Intro Control Logix

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Assessment Name:-Introduction to ControlLogix

Assessment Description:-Introduction to ControlLogix test from Computer Based Training CD (CBT) offered by
Business Industrial Networks. Also know as the CLXTrainer CD.

Question For You: For PLCs on different network types _ ControlLogix
Select Answer
can perform as a communications gateway between networks if
used as a Producer/Consumer network model
cannot perform as a communications gateway between networks.
can perform as a communications gateway between networks.

Question For You: The programming environment used for the ControlLogix system is
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RSLogix 500
RSLogix 5
RSLogix 5000
Question For You: ControlLogix processors are capable of running 1 continuous task and _______ periodic task.
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Question For You: Select the correct answer: The programming languages available for use with ControlLogix are
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Ladder Logic programming _Sequential Function Chart Programming _Structured Text programming and Function
Block Diagram programming.
Ladder Logic programming _ Sequential Function Chart programming _ Function Block Diagram Cascading Block
Diagram .
Cascading Block Diagram _ Ladder Logic programming _ Sequential Function Chart programming _ Structured Text
Question For You: The ControlLogix system ________allow the mixing of I/O_legacy controllers and networks.
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will if used only in the Producer/Consumer network model.
will not
Question For You: The Producer/Consumer network model __________________________.
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does not require a connection ID at the beginning of the data packet from the Producer
places a connection ID at the beginning of the data packet from the Producer
places a connection ID at the end of the data packet from the Producer
Question For You: Use of the Producer/Consumer network model _____________________.
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can only be polled on a time base.
allows individual modules to produce data after being polled by a controller.
allows individual modules to produce data without having been polled by a controller first.
Question For You: Select the incorrect answer: Multi-Tasking Multi Discipline allows the controller to
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32 periodic task
handle 32 task _ one continuous and 31 periodic
handle 32 continuous tasks
Question For You: The user may perform flash upgrades to ________________________.
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the firmware version of any ControlLogix module
the firmware version of the Logix 5563 processor and higher.
the firmware version of just the Logix 5550 processor
Question For You: Motion control is ________________.
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not embedded into the ControlLogix system.
is used only with a redundant processor.
embedded into the ControlLogix system.
Assessment Name:-ControlLogix Architecture
Assessment Description:-ControlLogix Architecture test from Computer Based Training CD (CBT) offered by Business
Industrial Networks. Also know as the CLXTrainer CD.

Question For You: Which of the following is incorrect about project
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The controller name can be changed.
When the file is saved under a different name the controller name
will also change.
The file name is also assigned as the controller name.

Question For You: The project is made up of _____________.
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Task_I/O Configurations_Data Types
Question For You: How many programs may be assigned to 1 task?
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Question For You: What is the name of the memory location where data is stored?
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Question For You: What are the 4 different tag types?
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Question For You: What are the 3 different types of structures?
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Single Array_Double Array_Triple Array
Predefined_Module-defined_User defined
Question For You: How many elements are in an array with a tag name of Batch_1
and a data type DINT[4, 6, 3] ?
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Question For You: The members within a structure are addressed by
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Using the member name and a period followed by the tag name
Using the tag name and an underscore mark followed by the member name
Using the tag name and a period followed by the member name
Question For You: The members within a structure are addressed by
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Using the member name and a period followed by the tag name
Using the tag name and an underscore mark followed by the member name
Using the tag name and a period followed by the member name
Question For You: How many elements are in an array with a tag name of Data_5
and a data type DINT [9]?
Select Answer

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