hear me or see me. I have now made
make us forget the oppression. Until we were they did in the Iraqi war by establishments. All that I meant to do was good on my promise of reminding the government and the offi-
invaded by the illusion of liberation that some deceiving the general pub- express with a living conscience the feelings cials and the politicians to look into what's happening inside the
had. (The occupation) divided one brother lic about what was hap- of a citizen who sees his homeland desecrat- prisons. The injustice that's caused by the delay in the judicial
from another, one neighbor from another, and pening. And there are ed every day. system. Thank you. And may God's peace be upon you.
the son from his uncle. It turned our homes many other examples that I History mentions many stories where pro- (Translation by Sahar Issa).
into never-ending funeral tents. And our won't get into here. fessionalism was also compromised at the
graveyards spread into parks and roadsides. It hands of American policymakers, whether in Opposite brain drain
is a plague. It is the occupation that is killing us, that is violating the assassination attempt against Fidel Castro by booby-trapping
the houses of worship and the sanctity of our homes and that is a TV camera that CIA agents posing as journalists from Cuban
TV were carrying, or what they did in the Iraqi war by deceiving
World's talented workers
throwing thousands daily into makeshift prisons.
I am not a hero, and I admit that. But I have a point of view the general public about what was happening. And there are opt to leave USA
and I have a stance. It humiliated me to see my country humiliat- many other examples that I won't get into here. More skilled immigrants are giving up their American dreams to
ed. And to see my Baghdad burned. And my people being killed. But what I would like to call your attention to is that these sus- pursue careers back home, raising concerns that the U. S. may
Thousands of tragic pictures remained in my head, and this picious agencies -- the American intelligence and its other agen- lose its competitive edge in science, technology and other fields.
weighs on me every day and pushes me toward the righteous cies and those that follow them -- will not spare any effort to track ECONOMY: Driving emigration "What was a trickle has become
path, the path of confrontation, the path of rejecting injustice, me down (because I am) a rebel opposed to their occupation. a flood," says Duke University's Vivek Wadhwa, who studies
deceit and duplicity. It deprived me of a good night's sleep. They will try to kill me or neutralize me, and I call the attention of
reverse immigration. Wadhwa projects that in the next five years,
Dozens, no, hundreds, of images of massacres that would those who are close to me to the traps that these agencies will set 100,000 immigrants will go back to India and 100,000 to China,
turn the hair of a newborn white used to bring tears to my eyes up to capture or kill me in various ways, physically, socially or pro- countries that have had rapid economic growth. "For the first time
and wound me. The scandal of Abu Ghraib. The massacre of fessionally. in American history, we are experiencing the brain drain that other
Fallujah, Najaf, Haditha, Sadr City, Basra, Diyala, Mosul, Tal Afar, And at the time that the Iraqi prime minister came out on
satellite channels to say that he didn't sleep until he had checked countries experienced," he says. Suren Dutia, CEO of TiE Global,
and every inch of our wounded land. In the past years, I traveled a worldwide network of professionals who promote entrepreneur-
through my burning land and saw with my own eyes the pain of in on my safety, and that I had found a bed and a blanket, even
ship, says the U. S. economy will suffer without these skilled
the victims, and hear with my own ears the screams of the as he spoke I was being tortured with the most horrific methods:
workers. "If the country is going to maintain the kind of economic
bereaved and the orphans. And a feeling of shame haunted me electric shocks, getting hit with cables, getting hit with metal rods,
and all this in the backyard of the place where the press confer- well-being that we've enjoyed for many years, that requires hav-
like an ugly name because I was powerless.
And as soon as I finished my professional duties in reporting ence was held. And the conference was still going on and I could ing these incredibly gifted individuals who have been educated
the daily tragedies of the Iraqis, and while I washed away the hear the voices of the people in it. And maybe they, too, could and trained by us," he says. Wadhwa surveyed 1,203 Indian and
remains of the debris of the ruined Iraqi houses, or the traces of hear my screams and moans. Chinese immigrants who had worked or been educated here
the blood of victims that stained my clothes, I would clench my In the morning, I was left in the cold of winter, tied up after before returning to their homelands and found the exodus has
teeth and make a pledge to our victims, a pledge of vengeance. they soaked me in water at dawn. And I apologize for Mr. Maliki less to do with the faltering U. S. economy than with other factors:
The opportunity came, and I took it. for keeping the truth from the people. I will speak later, giving Career opportunities. At NIIT, an information technology compa-
I took it out of loyalty to every drop of innocent blood that has names of the people who were involved in torturing me, and some ny based in New Delhi, about 10% of managers in India are
been shed through the occupation or because of it, every scream of them were high-ranking officials in the government and in the returnees, mostly from the U. S., says CEO Vijay Thadani. Most
of a bereaved mother, every moan of an orphan, the sorrow of a army. go into mid- to senior management and make "excellent employ-
rape victim, the teardrop of an orphan. I didn't do this so my name would enter history or for materi- ees," he says. "They're Indian, so they understand India, and they
I say to those who reproach me: Do you know how many bro- al gains. All I wanted was to defend my country, and that is a legit- have lived outside the country." China's government entices
ken homes that shoe that I threw had entered because of the imate cause confirmed by international laws and divine rights. I some skilled workers to return with incentives such as financial
occupation? How many times it had trodden over the blood of wanted to defend a country, an ancient civilization that has been assistance and housing, says Wang Baodong, spokesman for the
innocent victims? And how many times it had entered homes in desecrated, and I am sure that history -- especially in America -- Chinese Embassy in Washington. "China needs a lot of well-
which free Iraqi women and their sanctity had been violated? will state how the American occupation was able to subjugate Iraq trained personnel" in fields such as finance and information tech-
Maybe that and Iraqis, until its submission.
They will boast about the deceit and the means they used in nology, he says. 

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The Milli Gazette, 1-15 October 2009 25

How Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal Endangers Us All
JEFF GATES the American Zionist Council-funded by the Jewish Agency-regis- for nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament. Not since then has
n September 24th, U. S. President Barack Obama ter as the agent of a foreign government. JFK was then president Thomas been allowed to ask another question. Instead she was

