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Visual communicaion design 2u1u, Presiden Lniversiy
Chinese peranalan
Cina Beneng
!"#$!%&#& ()%*+* ,&-./0-*
%& ()1& (*.,!.
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philosophy for he
design elemen, and
bowl sain o represen
'() '+),-) ./+,0.
Round has good
meaning, which mean
ha in our lives, we
should be muually
unied, harmonious
and also round is a
perfec shape.
Lsing 1"#20 '3"%,
fon o male his bool
looled more chinese.
Highligh in
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because his number
has an imporan
meaning for 7"#%
8)#')#& communiy
also his number is
he main idea of
his bool.
Too heavy
Easily boring for young people
Media publicaion such as Visual bool
using collages picures and illusraion
Beneng Heriage Museum
The life of Cina Beneng

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