Microsoft Age of Empires II Readme File: September 1999 © Microsoft Corporation, 1999. All Rights Reserved

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Microsoft Age of Empires II Readme File

September 1999
Microsoft Corporation, 1999. All rights resered.
!elcome to Microsoft" Age of Empires" II# $he Age of %ings&'
This file contains information to help you install Age of Empires II. It also includes late-breaking
information not included in the manual or in-game Help.
A. Installing Age of Empires II
*. Starting Age of Empires II
1 +etting ,elp
2 Changes to Formations and Man-al Corrections
E. .irect/ $ro-bleshooting
F. +amepla0 $ro-bleshooting
+. 1ideo $ro-bleshooting
,. A-dio $ro-bleshooting
I. 2erformance $ro-bleshooting
3. M-ltipla0er $ro-bleshooting
%. Map Editor
4. Age of Empires II Information
A. Installing Age of Empires II
To install Age of Empires II, you must be using Microsoft Windos" !" or later or Microsoft
Windos #T" $.% ith &er'ice (ack " or later. )*or information about ho to get &er'ice (ack ",
go to
$o install Age of Empires II
,. Turn on your computer and start Microsoft Windos !" or later or Microsoft Windos #T $.%
ith &er'ice (ack " or later.
-. (lace the Age of Empires II ./ in the disc holder )if re0uired+, and insert it into your ./-12M
3. If Auto(lay is enabled, click Install, and then follo the instructions that appear on the
If Auto(lay is disabled, double-click the M0 Comp-ter icon on your desktop, double-click the
icon for your ./-12M dri'e, and then double-click the A(ESet-p.e7e icon. When the &etup
screen appears, click Install, and then follo the instructions that appear on the screen.
*. Starting Age of Empires II
4ou must ha'e the Age of Empires II ./ in your ./-12M dri'e to play Age of Empires II.
Age of Empires II ill not launch or 5oin a multiplayer game from the M&#& 6aming 7one lobby if
the player does not ha'e the Age of Empires II ./ in the ./-12M dri'e. All players must ha'e a
./ inserted at launch time.
4ou can connect only to multiplayer games created ith the same Age of Empires 'ersion you are
using. *or e8ample, if you are playing Age of Empires II, only Age of Empires II games appear in
the multiplayer list, not Age of Empires or Age of Empires9 The 1ise of 1ome E8pansion games.
$o start Age of Empires II
0* (lace the Age of Empires II ./ in the disc holder )if re0uired+, insert it into your ./-12M
dri'e, click the Start button, point to 2rograms, point to Microsoft +ames, point to Age of
Empires II, and then click Age of Empires II.
4ou can skip the opening cinematics by clicking the mouse or pressing E#TE1, &(A.E:A1, or
C. +etting ,elp
Information about Age of Empires II is in the in-game Help, in the printed manual, and on the
foldout pro'ided ith the retail 'ersion of the game.
$o displa0 in8game ,elp
1* (ause your pointer o'er any button or interface item in the game and Help te8t automatically
appears on the screen. )To turn off in-game Help, click the ,elp button near the mini-map in
the loer-right corner of the screen.+
The manual is also a'ailable on the ./ in the /ocs folder in .pdf format. 4ou can 'ie and print
the file using Adobe Acrobat 1eader.
$o install Adobe Acrobat Reader
/ouble-click the M0 Comp-ter icon on your desktop, right-click the icon for your ./-12M
dri'e, and then click Install Adobe Acrobat Reader.
D. Changes to Formations and Man-al Corrections
The folloing changes ere made to impro'e gameplay in Age of Empires II after the manual
as printed9
2* 2age 9:# There is no longer a &elect *ormation button.
3* 2age 9;# There is no longer a Horde formation. 4ou cannot control or disband a custom
Manual corrections and clarifications are as follos9
2age 1<=# :uilding Attributes table, :ombard Toer ; -"W should be ,%%6.