O will preside over a U. N. Security Council session on and brother Robert his attorney general. Edward ("Ted") Kennedy
nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament. In March was elected to the Senate that year to fill his brother Jack's seat.
2010, Moscow will host a Global Nuclear Summit that In October 1963, the Department of Justice-led by Robert
the U. S. has agreed to attend.
The next six months could prove hopeful or harmful-depend-
Kennedy-demanded that the Council register as a foreign agent.
Following the Kennedy assassination in November 1963,
subjected to a withering barrage of personal attacks by pro-
Zionist broadcasters who sought to make it appear that she-not
the answer to her question-is the problem.
At every opportunity, Tel Aviv insists that Tehran's nuclear
energy program poses an "existential threat." That claim is cor-
ing on the impact on Israel's nuclear arsenal. With U. S. backing, Nicholas Katzenbach succeeded RFK as Attorney General for rect though not for the reason that the Israel lobby would have
Tel Aviv has thus far avoided compliance with the Nuclear Non- Lyndon Johnson. To avoid registration, the Zionist Council mor- Americans believe. If Israel cannot persuade the U. S. to join (or
Proliferation Treaty- joining North Korea, India and Pakistan. phed into the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). condone) an attack on Iran, some faint semblance of stability may
President John F. Kennedy tried to stop Israel from starting a That umbrella organization-still disguised as a domestic lobby- yet be attained in the Middle East. With stability will come an
nuclear arms race in the Middle East. In a continues to coordinate the efforts of dozens of organizations that opportunity to confirm the common source of the fixed intelli-
June 1963 letter to Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, he sustain a U. S. policy environment favorable to a foreign nation. gence that induced the U. S. to invade Iraq in response to the
insisted on proof "beyond a reasonable doubt" that Israel was not The Kennedy brothers shared a little-known insight into the mass murder of 911.
developing nuclear weapons at its Dimona reactor facility. confidence with which Israel wields political influence across Only one nation had the means, motive, opportunity and,
Though his letter was cabled to the U. S. embassy, Ben-Gurion party lines. In the closing weeks of his 1960 presidential cam- importantly, the stable nation state intelligence to mount such a
resigned (citing undisclosed personal reasons) before the mes- paign, candidate Kennedy traveled to New York to seek financial deception inside the U. S. As that fact becomes apparent, an
sage could be physically delivered. support from Jewish business leaders. On his return to informed American public will insist that its leadership revisit the
With Israel's nuclear ambitions under attack by its key ally, Washington, he called his old friend Charlie Bartlett who had legitimacy of the Zionist enterprise along with the costs that this
that strategically well-timed resignation duped an inexperienced introduced Jack to Jackie. "special relationship" has imposed on the U. S. in blood, treasure
young president and denied him a diplomatic victory that might According to Bartlett, Kennedy was livid after those he met in and hard-earned credibility.
well have precluded the wars now being waged in the Middle Manhattan assured him that the funds he sought were available
East. With Ben-Gurion's resignation, JFK was left without an but only if he turned over to them the formulation of U. S. policy Israel is the Real Threat to Israel: The existential threat to Israel
Israeli government with which he could negotiate. By the time a in the Middle East. With brother "Bobby" his chief campaign is real but its source is not Iran. The real threat is the facts that
new government was formed, the Kennedy threat had been elim- strategist, that experience doubtless came to mind when, in Tel Aviv may again obscure if it succeeds in provoking yet anoth-
inated and Tel Aviv could start haggling from scratch with succes- 1963, JFK confirmed that Israel-while portraying itself a U. S. ally- er crisis in the region. Those facts confirm the illegitimacy of the
sor Lyndon Johnson who was far more sympathetic to the goals repeatedly lied to him about its development of nuclear weapons. Zionist enterprise as a nation state.
of the Zionist state. The threat to Barack Obama could become existential should
That strategy resurfaced in the recent resignation of Prime Israel vs. the Kennedys: At the height an unpopular war in he act consistent with his oath of office. As yet he has shown no
Minister Ehud Olmert just as the Road Map gained traction and Vietnam, Robert Kennedy emerged to challenge the policies of inclination to address the perils that this entangled alliance with
the threat of peace loomed on the horizon. Olmert's successor, the Texan who replaced his brother as president in 1963. No one Jewish extremists imposes on U. S. national security and on the
Benjamin Netanyahu, then used the terms of the knows for sure that, as president, RFK would prospects for peace.
Road Map as a bargaining chip to start haggling- With the war in Iraq have followed JFK's stance on the Zionist As the source of the duplicity that induced the U. S. to war
with an inexperienced young president-over sanc- poised to expand to state's nuclear arsenal. Nor do we know for becomes known, Americans will insist on accountability. Zionist
tions against Iran. Iran, the next six certain that he would have renewed his insis-
tence that the Israel lobby register as the
fanatics may choose another course. A modern-day Masada is a
nuclear possibility. With their vast arsenal (estimates range from 200
Democrat Lyndon Johnson proved himself a
reliably pliant pro-Israeli president as did his suc-
months offer a rare agent of a foreign government. to 400 warheads), these religious extremists could preempt account-
cessor, Republican Richard Nixon. Described by opportunity to When a second Kennedy threat was elim- ability by creating chaos worldwide while affixing blame on "Islamo"
Prime Minister Golda Meir as "the best friend revisit not only inated with an assassination in June 1968, Tel fascists in an attempt to keep their victim status plausibly intact.
Israel ever had," Nixon agreed in 1969 to endorse Israel's nuclear Aviv welcomed to the White House Richard To eliminate the existential threat posed by nuclear-armed
"constructive ambiguity" as a means for Tel Aviv Nixon who supported Israel's strategically religious extremists requires that the U. S.- as Israel's key ally-
to obscure its nuclear arsenal. Meanwhile arsenal but also-in essential "ambiguous" policy on nuclear arms. isolate the Zionist enterprise, withdraw its recognition as a legiti-
Colonial Zionists brandished the threat of that light of the consis- Nixon Attorney General John Mitchell was a mate state and reclassify its advocates as foreign agents. That
arsenal to seize land they sought for tency of its behav- partner in the same New York law firm long overdue change in the legal status of the Israel lobby-first
(Mudge, Rose, Guthrie & Alexander) that sought in 1962-will enable U. S. law enforcement to pursue its
Greater Israel: Israeli incursions provoked the
ior over six Nixon joined in 1963 after his failed bids as operatives for giving aid and comfort to an enemy within.
reactions one would expect, enabling Tel Aviv to decades- the legiti- president, losing to JFK in 1960, and as gov- The focal point for peace in the Middle East should not be
portray itself as a hapless victim in need of U. S. macy of the Zionist ernor of California two years later. In honor of those nations that do not have nuclear weapons but the one
support in a hostile and anti-Semitic neighbor- enterprise. Nixon's arrival, the dominantly Jewish firm was nation that does. Absent external pressure, Israeli behavior will
hood. Four years after Kennedy wrote to Ben- renamed Nixon, Mudge, Rose, Guthrie & not change. Those who seek peace in the region must boycott
Gurion, Israel mounted a massive six-day assault on neighboring Alexander. Israeli exports, divest from Israeli firms and insist on sanctions
nations, occupying lands that remain at the heart of the hostilities In 1973, five years after RFK's death, Senator Fulbright could against Israel akin to those it seeks against others. Anything less
against which Tel Aviv insists it needs nuclear weapons to defend announce with confidence that "Israel controls the U. S. Senate." will ensure that Zionist extremists continue to endanger us all.
itself. By 1974, he was replaced in the Senate. Journalist Helen
See also:
With the war in Iraq poised to expand to Iran, the next six Thomas was then covering Nixon, one of ten presidents in her "How Israel Controls the US"
months offer a rare opportunity to revisit not only Israel's nuclear lengthy career as White House correspondent. In Obama's first
arsenal but also-in light of the consistency of its behavior over six press conference, she sought to clarify the ambiguity about just 4&m=7&y=2009
decades- the legitimacy of the Zionist enterprise. who posed a nuclear threat in the region. Her question for this lat- "Appeasing Israel - At What Cost?" http://intifada-
est Commander in Chief: which nation in the Middle East has
Managing the Threat to Zionism: JFK, RFK and Fulbright In nuclear weapons? "McCain Family Secret: The Cover-up"
1962, Senator William Fulbright of Arkansas, chairman of the In response, Chicagoan Barack Obama did the "Tel Aviv Two- "Facts vs. Beliefs:
Foreign Relations Committee, convened hearings to ensure that Step." Rather than answer the question, he spoke about the need Today's Ancient Warfare"

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26 The Milli Gazette, 1-15 October 2009


Pakistan: A Country for Sale?

