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Lesson Plan Template 1 Primary & Secondary

(Key Knowlede and S!ills st"dents s#o"ld ac#ie$e in t#e lesson ta!en %rom rele$ant c"rric"l"m
1& Li#t %rom a so"rce %orms s#adows and can (e a(sor(ed) re%lected and re%racted
Identify that Opaque objects between light source and reflected item is the cause of blocking light
and creating a shadow.
-& .it# "idance) pose /"estions to clari%y practical pro(lems or in%orm a scienti%ic
in$estiation) and predict w#at t#e %indins o% an in$estiation mi#t (e (*CS0S-11'
Student to predict if eyes would adjust see other objects once light turned off in a room with no
windows (light source).

1. Shine torch on an object (wall hand etc)
!. "hat would happen in a darkroom when torch is pointing towards ceiling#
$. "hat can you see#
%. &ow do we know the light is there#
'. "hat happens when you try to hold the light#
(. &ow could you change the light#
). "hat things gi*e us light#
+. &ow does light help us to see#
,. &ow does light tra*el#
1-. "hat is a shadow#
1& .it# "idance) plan appropriate in$estiation met#ods to answer /"estions or sol$e
pro(lems (*CS0S+,2'
1. .arkroom in*estigation (as abo*e)
!. Shoebo/ in*estigation (small hole in bo/ with se*eral objects inside0 what can you see#
$. "hat causes shadow. 1ake your own shadow
3& 4ecide w#ic# $aria(le s#o"ld (e c#aned and meas"red in %air tests and acc"rately
o(ser$e) meas"re and record data) "sin diital tec#noloies as appropriate (*CS0S+,5'
1. 1easure height of shadow using measuring table on wall ruler opaque object (glue
stick) and torch. 2ecord data and graph it from the dependant independent and
controlled items in the in*estigation.
Unit6Topic: Li#t 7antastic 8 m"ltiple sessions 4ate:,
No$ -+11
Key Learnin *rea: .#at is Li#t and #ow do we see o(9ects :ear Le$el: ;
O"tcomes:(34SS5-+-) 6 (34SIS!$1) 6 (34SIS-+() 6 (34SIS-+))
Time 0ntrod"ction (Set': Teac#in *pproac#es
1& .#ere does li#t come %rom>
-& .#at is eart#?s oriinal and main so"rce o%
1& @ow do we !now t#e li#t is t#ere>
3& .#at #appens w#en yo" try to #old t#e li#t>
;& @ow co"ld yo" c#ane t#e li#t>
Arie% 0n$estiation:
2& S#ine torc# on an o(9ect (wall) #and etc'
5& .#at can yo" see>
On the interacti*e white board show images of sun
different light sources
e 4OL strateies) ro"pin
Integrated use of following
1. .irect Instruction
!. 3uthenticate
$. 7unctional Instruction
%. 4ritical Instruction
3pplying .imensions of
8earning 19 ! eg 3ttitudes of
:erception and 3cquire and
Integrate ;nowledge
Students sitting on floor to go
o*er 8ight questions and
complete brief in*estigation
Time Main Content: Teac#in *pproac#es
0nitial 0n$estiations
1. .arkroom in*estigation
Shine torch on an object. "hat do you see#
Shine torch on a surface (floor and or ceiling) what do you
!. Shoebo/ in*estigation (sticky tape a small stone
and a plastic item. "rite on inside wall of bo/ <Is
light important#
Small hole on front side of bo/ with se*eral objects inside0
what can you see# (not much if anything)
1ake a small window hole top of bo/. Open it. =ow what
do you see#
$. "hat causes shadows# 1ake your own shadow
Integrated use of following
1. .irect Instruction
!. 3uthenticate
$. 7unctional Instruction
%. 4ritical Instruction
3pplying .imensions of
8earning 19 ! eg 3ttitudes of
:erception and 3cquire and
Integrate ;nowledge
>roup in*estigations with
support from teacher
Time Main Content (Contin"ed' Teac#in *pproac#es
.e( Searc# Boca("lary and create a sentence: Source
of light electromagnetic Spectrum mirror photons
?ransparent ?ranslucent opaque particle colour shadow
object and reflection.
@a$e t#e st"dents i$e eCamples o% sentences wit# t#e
a(o$e words& .#ile online type eac# word into t#e
D.ordieE proram to prod"ce a .ordie prod"ct (as
:o" t"(e clips
What is light? (2 mins)*Ailet4;.4tB-
Electromagnetic Spectrum Intro (5mins) - Advanced*AlwfC:cDrSEw
Flectromagnetic Spectrum ('mins) G 3d*anced
@ando"t wor!s#eets %or st"dents to answer %ollowin
1. "hat things gi*e us light#
!. &ow does light help us to see#
$. &ow does light tra*el#
%. "hat is a shadow#
2esponses in sentences
Integrated use of following
1. .irect Instruction
!. 3uthenticate
$. 7unctional Instruction
%. 4ritical Instruction
>roup in*estigations with
support from
Time Concl"sion: Teac#in *pproac#es
8 1pm
Introduce 4hat Hoard and discuss the following
(<1y ?houghtsI Fnlarged3$ SiJe /' Kuestions)
1. "hat things gi*e us 8ight#
!. &ow does light help us see#
$. &ow does light tra*el#
%. &ow far does light ?ra*el#
'. "hat is a shadow#
.o not correct studentLs responses. 3llow students to
think critically and ask questions
Integrated use of following
1. .irect Instruction
!. 3uthenticate
$. 7unctional Instruction
%. 4ritical Instruction
?eacherDstudent discussion on
<1y ?houghtI
(Include equipment required for class and@or for teacher preparation)

1aintain class engagement
1aintain control of beha*iours
8ess instructional talking
2esource0 8ight 7antastic Stage ! 2esource Hook Sunglasses colour folio computers dark room
worksheets Fnlarged worksheets magnifying glass prism torches mirrors shoe bo/es journal
1y mentor teacher
?he 3ustralian 4urriculum 7ramework
Class discussion ! "houghts# Chat $oard
%evie& handout &or'sheet &ith the 5 (uestions
1. "hat things gi*e us light#
!. &ow does light help us to see#
$. &ow does light tra*el#
%. "hat is a shadow#

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