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Shooting script

Set ups:
Outside on the high street Tracking Camera
Street Cage On Tripod
Inside Locations
Green room (For the hosting aspect of the show) On Dolly
Dentistry On tripod
ouse (for the nurse) On tripod
Judging room
Outside looking in !udging room (empty) on tripod
"iewing screen (#lank) tripod$handheld
Key contributors
&ictures Sync 'otes
Inside judging room
PTC - ( ater judging!
": #ho are you and $hat do
you do%
": #here are $e and $hat&s
happening today%
":#hat&s happened in the
process so ar%
": '(erybody on the pane)
has dierent areas o
e*pertise+ do you thin, that it
$i)) be hard to decide the
(ames$other) *+m %%%%%%%%
(ames$other) ,Today we+re at
the %%%%%%%%%- head office in
The standard of entries were so
high0 its gonna #e really hard to
choose1 2es all the !udges are
e-pert in different fields #ut all
our e-pertise put together we+ll
make the right decisions for
*ts fantastic that young people
who ha3e #een shortlisted ha3e
the opportunity to get
recognition and mentoring from
%%%%%%%%%--/ *ts will #e
in3alua#le and priceless for
them and really kick start a
career in this industry if they
choose to programme making/
": #ho are you and $hat do
you do%
": #hat $i)) $inning the
a$ard mean to the young
": -o$ o)d $ere you $hen
you $on it and $hat did you
ee) )i,e%.
": #hat issues $ere you
aced $ith in ma,ing the
decision or the ina) $inner%
": #as it hard or you a)) to
reach agreement on the
indi(idua) crat categories%
": The $inners ha(e no$
been decided+ so $hat
happens ne*t%
": /re you )oo,ing $d to the
a$ards ceremony% 0ou
gonna get dressed up%.
(udge (3arious)) ,*t felt great1 *
was 45 and always dreamed
that * would get some sort of
recognition for my work/ * was
o3er the moon/
(udge (3arious))+*t was really
hard to decide0 #ut we were all
in agreement that this entry
co3ered all the indi3idual crafts
so well0 it was a clear winner
and really stood out/+
(udge (3arious)) Some were
clear winners and others did
take some deli#eration/ 6ut we
got there in the end+
(udge (3arious)) ,'e-t the
winners will attend the
ceremony at7and we+ll get to
meet them and they will recei3e
recognition for all their hard
work/ *+m looking fwd to it+/
(udge (3arious))+*+m gonna wear
my dinner !acket and really
en!oy it *8m looking fwd to seeing
the winners faces when they
recei3e their awards+/

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