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Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your

country (Kennedy Inaugural Address). These are probably the most famous words
spoken by me, John F. Kennedy. I was born on May 29, 1917 in Brookline,
Massachusetts. As a young man I served in the Navy. When my ship was attacked and
sunk, I was badly injured, but I still managed to bring all the survivors to safety (Life of
JFK 3). I am a WWII hero and courageous. I also wrote a book about my experiences
in the war, which received the Pulitzer prize. After serving in the Senate, I ran for
president in 1960. I won by a narrow margin, and started making improvements right
During my presidency I founded the Peace Corps. The Peace Corps. is an
organization that sends volunteers to help developing countries (Life of JFK 4).
I also led us through the Cuban Missile Crisis, which was a turning point in
American history. Had it gone wrong, America and Russia wouldve been in nuclear war
and we wouldve had a WWIII. After the Bay of Pigs Invasion, which wasnt a success, I
chose the peaceful route and blockaded Cuba. U.S. ships inspected every Russian ship
coming into Cuba. I then negotiated with Russia saying that if they remove their missiles
from Cuba, well remove our missiles from Turkey (JFK 1). My tough negotiating skills
averted war that could have potentially destroyed the earth with nuclear weapons.
Also, in 1961, I said that we would have a man on the moon by the end of the
decade because America needed to beat the Soviets. And by 1969, we did. Although I
was dead, I stayed true to my word and helped make another signicant milestone in
American history.
Hayes 6th
I was also a supporter of African American rights during my term as president. I
was a supporter for the March on Washington. I prohibited racial discrimination on
college campuses. I even secured an early release for Martin Luther King jr. when he
was in jail. Later in my term, I began writing the basis for the Civil Rights Act of 1964
which disallowed segregation in public schools and protected the voting rights of African
Americans, who previously were subjected to high requirements in order to vote (JFK
I also supported womens rights and, in 1963, I signed the Equal Pay Act which
worked towards women earning the same pay as men.
During my administration, America experienced its longest sustained growth
period since WWII. I created many jobs in industry and humanitarian elds. The U.S.
could use the way I ran things today. I think Americas economy would improve and we
would have more jobs.
On November 22, 1963, I was assassinated during a parade in Texas. This was
one of those events where people remembered where they were and what they were
doing when they heard the news, like 9/11. After my death, I received a Peace on Earth
award from the Pope for my contributions to the world. I am remembered for my
courage, hardiness, tenacity, loyalty, inspiration, and speaking skills. Even today I
remain high in the popular opinion of the American people. These things and more are
why I am the right choice to stay on the balloon.
Thank you,

Hayes 6th
Works Cited
. "John F. Kennedy." the WHITE HOUSE. The White, n.d. Web. 14 Dec 2011.
. "John F. Kennedy Biography." Spartacus Educational. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Dec 2011.
. "Life of John F. Kennedy." John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. N.p., n.d. Web.
14 Dec 2011. <;.
Kennedy, John F. "Inaugural Address." U.S. Capitol, Washington D.C.. 20 Jan 1961. Address.
Hayes 6th

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