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May 19, 2014

First Grade Newsletter

Mrs. Urban
Inland Leaders Charter School
Dear Parents,
WOW!! What an outpouring of support this last
weekend all over our community for Day of Hope for
Sarah Amento !t was such a "lessing to witness the
love and hear stories of so many that touched my
heart! #hat is what service is all a"out to me!
$ecently, information came home regarding
our !%& 'olf #ournament fundraiser for electives and
a new school site !f you or someone you know is a
golfer, sign up! #he class with the most golfers gets a
With Service Pro(ects due )une *
, we are
asking that students spend the ne+t week or so
finishing up hours and working on the presentation
portion of the pro(ect #herefore, for the remainder of
the year, students should work on service pro(ect and
nightly reading for homework
,ay *-
, first grade will "e going on a field trip
to 'ardenworks and .S. !f you would like to help
chaperon, please make sure you can attend "oth
portions of the trip
!n Social Studies, we will "e learning a"out
inventors and our nations sym"ols
As always, thank you all for your support,
help, and partnership in your child/s education
,rs 0r"an
Friday Share
The students that will share this
Friday are:
The girls

May Leadership Theme:
May 9-Caleb Wells
May 16-Blake Hancock
May 19-Nathaniel F.
Created by Mrs. Urban
May 29
Field trip to
Gardenworks and CSC
June 2nd Servie pro!ets
June "#
$ Field %ay$ Si&n$up
sheet will 'e omin& soon to
help out(
June ""
Last day o)
shool* report ards &o
Coming Events

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