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Tech Assessment 2

Abigail Studebaker
It is extremely hard to make conclusions about the results of only 3 questions being answered
and a sample group of 1 people! The conclusions"results are most likely not #ery reliable or accurate!
$owe#er% for the sake of the exercise% we can make some observations! &#erall% I was not
o#erwhelmingly surprised with the responses of the students! 'hat I expected was #ery close to how
the exercise panned out! 'ith the #erbal response I recei#ed% my peers felt that my questions were
appropriate and scaffolded up well! I could tell that they felt this way% gi#en their facial reactions each
time they read the questions!
I was slightly surprised with the turnout of (uestion )2! This question was answered 1**+
correctly! I was expecting the results to be in between (uestions )1 and )3% as they should be! If I was
to redo this question process% I would mo#e my first question to be (uestion )2 and replace the first
one with a more simple question! This question would be something like,
1- 'hich would be an appropriate math question for a 1
a! /x0x122
b! 203311*
c! /
d! 22"301133
I feel that the answer to this question is extremely ob#ious and would be a great le#el 2 on the
5ar6ano Scale! The order of le#els that I put my questions in may be 7ust fine% but they would be more
effecti#e with this change! 5y third question% or le#el question% ga#e me the data that I was hoping
for! 22+ of the class answered e#enly between the first two answers and the remaining 28+ answered
e#enly between the last two answers! 39+ of the students answered correctly% o#erall! This tells me that
a fair amount of students had a little bit of an idea as to what the answer could be% but most likely took
their best guess! I feel as though this represents what a le#el question should be! A le#el question
should be something that relates to what students are learning about% ha#e possibly heard about% and
may be able to piece together the answer gi#en their pre#iously learned knowledge! :e#el questions
should really stretch the knowledge of students and make them think deeply! It should be a high goal of
what is to be learned% but not so high that a student could ne#er understand it!
If I was to redo this whole process% I would do the following,
1! 5o#e my first question to be the second question!
2! ;eplace the first question with the example abo#e!
3! <et a larger sample audience =1** people would be a good si6e-!
! ;un the process at least / times!
I feel that doing the abo#e would gi#e a lot more accurate results! The data would be of better
use and something I could make true conclusions about!

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