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People vs Nerio Suela, Edgar Suela and Edgardo Batocan

G.R. No. 133570-71, 15 January 2002

Brothers Nerio and Edgar Suela, and an Edgardo Batoan, !ere harged !ith
ro""ery !ith ho#iide and si#$le ro""ery. %r#ed !ith handguns and a &ni'e,
the three !ere a"le to ro" their (iti#s o' )500,000 in ash, a olored *+, three
,3- digital a#eras and assorted .e!elries/ and in the $roess, in'lited serious
and #ortal !ounds !hih !ere the diret and i##ediate ause o' the death o'
Geroni#o Ga"ilo.
0n the "asis o' the e1tra .udiial on'essions o' the aused, the Regional *rial
2ourt o' 3ue4on 2ity ,Branh 55- 'ound the a$$ellants guilty "eyond reasona"le
dou"t. 6n their res$eti(e "rie's, the a$$ellants asri"ed to the trial ourt error in
onsidering the e1tra .udiial on'essions as ad#issi"le against the#.
7hat is the duty o' a ounsel in the $roess o' ustodial in(estigation8
6n People v. Labtan , the 2ourt e1$lained that 9:t;he right to ounsel is a
'unda#ental right and onte#$lates not a #ere $resene o' the la!yer "eside
the aused.< =urther#ore, an e''eti(e and (igilant ounsel 9neessarily and
logially :re>uires; that the la!yer "e $resent and a"le to ad(ise and assist his
lient 'ro# the ti#e the on'essant ans!ers the 'irst >uestion as&ed "y the
in(estigating o''ier until the signing o' the e1tra.udiial on'ession. ?oreo(er,
the la!yer should asertain that the on'ession is #ade (oluntarily and that the
$erson under in(estigation 'ully understands the nature and the onse>uene o'
his e1tra.udiial on'ession in relation to his onstitutional rights. % ontrary rule
!ould undou"tedly "e antagonisti to the onstitutional rights to re#ain silent, to
ounsel and to "e $resu#ed innoent.<
*rue, ounsel does not neessarily ha(e to dissuade the $erson under
in(estigation 'ro# on'essing. But his "ounden duty is to $ro$erly and 'ully
ad(ise his lients on the nature and onse>uenes o' an e1tra.udiial on'ession.

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