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Nadi Astrology Series :-

"FBsence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV

-:A Text Book on NadiAstrology :-
Dr. Prof. DineshChandra,
(Retd. Lt. Cdr. Naval NCC),
Jyotish Vidyadhipati, Jyotish Bhashkar,
Jyotish Samvardhak, Gold medalist,
Astro Research Centre, Bhavnagar.
PIN. :364001.Gujarat-India.
Dr. Prof. DineshChandra Amritlal Negandhi,
Astro Research Centre,
Plot No. 48 A- "AmritBhagwan",
Behind Law College,
Post Graduate Hostel Road,
Opp. Bambhaniya's Wadis, Vidyanagar,
Astro Science
:Research Articles on Nandi Samhita & other Nadi Texts Like:
Bhrigu Nadi and Brihat Nadi and Sap tars hi Nadi etc.
Sr. Theme ofthe Article /Heading
Title and Sub Title 02
Blessings and foreword of Smd. Samkaracharya Shree Jayendra 01
Sarasvati for "Essence of or Researches on Nadi Astrology" -vol.4.
Verdicts of the Writer on the volume-(4) 04
Blessings from Prof. Shree R.G. Rao 01
Special Acknowledgments 01
Bio-data of the Writer.: 03
01 to02
08to 10
7. Degree "Jyotish Samvardhak": conferred on to the Writer 01 11 to 11
8. Bookreview of magazme "Jyotish Samhita" 01 12to 12
9. Award distribution ceremony held by "Jyotish Samhita" 01 13to 13
10. Guruj ees & Guides : 01 1'4 to 14
11. Legends of memories: 01 15to 15
12. Foreword given by Dr. Nimai Banerjee on the second Volume 02
13. Writer's verdicts on 2nd volume 03
14. Invitation letter of Saurashtra University 01
15. Invitation letter ofK.S.P.C., :Ra,jkot 01
16. [The foreword of the Vice Chancellor of Saurashtra 01
University on "Essence of or Researches on Nadi Astrology'' -vol.-1.
16to 17
23 to23
17. Snaps of Author's presence in various international conferences: 01 24 to 24
18. Snaps of lectures given in the institute "Jyotish Vidya Mandir'' 01 25 to 25
19. Author as a guest of honour at the annual function of Kutchh 01 26 to 26
Jyotish Mandai, Bhuj J
20. Appreciation letter from Prof. R.G. Rao 01: 27 to 27
21. Forward written by Hon. Daya Shankar on the 1 st Volume 01 [ 28 to 28
22. Author at various Rotary Clubs 01: 29to29
01: 30 to 30 (.(723. Sakshatkar of a saint:
24. Author at various international symposms & Rotary clubs 01 I 31 to 31
25. Special photographs of author: (1) Dip Pragatya (2) On board 1
Navalship (3) with audience (4)DIAS of Saurastra University 02i 32 to 33
function: photographs of Saurashtra University 01 1 34 to 34
04; 35 to36B
& notes or read between the lines 04 j 37 to 40
& notes
minute astrology
03 j 41 to 43
04 [ 44 to 47
31. Preface written by Smt. Gayatri Devi Vasudev on the vol. III 01 j 48 to 48
32. verdicts of the Writer on volume III 02: 49 to 50
33. View expressed by Shree Gopalbhai Gajera eminent astrologer 01: 51 to 51
34. verdicts of Shri Ketan Popat on Vernacular book on NADI: 01 j 52 to 52
A. Appendix
B. Legends of memones 14 + 37 + shkshatkar 1 01 to 52.
Bear text p. 135 +appendix 25 +index 4 +Important Note 4 +
note on minute astrology 3 + Forward 1 + opinion of the writer 5
= 135 + 42 = 177 + 39 ( 56-17) +ARC 14 + Sakshatkar 1 +ARC 37
= 177 + 91 = 268 total pages.
Astra Science
:Research Articles on Nandi Samhita & other N adi Texts Like
Bhrigu Nadi and Brihat Nadi and Saptarshi Nadi etc.
Theme of the Article I Heading
"Heer choosnar" or bad and life exploiting yo gas and nadi texts.
Top 15 years of life :happy days or dawn of fortune or begining
ofRajyogaetc. According to nadi texts or Samhita Granthas:
-a research paper on nadi Astrology.
Horoscope of ladies 1 :combination of planets & nadi texts:
Position of planets horoscope and various nadi texts:
Worst position of planets; means, a planets in twelveth to his
debilitation House or planets moving towards their debilitation
Houses- andNADI texts.
Properties assets- an article prepared for MODERN astrology,
(but they have Not published.) Part-I
Properties assets and responsibilities/ liabilities wealth and
riches as pernadi texts. Part-II
Differences between the north Indian horoscopes and south
Indian horoscopes andnadi texts.
Planets in own houses and other planets; in a horoscope-
According to nadi texts part- II
Types of" punya" or auspicious deeds like "pitrukarma"
Jivatma or pilgrimages etc. yo gas andnadi texts.
Transit effects of Jupiter and Saturn on job or work part- I.
Transit effects of Jupiter ans Saturn on job or work part-II
i29- 32
: 44-46
15} -55
13. Actual exchange ofhouses andnadi texts.
14. Actual exchange Between the houses of planets andnadi texts part-II
15. Minute astrology (M.A.): planets in other's houses, in
the horoscope andnadi texts: series-I PART -I
16. M.A. Planets in other's houses, in the horoscopes: series-I
Imaginary effects of planets, who are in other's houses, their
Effects and nadi texts: part-II
17. M.A. Planets in other's houses, in the horoscope: series-I
Imaginary effects of planets, who are in other's houses, their
Effects andnadi texts: part -III
18. Press Report :innauguration ceremony of "ESSENCE OF OR
19. Effects of planets of the charts- on nature, body parts and relatives
of the native etc.
20. M.A. 11. Minute astrology series: horoscope of the writer.
Series: practical example taken from the life of AUTHOR.
21. Minute astrology: planets in other's houses and their
Predictions: lecture on nadi astrology series Lecture-I
22. [Minute astrology: planets in other's houses and their
Predictions: lecture onnadi astrology series Lecture-II
(NOTE: NEXT 6 more LECTURES IN ensuing volumes.)
23. EXTRA PAGES: Planets in other houses and their predictions:-
Planets in other houses and their predictions :
24. EXTRA PAGES :Planets in other houses and their predictions :-
Lecture on astrology series: categories of planets- (A) to (F) :-
lecture- II
II Shri Krishnarpanam Astu \\
Fixed Bh-Chakra of Nadi Texts
Pisces Aries Taurus emm1
Aquarius Cancer
Capricorn Leo
Sagittarius Scorpio Libra Virgo
Moon Gemini
Pisces Sat
Name :-Dineshchandra Cancer
Capricorn Date ofBirth: 4-9-1944 Sun,Mer
Ketu Leo
- : Important note and hints on minute astrology : -
"Imaginary exchange" is totally a new ideology. When there are no exchanges
and more over ifthe planets are not in their own houses; then and then only, this
principle will apply. In that case the readers must think about an imaginary exchange
of planets. This idea has come from the verdicts of great sages. This verdicts are "Graha
Charena VadamiAham".
This is totally a new idea and therefore it must be considered with examples, that
how it applies.
In one horoscope sun-mercury-Jupiter are in leo. Thus there is no actual
exchange, between sun and mercury. Now the readers will have to imagine; when this
mercury will exchange with the house of sun and how this mercury will enter in Virgo.
This mercury is in the house of sun and therefore it can exchange only with the sun.
There are two big planets, who are considered as great in the sky. One is Jupiter
and he is "Daiva Guru". The other planet is "Ishwara", it means lord "SHN A" or Saturn.
Saturn is a justice giver or a" god of justice". Thus Saturn is a second big planet.
Hence in other words, Saturn and Jupiter are high level planets. In other
words people or COURT MEMBERS are to follow this two big planets. Similarly, in
this way small planets are also following Saturn and Jupiter or walking behind Saturn
and Jupiter. Thus, big persons or court members or KING level persons or in other
words the planets, who are court members; move or walk and follow Saturn and Jupiter.
When such big person are walking and coming out from the palace; then big persons
and small kings are also j oining and walking with such high dignitaries or personalities.
This thinking or ideology is most important.
In the above case, which is taken, as an example and is cited above, is of sun
mercury and Jupiter; all the three planets are in leo. While Saturn is in Gemini. Though
Sun is the king of the planets. Even though, he follows his GURU and Ishwara or big
planets namely, Saturn and Jupiter. All planets in the above manners, or in other words
court members and king follow Dai va guru and Ishwara. And during their walk they are
crossing all the twelves signs ( ofbh-chakra or horoscope).
In the above manner, when Jupiter and Saturn enters in the house of mercury; sun
is also co-operating and walking with them in the tour of transit on 12 signs.
When Saturn, who is in Gemini (at birth time) in the example; along with all
planets, completes his fist round, at the approximate age 30 (of the native). At that time
he comes back to his original position of Gemini (2' degree). (28 degrees means 28
months for saturn's completion of that sign and proceeds towards cancer). He next
proceeded and entered in cancer after two years (30+2=32). He crossed cancer and leo
in next five years ( 32+2.5+2.5=37years of age). He entered in Virgo at the age 37/38. In
the year 1982 the native purchased a peace of land and during that time native was sent
to naval refresher training course. After taking the training at Goa, he again placed to
his original position. Sun means government. Thus this change was temporary.
Therefore native was sent in central government training.
Here one thing that should be noted, is the only second round of Jupiter
or second round of Saturn are to be considered. The reason is that, first round of
Jupiter and Saturn are, of "Balya A vastha" or childhood. Though first round of Saturn
I applies to the father of the native.
Second important thing is that, Jupiter completes its first round on all the
12 signs, at twelve years or thirteen years. While Saturn completes its first round
approximately at 30th year. planets do not move in fixed and direct movement.
I Sometimes they are retrograded or direct or "Atichary" (or with high speed). This
principle applies to Saturn and Jupiter also. (Exception only lies with Rahu and Ketu.)
These are approximate years.
As seen above Jupiter and Saturn both, in their transits, when they enter in
Virgo. Approximately at thirteenth years (age ofthe native), Jupiter enters in Virgo
(twelve plus one, means thirteen of the native). The native completed 7th standard and
shifted to high school. Thus this the first result of imaginary exchange, which was
given to the native.
In such similar other case; Saturn is in leo. In that case, sun mercury are in
leo also. When sun entered in Virgo along with the transit of Saturn, approximately at
the age of 31132 of the native, There was an exchange between sun and mercury. Father
faced some struggles and difficulties from the Government. At the same time, father
changed residential accommodation and purchased a new house. Suppose If father (of
the native) is not alive, native will purchase a house for his children. More over there is
an aspect of sun in work and business. The native, therefore, takes some government
work, as apart of his wok or business or he enters in a big professional study.
In the former example ofthe writer, whose bh-chakra is of 4-9-1944 (is
given somewhere else), had constructed a house at the age 37 and was sent to refreshers
training of navy.
Readers must try to find out his own happenings accordingly and then he
should apply this principle, in other cases for the others and should found out; how the
imaginary exchange; are taking place or happenings are happened. And accordingly
native gets the knowledge of happenings well in advance and from time to time.
In the above example, actually mercury has two houses. Now the question
is, which house is to be considered; whether Gemini or Virgo. This is a but natural
question. Now which exchange, we are going to find out is to be considered first.
Suppose in our first case mercury is in LEO. Than first; that mercury, when enters in
Gemini or Virgo; is to be found out. Mercury of leo will first go towards Virgo and not
towards Gemini. In this case sun mercury exchange is to be considered in vergo.
Similarly in case of mercury in taurus or mercury in Libra; will first move to Gemini
and not Virgo.
In the same way, Jupiter and Saturn's position determines the same thing. As it
determines the point from where they are placed in BIRTH CHART; from where; they
will start their second round of transit. If Saturn is in taurus, it will give first exchange,
when it crosses Gemini. Thus by experience readers will have to find out the year; in
which, the exchange will happen and accordingly forecasts should be given to the
II Shree KrishnaArpanamAstull
"Heer choosnar" or bad and life exploiting yogas and nadi texts.
The writers of all NADI TEXTS, were SAGES and SAINTS. They were far away
from physical age. Some were far away from even, family life. Mostly the sages,
particularly in BRIHAT AND SAPTARSHI NADIS; have written opinions and
comments on various "Bh-chakras". By seeing the various writings on Bh-Chakras, it is
found that, their ideology, were mostly eternal.
All sex yogas are adverse yogas; according to them. They have stated that these
big sex yogas, as exploiting the the strencth of the native or living fluid or in other
words; "HEER CHOOSNAR YOGAS ".They have not considered normal yogas, for
this matter. As for example for mars venus combination or yoga; they have narrated it
Saturn is given importance, for every Activities. If there are combinations of
planets of opposite sex; then such native, comes in to contact of persons, of such
opposite sex. They are not considered according to orthodox astrology.
The great sages have demarked; male and female native separately. For male
natives, all combination of planets with jupiter, are considered. While for female
natives, venus and it's combinations are considered important.
Now in case of male native, if jupiter is aligning or joining with, female planet or
planets (excluding venus, as venus is the wife of the native ) , such female contacts are
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (1)
observed in the life of the male native.
Similarly in case of female native, if venus is combining with male planets, then
such female has contacts with males.
Here only one "satvik" planet is sun, which is not considered for sex; as it is an
acute enemy of venus. Thus any combination of saturn and jupiter or venus (AS THE
CASE MAY BE) with opposite sex planets, except sun; shows the contacts with persons
of opposite sex. (Except husband/wife) For male, venus is a wife. Similarly for female,
mars is her husband. Thus sun and venus/mars are, an exception to the rule of
combination of opposite sex planets.
Now in case ofmale native, any combination ofmercury, moon and ketu with
saturn or jupiter or mars; is exploiting the male person/native. These planets may be with
jupiter or may be with saturn or may be with mars; the meaning is the same.
In case offemale native; any combination ofmoon, mercury, rahu, saturn, with
either with venus or saturn; it means, she will have opposite sex contacts and may result
in to sex contacts. This is a general phenomena.
Now some special worst or bad yogas of sex, which are given by the great sages
are explained one by one and are as follows :-
Though this is a good combination for business and trade. Moon mercury
combination is considered as a combination of sex. It is a case of "TARA" and
"BRUHASPATI" story of "PURANA" . According to sages, this combination gives
dirty sex relations. Sex enjoyment for such natives, is entirely in a different way of life.
Moon mercury combination has several meanings. Readers are requested to refer,
"MULTIMILLIONAIR YOGA OR KAPAT YOGA ". For this a new article can be
written, but some hints are given here. Over and above, it gives "BHOLA" nature like
"Lord Shivji" ; who had given away "lanka" as "daxina" or charges; as to a "brahmina"
named "GREAT RA V ANA ".Thus such person, has taken birth for being cheated. Love
marriage; in one or two stage relatives of either parents; must have taken place, in the
family. Ways of cheating are: by sex, friend, relatives or in purchasing or selling of
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (2)
landed property, or vehicle or business etc. Such persons are being cheated by way of
blackmailing also. Loss in business is also predicted. Own spouse and children are also,
some times, taking a way, all the things from such person. Duo to dirty sex habits, such
person either is placed in blackmailing or incurred heavy losses in sex contacts. This
yoga of moon mercury; exploits the native and does not a lowe to enjoy fruits of other
sides oflife. This is resulting in over-allless development and progress.
Moon ketu or moon mars, are the other such combinations. Moon ketu gives opposite
sex relations, at the regular interval of life. There will be regular quarrels and disputes of
opposite sex of ladies, in case of a male native or vis-a-vis. Moon means a lady and ketu means
dispute, quarrels, struggles or litigation. Thus in a male native, moon ketu combination give
deputes etc. "Ketu kujavet bhavet". Thus ketu gives results, like mars. This combination is
capable enough to give mangalya or marriage like ceremonies at home.
In orthodox astrology, moon mars combination; is such a combination, which is
known as "chandra mangalya yoga". As per orthodox texts of astrology, it is a
"LAKSHMI YOGA". Basically it is not so. It is a presumption that, the great sages had
intended to hide the basic principles ofNADI ASTROLOGY. Thus sages internally,
may have given miss guidance. If one goes through various charts/ "bh-chakras" of the
original nadi texts; so many a time, it is found that, disciple had asked a question and,
the replay was totally a different and not according to serial As per researches,
it is found out from various "bh-chakras" that, moon mars combination gives heavy
losses at the time of transit of saturn. In one ofthe horoscope/"bh-chakras" of "nadi
samhita", written by the great sage it is clearly written that such a
native is sexy and such natives are not be welcome at home, as the eyes of such natives
are always remains on the females ofthe house. In a very few horoscopes, it is stated
that, such combination gives losses and heavy expenses at the time of transit of saturn;
over such moon mars combination. Thus various "bh-chakras" of nadi texts, are rich
ocean of researches, very mighty matters, may come out by such researches. Thus on the
whole, it is very clear that, moon mars combination is not a benificial combination. On
the contrary, it is a big sex yoga, as well as, Such natives are having sex thirst. Such
"Essence of OR Researches made on NadiAstrology"- Vol-IV (3)
combination rules such natives and takes them to bad ways.
Next comes, the combination ofVENUS AND MOON. They both are acute
ENEMIES or inveterate ENEMIES. Here Moon is not a standard planet and hence, he
plays a dirty role in the family affairs of husband and wife. There are possibilities that,
either the wife or the female native herself, has relations with the other male or because
of other male, such husband and wife are separated. In case of the male, there are
possibilities of having another sex relations, with other female, than his wife.
Out of all these YOGAS; as per GREAT SAGES; WORST YOGAS of
combinations are :MOON - MERCURY YOGA, MOON - KETU YOGA, MARS -
RAHU YOGA and YOGA of MARS MOON. They may be in NEAR BY houses or in
TRINE or even, in center to each other. These FOUR YOGAS, which are
Mars rahu combination : This is combination of yam and rahu, as both are
acute enemies, of each other. At one place, it is narrated as, II vinash na devta" or" god of
destruction. II This combination gives over haste, over speed, over anger to the native.
such native may loses every thing due to the nature of such native and some time, native
loses every thing, including house and property.
Last comes jupiter -venus combination. It gives over sex to the native. Mars-
venus is also a sex yoga, but it is not given to much importance. While the above yogas;
do give the resultant effects, as narrated above. Mars-venus combination is a
combination of husband and wife and not narrated in a bad category. It is a servitude and
HEARTH yoga for unknowns and gives a beautiful house to the native.
Looking to the all above facts and narrations, it is very clear that, though natives, who
are behind sex, can not gain much in form of properties or prosperities etc. or even such
natives are unable to reach the extents of eternal sides or other sides of the life etc.
11 shir krisnar Arpanam Astu 11
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (4)
Top 15 years of life : happy days or dawn of fortune or begining of Rajyoga etc. According
to nadi texts or Samhita Granthas: - a research paper on nadi Astrology.
Normally a person visits an astrologer, when he is tired from the world. Though he
may have a good nature; but he doesn't get fortune even after hard labor. Or he may be
possessing a devotional nature, and he may be suffering worst economicposition and
unable to come out from such situation. .... etc ..... etc. Such several examples can be cited.
During the research work, an important matter has attracted attention towards, the
time of birth. It is indicated by ascendant or "lagna". Which is not presence in most of the
charts of samhita or Nadi texts (99% of horoscopes do not have an ascendant in the NADI
TEXTS). Not only that, but moon is also hardly visible in the horoscopes ofNadil Samhita
texts. Roughly it comes to 9 5%. Such horoscopes I Charts, which do not have moon.
Thus, mostly, the base and support, we take fromNadil Samhita texts (We rely on
such texts); are not having accurate time or even accurate day in the horoscopes. We
often consult Samhita Shastris I Nadi astrologers, who are possessing "Tad Patras" or
Tree leaves; by paying 500 Rs. I 1000 Rs. They are prepared to translate or to read such
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (5)
TAD PATRAS only. Though several persons are disappointed; due to non-availability
of their horoscopes; while others, who do find their horoscopes are generally charged
,from Rs. 10,0001- IRs. 20,0001- to lacs ofRs. in the name of "MANTRA -TANTRA or
VIDHIES, Gems or RITUAL VIDHIES" etc .... Let's put aside, but such Nadi
Astrologers or Samhita Astrologers, do not have research work and They are merely
Translators only. They only can read out from; Sanskrit of Prakrut Sanskrit OR
Magadhi or Ardha- Magadhi or Tamil, Telugu etc. script-language. Honourable Shri
Kanaiyalal Maneklal Munshi had experienced, many such texts. Writer also had (such
bitter) experiences. Thus, whatever we experience or write for Nadi texts or Samhita
Shastras is very very less.
Various principles searched out by researches, if we go on writing, it will be in
volumes and volumes. Such one example is of abduction or "Apaharana" or duping. It is
the resultant"effect of Sun Rahu and Mars Ketu with saturn combination. If all the four
planets are aligned with Saturn, then abduction is definite. If saturn is powerful, he may
be making abductions (work of abductions) or duping and also being duped. May be
pressurized or forced to commit some actions or not to commits some actions;. is
Known as abduction.
Sage Bhrigu Rushi and Nandikeshwar Rushi, had developed a system for
finding "better days" I "happy days" or somewhere written as "dawn of fortune" etc ....
etc ... This method is not narrated directly, anywhere except, in one horoscope. In that
horoscope, it was stated that, "from a particular year, happy days, will start, at the time,
when Jupiter will progress more than Saturn." Thus, This method was adopted by, both
these sages. This method, which is accurately applicable in more than approx. 60% of
horoscopes of BHRIGU NANDI NADI. The exception lies; in those 40 % horoscopes.'
Though There are exceptions which are started early in some horoscopes. They are still
under research work. But this method shows the latest late period of starting of good
days which is narrated in the later paragraphs with details. Bhavnagar Astro Research
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-1 V (6)
Center is proud of finding out the method of "'Bhagyachakra"; either a Horoscope is
locked or unlocked. This fact is overall agreed by, most of all academic astrological
institutions. Similarly this is the 2nd important principal, the ARC is going to cite by this
article. This principle is narrated as 'a starting of happy days or batter days or dawn of
fortune or prosperous time or in some horoscopes narrated as; starting of "Raj yoga" etc.
Thus several different different words are used by great sages. Evan though there may
be the weakest Saturn in the horoscope, this principle will apply universally. Weakest
Saturn means there may not be any planets in the second, twelveth , or even in the
seventh house, to Saturn and /or if such saturn is retrograded Saturn; it gives, only
severity in servitude or "Gulami yoga". Even if such weakest Saturn, having Mars
Venus in the Eleventh house, gives fortunement; but in the later part of life. Similarly is
the case with fourth and tenth house planets, which helps only; when saturn enters in
such 4th house etc. 7th house effect, is only after, the half part of the life.
Method of Calculating the Period
Grate sage has only used such words only in one horoscope that, "The native
(person of the horoscope ) will have happy and prosperous period only after a particular
year. It meant, when Jupiter will cross the Saturn and progress ahead." It is also found
out that, such period is of minimum 15 years. As checked in the Nadi horoscopes,
fortune or prosperity may start earlier also. But this is the latest late period, which is
found out by the research.
"Grahacharena Vadami Aham", is the motto of Nadi texts/ Samhita Shastras-
Granthas. It means that, the planets are placed at a fixed place, in a particular horoscope;
but all the planets, move forward and meets the next situations and positions and the
resultant effects, are the various happenings of life.
A nice research text, has recently come out in the market, is based on "Bhrigu
Nandi Nadi", written by Dr. Shrinivas Shastri, which shows such resultant effects and
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Voi-IV (7)
shows various happenings of life, which let we put aside.
Then , in every horoscope, we will have to find out, the actual positions of'Saturn
and Jupiter in a particular horoscope'. Starting from the age 25, ( atthat time, saturn will
be approximately in the 11th house to his actual position ) in the horoscope, every 'two
and half years' interval; the positions of moving saturn (or gochara positions) and
similarly of jupitor; after every 13 months interval, the new positions are to be marked.
Thus both the above planets; are to be judged in the horoscope at the time of transit. And
thus in movements, we will have to find out, the positions of both the planets:
Thus transiting (or gochara) Saturn and Jupiter; where they are aligned or meeting
each other; is an important imaginary point; which is to be found out. From there
onwards the Jupiter will progress ahead; keeping Saturn in the backside. This will
happen because,jupitor is a speedy planet, than saturn.
Let's take one example and try to prove this matter, between two similar
horoscopes of 1981/82. Saturn is in Vergo and Jupiter is in Libra. In one horoscope both
are retrograded. But, It was very clear that; at the time ofbirth ofboth the persons,
Jupiter had progressed; more then the Saturn ( or jupitor is ahead than saturn ). Hence
fathers ofboth the persons; were having good times started from, the birth ofboth the
children and Both the fathers had building and vehicles; after the birth of the natives.
Now, let's talk about the natives. It must be noted that the native may be a boy or a
girl, principle applies in the same way for transiting progression of Jupiter, keeping
Saturn in the backside. Saturn completes his rounds and comes to the same point of birth
time at approximately every thirty years. (with a very little variation). Similarly Jupiter
comes to the same point in the horoscope at every twelve to thirteen yeas of a cycle.
It means Jupiter will be at Thirty sixth year at his actual birth point approximately.
Saturn will be in the third house to his position at Thirty three to thirty six years of the
native. Thus, Jupiter will be in third house at thirty eightth year. Thus, Jupiter will be
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- VoJ-1 V (8)
crossing at the age 37 I 38 and entering in Sagittarius I "Dhanusha"; leaving Saturn
behind. Hence it is very definite that, both the persons will have happy days/ dawn of
fortune/ beginning of yoga or dawn of fortune etc. etc.
Here the question is, why the sages had concedered Jupiter and Saturn for time
cycle only ? The answer is very simple. Both the planets- Jupiter and Saturn; are
forming "Bhagya" I fortune or creator ofprosperity. Not only that both the planets are
good friends; according to sage Nandikeshwara- the creator of Nandi Samhuta /Nadi.
We must not forget that, best friend of Saturn is venus also. If Saturn has the direct
aspect of venus; eighter in front side or in backside or venus himself in front side or
backside; resulting in "Matsya Yoga" on the palm of the native. Matshya or fish sign wi II
be on the mount of venus.
Now in the above case, according to Nandi samhita/ Nadi, such native will have,
early prosperity and fortune, as narrated above, at the 38th year of his age.
In the above similar horoscopes, reffered above, one boy has venus in aquarious
and it has resulted in :-
( 1) On date 1-11-2006, saturn entered in Leo in transit. Saturn alwa)_'S shows
the time cycle and fructification of time cycle. In result, father acquired huge hard cash
from the government, which was the biggest rise of his life.
(2) Similarly the boy, who was working in a lower capacity; got, two high
jumps, in income. It rose from rs.4000 /-to 15,000 salary per month. Thus, according to
Nandi Samhita, one can read about father or the son from the same horoscope.
Language of sages is entirely different then the layman or ordinary astrologer.
Here the verdicts of seven great sages are like, 'saturn will see; before entering into virgo
sign that, whether the native, had achieved good "BHAGYA" -FORTUNE or not and he
had achieved great position/ rise or not? And after such checking, or after varyfying,
Saturn will enter into virgo sign.
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-1 V (9)
Once again,This example is of Jupiter, who is in the second sign to Saturn
and we are talking about present position . But, according to Rishis's verdicts, "Saturn
will look back, before entering into vergo that, whether the boy had achieved rise I
uplifted position or not"? In this case both jupitor and Saturn both are retrograded.
Here, It should be noted that, (as we have seen in several articles also that), if there
is a retrograded planets, we must have to place the planet in the rear or previous sign.
Here this principle is to be over looked. As this principle, will not apply for the
calculation of years. This is an exception to the rule. Otherwise there will be difference
of2/3 yrs. Here for this purpose of caalculating BEST PERIOD OF LIFE, retrograded
planet is to be considered in the same sign.
Here According to the language of Rishies, every example is an unique example.
Even according to Nadi principles Male and female horoscopes are to be readout
separately or in a different way. It is because the principles; are different for readings.
But for 'Happy days I dawn of fortune I Better days/ begining of "Rajyoga" etc. etc.; The
principles narrated above are the same for both; Males as well as females.
Simultaneously for the different different positions of Jupiter and Saturn of
horoscopes, calculation can be done similarly for remaining twelve combinations of
Saturn and Jupiter and one has to find out the year of starting of happy/ better time, from
the above example.
Let's consider one more example of Saturn and Jupiter in opposite signs. It means
"Pratiyuti". At the age 30, both the planets will be at the Saturn position of the
horoscope. This is because, saturn will be on his own position, second time at
approximately at the age 30 of the native. NOw where will be Jupitor the age 30 ?
Approximately after completing two rounds;jupitor will be at his own position at 24/25
years of the age of the native. After more 6 years, jupitor will complete his half round and
will be at the opposite side and will be approximately on NATAL SATURN. and the
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (10)
NATIVE (boy I girl) will have a better time from the age 3 I onwards of the age. Till the
age 30, such native will be an ordinary one .

Generally it is found out that, this better I happy time is minimum for I 5 years,
when Saturn and Jupiter both are in opposition I" pratiyuti". It must be noted that "this is
the minimum time of happiness" .. As it is written on such several cases ..
If one wishes to cross check this applied principle, it is very visible and one can
experience in reality also. As it is calculated in more than 60% in "Bhrigu Nandi Nadi"
written by great author and translator Prof. R.G. Rao. Humble salutes to great sage
Nandikeshwara and Bhrigu Rishi and last but not the least to Prof. R. G. RAO.
For publishing this article, No change in meanings or sentences; are acceptable to
the author. Otherwise, requested that, article to be returned. This
article is sent in eminent astrological magazines of India and Abroad, which may
please be noted.
II Shri Krishnaraparnam Astu II
Note:- It is conditional that last verdicts Shri Krishnaraparnam Astu along with
writers phone NO. and address are to be printed compulsory with the article and no
change in meanings or sentences are acceptable to the author otherwise requested to be
returned. This article is sent in eminent astrological magazines of India and Abroad
which may please noted.
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (11)
Horoscope of ladies 1 : combination of planets & nadi texts:
Horoscopes of ladies 1: COMBINATIONS OF PLNETS & NADI TEXTS:
To understand the PHILOSOPHY and knowledge of GREAT SEVEN SAGES,
one has to study and follow the "SAMHITA TEXTS" in details; written by thcm.To
search out their theory and their PRINCIPLES, minute study of Bh-CHAKRAS given
by them is required. Bh-CHAKRAS and not Horoscopes are given in all such NADl
texts; where ASCENDENT is not present in any of the SO CALLED CHARTS.
NADI (and SAPTARSHI BRAHM V AKYA which is not available); where one will find
a ample /good lot of HOROSCOPES OF LADIES. All such discussions given in the
texts, were in front ofMATA PARVATI. Such horoscopes contain minute details. Here
entirely a new method is introduced by them. The astrological world will remain
indebted to PROF. R. G. RAO; who has given such TRANSLATIONS. He has done
Here research based principles are gtven. The worst YOGA for ladies is,
"ANGARAKA DOSHA". Any lady/ woman who is having FIERY PLANETS with
venus, is possesses HOT TEMERAMENT. FIERY PLANETS create difficulties in
Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology'- Vol-N (12)
family life. Peace and happiness are lost. That is why, this matter is given PRIORITY
and is discussed FIRST.
House of VENUS is pisces (Here TAURUS and LIBRA are also the
houses of venus.); as it is the own house of every lady. In other words PISCES are
considered as the ends of feet, where LAKSHMI is seated at the FEET of LORD
VISHNU. Thus PISCES is the house of LAKSHMI or VENUS. It is the house of
(A) "Angaraka Dosha" :- The ELEVENTH house from PISCES is
CAPRICORN, the EXALTATION HOUSE. of mars. That is why if mars is joining with
sun /ATMA, provides TEMPERAMENT to such lady. For happy married life, blessings
of GOD, is required. The SAGE has used the words "CONJUGAL BLISS" means
blessings of god for HAPPY MARRIED LIFE.
Various effects of "angaraka" with venus; are discussed in details. Venus and Rahu
both are demon planets. The question is; not of "Devas or Danavas", But the question is
that what will be impacts \effects of such combination. Thus to understand basic
philosophy, both being RAKSHASAS/ DEMON PLANETS, they are mutual friends .

Here venus is a "DANA VA GURU" or teacher. It means he is "SHUKRACHARYA" a
teacher of DEMONS /DANA VAS. Rahu is a disciple I student. Thus Rahu has to remain
under the control of venus or to remain obedient. Thus VENUS RAHU
Here one must remember that the lady or such venus, posses all the qualities of
Rahu, which are visible in such lady. Even though, such lady gets enormous riches &
vast volume of properties. It provides FLIRTING NATURE TO THE LADIES.
Venus wth Mars, means "ANGARAKA" with this lady native, means she posses
''Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (13)
somewhat an angry' or temperamental personality. She will posses all the vertues of
mars. It means she will be speedy, hasty and angry in nature. Though being emotional,
(and SAPTARSHI BRAHM VAKYA which is not available); where one will find a
ample /good lot of HOROSCOPES OF LADIES. All such discussions given in the texts,
were in front of M ATA PARVATI. Such horoscopes contain minute details. Here entirely
a new method is introduced by them. The astrological world will remain indebted to
PROF. R. G. RAO; who has given such TRANSLATIONS. He has done IMMENCE
Here research based principles are gtven. The worst YOGA for ladies is,
"ANGARAKA DOSHA". Any lady/ woman who is having FIERY PLANETS with
venus, is possesses HOT TEMERAMENT. FIERY PLANETS create difficulties in
family life. Peace and happiness are lost. That is why, this matter is given PRIORITY
and is discussed FIRST.
House ofVENUS is pisces (Here TAURUS and LIBRA are also the houses of
venus.); as it is the own house of every lady. In other words PISCES are considered as
the ends of feet, where LAKSHMI is seated at the FEET of LORD VISHNU. Thus
PISCES is the house ofLAKSHMI or VENUS. It is the house ofHEA YEN.
"Angaraka Dosha":- The ELEVENTH house from PISCES is CAPRICORN, the
EXALTATION HOUSE of mars. That is why if mars is joining with sun I ATM A. She
posses more power, than her husband. Venus with sun, provides prestigious position to
such a lady. Sun is a KINGSL Y planet. Such a lady is proudy and ADAMONT in nature
if SUN VENUS COMBINATION is in LEO and sometimes ROUGH in nature.
Mars and Rahu are acute enimies of each other. In any of the horoscopes this
combination is found then such lady will be SPEEDY,HASTY AND POSSESES HOT
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (14)
increases the intensity or severity. Some times such persons are using BAD WORDS.
On the other hand such persons (MALE OR FEMALE) are taking the advantage of
MAN POWER working under such
used by the great
sages. In the EARLY STAGE, such native; say in the 2nd or in 3rd round of
JUPITOR, such native
will be working or studying, where so many persons are GATHERED. In one
female horoscope, the
great sage has recorded that "there will be SERVENTS in her house, UNDER
Such combination, if placed in WATERY signs, it gives FEVER, ZONDIS,
TYPHOID and ACCIDENTAL ASPECTS, as this is an example "ASHTAMA
DOSHA" (Mars being the owner of 8th house of NATURAL Bh-CHAKRA). In one
case of a male native, the great sage has stated that "THERE WILL BEAN INCIDENT,
COMBINATION, the husband will have to remain under the control ofthe FEMALE
(B) Now about the other important COMBINATIONS -These important
combinations are throwing light on the other sides of life.
In case of females, who have all the three PIER Y PLANETS with venus or aspect
on venus, then it is definitely possible, that her nature will be extremely hot. So many a
time, it happens that such a lady looses her tempor and balance of judgement and makes
losses. The logic behind is that" combination of MARS- RAHU means LOSSES due to
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol- IV (15)
VENUS MERCURY COMBINATION : - This lady native will have EASY
STUDIES in childhood and for studies, no much hard labour WAS required. If Saturn is
powerful, in the horoscope of such lady then, SHE WILL HAVE OWN EARNINGS,
like from service or earnings from business etc. etc. This combination ofMERCURY
VENUS or vis-a-vis, provides easy income & intellectual income to such lady. To
understand such matters, the portfolios or scopes /fields of mercury are to be studied.
