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Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer,

CloseMode As Integer)
If CloseMode = 0 Then
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub

MsgBox "Use el botn " & QQ & "SALIR" & QQ & " del formulario", vbInformation, "*** Botn

Option Explicit

Public Sub Example()
Dim oProgress As New frm_lcf_ProgressBar
Dim style As Integer
Dim windowCaption As String
Dim endRow As Long
Dim i As Long
style = 2 ' Progress bar style (1 / 2).
windowCaption = "Example" ' Progress bar window caption.
endRow = 100000 ' Max value

' Progress bar initialization
oProgress.Initialize endRow, style, windowCaption
oProgress.Show 0 ' Shows the progress bar window

For i = 0 To endRow - 4 ' Dummy loop for this example
' <<Do something, put here your code>>
oProgress.Increase ' Increases 1 unit the progress bar
oProgress.Increase 4 ' Increases 4 units the progress bar
Unload oProgress ' Unload progress bar window
End Sub

Private Sub btnStartExample_Click()
Call Example
End Sub

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