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May 29, 2012

First Grade Newsletter

Mrs. Urban
Inland Leaders Charter School
Dear Parents,

This will be the last newsletter of the year, so
please frequent our website for the latest information
on upcoming events throughout the next couple of
Dont forget about Fiel Day. !t is set for "une
from %&##'#(. This will be a memorable ay for the
stuents, but we will nee your help as well so it can be
a ay everyone can en)oy.
This Thursay, *ay +#
, we are going on our last
fiel trip to ,-, for a meet an greet with the $n
grae classes. .e will take a tour of the classrooms
an campus, along with a tour of ,asa Tre)o Tortilla
Factory across the street. !f you woul like to )oin us
for this visit, please let me know.
This week stuents will continue with testing in
/anguage 0rts an *ath. There is no more homework
for the rest of the year however, stuents will still be
oing Popsicle Peak an the ! ,an -pell program.
0s always, thank you all for your support, help,
an partnership in your chils eucation throughout the
school year.
*rs. 1rban
May Leadership Theme:
I wo!ld loe to celebrate o!r s!mmer
birthdays be"ore the end o" the school year.
#lease contact me to ma$e arrangements "or
a day to celebrate yo!r child%s birthday&
'aniel ()*+, Collin -)+*,
.!stin -)/+, Grace -)/0,
Iose"a 0)+/
,reate by' *rs. 1rban
May 29
-Service projects
due. If you want to
turn it in earlier, you

May 28
Memorial Day
o School
!une "#
- $ield trip to
%S% to visit 2
and %asa 'rejo 'ortilla
!une (
-Spellin& )ee
!une 8th - 'hree *i&&y
+pera at ##,-. Sanctuary
!une #2
- $ield Day

!une #"th /ast day of
%omin& 0vents

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