KARAMATULLAH K. GHORI avidly and enthusiastically signing on to George W. Bush’s whim- scientist trained at M.I.T., one of the most prestigious American
sical ‘war against terror.’ universities, at Boston. Dr. Afia resurfaced in New York, last year,
Pakistan is a unique country in more sens- Musharraf’s basic motive in becoming a frontline soldier in after years of her disappearance. Apparently, she was kidnapped
es than one. One of these extraordinary America’s much-touted global war against terror was the same as by Musharraf’s touts working in Pakistan’s notorious intelligence
realities that set it apart from almost all Ziaul Haq. Both wanted American umbrella over their head to agencies and handed over to the Americans who kept her
those countries that gained their independ- strengthen their autocratic rule. But while Zia’s obsession with an detained in Afghanistan and tortured her. She has since been
ence from the British Raj after WWII is that obscurantist Islam veered Pakistan toward orthodoxy, Musharraf accused of attempting to murder American intelligence operatives
it has been ruled for the better part of its 62 sought to hawk himself, and Pakistan under him, as an ‘enlight- and is being tried in a court in New York. Her case has become a
sovereign years by Bonapartes: military ened’ and ‘moderate’ state qualified to receive Washington’s seal cause celebre for those in Pakistan and abroad calling for
dictators who dressed themselves up as of approval. But Washington’s cachet of ‘moderation’ was Musharraf to be tried for his gross violations of human rights in
‘liberators’ of its people from tyranny and bestowed only on Musharraf himself, while Pakistan was brand- Pakistan as well as for trashing the Pakistani constitution, not
oppression. ed as the most notorious and dangerous country in the world, once but a number of times.
In reality, however, these masquerading liberators opened up despite its avowed position of a principal ally in the war against However, these legitimate demands of well-meaning
the country, and its resources, to their foreign masters and men- terror. Pakistanis to bring a military adventurer to book-now that, at long
tors, while shackling the people of Pakistan into bondage of a Musharraf couldn’t care less how his people were treated by last, at least the highest judiciary in the country has become inde-
kind that wasn’t easily visible to the lay- pendent of the political masters-are being
man. Pakistan went through myriad vari- thwarted by those who have succeeded
eties and experiences of servitude at the Musharraf at the pinnacle of power in
hands of its military adventurers and sol- Pakistan.
diers-of-fortune who didn’t mind pawning These so-called ‘democrats’ of Pakistan
the country to interested parties in return are reluctant to put Musharraf in the dock for
for guarantees of their continuation at the a variety of reasons: one, they owe their priv-
helm. ileged status to Musharraf’s largesse; and,
For instance, the first military dictator, two, they are pursing the very same policies
General Ayub Khan, allowed the of serving foreign masters and mentors with a
Americans to set up a spy base and air zest that could easily pale Musharraf..
force facility, against the then rival super- The Zardari regime in Pakistan is serving
power, the Soviet Union, at Bada Beir, out- American imperialist interests in the region,
side Peshawar. U.S., then locked in the especially in Afghanistan, with far more ener-
Cold War against the Soviets had been gy and devotion than Musharraf, with no
seeking that facility for years but had been question asked. It’s obviously so beholden to
thwarted by the civilian rulers that preced- Washington that it doesn’t, now, mumble even
ed Ayub. The military adventurer had a word of protest over routine violations and
seized power from the civilians on the plea bombing of its tribal region by unmanned
that they had failed to deliver to the expec- Drones. Hundreds of people-men, women
tations of the nation. However, he didn’t and children have been killed, to date, in
lose a moment before living up to the these missile attacks, which Washington jus-
expectations of his overseas patrons and tifies, and continues to carry on, in the name
awarded them the prize they were so desperate to have. of going after terrorists and their alleged hideouts.
In the summer of 1960 the Soviets brought down an Musharraf’s basic motive in becom- The incumbent civilian setup in Pakistan tightly regimented
American U-2 spy aircraft in their territory and put its captured under Zardari, is refusing to try Musharraf also for the reason that
pilot, Gary Power, on public display to the whole world. Power’s ing a frontline soldier in America's his ouster from the office of president of Pakistan, in August
spy craft had taken off from the Peshawar base. That put much-touted global war against ter- 2008, was the result of a deal sponsored and guaranteed by
Pakistan promptly in the eye of an international storm; the coun- ror was the same as Ziaul Haq. Pakistan’s ‘friends’ and stake-holders from abroad. The powers
try was caught in the middle of a serious row between the two being hinted at are U.S. and Saudi Arabia which, according to
contending super powers. Within days of the much publicized Both wanted American umbrella Zardari’s own version, promised Musharraf a ‘safe passage’ out
incident, Nikita Khruschev, then the strongman of SU, collared over their head to strengthen their of Pakistan in return for his abdication of power.
the Pakistani Ambassador at a largely attended reception at the Whatever the veracity or validity of a ‘deal’ dictated by
Kremlin and told him, in so many words and a threatening tone autocratic rule. But while Zia's Pakistan’s well-wishers, or king-makers, to allow Musharraf to go
that he had drawn a red circle around Peshawar and warned the obsession with an obscurantist scot-free in spite of breaking Pakistan’s laws at will, the new real-
cowering ambassador that if another spy aircraft was brought ity in Pakistan is also one where the Zardari regime is itself enter-
down over the Soviet territory, Peshawar would cease to exist on Islam veered Pakistan toward ing deals a plenty to put Pakistan virtually on sale to the world.
the world map. Ayub Khan’s much-trumpeted ‘security’ for his orthodoxy, Musharraf sought to The military adventurers, from Ayub to Musharraf, may have
country-which his minions boasted his alliance with U.S. had hawk himself, and Pakistan under been guilty of pawning Pakistan’s security and strategic interests
ensured-lay in tatters at the feet of Khruschev. to overseas stake-holders for personal power and pelf. However,
Ayub’s anointed successor, another Bonaparte, General him, as an ‘enlightened’ and ‘mod- the current, civilian, dispensation seems to be selling Pakistan’s
Yahya Khan, presided over the dismemberment of Pakistan when erate’ state qualified to receive economic and societal interests to the highest bidders.
its eastern wing was forced to cede from the union. But equally The incumbent rulers in Pakistan have already ‘leased’ the
tragic was the fact that while East Pakistan was clearly drifting Washington’s seal of approval. But management of the strategically sensitive Gawadar Port, on the
apart from Pakistan, Yahya and his cohorts continually tried to Washington’s cachet of ‘modera- Arabia Sea coast within hailing distance of Iran, to Singapore
dupe the Pakistani people that China and U.S. wouldn’t allow entrepreneurs for 42 years. The port in Gawadar was built by the
Pakistan to be dismembered. Unsuspecting Pakistanis were still tion’ was bestowed only on Chinese in a gesture of friendship with Pakistan. However the
being fed the fantasy that the American 7th fleet was speeding on Musharraf himself, while Pakistan present dispensation in Islamabad is so shameless that it didn’t
its way to East Pakistan to rescue it even when Yahya’s chosen was branded as the most notorious mind, at all, turning its back on its benefactors, because the deal
military commander in Dhaka was signing the instrument of sur- offered by the Singaporeans was too lucrative, to the power
render to the victorious Indian forces. and dangerous country in the barons in Pakistan, to refuse.
General Ziaul Haq, the third adventurer in the ignoble series world, despite its avowed position But the latest scandal taking Pakistan by storm may pale all
of military dictators of Pakistan, had not only political ambitions previous deals by a hefty margin. The present rulers, whose cor-
like his two predecessors but also messianic pretensions. He was of a principal ally in the war ruption preceded them in power, are ready to ‘lease,’ virtually in
close to the Wahabi school of thought in contemporary Islam and against terror. perpetuity, hundreds of thousands of acres of land, in Punjab and
sought to change Pakistan in his image of obscurantism. Baluchistan provinces to entrepreneurs and governments of
Zia’s God-send chance to cast Pakistan according to his tem- Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait et al. to grow their food on it and
plate came with the Russian invasion of Afghanistan in 1979. He Washington. He had George W. Bush’s patronage and unstinted exploit it entirely according to their whims and fancies.
seized that opportunity to get into the good books of the Pakistan support and was guaranteed to stay in power under American The practice of ‘leasing’ Pakistani lands to rich and powerful
army’s traditional mentor, U.S. But Zia availed himself of that tutelage. Musharraf returned the favour by turning Pakistan into a potentates from the Arab part of the Gulf countries started with
chance-of-a-lifetime to steer Pakistan toward his goal of an ortho- rentier state par excellence. Pentagon was given a free hand by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto; he gave away huge tracts of land to his afflu-
dox Islamic society steeped in his archaic ‘vision’ of Islam. Musharraf to extend its jurisdiction over Pakistani military bases ent Arab friends, from U.A.E., and a number of other places, to
Pakistan was well and truly launched into the orbit of a cler- inside Pakistan. Such was the American control over Pakistan serve their hunting pleasure for birds and other game. These rich
gy-dominated, obscurantist, Islamic polity on Zia’s watch. But a that Pakistanis were forbidden from entering those bases given Arabs have built air strips for their aircraft and palatial palaces for
more damaging thing done by Zia was to open Pakistan to the over to Pentagon to wage war against Afghanistan, with no ques- their comfort in their ‘exclusive land zones’ which are out-of-
barrage of Afghan refugees, who flooded into the country by the tions asked. bounds to the Pakistanis. But now those claiming to be succes-
millions. With them came a culture of drugs and terrorism, which Not only that Musharraf behaved like a landlord owning every sors to Bhutto are ready to go a step further and sell the Pakistani
flowed like a river in full fury as millions of Afghan refugees made inch of Pakistan, and doing with it whatever pleased him and his soil to their Arab friends, not for pleasure of hunting but for seri-
their way into every part of Pakistan, from the Khyber Pass to masters, he also pawned every Pakistani under his jurisdiction to ous economic exploitation.
Karachi. American interests. Hundreds of them were literally sold to It’s the bane of the Pakistanis that they have had to put up
Pakistan is still reaping the deadly harvest of the seeds, of Washington as terrorists, or their sympathizers, a fact proudly with military adventurers and pawn brokers in the past who bar-
religious fanaticism and use of terror to make political statements, owned by Musharraf in his own ‘autobiography,’ which was actu- gained with national interests to dig their heels into power. But
sown in its fertile soil under the impact of Afghanistan’s cultural ally ghost-written for him. their misery now seems worse-compounded at the hands of
invasion. It has become a violent society where tolerance of any On top of it, hundreds of Pakistanis-men and women-’disap- those feigning as denizens of democracy but behaving as worse
kind is conspicuous by its absence, more so in its political culture peared’ in Musharraf’s frenzy to serve his masters and carry out touts and brokers of foreign interests and ready to sell Pakistan’s
nurtured in the shadow of the Afghan Jihad sponsored and their wishes without demur. A majority of these missing persons national assets to the highest bidders.
patronized by U.S. to settle its own score with the Russians. remains untraced, despite valiant efforts by Pakistan’s re-invigor- The Pakistanis, caught in a deadly squeeze between imperialis-
The fourth, and to date last, military dictator, General Pervez ated higher judiciary to force the government to reveal their tic forces and their own corrupt rulers, are entitled to beseech
Musharraf, added more shameless fringes to Pakistan’s humiliat- whereabouts. heavens to let them know to what sins they owe their dealers-
ing status of a client state, to American interests and agendas, by One of these ‘disappeared’ Pakistanis is Dr. Afia Siddiqi, a and-wheelers foisted on them as ‘leaders’ and ‘saviours.’ 
The Milli Gazette, 1-15 October 2009 27

tims, all of them and they won-

Perpetual Grief over September 11th der if the death count will
cease any time soon.
The tragedy of 9/11 and
RAMZY BAROUD And while one simply cannot pardon blind Muslims — and in fact the world — are still the previous and subsequent tragedies are too
hate or terror, how can one honestly argue waiting to see. serious, too terrible to give up hope so quickly
he anniversary of the infamous that the millions who perished in Iraq, prior or When the US president spoke in Cairo, on that common sense will prevail, that horrible