2age 1<># #on-upgraded (ikemen recei'e %<% armor )not ,<% armor+= :erserks ha'e "" hit
points )not $>+= Huskarls cost ?>, 3$6 )not >%*, $%6+= Elite Huskarls cost ?%*, 3%6 )not >%*,
$%6+ Elite :erserks ha'e @- hit points )not ?%+= Aanissaries ha'e "3 hit points )not 3"+= Elite
Aanissaries ha'e ?% hit points )not $%+.
2age 1<9# #on-upgraded Elite Mamelukes recei'e ,% attack )not > attack+.
2age 1;1 and on foldo-t# &aracen Transport &hips can carry ,%, ,", and -% units
depending on technologies researched )not double )-B+ the number ith each technology
researched ; for e8ample, the /ry /ock technology+.
2age 1;= and on foldo-t# Ciking /ocks cost -"D less, not 33D less.
E. .irect/ $ro-bleshooting
/irectB" ?., or later must be installed on your computer before you can play Age of Empires II. If
you do not ha'e /irectB installed on your computer and you chose not to install /irectB hen you
installed Age of Empires II, you ill recei'e the message EA re0uired .dll file, /play8.dll, as not
found.E To fi8 this problem, reinstall Age of Empires II and install /irectB ?.,.
If Age of Empires II installed /irectB but could not update your 'ideo dri'ers to be compatible ith
/irectB ?.,, hen you restart your computer you ill recei'e the message EAge of Empires II
could not initialiFe /irectB. Make sure that /irectB ?., or higher is installed and contact your
hardare manufacturer for a 'ideo dri'er update.E To fi8 this problem, either get updated 'ideo
dri'ers from your 'ideo adapter manufacturer or install /irectB in safe mode, hich ill replace
the 'ideo dri'ers.
$o install .irect/ in safe mode
,. .opy the /irectB directory from the Age of Empires II ./ to your desktop.
-. .lick the Start button, and then click Sh-t .o6n.
3. &elect Restart, and then click (%.
$. When your computer restarts, press and hold don the *> key until you see a Windos
&tartup Menu.
". When you are prompted to enter a choice, select &afe Mode, and then press E#TE1.
?. After Windos starts in &afe Mode, open the /irectB folder on your desktop, and then
double-click .7set-p.e7e to install /irectB.
If you e8perience sound or 'ideo problems using /irectB, go to to get the latest troubleshooting information.
4ou should also check ith your 'ideo or sound card manufacturer for the latest /irectB-
compatible dri'ers.
F. +amepla0 $ro-bleshooting
4* Saing +ames ; 4ou cannot name a sa'ed game using certain operating system terms,
such as .2M,, G(T,, etc.
5* ?ninstalling Age of Empires II ; If you uninstall Age of Empires II )to sa'e disk space, for
e8ample+, but you ant to sa'e your Age of Empires II campaigns and scenarios, you must
click )o hen the uninstall program asks E/o you ant to delete all user-created filesHI
6* Moing Campaigns and Scenarios to a .ifferent Comp-ter ; 4ou can mo'e the files for
your Age of Empires II games to another computer. Age II files ha'e a .gam file e8tension ;
for e8ample, Age-.gam.
To transfer your campaigns, mo'e the J.cpn files from the .ampaign folder here Age of
Empires II is installed to the same location on another computer. Then transfer all of the
scenarios in that campaign and the (layer.nfo file as e8plained belo.
To transfer your scenarios, mo'e the J.scn files from the &cenario folder here Age of
Empires II is installed to the same location on another computer.
To transfer your player name and progress through the campaigns, mo'e (layer.nfo from the
folder here Age of Empires II is installed to the same location on another computer. If you
are mo'ing the (layer.nfo file to a computer that already contains a (layer.nfo file, you may
ant to rename the file on the computer to hich you are mo'ing files so you do not o'errite
the e8isting (layer.nfo and lose the campaign information it contains.
