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Term 2 Week 4

crack row history

cradle least discovery
craft catch exploration
crane climbed settlement
crash wrote citizenship
crawl shouted migration
crayon continued adaptable
crazy itself allowable
creek else approachable
creep plains comfortable
crib passive distinguishable
cricket membrane preferable

Your teacher will show you which words you need to study this week.
1. Rule up correctly and copy these words into your spelling book. Remember date and
title your work.

2. Write the words in column one again then highlight the starting blend in each word.

3. Put the words in column one into alphabetical order.

4. Select 6 words from column one and put them into sentences.

5. Using words from column one fill in the missing words.

a. The baby slept in a ____________________ decorated with small daisies.
b. The boys were playing ____________________ in the garden when a ball
hit a ____________________ in the pavement and ____________________ed
through a window.
c. In a ____________________ lesson the young girl drew a colourful and
____________________ picture with a rainbow coloured
____________________ .

1. Rule up correctly and copy these words into your spelling book. Remember date and
title your work.

2. Put the words in column two into alphabetical order.

3. List all the words that end in able.

4. Sentences. Write a FANTASTIC sentence for each of these words.
continued, shouted, climbed, catch, wrote, itself

5. Dictionary meanings. Write a dictionary meaning for each of these words.
membrane, row, passive, else, least, plains

6. Select 6 words. Using junk mail or newspapers cut out the letters needed to make each
word. Stick these into your spelling book.

1. Rule up correctly and copy these words into your spelling book. Remember date and
title your work.

2. Write each list word again this time in syllables.

3. The first 6 words all relate to our SOSE topic. Write a definition for each of these words
based on your study of these topics in SOSE.

4. List all the words that end in able and highlight the blend able.

5. Words Within words. Choose 6 list words and write the small words contained inside
each word. You can also mix up the letters to make new words.

6. Missing Words. Choose 6 words. Write a fantastic sentence for each one but leave a
blank space where the word should be. Ask a friend to solve the puzzle.

When you have completed the work set by the teacher, use your words to create a find a

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