T tragedy of 9/11, 2001, and the subse-

quent ramifications indeed induce,
throughout the world, a plethora of
feelings of sorrow.
The 9/11 event should have never taken
following 9/11 ought not to be remembered on
that day as well.
Does their fate have any correlation to the
tragedy? And what about the many thousands
who died in Afghanistan, including the latest
90 people who were burned alive when the
June 4, he said: “So let there be no doubt:
Islam is a part of America. And I believe that
America holds within her the truth that regard-
less of race, religion, or station in life, all of us
share common aspirations — to live in peace
and security; to get an education and to work
scenes would be replaced by positive ones,
that dialogue would replace hostility, and that
Obama will meet even if the minimum expec-
tations of his fans in the Muslim world.
9/11 should not be a political episode to
underscore the reason of why the fight in var-
place. Regardless of the situation, targeting NATO forces bombed two fuel tankers in the with dignity; to love our families, our communi-
civilians is unconditionally reviled. No matter ious Muslim countries should continue; nor
northern part of the country a few days ago? ties, and our God. These things we share. This should it be an opportunity to rejoice at the
where we stand on war, and how do we wish Do they not deserve commemoration as well? is the hope ?of all humanity.”
to rationalize and define extremism, and even death of ?the “infidels”.
Are not their destinies somehow intimately Obama spoke and Muslims listened. They We should collectively abhor the rationali-
terror, we must pause to remember those who intertwined? This cannot be denied. clapped and cheered when he greeted the
died on that day, and the many, many more zation of violence on the basis of vengeance,
Yet, such a view is overshadowed by Cairo crowd with “Assalamu alaikum”. As and consider what it might take to relieve
who died in the months and years that fol- another, which in some way reflects man’s sadly as it were, they were desperate for vali-
lowed. those afflicted with a sense of hostility: Could
most basic primal instincts and the lust for dation, for hope, that perhaps in the recogni- it perhaps be that our common aspirations for
Sadly, we must even pause today for sheer revenge. Examining the Bush legacy — tion of these common aspirations of which he
those who will die tomorrow, to avenge the vic- peace and freedom are somehow out of
which, if anything, gave life and credence to spoke of, that perhaps there would be some reach? Could it be possible that we just might
tims of the twin towers. 9/11 was a tragedy the idea that violence is a justified political softening of the US iron fist that is slowly
that should have been studied within the be culpable for the denial of those simple aspi-
means to achieve set goals and even econom- strangling Muslims in so many parts of our rations of peace and freedom?
parameters of US foreign policies vis-à-vis ic interests — one comes face to face with stricken world.
Muslim countries, in the Middle East region in We must embrace again the anguish of
the ultimate antitheses of such a notion. And although Obama went to great what happened on 9/11, ever aware that the
particular. If we wish not to venture that far, But with the help and expertise of media lengths to express a common humanity, his
then an honest look at the period that followed body count grows even today. And although
czars, especially the likes of Fox News, such forces continue to ravage Muslims without the wreckage of that horrible day was cleared
the first Gulf War of 1990-91, and the tragic primeval ways of thinking were embraced with pause: news from Afghanistan is ever grim.
sanctions that took the lives of hundreds of away years ago, the lessons of that day are
ease. “Shock and Awe” was much more Iraq’s calamities are also compared. His state- still buried beneath our anger, frustration, and
thousands of Iraqis, is certainly warranted. sophisticated than 9/11; it was accompanied ments on Palestine are lukewarm and faithful-
Anger, when becomes protracted and mul- prejudice.
by a voice over, and eloquent commentators ly precluded with a solemn pledge of To unearth these lessons, we must widen
tifaceted, is at risk of inspiring extremism and who kindly explained exactly what we saw on America’s undying allegiance to the Jewish
rationalizing terror. But there are other facets our horizons, from New York to Baghdad, from
the screen, but the idea was still the same. State. Kabul to Gaza, cities, which are in some way
to be examined when political violence is to be Innocents died so horribly that political scores Keeping these things in mind, it is at times
scrutinized. 9/11 cannot be divorced from sur- worlds apart, but in other ways much closer
would be settled and gains could be exacted. difficult to have full trust in the sincerity of the than we may innocently suspect.
rounding events, preceding tragedies or sub- But Barack Obama is not George W. Bush, we president’s proclamations. Muslims, like the Ramzy Baroud ( is an author &
sequent ones. By not doing so, one under- are told. The new president has promised to rest of humanity, remember 9/11 with a editor of His work has been pub-
mines the seriousness of the tragedy. fix what his predecessor had destroyed, and somber pause. They remember the day’s vic- lished in many newspapers & journals.

Our struggle is against

An Open Letter to President Obama those who invaded our
Dear President Obama: Your administration should be praised for at
least reframing the rhetoric and ideological vision of America's intentions
For all the talk in Washington about peace in the Middle East, it is
very clear that US policymakers are not much concerned about peace.
Khaled Mishaal, the supreme leader of the Hamas
in the Middle East, away from the archaic and reactionary "us versus History attests that US leaders don't mind peace so long as it is within a Movement, has said that Palestinians do not resist
them" posturing to a more inclusive, conciliatory partnership fostered by system that doesn't threaten US control of oil. For the sake of 5 million the Zionists because they are Jews but because they
mutual interests. After many years of deterioration of US-Muslim rela- Israelites, should America antagonize 1.5 billion Muslims? In Palestine, "invaded our land and dispossessed us". Mishaal
tions due to mistrust, misunderstandings and a lack of information and if the U. S were serious about promoting peace, it would have long ago
was speaking in an interview with the New
knowledge on both sides, I should say that, your Cairo speech set a new joined the international consensus for a political settlement built on a
Statesman magazine conducted by Ken Livingston
course. I would like to restrict my comments in four areas: viable State for the Palestinians and security for Israel. Instead, it has
1. An analysis of your Cairo speech on 4th of June, 2009 long blocked such a consensus. The simple fact is that there are well- the former mayor of London. The Hamas leader said,
2. An analysis of a small remark made by you organized and well-funded groups in the U. S lobbying very effectively "We do not accept that because the Jews were once
3. Why Muslim World still hates the U. S? for Israel and even people like you, dear Obama, is incapable of break- persecuted in Europe they have the right to take our
4. A Call to Return to the Message of Jesus Christ ing their power. The inevitable conclusion to draw from this is that U. S land and throw us out. The injustices suffered by the
1. An Analysis of Your Cairo Speech on 4th of June, 2009 cannot be a positive force in the Middle East without a fundamental shift Jews in Europe were horrible and criminal, but were
You have, indeed, extended a hand of friendship to the Muslim world in goals: The U. S must replace its quest for control with a commitment not perpetrated by the Palestinians or the Arabs or
in your Cairo speech. You criticized the Palestinians far more than the to peace and justice, under international law. For this, you should be the Muslims. So, why should we be punished for the
Israelis in your speech despite the heavy power imbalance between the courageous to crush the war-mongering forces of your country with the sins of others or be made to pay for their crimes?"
two and Palestinians being victims of brutal suppression. While talking of firm support of the justice loving people. Asked about the ideology and goals of Hamas,
violence by Palestinians, I wish you would have also commented on The following are some broad features of the US policy vis-à-vis the Mishaal said, "Our people have been the victims of a
much worse violence inflicted on the Palestinians by Israelis, as is obvi- Muslim World: U. N resolutions against Israel are ignored if not vetoed colonial project called Zionist entity. For years, we
ous by the death toll in many of the Israeli military operations. The toll of by your country in the first place while similar UN resolutions are used to have suffered various forms of repression. Half of our
violence in Gaza in 2009 January was approximately 1300 Palestinian wage war against Iraq and subject it to genocidal blockade; US role in people have been dispossessed and are denied the
killed, mostly civilians, to about 6 Israeli soldiers. How can one disregard the genocidal blockade of Iraq and sanctions against Iran, Sudan and right to return to their homes, and half live under an
it? Libya; Constant media onslaught against Islam and Muslims, making an occupation regime that violates their basic human
Democracy was one among your speech's major themes. While escalated Islamophobia around the world with the official patronage of U. rights. Hamas struggles for an end to occupation and
your speech opened hearts and minds in the Muslim world, people in the S. administration, without trying to understand their points of view or try- for the restoration of our people's rights, including
Middle East would expect concrete, policy-based follow up to your ing to alleviate their hurt feelings; Double standard in supporting a mili- their right to return home." (
words. You don't mention whether the track record of the United States tary regime in Algeria when 'democracy' led to the election of an Islamic
to align with oligarchies rather than governments promoting democracy party; supporting dictatorships against popular and freely-elected gov-
as per the ordinary people's aspirations, would be corrected. ernment and a Call to Return to the Message of Jesus Christ.
US staged 9/11 attacks: Charlie Sheen
London: Hollywood actor Charlie Sheen has request-
I am quoting a passage from the remarks made by you to the Dear Obama, You have to become a paragon of peace, harmony
NAACP centennial convention Hilton New York on July 17, 2009 where- and friendliness, if your claim to be a follower of Jesus Christ is true. ed US President Barack Obama to hold a new inves-
in you said, "Make no mistake: The pain of discrimination is still felt in Jesus set very high standards for his followers on love and forgiveness; tigation into the 9/11 attacks as he believes them to
America. By African American women paid less for doing the same work including non-retaliation against evil and love of enemies (Matthew 5:38- be staged by the Bush government. The Wall Street
as colleagues of a different color and a different gender. By Latinos 39). He stood against the powers of oppression and evil. Jesus shows star made the outrageous claims through a short film
made to feel unwelcome in their own country. By Muslim Americans us what it means to 'live' with the power of love, truth and justice, peace 20 Minutes With The President which was made
viewed with suspicion simply because they kneel down to pray to their and suffering. Following Jesus also means practicing forgiveness as an public ahead of the eighth anniversary of the attacks
God." This sentence is remarkable with an obvious misunderstanding essential step to restoring and repairing relationships that have been that killed 3,000 people, reported Telegraph online.
and belief that Islam believes in a separate God other than that of shattered through violence and oppression. The actor followed it up with a video, addressed
9 Judaism and Christianity. The Qur’an says, 'Say: "We believe in God, A truly religious person will negate all that is unjust and will carry on to Obama, which he posted on You tube. Sheen, 44,
and in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, 'jihad' against unjust social structures. He should encourage all believers the highestpaid actor on US TV, argues that "the offi-
Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and in [the Books] given to and people of good-will to engage in a dynamic dialogue of action and cial 9/11 story is a fraud" and says the commission
Moses, Jesus, and the Prophets, from their Lord: We make no distinc- interaction, awareness building, breaking stereotypes, ending overgen- set up to investigate was a whitewash. He claims the
tion between one and another among them, and to God do we bow our eralization and the dehumanization of others who are different from us, attacks served "as the pretext for the systematic dis-
will"' (2:136). Thus we say that Jesus was a Muslim, that is one who sub- regardless of faith, religion, or political beliefs. We must stand united mantling of our Constitution."
mitted to Jehovah, to God Almighty or as the present day Muslims know against those who believe in clashes of civilizations and religions. The actor says the administration of the former
Him, as Allah. God chose Arabic language, not for its inherent value as Dear President, unlike your predecessor's approach (which was president, Mr George Bush, was behind the attacks,
a language, but simply for its expediency that is because the message arrogant), yours is mild. You seem to be willing to listen to others. I see which they were then able to use to justify an inva-
was addressed primarily to the Arabic-speaking people. some fine qualities in you, President Obama. In line to the expectation of sion of Iraq, even hinting that Osama Bin Laden was
The message is very clear: Islam believes in a universal conception the justice-loving people of the world, there should a major change in working with the CIA up until 9/11.
of God; the belief in the God of Abraham, Moses, and Jesus Christ. I your foreign policy. The gross injustices committed against the people of
He urged other Americans who were sceptical of
would urge you, President Obama, to correct your mistake. Palestine should be corrected by your administration. A fresh-faced US
the probe, to demand the truth. "We cannot allow
The blind support for Israeli colonization, for several decades, is the president speaking the language of human rights may be refreshing
gross mistake of US Middle East policy. It is a clear fact that Israel has indeed after eight years of neo-Fascist discourse, but the wind of change governments to continue to advance their political
occupied Palestine, expelled most of its population, has changed the won't be blowing until we see the tanks and warplanes of America agendas by exploiting forged pretexts and the fact
demography of Jerusalem and refuses to honour a solemn treaty (Oslo) retreating back to the shores of your country. that big budget-hit pieces against 9/11 truth are still
that allows Palestinians to regain sovereignty in only 23 percent of their V. A. Mohamad Ashrof being rolled out proves that the establishment is
original homeland. The Muslim animosity to the US is closely linked to Joint Secretary, Forum for Faith and Fraternity, Kochi, Kerala. upset that the population is waking up to the false
the American blind support to the Zionists. terror," he said. (
28 The Milli Gazette, 1-15 October 2009

