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Do GMO Crops Really Have Higher Yields?

Biotechnology Industry Organiation !BIO" states that genetically modi#ied !GM"
crops can $oth %generate higher crop yields &ith #e&er inputs' and resist her$icide and (ill
insects &ith the to)ic trait o# Bacillus thuringiensis* or Bt+ Ho&ever* according to the
researcher Ben$roo(* &hile there is a decline in using pesticide* there is an increasing in
using her$icide* $ecause o# the rapid &eed,s adaption to the her$icide resistane in GM crops+
-nother negation o# .more #ood' #rom /niversity o# 0isconsin researchers is that the GM
corns donot have a de#initely higher yield than conventional corn* some even lo&er yields*
e)ept the Bt trait designed to (ill the 1uropean corn $orer+ In addition* the %stac(ed2trait%
crops including multiple added genes are discovered the negtive %gene interaction% inside+
-nd the e##ect o# this interaction is reduced yield* due to %yield drag% 3 une)pected changes
in the genome o# a gro&ing plant leading to unproductive crops+ In a more hope#ul &ay*
GMO crops are more sta$le under real &orld conditions that include a &hole host o#
environmental challenges #or the plant+ But it is still not o$vious #or all the advantages+

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