MERCURY means VIDHYA I STUDY, income, friend or mate. VENUS MERCURY
Combination of SATURN AND VENUS is not favorable, as MARS will find, his
bitter ENIMY SATURN with his wife VENUS. Excepting this, If there is STRONG

NATIVES. Not only that but this combination provides IMMENCE RICHIES &
If RAHU IS in nearby houses, then such lady LEAVES THE JOB I WORK AFTER
IDLENESS to the native. Verdicts of great sage, is notable that "Such lady native, does
not take much interest in STUDIES and LEAVES THE STUDY IN MIDST". Such
NATURE. The first sign of IDLENESS IS THAT SUCH PERSONS feels unhappy TO
RISE /AWAKE EARLY. This principle applies to MALE NATIVE ALSO. Such female
must clearly understand that "IDLE PERSON NEVER GETS ANY GOOD FORTUNE
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (16)
have PITS /"KHANJAN" on cheeks, while LAUGHING.It gives ARTISTIC NATURE
TO THE LADY. Film actresses are having this combination. Such natives are PRONE
TO COLD, COUGH. Such ladies are BEAUTIFUL (not very beautiful as compared to
JUPITOR VENUS COMBINATION).This applies to female native as well as to her
FATHER'S sister and in some cases to her own sister also. This is an INIMICLE
COMBINATION and therefore there are always differences of opinions between
MOTHER-IN-LAW or DAUGHTER-IN-LAW with the native. On the other hand some
natives are found DRUNKARDS.
Thus in case of judgement of any horoscope, first of all, priorities should be given
to the TYPE OF COMBINATIONS and its impacts on FAMILY LIFE and on
MARRIED LIFE and on her COMMON LIFE; then and then only one should arrive at a
particular decision.
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (17)
Position of planets horoscope and various nadi texts:
In a particular horoscope, PLANETS are fixed at particular places. They are
placed in particular signs. Planets are always moving fore-ward and in further
movements, such planets contact other planets. They create resultant effects. In common
man's language, they are known as predictions. That is why, great sages have stated that,
" GRAHA CHARENA VADAMI AHAM"; which means that results and effects are
AND PLACES OF BIRTH. This clearly means, that there are NO COMPLECATED
method to state the future happenings of a person from the horoscope or Bh-Chakra of
the birth date. In all NADI TEXTS or SAMHITAS, only Bh-Chakras (and not the
The basic concept of NADI ASTROLOGY is that planets are further moving by
CLUNGNG IN HANDS TO HANDS with other planets OR each other planet. Here
'Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (18)
JUPITOR are important. They are moving with other planets, who are coming in the
way of movements or in further progress. A very good example can be given of MARS
horoscope. For example if there is a combination of JUPITOR MARS in the horoscope
of a male native and in the next house if there is VENUS.MARS will try to contact
VENUS or the boy will try to contact the girl I wife. The result will be MARRAIGE OF
THE BOY. Now to find out the year, of the marriage, jupitor's movements are
IMPORTANT. Jupitor will complete the first round at the age of 12 years+ 1 year of the
next house means 13 years, which is not the marriageable age. Hence the 3nd round or
the 7th aspects are to be considered. Thus at the age 19 I 20 OR at the age 24 + 1 = 25
means at the age 25 or 26 year of age marriage will take place. THUS THE
means MARRAIGE WILLBE MUCH DELAYED or in other words there will be late
MARRIAGE. In that case suppose jupitor is with mars than 1 2 + 1 1 I 1 2 means
MARRAIGE WILL BE APPRO X. AT THE AGE 23 or 3 5 years of age.
The language of Sages, is interesting. They never consider any planet as weak or
un-capable or unsound; but all the planets are good Planets. Further sages have stated
that The Planets have choosed the places and Signs. They are placed to say that, what
Result they will give. Thus no planets are weak and no planets are strong. All planets are
equal in the eyes of sages. The planets have selected the places for their sittings. They are
there, only to say, what will be the results of their placements. The Results are
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (19)
where such things are written that SATURN,
MARS, RAHU & KETU are bad planets. The obstacles and troubles of planets or
"NADTAR " and their remedies ARE ONLY IMAGINARY. "PAP GRAHAS" or bad
grahas LIKE mars, rahu, saturn are bad (as per orthodox astrology) is a baseless theory.
So called such grahas can also produce good results, which SUCH ASTROLOGERS
Thus if any Astrologer is Asking for remedies for any "PAP" or "DUSTA" I
"DRUST GRAHAS" or "KAL SARPA YOGA" or GURU chandala yoga etc. Then one
should ask The Astrologer that, without such remedies/" WID HIES"- rituals, is there any
good Results are awaited; which will be a test of his Knowledge. Every Planet has good
as well as bad fruits /Results. Every good
Astro!,oger must keep this Point in mind. Thus the words of great sages or their half
sentences used are elaborately discussed here, are very-very important to discuss inner
meanings. The Exaltation or debilitation is Important for fore-casting, but to say, a
Planet as a bad or a wrong, or "PAPA GRAHA" has no meanings.
in any of the Horoscope, if there are more " SW A GR UHY" Planets, then it is very
clear that there will no more Changes in the life of the native. There are very-very less
Changes in the life of the native." SWA GRUHY" Planets provides full circles on the
tips ofthe fingers ofright or left hand, as per great sage shree NANDI KESHWARA
When a person is checking a Horoscopes, he must have to weigh or Evaluate the
horoscope, he must have to consider that there are certain yogas, which are decreasing
the strength or Power of the Horoscope known as, "Exploiting the 'HIR' of the
Horoscope ".Some such examples.
Such big YOGAS are known as "KAPAT YOGA" ofMOON AND MERCURY, or
MARS-RAHU combination known as "ASHTAMA DOSHA", or saturn with planets of
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (20)
opposite sex or JUPITOR I VENUS with opposite sex planets etc. etc., which are
exploiting the POWER & STRENGTH of a horoscope.
Similarly such other yoga is a COMBINATION OF MARS RAHU. The signs 1
and 8 of NATURAL Bh-CHAKRA; are under the per-view of MARS ( as he is the
owner).Eighth house means "ASHTAMA HOUSE" and owner of the house- MARS is
with RAHU. It creates "ASHTAMA DOSHA ".Such person, due to unnecessary
Kapatyoga of MOON AND MERCURY COMBINATION, provides cheatings at
various stages of life like cheatings by friends, relatives including own children.
Moreover the native is cheated at the time of PURCHASE OR SELL OF THE LANDED
PROPERTIES (like land, flat, building, house, shop, etc. ), BUSINESS, VEHICLES
verdicts of great sages. It gives INTER CASTE MARRAIGES in near relatives or to the
out ofSimilarly such otheryogas, one COMBINATION is OF MARS RAHU.
The signs 1 and 8 of NATURAL Bh-CHAKRA; are under the per-view of MARS (ashe
is the owner of FIRST & EIGHTH HOUSE).Eighth house means "ASHTAMA
HOUSE" and owner of the house - MARS is with RAHU. It creates "ASHTAMA
DOSHA ".Such person, due to unnecessary HASTE, ANGER, SPEED; MAKES
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (21)
Such other YOGAS are (1) SATURN with opposite sex GRAHAS I planets and
(2) JUPITOR/VENUS with opposite sex planets. It entirely depends upon the native
that, whether the NATIVE IS A MALE OR FEMALE.
In case of a female native, if Saturn and/or venus is with MORE MALE
PLANETS, then ultimately the combination is not considered as a good one. Here venus
native and in the next house if there is VENUS.MARS will try to contact VENUS
or the boy will try which are also considered as attached parts of life.
Similarly in case of a male native, JUPITOR is the LIFE FOR A MALE and
the same way attachment of more female planets with any of the above two planets or
with the both the planets are also not considered, as good combination/s.
Here, what is right or wrong is apart, but what the great sages have mentioned; is
important. Such above all the combinations depreciate the values of the horoscope, and
creates adverse effects. All the details are gathered from various Bh-CHAKRAS
(horoscopes) ofNADI TEXTS. Concentration of such person is diverted towards the
other sides of life and that is why such person can not devote towards the main
DESTINY oflife; may it be of gathering wealth and riches or may be an eternal one or
any other.
When the question comes of the difference between, the Bh-CHAKRA & the
Bh-CHAKRA is a type /part of a HOROSCOPE or it is an in-complete horoscope. A
complete Horoscope means a format of 12 rashies, which consists 9 planets AND
"Essence of OR Researches made on NadiAstrology"- Vol-N (22)
ASCENDENT. Now if any checks, all charts I "kundalies" of ALL NADI TEXTS
visible. Thus all CHARTS of all above NADI TEXTS are Bh-CHAKRAS only. Mostly
all the above NADI TEXTS, MOON is also not visible in the given charts. Mostly Moon
determines the day of birth of the horoscope.
It is a very strong belief and it is the ONLY FACT that ALL THE Bh-CHAKRAS OF
Moreover a person, who does not have SPECIFIC BIRTH TIME CAN ALSO
DATE. It is only possible in this NADI method. IT IS VERY EASY TO CREATE Bh-
CHAKRA OF ANY DATE. With the help of ordinary ALMANEK (or PANCHANGA
or EPHEMARY), all the 9 planets are available with DEGREES. It may be easily placed
in THE FIXED Bh-CHAKRA. The specimen ofBh-CHAKRA is given below.
READ, father's all YEAR WISE happenings with details, FROM HIS SON and vis a
vis. It means one can read the future of son from his father or brother even. Here
Thus placements or location of planets creates RESULTANT EFFECTS OR
CREATES THE LANGUAGE OF PREDICTION. It can be given well in advance.
THUS nadi science is a marvelous science or knowledge, which GIVES ALL
much calculations or even any clumsy methods.
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (23)
Worst position of planets; means, a planets in twelveth to his debilitation House or planets
moving towards their debilitation Houses - and NADI texts.
According to nadi texts, there are various categories of planets. Such categories
are believed to be as follows:- such categories are determined by the power and capacity
of a planet. First of all, there are two divisions. (1) planet in good position (2) planets in
bad position.
A planet happily placed and having friends in near by houses and no blanks in near
by houses; are the planets in good position. The position may be good or batter or best.
The other type, is of a bad position of planets. Aplanet, who is unhappily placed or
is in an enemy camp, is a planet in such bad condition. More over if is encircled by
enemy planet is in too much bad condition, but planet is in worst condition.
Why one should determine such positions of planets, is a question. A horoscope is
prepared to know the position and future of a native (male or female). Forecasts are
depending upon the power and capacity of planets. A planet having zero power is unable
to give good results. the happenings are depending upon the capacity of planets. As for
example wealth and riches are under the perviw of venus. Resultant effects of a lonely
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (24)
venus and venus with his friends entirely different.
Thus to measure a planet, one has to determine the capacity of planets.
Now to discus in details, every planet in all such situation, are discussed here.
(1). Good positions of planets:-
(a ) Happily placed plan et. (b) Planet, having friends in nearby houses. (c)
Exchange of planet.
(d) having exchange of a planet With the friendly planet.(e) Mter exchange
joining with friendly planet/planets, even they may be in nearby houses.(f) After
exchange joining with friends, who are /may be in exalted position. (G) A weaker planet
having no planets in NEXT 4 HOUSES.
Similarly (2). "Bad position ofplanets" can be categorically devided in to the
following ways:
A. Unhappily placed planet. B. Having enemy planets in near by houses. C.
Having no planets in near by houses. D. Having exchange with enemy planet. E. After
exchange, joining with enemy planets. After exchange, joining with debilitated planets.
(May be friends or may be ********************enemies). F. Aplanet proceeding
towards his debilitation house. G. A week planet having no planets in next four houses.
Here the discussed is made for a planet presiding towards his debilitation house or
insort a planet who is in twelvwth to his debilitation house. This category of the planets,
according to nadi texts. According to feelings of the sages " such planets have no future
except, there is an exchaing of any kind/type with other planet. It may be exchainge of
houses or of constilations or subconstilations/sub sub constilations." Thus such planets
are considered in worst position.
By expiriance it is found that planets in such position gives different impact
according to their fields or karkatvas/portfolios. Which are noted as follows:-
Sun :- sun in virgo is proceeding/forever towards his debilitated house. Here
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (25)
exception is that if venus is in lio. In such situation if there are no friendly planets with
sun, there is no much fortune left for the father of the native. Now above the native, sun
means "Atma bala" or the power pf soul. The other portfolios are sun means central or
state government service or name and fame or promotion (mars) or instituve ability
(Jupiter)or accounts (mercury). All such matters shows with weaknesses. Such native is
so many atime frustrated and becomes fearful.
Mars :-mars in mithun/Gemini comes under this category. This place Gemini is
also not a good house for mars. Here he is in an any me came. It is a strange such they
great sages have not concede this house as a good house for mars as well. Now above
mars :mars means mailness/purushatva power, strength, capacity or physical power or
muscle power or purushartha or enterprenuoreship. Such all the things are weak. There
is some defect in malenessof such male. Here mars is in an anyme come. Thus he loses
power. though mars-moon combination is a strange combination, but it gives "mangal
yoga" as children. Such male are more sexy in comparison. This combination creates
losses. Enterprenouns having such combination are failing in there business. Males
having mars in such position have sum defects, at the same time, it creates blood
pollution. To overcome such defect is bit difficult, but no impossible by medical science.
It is possible only, ifketu is aligned with this combination.
Mars means brother or paternal uncle/ "kaka" and maternal uncle means "mama",
Such person do not have much fortune. Though mars satum-mercury-rahu- and moon (if
all are in odd signs), are brothers. Though this is not the worst case.
Strange Mercury :- similarly mercury various is also in worst position. Though
mercury is in his friend houses, but relationship between Saturn and mercury are to make
delay, fear fullness, suspective character, timid and are delay. Such combination does
not allow person to study. Such native are leaving the study in midst
On the other hand, mercury restricts this power Saturn. Saturn is favouring every
"Essence of OR Researches made on NadiAstrology"- Vol-N (26)
types of activities. Saturn is karaka of marriage and sex. He likes to increase family and
children, will mercury is enough planet. He does not like family and children. Thus
mercury is not happy in aquarious. Saturn is karaka of marriage and sex. He likes to
increase family and children, will mercury is enuch planet. He dos not like family and
children thus mercury his not happy is aquarious. It only favors in obtain landed
properties. The combination makes a person dull and in- active in aquarious work.
Now mercury is a karaka intellect. Mercury means income, friend, business,
agency, landed properties, here every field is weak for the native. Exception lies every
were If there is an exchange of such mercury with Saturn, it becomes a severe case. But
after progressing in entering in pisces, if he is exchanging house with Jupiter, it becomes
extra case.
Jupiter : if Jupiter is in his own house sagiterious, it is , though weak Jupiter, but
some what powerful. Understanding capacity of such male natives, are less in
comparision to others this Jupiter is weak and presiding to words his debilitation house.
Comparatively this Jupiter is good, but capacity and limitation are prevailing. For such
male natives, at one place, it is cited that such male native can not understand inner
meanings and practical matters, as his capacity to understand is very very less. Even this
applies to debilitated MOON also. But such male natives like urban, areas and forest.
Venus: venus in leo, is in enemy camp. His goings towards his debilitation house.
Such venus is not powerful, but is in his father's house. Venus is a governing planet for
ladies. As we have seen earlier that, sun and mars are fiery planets. It gives
ANGARAKA DOSHA to female natives. Such female natives and wife in case of a
male native, is somewhat hot in temperament. Some times in such cases, they are found
arrogant and adamant in nature. There are so many such examples, given in NANDI
NADI. Understanding power of such family are very less. They try to govern the house,
as sun combination, the same applies accordingly to the wife in case of a male native and
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (27)
it applies to family natives herself. Such venus is not finding any bag development for
wealth an prosperity. If net for houses are vacant it becomes a severe case or worst case.
Saturn: Saturn in the house of the pisces means Saturn is placed in the house of his
friend Jupiter such Saturn creates "BHAGYA YOGA". When Jupiter enters after the age
16/18 (may it be second or may it be third round) in Capricorn, it exchanges the house
with Saturn in pisces. It means enter the native gets a good job or a big fortune/best
service or baseness in his life. There after words Saturn becomes debilitated and the
work or actives of the native becomes dull; the "BHAGY A" so increased, if it is not
maintained by the native. He is thrown away, or degraded in the position. The exception
lies with every rule. Here if there is any type of exchange, it helps in the situation. The
position of one brother, also becomes the same.
M9on:- moon means expenses and losses or expensive nature. Person having
debilitated moon are unable to expense money. According to the great sages "such moon
does not give capacity and strength to expense money". Thus such native with
debilitated moon are normally are un-expensive greedy. Thus expensive nature depends
upon the moon, whether it is powerful or weak. Accordingly the person may be vein-
glorious or less expensive. Debilitated moon shows person of a lower category.
Thus moon proceeding towards scorpio i.e. moon of libra is a strange moon.
According to the great sages "such natives are advising others, not to hoard money. The
words use are that "even dogs do not smelling the money" and indirectly, such natives
are hoarding wealth and money. It means "to say something and to do another". Such is
the nature of such native. Moon means mother and moon means a lady. But the nature of
such native is the same even in case of moon-mars combination, it also creates such
natives with similar thinking.
II shree Krishna Arpanm Astu II
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (28)
Properties assets - an article prepared for MODERN astrology,
(but they have Not published.) Part-I
Every native has taken birth for some misson or destination .here good or bad is a
part,similarly In one horoscope, native also getting morha or going to heven or to abode
of gods. Here a disciple was surprise that and asked have a bad person not mixup birth
each other.
Similarly here also a native person may be good or bad, but wether he has taken
birth to reply the priveous births debs or loungs, is a question or wether he has beg credit
of priveous births this is very similarly. It can be detarmind from the position of Jupiter,
in case ofmeale native and from the position of venus is case of female natives.
Now the guetion is wther Jupiter or venus as the case may be if there are no planets
in near-by houses , to such planet ,it is very simple, that the life ofthe native is very
simple, and ordinary. Such native has not to pay anything and similarly not to receive
anythik to or from anybody so many time, such native feel lonely.
When Jupiter or venus or female native is first an then in the next houses if there
are planets, it means Jupiter, venus or lonely or support less because there are no planets
in the beground ofthe Jupiter\venus. And such native as to pay to the planets in the
Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (29)
succeeding house birth this is the belif of great seven sages he has taken the birth
On the contrary if ther are one or more planet in the previous house, JupiterWenus
it means all such person\related to such planets will have to taken care of the native such
natives are reither fvourealr or smallest one, in the family. Thus the native has credit
balance of privous birth and will be repaid by the planets in the privous houses. Such
natives are fortunate by birth. For example, if there is sun and then Jupiter in digreesor
signs, then father of the native must be taking all cares for the native till birth to death.
Here like wise, moon means mother, mercury means yunger brothers\sister as the case
may be. Similarly rahu means grand father, moon means mother, moon rahu mean
maternal grand mother or mothers mother, mars means brother\husband (in case of
female) and mars means brothers for male native. This mater will not be repited in every
Now if JupiterWenus has sun in next house then such native taken every care
far the father vis-u-vis, if JupiterWenus has sun in previous house, then father ofthe
native taken every caee and welfare of the in case if JupiterWenus has no planets in
previous and also in the next house such native has not to recive anything from anybody.
Such natives are lonely and introvert
In case, if such JupiterWenus is in the midst of planets, then it means that he is a
ereditor, as well as; he is a debtor the planets in previous to such JupiterWenus, are to
give benyfits to the native. If there are powerful planets they will help in every way even
animical planets in the previous houses, are also supposed to support the native,
because, the native is creditor df previous birth and he has to receive the rewords of
previous birth karmas. Here the help depends upon the portfolios of such planets.
The planets in the next houses are, expecting everything from the native. If native
is powerful and capable, the native will help in every respect.
Now the planets who are weak, can not help the next houses. But they give mental
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (30)
and phychological help. Though in case of Jupiter Wenus having no planets in previous
house, that means native himself is weak, but will try to helpthe other planets, who are in
next house or houses.
Let the discussion extend up to the planets and relative mars in previous house to
such Jupiter venus means the native will be helped by mars or brother/husband, as the
case may be. Every time it will be not repeated that in case of a male Jupiter is to be
considered for the native. Similarly in case of female natives venus is the considered for
that female native, as her life.
Moon/mother in the previous house to such Jupiter/venus; means the native will
be helped by own mother/mother in low. Mercury in the previous house, means younger
brother( in odd signs); or younger sister in case of mercury in even sign. The helped
depends upon the power and capacity of such mercury, it happens in every case and the
type and kind of help depends upon such strength and portfolio of such planet. Saturn in
previous house means big brother or elder of the family. Rahu in previous house means
grand father ofthe native. The principle will apply in the same way.
Now in case of male native, venus in previous house to Jupiter means mother and
sister in the small age and wife in case of in married male native, she will help the native.
Some time venus means paternal sister or fufi.
In case of a female native Jupiter in previous house is similar to mars of husband.
In some cases the teacher or guruji is also taking care for such female native. The other
meaning of Jupiter means the reputed and respected person or "dharma guru".
The combination states the relationship. Moon Jupiter means maternal uncle or a
respected person for mother family in the same way sun Jupiter means brother of the
father or a respected person for the father family moon KETU means maternal grandma.
Moon RAHU means paternal grand mother.
(B) Now in the same way if such JupiterWenus has the above stated planets in
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (31)
chronology, in the nexts house the native has to help them. The relatives may be
reckoned from the planets as narrated above but it is definition that native will have to
help them either mentally or physically and in every way including moneta !ily help.
(C) If there is combination of jupitor ketu or venus Ketu as the cas: may be, the
native is completing all his responsibilities and liabilities of all previous births and he is
going to CELESTORIAL ABODE means HEA YEN. Whatever now we have seen
position and details in case of helps rendered by the relatives, it is all right but in some
cases, it is found that, that the native will help the relatives are not helping some times,
the reason, which is found out is a strange one, when a native is having SATURN MARS
COMBINATION or SATURN venus KETU COMBINLY, such natives are so
independent or they do not obay the orders of the elders. Such natives are independent in
nature. They do not like the serve others and hence there is no question that the native
may help or render service to the. Relatives who he \she as to serve Such natives are ideal
and also angry in temperament, as they have mars RAHU KETU combination.
(D) Now the question of assets properties, wealth, which is entirely depanding
upon the combination of planets, which are discussed are follows: -
(a) BHAGYA CHAKRA LOCKED case. (b) "Jupiter progress ahead then
Saturn" principal. (c)venus mercury or mercury venus combination. (d) venus
progressed ahead then sun. (E) When a person gets WIND-FALL PROFITS, by the help
Thus prosperity starts from verious angls lokeed BHSGYA CHAKRA does not
abovedto starts prosperity in physical progress. at the same time is the best peri us of life
has not started, it will not allows prosperity to start. Thus the quition of wealth and assets
does not remain in such case. After sarching this to subjects, if the age of the natives
permits then the case of mercury venus or venus mercury should be considered.
This second parts will be discussed in next article.
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (32)
Properties assets and responsibilities/ liabilities wealth and riches as per nadi texts. Part-IT
{This entire subject is divided in to parts: namely:-
1. Wealth and riches. 2. Building/house and its elements, like mer.
Means land or earth; mars means stones and venus means money and moon
means expenses. 3. Time of purchasing. II. 4.Responsibilitiesand liabilities.}
: -MODERN ASTROLOGY, but they have not printed the article in their
This article relates to (A) Wealth and richies or prosperous position. (B)
Purchasing of properties or construction of a house property or place for business; like
shop (individual or in duplex /triplex buildings, or a flat etc.). (C) A person, who is "hand
to mouth." Or whose incomes are very very less; can not dream even for own housing
facility. (D) Time of purchase. (E) Responsibilities and liabilities.
This part of the article relates to WEALTH AND RICHIES OR PROSPERIOUS
POSIDON. It is a very simple logic that, any person can only purchase or construct
housing facility, when he has savings from the income. In a simple language, unless and
'Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (33)
until prosperity starts, or incomes are increased to, some what greater extent; such a
person can not purchase \construct residential facility.
There are various barriers, which can be determine this matter; by researches.
These principles are found out from the BH-CHAKRAS\horoscopes given in NADI
TAXTS. They are as follow:-
(a) Strong and SOUND SATURN and in the same way STRONG AND SOUND
JUPITOR/venus, can only help the native for such facility.
(b) BHAGYA CHAKRA locked case : It will withheld a person up to a definite
(c) "Jupiter ahead then Saturn" principle : UPTILL this period of time
cycle, a t i v ~ is unable gain landed properties.
(d) venus progressed AHEAD THAN SUN PRINCIPLE
(e) venus mercury or mercury venus YOGA or combination : Mter viewing the
above A,B,C points; this point is to be considered.
(t) When a person gets windfall profits.
(A) Strong and sound SATURN and JUPITOR NENUS :-
All above points: (a) to (e) depends upon the STRONG AND SOUND SATURN
and JUPITOR/VENUS as the case may be. As the case may be MEANS, JUPITOR IN
Wealth, properties, assets and responsibilities/liabilities; all depends upon a strong
and capable person. Now the question is, how a person becomes capable and strong. This
entirely depends upon work and life of a person. According to nadi texts, work and life
are two entirely different karakatvas (scopes/portfolios/fields). OR relates to particularly
two different planets. Saturn holds the portfolio of work-service, business, agency,
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (34)
contract etc. etc. or in short every type of work or activity coming under the perview of
Saturn. S Similarly the life is seen from Jupiter/venus, as the case may be. Here Jupiter
is considered for a male native, while venus is considered for a female native. Life of a
male is Jupiter and life of a female means venus. Thus if they are strong, it will help the
person concerned in every way.
(B) BHAGYA CHAKRA locked case.: -locked BHAGYA CHAKRA is entirely a
different case. When BHAGYA CHAKRA is locked, a person does not get full extent of
income or ample income. This research was done by THE 48\a ASTRO RESEARCH
CHARTS, it is stated that, before 32 years of age, this native will not get any big fortune.
In that case, RAHU was in second to Saturn. In trine to RAHU, there were no other
planet. That means that direction was vacant, as RAHU and KETU are shadowy planets.
So that direction was considered as vacant. RAHU and KETU are not the main plane not
the main planets. Here it must be noted that, there are, main and physical seven planets
only. RAHU and KETU creates smokes or cloudy atmosphere. The great seven sages
have considered only seven planets, as main planets, and there after words they had
added RAHU and KETU for which they have given predictions also. For harschal
Neptune and Pluto; they have stated nothing. They have not considered them, as planets.
In Nandi NADI, there are so many charts, who have no RAHU-KETU AXES in such
charts I Bh-chakras.
Thus it is very simple, that there are only four directions; namely east,
west, north and south and accordingly there are four divisions of a BH-CHAKRAS. In
other words, as the GREAT SEVEN SAGES have mentioned them as, "DHARMA,
ARTHA, KAMA, MOKSHA". Thus to divide alll2rashies/ signs in FOUR PARTS; all
trine RASHIES\SIGNS will form one separate group or a part out of the 4 parts. Thus
every trine rashies will form a separate GROUP. Similarly there will be 4 such
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (35)
The other reason for dividing signs in such groups, is that, all the trines
signs/rashies are coming under one NAKSHATRNconstilation, or a group of
constilations. Thus it will be a new ideology but it is a fact that this ideology is the base;
for all discussions of charts \BHACHAKRAS given by the great seven sages. Thus, in
any one group, of "DHARMA", "ARTHA," "KAMA", "MOKSHA" (or east, west,
north, south) RASHIES \signs has no planets or only RAHU or only KETU (as RAHU
KETU are not considered as real planets), it simply means that, that direction is vacant
or blank. Unless and until Jupiter and later on Saturn reaches to that vacant signs, there
will be no income or no big fortune for the native. Till that time native remains normal
and ordinary. On the very point of vacant signs, when Jupiter and later Saturn riches that
point the native first gets the job and when Saturn cross that point, the native /Saturn is
receiving high incomes.
The other fore cast given GREAT SAGES on the above point is also interesting.
That is, the vacant direction of the chart shows that, that in that direction, from the birth
building; either was vacant or there was empty ground or vacant plot in that direction.
This principal was accidentally found during research work. In one of the charts it was
mentioned that, "this native will be ordinary, till Jupiter progresses ahead" and there
after words his progress will be excellent etc. words were used. The chart was from
"NANDI NADI" (Nandi shamhita). This statement of great sage Nandikesvera, was
only befitting with the gochara movements or transits of Saturn and Jupiter. Normally
Saturn completes his round at 30 years. Similarly Jupiter completes his round at 12
years approximately and comes to it's original position.
Here every body has to find out the position from Saturn or vis-a-vis from his/her
own horoscope. Now let us start with the example of Saturn jupitor opposition or
"PRATI-YUTI". Now in transit ( gochara) Saturn will be, exactly at 30th year; to his
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (36)
original position. Similarly at 24th year, Jupiter will be to his original position. At 30th
year Jupiter will be (in his ther round) at 7th house (where Saturn is placed); from his
original position. Thus to progress ahead, Jupiter will require one more year. Thus at
31\32 year of native's age, Jupiter will cross Saturn (who is in 7th house), in transits or in
movements an.d progress further ahead.
Like-wise, every position between Jupiter and Saturn, for every horoscope the
Year of good position of the native, is found out by researches and given below in a
tabular form : -
and given below in a tabular form :-
Jupt. withSAT. Best period from: ... Approx.41/42nd year of the age of the native. *
Jupt. In 2nd to SAT. Best period from .... Approx.40th year of the age of the native.*
Jupt. In 3rd to SAT. Best period from .... Approx.39th year of the age of the. native. *
Jupt. In 4th to SAT Best period from ... Approx.36th year of the age of the native. *
Jupt. In 5th to SAT. Best period from .... Approx.34th year of the age of the native. *
Jupt. In 6th to SAT. Bestperiod from .... Approx.32nd year of the age of the native. *
Jupt. In 7th to SAT. Best period from .... Approx.31 st year of the age of the native. *
Jupt. In 8th to SAT. Best period from .... Approx.30th year of the age of the native. *
Jupt. In 9th to SAT. Best period from .... Approx.29th year of the age of the native. *
Jupt. In 1Oth to SAT. Best period from ... Approx. 26th year of the age of the native. *
Jupt In 11 th to SAT. Best period from ... Approx.25th year of the age of the native. *
Jupt in 12th to SAT. Bestperiod from ... Approx.22th Year of the age of the native.*
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (37)
All the charts ofBHRIGU NADI AND NANDI NADI are charts and forecasts found
accordingly. Every reader can check and find out the starting ofbest years ofLike, in
every case/horoscopes and can confirm happenings accordingly.
(D) venus progressed then sun.:-
This principle is also given by NANDIKESHVARA RUSHI/sage. (Authority :
Prof. R.G.RAO.: book: BHRIGU NANDI NADI ). In common and ordinary horoscope
venus is also behind the sun. In such cases/charts great sages have often stated that, "this
is an ordinary case." When venus has crossed sun and moved ahead , it means "venus
has more progressed than sun."
Such venus creates more Prosperity to the native, then his/her Parents. In practice
it is found that this principle applies to all cases; except in case of weak Saturn and
Jupiter/venus as the case may be .
. ,
(E) venus mercury or mercury venus combination : -
Prosperity of every native does not start untess and until Saturn reaches to
(E) venus mercury or mercury venus combination : -
Prosperity of every native does not start unless and until Saturn reaches to venus
/mercury or vis-a-vis first and second chronologically. It is but natural that venus and
mercury, both being the wives of sun; can not remain far from sun. They will have to
remain within four house from sun, i.e. if sun is in Gemini then, mercury and venus will
have to remain within pisces to VERGO.
Transiting Saturn after completing 23years (Age of the native); will reach to the
11 th house from the original position (of Saturn) by birth.
Thus from 11th house from on-words, one will have to check the placement of
venus and mercury. In the horoscope, Suppose if mercury is in the 11th house to Saturn,
then mercury means income. And hence the income will start growing from 23/24 years
ofthe native.Here there is only one and main exception; which is that in case ofmale
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (38)
native Saturn and Jupiter must not be weak. Here according to NADI TEXTS, weak
means, there should not be any planets with such Saturn and Jupiter and no planets in
nearby houses also. In case of female native, if venus and Saturn are placed similarly;
then in both the above cases (male and female); the native will never get a good position.
He/she will live, the life of slavery and servitude. According to sages, this should never
be revealed to the native, otherwise; as per stated in the NADI BOOKS, that "there will
be shower of curses on the astrologer or revealer"
mercury combination or extra vagent nature due to venus -mars combination
If frrst is venus ,it will help in earning money; as well as wealth, tangible assets
and happiness. As venus being the fast friend of Saturn, it will give rise in monetary
matters and income. If in this case mercury is first, then income will start first then later
prosperity will start. In the case of mercury venus combination, Prosperity will start
from the very point/year, when Saturn touches the degrees of venus.
Thus such mercury venus /venus mercury combination, may be in 12th or in the
11th house from Saturn; accordingly Prosperity will start. Suppose in a case of Saturn
having mercury in third house and venus in 4th house; ultimately it leads to rise in
income at 31132 and starting of Prosperity will be from 35/36 to 39, year of age of the
(F) When a person gets wind-fall Profits.;-
Win-foil profits are the creation of (A) gambling (B)horse races (C)Speculation
(D) lottery etc. and (E) extra ordinary profits from the sale of fixed assets or from sale of
landed property.
A Person either gets big fortune from his/her own ability and work. But some
profit are extra ordinary profits. There are known as wind-foil profits.
Such wind-foil profits are available from (a) to (E) matters, narrated above; the
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (39)
volume of such profits are bigger one. Such profits are extra ordinary profits. Such
profits are due to mars venus or venus mars or venus rahu combination. Moon mercury
combination also creates large volume of business and profits. Such profits are helping
the native to increase, in his prosperity. Mter such prosperity, person tries to acquire
landed properties and other tangible and non tangible assets. Thus indirectly such
profits help to strengthen the native. A strong, sound and capable native tries to acquire
landed properties.
Now the question is of a weak Saturn, Jupiter and venus or strong Planets. It
entirely depends upon the near by houses to the planets and the Planets who are giving
the company to the Planet. Thus any Planet, who has no Planets in near by houses or in
the same house; is the weaker Planet. Similarly if such Planet has no Planets, even in the
seventh pouse also, is the weakest weak Planet. Such Planet is unable to give any good
Thus if Saturn and Jupiter/venus has no planets (A) with him (b) and no Planets
Thus if Saturn and Jupiter/venus has no planets (A) with him (b) and no Planets Thus if
Saturn and Jupiter/venus has no planets (A) with him (b) and no Planets in near by
houses (c) and no Planets even in the 7th house also, (As per researches, they are giving
re-reflectionaryaspect or "PUNRAVARTITDRASTI" to the main planet):
Means all the planets are weakest weak such natives are living in poverty. They
are passing there life in slavery and "GULAMI". The exception is that, ifthere is an
exchange of any kind ~ then such natives are surviving from such bad position.
Thus planets, can only give the good results, if they are encircled with planets. Now the
remaining principal will by seen one by one
As we have seen above prosperity starts\comes by five stages, as narrated above.
The above discussion will be useful to, those, who are interested in nadi astrology. More
over we have seen that, unless and until prosperity starts, no body can purchase or
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (40)
construct, a place for residence or business. Even good vehicle can not be purchased
during normal leaving. Prosperity means including incomes, which are covering food,
clothing and rental housing accomodation and good savings for future.
The third part will consists of responsibility and liabilities which are taking birth
due to (1) moon -RAHU combination (2) moon -MARS combination (3) moon-
The third part will consists of responsibility and liabilities which are taking birth
due to (1) moon -RAHU combination (2) moon -MARS combination (3) moon -
mercury combination or extra vagent nature due to venus -mars combination ( 4 )or mars
-RAHU combination etc.
All such combinations are decreasing the volume of properties . if they are at last
means, after all planets, then it is sure that, the native will decrease or loose the properties
and will be under the heavy burden of debts and responsibilities.
II sree Krishna arpanam astu II
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (41)
Differences between the north Indian horoscopes and south Indian horoscopes and nadi texts.
North indian horoscope are quite different. They are gtvmg much more
importance to ascendant; than grahas. Orthodox astrology of north Indian side, starts
from ascendent or lagna and their texts, are also according to ascendent and moon. This
style is not very popular in south india. Many parts of south indian ASTROLOGICAL
TEXTS are nadi texts. Basic NADI TEXTS of GREAT SEVEN SAGES are not giving
any importance to ascendent or moon. Their readings are entirely different. It is a true
fact that, NADI TEXTS are more near to 100% truth and very near to accuracy. Thus
nadi texts are uncomparable.
Both systems are based on nirayana method. Even the charts are entirely different.
Nadi charts and south indian charts are having fixed rashies, namely mesha or aries to
meena\pisces and northern style drawing or kundly are remain same; but figures or
rashies are varying . Thus if birth time is not fixed, horoscope or kundly or chart can not
be prepared.
On the contrary, if birth time is not fixed, south indian horoscope can be prepared
very easily, but north can not be prepared.
The main difference is that, south indian horoscope is clock-wise horoscope;
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (42)
while north indian horoscope is anti- clock-wise system. Persons working on both the
systems, some times can give wrong forecasts or future; as there are chances of
calculation mistakes.
