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Devdatt Dave, is a astrologer based in

Chennai and has an experience of 40 years in

the profession of astrology, palmistry &
numerology. A great lover of books, his deep
interest in the science was awakened while
reading a book published by Janmabhoomi
way back in 1969 and gradually his curiosity
took him to tread deeper in to acquainting
complete knowledge of the subject. In the process
he joined the institute of astrological studies and
acquired deeper knowledge from stalwarts like
Late Dr. B.V Raman, Mr. S. K. Kelkar,
Mr.Ashwathapa, Mr.Dhwijen Desai. He has
actively participated in several workshops on
astrology, Vastu Shastra ashtakavarga
(conducted by the renowned late Mr. C. S. Patel)
He has also been the committee member to IAS
(Institute of astrological studies) .With his keen
interest in palmistry he also has a huge database
of palm prints of people from various walks of life
Recipient of Jyotish Vachaspati certificate
from Bruhad Gujarat astrological society,
Ahmadabad. His website is

L eavingT heB irth
P lace
Devdatt. B. Dave

elow is a verse from Sambhu Hora
Praksha which has been translated
in English By Late R Santhanam.
It is one of the rarest classics that is often
ignored by even senior astrologers.
Incidentally it contains gems in astrology.
Here is scribes attempt to modify the
shloka slightly.

Mars and Saturn in 12
, 8
or 5
House [Sambhu
Hora Praksha 14/13]

Chapter 14


If the 9
lord is in the 12
house and 12
lord is in the 9
house and without strength, and in
the 3
house malefics are placed, then this is also considered as a Kemadruma Yoga.
Such a person will be interested in having food in others places, will be engaged in bad
deeds and against dharmic principles, Will have mean mentality, will be interested in other
women and will be in debts.
Mars and Saturn together in the 12
, 8
or 5
house (Sambu Hora prakasha -14/14), the
person will be deprived of his motherland, having to leave his/her place of birth due to bad
luck. This is another kind of Kemadruma Yoga.
This article is based on the last verse.

As per the above given principle the person with such combinations in their horoscopes are
usually deprived of their mother land, having to leave his/her place of birth.

To prove the same, below given, are a couple of charts of various individuals with the given
combinations and short description as to how the above principle was applicable in each
case. In majority cases there is no conjunction between Saturn and Mars but both are placed
in one of the houses viz. 12 or 5 or 8. But there is some link between Mars and Saturn in all
the charts either in the Rasi chart or Navamsa chart as seen below:

Chart of Mr.P.M
DOB 17/6/ 1956 Time 10.00am
Place- Vishnagar (Gujarat)
Lat 23N 4200 / Long- 72E 3300

In this chart Saturn is in the 5
house Scorpio which is the house of Mars and Mars is in
house - Aquarius-the house of Saturn. So there is Parivartana between Mars and Saturn.
Also in Navamsa Chart (Chart not provided here) they are in mutual aspect.

In the above chart Saturn is in the 5
house and Mars in the 8
- The person was originally doing steel business during 1997 2000.
- In this phase he introduced a financial scheme for customer benefit which backfired
and he had to flee his place of birth with huge debts and moved into Chennai to reside
with his in-laws. Vimshottari dasa running was of Saturn and Antardasa was also of
- Despite of all above circumstances and 5
house of this individuals horoscope being
poor, his son now an IT Engineer , is well placed

Chart of Mr.U.D
DOB 21 Sep 1959
Time 23.06.00

In this chart Mars is in the 5
house in Virgo and Saturn is in the 8
house in Sagittarius
and thus there is mutual aspect between Mars and Saturn. In Navamsa Saturn and Mars are
conjoined in Gemini, the 10
house of Navamsa chart.

Here Mars is in the 5
house and Saturn in the 8

Instance during the period of Rahu Mars between 1999- 2000
- He was a commission agent for textile business and alongside did private textile
business and suffered loss due to his suppliers.
- In spite of the difficulties he began working for plywood market and after yet another
unsuccessful endeavor, was eventually forced to leave with family from Chennai
between 1999 -2000. Vimshottari dasa-Antardasa was of Rahu-Mars-Rahu. In 5H is
Mars and receives the aspect of Saturn.
- He relocated to Bharuch (Gujarat) started off his own laundry with the aid of his in-
- His son is well placed now as a Chemical Engineer ( this is yet another constant thing
seen so far in most case quoted here and may require further pondering as a separate
subject of discussion )

Chart of Mr.HPM
DOB 28 Oct 1956
Time 1.15 am
Place Bhavnagar (Gujarat)

Mars is in the 8
house Saturns house and Saturn is in Scorpio-house of Mars. Thus
there is exchange between Mars and Saturn. In Navamsa there is no link.

Condition applicable 5
house occupied by Saturn and 8
house occupied by Mars

- Basic education was poor
- Imperfect business style and he ended up cheating his shop owner by selling his rental
property to a third party for a sum of 7 lakhs and fled from Chennai with the amount
between 1996 -1997. Vimshottari dasa was of Moon and Antardasa during this period
was of Moon and Mars. If the exact date is known some reasoning could be given.
- His son is now better placed as an Electrical engineer

Chart of Mr HS and Mr.MS

DOB - 9 June 1951
Time 16.30
Place Chennai

There is no link between Saturn and Mars in Rasi chart but in Navamsa they are in mutual

Saturn is in 12
house and Mars in 8

DOB 13 May 1981
Time 07 .00 am
Place Chennai

There is no link between Saturn and Mars in Rasi chart but in Navamsa they are in mutual
Condition applicable Mars occupies 12
house & Saturn occupies 5
11-2-2012 to 12-4-2012
- The father son duo were involved with imitation jewellery business, suffered huge
debts, separation from siblings.
- Yet with persistent efforts he helped set up a travel agency for his son again with
borrowed money.
- Finally they went broke due to repeated business failures and huge liabilities that
forced them to flee from Chennai in 2012
Vimshottari dasa running was of Mars and Antardasa was of Rahu for HS. Rahu is placed
in the house of Saturn.
And for MS Rahu Dasa-Jupiter Antardasa was running. Jupiter is conjunct Saturn. Rahu is
aspected by Mars.

Charts of Mr.HDV and Mrs.RHV

DOB -2 May 1971
Time 19.00.00
Place Chennai

In this chart there is no link between Mars and Saturn except the fact that Mars is in
Capricorn, the house of Saturn. In Navamsa also there is no link.

DOB 15 Dec 1971
Time _ 02.45.00
Place Chennai

In this chart there is mutual aspect between Mars and Saturn.
Condition applicable Mars occupies 5
house and Saturn occupies 8

These are charts of husband and wife

- Father of Mr.HDV expired on 17/3/09 and left a legacy of debts.
- Currently Mr.HDV continues to run the family business (of cycle spare parts) and
making efforts to clear off all existing debts
- As seen his wifes chart also reveal Mars in 5
House and Saturn in 8th house with
Mars in highest shadabala.
- As of date, this family continues to have a meager to moderate existence and as seen in
previous cases, similar circumstances of prosperity have not yet come about.
- Yet the charts are indicative and hence can definitely be borne in mind for application
of the principle.

As a concluding remark, I take the liberty to suggest remedial measures for the above as
For eg. For Taurus & Libra ascendant (Lagna) advised to wear sapphire blue (precious
gemstone and offer prayers to Mars)
For Leo and Cancer ascendant (Lagna) advised to wear coral (precious gemstone) and
offer prayers to Saturn.
Likewise for every Lagna, yoga karaka we can suggest the requisite gemstone or prayers.

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