+. 1ideo $ro-bleshooting
7* Intergraph Intense ;. 1<< 1ideo Adapters ; Intergraph Intense 3/ ,%% 'ideo adapters
cause the game to crash during the opening cinematic. To resol'e this problem, add the
command line parameter )ostart-p in your Age of Empires II shortcut. *or information about
adding parameters to the command line, see E.ommand Gine (arameters,E under
E(erformance Troubleshooting,E later in this 1eadme file.
8* Intergraph Intense ;. 1<< 1ideo Adapters ; /uring gameplay, the bottom game screen
border may be corrupt and pink in color. Also, the in-game custom mouse pointer may not be
'isible. Kpgrading to the latest 'ideo dri'er )'. $.3.%.3,33 at the time of this riting+ ill fi8
these problems. 4ou may not be able to 'ie the game in ,%-$ 8 @?> resolution. To fi8 this
problem, contact your 'ideo card manufacturer for the latest dri'ers.
9* .iamond Stealth ;. :<<< ; 4ou may e8perience a black screen hen starting the game
)you may still hear game sounds and be able to click buttons+. If this occurs, contact the 'ideo
card manufacturer for the latest dri'ers, or donload them at http#55666.diamondmm.com5.
10* .iamond Monster F-sion ; 4ou may encounter stability problems hen starting a game
using this card. If this occurs, contact the 'ideo card manufacturer for the latest dri'ers, or
donload them at http#55666.diamondmm.com5. *or the latest dri'ers to function properly,
you may need to update your 'ideo bios. 4ou can find information about ho to do this on the
/iamond Web site.
11*9F/ Motion @;1 ; If you are running Windos !", you may e8perience any or all of the
folloing9 screen corruption of the main menu and #e (layer dialog bo8, screen corruption
during gameplay hen scrolling from left to right and from right to left, and screen corruption
as you select different ob5ects on the game screen. If this occurs, contact the 'ideo card
manufacturer for the latest dri'ers )http#55666.nine.com5+, or donload the &3 Cision >?>
reference dri'ers for the card at http#55666.s;.com5.
12* ,erc-les $erminator *east ; 4ou may not be able to 'ie the opening 'ideo using the
retail dri'ers for this card )although you may be able to hear the sound+. If this occurs, contact
the 'ideo card manufacturer for the latest dri'ers, or donload them at
13* ,erc-les Stingra0 1:>5;. ; If your in-game screen resolution is set to ,%-$ 8 @?>, you
may e8perience screen corruption and your computer may lock up if you restore a game
using AGTLTA:. If this occurs, contact your 'ideo card manufacturer for the latest dri'ers.
14* Matro7 Millenni-m II 2o6er.esA 1ideo Adapters ; 4our computer may lock up hen
you change the in-game screen resolution to ,%-$ 8 @?>. To fi8 this problem, contact your
'ideo adapter manufacturer for the latest dri'ers.
15* Matro7 M+A Millenni-m ; 4ou may e8perience screen corruption hen playing ith an
in-game resolution of ,%-$ 8 @?> or hen using AGTLTA: in this resolution. To fi8 this
problem, contact your hardare manufacturer for updated dri'ers.
16* 2ermedia : Chipset8based 1ideo Card 6ith 4atest ;. 4abs Reference .riers ; 4ou
may e8perience screen corruption hen playing Age of Empires II using this configuration. To
fi8 this problem, uninstall the reference dri'ers and contact your 'ideo card manufacturer for
the latest dri'er ritten specifically for your card. Many reference dri'ers are not supported,
and may cause problems ith certain applications.
17* Sierra Screaming ;. 1ideo Cards ; 4our computer may lock up hen you e8it the
game. To fi8 this problem, contact your 'ideo adapter manufacturer for the latest dri'ers.
18* Sierra Screaming ;. 1ideo Cards BRendition 1erite 1<<<C ; 4ou may e8perience
screen corruption hen your in-game screen resolution is set to ,->% 8 ,%-$. If this occurs,
e8it the game using AGTL*$. 1estart the game, and in the 2ptions screen set your in-game
resolution to a loer resolution.