Though there are basic differences of meanings and evaluation of planets. Nadi
meanings are entirely different. Nadi meanings are basically on "karakatavas" of
planets. As for example, Saturn and Jupiter are the planets offortune. Similarly mars-
rahu creates" astama dosha", means chances of _9-ccidental death. On the other hand
Venus -mars means servitude to unknown persons. In the same way, Saturn- rahu gives"
pitru karma" yoga, means services to the alders and it is not "pitru dosha yoga" of
orthodox astrology. So many other verdicts are there; like Saturn -mars means "yantra
vidhaya Yoga", and sun Jupiter combination means "jivatama samyoga" -means
intuitive ability and Saturn - mars means lame "yamraja" or accident and Jupiter-
mercury combination means "gurubudhi viseshita" yoga, which provides two academic
degrees and the same combination gives mis happening yoga. Thus nadi meanings are
accurate and perfect. It has becomes a tendency to get nadi education. The persons who
are not in the field of astrology, are consulting nadi astrologers. Recently this has
become the modern trend.
Not only that but nadi astrology, is more co- related with science. There are
nothing like mantra, tantra, rituals, gems, graha vidhi etc. remedies. This matter has
attracted young and youth towards nadi astrology. Nadi astrologer are famous, as nadi
scientists or astro scientists.
Thus there is a vast difference between orthodox astrology, and nadi astrology. As
per modem trends, nadi astrology is reliable and true. They are very -very near to 100%
truth and fact. It has attracted the world, towards scientific astrology; known as nadi
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (43)
Planets in own houses and other planets; in a horoscope- According to nadi texts part- IT
Nadi astrology is a basic science, of all astrological science. Thus nadi is the base.
Basic nadi texts are written by great seven sages. They have spelled word "science", at
many places in such all texts. During the readings on various bh-chakras; known as charts
or horoscopes, this can be found out. Though it is a question of researches, that who later on
gavetheplaceto "MANTRA, TANTRA, GEMS, VIDHI"etc. in this science.
If one minutely studies such nadi readings, then the fact will come out that if more
planets are in own house; they do not give change or many fluctuation in the position.
If more planets are placed in other houses, then to their own, they give change.
Though in other articles, researches reflect on ; second to own house, twelveth to own
house or exaltation houses, gives big and higher changes like rise or small uplift-ments.
While; planets in to entering debilitation houses (twelveth to debilitation house) creates
worst situation for the native. The results depends upon the planets its portfolios.
In a common man's language or ordinary astrologer's language; Such planets who
are not in there own houses will exchange the place with the house owner. The question
is, when this exchange will take place. It is well known fact that, saturn is the king of time
'Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (44)
cycle; while the jupiter is the primary king of the time cycle. Thus if saturn is in
taurus/" vrishabha", then when jupiter in his second round enters the house of saturn i.e.
capricorn; immediately after that, when venus comes in Capricorn in transit,
immediately saturn venus exchange takes place. If native is of marriageable age,
marriage take place or he/she gets, some what big income in job or service.
Here jupiter's first round of transit is considered as, of childhood. That is why
second round of jupiter, is important for all natives. Similarly, in the same way, first
round of saturn is also "a childhood round", for the saturn. Titus second round of saturn
is very very important for every native. In case where a saturn of a horoscope is between
"rahu ketu" axes, it gives "push back" effects and there; the third round of saturn is most
important. Take the case of "JAGAT GURU SANKARACHARYA". He did not face
any court cases or imprisonment in the second round of transit of saturn; but he faced all
difficulties in third round of saturn i.e. after 60 years of age. Similarly in case of author of
this article, his real life started after 55 years of his age; as he has rahu in second house to
saturn. These are the out comes of nadi astrology. Thus this knowledge, which is no
where visible, in any of orthodox astrological texts.
Thus, every planet, who is not in his own house will have real exchange, which
will take place during the second round of transit of saturn. All such planets, who are not
in their own houses, will exchange place with their house owners; when saturn will enter
in that next or second planet's house of such planets.
Changes are visible by such persons, who are having planets in other's houses.
Thus there will be, small changes in the life of such natives.
Though native, who have more planets in their own houses, are not able to face
changes. Their lives are stable and without any change and will be like a flow of water. ok
The effects of such changes depends upon the planets, who are change the places.
if mercury with mars, then break or less-marks in studies and at the time of Saturn's
"'Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (45)
(transit), incomes will be decreased or there will be break income or if other planets are
favorable, the native purchases low valued land etc. Similarly sun jupiter gives
government job/service. In the same way mars venus or saturn venus gives marriage like
ceremony to the male natives and mars or saturn venus will give marriage like ceremony
in female native's house and later gives windfall profits or higher incomes/achieves
landed property. In such case of mercury-venus, it helps in starting in prosperity, but at
first it gives easy and intellectual income or easy education. on the other hand jupitor's
placement in the house of saturn, first gives rise and then jupitor comes in to worst
position of life and male native's life in second part of life, it becomes very very difficult.
Similarly sun-mars gives promotional aspect, without any prior permission or
information. Similarly if sun joins with ketu, after such effects such person gets
ministe.rial position or post.
But some combinations are friendly combinations, but creates bad aspects. If
saturn joins with mercury by such a way, such person becomes lazy and idle. Delay, late,
un-deciding nature, not taking decisions at proper time; are the common characteristic
of such a native. But his is temporary.
Exchange of planets show permanent nature of a person by birth. While changes
narrated above are temporarily and for the time being.
Thus except a few circumstances, changes are benificial and favorale.
Position by birth are, thus important for planets in own house. Though they are
powerful, but can not give any change in future. Comments are welcome, through the
editor of the magazine.
II Sri Krishna Arpanam Astu II
''Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (46)
Types of " punya" or auspicious deeds like "pitrukarma"
Jivatma or pilgrimages etc. yogas and nadi texts.
To do welfare of own is the nature of every body, but awareness for others welfare;
is a rare case. In early days of "puranas" time; dedications for the others was considered
as heavenly matters.
According to orthodox astrology, enJOY to such "punya", requues certain
combinations of planets. Some of them are as follows: -
There are so many words for "punya". Some of them are : Holy deeds, benevolent
act, auspicious deeds or righteous deeds etc. It is a moral or religious assets. It is a kind of
virtue. In other words, it is a moral act. In common man's word, to show mercy is also one
kind of "punya". Thus to get benevolent effects, means "punya". According to nadi
texts, different types of combination, give different effects. Certain combination are
"punya" or in other words, dedications or servitude to others. They are follows:-
One such combination is of sun and jupitor. Thus yoga of sun jupitor combination
is known as "jivatma samyoga". If this yoga is powerful, then it becomes " Raj pratap
yoga". This yoga makes a person "satvik" and helpful to others. Such person may not
serve others, by expensing own pocket money. Such persons are good guides. They
helps others to live a good and moral life. Their intuitive ability is at extent or maximum.
'Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (47)
Thus such persons, may become best astrologer. Such natives are helping the society at
large. They are the pillars of this modern world. Such "punya" gives, a benevolent effect
to the native. The native even knows his future some times well in advance. They saw
real dreams in advance, and before the happenings. The author is having combination of
sun jupiter in lio and he tries to evaluate the languages of sages, because he is having
venus ketu combination also. (He had seen his mothers death in advance and he left
Bombay 24 hours before the happening). Such persons are helping the society to live in a
smooth way.
Saturn jupiter combination creates "MAHA BHAGYA YOGA". Such person
respects the elders. They are justified and have deep faith injustice. Most ofthe justices,
have this combination. To remain justified towards the others, is also a work of "punya".
It is a good virtue and hence it is worth punya. THIS PUNY A GIVES BIG RISE IN
MOREOVER it is a "vaidik" philosophy that, "we are enjoying the fruits of
previous birth". but according to nadi astrology, this birth is a result of previous birth, as
well as, this birth karma also, which starts before the death of the native. This saturn
jupitor combination, is a righteousness yoga. According to ancient books, this yoga, is
narrated as, "karma dharma yoga of great archer ARJUNA".
Such ONE other combination is of saturn and rahu. Many critices are with this
yoga. According to nadi astrology, this is a "pitru karma yoga". It means services to the
LIVING ELDERS. But by any reason, best known to them, the astrologers have narrated
this beautiful yoga as, a bad "pitru dosha yoga". This is nighter a bad yoga, nor it requires
any widhi or rituals. On the other hand, this is a combination of two dan vas and friendly
planets. Saturn means landed properties, as saturn and mercury, both are land lords and
rahu means. "bruhat". Such a native gets landed properties; at more then one place or in
more than one cities. This is a good result of "pitru karma", means service to the elders.
Actually it is found that, such natives are building or purchasing properties at several
places in a single city or many landed properties in many cities. Thus this is a beautiful
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (48)
yoga. It is a resultant effects of the services rendered by the native to own elders. Though
this is a good yoga, but it gives changes in gaining future. Therefore such natives, who
had minimum one or many time changes in the job or some had often changed his job.
Such one example of "PUNYA", is of " DHARMAYATRA ", known as
pilgrimage. It
happens because of combination of jupitor- moon- ketu. According to nadi
astrology, moon means water and ketu means foreign tour or flag, may it be of a temple
and aspect of rahu means "brihat". Moon rahu combination means the sea. Mostly in
such cases male native; with mother goes to worship, near to holy water. Such a native
gets benefits, while traveling or gets rise and upliftment during such pilgrimage. Moon
jupitor means movements, traveling, transfer or change etc. Thus this yoga, gives a
fortune during transit/trveling and native gets big" bhagya yoga"; during
traveling/pilgrimage or because of this punya native goes on a foreign tour or long
Here it is very clear that, ketu gives improvement or turning point in life. Though
transit of saturn on ketu; gives worst period of life; as previous birth karmas are
completing on the very point or degrees of ketu. This yoga also helps for foreign tours
and traveling. Thus this yoga gives a person BIG BHAGYA OR RJSE AND
Combination Moon-jupitor- rahu means "brahmins". Persons with such
combination, like or prefer; ghee, milk, sweets and movements. The mother of such
native, is also having the same tendency. Such persons are often offering food to the
"brahmins". This is also one kind of "punya". It gives a big bhagya or luck during such
travells or long journeys or makes the native a travelling sales man.
Dedications for several unknown person is also one kind of "punya" or auspicious
deed. Such yoga is created by mars and venus combination. It may in any place or in any
house of the horoscope; it works like a combination. In orthodox astrology, this
combination is considered as a big sex yoga. N adi meaning of this combination is
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (49)
entirely different. In common language of astrology; which is having a very limited
meaning; means both planets venus and mars, must be in one house. According to nadi
principles, for the combination of mars and venus; these both the planets- mars and
venus -both may be, in the same house or may be in near by houses or may be in trine to
each other or may be in seventh to each other (works after half part of life) or there may
be any kind of exchange (house or constilation/ "nakshtra"); it forms a combination of
both the planets.
Such combination of mars and venus makes a person dedicated towards the
unknowns. Such help or dedication is also one kind of auspicious deeds. It is a worth
paying or rewarding combination. Though there are; so many prose and cons, regarding
this combination. It gives "angaraka" to the female of the house; means wife of a male (
in case of male horoscope), or lady native herself (incase of a female native) and may
be one paternal aunt and may be one sister and may be one daughter. All such person are
coming under "angaraka" and having angry temperament. Such native, may be a male or
female, is dedicated towards unknown and not for own near relative/s. Fingers of the
native are bending down towards the earth. Such natives are working up-till midnight or
dawn. As this yoga is narrated as HEARTH YOGA in NADI astrology. Such native will
get windfall profits and make a beautifol house accommodation; which is the reward for
such services or for such benevolent act.
The best happiness is achieved by self containment, which is provided by such
saturn jupitor combination, is helping the native at large. Contentment is the other name of
happiness and it gives full contents ofhappiness. Such a person may be happy even in
lowest category of comforts or no comforts. For such native even a small comforts is cause
of happiness. Thus definition of supreme happiness is containment and nothing else.
Thus, we have seen mostly all important types of auspicious deeds and its
resultants effects. This article will help the the readers in performing auspicious deeds
and making a life happier and enjoyable.
II Shri Krishna Arpanam Astu II
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (50)
Transit effects of Jupiter and Saturn on job or work part- I.
Saturn is a planet, who justifies the karmas of a person or native. That is why,
saturn of a person is the king of the time cycle. Planets of the horoscope, defiantly effects
the mind, behavior, attitude and ultimately it's results on the work of the person. The
great sages have narrated astrology as a holy science. It is a mirror, which shows the
person his turns or changes in life. It is according to the great sages, it is running
according to karmas or previous deeds. Though to enjoy the charm of work, on will have
to give importance to the work, as "KARMANU BANDHINI MANUSHYALOKE".
The readers and experts must also be capable to read the happening accurately and
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (51)
in advance. Normally great sages have considered the transit effects of first the jupiter
and second the saturn. Up-till the age of thirty years jupiter's rounds are aproximately
working. It is according to the position of planets near by the jupiter. But it is definite that
second round of jupiter shows definite happenings, except juptor is aligned with RAHU
or KETU .. First round is mostly for the health and primary education, as well as job or
work . It is definite that, when jupiter in second and in third round, a person gets work
and job. Work may be independent or subordinate and assisting the others. It is a golden
principle that, a person gets job or work, when jupiter transits over the ketu or "kuja"
(mars) ofthe horoscope. It must be kept in mind that ketu or mars means wishes and
trials to do some work or to start some activity. It may be for the various needs of life, like
for lively hood or hobby <?r for fancy or for rendering services or entertainment etc. Etc.
Work orjob is purely related with saturn. Saturn means "karma". Every type of

work is governed by saturn. Even the great sages have narrated that fortune of begetting
children; is also achieved by the permission of the OK saturn.
Saturn determines the type of work of a person. Saturn mars combination means
"yantra, vidhya yoga". It means persons work is related with; either the machinery or
workship or with iron. He/she may be an engineer. This combination gives more labor
and less returns or less income.
Similarly saturn jupiter combination means "guru karma " or teaching as a
profession. Here one must remember that sound and strong saturn provides independent
job or business. Weakest weak saturn provides slavery or "gulami". It is a "maha bhagya
yoga". As being this a fourth volume, weak or strong saturn is already discuss previous
volume. Moon and venus shows soft or hard drinks and business like
beverage, gambling, speculation etc. and chemicals, valued oil, arts or arts related
business and businesses like beverage, gambling, speculation etc. etc. It is not needed
here to say that a renunciation or a film actor is also an artist. Thus it means every type of
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (52)
art. Even in old age ladies and gents are worshiping gods by musical songs. But it is sure
that venus moon combination if it is a strong one a life of such natives are artistic.
Aesthetic sense is observed in such natives.
Moonjupitor combination covers life necessities particularly like food-stuffs or
even hotel and lodge businesses. Even ghee, milk, garments, are also covered by moon
jupitor combination. Both the planets moon andjupitor are "karakas" ofmovements.
Such person often changes the job or may be a traveling sales man's job. Transfer of place
or alteration and additions in business are also covered by this combination.
One such other combination is of jupitor-venus. It creates "Sanjivani- yoga". It
means HERBAL MEDICINES or such medicinal plants. This combination creates life
supporting businesses. Such person may be an "ayurvedic" doctor or a physician etc.,
who are helping the living mankind to live long. Such natives may be engaged in
producing, selling or distribution in medical business, including "ayurvedic" medicines.
Sun and moon are luminaries. They provide light and glittering or heat even. They
are the "karakas" ofblack and white. Simply it means typing, photography, or even
computer related work or such work related businesses.
Moon mars or moon ketu or mars ketu combinations are showing ;MAN GAL
SUTRA" or wed- pendant. Such persons are related with such businesses like marriage
bureau or production or manufacturing of such marriage related items. Mars ketu
combination means quarrels, struggles, disputes etc. related businesses like settlement
creator or struggle solver or may be a lawyer or judge etc. Criminals and Criminal
lawyers do have this combination. Mars ketu n watery sign means taking out water from
the soil. Thus water pump businesses are covered by mars ketu combination.
Here one must note that mars ketu combination gives "MOKSHA" or the freedom
from cycles of rebirths. At the same time it gives renunciation related businesses like
religion related businesses like
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (53)
preaching preaching dharma- religion related businesses. It helps the living
persons to live a better life and relieves the persons from taking re-births.
Mars jupitor means dry wood and related businesses.
Jupitor mercury combination creates" GURU BUTHA VISHESHITA YOGA". It
means "vidhay" or education redheaded businesses. My be orators like the author.
Jupiter Rahu combination provides topmost rank in life or ACTIVITY Where
ever such persons are working, the try to lead and becomes are to lead and becomes
master in own fields. This yoga provides topmost rank in life.
Sun-mars compilation creates promotion al aspects. If such persons care in
services, they get minimum four promotions in life or five or more promotions in life if
such person is in business he get promotional aspects either in life or work or in the ir
field ofknowledge. It also found that such persons are getting public posts or gets
valuable posts in the society. Such persons sometimes found that, they are in police or
defense related jobs. Sun mars gives prestige or kirti. Similarly sun mars ketu means
Sun saturn combination means father and business or son. Such person either gets
hereditary business or father like business or profession.
Sun mercury combination gives calculating power and capacity. It creates
accountants. Such persons are mostly involved in accountancy related businesses or may
be commerce graduates etc.
Sun jupitor combination has two different YOGAS, namely " JIW ATMA
SAMYOGA " as well as, "RAJ PRATAP YOGA". This combination if it is powerful
combination; than it gives Government related or astrology related businesses. Their
forecasting are accurate and correct. Such persons become perfect and experts in their
related jobs. Astrologers and big and high government officers do have such sun jupitor
"Essence of OR Researches made on N adi Astrology"- Vol-IV (54)
Moon mercury combination gives, wholesale trade or large scale business. The
volume of the business will be VAST. May it be wholesale distributor or may be a
business man.
Any combination formed by mercury venus combination, gives landed
properties. Likewise mars with saturn venus mercury combination creates construction
related property businesses. Here one must remember that saturn and Mercury both are
land loards, as per great sages. Without the help of venus or in other words, the grace of
goddess "LAXMI" and prosperity, one cannot have landed property. Business like land,
fixed assets, buildings, if alined rahu is also joining with the combination, it means
multistory building.
Mars mercury combination means combination of two enemy planets. It means
mathematics or calculation work. If sun or moon is aligned with rahu, gives computer
related businesses. Mars and mercury both are "karakas" of land, though it does not help
for education.
Mercury RAHU means old building and demolition of building.
Saturnjupiter, both are the karakas ofreligion. If it is aligned with ketu or
without; it shows religious institution. Ketu shows placement in such religious
Thus, all the types of businesses; are covered. As stated above and over and
above; one has to find out the combinations, out of which, one is the strongest or
stronger one, out of all or many combinations.
''Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (55)
Transit effects of Jupiter ans Saturn on job or work part-ll
Part- II
Every good reader and an expert has to give importance to the transit of saturn.
Saturn is a king of time cycle.
There are two best periods n life. They are given by ( 1) jupiter (2) venus. whenever
saturn passes over; either of these two planets of birth chart or whenever saturn passes
from the direct aspect of both the above, jupiter and venus; It gives big rise and monetary
upliftment in the life ofnative. Thus, there are minimum 10 years oflife are the best
period of any native. Though however weak such venus or jupiter may be, but helping
the native for such 10 years of life; as a best period of life. Every reader must have
'Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (56)
experienced this fact. Thus, if one says that, some plant is objecting or creating
''AVARODH" or some melafic planets are obstructing or disturbing; is a humbug theory
and or are bad talks.
Now, let us take, one by one, possible all combinations:-
JUPITER:- As we have seen prior that jupiter is best friend of saturn, the transit of
saturn, will help the native in every ways. As jupiter is the house lord of ninth house of
natural bh-chakra (OWNER OF 9 ); Definitely he has to give big "BHAGYA" or fortune
to the native. As per researches jupiter of birth, when crossed by saturn, such 30 months
of transit gives biggest rise and upliftment (of life); in the life of native. As now every
reader knows that saturn is the owner of the eleventh house of the natural "bh-chakra" (
owner of figure 11 ); it cannot remain away from giving biggest rise of the life ,for the
Similarly when saturn is passing from the direct aspect of jupiter, it also gives
similar results of big "bhagya" or fortune. Here it must be noted that, direct aspect is the
seventh aspect of every planet. At the same time, when we say seventh aspect, it is the
last half part or last fifteen months;
out of 30 months of the transit of saturn. That is why, somewhere the great sages
recorded that,"saturn while entering to the next sign (8th), saturn will certainly verify
that (LOOK BACK), the native had received good fruits of jupiter or not. And then and
then only; he will enter in to 8th house from such jupiter."
venus: Venus means "bhoodevi". Similarly and in the same way;
When, saturn crosses venus or crosses seventh house from the venus in the birth
chart), it gives biggest rise and aspects of fixed property in the life . Venus is a wealth ,
monetary gains and or building, flat etc. commercial or residential premises are also
coming under the purview of venus . Thus such other best five years (30 month plus 30
moths =60 month )are given by venus as a grace of goddes Laxmi.
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (57)
Totally every native gets five plus five; means best 11 years in life work or job is
purely portfolios of saturn. Saturn means karma. Every type of work, is
governed by saturn.
Moon is a an obstacle creator. Similarly "ketu kajavatbhavet", means ketu has the
same meanings, as mars. Thus either mars or ketu, creates disturbances in work or job.
Person feels to leave the job. He does not find happiness in world. During the life, when
saturn crosses, the mars or ketu or both; breaks in services may be visible. If such planet
is a strong planet; it definitely give break in service or job
Moon:- Moon means expenses , investment (wrong or right ), losses , bad
relations, transfer, ,change etc etc, when saturn crosses moon of birth, the native faces
the above effects; by one way the other; transfer are done; at the point when, jupiter and
moon are meeting in the horoscope
Sun:- When saturn crosses the sun, he gtves governmental aspects or
job .At the same time; father of the native faces difficulties in the life
Mercury:- When saturn crosses mercury, it tries to give accommodation either for
residence or business . Both the planets are land load mercury mean "bhoodevi" as
saturn and mercury -aspect of the we land loads , according to sages , fixed asset are
Rahu :- Ranu is a difficulty creator. It is a smokey and fireyplanet combinations
of fierly planet. It gives heat, temperature and fever. Mars rahu create zounds or typhoid.
Saturn mars combination gives poor returns to the native: As mars is "karaka" for
poverty as well as it is as obstructing planet, so many at time when saturn (as well as
jupitor) crosses, such saturn mars combination, the native ; either leaves the job or
thrown away from the service. Though saturn and mars, both are "karkas" of marriage
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (58)
and "manglya prasanga ". Hence while passmg of jupiter or saturn over such
combination or crossing the direct aspect ; marriage like ceremony in the house . As
both being enemy of each other. As seen earlier ; it may not give satisfactory results and
gives breaks in services . It is an example of "SANI YAM YOGA". Naturally it rives
"accident yoga", at the time of transit of jupitor, as well as
MERCURY JUPITER COMBINATION:- This is a combination of two enemy
planets. Both these planets are "karakas" of education . Such persons may be doable
graduate. When saturn is crossing such combination, it gives "mis-happing yoga".
When crossed by saturn, it gives mis happing like, severe difficulties in business, work
or services or it gives some governmental disturbances or these are likely possibilities
of a death of an elderly person in the village or rural areas . If the is in dual
sign (even numbers), it shows a death of female . Similarly this combination in odd
sign , shows elderly death of a woman. This happens when, saturn is transiting this
San mars combination:- It is a promotional yoga. This yoga gives minimum two
and more promotions . When this combination is crossed by transiting saturn and when
transiting from the seventh aspect of this combination; it gives promotion in service to
the native. If the native is in business or in industries etc., it gives promotion like effects
in business or related fields.
Mars mercury combination It is an inimically combination. It g1ves
competitions in business etc. Such person do have quarreling members in the family.
Mars me.ans breaks and mercury means education. Such person does not get education.
This is a combination generally of farmers. They have land, but they are poor lands
similarly farmer's do not have education. This is a combination of construction of landed
properly. Sages have narrated saturn and mercury as land lords, because of enimically
combination , one may get landed property or not. It depends upon the house, in which
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (59)
this house or seventh house tries to gives landed property, at the time of saturn.
MARS VENUS COMBINATION:- This is a combination like husband and wife.
A person which such combination , if not marriage at the time of transit of saturn over
such combination. It means "ajanya ni seva " , means rendered to unknown. At the
same it is a yoga for an aspected heavy profits . or" wind fall profits ". Mars venas
are the "karakas" of beautijat landed pro-perty.thas, when transiting satarn crossing
saer combination, gives all saeh chances like big ineomes in basiness orser vices and
chances for anmarriadge marriadgeble persons to marry at the same time this
combination tries to give beautifal howse-accomodation. Wind joll profit are also
predicted at this time .
Mars keta combination :- This is a combi nation of " sandhrsh " or qaarrel
"physicpljights " ," man bhang yoga " mins prestig is dwindled or goes down . This
combination is a caraka for police, cort cases or imprisonment. Some times aperson is a
"karaka" for police, cort cases or imprisonment. Some times aperson is a thrown away
jrom service , at the time of transite of satarn. All the above occations are happing during
the transit of satam . All the above happing will not happen. Bat the few of them will
happen . It depends ap on the hoase or sign inwich this combination is placed . An
exchange of any planet out of this two will sarvive tha native from saeh encoantering
sach sitaation bon." Jogat gura samkarachrya" has satarn mans ketu combination. It
mine (l)worst period of lije (2) cort cases (30 police and cri-minal cases and ipcl 3o2
cases, where panishment is an execution .Thus transiting person dreg a person to
"langoti yogaor" zero income . Thas mars ketu combi nation more over is the worst
combination out of all the combination of planats. Not only that, but it's siviour effect
are three joult one fights physical or in other ways . Two entirely changes , the native.
As previous birth deeds or karmas are being complited. Three prestige of the native is
lowered down but at the same time it mast be noted that this piread is never repeated
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (60)
second time in life.
Moon mars combination:- This is a bed combination it is not a ''laksmi
yoga" or yoga of prosperity . Any reader can find that when saturn passes on this
combination, the native fases severe problems in work and business. Heavy losses of life
or heavy expences are faced or experianced during this period of transit of saturn; by the
This combination also means "MANGALSUTRA" OR wed pendant. A person
who is of marriagable age and still is unmarried, such natives get the chances of marriage
during the transit of saturn over this moon mars combination. At the same time
MARRIAGE like auspicious ceremonies are taking place in MOTHER'S relatives.
All the above happenings are taking place at the time of transit of saturn on moon
SATURN RAHU COMBINATION: This is a "tyaga yoga" orrenuinciation yoga.
A person is sepreted due to this yoga either the native leaves his femily or is sepreted
from the fernily or making a marriadge or partison is taking place in the jamily; daring
the transit of satarn on the satarn raha combination. A parson is living this world daring
the transit of satarn on this combination. A person whs is having this yiga is straited as,
"he is having pitra karma yoga "(today's as troiogers have converted this yoga
from"pitru karma" to" pitradosha yoga"
which is nery wrong and highly objectionable). Though sages have narrated
this yoga as a beautigal yoga . Tha native is dedicated to his elders . As a resujt of this
yoga, native gets mone than two landed proper ties, in the same city or in many cityes .
The auther is having this yoga and he had sach pro-perties in a different cityes . When
satampasses from this combination, the native is sapreted by one way or the other at the
same time he loosing he is some combination, when crossed by satarn; mostiy prrte tion
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (61)
is taking place in the femily.
Moon marcary combination:- This is a "kapat yoga" ay cheating yoga . A person
is often cheated, due to this yoga . At the time of transit of satarn on this moon mercary
yoga , a person jaces dual or two aspects one for cheating aspect and the other for
roaring in come . Atthis time , native may get awholesale tranjecton or basiness . He
gets heavy income, bat the end savimysare zera. Native is anable to save money. As
like raha and mars,; moon is also creating losses and harms some times native may
face blackmailing etc. Thas this combination ats good as well as bad results . Daring
this satamstransit on the combination, cheatin by friend or by realatives, is also
possiable. When we say relatives, it includes wife and children also. The native may be
cgeated in landed property and vehicles also. It happens during the second round of
transit of jupitor and in second round of transit of saturn. This combination provide
innocent nature. BUT some what sexy nature. In some cases due to other planets
combination, it is found that native is making lovemarriage or in some cases native's
mother is cheated in life, like anything.
Saturn jupitor combination : Any native, who has saturn jupitor combination, is
having," MAHA BHAGYA YOGA". When this combination is transited by jupitor and
saturn in second time; the native experiances big "bhagya" or fortune. When saturn
crosses 2nd time, the native gets " RISE AND UPLIFTMENT ", like situation. An
AMBASSADOR of SRI LANKA, who had cited in his lecture the only word RISE; the
author appreciated and sent a note in the that woeld conference that there should be "
RISE AND UPLIFTMENT" instead ofrise only. When first time saturn transits on
jupitor, It gives RESPECTABLE JOB OR HONOUR AND PRESTIGE in service or
business. This combination uplifts a person to higher rank. Mostly all DIRECTORS,
combination. Readers may be remembering years given in the table of jupitor saturn
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (62)
combination, that his/her 30,40,45,50,60,70 years of age are FORTUNATE YEARS OF
LIFE for the native.
Saturn jupitor ketu combinaion : Ketu means work ,or "purusharth" etc. As "ketu
kujavat bhavet", saturn and jupiter and ketu all the three planet are related with relagion
or religions activity or religious temple. But it is in the last part of life . Such person are
very independent. They do not like servitude or "gulami" such native are independent in
nature. They are justyfied and justice lover. When saturn passes from the combination,
some times such person are leaving the job and tries to remein near by to holy religious
temples or saints.
Sun and jupiter combination: This is a "satvik" combination. If this combination
is powerful then either in the 2nd or in 3rd round of jupiter or latest n the saturn round
(second) person /native gets government job. More over during the transit of saturn.
Native gets contects of high govsrnment official. Native, during this time remains in
touch with big person or mini stereal like personality. At the same time due to saturn
transit on jupiter, gets big monetary rise and upliftmoment. The leaving standard is
improved. Over all the native h gets
Gets good position duringthetransit of saturn some times native tries tG-followthe
language of heaven or astrology as this combination means "jivatma samyoga", as sun
and saturn are enimies, bitterness may preven with, higher official or father even.
Venus mercury combination :ThiS combination is prosperity, or venus means
goddes "lakshmi or shree de vi" and mercury means "bhudevi". This combination gives
land or landed property. Transit of saturn gives prosperous situation. Native tries to get
vehicle land , building or house accomodation . Mercury venus means easy and mercury
means "vidhya" or education. Mercury means income also. Thus the transit of saturn on
mercury venus combination gives easy income or intell actual income.
Mars rahu combination: This is a "bahujana yoga". It means many personin the
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (63)
second round of jupiter. Such native tries to work, wher many people are gethering . In
the second roullfiwfsaturn, many people are placed to work under him .Native gets
benifin and advantage of many people. Such people's work or laboarers work is enjoyed
by the native. Such native may be an engineer or owner of work shop and fectory - or he
may be a supervisor. During the transit of saturn due to the aspect ofketu on mars, native
gets quarrelsome situation. But it happens after is months of transit decrease etc. Happen
during the last is months of transit . Some times a dis put at satarted with a labourer,
working under him, This is a combination of two fiery planets . Gives hotness and hit to
the body of the native, once some times native faces tyfoid, zondis. etc. This is a case of
"astma dosha" ,. There for it gives accidental aspect to the native , In the first is months.
These happen during the transit of saturn . This is not a good transit of saturn .
Moon ketu combination:- Moon and ketu both are enimys of each other. Not only
that but they are enimyes of transiting saturn also . Thus this transit of saturn on moon
ketu is a bad or worst transit of saturn. It is similarly to transit mars of ketu combination.
Moon ketu means quarrels and dispates with opposite sex. In a "NADI" chart, there is
one example of moon ketu combination and every 30 months period of transit of saturn
in trine also is adverse period oflife total 7 years 6 months, Where such native faces a bad
period of life, such native are taking interest in real sense wjth opposite sex some times
starting from blackmailing to litigation or physical quarrels or litigation marriedge id
also possible.In such one case of surat, a lady, who was sexually exploiting. An
unmarriedge boy, who was english teacher. When saturn was predected in advance in
that the lady wiill die. actualy the lady was travelling on bike with her has band. She mate
with in accident and died.
Thus this transit of saturn on moon ketu combination is also not feverable in any
respect. It is also combination of "mangaly yoga". It means marriedge life ceremony. In
case of marriedge, either a girl child is taking place or miscariage is taking place, within
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (64)
13 months after marriedge.
Sun saturn combination:-This is a combination of two invertrate enimies. This
combination, when transited by saturn, creates disterbance is in realated with high
authority, father, son; as the case may be. This combination means father and son. Son
either addoptes the buisness of father. or does similarly buisness or service. So many
time it is seen that, native joins the he raditory buisness. During the transit of saturn
some tense situation is created in the harmonious relationship is observed. During the
transit of saturn, is the father of the native is a live, father is facing some difficulties or
death like problems.
Venus moon combination:-This is also not a good combination. Venus moon
combination means arts and arts related buisness or gambling, hard drinks speculation
etc. activity. During the transit of saturn, person by one way or the other, empties the
bank balance, venus moon is a "karaka" of oil. Good artist do have this combination.
Venus moon combination means dimond buisness and vehicles, etc. Also the native is
having as the ticsense .
Such person are remaining neat and clean and up to date and have tendency of
music. Native mother, sister, wife, maternal or paternal aunt are having this tendency.
The transit of saturn allows the native to purchase vehicle or landed property . During
maker heavy losses either in gambling or speculation . As written able bank balance
becomes zero. Such native are facing loss as in diamond business, ifthey are during this
Saturn mars combination gives poor returns to the native ; As mars is "karaka"
poverty as well as it is an obstructing planet. So many at time when saturn crosses such
saturn mars combination , the native either leaves are job or thrown away from the
service . Though saturn and mars both are "karakas" or marriage and "manglaya
prasang". Hence while passing of jupiter over such combination or crossing the direct
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (65)
aspect , marriage like ceremony in the house . As both being enemy of each other and
seen early year. It may note give saturn factor results and gives breaks in services .
While saturn crossing ketu , gives worst period (in every respect) in life
Monetarily a person fills "langoti yoga" rather a bagger like or poorest poor situation.
Saturn crossing mars or ketu it gives the same effect as above.
Thus according to the combination of planets a person gets the aspect of planets
during the transit of saturn . Some important combinations are given above .But at the
same time there are other so many combination . It may talk pages and pages . The house
effect are also to be considered . As for example venus moon in watery sign, means
valued oil or hard drinks or beverages.
Intitutive yoga cre.ated by sun jupiter combination and the time, when it becomes
powerful ? and nadi texts :
According to nadi text intitutive ability or "knowledge of self' is provided by sun
jupiter combination . Both these planets are friends of each other . In other words this
combination is son and father. Great sages have narrated this yoga of sun and jupiter, as
"jivatma samyoga". This yoga giving the knowledge of self , is placing a person in
"rajpratap" position or places the person in government etc .job sun means "atma" and
jupiter means "jiva". Thus, this yoga gives intitution or "atmagnan". about "jiva" means
life . This yoga , which is giving the knowledge of self places the native in higher
position than other natives . Here , this yoga is a best yoga for intitutive ability . This
yoga shows movements of atma's of living men kind. Those who are best fore casters or
knowledgeable astrologer . Do have this yoga , It is a surprising fact that , such natives
reckons or known well in advance, the internal movement of souls living near by to such
To know "well in advance" may have several meamngs . To have eternal
imagination or a "day dream" or to go in "trans", means his living, he goes in other word
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (66)
. So many at time is happen that such persons are seeing or vialing the future happening ,
well in advance in dreams. Thus this "jivatma & atma" or soul & life are being "akakar"
or one or the soul knows the future movements of life well in advance . There for the
verdicts the one to this yoga: Are "jivatma samyoga"
lfthis yoga is powerful, in anybody's horoscope then he/she or the father ofthe
native or both are in government business or service or government related business .
The other him self has this yoga. He this performed government or semi government
services. At the same time this yoga had made the father as a freedom fighter .Father was
also offered deputy collector's job by the BRITISH government job, but at that time the
tempo of freedom fighting government twas such ,that no freedom fighter has accepted
government job . The father at the age 32 on the eve of hart attack, in the previous mid
night he had in formed all the family member that "I am seeing the god . They are calling
me . You can ask any question whatever you may like , " This shows intitutive ability . He
had made a holy "yagna" - "vishnu yagna" in memory of his father, at his age 31 . Writer
also had viewed his mother's death , two days in advance . He left his journey and he
rushed bhavnagar , very show the mother in same dress and in same . Unconcious
position . Such experienced are the routine are the native who are having :sun jupiter
combination . It is also saturn that they get the knowledge of death , before the actual
death. How this sun jupiter combination take place as like other combination; at various
places, even though at the post of reputation, it is discuss below.
If sun jupiter combination is in the same house or one sign of the horoscope ; such
knowledge experience from the very childhood by the native . If sun jupiter are near by
houses, when they meet each other , immediately the native experiences such matters.
