Lesson Plan 4

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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Amber Gilliland

Date 04/10/2012 Subject/ Topic/ Theme Acrostic Poems Grade _2nd______________
I. Objectives
How does tis lesson connect to te unit !lan"
A type o poetry
Learners will be able to#
$ % Ap An & '(
'orrectly ollo) instructions or acrostic poems Ap
'onstruct an acrostic poem that !i"es the best representation o themsel ' *
'areully choose )ords that are not al)ays the easiest ones+ and that tell somethin! about )ho they are

Common Core standards $or %LCEs if not available in Common Core& addressed#
&*perimentin! )ith ,an!ua!e and Sound to 'reate -eanin!+ Studyin! Structure
./ote# 0rite as many as needed1 2ndicate ta*onomy le"els and connections to applicable national or state standards1 2 an objecti"e applies to particular learners
)rite the name.s3 o the learner.s3 to )hom it applies13
(remember+ understand+ apply+ analy4e+ e"aluate+ create
II. 'efore (ou start
Identif( !rere)uisite
*nowledge and s*ills.
5asic 6no)led!e o poems
Descriptor )ords
Outline assessment
.applicable to this lesson3
Pre-assessment (for learning):
7uestion8 9:o) is this poem .acrostic3 dierent rom the other poems )e read;<
Formative (for learning):
Thin6in! o describin! )ords or me
Formative (as learning):
Seein! )hat )ords !o alon! )ith my name and illin! in the best ones
Summative (of learning38
'reatin! their o)n acrostic poem
+at barriers migt tis
lesson !resent"
+at will it ta*e ,
emotionall(- etc.- for (our
students to do tis lesson"
Provide /ulti!le /eans of
Provide /ulti!le /eans of
Action and E.!ression
Provide /ulti!le /eans of
Pro"ide options or perception#
making information perceptible
Teacher and student based learnin!
Pro"ide options or physical action#
increase options for interaction
Pro"ide options or recruitin!
interest# choice, relevance, value,
authenticity, minimize threats
Personal = their name> choosin!
their o)n )ords
Pro"ide options or lan!ua!e+
mathematical e*pressions+ and
symbols# clarify & connect
Pro"ide options or e*pression and
communication# increase meium
of e!pression
Pro"ide options or sustainin! eort
and persistence# optimize
challenge, collaboration, mastery-
oriente feeback
Pro"ide options or comprehension#
activate, apply & highlight
Pro"ide options or e*ecuti"e
unctions# coorinate short & long
term goals, monitor progress, an
moify strategies
Pro"ide options or sel#re!ulation#
e!pectations, personal skills an
strategies, self-assessment &
/aterials1wat materials
$boo*s- andouts- etc& do
(ou need for tis lesson
and are te( read( to
0ritin! journals+ chart paper+ iPads )ith dictionary app
How will (our classroom
be set u! for tis lesson"
Set up in the normal )ay .des6s in a %3
III. 2e Plan
2ime Com!onents
3escribe teacher activities A43 student activities
for eac com!onent of te lesson. Include im!ortant iger order tin*ing )uestions and5or
6 min
13 :a"e all 6ids come to ront o the classroom and
sit on the carpet )hile 2 sit in the roc6in! chair1
9Today+ )e are dealin! )ith another ne) poem1
,et me read an e*ample or you1< Display the
Acrostic poem on the board and read it1
7unny day
Plants a)a6enin!
0aindrops on the roo
Interestin! clouds
4e) lo)ers
%ray s6ies

