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2014 Memorial Weekend

Food Assignment List

Irene and Ken 2 (arrive Fri)
5 lbs. Bacon Sun. breakfast
Gordons: 1 box breaded Shrimp to deep fry
1 box Gordons French fries Sat
!ondiments "#et$%ust$%ayo& tartar sauce' Fri$Sat.
(!hili certificate
Michelle & Bob 5 (arrive Fri.)
Gordons: ) Boxes of *ilapia Fish Sat
+ lbs. hambur,er Friday
Fun dessert
Tom and Shar 2 (arrive Fri)
-unchmeat . cheese
/otato Salad Fri. ni,ht
) hu,e containers oil for deep fryin, Sat
Tommy & Renae - 5 (arrive Fri)
5 loa0es Bread& 1hite and a couple of others "rye& etc.'
2 pk,s. 3ot do, Buns&
+ pk,s. 3amb. buns
4 pk,s. 3ot do,s
+ pk,s. Ba,els assort.
Seve & !arol " (arrive Fri)
Sausa,e 4 lbs. Sun. breakfast
5,,s 4 do6 Sun breakfast
7e,,ies *ray$8ip for
2 bi, canisters 8rink mix& lemonade
#e$$ & Kara - " (arrive Fri)
/ancake mix bi, box Sat. breakfast
/ancake syrup
1 lb. real butter
Sausa,e 4 lbs. Sat.
%ilk ) ,allons
9ran,e :uice 2 %allon&
'ebbi and #e$$ - (
3ambur,er + lbs
5,,s 4 do6. Sun. breakfast
Sausa,e 4 lbs. Sat.
!offee& !reamer& Su,ar
8esserts Bekah$;achel
)*n #anee + (arrive Fri.)
Fruit 1hate0er you 1ould like
(-emons for fish
!ream cheese for ba,els
/ineapple !asserole
(delicious for Sunday 1ith !hili
#*lie & Bryan 2 , 2 lile c*ie& (arrive Fri.)
!hili fixins "onions& cheese& sour cream&
oyster crackers' Sunday
*oss salad and another salad ";amon' Sat$Sun
Rob + (arrive Sa. morn.)
!hips and dip
Mahe- + (arrive Fri..)
Smore stuff
chili stuff for cookoff
drin1& (2o23 ec)
//"4o5. !ironella Ti1i Torch F*el
((( 6lan eno*%h $ood $or a22ro7.
85-49 2eo2le
/// !hili chairman :ncle Ken
Breakfast: cereals & bagels (before cooked food)
Sat: pancakes & sausage
Sun: eggs, sausage & bacon
Lunch: sandwiches & fresh veggies & fruit
ri: !a"b#, !ot dogs, potato salad, chips
Sat: ish r$%% ries, salads
Sun: chili, etc#

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