He comes in to contacts of big and "satvik" persons. Sun jupiter means king and the guru
or master. It is a raja guru combination . There for such person may be the guru of kings.
Similarly . If sun and jupiter are in trine to each other or in the seventh house to each
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (67)
other; also creates the same combination . But such combination or planets are meeting
each other, after approximately, the half part of life and there after words only; such
happtnings of intitution are taking places.
When this planets meet each other, it has entirely a different meaning . When
elders and big persons are moving, they never move alone . As for example, when juoiter
is placed in second to sun, transiting big planet saturn, is proceeding ahead or they are
moving ahead ; with other planets; like sun . Thus ,firsts transiting saturn comes on sun
and there afterwards; transiting saturn will move with sun and meet jupiter next . Thus
sun is combining with jupiter at that time , when saturn is transiting on jupiter. In other
words transiting saturn comes on such sun and there after words sun meets jupiter next
along with saturn; Who is next to him . Here sun - jpiter combination is observed two
One when jupiter is crossmg san and meeting next jupiter (jupiter's original
position) it will happen approximataly between 23 to 25 years of age second time when
satarrn crosses san and meeting jupiter next jupiter is the best friend of saturn. Flgain the
native gets gove rnmental aspect. The writter got permenantallectarars's post in an
aniversity organization.
Simillarly it there is an axachange of san and jupiter Gupiter will be in saji terious
or pisces),the native emmiatty gets the governmental aspect. whey fist time jumpiter
and then, when satarn comes to the exchange point ie. to the sagitari our or pices,
iemidathy rative gets exchange effect or excactly to say governmental aspect. So many
it is observed that such native gets government or semi government job. It happens at the
same time when jupiter or satarn enter in the sin<sagiterious or picese, as the case may
Now ,this sun jupiter combination is having the effect of the sign or house,in which
the combination is taking place. It is entirely dip ending upon both the planets, as where
"Essence of OR Researches made on NadiAstrology"- V ~ l I V (68)
they are being powerfal. Exaltation sign of sun or jupiter or sign of own house are
playing an important role. More over as per princing an important role. More over as per
principals of teombinations; near-by planets are also playing an important role.
Powerfal sunjupiter combination in aries, gives central governmentjob, while leo an
cancer gives state or central government job and this combjnation in sagitarious gives
rural placement and makes officers like forest officers, as this is a sign of forest. Pieces
gives religious placement. Thus, combination are to be seen in context to the sign in
which they are making the combinations. Now, let as see sunjupiter combination in
powerful science. Powerful in the sence where sun and jupiter are get in power:-
SUN JUPITER IN ARIES :- Here, sun is exalted and there for sun is very
powerful. If this combination is powerful. It gives central government job or
governmental aspect and tries to dreg the native in politicks. This powerful sun with all
mighty powers. Helpes his sun jupiter or his best friend jupiter. This combination is very
powerful. Father and sun both have interest in astrology, because astrology is a science
. .
of soul or it is "ATMA GNAN". This science also tries to read out happening well in
advancebefore it happens.
SUN JUPITER IN CANSER:- Here, jupiter is exalted thus, this combination is
also powerful combination. Sun is also placed here, from where his house is next leo.
This is a combination of "KSHIR SAGARA" means ocean of milk. At the time of birth
of both father and the native, the welth of femily is at extend or prosperity start from the
very point ofbirth.
SUN JUPITER IN LEO:- Here, sun is an own house and there for he is powerful.
An expert and hobbiest honourable rohit bhai hats started effect , which is very
intresting . Leo is the house of atma or soul . All the planets in leo are helping the soul of
the native , according to him planets in leo drags a person to the highest extent . Such
native gets the power and capicity and glory of sun . According to him if there are no
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (69)
planets in leo , the native is not very powerful . The writter has sun and jupiter in leo and
his many fects are narrated else well , because of this result he is able to read the father of
sun jupiter in sagiterious :-This is a forest sign. Persons born in this yoga; Have the
tendency for rural and village area and prefer forest or jungle area. "Satvik" combination
in this sign also gives intative ability and they are capable read the father of others.
sun jupiter in pisces :-This combination is in the sign of heaven . Person born in this
sign with sun jupiter combination ; is having either religious tendnsi or they prefer holly
places . In himalaya like religioun . The father of the native does not more physical
tendncies . This is a sign of "charan" or legs oflord "vishnu"; where mate "lakshmi" is
seated . Such male native and his fathers lives are extra ordinary . Being a "svarg loka
rashi"; nati)(e and father have very -very less intersted physical matters . There are no
effect gives or away anything from the native or his father. They are leaving the "satvik"
life and a life like "swarga loka"
Thus, Thought sun jupiter combination in any sign is a "satvik" combination, but
perticularely this combination becomes powerful in areas, cancer, lea, sagitarious or
pases. The various effect of the combination of the minimize the length of article writer
make full stop here.
Thus how and in which way combination becomes powerful is to he judged , it
applies to all.
II Shree krishna arpanam astu 11
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (70)
Actual exchange of houses and nadi texts.
This is a part of minute astrology . It is but natural that, readers will find it bit
difficult to understand and grab the meanings of this article, though it is not difficult to
is an important factor in NADI ASTROLOGY, which will help
the readers. Part-1
On this subject very less is written. that's why Gajerabhai ofUpleta requested the
author to give some hints on, II exchange of houses of planets II.
Normally, when planet is having exchange of houses, by exchange it goes in his
own house. Hence normally both the exchanging planets, become powerful. The
differences are recorded between such exchanging planets, who are in different
catagories. Those who are in their exaltation houses and debilitation houses.
(A)Exchanging planets in exaltation houses. (B)Exchanging planet, who is in
debilitation house will be seen later in last part of the article.
As all the nadi texts written by great 7 sages, they had considered the science of
astrology as a basic factor of science. They have not given any importance to mantra-
tantra, Gems or even to rituals. Thus, nadi astrology is a science and nothing else. One
can read the happenings but can not change the future and destiny.
In the process of exchange, two planets are participating. It is happened, when
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (71)
planets are in each others house. By exchange they both are going to their own houses.
General feeling is that, that they both are being powerful by this way. It is a fact that the
planets so exchanged goes to their own houses and becomes strong, than earlier position.
But there is a big mistake. There are some exceptions and additions and alterations in the
Now, we will have to consider examples of different categories in which they were
placed before the exchange.
Accordingly if a planets, who is in enemy camp or who is imprisoned in the house
of enemy, will get a best position after exchange.
In the same way if a planets, who is in debilitated position, after exchange will also
get a better position or like a best position, if there are his best friends placed and are
waiting il\, new exchanged position. But, a planet after exchange who is getting his
exaltation house, will be placed in a best position. This happens only in case of mercury,
who after exchange, goes in his exaltation house vergo.
On the contrary if a planets who is in his exaltation house and goes to his own
house by exchange, is an inferior position. No doubt such planet after exchange becomes
weak. As for example exalted jupiter exchanges the house with moon.
Over and above new and old combinations are to be judged. Moreover exchange
between friendly planets create a good position. At the same time exchange between
enimicle planets create difficulties and adverse atmosphere.
SUN:-Sun has mercury, jupiter, moon, mars and ketu as his friends. Exchange of
sun with these planets create co-ordial and harmonious atmosphere. Exchange always
creates yoga, by one way or the other.
If sun is placed with his friends, he becomes powerful. But, there must be no
enimicle relationship in link like mercury- mars or moon- ketu etc.. Thus, sun m
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Voi-IV (72)
company of his friends, is powerful and by exchange he goes to his own house, he also
becomes powerful there. It should be noted that, enimicle exchange of sun, will create
some harms to atma or soul, as well as to his father. Friendly exchange or exchange with
friend, will create more happiness or harmony.
SUN WITH ENIMICLE PLANETS:- Here, sun is not powerful. The position of
the father, at the time of birth, will not be happy or he will be leaving in an adverse
situation. Here, sun's position is like debilitated sun. After exchange sun is going in to a
good position. Hence, after the birth of the native, the position of father must have been
improved. Here sun is going in to a better position. Hence, this is a good position.
SUN IN HIS DEBILITATION HOUSE:- Here, sun is not happily placed. Here sun
is in his worst position. It means at the time of birth of the native, father must be in a very
critical or severe position or in worst position. But, exchange of sun, with venus will give
rise and upliftment to the father of the native. Here, the verdicts of the sage are very
interesting. He states that, "by the way of exchange venus gets control over two houses".
Thus, father at the time of exchange, will be placed in some financial difficult situation, as
both are enimicle planets. But, afterwards he gets some better financial and happy
situation. Native also gets the benefits. By exchange, sun gets good position. Soul or
"atma bala", becomes powerful after exchange. Thus, this is a also a good exchange. But,
in case of father, some times, the exchange proves fetal.
SUN IN EXALTED POSITION:-When sun is in exalted position, he is in a
powerful and glorious situation. The position of father, at the time of the birth, of the
native, is extremely excellent. Such sun, when exchanges the house with mars, it creates a
promotional aspect. It is combination of fiery planets. It gives heat and some times, it
gives eye operation or ophthalmic surgery. In some cases, it is found that, native suffers
from zondies or typhoid; at the time of transit of saturn, such e x a l t e ~ sun, gets his own
house, after exchange. If in lio if there are favorable combinations in lio (if there are
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (73)
friendly planets in leo or in nearby houses etc.), sun again becomes powerful. Thus, after
exchange father gets better situation, otherwise good situation. This happens at the time
of the birth of the native. In second round of transit of saturn, relatives get promotional
aspect in service or business. Father's exalted position is somewhat lowered down. Even
though this is a good combination.
Now, let us discuss about saturn or jupiter, as they are the "KARAKAS" ofbhagya
or fortune. JUPITER:-Jupiter is a big and peaceful planet, giving luck to
everybody (big means guru). As he is owner of 9th house of natural bha-chakra, he
creates fortunement.lf he is with any of his friends like sun, saturn etc; he creates yoga.
Though here it must be noted that, combination of saturn and jupiter creates big "MAHA
BHAGYA YOGA", as they are the owners of9th and 11th house oe NATURAL Bh-
If jup.iter is combined with his friends, he is in a good position. Here he gives good
results. Moon jupitor Combination uplifts jupitor and makes him exalted.
On the contrary, if jupiter is with enemy. It gives break or bhanga of bhagya yoga,
particularly, if he is aligned with ketu. In this case jupitor ketu combination; bhagya is
available; but with some difficulties. In one of the horoscopes, there is Jup.-Ketu
combination. The great sage NndiKeshwara has recorded that "ALL THE GOOD WILL
PROVE IN TO BAD AT THE END". Jupiter shows the life of a male native also.
Enimicle combination of jupiter, creates hardships in BHAGYA, as well as in the life of a
male native. Jupiter with enimies, can not help the male native and his life becomes
trouble some and severe.
Any exchange of such jupiter, gives help to jupiter to proceed to his own house and
somewhat powerful stte. Thus exchange is, though it creates favorable situation. But, if
such jupiter is placed with his friendly planets, he has to leave such friendly situation,
while exchanging the house.
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (74)
On the contrary, if such jupiter, is placed with his enemy planets; he is surely, in
difficult situation; but after exchange, he gets his own house. In this case jupiter is
getting better position, than his previous situation.
If there is debilitated jupiter and having exchange with saturn; it creats two types
of situation. (A) Jupiter in Capricorn and saturn in sagitarious (B) jupiter in Capricorn
and saturn in pisces.
by exchange jupiter goes to his previous house. Here, jupiter's new placement, is in
worst situation; as next house is his debilitation house. Hence, the position of male
native is lowered down. At the time of exchange such natives gets best BHAGYA, but
afterwards their position is deteriorated. Thus, this combination gives good results at
frrst stage, but in the second stage, position of jupiter, becomes very weak. Thus, this
exchange, though gives good results at the time of exchange, but later on, it does not
create good position.
combination or exchange is having 3111 position, from each other. This exchange is of
11th house of exchange from saturn. Though jupiter is in debilitati<;m, goes directly to his
own house- 3rd house. Jupitor or native gets a good job and becomes powerful. Though
saturn goes to his previous house; no doubt he is going backward, but at the same time,
here he gets 11th house, from his position. Thus, this is a good exchange. Altimately it
creates bahu or big bhagya-yoga.
EXALTED JUPITER having exchange with moon. whenever any contact of
moon with jupitor; creates exaltation for jupiter; as jupiter is being exalted in the house
of moon. Thus, jupiter moon are fast friend and they are "brahmins". They both prefer
sweets, ghee and milk. If such jupiter is in cancer and if their is an exchange of house
between jupiter and moon; in that case jupiter's exaltation power is reduced. Now, there
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (75)
are two situations, where this exchange can happen. (A) in case of moon in pieces and
(B) in case of moon in sagitarious.
Such exchange in sagitarious, gives the tendency of forest, villages and rural
areas. This exchange is a good exchange. While exchange of jupiter in cancer with moon
in pieces; gives the tendency of heaven. Such native and his/her mother, is living his life,
like heaven. They do not care, even if anybody takes away. This exchange is also a good
exchange, but takes the native to inferior position. It is because, jupiter is leaving this
exaltation and going to his common house, at the time of exchange.
SATURN:- Exchange of saturn is discussed in 4 parts (A) Saturn is placed with his
friends at the time of exchange, (B) Natal, saturn with enemies and having exchange, (C)
Exchange of debilitated saturn, (D) Exchange of exalted saturn. Here, once again, it must be
noted that, any exchange with friendly planets creates good situations and atmospheres at
the time of exchange. While exchange with enimical planet, creates disturbing and adverse
position at the time of exchange. This principle applies to every planet.
If saturn is placed with his friends at the time of exchange :-
In this case saturn is happily placed and enjoying the company of his friends.
Saturn has venus, jupiter and rahu, as friends. Any two of the above planets, if are placed
togather with saturn and saturn is in the midst, it creates a good yoga. Saturn jupiter
combination creates "maha bhagya yoga" and at every 10 years intervals, it gives a big
bhagya or fortune. Saturn's bhagya is based on "karma" or wark. Thus, a person gets his
fortune by his own work. Friendly
planets, create happy and cordial atmosphere for earning. Such person gets many
fold income. After exchange his many fold income continuous or goes on a different line,
depending upon the exchanging planets.
Natal saturn with enemies and having exchange:- When saturn is with his enemies
particularly moon mars or ketu or its combinations, the position of native is very
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (76)
difficult. This saturn is like a debilitated saturn. To live and maintain the life is also
difficult; when particularly saturn is with mars and ketu; it is the worst combination of
saturn and native is not able to settle any where. Such native is aimlessly wondering.
There is no particular sattlement of life for the native. That is why saints and sages, who
have langoti yoga of saturn mars, ketu; are great wanderers. Sometimes they are after the
search of knowledge, as ketu is a karka or ancient knowledge and ketu makes often
improvements in the knowledge.
Any exchange of any such saturn, weakness or the langoti yoga; such sadhu or
sanyasi or mahant will make a marriage at the time of exchange of saturn. Mter exchange
the native gets relief and join some work or business. Here, saturn goes to a good position
from the worst one. Thus, native gets beneficial position in the life and can happily
breathe, family life and in work and business. this is a good exchange.
EXCHANGE OF DEBILITATED SATURN:- A debilitated saturn himself is in a
critical and bad position. Native has no certain work or service. He is wandering
aimlessly. Uptill the exchange the native is in a bed position. This saturn if, is having an
exchange with mars, the native get some work. Here, native gets a good position out of
zero, or from lowest quality of work, native gets some sattlement or a good job. This is a
good exchange and good fruits are enjoyed by the native. Sometimes the native gets help
from the friends, though itmay he be in lower category.
EXCHANGE OF EXALTED SATURN:- Exalted saturn is in the house of venus.
This is a friendly and good exchange. This exchange starts happy marriage life or
unmarried natives are marring at this point of time. At the same time prosperity of own
and of relatives starts. Combination of saturn and venus gives big volume of health,
wealth and happiness. Thus, this is a beneficial combination and one of the best
combination. The native enjoys good fruits of this combination.
Remaining exchanges will be seen in second parts.
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (77)
Actual exchange Between the houses of planets and nadi texts part-II.
This is apart of minute astrology . It is but natural that readers will find it bit
difficult to understand and grab the meanings, though it is not difficult to understand.
"Karaktva" is an important factor inN ADI ASTROLOGY, which will help the readers.
The readers have seen the exchange of houses of sun , jupiter and saturn in
nutshell, in the FIRST PART. now in second part, remaining exchanges of houses of
remaining planets are discussed in nutshell. once again, it should be noted that, these
exchanges are real (which are taking place in the sky). but, they are according to the
horoscope of the native. and the resultant effects, which are experienced by the native;
are explained in details.
once again, at the cost of repeatation, after exchange, if a planet meets, his
enemies, the position of the native, becomes tough and some time critical. on the
contrary, if the planet after exchange meets his friends, it creates favorable atmosphere.
The planet placed with friends:- This planet is happily placed. After exchange this
happy atmosphere is not available to the planet. Though there is one thing that, such
planet is going to his own house. That is the relief After living the family combination,
the planet goes to his own house.
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (78)
The planet placed with enemies :- This is an unhappy situation, from where,
the planet goes to some what, a good position. this exchange plays better role in the life of
the native.
*VENUS :-Important exchanges of venus are venus mercury, venus saturn
and venus mars exchange .Exchange of VENUS and Mercury, is an exchange which,
gives riches and prosperties and properties to the native . Mostly either it happens in
tauras and gemini or it happens with libra and virgo. When it happens with vergo and
libra , after exchange , mercury becomes exalted . This is a very much benificial
exchange , where mercury becomes exalted .An exalted planet, gives every thing out of
his portfolios (or KARAKTW AS) to the native . Every thing of mercury mean?, high
incomes , a good place of residence or business or place of work in heart of business
center and garden like land . According to the time cycle , it happens during the transit of
jupiter and saturn.
Exchange of venus and mercury means, easy study or studies without heard labor .
And easy and intellectual income .Study and education are given by the rounds of jupiter
and prosperity and wealth are given by the rounds of transiting saturn or gochara saturn.
Now, theoritically (A) Exalted venus (B) debilitated venus (C) venus placed with
friends (D) venus placed with enemies .
(A)Exalted venus :-Ifthere is an exchange of such venus in the horoscope then ,
venus is going down words after exchange . This exchange of venus will happens with
jupiter. It is found that in jupiter's first round also , Native gets same tengible assets or
cash from some relative . Mter exchange, this becomes a "sanjivany yoga". Therefor it
gives longer life to the female native or if this is a male horoscope, the life of the wife is
extended or improved . This is a combination of two enemy planets . Children of such
native , progresses and becomes more powerful, than the native . Though this
combination shows that, " venus is getting control over two houses" . Native gets
benefits of this venus and gets hereditary properties .
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (79)
(B) Debiliatation venus :-Debilitated venus has always exchange with mercury.
This venus is happily progressing. After exchange this happy atmosphere is available to
both the planets, as Mercury, though moving backward; but going to his EXALTATION
SIGN; gives wealth and prosperity to the native. One uncle or brother after moving
backward, gets a good position.
(C) Venus placed with FRIENDS :-Here venus is leaving his company of friends
and relatives. Though there is one thing that, after leaving the family combination, such
both the planets are going to their own houses. Some times the native is separating from
the family and there afterwards gets a good situation.
unhappy situation. From here, planet venus goes to somewhat good position. This
exchange plays a better role in the life of the native
Mars:- mars is an obstacle creator. Except" MANGLYA YOGA", it does not give
much, but can provide entrepreneurship. But it does not have much role regarding the other
good matters. Seers has considered mars as Y AMA. Here we will consider two types of
exchanges of mars- (A) Exchange of exalted mars. (B) Exchange of debilitated mars.
(A) Exchange of exalted mars:- such native fully filled with Vellore and strength.
Vellore and strength and capacities are expanded. Such natives are good executives.
This mars can have an exchange, with saturn Only.
This exchange means break in a job or work. this is an "ANG BHANG YOGA
COMBINATION" (breaking of bones yoga), as this is a case of" sani yam yoga"; where
DHARMA RAJA or SHANI DEVA become lame in the play. A lady having this
exchange, her saturn was in aries, once had a bad company of rich people.
During the transit of jupiter and venus such person faces an accident yoga. In
watery sign, it gives watery accident or accident of drawning. In case of one such charted
accountant, at the time of transit of saturn, left the C. A.'s job and constructed own
factory. Such native gets high valued land or building.
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (80)
Exchange of debilitated mars, always have an exchange with moon. Such Moon in
anes or in scorpeo, gives lackness in generosity. Such natives are unable to help
monetarily. Nich mars is in cancer. The vallore and strength of the native is limited, but
after exchange, it increases to a great extent, but if there are both nich or debilitated
planets (moon and mars), having an exchange with each other, shows that the native had
bad company of the people. After exchange such position is improved. Such native have
difficulties of pollution of blood, which is improved by the exchange. the position of
mother, after exchange becomes some what good. This happens at the time of transit of
jupiter and saturn. Debilitated mars means land of low values or sao ked or watery land.
MERCURY:- Here, there is one big exception that, virgo is his own; as well as
exalted house of mercury. Debilitated mercury has an exchange with jupiter in gemini or
virgo. Exchange of such mercury, makes such mercury a very strong one and powerful.
These exchanges are narrated as, "Guru Budhhi Visheshita Yoga". It means the person is
very intelligent and is seeking knowledge. Normally he gets two degrees in education
and have minimum TWO types of KNOWLEDGE. The native, who was the friend of
present father in previous birth. Thus the native has taken a birth in the house of the
friend,"only to help his friend", such natives are helping the father very much or helps
him like any thing. Thus this exchange drags the native from lower incomes to higher
income. But, as this exchange is of two enemy planets, it gives mis happenings at the
time of transit of jupiter and saturn.
Exalted mercury has no exchange, as it is in his own house.
Debilitated mercury has exchange withjupiter and the resultant effects, we have
seen in first paragraph of mercury. Thus, it is good as well as bad exchange. But if it is
with virgo, it gives excellent results in favourabale matters like income, vehicle, place of
business, accommodation (like landed properties) etc ... etc.
Moon :- Moon is not considered as a standard planet. It is so stated by the great
sages. There are more bad aspects, than good aspects of moon. Now (A) exalted moon
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (81)
(B) debilitated moon etc are discussed below in details:-
Exalted moon :-Exalted moon, is in the house of venus. If he has exchange with
venus, the native looses every good fruits and fields or kakraktwas of venus. The native
will have expenses and losses in business or properties. Sometimes the native loses
everything, if he is having a temptation of being rich and wealthy.
Native loses everything, ifhe has moon venus combination. During this timeof
transit of saturn, his bank balance is emptied. So many a time, it is found that, native is
testing hard drinks. Drunkards have always moon-venus combination. Such persons are
befooling others very easily. Though, there are good aspects ofmoon also. They are
one, (l)who have an aesthetic nature. (2) Artistic living. (3) Artists : like film artists or
singers etc. have this combination ( 4) If this combination is powerful, it makes good
singers also. (5) Such persons have tendency of music. Some times, they do not leave
redio tv .... etc. (6) this combination, makes the native beautiful or handsome. (Jupiter
venus combination gives beautiful bodies). (7) some times such natives are drunkards
or are involved in such businesses. Though this was all about, only moon venus
Thus we have seen the practical effects of ACTUAL EXCHANGE OF PLANES.
In first part, we had seen the EXCHANGES OF SUN, SATURN and JUPITOR.
Here in second part, we have seen remaining 4 PLANETS- namely VENUS,
We have seen only 4 positions. A.Exchange of EXALTED planet. B. Exchange of
DEBILITATED planet. C. Planet encircled by his own friends and having
EXCHANGE. D.Planet sitting withENIMIES and having EXCHANGE.
Still there are somany other positions. They also can be defined and can be
interpreted similarly and in the same way.
II Shree krishna arpanam astu lj
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (82)
Minute astrology (M.A.): planets in other's houses, in
the horoscope and nadi texts : series-I PART -1
Imaginary effects of planets, who are in others houses, their effects and nadi taxts
Note :This is apart of minute astrology. It is but natural that readers will find
it bit difficult; but it is not impossible, to understand and grab the meanings. It is given in
lucid form and with calculations where-ever needed.
Out of total nine planets There are main three planets, who are very much
important. As it is a well known effect that, rahu and ketu are not actual planets. They are
imaginary effects. It is recorded in earlier chapters that, they have definite effects and
they give particular happening, according to the time cycle; to the native. They are
imaginary points in the sky. They are shadow planets. Hence, they are not considered as
main planets.
Now out of the remaining the seven planets, we will discuss the main planets. Sun
who is the king of planets. Saturn and jupiter are the big planet and are giving, bhagya,
or fortune. The reason is that jupiter is the owner of the 9th house of the natural Bh-
Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (83)
chakra, and known as sagiterious. Similarly saturn is the owner of the 11th house or
bhagya and labha of natural bh-chakra. Thus in any of the horoscope, if there is saturn
jupiter combination, it give MAHA BHAGYA YOGA. In other words it means a big
fortune, which otherwise is not available by any other combination. It gives top position
in the field of work. This yoga gives supremacy oflife.
Sun :- sun is the king of planet. If there are planets in leo, the person will be more
reach and wealthy. Sun, except in leo, will have an exchange with other planets. Being a
king, he has no enemies as such. even though venus and saturn and rahu and ketu; are
considered as his enemies. The reason is that, sun in saturn's house, becomes, less power-
full; particularly in the case of aqurious, where it is narrated as SHRAPI DOSHA.
similarly sun in libra is in the house of his debilitation. thus sun is very- very weak in
libra. here, we do not talk about the actual exchange, which is not in this case. but we are
. '
talking about imaginary positions. (in the previous case, venus is controlling or acquiring
two houses, because of the actual exchange, wealth and reaches are increases for the
native, but not for his father).
sun in libra is a weak sun. hence due to imaginary exchange, sun will get some
better position. As a result, at the time of jupiter's transit, the native will get more "atma
bala "; means power of soul. At the time of transit of saturn in leo, the father will get some
batter position. at the same time native will have an easy changed position in life. Due to
this exchange, or some times native gets some residential accommodation.
Sun in taurus will have the similarly position. This imaginary exchange will take
place, when saturn will enter in leo. suns position, in this case becomes better then the
above case. Due to this exchanged position of sun, sun becomes power-full at the time of
transit of saturn in leo. It is likely that, father may acquire some property at this time. The
native will get house for son, due to this position.
Sun in jupiter's house or sun in either Sagittarius or Pisces:- Here sun is in a good
place or " satvik" place. Sun in Sagittarius means, father likes forest and village aria. This
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (84)
is an imaginary exchange, which will happen as per rule (when jupiter and saturn will
enter in leo). At the time of jupiter transit, the native will get either governmental aspects
or contracts with
IF Sun is in the house of mars:- sun in aries is a very- very power-full sun. This sun
after imaginary exchange, with mars in leo ; at the time of transit of saturn in leo , will
make sun somewhat less power--full . This decreases some power of sun means father.
from exalted position. It goes some inferior position. "Atma bala" or power of soul is
decreased, at the same time, but this imaginary exchange helps in getting promotion to
the native or he gets promotional effects in business or work.
Sun in Scorpio, also gets such imaginary exchange. Due to this imaginary
exchange (it will happen, when saturn will enter in leo ),similar position is created. Here
father and mother of the native; who are helpless will have some sign of lights or glory in
their life. At the same time native gets promotional aspects. These are nothing but the
small small incidents, which are happening in life of the native, are narrated according to
the transit of planet. Thus this is a part of minute astrology.
Sun in jupiter's house or sun in either Sagittarius or Pisces :-Here sun is in a good
place or" satvik" place. Sun in Sagittarius means, father likes forest and village aria. This
is an imaginary exchange, which will happen as per rule (when jupiter and saturn will
enter in leo). At the time of jupiter transit, the native will get either governmental aspects
or contracts with OK .................. .baki
This is narrated as influence of high social persons. Some times native gets
government job. If ketu is also aligned, person will have "sakshatkar "or will establish
contacts with god. It is a good position of planet.
Sun in pisces, will have also similar, imaginary exchange. This sun is in the house
of "swarga loka " or heaven. It simply means that, father has such nature of
"swargabhumi" or SW ARGALOKA - ABODE OF GODS. This imaginary exchange
will happen, at the time of transit of jupiter and saturn, when ~ y will enter in LEO. this
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (85)
exchange gives " satvik nature". this is a good position of sun. Exchange helps in above
matters, like getting government job or aspects of influential persons or native gets the
aspects of god or " sakshatkara ".
Sun in the house of mercury, shows a well placed position of sun; as narrated by
sages. Sun and mercury are good friends. position sun in GEMINI is the best position of
SUN. Father helps, the native in education during the transit of jupiter. Sun in gemini
means " well placed father ". Sun in virgo means, sun is in second house from his own
house. But sun in Gemini means, it is in the lith house from his own house and is in 3rd
house from his exalted house. At the time of transit of saturn in LEO, this imaginary
exchange will take place. Native/ his father may get land, building or shop in market aria,
in case if because of this exchange, if mercury becomes EXALTED. Thus this is a
beneficial position of sun.
Sun in jupiter's house or sun in either Sagittarius or Pisces :-Here sun is in a good
place or" satvik" place. Sun in Sagittarius means, father likes forest and village aria. This
imaginary exchange will happen as per rule ( whenjupiter and saturn will enter in leo).
At the time of jupiter transit, the native will get either governmental aspects or contracts
with Big persons or high official. This is narrated as influence of high social persons.
Some times native gets government job. If ketu is also aligned, person will have
"saksatkar" or will get contacts with god. It is a Devine effect. Thus this is a good position
Sun in Pisces, will have also similar imaginary exchange. This sun is in the house
of "swarga loka" or heaven. It simply means that, father has such nature of
"swargabhumi ". This imaginary exchange will happen, at the time of transit of jupiter
and saturn. This exchange gives "satvik" results. This is a good position of sun.
Exchange helps in above matters like, getting governmentjob or aspects ofinfluential
persons or native gets the aspects of gods or gets "saksatkar". Though both the planets
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (86)
deva planets
, they have good relation with each other. Some times this exchange
give good benefits at the time of selling of building etc.
SATURN:- Similar imaginary exchanges of saturn are giving slight change in the
work or field of service, business or in life; as these are all the portfolios of saturn.
IMPORTANT MATTERS : -This imaginary exchange, if beneficial, it plays a
great and important role in forming "bhagya" and beneficial position injob. Saturn is
the owner of the eleventh house of natural bh-chakra. Hence it gives the benefits of
eleventh house or bhagya. Any planets in Saturn's house, will give imaginary exchanges
and the results are as above :- saturn has four enemies, namely moon, mars, ketu and
sun and at somewhat level mercury. thus such planets in the saturn house, will not give
beneficial results but, other planets like venus or jupiter (as they are the best friends of
saturn), will give beneficial results.
Let we first imagine that venus is, either in Capricorn or AQUARIUS, will give
such results. It means, when saturn in transit; will come to taurus or Libra, it will give
exchange effects; (which are imaginary) but incidents will happen accordingly. As
saturn venus combination, is a combination of prosperity. During this period the native
can expect properties or rise in income or native tries to purchase or acquire landed
properties. If such person is unmarried, his marriage will take place at the time; when
saturn or jupiter enters in the house of venus (taurus or libra). this is a good combination
and native gets beneficial results.
SATURN'S EXCHANGE WITH JUPITOR :-Jupiter in Capricorn or acquarious
Jupiter and saturn are forming, bhagya or fortune by own activities ofthe native.
Jupiter is the lord of ninth house and that is Sagittarius. Similarly saturn is the owner of
eleventh house aquarious. Thus any contacts in any way, of these two planets,
immediately creates big bhagya or MAHABHAGY A. Such a native gets ordinary luck
in work, business or profession at the transit time of jupitor.
Here there are two such imaginary position (1) jupiter in Capricorn, (2) jupiter in
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (87)
Jupiter m Capricorn is not much beneficial, after the time of exchange, as
JUPITOR HIMSELF goes back to sagiterious. Thus saturn pushes back iupitor. It
creates " bhagya yoga bhanga". A. FIRST GOOD POSITION and B than the native is
lowered down to a great extent. There are two reasons for the this belief. (A) Jupiter,
instead of forewarding ahead; it goes in to back side of the saturn (B) jupiter, after
exchange enter in to sagitarious. It means, now jupiter is progressing ahead to its
debilitation house, which creates worst position for jupiter. Thus at the time of
exchange, native gets big fortune of saturn and jupitor and that is without any daubts.
But afterwards; such native is found degraded in the life. One diploma engineer get job
in E.C.T.V. company but afterwards he left the job, without any genuine results, which
were not up to the marks also. Now the engineer lives the life of an ordinary man. Such
other more examples can be cited.
Jupiter in aquarious :- Here jupiter is in good position than the earlier and above
narrated position. This jupiter is getting an imaginary exchange with the transiting
saturn in either Sagittarius or Pisces. After exchange jupiter goes in to the eleventh
house to the saturn or it progresses forward by imaginary exchange and goes in to
Pisces, after exchange; which creates "maha-bhagya yoga" by both ways.
Remaining all the planets like mars, mercury, moon and sun and ketu have no
good relations with saturn. Thus such planets in the house of saturn, will not much help
to the native. Such one native had left job, as being a chartered accountant and now he is
a factory owner. Thus mars is an obstacle creator. Mars either in Capricorn or in
aquarious, (they both are narrated as exalted by the great sages), gives breaks and poor
returns in the work and job; at the time, when saturn riches to aries or scorpio in transit.
There will be an imaginary exchange of saturn and mars at that time and the naive
afterwards gets poor results. Thus this position of mars is not much beneficial for the
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (88)
saturn or in otherwords it will not create beneficial position in the work or job. At the time
of exchange, some natives leave the job and are placed in to difficult situation. Though
this position will allow the native, to have a factory or workshop at that time or if the
native is of marriageable age; it provides marriage occasion for the native or in the
Saturn in cancer will give frequent changes in the job or offer transfers. When
moon along with saturn, will enter in Capricorn or aquarious; then the native gets transfer
or change in the job. This is the time of far traveling and expenses also. At the transit time
of jupiter and saturn, it gives a long journey and if he is a male native, he changes either
job or place of residence.
Saturn in gemini or vergo is beneficial aspects in the case of purchasing of landed
properties. Both are manet ..... or timid or slow planets even though both the planets are
demon and friendly planets. At the time of transit of jupiter in gemini or virgo, native tries
to take the education, either for business or for earning. At the transit time of saturn in
gemini or virgo, the native tries to purchase landed properties or place for business.
Saturn in leo will give an imaginary exchange with transiting saturn (moving with

sun); when such saturn enters in Capricorn or aquerious. It will exchange this house with
sun. As sun and saturn are enemies, it does not fully help to the native, except getting
government job or joining in father's business. After this small change given by
transiting jupiter or transiting saturn, father will come to his own house or home. This is
somewhat good situation than earlier for the father, as it was narrated that sun I father is
having some curses of previous birth. By this way father will come out slowly from the
worst to bad situation.
Thus all imaginary exchanges of saturn have been discussed above in details.
Jupiter:- Jupiter in the house of any planets, except in Sagittarius or Pisces; will
give an imaginary exchange of planets, at the transit time of jupiter and saturn. Now let
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (89)
we see one by one all such positions.
Jupiter in the house of mars :- This imaginary exchange will happen, when
jupiter, either is in aries or scorpio in natural Bh-chakra or horoscope. Jupiter in aries is
very much powerful as, he is in the exaltation house of his friend sun. This jupiter will
exchange the house, when transiting jupitor and saturn (with mars) will enter in
Sagittarius or Pisces. This imaginary exchange will help the native in the portfolios of
mars; like entrepreneurship or starting any new line or promotion etc. These are nothing
but the small incidents, which are happening in the life of the native. They are narrated
according to the transit of planets. Thus this is apart of minute astrology.
Sun in jupiter's house or sun in either Sagittarius or Pisces:- Here sun is in a
good place or " satvik" place. Sun in Sagittarius means, father likes forest and village
aria. This is an imaginary exchange, which will happen as per rule ( whenjupiter and
saturn will enter in leo). At the time of jupiter transit, the native will get either
governmental aspects or contracts with OK
Big persons or high official. This is narrated as influence of high social persons.
Some times native gets government job. If ketu is also aligned, person will have
"saksatkar" or will get contacts with god. It is a Devine effect. Thus this is a good position
Sun in Pisces, will have also similar imaginary exchang;e. This sun is in the house
of "swarga loka" or heaven. It simply means that, father has such nature of
"swargabhumi ". This imaginary exchange will happen, at the time of transit of jupiter
and saturn. This exchange gives "satvik" results. This is a good position of sun.
Exchange helps in above matters like, getting governmentjob or aspects of influential
persons or native gets the aspects of gods or gets "saksatkar". Though both the planets
are " deva planets ",they have good relation with each other. Some times this exchange
give good benefits at the time of selling of building etc.
