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Christina Leon

Greg Etaryan
Jonathan Najera-Valencia
David Gomez
Lia Mueckay

Issue #: [Date] Dolor Sit Amet
Ezra- Is an openly
gay student in high
school that isnt
ashamed about who
he is. He is very
kind and generous
and many people
accept him.
Daniel- A boy who is
secretly gay but
hasnt accepted
himself enough to
come out because he
fears that he will be
denied by his friends.
Aaron (left) and Daniel
(right) are Daniels friends
and accept Daniel for
being gay.
Ryan- Daniels
friend that is very
homophobic and is
somewhat of a bully
at school. He does
not accept Daniel as
a friend when he
finds out he is gay.
Mr. Cranston- A
chemistry teacher at
the high school that all
his students love.
Teenage Years
Finding ones self can be a very
difficult task when everyone
wants to be socially accepted.

Issue #: [Date] Dolor Sit Amet
-Daniel is on the
computer on an online
chat room talking to an
anonymous person who
happens to be Ezra/
chatting friendly and
kind of flirting
Camera zoomed in on
computer screen
Scene 1
Scene 2
- The next day arrives
and Daniel is in class
with friends waiting for
it to start and Ezra walks
in and they have eye to
eye contact
Zoomed in on faces

- Ezra sits in front and
Daniel is behind and
Ezra turns and looks at
him and smile and Daniel
looks back a somewhat
smiles back
Medium shot

Scene 3
- Scene changes to cafeteria and
Daniel, Charles, Aaron, and
Ryan are all sitting together
while Ezra is walking past him
with his food.
-Ryan calls Ezra a faggot and
Daniel sits there uncomfortably
Wide view angle

Issue #: [Date] Dolor Sit Amet
Scene 4
- Scene changes to the boys
rooms and Daniel is explaining
what happened at school and
Ezra finds out its him but Daniel
doesnt know anything
Zoom in on laptop screen

Scene 5
- Daniel is on Ezras instagram
looking at his pictures.
Scene 6
-Daniel in the locker by himself and Ezra
walks in and mentions something
-Daniel gets up set and starts getting
defensive and Ezra clams him down and
explains that it alright that he's gay and they
- Ryan walks in on them and yells what the
f*** and Daniel runs off.

Issue #: [Date] Dolor Sit Amet
Scene 7
Scene changes to the cafeteria and its
Daniel, Aaron, and Charles sitting at
a table and Ezra is sitting across
staring at him
-Ryan walks in and yells at Daniel
calling him a faggot and a fight
breaks out between them
-Mr.Cranston teacher breaks up the
Wide view angle

-Daniel announces to the whole
cafeteria that he's gay and he's not
-Aaron and Charles pat him on the back
and accept him while Ryan walks off
-Ezra approached and they join hands
and raise them in the air while
everyone is clapping for them.

Acceptance- you must first
accept yourself in order to
be accepted by others.

Issue #: [Date] Dolor Sit Amet
Media impact on
society and behavior.
Sexualization of
American society
Obscenity issues
Male gender identity
Language usage issues
Social media impact
Virtual realities on
personal expression
Internets impact on
dating and romance
Pan, bisexual,
transgender, gay, lesbian
issues and challenges.
- Ezra Millers attire (openly gay character in
story): his extravagant attire expresses his love
for fashion and is also not afraid to show who
he is.
- Knows all the well-known designers
- Picture on the left: plain black t-shirt and red
leather jacket on top, checker board pants with
black socks and classy dress shoes

Issue #: [Date] Dolor Sit Amet
-Typical attire boys would wear: a white button up
shirt with a gray hoodie on top then a red leather
jacket on top of that as well. Its great to wear
especially in the mornings when it is cold and
gloomy and cloudy at the start of the day.
-A little bit more stylish

-The attire Daniels friends would wear during school hours,
walking in the hallways, eating at lunch
-Typical jeans, regular graphic t-shirt (maybe even add on a
plaid shirt on top), and some converse tennis shoes
Hair: typical guys hair, combed out, flicked up in the front to
add some volume
Accessories: the only person that would add accessories would
be Ezra since he is more fashionable than the other boys, since
he is openly gay

Issue #: [Date] Dolor Sit Amet

We chose Daniels and
Ezra room as settings
because we felt like
typical teenagers spend
most of their time on the
computer in their room.
What better place to for
Daniel and Ezra to
meet while on the
We chose the locker room as one of our
setting because its where Daniel and
Ezra share their first kiss, but also its
where Ryan finally sees that his friend
is gay.

We choose the cafeteria as a one of
our settings because we wanted a
place where a bunch of kids hang out.
We also felt like a cafeteria should be
a typical setting when kids are at

We wanted the classrom setting to be the first
place where Daniel and Erza first make eye
contact with each other.
We felt like it would be intersting to see Daniel
make eye contact with ERza and know that he
secrelty likes him.

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