Pseudo-Messianic Movements In Contemporary South Asia
Book: Pseudo-Messianic Movements In the Hajr-i-Aswad, according to their claims. The last topic dis- human nature remained always the same and if it had responded
Contemporary South Asia. cusses MFI's stance and America's War On Terror which the to Muhammad in the past, there was no reason why it should not
Author: Yoginder Sikand author has vividly depicted as pro-Imperialistic and anti-Muslim respond to them now. ”
Publisher: Global Media Publications, which MFI's statements try to camouflage by claiming that this These persons did have a glimpse of the greatness of
New Delhi War On Terror is a Divine punishment for Muslims because of Muhammad (pbuh) who carried his movement to a successful
Price: Rs 399 their outright rejection of Riyaz Goharshahi as the Messiah whom end, but could not see the Divine support which was his real
Pages: 137 pages even Prophet Muhammad (SAW), according to MFI claims, pre- strength, nor the Divine will of which he was an instrument. The
Year of Publication: 2008 dicted and revered with high respect. result was that for a very short period of time, the efforts of these
What were the causes which led these people claim ambitious people did bear some fruit. There gathered behind
Messanic interpretations leading to the creation of different cults? them a following, sometimes of several hundred thousand peo-
MUSHTAQ UL HAQ AHMAD SIKANDAR Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi answers these quries surprising- ple. Some of them (e.g., Batinites) even succeeded in establish-
islamicmushtaq@yahoo. co. in ly: "When I read the histories of Batinite movement, of Ikhwan al ing a state of their own (the Fatimide State) which for sometime
Safa, of Bahaism in Iran and Qadianism in India, it seems to me covered a fairly wide area from Sudan to Morocco. But all this
he emergence of a supernatural being who would that when the founders of these movements read the history of remained only as long as they were able to maintain their organ-