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (90)
Jupiter in the house of venus:- This combination gives good aspect of venus to
jupitor. This imaginary exchange will happen, when venus along withjupiter or saturn
will enter in to the house of jupiter; means Sagittarius or piscies. This yoga is a VUAYA
YOGA for father.jupiter and venus are husband and wife or it is a "jiv yoga". Thus this
combination gives marriage like occasion or birth of the child or it gives momentary
aspect at the time transit of saturn. Native tries to get good bhagya or fortune. As both
being the enemy planets; do not give much success. Here 7th aspect becomes powerful
and finds out favorable house for the planet (either of the two).
Jupiter in the house of mercury :- Here jupiter is imprisoned in the house of his
enemy. This imaginary exchange will give a small mis-happening yoga, at the time of
such imaginary exchange. Jupiter or saturn in the transit of second round, will give
disturbance; from the government or from higher orthorities or from some local orthority
or there will be some death of elderly person of the family in rural area and the business or
service is held up for some time. Due to this reasons. This is a position or combination of
two enemies and therefore it is not much beneficial; but at the time of transit of jupiter,
this position will help the native and will get good teacher or transfer in some good
academic institution. Mercury has also portfolio ofbusiness or income, shop or some
industries; such aspect is being created.
Jupiter in the house of saturn :- Though jupiter and saturn are best friends, but
jupiter in the house of saturn, becomes debilitated. This is not a good situation of jupiter.
Here jupiter in Capricorn will have an imaginary exchange with transiting saturn.
When transiting saturn comes in to Sagitarious in gochera or transit, saturn will have an
exchange with jupiter (by birth) and at first, it will give a big fortune or rise and
upliftment. But if the native does not care and takes any hasty decision, it will prove a life
long mis-fortune or "bhagya yoga bhanga". Now at this stage all the readers know that,
by exchange (1) jupiter is thrown back to Sagittarius. (2) and hence this jupiter of
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (91)
Sagittarius, proves as progressing to his debilitation house. Thus this situation is not
beneficial and such native does not enjoy the good fruits of
this big bhagya and therefore they leave such big bhagya after tempting after
small and minor beneficial position, which later on proves harmful. Here it should be
noted that, that jupiter, who gives a big bhagya, afterwards it becomes very very weak in
this case.
But jupiter m aquenous, who has come out from his weakest position or
debilitation, is in a good situation. Not only that but, after exchange, this jupiter goes to
the either (A) in the eleventh house from the new position of the saturn or (B) If it
exchange with pisces, then it goes to the second house from his original position. Here
again the principle of "jupiter proceeding or forwarding; ahead than saturn" applies. It
gives a big bhagya. Actual such exchange creates "maha bhagya yoga", but this being an

imaginary exchange, it gives little rise and upliftment, and not "MAHA BHAGYA" in
Jupiter in moon's house :- Jupiter in cancer, is in his house of exaltation. Here
jupiter is sound and is powerful. It applied to the life of the male native actually. Such
jupiter, when imaginary exchanges with moon, as he is in the house of moon, its gets
some lower position. Here jupitor looses his EXALTATION POWER and goes to his
ordinary house. It happens when transiting jupiter and transiting saturn; when enters in
Sagittarius or pisces. We all know by experience that, an exalted or highest best position
of a person does not remain for over. At this time, both the transiting planets give, such
somewhat lower position (as this is not the actual exchange), after some change. As
jupiter and moon both the planets have karkatva of change or transfer. At both the times
native experiences fortune being somewhat lowered. This is some what inferior position
than the earlier position or before the exchange. After exchange, when jupiter goes to
Sagittarius, which is a sign of jungle or forest, native gets some what instincts for forest
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (92)
or forest product related job and gets some bhagya or fortune, If the native is a male, he
prefers to get transfer in village area or forest area, along with long and far travels.
When jupiter has an exchange with pisces, the native prefers far and long travels or
makes pilgrimages, as this is a holy sign or sign of heaven.
Jupiter in the house of sun :- When jupiter is in leo, it will have an imaginary
exchange with sun; when saturn and jupiter will enter in the sign Sagittarius or pisces;
Sun and jupiter both are best friends, it creates satvika yoga. This is a good position of
jupiter. Not only that but,"just he has come to nearby to his "ast rashi ".It gives a good
bhagya or fortune to the father at the time when jupiter and saturn enters in Sagittarius or
pisces. Either father is transfered or goes to longjourney, along with the native ( ifis a
male). Thus Sagittarius gives transfer to rural aria and pisces gives transfer or journey to
the holy places.
Here we have seen the position of only three planets namely sun, saturn and
jupiter. In the next part other planets will be discussed.
Thus the planets of a horoscopes, who are not in their own house, will give effects
at the time of transit of jupiter and saturn in the house of concerned planets. Though these

are not the real exchange, but they are giving resultant effects, as narrated above.
Friendly placement of planet, gives good result and planets placed in enemy camp, are
giving some bad or lower effects. Again the near by planets or combinations of planets
are affecting the first part and after changed position new combinations are taking place,
which are also playing and important role, which should be not be forgotten.
II Shree Krishna Arpanam Astu II
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (93)
M.A. Planets in other's houses, in the horoscopes: series--I Imaginary effects of planets,
who are in other's houses, their Effects and nadi texts: part-II
Imaginary effects ofplanets, who are in others houses, their effects and nadi
texts :-part- II
This is a part of minute astrology . It is but natural that, readers will find it bit
difficult; but not impossible, to understand and grab the meanings. It is given in lucid
form and with calculations where-ever needed.
The readers have seen the exchange of houses of sun, jupiter, and saturn in nutshell
in first part.Though in details each and every individual planet will be seen in minute
details. Now in second part, remaining imaginary exchange of houses of remaining
planets are discussed in nutshell. Once again, it should be noted that, these are not the
real exchanges, but they are taking place in the sky. They are according to the individual
horoscope ofthe native and the resultant effects, which are experienced by the native;
are explained in details. This part is only restricted up tp EXALTATION,
Once again, at the cost repeatation, after exchange, if a planet meets, his enemies,
the position of the native becomes tough and sometimes critical. On the contrary, if the
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (94)
planet meets his friends, it creates favorable atmosphere.
venus:- venus is a Karaka of prosperity and hereditary properties or luck etc.(
And not fortune, which is created by own labour and work). This is a very important
planet of our physical age of this world. If there is actual exchange, extra ordinary
benefits are available to the native. Here, imaginary exchange with a few planets, is
venus in aries :- this venus will have an an imaginary exchange with mars in this
sky: when jupiter and saturn will enter in taurus or libra. Rounds or gochera means
transits. Second round of jupiter and saturn are important and gives results. This
exchange will give windfall profits to the native. At the same time, it will enable native
to get the aspect of landed properties, at the time of transit.
Venus in the house of mercury : This exchange of the planets will happen in the
sky, at the time of transit of jupiter and saturn (in the second round); when they will
enter in the sign gemini or virgo. During this time, there will be imaginary exchange of
venus with mercury. This exchange will help the native in getting easy equcation and
. .
If venus is in house of saturn; it will exchange the house, when jupitor and saturn
will enter in taurus or libra; it will have this imaginary effects. Saturn and venus have
many joint portfolios; like marriage building, starting of prosperity and richness,
increase in income etc ... etc.
Thus if such person is unmarried and of marriageable age, marriage will take
place or construction/ purchase of house or building will take place or if native is male
and venus is powerful or strong, his wife will have increase in income or she will gain
house in her name. Ultimately the prosperity of the family will start. Thus this is a
helpful and favorable and imaginary exchange of venus with saturn.
There are two such house, where this exchange can take place, namely Capricorn
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (95)
or aquarious. As venus placed in any one of the above house the native will experience,
the above imaginary small results, at the time of transit of saturn.
venus in the house of moon or sun, is not much helpful. At the time of imaginary
exchange, such venus instead of giving help, native is getting losses and expenses
(instead rise in income); as at the time of transit of saturn on venus as seen in earlier
chapters. There is only one exception and that is if there is a basic combination of saturn
venus mercury.
venus in the house ofjupiter: This state of venus helps in small rise and upliftment
,as at this point saturn and jupiter are combining by imaginary exchange at this point. It
will happen, at the time of transiting saturn and jupitor enters in taurus or libra as the case
may be. OR It will happen, when saturn passes through the houses ofvenus , namely
tauras and libra . Thus transiting effects are to to be seen for the purpose of calculation of
happenings by such imaginary exchanges.
Mercury:- Mercury in any house; excluding own houses Gemini and vergo ; will
make an imaginary exchange of house, when saturn will enter in the houses of respective
or related planet.
Mercury in the house of mars: is not much beneficial. As mars and mercury are
inveterate enemies. They will not help each other , at the time of exchange . Mars will
break the education obstsele will be created. Both the planets will destroy good results of
each other . Thus mercury means income , which will decrease. At the same time both
these planets may help in getting low priced land or building.
Mercury in the house of venus : - This mercury either in tauras or libra , will make
an imaginary exchange. In this case, when saturn will enter in Gemini or vergo. This is a
very beneficial position of mercury. This is an imaginary exchange of two friendly
planets. not only that but here, mercury is in nearby houses to his own house. That is why,
it will give small rise and upliftment to the native. Here when jupiter will transit either in
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (96)
gemini or in vergo, native will get benefit in education and , when saturn will transit
gemini or vergo; native will get easy or intellectual income. or sometimes native gets the
benefit of landed properties. Either he will purchase or he will construct; if, mars or
moon is aspecting the house Thus this is a beneficial combination and sometimes, it is a
starting point ofprosperity. Thus a very good period oflife sometimes starts from this
point of time.
Mercury in the house of sun or moon :- mercury in nearby to or in moon's house
creates, kapat yoga or cheating yoga . A person is cheated by various ways. cheating will
take place in sex (moon mercury) or in vehicle or in landed properties. Sometimes friend
is also cheating by friends and relatives . Thus this position of mercury , in the house of
moon is giving mix results and in some way not much beneficial but at the same time; at
the transit time of saturn in gemini or vergo; the native will get income in bulk or in big
volume along with the cheating.
Mercury in the house of sun (leo), is in good position. here mercury is in friendly
house. It is creating "Budhaditya yoga". Native and his father are calculative. This
mercury is at Rajdwara and tries to give government related income. Here mercury is in
nearby to, his own exaltation house. When transiting saturn will enter in vergo. It will
give some rise and upliftment to the native. His income will increase. sometimes native
gets good place in business area or garden like land. This is a good position of mercury.
Mercury in the house of jupiter:- When mercury either is in sagetarious or pieces,
this situation is created. Now imaginarily, when this mercury will exchange is a question.
Here mercury is in "Ast"or "Nich" rashi. Here mercury is in house of teacher. This is a
good yoga for education, but bad yoga, as it will give mis happening yoga. As mercury
and jupiter both are acute enemies , and as they are being 'Ast' or ' weak' in each other
house; it creates mis happening yoga. Mis-happening may either can be from
governmental sides or some elderly person may die due to old age or some severe
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (97)
difficult situation in work and business. This normally creates disturbances and the
person may have same breaks or leave period in the business or work.
At the time of transit of jupiter in gemini or virgo, the person will have same rise in
education, either he gets goods guides or good institution for education (change in
teacher or school/ college is changed).
while at the time of transit of saturn on gemini or vergo, the native faces same mis
happening yoga as the narrated as above.
Mercury in the house of saturn :- Saturn and mercury have no good relations ,
except in case of landed properties ; where they are friends. It is a common portfolios of
both the planets. Mercury in the house of saturn give idleness to the native and creates
suspensive nature. When there is anyoga of saturn mercury in anybody's horoscope,
such person will not to wake up early in the morning and will take long sleeps and fearful
nature etc. are the common characteristics of such native. Not only that but one of his
paternal uncle or aunt will be dull and will not be working anywhere. But in that case
mercury must be in aquarious and not in capricon. (in case of the imaginary exchange of
such mercury). When saturn enters in the house of mercury in "gochara" or transit; if
other combinations are helping; .nativemay.purchase landed properties.
Thus we have seen in all cases of mercury. In case of all other planets, who are in
other's houses, such imaginary exchange will happen and it only happens; when jupiter
or saturn; enters in the house of (here mercury); the concerned planet (in the above case
mercury); in second round of transit.
similarly we will study all other remaining planets and their imaginary exchanges.
If one goes in details, he will find such effects, which are already narrated in all
Nandi Nadi charts. These happenings will be experienced by the native in his life .
Advanced forecasts with future dates , are possible now a days . Though the new
situations must be supporting such happening in new exchanged circumstances.
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (98)
"Trikal gyaan" means the knowledge of not only; past' present and future; but it
correlates with previous birth, this birth and next birth also.
Thus, the planets of a horoscopes, who are not in their own houses, will give
certain effects at the time of transit of jupiter and saturn in the houses of concerned
planets. Though these are not the real exchange, but they are giving resultant effects, as
narrated above. Friendly placement of planets, give good results and planets placed in
enemy camp are giving lower effects or some bad effects. Again the near by planets or
combination of planets are affecting the first part and after changed position new
combinations are taking place, which are also playing an important role in next part;
which should be noted.
Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (99)
M.A. Planets in other's houses, in the horoscope: series-!
Imaginary effects of planets, who are in other's houses, their Effects and nadi texts: part -Ill
Imaginary effects of planets, who are in others' houses, their effects and
nadi taxts :- part- III
in other's houses, in the horoscopes):
This is a part of minute astrology . It is but natural that, readers will find it bit
difficult; but not impossible, to understand and grab the INNER meanings.
In part one ( 1) sun , jupiter and saturn were discussed . in part (2) mercury and
venus were discussed. Now in this third part mars and moon will be discussed.
Now in third part, we are going to see moon in some signs; other than his own
house cancer.
MOON:- The charactoristics of SIGNS or rashies and moon and its combinations
are entirely different in nadi astrology.
Moon in the house of mars :- Moon becomes debilitated in the house of mars.
similarly is with mars. Thus this two planets have no good relationship with each other.
Though both are karakas of mangalsutra, marriage and birth of children. These are the
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (100)
only good portfolios of both the planets. Now when moon is in aries, will have in
imaginary exchange at the transit time of jupiter and saturn on cancer. As moon and mars
both are inveterate enimies; it will not help saturn's transit on cancer. At that time there
will be losses, expences and it will create adverse situation in work or business. But at
the same time, there will be marriage like ceremony in the houses of mother's relatives,
or in uncles's relations, or ifthe native is ofmarriagable age , his marriage will take
place. Even at the transit time of jupiter in cancer, similar things will happen.
Moon in scorpio will have similar exchange, when jupiter or saturn will transit on
cancer. " Moon in aries
will give same results and the native will have lackness in
generosity. The native can not become much generous. Moon in scorpio is debilitated
moon. Here moon looses his powers. Such native is unable to expense and will be mizer.
Moon in the house of venus :- moon becomes exalted in taurus and when venus
enters in cancer, along with jupiter and saturn; the native faces heavy losses and heavy
expences. At the transit time of jupiter marriage of the native takes place. Such natives
are sometimes liars, but have tendency of music. They are of a artistic nature. Such
natives are very aesthetic.
Moon in libra is also having the same nature, but the difference is that moon is
going to his debilitation house. This moon is very very weak. That is why this imaginary
exchange, will help the native. Moon becomes some what powerful. venus in libra is
very weak. Not only that but, such native, so many a time says to the others that, "dogs
are not smelling the money; but actually such native is hoarding the wealth".
Moon in the house of mercury :- This moon gives " cheating " or
kapat yoga ".
any relation of moon with mercury always gives cheatings to the native. Moon in
gemini, gives some what benefits like education, frienship and sex and affection for
properties. Here moon is in the house of intellectual ability. Thus this a good situation.
Moon will help in education at the time of rounds of jupiter and during the transit of
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (101)
saturn, it will help in getting big income or will give rise in income by way of trade etc.
This position of moon either in gemini or in vergo , will help the native, in educational
field. in the same way transit of jupiter and saturn, in cancer, will give cheating yoga to
the native. In the first round of saturn mother is cheated, like anything. moon in vergo,
shows that, he has much intrests in education, friendship, etc. during the transit of jupitor
and during the transit of saturn, native wll get the aspect of rise in income and landed
property and business.
Moon in vergo means, the native is interesed in business or market area and
perticularly in a place which is in the center of the marcket area.
Moon in the house ofjupiter :- It is a well known fact that, moon has close
relations with jupiter. Here moon is well placed. If we see the charactoristics of such
person, who have moon in sagitarious, he will have affections and love towards the
village area or forest area. The persons who have moon in pieces, they have heavenly
characters. They never accept anything , which are undue. here moon has relations with
jupiter. They both are "brahmin" planets . such persons ( sagitarious or pieces) have love
and affections in travelling or in sweets or milk or ghee or sweets or all the things; as their
favorable items. Mothers of such native have same characteristics or characters. Thus
when transiting jupiter or saturn enters in cancer or the house of moon; The native gets
transfer or goes to a far travel. These moon and jupiter are having friendly relations and
jupiter's contact with moon, makes jupiter exalted. Moon in pieces gives wishes of
heavenly travels to go to himalayan ranges, which is known as "swarga bhoomi" or
abode of gods. More over such transit of saturn in cancer gives expenses and losses.
Moon in the house of saturn :- There are two types of such positions . Moon in
Capricorn and aquarious. such moon is knows as in "vish yoga" .Now a days , nobody
drinks poison, but face is bitterness in life . such persons do not have yash yoga or kirtiy
yoga . when transting jupiter or saturn comes to cencer, the person will have change or
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (102)
transfer in the job or business or in p lac of recidancy.
persons who are won with moon in Capricorn are mostly telling the trouth to the
opposite person. They never care for relationship . persons who have moon in aquarios
some times have the disces which can not be diagnise , as saturn is a karaka of health and
life. such persons never allows the other persons to get the infirmations, which they wish
to hide or to ener deep in to there heart. This is not a good placement, as moon is in astha
Moon is the house of sun:- moon in leo creats such situation. sun or moon in leo,
gives some pride and some what prove. some times selfich nature is also seen . Here
moon in leo shows, the kingsly nature of the native here after imaginary exchange . This
position shows "queen's placement in the house of king ". when jupiter or saturn comes
to cencer in transit , there will be imaginary excange of sun and moon in this sky . as a
result native or his father gets batter position then earlier but first there will be a critical
position. Here sun proceeds abed, keeping moon in back side. It will creae "amavasya"
position. Thus it is not a fair position . some times father and mother , who are living
sapratly are combined after transfer or by any other reason.
Here as we have discussed about the planets, who are in the houses of other
planets, though they are not actual exchanges of houses of planets, but this imaginary
exchange which are taking place in the sky and giving resulst and effects . to the native .
This all effects, which are nurreted in par-1 , part-2, part-3; are actually happening in the
life of the native . in nandi nadi and bhrugu nadi , this principle is applied and happenings
are narrated accordingly . Readers can check and verify and can give opiniions to the
author. They are wel-come.
Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (103)
Press Report :innauguration ceremony of "ESSENCE OF OR - RESEARCHES ON NADI
"Jyotish Viddhya Mandir" arranged, its seventh- " Saptam Gyan Satra" or its
"seventh gathering for knowledge" on lOthJuly, 2011 on Sunday at the Bankquet Hall of
Manav Seva Sangh of Kings Circle, MUMBAI( bombay). Gurupurnima was also in the
near by days and therefore this satra or session was named as, "Guru purnima Gnan
Satra". The Chief Guest was Atulbhai Sajepal. Dr. Prof. Negandhi ofbhavnagar was
given a place on the dias along with others invited guests. During this sation Ashok
Upadhyaya had delivered a lecture on "Karaka Planets". He was very very enthusiasist.
During this cession Dr. Prof. Negandhi, Nadi Astrologer of Bhavnagar, had launched his
3rd volume on NADI ASTROLOGY in English, namely "Essence Of Or Researches on
Nadi Astrology volume-3", by the hands of WELL KNOWN ASTROLOGER and
Honorary Editor of TIMES OF ASTROLOGY, who was accompanied by his wife and
presented as a "special appearance" in the occasion, who were from delhi.
Honorable Daya Sankarji gave a nice example of Sapta Rishi Samhita or Sapta
Rishi Nadi. One bh-chakra of a male native, was being discussed regarding his marriage.
Out of seven sages, one sage stated that, he will not marry. Second sage stated that, he
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (104)
will be marring twice, but his married life is not be happy etc. At the last holy MATA
PARWATI stated that, he will definately marry. His marriage life WILL also be happy
but his life span, is some what less. In conclusion Daya Sankarji has stated that the
knowledge of astrology is a deep knowledge and requires researches and further stated
that the RESEARCH ARTICLES written by Dr. Prof. Negandhi are definitely given
place, in every issue ofTIMES OF ASTROLOGY. Due to his another engagement in
other function of old aged orphan members of "vridhhashram", he shared only a limited
time for Launching Ceremoney.
All in all of Jyotish Viddhya Mandir, shree Ketanbhai popat stated about, "samhita
Granthas" or nadi astrology. He advised prof. NEGANDHI to publish books oflower
values may they have cheap stationary. During his surprise when Dr prof
DINESHCHANDRA informed that the volumes of NADI ASTROLOGY, which were
kept on special concession prices ONLY FOR THE MEMBERS OF INSTITUTE had
been sold out. He requested Prof. Dineshchandra to provide more copies for those, who
have remitted the amounts, Dr. Prof. Dineshchandra assured them to do so. Moreover
KETANBHAI mostly discussed on the topics of orthodox astrology, which were being
discussed in the lectures. About every lecture of the speaker, he narrated pros and cons of
every theme and also commented on the theme.
Dr. Prof. Negandhi in his lecture on english volume-3 "Essence of or Researches
on Nadi Astrology volume-3", he narrated various doshas, created by planets along with
rahu. Such doshas are harming or damaging the native. He narrated all the facts along
with examples, regarding doshas as to what harm such dosha can make and at what time,
means he discussed the time cycle also.
In the third volume Doshas like, "AngarakaDosha", "ShrapitDosha", "Chaturtha
Dosha", "Tri Dosha", "Sashtha Dosha", "Astama Dosha", or the GOD OF
DESTRUCTION were discussed in details. In any of the basic nadi texts, created by
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (105)
seven sages, have nowhere written about the remedes. On the contrary bh-chakra is a
map of "previous karmas". Happening can be read out only. It was clarified by Dr. Prof.
Negandhi that, the talks to change the happenings is Bogus and only bare talks and
nothings else
More over the themes like "RAHU", "caste, religian etc. From the horoscopes",
"actual value or power ofplanets and how to determine it (as they give less or more
effects in the happenings)", "Man gal Sutra", "marriage life and extra ordinary example
given on marriage life given in Nadi Granthas", " Sumangali Lady", " moon",
"forecasts only on the base of bh-chakras and not the horoscopes", "ladies and there
work and business", "extra ordinary example given on MARRIEDS LIFE by the great
sages" and last but not the list "stories of' Puranas' and their relevance with planets,
were discussed enthusiasystically.
Various examples ofthe puranas were discussed. They were like, (1) Tara and
Bruhaspati story, in which, a disciple or the student takes away the wife of master or
guruji. Here gummata is a moon, who was dragged away by the disciple mercury. It
shows unfair relations.(2) Secound example was given about the God of truth and his
play of "gendi dada" (like the game of cricket of today) with Yamaraj; where the god is
Saturn and Yamraj who is mars, who had injured the god or SHANIDEV A. Thus saturn
mars combination gives ACCIDENTAL ASPECTS, if mars is powerful in the
combination .. (3) Third example which applies to this modem world also and is about
the birth of a prince. Great Rishi of that time, ordered all the eight living planets to
imprison themselves in to the " eleventh house". All the planets were burning with anger
and discussing about the forcible actions of the sage or Rishi. The planet moon calmed
down all the remaining planets and then the moon stated that," the Rishi has committed
a great mistake and that was; he placed me (MOON) along with you. It is great mistake
and only I (moon) am capable enough to destroy all the good fruits of you (of all the
remaining planets). Thus the great sage has stated the negative role of moon by narating
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (lex>)
this story of purana. (4) "Ashtma Dosha" means god of distruction. Similarly, there are
so many examples, which are narrated with the COMBINATIONS OF PLANETS AND
verious Stories of puranas; which are nicely woven; etc. were discussed in details. In
conclusion, Dr. Prof. Negandhi thanked the TRUSTEES and the institution Jyotish
Viddhya Mandir and particularly Sree Ketanbhai Popat and all the workers of Jyotish
Viddhya Mandir. This institution provides a platform to enthuse and develop the new
Astrologers. He also praised the uncomparable services provided by the institution. Dr.
Negandhi also praised and thanked the appriciation given as an elder- VADIL, was the
grace and honour of the institution.
In the second part of the Gyan Satra; new and "NA VODIT" disciples gave
interesting lectures on "RAHU", "sun", "transiting planets or transit of planets",
"vigilance or cleverness of moon", "ascendent" were discussed chronologycally and in
serial orders by Smt. Rajul Kotak, Smt. Dipti Sanghavi, Smt. Purnima Gandhi, Smt.
Divyaben Bhanyasali and Sree Hemant Sangoi. Their lectures were deep and related
with astronomy and were quiet interesting.
There afterwards the GOLD MEDALS were distributed to Smt. Pravinaben
Gopani for "Jyotish Praveshak" and Smt. Kesharben Laljibhai Gogari for achieving first
rank in Essay Writing.
Mter the concluding ceremony, the institute " Jyotish Viddhya Mandir" had
arranged for tea and breakfast for all, who attended the function.
This press report is prepared in co-opperation with Jyotish Viddhya Mandir.
Please provide proper place to the photographs, which are provided here with.
Astroreaserch center
"Essence ofOR Researches made on NadiAstrology"- Vol-N (107)
Effects of planets of the charts- on nature, body parts and relatives of the native etc.
Characteristics of planets on body and nature and palm and relatives of the
native and nadi texts : -
There are various texts of astrology which, are related to face or palm and other
body parts. Thus combination pf planet are visible on the body and palm of the person
concerned. Though these are all the subjects of researches. Generally it is observed that
mercury rahu combination, though it is "TRUTIY A AND SASTHA DOSHA ", such
mercury rahu combination dose not allow a person to have early speech power in child
hood. On the other hand mars rahu combination give speed haste temperament and
argumentative nature. At the same time mars mercury combination cuts-short the speech
power and it creates silent personality. They are silent in nature. Such person speak if
necessary, very very less. Venus rahu provides flirting nature. On the other hand saturn
mercury combination creates fearful suspensive and idle personality. Saturn mars ketu
provides such idleness which does not allow a person to work and such person tries to
sleep long and long. In the case of sun Jupiter combination, it gives intution power and
makes a good astrologer. While Jupiter Ketu combination gives "Vijaya yoga", which
gives favorable results in litigation and struggles. In case of Venus moon combination, it
gives laughing faces and artistic nature. Sun ketu combination gives prestige in study
and life. More over it gives winning capacity. On the contrary Jupiter Venus or moon
'Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (108)
mercury or mars Rahu or Saturn with opposite sex planets (according to male native or
female native), are the combinations leading to sex and sexuality. And according to
great sages. They are exploiting the power and capacity of the horoscope, known as
"beer choosner yoga". Though all such combination have advantages as well as; dis
advantages. At present, we will try to the see the impacts of planets, on hand palms and
body parts; known as palmistry etc. It is according to opinions of nadi texts and by
experience they are felt and experienced.
Streight and unbendable thumb shows unbendable nature and "vijaya -yoga". It is
found out thet such males have rahu in cancer and females have rahu in Pisces Or even
Jupiter ketu combinations also shows "vijaya yoga".
If the fingers of palms are bending down, towards the earth, then it means that
such person is having a combination of mars and venus. Such persons are dedicated to
unknown persons. Such persons are not much serving
The family members; except there is Saturn Rahu combination is present in the
horoscope. As a reward for such services to unknowns, the native gets beautiful building
in the life. On the other hand Saturn Rahu combination means services to the elders.
Such services give landed properties at various places or cities. As for example, if Rahu
is second to Saturn, It is observed in many cases.
If there are more planets in own houses in the horoscope of the native; the native
will have circular figures on the finger tips. This is narrated by the sags Nandikeshvara
in one of the bh-chakras. Here it must be noted that right hand palms are considered for
male natives and left hand palms are considered for female natives.
If Venus is in cancer in a female native's horoscope, then the female/lady seems a
sickly woman. The same combination in a male horoscope, shows sickly wife. It means
the body must not be sound and strong of such lady. Similarly if there is a combination of
sun mercury rahu in any horoscope of male/female; then the father of the native is
having the burden of two lives, means sins of previous birth and sins of this birth also.
This combination means father has no next birth. Here the fathers life is extremely
severe. He is getting moksha or mukti, from the recycle of births. Venus Jupiter
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (109)
combination gives beauty to the female natives and in case of male native, wife is
beautiful. Though this yoga relates to over sex also.
Similarly a straight but accurate, method for calculating the life span is given.
Normally the sages have forbidden to see the life span and death. Even though in one of
the nadi texts, it is narrated that, the first line of palm, which is known as a heart line in
palmistry, is considered as a life line. If the line is crossing all the four fingers, then
according to this modern age, the life as considered as, 100 years. This line starts from
the small finger "TARJANI" or the finger ofmercury and ends at the root ofJupiter's
finger. Here every fingers is considered of 25 years of life-span. If the line is completing
three fingers and ending ot the root or beginning of Jupiter's finger, it means 75 + 5 equal
to 80 years of age. More over 2 to 3 years must be added as a grace period. Thus to
calculate life span, there is a different method. According to logic also, heart line has
more concern with life span. If heart is stopped, there is no value of the body or "living
coil" (these words are used in NANDI NADI) ofthe native.
Ear's hanging bottom part, (where ladies are wearing EAR-RINGS), if it is free
and not joining with face; it shows that the person, may be a male or a female; his jupitor
in the horoscope is POWERFUL. Such person can never use bad language.
According to the combinations of the planets, according to the nadi principles;
there are lines visible between the roots of the fingers of the concerned planets joining or
combining in the combination. It is clearly visible on the hand palms. This knowledge
can be found by experience also.
Similarly by experience, it is observed that in the root of thumb and in the verge of the
mount of Venus. If the big lines are observed means male sons and remaining are daughters.
Similarly in the first "vedha" of thumb, if there is java or island and in the back side, if there
is a sun in the root of nail of the thumb, then it is found that, the father-in-low is rich and the
benefits will be available to the native; according to the size of the sun. For this knowledge,
Writer thanks to his own Guru late shree Trambakbhai Jayswal.
II Sree Krishna ArpanamAstu II
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (110)
M.A. 11. Minute astrology series: horoscope of the writer.
. Series: practical example taken from the life of AUTHOR.
Minute astrology Series:- PRACTICAL EXAMPLE taken from the life of the
author. His Bh-chakra is given below:-
: "Bha-Chakra" of Date: 4-9-1944 :
Moon Gemini
Pisces Sat
Name:- Dineshchandra Cancer
Capric orr Date ofBirth: 4-9-1944 Sun,Mcr
Kctu Leo
Now let we see, whether and how far we are correct according to the minute
The writer is born on 4th, sept, 1944. Question of accuracy does not arise, as it was
recorded by his father, who was a FREEDOM FIGHTER and had passed B.Sc. in those
days. The author's Bh-chakra is given, somewhere else in this book. Accordingly he has
SUN in leo and therefore there is no question of exchange of SUN. Mercury and jupitor
are in LEO. When jupitor and saturn will enter in their own houses, they will give effects.
First mercury: it will enter in vergo Gupitor in leo means the 2nd round will start from
LEO ONWARDS) (hence there is no question of GEMINI ARISE) in the 2nd round it
Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (111)
will give IMAGINARY EXCHANGE. At the age between 12 to 14, the native changed
primary to high school. His father started him to teach Sanskrit directly from ENGLISH
TO SANSKRIT, like "pa pib to drink, stha tisth, to stand, ni naya to lead" etc.(Father had
learnt in this style and in this language).Then comes the question of IMAGINARY
In 2nd round, which starts from LEO, Jupitor will enter in his own house in the
sagiterious approximately at the age 12+5 = 17 years of age. Here once again, there is no
question of pisces. It means between 16 to 18; where he successfully gave the EXAM of
(OLD) SSCE XI std. in march- 1961. And ranked 2nd in the high school only for 1 mark
difference (between 1st and two). The readers will CHECK WHAT AN IMAGINARY
NOW the same combination is after RAHU. Therefore 3rd round also becomes
important. 13 + 12 and similarly 17 + 12.
~ :
At the age 25 means in 1969, writer got SEMI GOVERNMENT JOB as an
accountant. In the year 1973 (17 + 12 = 29 ), writer was sent for the NAY AL training as
sub Lt( Sub- Lieutenant).
Now let we check saturn's rounds. Saturn himself being in GEMINI will proceed
to and till VERGO, there is no IMAGINARY EXCHANGE. There will be only an
IMAGINARY EXCHANGE (OF SUN MERCURY) when saturn will enter in
: "Bha-Chakra" of Date: 4-9-1944 :
Moon Gemini
Pisces Sat
Name:- Dineshchandra Cancer
Capricorn Date ofBirth: 4-9-1944 Sun,Mer
Ketu Leo
"Essence of OR Researches made on N adi Astrology"- Vol-IV (112)
VERGO. That will be 30 + 7/8 years of age= 37/3 8. In the year 1981182, the author was
placed as LIEUTENANT (Lt.). Morever he purchased a piece of land w h r ~ he
constructed building later on.
Similarly when saturn will enter in SAGITERIOUS, imaginary EXCHANGE of
SUN JUPITOR will take place or excersise. That will be saturn + half round of saturn =
30 years+ 15 years more to reach HALF CIRCLE Or HALF Bh-chakra ( GEMINI TO
SAGITERIOUS ). 1944 + 44 = 1988 approx. He got higher grade after 18 years of
service. His wife helped him monetarily.
The author got his all4 children, during 31 to 38 of his age; when saturn moved to
the ZONE OF VENUS and crossing after RAHU only. The chronology was female,
male, female, and last male. Venus met moon-rahu, saturn, moon-rahu and then sun-
mercury-jupitor combination.
When saturn was moving in TAURUS, the author had a SHAKSHATKAR in
himalayan ranges during the pilgrimage of Y AMUNOTRI GANGOTRI
KEDARNATH BADRINATH YATRA in the year may- June 2001. It was due to the
Saturn is in the house of mercury - gemini. When Saturn entered in Capricorn along
with mercury, he was helpless to give any property. It was because ofthe placement of
KETU IN CAPRICORN. Instead, as per rule he gave the worst period of life.
The writer had filed his nomination for principalship. To remove him from his
candidatureship; with malefic intension both gave physical fights. He filed criminal
suits against culprits. He won the case and both the culprits apologized in the court-of-
law. When Saturn entered in Aquarious approximately at 49 years. He purchased a small
flat with the help of his wife and sister-in-law, in the year 1992. But due to venus mars
ketu, his both children suffered.
Now about mars and Venus, who are in the house of virgo it self. It can only give
change, when Saturn will enter in Gemini. Approximately at 29 the marriage ceremony
of the author took place. At the same time he purchased a peace of land with other
professors ofmahila collage on borrowing bases.
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (113)
Now only moon remains. When moon along with jupiter and saturn moved to
cancer approximately at 31 to 33, in the year 1976; JupitorMoon Exchange took place. It
formed Jupitor Moon Rahu Combination. Tangible assets- Gold and silver were taken by
the Government. There is a also jupiter ketu combination. Approximately at 35/36; he
got every thing from the government in the year 1978. He won the case. It was a history
recorded case of its kind. The writer got 100%his properties back; which were taken due
to emergency. Thus rahu had made losses; which were recouped by jupiter ketu
combination. Moon rahu means heavy losses and expenses.
Same moon-rahu combination had taken the native to holy waters - KAMAKHYA
MATA TEMPLE and to a deep forest area of Assam, during his age 62 in the year 2006.
At that time saturn was moving towards cancer in the 3rd round. As saturn has rahu next,
3rd round is important one.
Whyn saturn moved to mars-venus combination in 2nd round between 36 to 39,
there was marriage like ceremony at home. The marriages of his brother and sister took
place. It was due to mars-venus- ketu combination; where at this point in virgo moon is
also meeting mars. Both the combinations of marriage are meeting at this point- vergo.
Venus is in the house of mercury. When mercury entered in the house of venus (at
the transit time of saturn; when he entered in LIBRA; this exchange took place)
approximately in the 40th year of age. - It happened during 1984; when author
completed his house and entered in the house. Again tula or libra saturn is going to come
or saturn is entering in libra from 15 Nov. 2011 on wards (it is his 3rdround).
Thus it is very easy to find out every happening of the native as well as;
happenings at his own house. By seeing sumtotal or on the whole, sun jupiter
combination, is an important combination in this chart. It is helping the native, to come
out from every difficult situation.
