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Bachelor of Arts Degree in Child Development with a minor in Child Care Administration, California State
University, Northridge-December 1999
asters in Education University of !hoeni"-So#thern California Camp#s- $#ne %&&'
!onors and Acti"ities:
%&1() *eceived *ed Cross Certificate for +ater Safety ,nstr#ctor and ta#ght +ater Safety and -eginning
Swimming to Children ages %-.
/irl Sco#ts of America0 1% year member, /old Award recipient
Sigma Alpha 1mega Sorority, 2o#nding sister-1993
CSUN 4illel, 5"ec#tive -oard 1993-1996, 7ehilla !resident 1996-1999
*eceived Al 8eader $ewish St#dent 8eadership Certificate 1996 91999
*eceived :eritorio#s and Disting#ished Service Awards ;CSUN 4illel<
:ember of CSUN Camp#s Co#ncil 1996-1999, Child Development Association 199'-1999
#or$ E%&erience'Field(or$ E%&erience:
Jul) *+,+-August *+,.
/reschool Teacher'Su00er 1a0& S(i0 Instructor The Boule"ard School2 #oodland !ills2 1A
+rite and e"ec#te lesson plans for children in a classroom setting based on monthly theme
S#pervision of children both inside a classroom and o#tside on playgro#nd
-#ilding social and emotional development of st#dents
Comm#nicate with parents and school administrators on st#dent development
*eceived *ed Cross Certificate for +ater Safety ,nstr#ctor and ta#ght +ater Safety and -eginning
Swimming to Children ages %-.
August *++3-August *+,+ Beha"ior Instructor #or$ing (ith Autis02 Encino2 1A
!rovide one-on-one behavior s#pport both in school and home settings
Assist st#dent with their classwor= in school
+rite monthly reports on client progress as stated by ,5!
Se&te04er *++5-June *++3 Assistant Teacher Sierra 1an)on School2 1hats(orth2 1A
Comm#nicate with classroom teacher and grade level team regarding daily c#rric#l#m
5"ec#te and s#pervise math and reading center for st#dents gro#ped by li=e learners
Comm#nicate with teacher regarding st#dent performance
Assist specialty teachers ;ie Spanish, Art, :#sic and Science< with lesson
!repare pro>ects, =in=os and p#rchase orders
8ocating and?or generating letters to parents from the team regarding classroom or grade level
Sched#le field trips for first grade
Assist in the constr#ction program for first grade
Assist with the enrichment math program for first grade
A&ril *++5-August *++5 1a0&er-in-Leadershi&-Training 61ILT7 Director
Se&te04er *++8-June *++5 Teaching Assistant 1hats(orth !ills Acade0)'1hats(orth2 1A
Comm#nicating with Comm#nity Service 8iason at local middle?high schools
,nterviewing candidates, entering 9
and 1&
graders, for program
Designing?Developing a leadership training program
1bserving C,8@As performing daily camp d#ties
4olding wee=ly meetings to disc#ss camp iss#es and leadership s=ills
!reparing needed materials for teachers
/rading homewor= and tests
Updating b#lletin boards
S#pervision of children both inside and o#tside the classroom
August *++9-Fe4ruar) *++8 Nurser) School Teacher The Ne( J11 at il$en2 #est !ills2 1A
!lanning day to day activities
!reparing needed materials for the day
S#pervision of children at all times and in all areas of the school
a) *++9-August *++9 Assistant 1a0& Director
Assisting in organiBation of Camp !rogram ;*egistration, Collecting !ayments, Creating +ee=ly -#lletin<
Assisting with the hiring of s#mmer staff
1versee the daily ro#tine of the camp day
Shop for s#pplies when necessary
Assisting staff with planning of activities when needed
Assisting director with staff meetings and training
Januar) *++9-June *++9 E%tended Da) /rogra0 1oordinator' Nurser) School Teacher
Coordinate program for children remaining after (pm daily
S#pervision of children both inside and o#tside the classroom at all times
August *++.-No"e04er *++. Assistant 1hildren:s Ser"ices Director J11 of ;reater LA' Agoura !ills2 1A
Assisting Director in establishing Child Care !rogram?After School 5nrichment
Designing -roch#res and 2lyers for Child Care !rogram?After School 5nrichment
@eaching Science 5nrichment Class for (

Se&te04er *++*-August *++. Nurser) School Teacher #est <alle) Je(ish 1o00unit) 1enter
#est !ills2 1A
Assisting @eacher in day to day activities
!reparing needed materials for the day
7eeping classroom neat and organiBed
S#pervision of children at all times and in all areas of the school
Se&te04er *++*- June *++. Site 1oordinator= Afterschool Enrich0ent ' Anderson Enrich0ent O&&ortunities
S#pervision of daily program
S#pervision of children ;1
grade- C
grade< inside and o#tside a classroom setting
1versee enrichment classes
Collect t#ition on a monthly basis
4omewor= t#tor for 1
- C
grade st#dents
Se&te04er ,333 to June *++* Nurser) School Teacher <alle) Beth Shalo02 Encino2 1A
!lanning day to day activities and s#pervising children at all times and in all areas of the school
Cond#cting parent-teacher conferences
!reparing needed materials for the day
7eeping classroom neat and organiBed
Attending wee=ly and monthly evening staff meetings, as well as team c#rric#l#m meetings
@eacher, art specialist, and C,@ coordinator for s#mmer program ;$#ne-A#g#st %&&&?%&&1<
5"tensive e"perience with :icrosoft +ord
:oderate e"perience with !owerpoint !resentations
:inimal e"perience with 5"cel
<olunteer'1o00unit) Ser"ice:
1live Diew-UC8A :edical Center0 4ospital Administration
8os Angeles Eoo0 Special 5vents

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