As6 students+ 9ho) is this poem dierent rom the
other poems )e ha"e read;< Should hear responses
that comment on all the sentences startin! )ith
letters that ma6e a )ord1
Students come to the carpet and listen attenti"ely
Students respond
.the lar!est
component or
main body o
the lesson3
23 9Today+ )e are !oin! to ma6e our o)n Acrostic
poems1 5ut beore )e do that+ )eAll practice
)ritin! one or me to!ether as a class1 &"eryone
put on your poetAs !lasses so you can see in a ne)
0rite name on the chart paper "ertically1 :a"e
students read the letters out loud1
9As )e said beore+ an acrostic poem ma6es a )ord
)ith the irst letters o each sentence1 All o the
sentences in this poem are there to describe this
one )ord that )e see1 The )ords and phrases are
"ery important1 They )ere chosen "ery speciically
by the poet to e*plain this one )ord in the best
possible )ay that they can1 ThatAs )hy you need
Students read the letters out loud
your poetAs !lasses1 So as )e thin6 about )ords
that describe me+ because 2 am the subject o the
sentence+ try to thin6 about )hat you )ould tell
somebody about me i they had ne"er met me
9/o)+ )ithout thin6in! about the letters in my
name+ lets try to come up )ith )ords or phrases
that can best describe me1 2All put one irst1<
0rite Bhelps in the classroomA
9no) youAre turnC<
0rite the )ords they come up )ith on a side o the
paper labeled B)ord ban6A1 Dnce there is a pretty
lon! list o )ords+ 9Alri!ht no) )e ha"e Euite a
e) thin!s that can help describe me1 ,ets circle
the ones that start )ith a letter rom my name1
0hat are the letters in my name a!ain;< :a"e them
recite them a!ain1 Then call on students to point
out the )ords that correlate to letters1
9/o) that )e ha"e the )ords that )ill it circled1
0hat do you thin6 )e should use to best describe
me i you could only choose i"e;<
:a"e students choose and )rite them in ne*t to the
letters o my name1
@3 90e did a !reat job creatin! a poem about meC
Than6 you so much or your helpC /o) itAs your
turn to ma6e your o)n acrostic poemsC 0e all !et
to )rite about oursel"es1 So you )ill each be usin!
your o)n name1 ,u6e )ill )rite ,u6e "ertically on
his paper+ Sydney )ill )rite Sydney and so on1
5eore you )rite your )hole poem+ you mi!ht
)ant to start )ith just brainstormin! some )ords
that describe you )ell1 A!ain+ thin6 about )hat you
)ould say to someone doesnAt 6no) you yet1 0e
also are !oin! to be usin! dictionaries and online
resources to help us )ith )ords1 Fou can use the
iPads to help you ind more challen!in! )ords1
'ome !et one )hene"er you li6e+ and !o to the
dictionary app1 Ater you ha"e a bi! list o )ords+
then start pic6in! the ones you )ant to use )ith
your name1 2 you !et stuc6 on a letter in your
name+ you can also use the dictionary app1 2 you
ha"e a )ord you really )ant to use+ you can loo6 at
the synonyms o the )ord1 'an someone tell me
)hat a synonym is; Fou can see i any o the
synonyms !o )ith letters o your name1 Dnce
youA"e done completed your acrostic+ brin! it to
my des6 so 2 can see and help you re"ise it1 2 you
need any help or ha"e any Euestions you can as6
me also1 Go bac6 to your des6s and !et your
)ritin! journals out so you can brainstorm1 DonAt
or!et to 6eep those poetAs !lasses onC<
Students thin6 o )ords/phrases
They raise their hands to tell
Students recite the letters
Students say )hich ones !o )ith my name
Students pic6 the best )ords that !o )ith my name
Students !o bac6 to their des6s and )ord
They use the iPads to help them
6 min Closure
Dnce 2 ha"e re"ised their poem or appro"ed it they
can re)rite it on the acrostic template and color and
dra) to ma6e it pretty beore they put it in their
5oo6 o Poems1
:our reflection about te lesson- including evidence$s& of student learning and engagement- as well as ideas for im!rovement
for ne.t time. .0rite this ater teachin! the lesson+ i you had a chance to teach it1 2 you did not teach this lesson+ ocus on the
process o preparin! the lesson13

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