Moreover jupitor is having saturn in the 1 lth or XI house, which is bound to give
beneficial position in the life of the native. It is by saturn means his work or job. Still at
present the writer, so many a time, works for more then 12 hours in a day.
II shree krishna arpanam astu II
"Essence of OR Researches made on NadiAstrology"- Vol-IV (114)
Minute astrology: planets in other's houses and their
Predictions: lecture on nadi astrology series Lecture-!
Planets in other houses and their predictions :-
Planets in other houses and their predictions :- lecture - I :
Planet have their own movements, but except rahu and ketu; who have definite
and retrograde movements. But they are retrograded. Lumenaries like SUN and MOON
have their definite and direct movement.All the remaining planets are forwarding with
sometimes high speed or sometime regular and normal speed or sometimeS' they have
very slow movements or sometimes they have retrograded movements.
There are total nine planets out of which, rahu and ketu are imaginary points or
dots. They are smoky and imaginary planets.Remaining seven planets are actual planets.
Rahu and ketu along with this seven real planets create, extraordinary effects. There are
two types of opinions, between the sages regarding this sound or weak rahu and ketu.
Some have recorded that weak rahu and weak ketu are severe and dangerous planets,
while other sage has stated that, such rahu and ketu are not harmful. This last result is
only applying to such rahu and ketu, who are alone, but has no planets in trine, if there are
planets in third house or in fifth house or in ninth house, if there are planets, accordingly
they create effects. Best example is of venus and rahu. They both are guru and disciple
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (115)
and closely related with wealth and reaches. Excepting the flurting nature, they make a
person multi millionaire. In case of a venus, who is having rahu in fifth house, both the
planets create the Re-reflectionory aspect.
This the vellicate and severity will be extreme. Similarly plus must rahu creates
"BAHU J ANA YOGA". Such combination of planets make a person an engineer. The
question is, why such position of planets with rahu is important. Basic principle is that
every planets has got his fifth important aspects. Thus a planet who is sending his aspect
is throng or perorated back to the original planet, as we have seen that rahu is always
having his ninth aspects. Thus this is a case of often and.often aspect sent and coming
back. That is why this is a case of are refractory aspect.
Such other example can be given for mars and ketu. Mars and ketu in similar
position means mars is having ketu in the fifth house creates similar effects. Other
himself the other has in his horoscope. He had passed twelve and half years of saturn's
transit. As worst period of life because of the refractory continuos aspect of mars and
ketu. As we have already seen in previous volume.
Planets have taken place in a particular horoscope. The placement started that,
what the planet will do or what will happen to the native; because of that placement of
planet. According to sages, the planet have chose the place. It is to say the native that,
what happening will happen give to that placement of particular planet and that is why
planets their placement are never had or worst or like that. Thus all the planets have
taken places according to the previous birth karma. Thus a horoscope or bh-chakra is
nothing but a nap of previous karmas of a person.
Thus to say " mars of this strutting of saturn is harming or rahu is objective or
harming etc. Are nothing but, more takes or bogus things and such things have no value.
From the permanency to judge a horoscope is a very difficult job and in orthodox
astrology. There are several method. In dosha system also navmauns are several
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (116)
doshas. One can find out the results, but they varies and covers big gaps of times.
Some asks to find out classified kundlies like navmaush, saptmaush etc. There
are so many classic, they are up to 22. Some times results are in sign sentence per period
of 5 or 7 or 9 years. They are very near to the truth, still to find out the period of one year
or period 30 months (saturn period of stay in one sign) is very difficult.
Nadi method is a bit difficult but not hard. It gives accurate predictions of every
happenings with accurate years or years of wise happenings or one hast analies
karkatvas for happenings. Power and strength of a planet is to be judged. Basically we
have seen that a planet with his friends in near by vicinity mute a planet strongest one
and that planet is having a capacity more than an exalted planet.
On the other hand and exalted planet having enemies in near by area or houses is
a weaker planet. Such planet does not remand exalted planet. Even an exalted planet
having no planets in near by area, is the weakest planets and his exaltation does not
remain. Even a planet, who does not have planets in next for houses can not develop and
Thus happenings are given by the planets, but if such planets are weaker or
weakest, then either such happenings will have intercity or such happening will
happening a very very lower form. Here judgement is important. One can say it as
Why the astrologers are failing is a big question. As we have seen above the
judgement will be and not he himself (astrologer).
One example was sited by hon. Dayashankar in one of his lecture that a case of
marriage of was being discussed between shaptarshies. It was discussed on the
horoscope and not on the bh-chakra. Thus it is very clear that the example was of the
time of foldwer sages. Once stated that he will no marriage the other stated that he will
marry, but his wife will die. The third side that he will have two marriage, forth side that
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (117)
is wife will be black. Fifth side that he will marry a widow etc. They all will be desiple
and not the sages other wise such primary can not holy mata parvati gave the judgement
other bh-chakra and not on the horoscope that ( she must have avoided the ascendent or
the moon) that, this boy will marry, his wife will be beautiful. But what will happen that,
I will say. There will me failer in the near by houses. This couple will go for fire fighting.
During that time a chief will loot or take away of ornament of this couple. Wife will
loose here mangalsutra or wedpendant. Husband will pearsed a new and he will give
new mangalsutra her wife.There is no question of two marriyages."
The position narrated lay flon.Editor ting of Astrology, shri Day a Shankai was that
there was keth in Ascendant.In the 7th how there were Rahus Sun and 4th Mars and in
fifth there was saturn. There was venus in the sixth house.Occassion of fire will happen
in the 34th year.As pe Analysys by A.R.C.Satum will move to the third house from his
place meal and will he on Rahu-sun corhination from where saturn was in eloventh
house.7th is the direct aspect. Saturn have sunrahu in seventh or Directaspect which
showing Nearly or neibours house. Sun Rahu shows fire. The most be in faiers sign.
As we have seen about "hiegh or law intensity of happening depend upon the
strenth & power of the planets, who are participeting in the happing .It is but natural that a
fiery planets can not previde heat or fire in the ulatery sign or intensity will be
lauuordewey. That is by astro Reaserch center gives importantces first & primary on the
Capacity or strenth of the age of the native of power & planets.
How to access a planets is somewhat not difficult but at the some time not any abo.
Now late & principal for such a sus pence of power of planets.
(A) exatred or power planet & it's circume rahusuns & acersment of circume
(B)planets placed in own Rachi,who are some what strong & evelution of circume
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (118)
(C)planets in friendly house & its accerment as abave.
(D)Debiliated planets or wealert planets. Who one uper & accessment of circume
(E)similarly Asta Rashi planets. Who one upeal & accessment of circument stanes.
(F)planets placced in enemis eawap or as per sanges.Imporisionedin the house of
enemals & their circume stancied eualuations
Accordingly we will have give rating or grades.Suppose sun & mars bath are
placed in a combination & they bath if are graded A & A them it ineems fire, sugery &
promasion.All the three things one definite. It bath are graded F & F they there are very
little changes of hardly possibilites.Far the above portfalion of sun & mars more ener it
should be maked that if bath one powerles,good hapening will decrease & intensity of
bad happened will increase thought it a seems contradictadiol but it is affect.
Now the questin is that, when we are considering the happening, it must be
remembered that allthe three prtfolios of sun and mars nurrated above is definite for
reletieves,but circum stoneiol atmosphere of both the planets will effect much to the
native & not to the relative .In simple way, One can & any that,Relative will have similar
effects of combinations, than of circumstancial or near about atmosphere of the planets.
Catagorical and circumstancial and capacity and power narrated above from (A)
to (F) cataories, are discussed in the next chaptor.
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (119)
Minute astrology: planets in other's houses and their
Predictions: lecture on nadi astrology series Lecture-II
(NOTE : NEXT 6 more LECTURES IN ensuing volumes.)
Minute astrology series
Planets in other houses and their predictions :-
Lecture on astrology series :- lecture - II
(A) exalted or powerful planet & its circumstances & the assessment of
(B) planet placed in only rashi, who are some what strength or evaluation of
(C) similarly planets in friendly house & its assessment as above.
(D) planet placed in enemies camp or as per sages imprisoned in the house of
enemies & their circumstances of evaluations.
(E) similarly asta rashi planets, who are weak & assessment of circumstances.
(F) debilitated planet or weakest planets & its circumstances & the assessment of
In previous lecture we had seen categories or capacities of planets for evaluation
& measuring capacities of planet, who are playing a roll, while combination with each
other. The resultant effects or happenings can be narrated accurately if as sed assed.
They above (A) to (E) category for they judgement. A means good happenings but lets
bad effects of category means less good happenings and severity in bad happenings.
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (120)
(A) exalted or power ful planet & its circumstances & the assessment of
circumstances.:- Here exalted planet, if he is in an adverse situation, his exaltation does
not remain. Adverse circumstances means, if such exalted planet is with his inveterate
enemies, then he loses his power and strength, because of the quarrel some situation. Every
planets ha his enemies. When we consider a combination, by placing all the planets in trim
to each other. We will have to find degree wise combination. Suppose if there is sun mercury
in any sign and in tried in sun mercury, saturn is in fifth and jupiter is in ninth; its simply
means sun mercury saturn jupiter. But this is a wrong calculation. If degreecallybetween 0
to 30 degree. If there are saturn then jupiter then sun and then mercury. It is the best
combination. As there are no enmities between the pairs of the planets. Here first is saturn
jupiter, who are best friends. Then jupiter sun who are also the best friends. Similarly pairs
of sun mercury is also a pair of friends. Thus, here enemies are all to gather in the same
house, but they are having distances and can not affect adversely.
Thus this science is to be evaluated in the above manner. Here exaltation remains
completely. Thus exalted sun will give glory to the native and every good fruits of sun
will be available to the native.
Here saturn will try to give central government job. As saturn help in getting "raj
pratap yoga". Here a principle is to be noted that every planet is bound to help next planet
or planets next to him.
If on the contrary the combination is like saturn sun or sun rahu or sun venus or vis-
a-vis; it means sun can not exercise his power. He does not powerful a tall, if there is sun
rahu combination, because they are inveterate enemies. Here exalted sun who is in grade
a will be assesed in (F) category, because rahu will grab the sun.
(B) planet placed in rashi, who are some what strong & evaluation of
circumstances :- Such planets are in lower category then exalted planet. Such planets
can be divided further in to (1) to (4) category. Aplanet who is in own house but having
an atmosphere of friends as seen above can get' higher category then (B) also. This
category is like (B)-(1). Any planet who is in his own house and having enemies in near
by area and in trine. Such planet is in the last category of (B), like (B)- (4) etc. It is like a
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (121)
debilitated planet. As a planet is capable but helpless due to circumstances. It is like an
archer Atjuna encircled by kabas ( kabas Arjuna lutiya, vahi dhanush vahi bana) and
kabas looted Arjuns. Thus the power of such planet is reduced to great extent. It can be
considered like grade (F).
(C) similarly planets in friendly house & its assessment as above.:- planets in
friendly house are some what powerful than the planets who are debilitated or in the
house of enemies (planets placed in enemy house). One can mark such planet as (D) or
(E) or (F). It deepens upon the severity of circumstances.
Uptill this point all the above planets or planets in above categories, are favorable
planets, they try to give good results.
(D) planet placed in enemies camp as per sages " imprisoned in the house of
enemies" & their circumstantial evaluation :- This is the fourth category of the planet.
Such plapet find it very difficult to progress and advance. Thus in first stage the fail to
give results and second stage they try to come out and give good results.
If such planets are placed with friendly planets then in the language of sages " such
friend will help each other to come out from such pit or house of the enemy". Thus they
will give good result but later. Such planet can be placed in category (c) instate of (D). Or
they are in (D)-(1) category. Such lonely planet (D)-(2). Such planet with an enemy (D)-
(3) and such planet with all in enemy (D)-(4) or can be given (e) garde. This last category
shows that, it is a weaker planet then the other above category.
By experience only from looking to the planet of the bh-chakra, one can
have an idea regarding the fruits idea. Even in negative roll some good fruits are there of
a bad planet e.g." debilitated moon can not give to Power and capacity to expense to the
native ". This are the verdicts of sages. Thus friendly planet with the planet can create
good results. While a plane
In company of enemies is unable to create good results.
Thus the position or placement of a planet and at the some time circumstances or
complains or in other words combination creates the results. In nutshell placement
shapes the planet and circumstances I combinations improves the shapes for resultance
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (122)
effects or creates the results in form of happenings.
By experience one can become master that even by merely seeing the horoscope
will judge and can narrate happenings accurate.
(E) similarly asta rashi planets who are weak & assessment of its circumstances :-
Asta rashi planet is no dout a weaker planet, but at the same time it must be considered
that his direct or seventh aspect is on his own house. Here the question is wether the
planet, even placed in asta rashi, is happy or sad. Happily placed planets even though is
bad position in and even in bad circumstances will try to give good aspects or good
results to the native. Thus placement (position) gives the shape to the planet, but
circumstances (combination) improves him.
Asta rshi planets if are placed with friends, they try to give atlist little or some
good fruits from their portfolio. Otherwise these asta rashi planets are helpless to give
good results.
If asta rashi planets placed with enemy planet, the position becomes more weaker
or weakest and such planet can be categories as (e). Some time the position becomes
more sever, then such planet should be considered and category (F) or such devision
should be named (D) -(l)or (2) or (3) or(4).

(F) debilitated planet or weakest planets & its circumstances & the assessment of
circumstances:- The position of debilitated planet, is the weakest. Such planet is unable
to give good results. More over sages have stated that this planets is of a lower category
and having a lower mind or nich person, who do not have good idea even. Such person
are more interested to destroy others. Even they do not look for there own welfare
because they do not have such strength and capacities to understands. Thus in ruff
language we can say such person as weakest person.
Such debilitated planet, if placed with enimies, then it is more severe plaet and the
bad fruits narrated above are proved, as WORST, than BAD. It is the lowest catagory of
the planet. It does not creat any good fruits and thus can not give good fruits to the native.
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (123)
EXTRA PAGES : Planets in other houses and their predictions :-
Planets in other houses and their predictions :-
Planet have their own movements, but except rahu and ketu; who have definite
and retrograde movements. But they are retrograded. Luminaries, like SUN and MOON
have their definite and direct movements. All the remaining planets are forwarding with
sometimes high speed (atichari)or sometime regular and normal speed or sometimes
they have very slow movements or sometimes they have retrograded movements also.
There are total nine planets, out of which, rahu and ketu are imaginary points or
dots. They are smoky and imaginary planets. Remaining seven planets are actual
planets. Rahu and ketu along with this seven real planets; create extraordinary effects.
There are two types of opinions, between the sages regarding sound or weak rahu and
ketu. Some have recorded that, weak rahu and weak ketu; are severe and dangerous
planets, while other sage has stated that, such rahu and ketu are not harmful. This last
result is only applying to such rahu and ketu, who are alone, but has no planets in trine. If
there are planets in third house or in fifth house or in ninth house, accordingly they create
effects. Best example is of venus and rahu. They both are guru and disciple and closely
related with wealth and reaches. Excepting the flurtingnature, they make a person multi
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (124)
millionaire. In case of a venus, who is having rahu in fifth house, both the planets create
the Re-reflectionory aspects on each other.
Thus the effects of such rahu and ketu will be a difficult one and severity will be
extreme. Similarly saturn plus mars and rahu creates "BAHU JANA YOGA". Such
combination of planets make a person an engineer. The question is, why such position of
planets with rahu is important. Basic principle is that, every planet has got his fifth
important aspect. Thus a planet, who is sending his 5th aspect, which is thrown back or
re-reflected back to the original planet, as readers have seen in the previous articles that,
rahu is always having his ninth aspect. Thus this is a case of often and often aspect sent by
each other and coming back to each other. That is why; this is a case of re-reflectionary
Such other example can be given for mars and ketu. Mars and ketu in similar
position, means, mars is having ketu in the fifth house and there are no planets in the
midst. It creates similar effects. Author himself has the same position mars and ketu, in
his horoscope. He had passed twelve and half years of saturn's transit, from vergo to
Capricorn, as worst period of life. It is because of the re-reflectionary and continuos
aspect of mars and ketu; over each other. As readers have already seen this matter, in
previous volumes.
Planets have taken place in a particular horoscope. The placement show that,
"what the planet will do" or "what will happen to the native; because of those various
placements of planets". According to sages, "the pJanet have chosen the place. It is to
say that, what happening will happen to the native; due to that placements of particular
planets". That is why; planets and their placements are never bad or worst or like
that. Thus all the planets have taken places, according to the "previous BIRTH
KARMAS" ofthe native. Thus a horoscope or bh-chakra, is nothing but, a snap or a
photocopy of previous karmas of that person.
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (125)
Thus to say " mars is obstructing, or saturn is harming or rahu is objecting or
harming etc.; are nothing but, MERE TALKS or bogus things and such things have no
values at a 1 1 .
Ordinarily, to judge a horoscope; is a very difficult job and in orthodox astrology; there
are several methods. In "DASHA" system also; there are several dashas. One can find
out the results, but they varies and covers big gaps of times.
Some asks, to find out classified kundlies like "navmaunsha", "saptmaush",
"CHATURTHAUMSHA" etc. There are so many classified KUNDALIS or
horoscopes, they are up to 22. Some times results are in single sentence, per period of 5
or 7 or 9 years. They are very near to the truth, still to find out the period of one year or
period of 30 months (saturn period of stay in one sign), is very difficult from such
Nadi method is a bit difficult, but not hard. It gives accurate predictions of every
happenings with accurate years or year-wise happenings. For that, one has to analyze
karkatvas for happenings, according to NADI ASTROLOGY. Power and strength of a
planet is to be judged. Basically, readers have seen that, a planet with his friends in near
by vicinity or area; make a planet strongest one and that planet is having a capacity, of
more than an exalted planet.
On the other hand, an exalted planet having enemies in near by area or houses is a
weaker planet. Such planet, does not remain exalted planet. Even an exalted planet
having no planets in near by area, is the weakest planet and his exaltation does not
remain at all. Even a planet, who does not have planets in next four houses, can not
develop and progress further.
Thus happenings are given by the planets, but if such planets are weaker or
weakest, then either such happenings, will have less or more intensity or such happening
will happen in a very very lower or higher form. Here judgement is important. One can
say it, as diagnosis.
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (126)
Why the astrologers are failing, is a big question. As readers have seen above, that
the judgement will be on the ASSESSMENT AND CAP A CITIES of planets and not on
he himself (as the outcome of orthodox asttrology).
One example of "SAPIA RISHI SAMHITA (NADI), was cited by hon.
Dayashankar, in one of his lectures; that a case of marriage of a male native, was being
discussed between rishies in presence of her holyness MATA Parvati. It was a discussion
on a particular horoscope (and not on the bh-chakra). Thus it is very clear that, the
example was of the follower sages and not of SEVEN SAGES. One sage stated that, he
will not make marriage. The other sage stated that, he will marry, but his wife will die.
The third said that, he will have two marriages. The fourth said that, his wife will be
black. Fifth said that, he will marry a widow etc. They all will be follower desciples and
not in the presence of the great sages. Other wise, such primary discussion will not be in
front of holy MATAPARVATI. She gave the judgement on the bh-chakra and not on the
horoscope that ( she must have avoided the ascendent or the moon and must have
concluded and calculated from planet to planet) that, this boy will marry, his wife will be
beautiful. But what will happen that, I will say. ''There will be a fire in the near by
houses. This couple will go for fire fighting. During that time, a thief will loot or
take away all the ornaments of this couple. Wife will loose her mangalsutra or wed
pendant Husband will purchase a new and he will give new mangalsutra to her
wife. There is no question of two marriages.''
The position of planets narrated by hon.Editor of Times of Astrology, shri Daya
Shankaji was that, there was ketu in Ascendant. In the 7th house there were Rahus and
Sun and in the 4th Mars and in fifth there was saturn. And There was venus in the sixth
house. Occassion of fire will happen in the 34th year. As pe Analyses by A.R.C. Saturn
will move to the third house from his placement and will he on Rahu-sun combination,
from where, saturn was in eleventh house. 7th house aspect, is the direct aspect. Saturn
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (127)
has sun-rahu in seventh or they are in the Direct aspect, which showing Nearbye or
neighbors house. Sun-Rahu shows fire. The ascendent is not given. But They must be in
fiery sign ARIES, LEO, or SAGITERIOUS).
As readers have seen about "high or low intensity of happenings depend upon the
strength & power of the planets, who are participeting in the happing. It is but natural
that, a fiery planets can not provide heat or fire in the watery sign or intensity will be
lowered. That is why, the Astro Research Center, gives importance first & primary to the
Capacity or strength of the planets.
How to access a planet is somewhat, not difficult but, at the same time, not easy
also. Now let the principles for such a suspence of power of planets be enumarated in
(A), exalted or powerful planet & it's circumstances and assessment of the
circumstances in details :-
(B )planets placed in own Rashi or sign, who are some what strong & evaluation of
(C)planets in friendly house & its assessment of circumstances as above.
(D)Debiliated planets or weakest planets, and their assessment of
(E) similarly Asta Rashi planets. Who are in 7th to their own signs/rashies, and
their assessment of circumstances :-
(F)planets placced in enemy camp or as per sages, Impisioned in the house of
enemies and assessment of their circumstances:-
Accordingly rating or grades are given. Suppose sun & mars both are placed in a
combination & they both, if are graded A & A; then it means : fire, eye surgary &
promotional aspect in service or business. All the three things are definite; for the native
and to his father. If both are graded F & F; then there are very little chances or hardly
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (128)
possibilities for the native; but at the same time it is definite for the father. It is for
the above portfolios of sun & mars. Moreover it should be marked that if both are
powerless, then good happenings will decrease & intensity of bad happenings will
increase. Thought it seems a contradictory, but it is a fact.
Now the question is that, when we are considering the happenings, it must be
remembered that, as seen in the above EXAMPLE case of all the three portfolios of sun
and mars, narrated above, are definite for relatives, but circumstantial atmosphere of
both the planets will effect much to the native and not too much to the relatives after the
half part of life. In the first part it will effect like the native. In simple way, One can say
that, Relative will have similar effects of combinations, than little effects of
circumstantial or nearby atmosphere of the planets.
Categorical and circumstantial and "capacity and power of planets" are narrated
above from (A) to (F) categories, are discussed in the next chapter.
Note : EXTRA PAGES : This chapter is an addition and improvement chapter
of the ch. 22 of the volume IV of ''Essence Of or Researches On Nadi
Astrology"; written by Dr. Prof. DINESHCHANDRA NEGANDID; the author.
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (129)
EXTRA PAGES : Planets in other houses and their predictions :-
Lecture on astrology series : categories of planets- (A) to (F):- lecture - II
(A) exalted or powerful planet & its circumstances & the assessment of
(B) planet placed in own rashi or own house, who are some what strong and
evaluation of circumstances.
(C) similarly planets in friendly house & its assessment of circumstances, as
(D) planet placed in enemy camp or as per sages, "imprisoned in the house of
enemies" & their circumstantial evaluations.
(E) similarly asta rashi planets, who are weak and assessment of the
(F) debilitated planets or weakest planets and its circumstances and the
assessment of circumstances.
In previous lecture, categories or capacities of planets for evaluation & measuring
capacities of planets had been seen, who are playing a great role, while they are making
combinations with other planets. The resultant effects of The above (A) to (E) category,
had seen. The happenings can be narrated accurately, if are assessed correctly. Xxxx the
Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (130)
above (A) to (E) categories are given for the judgement. Category (A) means good
happenings are more powerful or certain, but bad effects oflower category, means
less good happenings and severity in bad happenings.
(A) Exalted or powerful planet with its glories & its circumstances & the
assessment of circumstances.:- Here exalted planet, if he is in an adverse situation, his
exaltation does not remain. Adverse circumstances means, if such exalted planet is with
his inveterate enemies, then he loses his power and strength, because of the quarrelsome
atmosphere or situation with enemies. Every planet has his own enemies. When we
consider a combination, by placing all the planets, in trine to each other (degree-wise).
We will have to find degree wise combinations. Suppose if there is, sun mercury in any
sign and in trine to such sun-mercury, if there is saturn is in fifth and jupiter is in ninth; it
simply means that, the combination is sun mercury saturnjupiter. But this is a wrong
calculation. If degree-cally between 0 to 30 degree (in any such trine rashies I signs). If
there are saturn then jupiter then sun and then mercury. It is the best combination. As
there are no enmities, between the pairs of the planets. Here first pair is saturn jupiter,
who are best friends. Then jupiter sun, who are also the best friends. Similarly pairs of
sun mercury, is also a pair of friends. Thus, here enemies are all to gather in the same
house, but they are having distances and can not affect adversely. But in case of relatives
all quarreling planets have combined together and the life of all such relatives, are full
with enmities and miseries and strength of lives are expensed or lost in settling the
disputes of the family members.
Thus this science is to be evaluated in the above manner. Here exaltation remains
completely. Thus such exalted sun will give, glory to the native and to the father of the
native and every good fruits of sun will be available to them.
Here saturn will try to give central government job. As saturn is helping in getting
"RAJ PRATAP YOGA". Here a principle is to be noted that, every planet is bound to
help next planet or planets nextto him, even they may be ENIMIES.
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (131)
If on the contrary the combination is like saturn sun or sun rahu or sun venus or vis-
a-vis; it means sun can not exercise his power. He does not remain powerful at all. If
there is sun rahu combination, because they are being inveterate enemies, here exalted,
sun, who is in grade (A) will be assessed in (B to F)category, because rahu will grab the
sun. And hence SUN becomes powerless.
At the same time, if such SUN is placed with his friends like; mars, jupitor,
moon etc.; Then such SUN becomes more powerful then, even exalted SUN. Such SUN
can be placed in the higher category like more than A or A(+).
(B) planets placed in own house (sign or rashi), who are some what strong and
evaluation of circumstances :- Such planets are in lower category, then exalted planet.
Such planets can be divided further in to (1) to (4) categories. A planet, who is in his own
house, but having an atmosphere of friends; as seen above, can get higher category then
(B) also. This category is like (B)+(l) etc. Any planet, who is in his own house and
having enemies in near by area and in trine. Such planet is in the last category of (B), like
(B)- (1 to 4) etc. It is like a debilitated planet. As here the planet is capable, but helpless
due to circumstances. It is like an archer Arjuna encircled by kabas ( kabe Arjuna lutiya,
vahi dhanush, vahi bana) and kabas looted Arjun. Thus the power of such planet is
reduced to great extent. It can be considered like grade C or even ... D .. to F etc.).
(C) similarly planets in friendly house & its assessment as above.:- planets in
friendly house are somewhat powerful, than the planets, who are debilitated or in the
house of enemies (planets placed in enemy house). One can mark such planet as (D) or
(E) or (F). It deepens upon the severity of circumstances.
Up till this point all the above planets or planets in above categories, and are
favorable planets, they try to give good results.
(D) planets placed in enemy camp: As per sages, planet placed in enemy camp
are like," imprisoned in the house of enemies" & their circumstantial evaluation:- This
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (132)
is the fourth category of the planet. Such planet finds, it very difficult to progress and
advance. Thus in first stage they fail to give results and in second stage, they try to come
out and then tries to give good results.
If such planets, are placed with friendly planets, then in the language of sages
"such friends will help each other, to come out from such pit or house of the enemy".
Thus they will give good results, but at a later stage. Such planet can be placed in
category (c) instate of (D). Or they are in (D)-(1) category. Such lonely planet (D)-(2).
Such planet with an enemy (D)-(3) and such planet with all his enemy (D)-(4) or can be
given (e) grade. This last category shows that, it is a weakest planet, then the other above
By experience and only from looking to the planets of the bh-chakra, one
can have an idea regarding the powers and capacities of the planets and can imagine
resultant effects or fruits. Even in negative role, some good fruits are there, of a bad
planet e.g." debilitated moon can not give Powers and capacities to expense to the native
". This are the verdicts of sages. Thus friendly planets helps in creating good results.
While a planet in company of enemies, is unable to create good results.
Thus the position or placement of a planet and at the same time
circumstances or companies of planets or in other words combinations create the
results. In nutshell placement shapes the planet and the circumstances I
combinations (or nearby planets) improves the shapes or sometimes spoils the
picture, for resultant effects and it creates the results in form of happenings.
By experience one can become master and even by merely seeing the horoscope,
will judge and can narrate the happenings accurately; according to time cycle.
(E) similarly asta rashi planets, who are weak & assessment of its circumstances
Asta rashi planet is no doubt a weaker planet, but at the same time, it must be
considered that, his direct or seventh aspect is on his own house. Here the question is,
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (133)
whether the planet, even placed in asta rashi, is happy or sad. Seventh house is a house of
opposition. Hence such planets are not happy in this situation. Happily placed planets,
even though sometimes are in bad position and even in bad circumstances planets will
try to give good aspects (because of their placements in particular sign) or good results
to the native. Thus placement (position) gives the shape to the planet, but
circumstances (combination) improves him (the planet).
Asta rshi planets, if are placed with friends, they try to give at least little or some
good fruits from their portfolios, if they are having good companies (good friendship).
Otherwise, these asta rashi planets are helpless, to give good results.
If asta rashi planets placed with enemy planets, the position becomes more weaker
or weakest and some times severe and such planet can be categorized as (E or F). Some
time the pqsition becomes more severe from all sides, then such planet should be
considered in the category (F) or such divisions, should be named as,(D) minus-(1) or
(2) or(3) or(4).
(F) debilitated planets or weakest planets & its circumstances & the assessment
of circumstances :- The position of debilitated planet, is the weakest. Such planet is
unable to give good results. Moreover sages have stated that, this planets are of a lower
category and having a lower mind and have compared them with nich persons, who do
not have good ideas even. Such persons are more interested to destroy others or are
wicked. Even, they do not look for their own welfare; because they do not have such
strength and capacities to understand. Thus in rough language, one can say such person
as weakest person.
Such debilitated planet, if placed with enimies, then it is more severe planet and
the bad fruits narrated above are proved, as WORST, then BAD. It is the lowest
Catagory of the planet. It does not creat any good fruits and thus can not give good
fruits to the native.
"Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-IV (134)
If such debilitated planet is placed with all his friends in nearby
circumference or area, then such planet acquires some strength and becomes can be catagorised as E-4, then catagory F.
Thus in nutshell one can say that placements shape the planet; while
circumstances improves or decrease the powers of a planet.
Note :EXTRA PAGES : This chapter is an addition and improvement chapter,
of the ch. 22 of the volume IV of "Essence Of or Researches On Nadi
Astrology"; written by Dr. Prof. DINESHCHANDRA NEGANDID; the author.
''Essence of OR Researches made on Nadi Astrology"- Vol-N (135)
Appendix: Extra Material: PRESS REPORTS
Lectures delivered onNadiAstrology
Appendix-!. The Imminant- Nadi Astrologer's speech on Nadi Astrology
particularly on combination of planets & "Important
happenings" delivered at "Jyotish Vidya Mandir", Bombay. 1-3
Appendix-II. Pride ofBhavnagar I "Bhavena" and of Saurashtra:
Receipant of "AGAS Award" - January 2008. 4-5
Appendix- III. PRESS REPORT on Programme of Rotary club of Bhuj. 6-9
Appenclix-IV.PRESS REPORT of Saurashtra University and International
Institute "Kutchh and Saurashtra Productivity Council", an
exporters union of Rajkot. 10-21
Total text: Text Book pages 118+ Index p. 2 + Appendix Press p. 25 + Addenda-
-SUDHARA P. 2 +Read BETWEEN .... P. 4 = TOTAL Text 151 PAGES.
:Appendix-/ :-Extra Material: Lectures delivered on
"Nadi Astrology":
The Imminant- Nadi Astrologer's speech on Nadi Astrology particularly on
combination ofplanets & "Important happenings" delivered at
"Jyotish Vidya Mandir", Bombay.
The institute- "Jyotish vidyamandir" provides a 3 year astrological course on a
free - of- charge base on various subjects of astrology like palmistry , vastu , body -
parts, astrology , numerology , colour therapy etc. various subjects of astrology at
Imminent astrologer, leader and the chief organizer Shri Ketan Popat gave the bio
-data of Dr. prof. Negandhi, which was printed in the institutes mouth organ II Jyotish-
Darshan" issue 11 + 12 of the year 2007.
The other speakers were hounarable Shri Shri Kalyandasji Maharaj , Guru
Shri , Shri - Shri 108 shriman Santdasji maharaj of bada akhada, udasin
sampradaya having three ashrams at Pipali (morabi - Gujarat) kothara (Abdasa,
Kutch) N amal bikaner were amongst the other speakers.
The third speaker was Shri Jagdishbhai Lalshankar Shukla of Ahmedaabad an
expert on "Prashna - Shashtra."
IIJyotish Vidyamandir II - Mulund is an institute of academicians, provides free - of-
charge permanent classes on Astrology at four places Mulund -Ghatkoper - Andheri
and ville-pada having more than 500 members and arranges lectures on various branches
of astrology- arranges competitions and honoures faculties of astrology.
Learned and research scholar Dr. Prof. D. A. Negandhi delivered a lecture on
"N adi - granthas and combinations of planets", by citing examples of combinations
ofDevgrahas & Danav grahas (heavenly and demon planets). In other part he
gave various examples offavourable combinations like (1) Sun Jupitor " Jivatma
Samyoga" (2) Saturn jupitor- combination of supremacy and "Gurukarma Yoga"
(3) Saturn venus combination of wealth and family happiness and prosperity
(earning wife or having landed property in the name of wife) (4) venus progressed
ahead and keeping back the sun - a great yoga of prosperity. (5) Sun mars a
promotion yoga, "Agni yoga", surgery yoga. (6) Venus dragon head vast wealth
yoga and flirting yoga. (7) Mercury 'dragon head "bahu- vidhya- yoga" (8) Venus
mercury intellectual and easy and big earning yoga and prosperity yoga, (fish sign
yoga) (9) Sun dragon tail- politics, surgery and "Kirti yoga" and bad results. (10)
Mars venus - good and bad results and hearth yoga. (11) Mars saturn "yantra
vidya yoga" and bad results. (12) Jupiter venus "sanjivani yoga" (13) Jupiter rahu
-top most rankin life and "chandala yoga" adversaries.
Group : B - Yoga's provides adversaries contradictory combinations of
planets like. (1) Jupitor mercury- mis-happening yoga. (2) Sun- moon amavasya
yoga. (3) Sun saturn government job providing other adversaries. (4) Sun venus
. combinations (5) saturn moon -" vish Yoga" providing bitterness in life. (6) Moon
mercury "guru patni and shisya" dirty relations yoga with bad and good results
like roaring "Lakshmi yoga" - Prosperity. (7) Saturn mercury idle character,
land- lords. (8) Mars mercury - combination of eminent enemies, land,
mathematics (9) mars Jupitor's proudy and gobelian nature. (10) Mars moon
"Mangalya yoga" having bad and good results. (11) Saturn moon -"Shivamsh
yoga" -truth fullness and honesty. (12) Moon- dragon head- great losses- heavy
expenses like sea. (13) Moon dragon tail- "Mangal sutra yoga" -bad relations with
opposite sex, miscarriage or mis-delivery, politics, family deity, "gayatri" (15)
Venus moon, speculation, cold and cold related deases, heavy losses and expenses
making bank balance nil etc. etc.
This article was prepared by Dr. Prof. Negandhi on the bases of "Nandi -
Samhita" written by great sage and honourable "Shri Nandikeshver Rishi". Dr.
Negandhi presented the article on the bases of entirely on a new analysis on different
happenings. He also has Deciphered the "time cycles", when the predetermined
happening will happen.
Amongst the audience, there were two "Mahasatiji" including Smitabai
Mahashatiji, the disciples of the great jain astrologer and learned honourable "Shri
Janakmuniji Maharaj"- an authority on" jainJyotish".
At the end of the ceremony, after distributing annual certificates and awards, the
institute honoured Dr. prof. D.A. Negandhi ofBhavnagar by presenting "gold medal"
and "abhivadan latter" (latter of appreciation) for long services in astrological science
and research work of 28 years in the field of horary astrology particularly Researches on
"Nandi - Nadi". The institute also appreciated his many fold activities and services
rendered to the society. His address I speech was depicted in the issue of "Jyotish-
darshan"- 2007 and his bio - data as an orator, was published in the same issue.
As Major part of members of the institute were using vernacular language, the
institute preferred to issue the souveniour "Jyotish-darshan "in vernacular language.
1. Five pages of J yotish Darshan - summary of the speech.
2. Bio- data of the orator and speaker Dr. profD.A. Negandhi on the page No: 38
and version.
3. Photograph of the speaker& the Audience.
The press report is prepared by the "Astro research centre" Bhavnagar.
For and on behalf of,
: Appendix-// :-Extra Material: Lectures delivered on
''Nadi Astrology":
Pride ofBhavnagar I "Bhavena" and of Saurashtra: Receipant of "AGAS
A ward"- January 2008.
"Akhil Gujarat Astrological Society" - an Astrological Institution of Ahmedabad,
which handles free of charge Astrological Classes at Ahmedabad invited Dr. Prof.
