40 Vocab Terms

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Perjury- lying under an oath

2. Interstate Commerce- commerce among states
3. Veto- when a president refuses to sign a bill and returns it to Congress including reasons
for the actions
. !obbying- the wor" the lobbyist do to persuade officials to support their #iews
$. Plea %argaining- an agreement with the prosecution to agree to a less serious crime and
The most common penalty for
perjury is a fine and/or jail, but the
amount of the fine or jail time can
depend on judicial discretion in
&he Interstate Commerce 'ct of
1(() was designed to regulate the
railroad industry.
Congress can o#erride the
President*s #eto if there is a two-
thirds #ote in each house.
!obbying is protected by the
Constitution+ but many people do
not li"e the use of it.

,. &he -reat Compromise- a bicameral legislature with a .ouse of /epresentati#es based
on population+ and a senate with e0ual representation for all states

). 12pressed Powers- powers of the Congress that are listed in the Constitution
(. /eser#ed Powers- powers that belong e2clusi#ely to the states
3. Concurrent Powers- powers shared by the nation and state go#ernments
A plea bargain may allow criminal
defendants to avoid the risk of
conviction at trial on a more serious
&he -reat Compromise is a
combination of the Virginia Plan
and the 4ew 5ersey Plan.
The most important expressed
powers include the power to tax, to
borrow money, to regulate
commerce and currency, to declare
war, and to raise armies and
maintain the navy.
%ecause reser#ed powers are for
the states+ no other go#ernment
has to ha#e appro#al for the

16. Por"- %arrel !egislation- laws that Congress pass to appropriate money for local federal

11. Cloture- a parliamentary procedure that 0uic"ly closes a debate

12. 7ederalism- the system of go#ernment under which the national go#ernment and local
go#ernments share powers
13. Confederation- a system in which many decisions are made by an e2ternal member-
state legislation
8uccessful promotion of por"-
barrel legislation is #ery li"ely to
get the legislator re-elected.
time on 4o#ember 1$+ 1313+
during the ,,th Congress+ to
end filibuster on the &reaty of
'n e2ample of a concurrent power
is building roads.
&he people that are a part of
federalism strongly belie#e in the
9nited 8tates Constitution.
1. 8pea"er of the .ouse- member who runs the meetings+ appoints some members to
committees+ refers bills to standing committee+ puts 0uestions to #ote+ and follows up in

1$. !iberal- belie#e that the go#ernment should be used to remedy the social and economic
injustices of the mar"etplace+ support go#ernment regulation of the economy
1,. Conser#ati#e- indi#iduals should be responsible for their own well-being and should not
rely on go#ernment assistance
1). 8tanding Committee- a permanent committee
&he smaller nations were forced to
form a confederation out of self-
5ohn %oehner is the current
8pea"er of the .ouse.
' liberal is belie#es in the freedom
of indi#iduals.
:ost conser#ati#es li"e to stic" to
the traditional way of things.
1(. 8elect Committee- a temporary committee
13. 5oint Committee- a committee made up of members of both chambers in a bicameral
26. Political 'ction Committees- fund-raising organi;ations established by corporations+
labor unions+ and other special-interest groups to raise #olunteered funds to support
lawma"ers who fa#or their position on issues
21. 'ppropriation- an appro#al of go#ernment spending
8tanding committees are
established by the .ouse of
/epresentati#es and the 8enate.
' temporary committee is created
to resol#e differences in #ersions
of a similar bill.
:ost joint committees are also
standing committees.
'n organi;ation becomes a
Political 'ction Committee when it
recei#es or spends more than
<1+666 for the purpose of
influencing a federal election.
22. 5udicial /e#iew- the power of the 8upreme Court to declare laws and e2ecuti#e actions
23. 'ppellate 5urisdiction- the court can only decide issues of law+ not the facts of the case
2. 1lectoral College- created by 7ramers as a mean of insulating the go#ernment from
whims of a less educated public
2$. 'ppropriations %ill- proposed laws to authori;e spending money
&he 1lectoral College consists of
$3$ congressional members.
&he appellate jurisdiction has the
power to change the decisions of
lower courts.
&he 5udicial /e#iew was
established in 1(6(.
&he majority of appropriation is
part of the go#ernment budget.
2,. 2$
'mendment- the president appoints a replacement when the office of the Vice
President becomes empty
2). &he 1lastic Clause- allows congress to ma"e all laws that appear to be necessary and
2(. Concurrent /esolution- deals with matters where laws are not needed
23. Political Parties- group of people with common political goals which hopes it influence
policy through the election process and run candidates for office who represent the
political agenda of party members
' concurrent resolution does not
ha#e to be appro#ed by the
&he elastic clause is part of 'rticle
=ne of the 9nited 8tates
'ccording to the 2$
%arac" =bama would choose
someone to replace 5oe %iden if
he passed away or something
happened to him.
'ppropriation bills are generally
done on an annual basis+ although
multi-year appropriations are
occasionally passed.
36. Voting /ights of 13,$- encourage states to ta"e measures to increase minority
representation in Congress
31. >rit of Certiorari- an appellate court decides to re#iew a case at its discretion
32. Popular 8o#ereignty- the principle that the authority of the go#ernment is created and
sustained by the consent of its people?
33. Chec"s and %alances- counterbalancing influences by which an organi;ation or system
is regulated+ typically those ensuring that political power is not concentrated in the hands
of indi#iduals or groups
Popular overeignty was also used
in the !"#$s to describe a highly
controversial approach to slavery in
the territories as propounded by
enator tephen A. %ouglas.
&he Voting /ights 'ct of 13,$ was
signed by !yndon %. 5ohnson.
&he two political parties in the
9nited 8tates are the /epublican
party and @emocratic party.
&he 8upreme Court uses >rit of
Certiorari to pic" most of the cases
that it hears.
3. -errymandering- manipulating the boundaries of an electoral constituency so as to fa#or
one party or class.
3$. 7ilibuster- an action such as a prolonged speech that obstructs progress in a legislati#e
assembly while not technically contra#ening the re0uired procedures.

3,. 5udicial /e#iew- re#iew by the 98 8upreme Court of the constitutional #alidity of a
legislati#e act

3). Proportional /epresentation- an electoral system in which parties gain seats in
proportion to the number of #otes cast for them
&he system of chec"s and
balances is important as part of
the Constitution because it allows
each branch of go#ernment to limit
the powers of the other branches.
-errymandering has been used in
the 9nited 8tates since the late
&he .ouse of /epresentati#es no
longer ha#e filibuster+ but it is still
allowed in the 8enate? howe#er+ it
is often a#oided.
5udicial re#iew is an e2ample
of chec"s and balances in a
modern go#ernmental system
where the judiciary branch can
chec" the other two branches.
3(. 8uffrage- the right to #ote in political elections.

33. Inalienable /ights- citi;en rights that cannot be ta"en away.
6. Indictment- a formal charge or accusation of a serious crime
&he woman suffrage mo#ement
began in 1(( in 4ew Aor" where
there was the first women*s right
&he most common inalienable
rights are the right to life+ liberty+
and the pursuit of happiness.
&he most serious crime of an
indictment is a felony.
Proportional representation is an
alternati#e to #oting systems
based on single-member districts.

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