T restore the supermacy, hegemony and influence world

over of a certain community or chosen ones during the
End Times is a hope of a majority of religions. This
messianic character whether the Awaited Imam Mahdi for
Muslims, Kalki Avtar for Hindus, Messiah for Christians or Anti-
Islam and the life of the Prophet it struck them that a man, all by
himself stood up with a mission in Arabia without any money to
back him or any army to support him, he summoned people
towards a creed, towards a religion and not after very long there
came into existence a new ummah, a new state, and a new cul-
isational efficiency, their wizardry and their secret administrative
network. But when these things were gone, all their power and
glory also became a poignant memory of the past. With the loss
of worldly power, the religious movement shrank and obscured
and lost significance for human life. Against this, is the true Islam
preached by the Last Messenger of Allah (pbuh). It constitutes
Christ for Jews is a common similiarity among all these faiths. ture. They also noticed that single-handedly, the Prophet today, as it constituted yesterday, a great spritual force in the
From time to time scores of people have declared and present- changed the direction of human history and forced events to flow world, the guiding star and inspiration of a great ummah. It still
ed themselves as the Awaited Ones. The case with Islam has into a different channel. The ambitious natures of these men then possesses a distinctive culture which sprang from the spirit of its
been the same and a majority of these claims were made dur- whispered to themselves: "Why not try?" These people knew that teachings. It is still the religion of a number of states and peoples.
ing the colonial period when Muslim nations were reeling under they had intelligence, remarkable mental capabilities and organ- The Sun of Muhammad's Prophethood is still shining brilliantly in
the hegemony and power of non-Muslim ruling elites. Though ising ability. They thought, therefore, that history might repeat the sky. Never in history has it suffered an eclipse and it never
these claims had to face a stiff resistence and were sparsely itself in their case too, following the natural pattern of cause and will" (Qadianism: A Critical Study).
successful in accomplishment of their respective goals but still effect. These people had expected the same kind of miraculous The author deserves our appreciation as he had delved on a
they were able to drive a good chunk of Muslims to their ranks success to crown their efforts as had crowned the efforts of the unique topic which a majority of our researchers and scholars still
resulting in the formation of new sects, thus making the divid- unlettered Prophet of Arabia in the sixth century for, they thought, continue to ignore. 
ing wedge draw deep.
The present book under review is a study of three of these Book: Sir Syed's vision of India and its opening the mental horizon of the Muslims and the road ahead
pseudo-messanic movements which emerged in the twentieth people for higher education or western education for Muslims in particu-
century in Muslim South Asia. The book is divided in three chap- Author: Professor Shan Muhammad lar and the rest in general.The timming of the book becomes
ters each focusing on these respective movements. Publisher: Zenith Books International, even more important as the Alumni across the globe will be cele-
The first chapter deals with the Deendar Anjuman whose Delhi berating the greatness of Sir Syed on 17th October. May be this
founder Siddiq Husain claimed to be the Kalki Avatar awaited by Price: Rs 550 could have been the last word from Sir Syed before going into a
Hindus so as to win them over to Islam but in doing so the move- Pages: 186 deep sleep ie "Even if I am dead, O the responsible of the com-
ment lost its track, hence unable to forment a revolutionary munity please don't let the Aligarh Movement die"
change. It was also difficult for the Hindus to believe Siddiq Mohammad Naushad Khan
Husain as the promised one because according to the Anjuman
sources itself, "In early 1926, 33 Indian gurus had put forward the Book on India’s Islamic period
Some are born great, some achieve greatness in life. Sir Syed
claim of being the Jagat Guru or 'Teacher Of the Whole World” (p. with his conscientious effort and support from his loyal friends Delhi Sultanate - Urbanization and Social Change
27). So it was a Hobson's choice for the common folks. achieved greatness which was beyond imagination of the com- Author: Iqtidar Husain Siddiqui
The second chapter deals with the Atba-i Malak Bohra mon man. A multi faceted personality and a farsighted man. It is Publisher: Kanicka, Viva Books, Delhi (publicity@vivagroupin-
Jamaat which is a sect among Shia Muslims of India. As little has generally said that beauty lies in eyes of the beholder.The geo-
been written about the beliefs of this sect of Shia, this chapter is graphical description of India, its cities and landscapes was out- ISBN: 9788130910147
a pioneering effort in this field. It deals with the origin of this sect, lined by him in its true colour, with the sense of belonging. What Pages: 352 pp HB
its division in Badri and Vakili sub-sects and its emphasis on eso- he found that the cities and its culture were second to none as Year: 2009
teric phase of Islam nullifying the exoteric one. compared to the developed world.The author professor Shan Price: Rs. 795.00
The third chapter deals with the messanic movement of Muhammad is Director of Sir Syed Academy in AMU, who is an Breaking the conventional belief that urbanization was shaped
Riyaz Ahmad Goharshahi, i. e The Mehdi Foundation erudite scholar and at the same time an authority on Sir Syed solely by economic factors, Delhi Sultanate seeks to highlight
International (MFI). Though Goharshahi Movement later split into has made an attempt to highlight the inner feelings and care of social and cultural processes that accompanied economic
two factions, Pakistan-based Anjuman-e Sarfaroshan-e Islam Sir Syed towards India and its people. Sir Syed was a man of dis- changes, thereby transforming little-known trading towns into
(ASI) and London-based MFI but the latter is more outspoken tinct identities. During his lifespan he had written and spoken and full-fledged centres of learning and culture. I.H. Siddiqui draws
though ASI claims that MFI head Yonous al-Gohar concocted and had also worked on various issues and topics like education, on a rich corpus of Persian sources to establish links between
interpolated the teachings of its founder. This chapter deals with social reform, Hindu Muslim unity, agriculture, economy, land economic change and changes in language, literature, teaching,
the emergence, evolution, split and present stance of this move- reforms, village and panchayat and on number of issues that was book trade and even pyrotechnics. Delving into unconventional
ment, which as MFI claims is the saviour of the whole humanity important at that time for the growth of wholesome personality of markers of change like food makes the work interesting and
as the image of this cult's founder appeared in large number of individual, growth and development of various class groups and informative. The case study of the city of Kalpi is valuable, for it
places, including the moon, the sun and numerous stars as well religion and overall an amicable ambience for society. Sir Syed outlines the political, social and cultural ramifications brought by
as churches, mosques, imam-bargahs and temples in addition to will be credited in eyes of generations to come for his role in its transformation into an urban city. 

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The Milli Gazette, 1-15 October 2009 29

Health Guidelines From Qur’an & Sunnah - i
SHAHID ATHAR, MD I. Wadu: Washing all the exposed areas of the body, hand, the Hajj.
feet, face, mouth, nostrils etc. 5 times a day is a healthy preven- After describing pillars of faith as a basis for the spiritual
his article is not about the glory of Islamic Medicine of tive procedure. Hand washing is being emphasized more and health, let us talk about the maintenance of the physical structure

T past 1000 years which produced great physicians like al-

Razi and Ibn-Sina. This article is also not about virtues of
honey, the center point of discussion in most of the arti-
cles written these days on Islamic Medicine. This also is not an
article saying that since science has now confirmed certain
more in hospitals now in order to prevent spread of germs.
However non-Muslims did not know that hand- washing is so
important - it has been ordered in Qur’an (Al_Qur’an_005:007)
1400 years ago. And for complete cleanliness bathing is advised
in which the spirit resides.

(A) Nutrition: Allah loves his creations so much that he is con-

cerned even with what we eat and put in our body. Our muscles,
bones, lungs, liver, brain and secretions are made from the raw
Qur’anic statements, therefore Qur’an must be a divine book. To product we feed it. If we provide the factory with junk raw prod-
the contrary, we begin with the belief that all Qur’anic statements 2. Recitation of Qur’an: Has a healing effect on body, mind ucts, the factory will not produce tough bones, strong muscles,
are true, science has confirmed some of them in the past, and will and heart. These healing effects are due to the effect of sound good pump (heart) and clean pipes (vessels).
confirm the rest in the future. If science has not confirmed it yet, (Echo) and the meaning. The letter Alif resounds unto the Echoes "O you mankind: Eat of what is lawful and good on earth.
it needs to examine its data more deeply, or may be it should to heart and the letter YA resounds unto Echoes to the pineal (Al_Qur’an_002: 168)
repeat the experiment, rather than question the authenticity of gland in the brain. "Eat of the things which god has provided for you lawful and
Qur’an. The Qur’an is not a book of medicine or of health sci- good, but fear God in whom you believe". Forbidden to us are
ences, but in it there are hints which lead to guidelines in health "O Mankind: There has come to you a direction front your dead meat, blood and flesh of swine (5:4) and intoxicants
and diseases. Prophet Mohammed (P.B.U.H.) has set as an Lord and a healing for the (disease) in your hearts - and for those (Al_Qur’an_005:091-093 and 002:219).
example to the mankind so his traditions in matters of health and who believe a guidance and mercy!!" (Al_Qur’an_010:057)
personal hygienic are also a guide for his followers. Science so far has not confirmed any beneficial effects to the
"We sent down in the Qur’an that which is healing and a prohibitions.
We start our discussion with the following verse: mercy to those who believe: to the unjust it causes nothing but The blood and meat of the dead could be full of germs and
"Everything good that happens to you (O Man) is from God, loss after loss". The movements in Salaat are mild, uniform, and other harmful elements like antibodies. The pork meat is high in
everything bad that happens to you is from your own actions". involve all muscles and joints. The caloric output is desired to cholesterol, salt and may have worms, and alcohol and other
(Al_Qur’an_004:079) keep the energy balance." (Al_Qur’an_017:082) intoxicants cloud our mentation, our inhibition and interfere with
Therefore, the pathology (disease) is defined by the famous our normal capacity of judging good and bad. Therefore, a person
pathologist William Boyd as physiology (natural state) gone C: Zakaat (Charity): The word itself means purification and under the influence of alcohol may want to take off his dress,
wrong. It is our tampering with natural process that leads to growth. Here it is meant to imply the purification of legitimately engage in unlawful sexual acts, become violent and abusive with-
unnatural outcomes. earned wealth. Many of our crimes are committed with money or out even knowing what he is doing. On medical damages due to
Human body can be compared to some degree with a for love of money, and in the love of money one becomes violent alcohol, whole books have been written.
machine created by man. The fascinating tape recorder has in behavior. The second component in nutrition (after Permission of the
many mechanical and electronic parts but life does not come to it lawful and probation of the unlawful) is the moderation in the law-
till electrical current is passed through. Similarly, in the compo- And he is violent in his love of wealth: (Al_Qur’an_100:008) ful.
nents of human body there are the anatomic parts and fluids but In Islam the ownership of wealth belongs to God. We are the Obesity is a major American tragedy, a form of malnutrition,
also the spirit (the soul). As the care of a machine requires keep- disposer of that trust. Therefore, this concept establishes peace affecting million of people, of all age. 99% of obesity is due to
ing it clean, giving it some rest, and passing electricity of proper at heart and our behavior in the loss of money or unusual gain, in overeating. Allah advises as to be moderate in quantity.
voltage, and using it carefully and wisely, so are the requirement either way, we thank God. "But waste not by excess for God loves not the wasters."
for the body and of the body as whole. (Al_Qur’an_007:031)
Before we come to the physical care of human body, let us D. Sawm: The Islamic fasting: Islamic fasting is prescribed as "Eat of the good things we have provided for your suste-
talk about the spiritual care. way training of our mind, and body in self-restraints. nance, but commit no excess therein, lest my wrath should justly
The spiritual care involves the acts of worship. The problem "O you who believe fasting are prescribed to you, as it was descend on you, and those whom descends my wrath do perish
is that Eemaan cannot be translated into belief, nor Salaat into prescribed to those before you, so that you can learn self- indeed." (Al_Qur’an_020:081)
prayer, Nor Wadu into washing hand, face and feet nor; Sawm restraint." (Al_Qur’an_002:183) According to one Hadeeth of Prophet Mohammed (P.B.U.H.)
into fasting nor Zakaat into charity nor Hajj into pilgrimage to Therefore, during the period of fast one may not only get rid we are advised to leave one third of our stomach empty after fin-
Mecca. They are entitles in themselves. of nibbling food, coffee, and smoking but also of anger and exces- ishing the meal. I understood this Hadeeth only when I broke my
sive sexual passion. blender/mixer in the kitchen after stuffing it to the top and then
A. Eemaan: The belief in God is the first and foremost impor- In fact, the fast not only gives rest to stomach but also stabi- turning the machine on. After all, what is stomach, if not a blender,
tant need for spiritual stability. Belief in God includes belief in his lizes the secretion of harmones which control our behavior. grinder, mixer and food processor, all in one!!
attributes, his angels, his books, the Day of Judgment, the heav- Certain types of food i.e. fruits are especially emphasized in
en and hell and belief that - all good and bad is within his reach. E. Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca): The morale is Prophet Qur’an (36:57, 43:73, 16:67, 50:68)
Imam Rumi has called faith being superior to prayers. In illness, lbrahim's submission and absolute surrender to God's will, the "And the fruits of date palm and grapes you get wholesome
according to Imam Ghazali, the awareness of God increases and opportunity for repentance, and the social and political gathering drink and nutrition: Behold in this is a sign for those who are
man becomes closer to God by realizing his own weakness. of the Ummah depicting brotherhood, and equality. However this wise." (Al_Qur’an_016:067). Fruits are low in calorie, high in vita-
Without true belief, neither our prayer, nor charity, nor fasting nor can be used for programming and testing us for physical mins and minerals, and fiber and sugar is fructose and not
pilgrimage will be accepted. The essence of belief is to rid our- endurance, a requirement for all able men and women. The long sucrose. In a recent study by Dr. Anderson fructose has been
selves of all false Gods around us, or within us, and to worship no walks, the heat, the sun, the thirst, the physical exercise, etc. is shown to cause no rise in blood sugar and even lowers the high
one except God alone. to remind us of the Day of Judgment. We should perform Hajj blood sugar of diabetics. Honey is fructose.
when young and physically well rather than wait for the old age.
B.Salat: There are three health aspects of Salaat We should keep ourselves in good shape before and years after To be continued in the next issue