Dinesh Chandra Negandhi - famous Astro Scientist and "Nadi Astrologer" and
"Samhita Shastri" of Bhavnagar, who is a director of Astro Research Centre, Bhavnagar,
for AGAS Award 2008.
Nadi Astrology and Samhita Shastras are the basis of Astrology. Out of 14 Astra-
Scientists of the world, Dr.Prof.Negandhi holds the prime position amongst them. There
are only six (6) Astro Scientists in India. He has rendered 36 years valued services in M.J.
Collage of Commerce. He is enjoying retired life at present. Defence Department of
Government oflndia has conferred "Fleet Lt.Commander's" Rank on him on foreign
waters. He has achieved two President of India medals from the Hon.President of
A well known and famous institution of astrology, namely "Jyotish Vidhya
Mandir", which handles and provides three years degree cources at four different places
in a Corporation City- Greater Bombay.- without any charges, ("free of charge") had
honoured Dr.Prof.Dinesh Chandra Negandhi by awarding Gold Medal of 2007. Hindu
"Astrological Society ofLondon" had conferred Ph.D. honourary degree, "Jyotish
Samvardhak" on Dr.Prof. Dinesh Chandra Negandhi. After constant and deep
researches on "Samhita Shastras" and Nadi texts. He had found out the Nadi
Principles or Principles of Samhita Shastras, which were published by India's world
famous astrological magazine- "Times of Astrology" in its June 2000 issue.
Saurashtra University had arranged "Lokhabhimukh Karyakram" - a public
programme in a "Gandhiyan" institute named "Rastriya Shala" in the heart of the city
of Rajkot. He had given a lecture on "Astrology as a Science and its Principles" and
discussions lasted for 4.30 hours, which is available in form of a set of two CD.
Honourable Vice Chancellor. Shree Kamlesh Joshipura honoured him by garlanding
the show I and buke of flowers. Recently Wall City Rotary Club of Bhuj had arranged
two days "Lokhabhimukh Karyakrama" at Rotary Hall, Bhuj, where they had
honoured him in public. He has given many lectures in many Rotary Clubs and
"Kutch Jyotish Mandai" and Nagarpalika of Anjar's Open Lokhabhimukh
Programme. Such extra ordinary and extinguished personality Dr. Negandhi of
Bhavnagar, famous Astro Scientist, is awarded by "AGAS Award" of 2008, for which
the public of Bhavnagar feels pride and honour. He was A warded the degree of
"Jyotish Bhaskar" for Nadi Astrology By the lnstitute,"Akhil Gujarat
Astrological Society".
This Press Report is prepared on the basis of informations of Astro Research
Centre of 48/ A, Vidyanagar of Bhavnagar.
For Director, Astro Research Centre, Bhavnagar
: Appendix-Ill:- Extra Material: Lectures delivered on
"Nadi Astrology ":
PRESS REPORT on Programme ofRotary club ofBhuj.
Wall City Rotary Club of Bhuj, invited director of 48/A, Astro Research Centre,
Vidhyanagar, Bhavnagar (A.R.C.) as Chief Guest. Dr. Pro. Dinesh Chandra Negandhi
was invited for two days dated 26-2 and 27-2 Seminar and workshop on Astroscience
and guidance. In the First Session, which was kept for Rotary family members and the
Remaining Sessions, were arranged, for public. "Locabhimukh Karya Krama" -
where Rotery members and Public enjoyed the programme and benefited by the
guidance. After lectures sessions the Chief Guest, Dr. Pro. Dineshchandra Negandhi,
who is a retired Left. Commander of Navy N.C.C. and is a Recipiant of Two President of
India Medals, gave the speeches on Astroscience. As he is a well known Nadi
Astrologer, gave his speeches on Science of Astrology /NadiAstrology.
Rotary Project Chairman Jignesh Jani co-operated and had arranged for operator
and laptop. For the benefit of the present public, who witnessed the programme.
President Ramdevsinh Jadeja, welcomed all the present public and appealed the public
to remain away from Astrological- "Andhshradha" or blind faith on Astrology.
Dr. Pro. Dineshchandra Negandhi also requested people to remain away from
blind faith and mantra tantra and enthused the public to have scientific approach on
Further he stated that by research on Samhitas /N adi texts, it is found out that any
person, whatever his I her horoscope may be, minimum one and half decades time,
he/she gets (15 to 17 years minimum) as a best period of life.
He spoke about many blind faith like "pitrudosha" etc. He stated that in any of
original Nadi texts OR Samhitas created by seven Sages, has no such word like
"Pitrudosha". This "pitrudosha yoga" is known for Saturn-Rahu combination, where
great sages have clearly stated, that it is "Pitru Karma Yoga" and "the person will
too much serve his or her elders and in return (fruit), he will receive much
properties." Instead the Astrologers are arranging "Pitrodosha Vidhi", which is totally
a wrong. All the sages believe in "Karma" Pholosophy. Similarly all expenses done
for Gems, Planets, Mantra, Tantra, Vidhies or Kalsarpa Vidhi etc. cannot change
the future.
Any person, who is getting minimum 15 to 17 years, as best period in life, must
get the opportunity exploited from such good time. Bad happening OR Bad
positions may be in anybody's life, but they are maximum 15% ofthe life or may be
less than that even. Mentally and Psychologically mankind must prepare to face good
and bad happening of life. Everybody by preparing advance time cycle or Time Table
and by planning, must prepare well, to take the advantage of the situation. This can
be done by planning the time cycle, well in advance like a Budget to overcome
Strained Time.
Nadi Astrologer Dr. Pro. Dineshchandra Negandhi, who is holding a pnme
position in the all 14 Astro Scientists of the world. out of which, there are only six Astro
Scientists are in India; requested the public to have scientific approach towards the
Science of Astrology. He defined the "Jyotish Vidhya" and stated that" Jyoti" means
to spread/throw the light on the knowledge with the help of lightllamp of
Astrology. "Jyotisvidhya" is a part of "Vedas." This knowledge is like a
"Divyadrashti." To spread the Research Knowledge of Astroscience, Astro Research
Centre of 48/ A, Vidhyanagar, Bhavnagar has compiled the research articles in English
as well as in_Gujarati and a set of C.D.; which were presented to Rotary President.
Ramdevsinh Jadeja and Rotary Project, Jignesh Jani. who requested the people to
become an expert in this science and Assured the people, that library of Rotary will
provide a full set of all the materials, whosoever needed.
In the second "Lokabhimukh Karvakrama" public programme, Rotary Club
commended and honoured Dr. Prof. Dineshchandra Negandhi. In response to the
honour Dr. Prof. Negandhi stated on the nature of great sages and discussed deeply
about, how the "samhita texts" had been created. All the "Nadi or Samhita texts"
are engraved prior to 5000 to 7000 years by all the 7 sages, with the help of experts and
are in "Prakrut -Sanskrit." In any of Sahmita there is neither moon nor ascendent.
It clearly means that, there is no definite time. nor the definite day of any of the
Horoscopes. In original N adi Samhita or in any such Texts, there are no Vidhi, Mantra
"Japas" or "Vidhi- Vidhanas". Astro Research Centre of 48/A, Vidhyanagar, Bhavnagar
has 8200 such texts, which has the name of sages and they are with Sanskrit
Salokas, which are based on ascendent and First bhava. second bhava/House ..... or
third house etc. etc.; Astrological meanings of such fore-casts are totally wrong and
principles differ from person to person. Hence it cannot be said as a s i e n e ~ Because
it does not possess Universal Rules also.
"Bruhat Nadi Astrology" is a collection of Nadi texts/Samhitas. which is
compiled and engraved by Goddess Mata Parvati. It is a standard text. A single
phenomenon will clarify the above all verdicts and that is "If you know, what is
"J yotishshastra"- Science of Astrology, then (these words prove that this is a
hidden and secret knowledge), then do not make a disciple. "Thus, this is
."Gupt/Gopniya Vidya," kept as secret; originally by all the seven sages. They have
already stated reasons also in B.N A. text that, "The disciple can exploit in every ways. "
Thus, this is nothing but, "at the cost of Repeatation," a secret Science of Vedas and
."Gupt Vidya or Gupt VieyanofSAMHITA or NADI TEXTS."
After 28 years of constant Research. Dr. Prof. Negandhi enumerated the basic
principles of Science of Astrology, which were published by the famous jyotish
magazine. "Times of Astrology" in its 2000-June issue. One hundred year's advanced
ephemary/ almanek is a very helpful tool for future and advance predictions (200 1 A.D.
to 2100A.D. published by "Times of Astrology"; is an unique book and available book
in the market). It helps in pre-determining any happening, well in advance.
Uptill the late night 1.45 A.M., constant guidance was provided on the laptop by
Dr. Prof. DineshchandraNegandhi.
Shri Tarakbhai Thakkar gave the concluding speech and commended & thanked
the Chief Guest and the public, for making the success of these excellent programmes of
two days. HARD LABOUR, Planning and work was carried out by the Rotarians
namely Nitin Kubadia, Hitendra Makvana, Vijay Gandhi, Pritesh Tha!}kar, Jayesh
Raval, Dhaval Raval, Sanjay Shah, who co-operated till late night. This Press Report is
jointly prepared by the Project Officer, Rotary and Astro Research Centre, Bhavnagar.
Jignasha Shroff
For and on behalf of the Director
Astro Research Centre,
48-A, Vidyanagar, Bhavnagar.
Appendix-IV:- Extra Material: Lectures delivered on
"Nadi Astrology":
PRESS REPORT on a lecture on NADI ASTROLOGY, arranged by Saurashtra
University and International Institute "Kutchh and Saurashtra Productivity
Council- KSPC", an exporters union of Rajkot. Both arranged a lecture on "ASTRO
SCIENCE." The only lecture of the day was delivered by world famous and Astro
Scientist Dr. Prof. Dinesh Chandra Negandhi on "astrological sciences" on 4th August:
2007 at "RastaivShala": established bv Mahatma Gandhi; at Rajkot.
Dr. JoshiPura, the Vice Chancellor, garlanded a shawl and presented him a buke
of flowers. Welcome speech was delivered by the vice chancellor Dr. Kamlesh
Joshipura. In his speech, he praised Dr. Prof. Negandhi for his great services rendered,
since many Decades and since last 33 vears. The services rendered by him are
admirable and he is an authority on Astro science. He further stated that, university
provides formal education along with practicals; but where university is not able to
provide education to some people, by any reason, Continuous Education- a Deptt. of
S.University; reaches to them and provides various kinds of education and Astro
science is a part of that Education.
Manhar Majithia, the secretary of "Kutchh Saurashtra Productivity
council", gave a warm welcome with a bunch offlowers to Dr. NeGandhi and stated
that, 28 years of hard Basic research work had placed him in supreme capacity and
is a Rishi of this modern age and he gave the Bio data of Dr. Prof. NeyGandhi.
Harshukhbhai Dave praised Dr. NeyGandhi and quoted the words ofDr. NeyGandhi,
that" If one states that. he does not believe in Astrological sciences. he is able to prove
and ready to discuss for hours together to prove "astrology as a science" and praised the
science of the Astrology, particularly the Research work done by Dr. Prof. NeyGandhi.
The handling of the program was managed by Dr. Kaladhar Arya, the director and
head of "continues education", department of Saurshtra University. At one stage
during the speech, he had to interfere with the request to the Audience, not to interrupt
and not to ask the questions to his speech and at the end of the
lecture, Dr. NeyGandhi will permit the question at last. The program was lasted for four
and half in the "Rastriy Shala".Raikot.
The lecture delivered by Dr. Prof. NeyGandhi, the director of Astro Research
center, Bhavnagar, was in five parts (1) the Relationship of science with Astrology
and relationship of arts with astrology. (2) Various branches of Astrology., (3)
Third part of lecture was on the basic principles of scientific AstrC?,logy as in
man's language and (4) Nadi Technique, searched out by the Astro
research centre, Bhavnagar. (5) Scientific of horoscopes and important
happenings with examples (6) Sixth part was consisted of general question answers
and the audiance was allowed, one questions with horoscope for guidance. More
than 140 horoscopes and their problems were given guidance and remaining 80
problems were solved in second session, which lasted for two hours and 45 minutes at
Sardar Bag, Circuit House, Near" Phulchhab "Karyalay, Rajkot, the next day.
Part: I - of lecture Delivered by
" Dr. Prof. D.A. Neygandhi at Rashtriya Shala, Rajkot."
" How far astrology is connected with science and Arts."
basically science has rules and regulations, like mathematics, one plus one equal
to two, similarly, astrology has basic rules like science. One must understand the
technique of "Nadi Astrology" or the universal principles and Advanced rules (not like
of an orthodox astrology). If one is able to understand the combinations, with
wide experience and depth - of knowledge, one can evaluate the future happenings
correctly, clearly and minutely. Every happening can be reckoned from the
horoscope. This Nadi principles are universal - over all applicable and can be given
Now Science has four parts Namely :
(a) Education (b) Experiments
(c) Researches and (d) Observation
Thus, it is nothing but storage of improved and corrected knowledge on the four
basis namely (A) (B) (C) (D) as noted above.
If we divide the Astrology in two parts (1) calculation or statistics. which is
purely a part of mathematics. It is nothing but a part of pure science. In this modem
Age more than 40 to 80 or more pages can be given on calculation work of a single
The other part (2) is relating to psychology, as the verdicts of Great Rishies and
sages are " graha charena vadami Aham" means the planets of a horoscope, are fixed,
but in the further movements, one planet meets the other planets next to him and
resultant effects are observed. These words are of great sages.
This principles are applied to living persons and to measure the depth of
human mind, is though difficult. but accurately possible to be assessed and these
part is devoted to psychology. Thus Destiny can be determined accurately.
Now psychology is a part of arts and arts has three main parts :-
(a) Personal skill (b) voice of soul, according to intuitive abilities andown solution
known as " Haiya Ukalat" and last is (c) by experience determination of solutions or
results. according to relationship of planets, is known as "KOTHASUZA."
Science and Arts are co related .. Science gives us knowledge and scientific
principles.And arts teaches us to do. In life both are important. Simultaneously it applies
to astrology. Thus it is known as, PSYCHOANALYSIS of a horoscope.
Principles of astrology are universal and are applicable to all and applied
universally. Thus they are universal. It stops us from giving risky and wrong
forecastings. By the use of Astro - Science. walfare of the public can be increased.
Progress and prosperity can be forecasted in advance and long term budgets can
be prepared. To over come difficulties, and monetary crises, provisions and
budgets, for the worst period of life, can be well prepared in advance. If one knows
accurately the parts of future - bad as well as good, will be able to bear shocks in the
life. Thus, astro scientists are working as, shock absorbers. Thus, welfare and
happiness and strength of overcomming of OBSTACLES, is observed in advance.
Astro Science is a profession. It is worth paying. Take the examples of very high
charges of Pandits, coming from south India and visiting, almost all cities by Air. Such
scientists will have quees for the knowledge seekers. This profession is not an ordinary
profession like ordinary astrologers' business of "GEMS" " mantra- Trantras"
"VIDHIES" of rituals etc. etc.
Science has relationship with "Reason" and "Work Or Action." Astro -
Science has a scientific technique to evaluates the horoscope. Principles which were
already presented First by Doctor, Prof. Neygandhi, the Director, Astro Research
Centre, Bhavnagar, which are already published in June : 2000 issue of" TIMES OF
It has tools for computation and calculations. It requires ephemeries. There are
three types of ephemeris known as (a) present yearly ephemeries (b) past
ephemeries. (c) Advance ephemeries like: 2001 to 2100 ("100 years ephemeries" is
published by Times of Astrology, Delhi). The other tools are:(D) Principles ofNadi
Astrology, is an advanced astrology and technique ofNadi Astrology or it is known
as Samhita method of astrology.
To prove Astrological science, only two texts namely: "Brihad Nadi Astrolog):C
and "Nandi Nadi" are sufficient. where principles and technique can be found, of
course by researches. My humble salutations to great" sage Nandikeshwara- and to the
authority and the translator & writer of Nandi Samhita- Prof. R. G. Rao.
Part: II
:Branches of Astrology:
There are various methods for ascertaining future readings in astrology. They are:
(a) Palmistry (2) Face reading (3) future from the palm print (4) Future from the print of
thumb (5) "Jaymini"method (6) "K.P." (KrishnaMurthi Padhhati) method (7) classified
horoscope - 22 classified horoscopes of a person (8) Astottari & vimshottari method of
Dasha system (9) For questions, J aymini method (1 0) Accurate method of kashyapa
Hora on questions, where 24 Horas are for 24 hours of a day. (11) Numerology. (12)
Several texts written by great sages along with their names & Sanskrit texts, etc. etc.
Thus all texts does not prove universal knowledge, nor provides universal principles of
science or even by any short cut method.
The Astro Research Centre, Bhavnagar is having more than Rs. 4,22,000-00 worth
books on Astrology, most of which consists Sanskrit slokas (Texts) with the names of
sages, but resulting to no specificness of event with time. One may be accurate and
correct in one case, but the same principle does not apply to another horoscope. Thus it
means we are no where. It can not be said as pure science.
Principles and technique of advanced astrology (Nadi Astrology): (Samhita
These principles and technique are found out by Astro research centre
Bhavnagar, which are as follows:
Basically (1) ascendant is to be over looked (2) combinations and meanings are
entirely to be evaluated differently and some of them are as follows :
A. Trine rashies are to be combined and calculated, in one part. The total
horoscope is to be divided into four parts. According to great sages,
"Dharma, Artha , Kama and Moksha" or direction wise like "East ,
So1;1th , West and North." It is according to "Brihat Nadi Astrology" or
"Saptarshi Brahma Vakya"; written by great seven sages.
B. The above combinations, are basic combinations in one part ofRashis or sign. The
other combinations are : seventh to every planet is an other combination.
It is according to "A.R.C. " (Astro Research centre, Bhavnagar) and such planets
are creating Re-reflectionery effects, like exchanges of planets. And Third is
Combinations formed by Exchange.
C. Exchange of planets are of four types. (1) exchange between houses (2)
exchange between " Nakshtra " or constellations of planets. (3) Exchange
between sub - lords of constellations. (4) Exchange between sub - sub
lords of constellations, are forming the combinations also.
D. Any planet having planets, in twelfth and second to him, are ~ p fifth type
of important combination.
E. Ritrograded planets are to be placed in previous sign.They are also forming
seperate combinations.
F. Planets so divided m Four parts are to be arranged m degree wise order
G. Any planet, having no planet in either side and not even in seventh, is the
weakest planet of the horoscope. Unless it reaches to fifth, ninth or
third or eleventh house, it has no power. Unfortunately if there are no planets
in such houses, servitude, slavery and poverty are clunged to the
planet. E.G if sun Is in such situation, father of the such person will
be in poverty striken OR poor condition. Thus relatives also can be
well judged from the horoscope of a person.
This is the basic technique of the "Scientific Nadi Astrology".
The best example is of " Bhrugu Samhita"; where there is no
ascendant. nor there is moon. in any horoscope.
H. Further more the terminology and portfolios of every planet and its
combinations are entirely different. than the orthodox Astrology._ It
requues years of experience for Research. Some important terminologies
were already published in "Times of Astrology" as well as in other
Gujarati magazines, where it was discussed in details (attached herewith).
: Let us take one example of Nandi Samhita :
During the research work, only one sentence was like a hint that, in the
reply t9 one question of a disciple, "How the 19th year was found out
from the horoscope?" The reply was not direct, but it was in a wrapped
way that, "you also try and you will be able to find out the particular year."
Main terminologies were discussed with time cycle (or when the happening
will happen) and were discussed, along with impacts of such time cycles on particular
relative of the native or native himself. Nadi Astrology is the only technique, which
enables us, to give narration with time cycle ofhappenings. Thus, this is an extra
ordinary and amazing science. The motto of Astro Research Centre, Bhavnagar is,
"We do not say, you believe in astrology, but when difficulty arises, consult the
Astro scientist and not the ordinary astrologer."
The next generation will be of Astro Scientists and not of Astrologers._ as
mostly astrologers take us to "Mantra- Tantra" "Vithies" or "religious ceremonies" or
takes us to rituals or "gems" or "gemology" etc etc. and people have lost their faith. The
verdicts of the Astro Scientist are: "We do not say that, these are wrong and unscientific.
It may be a science. But like us. one has to prove that, this is also a branch of science."
"Time cycle and terminologies along with some practical important examples:
Combination of Saturn and Jupiter gives supremacy in the field of work.
It provides " rise " and " upliftment" in life at the age of40, 45 , 50, 60and 70 years
. (e.g. 40 equal to plus one and minus one, means 39 to 41)
Jupiter Rahu - Dragon Head combination is known as "chandala yoga"
in orthodox astrology, but as per Nadi texts and according to research
work, it gives a friend of bad quality at the age of 19 and 25 years of age
and the same combination provides "Top-Most rank in life" at the
transit of Saturn on the degrees of Jupiter or dragon head.
Rahu is known as "Kala" or known as time cycle. In a case of one lady, a
near relative of "viral oxygen" of Alang ship breaking yard, Bhavnagar.
Who was admitted to "Hinduja Hospital" Bombay; was said that she is
almost dead and take the Body for Rituals; while in the research work it
was very clear that, fifth round of the Jupiter was fetal resulting in death at
only the age of 57 to 59 and not at 33. It was advised to the relatives, that
the lady is unconscious, till tomorrow 11 A.M., when the exchange of birth star
Venus; will take place in the sky and the lady aged 33 will rise from the bed, which
happened 10 minutes earlier, between the surprise of doctors of
Hinduia Hospital, Bombay. One can cross check it. If this is not a science,
how an unknown Astro Scientist, like the orator, can read in advance.
Similarly a blood cancer case of 23 years old boy, was consulted by his
father. They came to the Astro Scientist. he was having "Sanjivani Yoga" of
Jupiter-Venus combination, was referred to an ayurvadic expert, with
a condition that; not to stop present allopathic medicines. he was cured
by an ayurvadic Expert and mahatma, who is famous in Gir forest, Hon.
Shri Krishna Dhara Nandaii Maharaja of sherbag - Gadu of Gir

forest. He cured the patient and between the surprise of doctors of "Tata
cancer research institute", who found from the computerized report
of blood that, " Cancer counts are reducing. " Any one can cross - check
this incident. The doctors caught hold of the patient, got the address of
the Astro Scientist, along with the address of mahatma and
Ayurvedacharya, Krishna Dhara Anandji Maharaj. phoneNo.02870-285233.
One famous example is of Kandla-free trade zone, a land of
multimillionaires, where one lady's horoscope was being read. When being
asked, that in near future there is an operation, which was confirmed
by the relatives of "Sharma Resorts." When asked, they stated a strange
fact that, U.S. medical council's report was adverse and No Doctor was
ready: to operate. The family was allowing the girl to die at the age of 24
years. In her case mars was in Taurus & according to Nadi 'principle,
mars was powerful, as it was next to his own house.
The prediction was that "you will have to move, some where & you will
get expert doctor and the lady will be cured. Actually the lady was taken
to Japan for operating "spinal cord". Two major operations, which
lasted for 22 & 18 hours respectively; were done & nearly one crore rupees
were expensed with and the lady is still alive against the advice of
"American Medical Council". If this is not science, then how such advice
can be given.
One case of Brijwasi, who was with tears in his eyes, was an extra ordinary
case. He was searching for true astrologer, in the midst of several
astrologers, who were taking lunch, at the time of "World Convention
On Vaidik Astrology"; arranged by "Hindu Astrological Society",
London. hewas said that, he will die within a few days. He was convinced that
his death was invited In that year for
some "mantrochchhar vidhies II, worth rupees 5000 by some astrologer
of Ahmedabad. As his Jupitor was passing on Saturn-Rahu
combination, the simple meaning was that some elderly relative
residing in village areas; will die & not he him self (will die). In the
reply to his II ayushya, II - Age, it was stated by the Astro Scientist that his
death is round about (but more than) 72 years, which was confirmed by
a famous palmist, who was sitting neary by, who stated that it was 74
years (& not 38 or 39 or 72). Thus the astrologer, forcasting his death;
was inviting death for Rs. 5000/-
The case of Jagatguru Shamkaracharaya, is famous, who has retro
Saturn in Aquarius and mars in Tula or Libra & Ketu is in Gemini.
- All the Trio planets are, in trine to each other. Thus "Saturn-mars
-ketu yoga" is formed - means "Langoti - Yoga". This can not
be observed according to orthodox astrology; But according to
nadi texts, all the trio (three plants) are in western sign, forming
langoti yoga.
Many other interesting examples were cited with the time cycle.
Principles were, reckoned, which were searched out from some of the
Tadpatras or Nadi texts. Such all Nadi Texts are Dhruv Nadi, Nandi Nadi, Nav
Nadi , Saptarshi Nadi, Bhrugu Nadi, Surya Nadi , Shukra Nadi , Agastya Nadi,
Ravana Nadi, Narada nadi, Shankar- Parvati Samvad, etc. etc. Several such texts
are existing, mostly in south India; requires special readers, as they are in prakrit
Sanskrit or in Tamil or in Telugu etc. The readers, who are known as Nadi
Astrologers. They are only able to give the complete time table oflife, only if his I
her horoscope is in his Nadi texts. If such horoscope is not in his Tadpatras (tree
leaves). He is unable to give the forecast.
Most important texts are Nandi Nadi, Saptrishi Bhrahma Vakya & Brihad
Nadi Astrology. If one studies deeply,These texts prove the science of astrology. To
speak on astrology or to see an expert onNADI astrology, is a good chance of life.
Thus, all concerned with astrology; will have to guide truely. "Karma Kandi
Professionals" should no.t enter in to astrology. Directional parts of a horoscope, should
be concentrated. Horoscope or Kundli is nothing but a mirror of the person, who is
the native of the horoscope. It is a guide or "Bhomiyo" of the life of the native. Shallow
study of astrology, is blaming the science of astrology. It is a great surprise that why a
family having some combinations individually, gets the child or children with same
Mter the orator Dr. Neygandhi's speech on Astro science, which lasted for more
than 2 Hotws 30 minutes, More than 140 horoscopes were presented to him with
individual problems, out of which; problems of 68 horoscopes were solved with time
cycle within further 2 hours, while remaining 80 horoscopes and problems were
handed over for analysis for the next day at Sardarbag, Govt. circuit house, Rajkot;
which took more than 2 Hours 40 Minutes next day. The Questors and the director
S.U.,alongwith dinitories; enjoyed the science of Astrology.
In conclusion research scholar and Astro Scientist Dr. Prof. D.A. Neygandhi,
who has researched for more than 28 important years oflife, Dr. Prof. Neygandhi,
very clearly advised Astro Scientists and Astrologers, that they are in the capacity
ofRISHIES or SAGES " and thev will have to guide properly and truthfully, the
people in their difficult times.
Thus persons dealing in astrology have to wipe out the tears of the persons
facing miseries and difficulties and have to guide them and not to loot them or not to
give them mental harassment. Reasonable charges are tolerable, which the society
is ready to bear. At the end, he repeated the motto of A.R.C. Bhavnagar- "We never
say, you believe in astrology, but when difficulties comes to you, try to consult Astro
Scientist and not common Astrologer. Next generation is of Astro scientists and not
of Astrologers. In times to come, Persons of high society, will engage Family Astro
scientist, with proud, like engaging personal C.A., Doctor, Lawyer etc.
The Photographs witnessing the ceremony are attached here with (1) The Vice
Chastener Dr. Kamlesh Joshipura addressing the Audience. (2) Dr. Prof. NeyGandhi
delivering his speech to the Audience. (3) The Vice Chancellor presenting "Shawl" to
Dr. NeyGandhi.
More then 350 persons attended the ceremony even with the adverse situation of
heavy rain with cyclone on 4th August: 2007 at Rajkot.
This report is prepared by the Director, 48-A, Astro Research Centre, Vidyanagar,
Bhavnagar andK. S.P.C. authorised by Saurashtra University.
Dr. Prof Dineshchandra A. Negandhi, Ph: +91 0278- 2510585, (M):
09426979479 and mobile no. 09737893326.
(Due to poor Network, requires repeated Dialings)
Important Note :- In the Bh-chakras, Rashies name are not written or figures of Rashies
are also not written. But as narrated above, Rashies are fixed. With the help of one hundred
year ephemary or ALMANEK, any one can place the nine planets of any birth date of any
living person. Thus, planets can be arranged without ascendant,( which is not a
horoscope,) but it is a Bh-chakra. ANY PERSON, WHO HAS ONLY BIRTH DATE,
but DOES NOT HAVE BIRTH TIME, can also place his nine planets of birth date and
CAN READ OUT THE FUTURE, as per nadi principles given in the volumes of
"Essence of or Researches on Nadi Astrology" written by Dr. Prof. Negandhi. Even a
HIS SON ("SAGOTRA") ALSO. After much practice, one will get perfection and
become expert in Nadi Astrology and become a Scientist like Author.
Learned Dr. Prof. Negandhi launched a book on "Essence of Nadi Astrology or
Researches on Nadi Astrology", in January, 2009, which is a collection of 38
Research Articles, mostly published in three Imminent Astrological magazines namely
"Times of Astrology" of Delhi, "Express Star Teller" of Chennai and "Planets &
Forecast" of Patna Bhuvneshwar. The book was released at a function of "Jyotish
vidhya mandir", Bombay.
The book "Essence of Nadi Astrology or Researches on Nadi Astrology", which
is based on all the "Samhitas", written by the great Seven sages; namely Shapt Rishi 's
"Bruhath Nadi Astrology", "Bhrigu Samhita" and "SAPTARSHI BRAHMA
VAKYA"and "Nandi Nadi"etc. The Book was inaugurated by the hands of great
Astrologer Shree Pande Ashokbhai of Bombay - Maharashtra, at the A.C.
Banquet Hall of "Manav Seva Sangh"- Sion, at the special programe, which was
arranged by The Institute of Astrologers -"J yotish Vidhyamandir". The Institute
arranges "Free of charge" coaching at 5 places at Bombay. At this event great
Astrologer and Honorable consultant Editor of "Times of Astrology" Shri
Dayashanker Remained present as a special appearance I guest from Delhi.
Along with other speakers "THE ALL IN ALL" of Jyotish vidhyamandir, Shree
Ketanbhai Po pat, cited the example of great scientist Marconi; whose grand son had
given public statement recently, that his grand father's invention was not original, but
was copied from THE GREAT SCIENTIST Jagdishchandra Bose. All the scientists
are presenting Researches, before the society and they never think about themself.
further he stated that Such similar scientist is Dr. Prof. Negandhi, who is a respectable
person, had also a carrier of navel N.C.C., his golden period of 34 years of researches
will be remembered by the Astrological world permanently in the history of nadi
astrology. He assured Dr. Prof. Negandhi to invite and to honour in the next meet of
imminent Astrologers. The benefit of various faculties in the field of Astrology, is being
taken by the students of Astrology, who are more than 400. This great institution is being
run on the basis of "Guru Shisya Parampara" at Bombay.
He also gave emphasis and encouraged Dr. Prof. Negandhi to produce books on
"Nadi Astrology" or "Samhita Shashtras" in Gujarati also. He also stated that, people
must have to encourage reading habits. Books are highly valued capital and everybody
must hand-over them to "heirs and successors". All must encourage the habit of
purchasing of books. Normally people are expencing in Tours & Travels or for
garments & fashion and food & drinks etc. Similarly we must expense on books. Along
with entertainments, for which we expanse thousands of Rupees, similarly we must
invest for books also, which will be a heritage for future generations.
In his speech Dr. Prof. Negandhi stated that, there are 38 main research
articles in the Book of Nadi Astrology, which consists of a ready-made table for the
"Best period of life"; varying from 15 to 25 years; according to the position of
Saturn and Jupitor by birth. Main important Researches made are on "Bhagya
Chakra" and "locked Bhagya Chakra", which is entirely a new concept developed
from Nandi Samhita. Along with that, future of the relatives from the horoscope of a
native, destiny and in the contexts of destiny; Y ogkaraka planets, First Job,
Narration of Birth place, "Retrograded planets and planets considered as
retrograded", mental imbalance. airy planets and their impacts on business and on
the body, "Maha bhagya yoga" - (great fortune) of Saturn Jupitor combination, time
cycle and Transits I Rotation of Saturn - The king of Time cycle, Terminologies of sex,
Previous birth and next birth, promotion yoga, Rise and upliftment yoga, Bahu
vidhya yoga of Mercury Rahu combination, "Jivatma Sam yoga"- A great yoga for
successful Astrologers, abduction and planets for abduction, service or business yogf!. ..
Sarp Dosha, Shivamsha yoga progany and their characteristics. "Chandra
mauleweshar" yoga and "Sanjivani yoga", various portfolios of Ketu, need of
accurate birth time. Speculation and shares and yoga's for losses. first job, sound
and weak planets, nature and study, great sages and their nature, Multimillionaires,
"when one will own a house" or accommodation, Jagatguru Sankracharya and his Bha-
chakara and an article of various business, how to read and revel various happenings
of life, separate principles for reading male and female horoscopes, Venus Rahu and
.Saturn yoga and prosperity yoga, Essence ofNadi Astrology or various Researches
made on Nadi buddhi Yoga" of Saturn-Mercury, Moon Rahu and
decision power etc. etc. were discussed with examples.
Honorable shree Daya Shankarji, The Editor of "Times of Astrology" stated
that the articles written by Dr. Prof. Negandhi, are published in Times of Astrology
regularly and permanently. His Research articles are given prime priority.
Dr. Prof. Negandi Dineshchandra is Hon. Director of 48/A Astro Research center
of Vidhynagar, Bhavnagar.
The Snaps of the function are attached here with.
- x-x-x--x-x-x- - -------
For and on be half of
The Director, Astro
Research Center.
Appendix: Extra Material: PRESS REPORTS:
Lectures delivered on NadiAstrology
Appendix-!. The lmminant- Nadi Astrologer's speech on Nadi Astrology
particularly on combination of planets & "Important
happenings" delivered at "Jyotish Vidya Mandir", Bombay. 1 -3
Appendix-H. Pride of Bhavnagar I "Bhavena" and of Saurashtra:
Receipant of "AGAS Award" - January 2008. 4-5
Appendix- III. PRESS REPORT on Programme of Rotary club ofBhuj. 6-9
Appendix-IV. PRESS REPORT of Saurashtra University and International
Institute "Kutchh and Saurashtra Productivity Council", an
exporters union of Rajkot. 10-21
Appendix-/:-Extra Material: Lectures delivered on
The Imminant - Nadi Astrologer's speech on Nadi Astrology particularly on
combination of planets & "Important happenings" delivered at
"Jyotish Vidya Mandir", Bombay.
The institute- "Jyotish vidyamandir" provides a 3 year astrological course on a
free - of - charge base on various subjects of astrology like palmistry , vastu , body -
parts, astrology , numerology , colour therapy etc. various subjects of astrology at
Imminent astrologer, leader and the chief organizer Shri Ketan Popat gave the bio
-data of Dr. prof. Negandhi, which was printed in the institutes mouth organ II Jyotish-
Darshan II issue 11 + 12 of the year 2007.
The other speakers were hounarable Shri Shri Kalyandasji Maharaj , Guru
Shri , Shri - Shri 108 shriman Santdasji maharaj of bada akhada, udasin
sampradaya having three ashrams at Pipali (morabi - Gujarat) kothara (Abdasa,
Kutch) Namal bikaner were amongst the other speakers.
The third speaker was Shri J agdishbhai Lalshankar Shukla of Ahmedaabad an
expert on ''Prashna - Shashtra.''
IIJyotish Vidyamandir II - Mulund is an institute of academicians, provides free - of-
charge permanent classes on Astrology at four places Mulund -Ghatkoper - Andheri
and ville-parla having more than 500 members and arranges lectures on various branches
of astrology - arranges competitions and honoures faculties of astrology.
Learned and research scholar Dr. Prot: D. A. Negandhi delivered a lecture on
''Nadi - granthas and combinations of planets'', by citing examples of combinations
ofDev grahas & Danav grahas (heavenly and demon planets). In other part he
gave various examples of favourable combinations like '(1) Sun Jupitor " Jivatma
Samyoga" (2) Saturnjupitor- combination of supremacy and "Gurukarma Yoga"
(3) Saturn venus combination of wealth and family happiness ~ prosperity
(earning wife or having landed property in the name of wife) (4) venus progressed
ahead and keeping back the sun - a great yoga of prosperity. (5) Sun mars a
promotion yoga , '' Agni yoga '', surgery yoga. ( 6) Venus dragon head vast wealth
yoga and flirting yoga. (7) Mercury 'dragon head ''bahu- vidhya- yoga'' (8) Venus
mercury intellectual and easy and big earning yoga and prosperity yoga, (fish sign
yoga) (9) Sun dragon tail- politics, surgery and "Kirti yoga" and bad results. (10)
Mars venus- good and bad results and hearth yoga. (11) Mars saturn "yantra
vidya yoga" and bad results. (12) Jupiter venus "sanjivani yoga" (13) Jupiter rahu
-top most rank in life and "chandala yoga" adversaries.