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The Milli Gazette, 1-15 October 2009 31

LETTERS P.O. Box 9701, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi 110025 Email:
do justice to him. Poor Nariman was heart-broken and his public life Yasir PV
MG came to an end. G. Hasnain Kaif, Bhandara (M.S.) 441904
It is heartening to see Milli Gazette being quoted in The Hindu (Op-
Ed: September 22). Congratulations to MG team whose persever-
Shoot-at-sight order Twit but don’t mock
ance and hard work is paying off. Keep it up.
A caste panchayat in Uttar Pradesh Muzaffer Nagar district has Of late the austerity drive by the Congress was the talk of the town
Salman Sultan, Azamgarh, UP
allegedly asked its members to shoot a Dalit widow and her lover if posed by in a form of a Twitter comment about it which landed the
they were seen in the vicinity of their Village. It is a wonder how such Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Shashi Tharoor in
MG: MG is not only quoted by mainstream papers in India, even
an order of sever punishment the caste Panchayat can pass. The trouble.Tharoor, who twitters on just about everything, made a flip-
abroad it is frequently quoted by mainstream newspapers, jour-
high court judges are acquitting the persons who had killed 40 inno- pant remark on the social networking site about flying cattle class.
nals and websites as well as by parliaments and human rights
cent girls after raping them due to want of proof. All the charges lev- But has the austerity drive got the Congress going round in circles?
organisaitons at home and abroad.
eled against the poor servant and he was senesced for life. If the Well, External Affairs Minister SM Krishna could certainly say so. If
Taliban want to enforce the same severe punishment they are he'd taken his usual government jet he could have got to Belarus in
Jazakallah; may Allah bless you and us all with his forgiveness. May
branded as barbaric. Widows are also human being they too have four hours, but it'll take 18 hours as the austerity bug makes minis-
He reward you for the sincere service you are rendering to the com-
the sexual desire. Why they should be deprived of love and mar- ters take a commercial flight. Krishna has at least got permission
riage. Why the bigamy should be banned. These are all man made from the Prime Minister no less to stretch his legs in executive class.
Prof. Iqbal A.Ansari, Aligarh
laws which are against nature. The pancahyat at the most can com- And leaving budget restrain behind, Tharoor has flown to Liberia.
pel the lover to get marry and maintain her as second wife. In the But nobody knows whether he is, indeed, flying cattle class since
same UP thousands of men are there who are having keeps and given how earnestly the Congress is pursuing its austerity mantra,
May Allah lengthen the life of the Milli Gazette for presenting (MG,
second wives. I suggest that the honorably so called members be his staff seems to have clammed up.
Sept. 16) the full three-page survey of the misdeeds of Modi who
ousted from the village and Bahenji who is also a Dalit should come Md Ziaullah Khan, New Delhi
can never be called a maanav as he is the biggest enemy of
to the rescue of the couple before some mad and hysteric youth shot
them dead.
S. Akhtar, Khanpur Deh 392150
Dr. Abdul Hameed Maqdoomi, Gulbarga An honest admiration
IV A visitor from Delhi recently admitted to being 'shocked'. He had
We whole-heartedly and heart-rootedly welcome you and your
taken an auto from Andheri to Sion and the fare was Rs 86. Before
Chidambram’s advice to Delhites he had taken a Rs 100 out of his pocket, the auto driver had the Rs
Dr. Masih Massino, Minority Soc. Dev. Centre, Beed - 431122
Mr P Chidambarm, I will not be surprised if spectacles of ministers 14 change ready and ready to hand over. This, by his own honest
and of judges fail to locate bare sufferings of "roadside existence" of admission, was unheard of anywhere else in the country. Apparently
Kindly improve the coverage in MG and include more topics on edu-
delhites; and the mere joy of little innocent kids seeking alms at in Delhi, it is taken for granted that the "driver is never going to return
cation, interviews with Govt agencies/officials.
every other corner of traffic points. Whereas it requires courage and any change" (his words, not mine). Mr auto driver - I don't care if
Hony. Secretary, Muslim Educational Social and Cultural
convictions a lot, I wonder if the minister finds commonwealth games your name is Salvi or Khan or Mishra or Singh - you have done us
Organization (MESCO) Hyderabad - 500024
the occasion to push for India to reclaim a look of year 1835. To proud. Bharatram Gaba, Bombay
know the state of our country in 1835 I am reproducing Lord
Charity Alliance
Macaulay's address to the British Parliament on 2/2/1835. He said,
I am indeed grateful to you for allowing me to be part of this good
"I have travelled through the length and breadth of India and not Rahuls Trip to UP Laudable
work you have begun and continue relentlessly. Those who con-
seen one person who is a beggar who is a thief. Such wealth I have Mr. Rahul Gandhi, the general secretary of Indian National Congress
tribute monetarily are not the real doers. It is you and your team that
seen in this country, such high moral values, such people of high cal- and MP of Ammethi can tour any time and any where .The brave son
must get the greater ajr from Allah SWT. May Allah Keep Us on
iber, that I do not think we would ever conquer this country unless of a brave father and a brave grand son of a grand mother. They
Siratal Mustaqeem.
we break the backbone of this nation, which is her cultural and spir- never care for their safety and security of their life .They know pret-
A Rasheed Qureshi, Advocate-Supreme Court of India
itual heritage, and therefore I suggest we replace her old and ty well that their life is in the hands of God .With this lofty characters
ancient educational system, her culture for if the Indians think that all we anticipate that he will become prime Minister of India
that is foreign and English is good and greater than their own, they His coherence with Dalit by staying in a family is an additional
Partition: Eight Muslim Parties Were Against Partition
will loose their self esteem, their native culture and they will become wing in his crown .Tomorrow he can marry a dalit, Christian, Sikh.
To blame only Muslims for India's partition is baseless and unjust. In
what we want them, a truly dominated nation". Muslim or a Buddhist girl who is beautiful and educated .We know
fact Hindus and Muslims and British imperialists all were responsi-
Sandeep Jalan, Mumbai his father had married Christian Girl and his grand mother had mar-
ble for partition. In true context of history Hindu-Mahasabha, ried a Parse youth, his sister has married a Christian boy. He has
Congress and Muslim league all were responsible for partition.
told many times that Indian flag is his religion. It means the interest
Muslims were against the two nation theory and partition of India till
Sheer hyprocrisy by the U.S. of the Indian nation is his primary option. The Brahmin lobby in the
1932. Even upto the time when the matter of partition was being
This refers to the U.N. report that Israel had deliberately targeted Congress may think it is a snub to them .They always try to impose
supported in many quarters as the only solution, large sections of
civilians in Gaza earlier this year, by using disproportionate force Brammenical views on him prefer and safeguard the interest of their
Muslim opinion were opposed to the partition. In frontier province,
killing over 1400 Palestinians. It was a shame on the so-called civi- community on the interest of the nation. The objection raised by
Khudai Khidmatgar Party of Sarhadi Gandhi Abdul Ghaffar Khan in
lized nations who watched in shrilled silence for three weeks, the Mayawathi is fake and purely political. Her formula of Social
Punjab Unionist Party of Khizar Hayat Khan, in Kashmir Sheikh
gory assault carried out by one of the powerful armies of the world Engineering has failed flat .The caste Hindus who are her advisers
Abdulla's National Conference Party, in Sindh CM Syeds's Party,
in the name of "Dahiya doctrine". That a lethal chemical like white are responsible for her downfall. She utilized the funds for erecting
and National Muslim Party like Jamiatul Ulama, Jamaat-e Islami,
Phosphorous was used even on the U.N. compound sheltering hun- the statues instead of using for the wellbeing of the downtrodden
Majlis Ahrar, Khaksar Movement etc were strong opponents of par-