Group : B - Yoga's provides adversaries contradictory combinations of
planets like. (1) Jupitor mercury - mis-happening yoga. (2) Sun - moon amavasya
yoga. (3) Sun saturn government job providing other adversaries. ( 4) Sun venus
combinations ( 5) saturn moon - '' vish Yoga'' providing bitterness in life. ( 6) Moon
mercury ''guru patni and shisya'' dirty relations yoga with bad and good results
like roaring ''Lakshmi yoga'' - Prosperity. (7) Saturn mercury idle character,
land- lords. (8) Mars mercury - combination of eminent enemies, land,
mathematics (9) mars Jupitor's proudy and gobelian nature. (10) Mars moon
"Mangalya yoga" having bad and good results. (11) Saturn moon -"Shivamsh
yoga"- truth fullness and honesty. (12) Moon- dragon head- great losses- heavy
expenses like sea. (13) Moon dragon tail- ''Mangal sutra yoga''- bad relations with
opposite sex, or mis-delivery, politics, family deity, "gayatri" (15)
Venus moon, speculation, cold and cold related deases, heavy losses and expenses
making bank balance nil etc. etc.
This article was prepared by Dr. Prof. Negandhi on the bases of "Nandi -
Samhita" great sage and honourable "Shri Nandikeshver Rishi". Dr.
Negandhi presented the article on the bases of entirely on a new analysis on different
happenings. He also has Deciphered the "time cycles", when the predetermined
happening will happen.
Amongst the audience, there were two "Mahasatiji" including Smitabai
Mahashatiji, disciples of the great jain astrologer and learned honourable ''Shri
Janakmuniji Maharaj''- an authority on ''jain Jyotish ''.
At the end of the ceremony, after distributing annual certificates and awards, the
institute honoured Dr. prof. D.A. Negandhi of Bhavnagar by presenting "gold medal"
and "abhivadan latter" (latter of appreciation) for long services in astrological science
and research work of28 years in the fieldofhorary astrology particularly Researches on
"Nandi - Nadi". The institute also appreciated his many fold activities and services
rendered to the society. His address I speech was depicted in the issue of "Jyotish-
darshan''- 2007 and his bio- data as an orator, was published in the same
As Major part of members of the institute were using vernacular language, the
institute preferred to issue the souveniour "Jyotish-darshan "in vernacular language.
1. Five pages of Jyotish Darshan- summary of the speech.
2. Bio- data of the orator and speaker Dr. profD.A. Negandhi on the page No: 3 8
and version.
3. Photograph of the speaker & the Audience.
The press report is prepared by the ''Astro research centre'' Bhavnagar.
For and on behalf of,
:Appendix-//:- Extra Material: Lectures delivered on
Pride ofBhavnagar I "Bhavena" and of Saurashtra: Receipant of "AGAS
Award''- January 2008.
"Akhil Gujarat Astrological Society'' - an Astrological Institution of Ahmedabad,
which handles free of charge Astrological Classes at Ahmedabad invited Dr. Prof.
Dinesh Chandra Negandhi - famous Astro Scientist and "Nadi Astrologer" and
"Samhita Shastri" ofBhavnagar, who is a director of Astro Research Centre, Bhavnagar,
forAGAS Award2008.
Nadi Astrology and Samhita Shastras are the basis of Astrology. Out of 14 Astra-
Scientists of the world, Dr.Prof.Negandhi holds the prime position amongst them. There
are only six (6) Astro Scientists in India. He has rendered 36 years valued services in M.J.
Collage of Commerce. He is enjoying retired life at present. Defence Department of
Government of India has conferred "Fleet Lt. Commander's" Rank on him on foreign
waters. He has achieved two President of India medals from the Hon.President of
A well known and famous institution of astrology, namely "Jyotish Vidhya
Mandir' ', which handles and provides three years degree cources at four different places
in a Corporation City- Greater Bombay.- without any charges, ("free of charge") had
honoured Dr.Prof.Dinesh Chandra Negandhi by awarding Gold Medal of 2007. Hindu
"Astrological Society of London" had conferred Ph.D. honourary degree, "Jyotish
Samvardhak'' on Dr.Prof. Dinesh Chandra Negandhi. After constant and deep
researches on "Samhita Shastras" and Nadi texts. He had found out the Nadi
Principles or Principles of Samhita Shastras. which were published by India's world
famous astrological magazine- "Times of Astrology" in its June 2000 issue.
Saurashtra University had arranged "Lokhabhimukh Karyakram" -a public
programme in a "Gandhiyan" institute named ''Rastriya Sbala" in the heart of the city
ofRajkot. He had given a lecture on "Astrology as a Science and its Principles" and
discussions lasted for 4.30 hours, which is available in form of a set of two CD.
Honourable Vice Chancellor. Shree Kamlesh Joshipura honoured him by garlanding
the show I and buke of flowers. Recently Wall City Rotary Club ofBhuj had arranged
two days "Lokhabhimukh Karyakrama" at Rotary Hall, Bhuj, where they had
honoured him in public. He has given many lectures in many Rotary Clubs and
''Kutch Jyotish Mandai'' and Nagarpalika of Anjar's Open Lokhabhimukh
Programme. Such extra ordinary and extinguished personality Dr. Negandhi of
Bhavnagar, famous Astro Scientist, is awarded by ''AGAS Award'' of 2008, for which
the public of Bhavnagar feels pride and honour. He was Awarded the degree of
"Jyotish Bhaskar" for Nadi Astrology By the Institute,"Akbil Gujarat
Astrological Society".
This Press Report is prepared on the basis of informations of Astro Research
Centre of 48/ A, Vidyanagar of Bhavnagar.
For Director, Astro Research Centre, Bhavnagar
Appendix-Ill:- Extra Material: Lectures delivered on
"NadiAstrology ":
PRESS REPORT on Programme of Rotary club of Bhuj.
Wall City Rotary Club of Bhuj, invited director of 48/A, Astro Research Centre,
Vidhyanagar, Bhavnagar (A.R.C.) as Chief Guest. Dr. Pro. Dinesh Chandra Negandhi
was invited for two days dated 26-2 and 27-2 Seminar and workshop on Astroscience
and guidance. In the First Session, which was kept for Rotary family members and the
Remaining Sessions, were arranged, for public. "Locabhimukh Karya Krama" -
where Rotery members and Public enjoyed the programme and benefited by the
guidance. After lectures sessions the Chief Guest, Dr. Pro. Dineshchandra Negandhi,
who is a retired Left. Commander of Navy N.C. C. and is a Recipiant of Two President of
India Medals, gave the speeches on Astroscience. As he is a well known Nadi
Astrologer, gave his speeches on Science of Astrology /Nadi Astrology.
Rotary Project Chairman Jignesh Jani co-operated and had arranged for operator
and laptop. For the benefit of the present public, who witnessed the programme.
President Ramdevsinh Jadeja, welcomed all the present public and appealed the public
to remain away from Astrological- "Andhshradha" or blind faith on Astrology.
Dr. Pro. Dineshchandra Negandhi also requested people to remain away fiDm
blind faith and mantra tantra and enthused the public to have scientific approach on
Further he stated that by research on Samhitas IN adi texts, it is found out that any
person, whatever his I her horoscope may be, minimum one and half decades time,
he/she gets (15 to 17 years minimum) as a bestperiod oflife.
He spoke about many blind faith like ''pitrudosha'' etc. He statedJhat . in any of
original Nadi texts OR Samhitas created by seven Sages, has no such word like
"Pitrudosha". This "pitrudosha yoga" is known for Satum-Rahucombination, where
great sages have clearly stated, that it is ''Pitru Karma Yoga'' and ''the person will
too much serve his or her elders and in return (fruit), he will receive much
properties.'' Instead the Astrologers are arranging ''Pitrodosha Vidhi' ', which is totally
a wrong. All the sages believe in ''Karma'' Pholosophy. Similarly all expenses done
for Gems, Planets, Mantra, Tantra, Vidhies or Kalsarpa Vidhi etc. cannot change
the future.
Any person, who is getting minimum 15 to 17 years, as best period in life. must
get the opportunity exploited from such good time. Bad happening OR Bad
positions may be in anybody's life, but they are maximum 15% of the life or may be
less than that even. Mentally and Psychologically mankind must prepare to face good
and bad happening of life. Everybody by preparing advance time cycle or Time Table
and by planning, must prepare well, to take the advantage of the situation. This can
be done by planning the time cycle, well in advance like a Budget, to overcom.
Strained Time.
Nadi Astrologer Dr. Pro. Dineshchandra Negandhi, who is holding a prime
position in the alll4 Astro Scientists of the o r l ~ out of which, there are only six Astro
Scientists are in India; requested the public to have scientific approach towards the
Science of Astrology. He defmed the "Jyotish Vidhya" and stated that" Jyoti" means
to spread/throw the light on the knowledge with the help of light/lamp of
Astrology. "Jyotisvidhya" is a part of "Vedas." This knowledge is like a
"Divyadrashti." To spread the Research Knowledge of Astroscience, Astro Research
Centre of 48/ A, Vidhyanagar, Bhavnagar has compiled the research articles in English
as well as in Gujarati and a set ofC.D.: which were presented to R ~ t a r y President.
Ramdevsinh Jadeja and Rotary Project. Jignesh Jani. who requested the people to
become an expert in this science and Assured the people, that library of Rotary will
provide a full set of all the materials. whosoever needed.
In the second "Lokabhimukh Karyakrama" public programme, Rotary Club
commended and honoured Dr. Prof. Dineshchandra Negandhi. In response to the
honour Dr. Prof. Negandhi stated on the nature of great sages and discussed deeply
about, how the "samhita texts" had been created. All the "Nadi or Samhita texts"
are engraved prior to 5000 to 7000 years by all the 7 sages, with the help of experts and
are in ''Prakrut- Sanskrit.'' In any of Sahmita there is neither moon nor ascendent.
It clearly means that, there is no defmite time. nor the defmite day of any of the
Horoscopes. In original Nadi Samhita or in any such Texts, there are no Vidhi. Mantra
"Japas" or "Vidhi-Vidhanas". Astro Research Centre of 48/ A, Vidhyanagar, Bhavnagar
has 8200 such texts. which has the name of sages and they are with Sanskrit
Salokas. which are based on ascendent and First bhava. second bhava/House.or
third house etc. etc.: Astrological meanings of such fore-casts are totally wrong and
princ i ~ 1 es differ from person to person. Hence it cannot be said as a science. Because
it does not possess Universal Rules also.
"Bruhat Nadi Astrology" is a collection of Nadi texts/Samhitas. which is
compiled and engraved by Goddess Mata Parvati. It is a standard text. A single
phenomenon will clarify the above all verdicts. and that is ''If you know, what is
"Jyotishshastra"- Science of Astrology, then (these words prove that this is a
hidden and secret knowledge), then do not make a disciple. "Thus this is
."Gupt/Gopniva Vidya." kept as secret: originally by all the seven sages. They have
already stated reasons also in B.N.A. text that, "The disciple can exploit in every ways.
Thus, this is nothing but, "at the cost of Repeatation." a secret Science of Vedas and
. "Gupt Vidva or Gupt Vit:yan of SAMHIT A or NADI TEXTS."
After 28 years of constant Research. Dr. Prof. Negandhi enumerated the basic
principles of Science of Astrology, which were published by the famous jyotish
magazine. "Times of Astrology" in its 2000-June issue. One hundred year's advanced
ephemary/ almanek is a very helpful tool for future and advance predictions (200 1 A.D.
to 2100 A.D. published by "Times of Astrology": is an unique book and available book
in the market). It helps in pre-determining any happening, well in advance.
Uptill the late night 1.45 A.M .. constant guidance was provided on the laptop by
Dr. Prof. Dineshchandra Negandhi.
Shri Tarakbhai Thakkar gave the concluding speech and commended & thanked
the Chief Guest and the public, for making the success of these excellent programmes of
two days. HARD LABOUR, Planning and work was carried out by the Rotarians
namely Nitin Kubadia, Hitel)dra Makvana, Vijay Gandhi, Pritesh Thakkar, Jayesh
Raval, Dhaval Raval, Sanjay Shah, who co-operated till late night. This Press Report is
jointly prepared by the Project Officer, Rotary and Astro Research Centre, Bhavnagar.
]ignasha Shroff
For and onbehalf of the Director
Astro Research Centre,
48-A, Vidyanagar, Bhavnagar.
:Appendix-IV:- Extra Material: Lectures delivered on
"NadiAstrology ":
PRESS REPORT on a lecture on NADIASTROLOGY, arranged by Saurashtra
University and International Institute
1 1
Kutchh and Saurashtra Productivity
Council- KSPC", an exporters union ofRajkot. Both arranged a lecture on "ASTRO
SCIENCE." The only lecture of the day was delivered by world famous and Astro
Scientist Dr. Prof. Dinesh Chandra Negandhi on "astrological sciences" on 4th August:
2007 at "Rastaiy Shala"; established by Mahatma Gandhi: at Raikot.
Dr. JoshiPura, the Vice Chancellor, garlanded a shawl and presented him a buke
of flowers. Welcome speech was delivered by the vice chancellor Dr. Kamlesh
Joshipura. In his speech, he praised Dr. Prof. Negandhi for his great services rendered,
since many Decades and since last 33 years. The services rendered by him are
admirable and he is an authority on Astro science. He further stated that, university
provides formal education along with practicals; but where university is not able to
provide education to some people, by any reason, Continuous Education- a Deptt. of
S.University; reaches to them and provides various kinds of education and Astro
science is a part of that Education.
Manhar Majithia, the secretary of
1 1
Kutchh Saurashtra Productivity
council", gave a warm welcome with a bunch of flowers to Dr. NeGandhi and stated
that, 28 years of hard Basic research work had placed him in supreme capacity and
is a Rishi of this modern age and he gave the Bio data of Dr. Prof. NeyGandhi.
Harshukhbhai Dave praised Dr. NeyGandhi and quoted the words of Dr. NeyGandhi,
that " If one states that. he does not believe in Astrological sciences. he is able to prove
and ready to discuss for hours together to prove "astrology as a science" and praised the
science of the Astrology, particularly the Research work done by Dr. Prof. NeyGandhi.
The handling of the program was managed by Dr. Kaladhar r v a ~ the director and
head of "continues education", department of Saurshtra University. At one stage
during the speech, he had to interfere with the request to the Audience, not to interrupt
and not to ask the questions to NeyGandhi, during his speech and at the end of the
lecture, Dr. NeyGandhi will permit the question at last. The program was lasted for four
and halfho!lrs, in the "Rastriy Shala", Rajkot.
The lecture delivered by Dr. Prof. NeyGandhi, the director of Astro Research
center, Bhavnagar, was in five parts (1) the Relationship of science with Astrology
and relationship of arts with astrology. (2) Various branches of Astrology., (3)
Third part of lecture was on the basic principles of scientific Astrology as in
common man's language and (4) Nadi Technique, searched out by the Astro
research centre, Bhavnagar. (5) Scientific Evaluation of horoscopes and important
happenings with examples ( 6) Sixth part was consisted of general question answers
and the audiance was allowed, one questions with horoscope for guidance. More
than 140 horoscopes and their problems were given guidance and remaining 80
problems were solved in second session, which lasted for two hours and 45 minutes at
Sardar Bag, Circuit House, Near " Phulchhab " Karyalay, Rajkot, the next day.
Part: I - of lecture Delivered by
" Dr. Prof. D.A. Neygandhi at Rashtriya Shala, Rajkot."
'' How far astrology is connected with science and Arts.''
basically science has rules and regulations, like mathematics, one plus one equal
to two, similarly, astrology has basic rules like science. One must understand the
technique of "Nadi Astrology" or the universal principles and Advanced rules (not like
of an orthodox astrology). If one is able to understand the combinations, with
wide experience and depth - of knowledge, one_ can evaluate the future happenings
correctly, clearly and minutely. Every happening can be reckoned from the
horoscope. This Nadi principles are universal - over all applicable and can be given
Now Science has four parts Namely :
(a) Education (b) Experiments
(c) Researches and (d) Observation
Thus, it is nothing but storage of improved and corrected knowledge on the four
basis namely (A) (B) (C) (D) as noted b o v ~
If we divide the Astrology in two parts (1) calculation or statistics. which is
purely a part of mathematics. It is nothing but a part of pure science. In this modern
Age more than 40 to 80 or more pages can be given on calculation work of a single
The other part (2) is relating to psychology, as the verdicts of Great Rishies and
sages are " graha charena vadami Aham" means the planets of a horoscope, are fixed,
but in the further movements, one planet meets the other planets next to him and
resultant effects are observed. These words are of great sages.
This principles are applied to living persons and to measure the depth of
human mind, is though difficult. but accurately possible to be assessed and these
part is devoted to psychology. Thus Destiny can be determined accurately.
Now psychology is a part of arts and arts has three main parts :-
(a) Personal skill (b) voice of soul, according to intuitive abilities andown Olution
known as II Haiya Ukalat
and last is (c) by experience determination of solutions or
results. according to relationship of planets, is known as
Science and Arts are co related .. Science gives us knowledge and scientific
principles. And arts teaches us to do. In life both are important. Simultaneously it applies
to astrology. Thus it is known as, PSYCHOANALYSIS of a horoscope ..
Principles of astrology are universal and are applicable to all and applied
universallv. Thus they are universal. It stops us from giving risky and wrong
forecastings. By the use of Astro - Science. walfare of the public can be increased ..
Progress and prosperity can be forecasted in advance and long term budgets can
be prepared. To over come difficulties, and monetary crises, provisions and
budgets, for the worst period of life, can be well prepared in advance. If one knows
accurately the parts of future - bad as well as good, will be able to bear shocks in the
life. Thus, astro scientists are working as, shock absorbers. Thus, welfare and
happiness apd strength of overcomming of OBSTACLES, is observed in advance.
Astro Science is a profession. It is worth paying. Take the examples of very high
charges of Pandits, coming from south India and visiting, almost all cities by Air. Such
scientists will have quees for the knowledge seekers. This profession is not an ordinary
profession like ordinary astrologers' business of "GEMS" " mantra - Trantras"
"VIDHIES" of rituals etc. etc.
Science has relationship with "Reason" and "Work Or Action." Astro -
Science has a scientific technique to evaluates the horoscope. Principles which were
already presented First by Doctor, Prof. Neygandhi, the Director, Astro Research
Centre, Bhavnagar, which are already published in June : 2000 issue of" TIMES OF
It has tools for computation and calculations. It requires ephemeries. There are
three types of ephemeris known as (a) present yearly ephemeries (b) past
ephemeries. (c) Advance ephemeries like: 2001 to 2100 ("100 years ephemeries" is
published by Times of Astrology, Delhi). The other tools are:(D) Principles ofNadi
Astrology, is an advanced astrology and technique ofNadi Astrology or it is known
as Samhita method of astrology.
To prove Astrological science. only two texts namely: "Brihad Nadi Astrology"
and "Nandi Nadi" are sufficient. where principles and technique can be found. of
course by researches. My humble salutations to great sage Nandikeshwara- and to the
authority and the translator & writer of Nandi Samhita- Prof. R. G. Rao.
Part: II
: Branches of Astrology :
There are various methods for ascertaining future readings in astrology. They are:
(a) Palmistry (2) Face reading (3) future from the palm print (4) Future from the print of
thumb (5) "Jaymini" method (6) "K.P." (Krishna Murthi Padhhati) method (7) classified
horoscope - 22 classified horoscopes of a person (8) Astottari & vimshottari method of
Dasha system (9) For questions, Jaymini method (10) Accurate method ofkashyapa
Hora on questions, where 24 Horas are for 24 hours of a day. (11) Numerology. (12)
Several texts written by great sages along with their names & Sanskrit texts, etc. etc.
Thus all texts does not prove universal knowledge, nor provides universal principles of
science or even by any short cut method.
The Astro Research Centre, Bhavnagar is having more than Rs. 4,22,000-00 worth
books on Astrology, most of which consists Sanskrit slokas (Texts) with the names of
sages, but resulting to no specificness of event with time. One may be accurate and
correct in one case, but the same principle does not apply to another horoscope. Thus it
means we are no where. It can not be said as pure science.
Principles and technique of advanced astrology (Nadi Astrology) : (Samhita
These principles and technique are found out by Astro research centre
Bhavnagar, which are as follows :
Basically (1) ascendant is to be over looked (2) combinations and meanings are
entirely to be evaluated differently and some of them are as follows :
A. Trine rashies are to be combined and calculated, in one part. The total
horoscope is to be divided into four parts. According to great sages,
"Dharma, Artha , Kama and Moksha" or direction wise like "East ,
South , West and North." It is according to "Brihat Nadi Astrology" or
''Saptarshi Brahma Vakya''; written by great seven sages.
B. The above combinations, are basic combinations in one part of Rashis or sign. The
other combinations are : seventh to every planet is an other combination.
It is according to "A.R.C. " (Astro Research centre, Bhavnagar) and such planets
are creating Re-reflectionery effects, like exchanges of planets. And Third is
Combinations formed by Exchange.
C. Exchange of planets are of four types. (1) exchange between houses (2)
exchange between " Nakshtra " or constellations of planets. (3) Exchange
between sub - lords of constellations. ( 4) Exchange between sub - sub
lords of constellations, are forming the combinations also.
D. Any planet having planets, in twelfth and second to him, are the fifth type
of important combination.
E. Ritrograded planets are to be placed in previous sign. They are also forming
seperate combinations.
F. Planets so divided m Four parts are to be arranged m degree wise order
G Any planet, having no planet in either side and not even in seventh, is the
weakest planet of the horoscope. Unless it reaches to fifth, ninth or
third or eleventh house, it has no power. Unfortunately if there are no planets
in such houses, servitude, slavery and poverty are dunged to the
planet. E.G if sun Is in such situation, father of the such person will
be in poverty striken OR pOOF::-:fOndition. Thus relatives also can be

well judged from the horoscope of a person.
This is the basic technique of the "Scientific N adi Astrology".
The best example is of " Bhrugu Samhita"; where there is no
ascendant. nor there is moon. in any horoscope.
H. Further more the terminology and portfolios of every planet and its
combinations are entirely different. than the orthodox Astrology._ It
reqmres years of experience for Research. Some important terminologies
were already published in "Times of Astrology" as well as in other
Gujaratimagazines, where it was discussed in details (attached herewith).
: Let us take one example ofNandi Samhita :
During the research work, only one sentence was like a hint that, in the
reply to one question of a disciple, "How the 19th year was found out
from the horoscope?" The reply was not direct, but it was in a wrapped
way that, "you also try and you will be able to find out the particular year."
Main terminologies were discussed with time cycle (or when the happening
will happen) and were discussed, along with impacts of such time cycles on particular
relative of the native or native himself. Nadi Astrology is the only technique, which
enables us, to give narration with time cycle ofhappenings. Thus, this is an extra
ordinary and amazing science. The motto of Astro Research Centre, Bhavnagar is,
"We do not say, you believe in astrology, but when difficulty arises, consult the
Astro scientist and not the ordinary astrologer."
The next generation will be of Astro Scientists and not of Astrologers, as
mostly astrologers take us to "Mantra- Tantra" "Vithies" or "religious ceremonies" or
takes us to rituals or "gems" or "gemology" etc etc. and people have lost their faith. The
verdicts of the Astro Scientist are : "We do not say that. these are wrong and unscientific.
It mav be a science. But like us. one has to prove that. this is also a branch of science."
''Time cycle and tenninologies along with some practical important examples:
Combination of Saturn and Jupiter gives supremacy fu the field of work.
It provides " rise " and " upliftment" in life at the age of40 , 45 , 50 , 60and 70 years
. (e.g. 40 equal to plus one and minus one, means 39 to 41)
Jupiter Rahu - Dragon Head combination is known as "chandala yoga"
in orthodox astrology, but as per Nadi texts and according to research
work, it gives a friend of bad quality at the age of 19 and 25 years of age
and the same combination provides "Top-Most rank in life" at the
transit of Saturn on the degrees of Jupiter or dragon head.
Rahu is known as "Kala" or known as time cycle. In a case of one lady, a
n ~ relative of "viral oxygen" of Alang ship breaking yard, Bhavnagar.
Who was admitted to "Hinduja Hospital" Bombay; was said that she is
almost dead and take the Body for Rituals; while in the research work it
was very clear that, fifth round of the Jupiter was fetal resulting in death at
only the age of 57 to 59 and not at 33. It was advised to the relatives, that
the lady is unconscious, till tomorrow 11 A.M., when the exchange of birth star
Venus; will take place in the sky and the lady aged 33 will rise from the bed, which
happened 10 minutes earlier, between the surprise of doctors of
Hinduja Hospital, Bombay. One can cross check it. If this is not a science,
how an unknown Astro Scientist, like the orator, can read in advance.
Similarly a blood cancer case of 23 years old boy, was consulted by his
father. They came to the Astro Scientist. he was having "Sanjivani Yoga" of
Jupiter-Venus combination, was referred to an ayurvadic expert, with
a condition that; not to stop present allopathic medicines. he was cured
by an ayurvadic Expert and mahatma, who is famous in Gir forest, Hon.
Shri Krishna Dhara Nandaii Maharaja of sherbag - Gadu of Gir
forest He cured the patient and between the surprise of doctors of ''Tata
cancer research institute", who found from the computerized report
of blood that, " Cancer counts are reducing. " Any one can cross - check
this incident. The doctors caught hold of the patient, got the address of
the Astro Scientist, along with the address of mahatma and
Ayurvedacharya, Krishna Dhara Anandji Maharaj. phoneNo.02870-285233.
One famous example is of Kandla-free trade zone, a land of
multimillionaires, where one lady's horoscope was being read. When being
asked, that in near future there is an operation, which was confirmed
by the relatives of "Sharma Resorts.'' When asked, they stated a strange
fact that, U.S. medical council's report was adverse and No Doctor was
ready to operate. The family was allowing the girl to die at the age of 24
years. In her case mars was in Taurus & according to Nadi principle,
mars was powerful, as it was next to his own house.
The prediction was that "you will have to move, some where & you will
get expert doctor and the lady will be cured. Actually the lady 'Yas taken
to Japan for operating "spinal cord". Two major operations, which
lasted for 22 & 18 hours respectively; were done & nearly one crore rupees
were expensed with and the lady is still alive against the advice of
"American Medical Council". If this is not science, then how such advice
can be given.

One case of Brijwasi, who was with tears in his eyes, was an extra ordinary
case. He was searching for true astrologer, in the midst of several
astrologers, who were taking lunch, at the time of "World Convention
On V aidik Astrology"; arranged by "Hindu Astrological Society",
London. hewas said that, he will die within a few days. He was convinced that
his death was invited In that year for
some "mantrochchhar vidhies II, worth rupees 5000 by some astrologer
of Ahmedabad. As his Jupitor was passing on Saturn-Rahu
combination, the simple meaning was that some elderly relative
residing. in village areas; will die & not he him self (will die). In the
reply to his II ayushya, II - Age, it was stated by the Astro Scientist that his
death is round about (but more than) 72 years, which was confirmed by
a famous palmist, who was sitting neary by, who stated that it was 74
years (& not 38 or 39 or 72). Thus the astrologer, forcasting his death;
was inviting death for Rs. 5000/-
The case of J agatguru Shamkaracharaya, is famous, who has retro
Saturn in Aquarius and mars in Tula or Libra & Aetu is in Gemini.
- All the Trio planets are, in trine to each other. Thus "Saturn-mars
-ketu yoga" is formed - means "Langoti - Yoga". This can not
be observed according to orthodox astrology; But according to
nadi texts, all the trio (three plants) are in western sign, forming
langoti yoga.
Many other interesting examples were cited with the time cycle.
Principles were, reckoned, which were searched out from some of the
Tadpatras or Nadi texts. Such all Nadi Texts are Dhruv Nadi, Nandi Nadi, Nav
Nadi , Saptarshi Nadi; Bhrugu Nadi, Surya Nadi , Shukra Nadi , Agastya Nadi,
Ravana Nadi, Narada nadi, Shankar- Parvati Samvad, etc. etc. Several such texts
are existing, mostly in south India; requires special readers, as they are in prakrit
Sanskrit or in Tamil or in Telugu etc. The readers, who are known as Nadi
Astrologers. They are only able to give the complete time table oflife, only if his I
her horoscope is in his Nadi texts. If such horoscope is not in his Tadpatras (tree
leaves). He is unable to give the forecast.
Most important texts are Nandi Nadi, Saptrishi Bhrahma Vakya & Briha'tf
Nadi Astrology. If one studies deeply,These texts prove the science of astrology. To
speak on astrology or to see an expert onNADI astrology, is a good chance oflife.
Thus, all concerned with astrology; will have to guide truely. "Karma Kandi
Professionals" should not enter in to astrology. Directional parts of a horoscope, should
be concentrated. Horoscope or Kundli is nothing but a mirror of the person, who is
the native ofthe horoscope. It is a guide or "Bhomiyo" of the life of the native. Shallow
study of astrology, is blaming the science of astrology. It is a great surprise that why a
family having some combinations individually, gets the child or children with same
After the orator Dr. Neygandhi's speech on Astro science, which lasted for more
than 2 Hours 30 minutes, More than 140 horoscopes were presented to him with
individual problems, out of which; problems of 68 horoscopes were solved with time
cycle within further 2 hours, while remaining 80 horoscopes and problems were
handed over for analysis for the next day at Sardarbag, Govt. circuit house, Rajkot;
which took more than 2 Hours 40 Minutes next day. The Questors and the director
S.U.,alongwith dinitories; enjoyed the science of Astrology.
In conclusion research scholar and Astro Scientist Dr. Prof. D.A. Neygandhi,
who has researched for more than 28 important years of life, Dr. Prof. Neygandhi,
very clearly advised Astro Scientists and Astrologers, that they are in the capacity
ofRISHIES or SAGES " and they will have to guide properly and truthfullv . the
people in their difficult times.
Thus persons dealing in astrology have to wipe out the tears of the persons
facing miseries and difficulties and have to guide them and not to loot them or not to
give them mental harassment. Reasonable charges are tolerable, which the society
is ready to bear. At the end, he repeated the motto of A.R.C. Bhavnagar- "We never
say, you believe in astrology, but when difficulties comes to you, try to consult Astro
Scientist and not common Astrologer. Next generation is of Astro scientists and not
of Astrologers. In times to come, Persons of high society, will engage Family Astro
scientist, with proud, like engaging personal C.A., Doctor, Lawyer etc.
The Photographs witnessing the ceremony are attached here with (1) The Vice
Chastener Dr. Kamlesh Joshipura addressing the Audience. (2) Dr. Prof. NeyGandhi
delivering his speech to the Audience. (3) The Vice Chancellor presenting "Shawl" to
Dr. NeyGandhi.
More then 350 persons attended the ceremony even with the adverse situation of
heavy rain with cyclone on 4th August: 2007 at Rajkot.
This report is prepared by the Director, 48-A, Astro Research Centre, Vidyanagar,
Bhavnagar andK. S .P.C.authorised by Saurashtra University.
Dr. Prof Dineshchandra A. Negandhi, Ph: +91 0278- 2510585, (M):
09426979479 and mobile no. 09737893326.
(Due to poor Network, requires repeated Dialings)
Important Note :- In the Bh-chakras, Rashies name are not written or figures of Rashies
are also not written. But as narrated above, Rashies are fixed. With the help of one hundred
year ephemary or ALMANEK, any one can place the nine planets of any birth date of any
living person. Thus, planets can be arranged without ascendant,( which is not a
horoscope,) but it is a Bh-chakra. ANY PERSON, WHO HAS ONLY BIRTH DATE,
but DOES NOT HAVE BIRTH TIME, can also place his nine planets of birth date and
CAN READ OUT THE FUTURE, as per nadi principles given in the volumes of
"Essenceof or Researches on Nadi Astrology" written by Dr. Prof. Negandhi. Even a
HIS SON ( "SAGOTRA") ALSO. After much practice, one will get perfection and
become expert in Nadi Astrology and become a Scientist like Author.
Learned Dr. Prof. Negandhi launched a book on "Essence of Nadi Astrology or
Researches on Nadi Astrology", in January, 2009, which is a collection of 38
Research Articles, mostly published in three Imminent Astrological magazines namely
"Times of Astrology" of Delhi, "Express Star Teller" of Chennai and "Planets &
Forecast" of Patna Bhuvneshwar. The book was released at a function of "Jyotish
vidhya mandir'', Bombay.
The book "Essence ofNadi Astrology or Researches on Nadi Astrology", which
is based on all the "Samhitas", written by the great Seven sages; namely ShaptRishi's
"Bruhath Nadi Astrology", "Bhrigu Samhita" and "SAPTARSHI BRAHMA
VAKYA"and "Nandi Nadi"etc. The Book was inaugurated by the hands of great
Astrologer Shree Pande Ashokbhai of Bombay - Maharashtra, at the A.C.
Banquet Hall of "Manav Seva Sangh"- Sion, at the special programe, which was
arranged by The Institute of Astrologers -' 'J yotish Vidhyamandir' '. The Institute
arranges "Free of charge" coaching at 5 places at Bombay. At this event great
Astrologer and Honorable consultant Editor of "Times of Astrology" Shri
Dayashanker Remained present as a special appearance I guest from Delhi.
Along with other speakers "THE ALL IN ALL" of Jyotish vidhyamandir, Shree
Ketanbhai Popat, cited the example of great scientist Marconi; whose grand son had
given public statement recently, that his grand father's invention was not original, but
was copied from THE GREAT SCIENTIST Jagdishchandra Bose. All the scientists
are presenting Researches, before the society and they never think about themself.
further he stated that Such similar scientist is Dr. Prof. Negandhi, who is a respectable
person, had also a carrier of navel N.C.C., his golden period of 34 years of researches
will be remembered by the Astrological world permanently in the history of nadi
astrology. He assured Dr. Prof. Negandhi to invite and to honour in the next meet of
imminent Astrologers. The benefit of various faculties in the field of Astrology, is being
taken by the students of Astrology, who are more than 400. This great institution is being
run on the basis of" Guru Shisya Parampara" at Bombay.
He also gave emphasis and encouraged Dr. Prof. Negandhi to produce books on
"Nadi"Astrology" or "Samhita Shashtras" in Gujarati also. He also stated that, people
must have to encourage reading habits. Books are highly valued capital and everybody
must hand-over them to "heirs and successors". All must encourage the habit of
purchasing of books. Normally people are expencing in Tours & Travels or for
garments & fashion and food & drinks etc. Similarly we must expense on books. Along
with entertainments, for which we expanse thousands of Rupees, similarly we must
invest for books also, which will be a heritage for future generations.
In his speech Dr. Prof. Negandhi stated that, there are 38 main research
articles in the Book of Nadi Astrology, which consists of a ready-made table for the
"Best period of life"; varying from 15 to 25 years; according to the position of
Saturn and Jupitor by birth. Main important Researches made are on "Bhagya
Chakra" and "locked Bhagya Chakra", which is entirely a new concept developed
from Nandi Samhita. Along with that, future of the relatives from the horoscope of a
native, destiny and in the contexts of destiny; Yogkaraka planets, ~ r s t Job,
Narration of Birth place, "Retrograded planets and planets considered as
retrograded", mental imbalance. airy planets and their impacts on business and on
the o d y ~ "Maha bhagya yoga" - (great fortune) of Saturn Jupitor combination, time
cycle and Transits I Rotation of Saturn - The king of Time cycle, Terminologies of sex,
Previous birth and next birth, promotion yoga, Rise and upliftment yoga, Bahu
vidhya yoga of Mercury Rahu combination, "Jivatma Sam yoga"- A great yoga for
successful Astrologers, abduction and planets for abduction, service or business yogf!.,,
Sarp Dosha, Shivamsha yoga progany and their characteristics, "Chandra
mauleweshar" yoga and "Sanjivani yoga", various portfolios of Ketu. need of
accurate birth time. Speculation and shares and yoga's for losses, first job, sound
and weak planets, nature and study, great sages and their nature, Multimillionaires,
"when one will own a house" or accommodation, Jagatguru Sankracharya and his Bha-
chakara and an article of various business, how to read and revel various happenings
oflife, separate principles for reading male and female horoscopes, Venus Rahu and
Saturn yoga and prosperity yoga, Essence ofNadi Astrology or various Researches
made on Nadi Astrology,_ "Mand buddhi Yoga" of Saturn-Mercury, Moon Rahu and
decision power etc. etc. were discussed with examples.
Honorable shree Daya Shankarji, The Editor of "Times of Astrology" stated
that the articles written by Dr. Prof. Negandhi, are published in Times of Astrology
regularly and permanently. His Research articles are given prime priority.
Dr. Prof. Negandi Dineshchandra is Hon. Director of 48/A Astro Research center
ofVidhynagar, Bhavnagar.
The Snaps of the function are attached here with.
- -------
For and on be half of
The Director, Astro
Research Center.

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