dreds of civilians, speak about the ruthless character of the Israeli .The best way for her to marry a caste Hindu youth and declare
tition. When the time for the British to depart came near, the strong
army. The U.S. had no qualms in conducting trial in a kangaroo court some attractive incentives for inter caste marriages .In this way she
protagonists of partition were Sardar Patel, Jawaharlal Nehru and Dr
and executing Saddam Hussein for using chemical weapons. Why could raise the dignity of Dalits in the whole country .Her thesis of
Rajendra Prasad. Mahatma Gandhi also surrendered before them.
the same yardstick is not applied for Ehud Olmert and Ehud Barak social engineering would good result in the country
On June 14, 1947, All India Congress Committee had passed the
who were responsible for targeting the Gaza civilians? Is it not a Dr Maqdoomi, Gulbarga
historic resolution for partition of India. Maulana Azad strongly
sheer hypocrisy by the sole super power?
opposed it.
Syed Sultan Mohiddin, Secretary, Madrasatul Haram -- The
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad's book India Wins Freedom, third edition
Muslim Educational & Welfare Society, Kadapa (A.P) In Bihar’s Sushashan
of 1964, has the following on pages 15 and 16 "One incident hap-
Bihar is a politically sensitive state but for the state’s development
pened which left a bad impression about the attitude of the
A solo talk of Ramzan people commit blunders. Earlier when NDA was in power in the
Provincial Congress Committees. In Bombay province Mr. Nariman
"As I am saying good night at the end of the month Centre, Bihar was under RJD rule; on the other hand, when UPA
was the acknowledged leader of the Congress. When the question
And you are in festive mood came to power at the Centre, Bihar elected NDA to rule the state.
of forming the Provincial Govt. in 1937 arose there was general
Miles away, my heart is so empty and so lonely inside. Nitish Kumar calls rule as “susheshan” with justice. In Bihar 18 per-
expectation that Mr. Nariman would be asked to lead it new of his
As I wipe away with new crescent of Eid, cent Muslim population lives on the margins. Muslims are denied
status and record. This was not however done. Sardar Patel did not
Just meet at my doors of Rayyan representation in any job. On 5th Sept. Teachers Day was celebrat-
like Nariman and the result was that B.G. Kher became the first
Waiting for you, I will be… ed. HRD Minister Hari Narayan Singh felicitated eight Govt teachers
Chief Minister of Bombay. Since Nariman was a Parsi and Kher a
When calendar tends to keep us apart, at a grand function held at Sri Krishna Memorial Hall. OUt of these
Hindu, this led to vide speculation that Nariman had been by-passed
I can see the stars and your good deeds of my month eight teachers, none was Muslim. 18 percent of Bihar population is
on communal grounds." Maulana Azad further writes that Nariman
Oh! How beautifully arranged Muslims but their representation is nil in Nitish-led sushashan with
approached Congress President Jawaharlal Nehru who rejected
Meet you at my Rayyan" justice? Similarly, 1.5 lakh teachers were appointed. Opposition
Nariman's appeal. He then approached Gandhiji who also failed to
with regards and prayer says that only four to five thousand Muslims got jobs among these
What is Jihad towards it. The Hadith goes to quote Rasoolullah: "I want to alien- 1.5 lakhs. 15 thousands constables and 2000 doctors were appoint-
Dear Mufti Dr Mohammad Mushtaq Tijarwi, ate myself from those Muslims who reside along with non- ed, many more jobs were created but merely 2 to 2.5% Muslims got
Assalaamu Alaikum warahmatullah wabaarakaatuh Muslims." They must maintain a distance from those who lead their representation. Mazharul Haque Urdu Persian University is function-
I saw your article in the Milli Gazette of 1-15 June under the cap- life in plural and aristocratic society and seek protection from Batil- ing in a Government flat. Urdu is treated as an obsolete language.
tion “Jihad is unlawful in plural societies.” It is good presentation Nizam of taghout. They are always worried about their well-being. Minority school teachers and Madrasa teachers are reeling under
and a perfect misleading of thoughts. I wonder how a Mufti of They do not want to take any kind of risk in their life. Almighty in debt because salaries are overdue by 8 to 12 months.
Deoband and a PhD of Jamia Millia nurture such thoughts? It is His Holy book, Surah Baqar, Ayat 216, has clearly mentioned tem- S. Haque, Patna
only vested interests the writer serves. Dr Mohammad Iqbal has perament of such people. If we think ourselves weak in practicing
long back said, "Khud Badalte Nahin, Qur'an ko Badal Dete Hain". Islamic Laws and accept our inability to follow the laws in spirit, Landmines In Bosnia-Hercegovina are still a problem
You have mentioned the Holy Qur'an 36 times in various forms. Allah may forgive us. But He will not forgive those who object to Landmines continue to be a problem for the people of the Former
The sense which you have taken is Qital but not “utmost effort”. the Laws. This is punishable. Prophet (pbuh) had adopted different Yugoslavia even more than 14 years after the end of the 1992-1995
World leaders such as Bush and LK Advani are against Islam strategies in waging Jihad. In his period, Jihad was waged 56 genocide in Bosnia-Hercegovina. Injuries, trauma and death are
which prefers Jihad. You are also favouring them in one sense. times, and the Prophet had led 23 battles personally. In the 23 usually felt most by children who are often unaware of the mines
Jihad in India by Indian Muslims is an Ijtehadi problem. As a years, 56 battles were fought. It means one Jihad every 6 months. existence in fields, forested areas and even near roads. Unexploded
Muslim you know that Jihad is the most superior Ibadat in Islam, Dr Mushtaq, you might have read a Hadith in Mishkaat. The ordinance is always a problem in every war zone however Bosnia-
superior to the namaz. Why is it superior? It is superior because it Prophet has predicted that one Jamaat of Muslims will do Jihad Hercegovina predessor Yugoslavia was one of the top producers of
leads to Shahadat. What is the importance of Shahadat, you know with kafirs till the last day of this world. Therefore, it will not be pos- landmines, a list of nations that also includes the United States,
pretty well. A Muslim who does not have the desire of Shahadat is sible for Muslims of the world to completely forget the obligation of South Korea and China. Many of the landmines in Bosnia-
a hypocrite. Even the Prophet (pbuh) saidso. It is his desire to Jihad and die the death of patients. The Maoists are waging war Hercegovina are clearly marked by Danger Warning signs however
come out from Heaven and die on the death as a martyred and against the present government. They want that their system of life the signs get stolen, disguarded and destroyed leaving no clues as
enter Paradise; he repeated the same desire thrice. So Jihad and be imposed on the public. They are distributing land among poor to the hidden death that awaits the visitor, hikers, skiers or people
Shahadat was affectionate to him. farmers. They are also sacrificing their precious lives without antic- walking. Floods sometimes move landmines and even criminals
What is the purpose of Jihad and Qital? You know, it is not for ipating the heavenly boons. Muslims, if they die in Jihad, 74 heav- take apart and steal the explosives components and use them in
power, wealth or women but only to exalt the name of Allah and to enly damsels come to welcome a Shaheed. If someone does not other sinister ways. In the war in Bosnia-Hercegovina entire commu-
enforce the Laws of Allah and to bring the humanity under the believe in all such promises and become satisfied with some world- nities were involved in using landmines and now after the years of
Laws of Allah and to shun the reign of men. Muslims should strive ly pleasures, it is alright for him, but he should not reject the text war and destruction those activities continue to take their toll on
for the Nizam-e-Haq. Living in a pluralistic society for a long period of Ahadiths and their implications. society from accidents, misuse and injuries.
was uncalled for by the Prophet of Allah. He said, if any azab falls Dr. Abdul Hameed Maqdoomi, Gulbarga Kevin Beck, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
upon such a society, the Prophet will not have any obligation
32 The Milli Gazette, 1-15 October 2009 REGISTERED DL(S)-18/3215/2009-11
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