19* Rage 2ro $-rbo :/ 1ideo Cards ; 1age (ro Turbo -B 'ideo cards may only allo you
to use a ?$% 8 $>% screen resolution. The minimum Age of Empires II in-game resolution is
>%% 8 ?%%. .ontact ATI for the latest dri'ers for your 'ideo card.
20* Creatie 4abs +raphics *laster E77treme ; .reati'e Gabs 6raphics :laster E88treme
'ideo adapters may cause screen corruption hen you change the in-game screen resolution
or press AGTLTA: to enter or lea'e the game. To fi8 this problem, check ith your 'ideo
adapter manufacturer for the latest dri'ers.
1oodoo ; 1ideo Cards ; If you are running Windos -%%%, your mouse cursor may blink
during gameplay. If this occurs, try a loer screen resolution. If this doesnMt ork, contact your
'ideo card manufacturer for the latest dri'ers.
Screen flicAering D .ertain second-party applications may cause a brief flickering of the Age
II 'ideo palette. /isabling all non-'ital applications before running Age of Empires II ill
increase stability, performance, and 'isual 0uality. This problem may occur on some systems
ith the .reati'e &:Gi'eN sound card ith the .reati'e Gi'eWire -.% and -., dri'er sets for
this sound card.
*lacA Screen After 1ideo ; A black screen may appear at the conclusion of the opening
cinematic. To resol'e this problem, press E&. or click the mouse button. Another orkaround
is to add the command line parameter )ostart-p in your Age of Empires II shortcut. *or
information about adding parameters to the command line, see E.ommand Gine (arameters,E
under E(erformance Troubleshooting,E later in this 1eadme file.
21* Screen Corr-ption ; If you e8perience problems such as a black screen after starting
the game, black areas on the game screen, screen corruption hen you press AGTLTA: to
enter<lea'e the game, or other screen problems hile playing the game, contact your 'ideo
adapter manufacturer for the latest dri'ers.
22* *lacA Screen Areas ; &ome 'ideo adapters may cause black areas on the game
screen. To fi8 this problem, you can add the Mfill parameter to the command line in the Age
of Empires II shortcut. *or information about adding parameters to the command line, see
E.ommand Gine (arameters,E under E(erformance Troubleshooting,E later in this 1eadme
Mo-se 2ointer ; &ome 'ideo adapters may cause the mouse pointer to disappear if you
change the in-game screen resolution or reenter the game by pressing AGTLTA:. To fi8 this
problem, contact your 'ideo adapter manufacturer for the latest dri'ers.
23* .irect/ ; If you e8perience 'ideo problems using /irectB, connect to the /irectB Web
site for the latest troubleshooting information, as e8plained in E/irectB Troubleshooting,E
earlier in this 1eadme file.
24* Monitors and 4o6er8End 1ideo Cards ; 4ou may see brief screen corruption or
flashing hen sitching screens in the game. This is a limitation of some older 'ideo cards
and ill not affect game performance or stability.
If you notice screen corruption hen sitching to a high in-game resolution, this may be due
to the limitation of certain monitors or some older, loer-end 'ideo cards that do not support
higher resolutions. Kse AGTL*$ to e8it the game, restart Age of Empires II, and then use the
(ptions screen to sitch to a loer in-game resolution.
,. A-dio $ro-bleshooting
25* AEtech .irect So-nd .rier ; 4ou may e8perience choppy sound on this dri'er. If this
occurs, contact the manufacturer for an updated dri'er.
26* .irect/ ; If you e8perience audio problems using /irectB, connect to the /irectB Web
site for the latest troubleshooting information, as e8plained in E/irectB Troubleshooting,E
earlier in this 1eadme file.
I. 2erformance $ro-bleshooting
C.8R(M .rie Iss-es
Age of Empires II uses &afedisc encryption technology. &ome ./-12M dri'es may not be
compatible ith this technology.
27* San0o CR.8:@F2 ; If you e8perience problems ith this dri'e, do not load the game
multiple times in one session. Also, you may try e5ecting the ./.
28* Son0 C.?==E :/ ; If you e8perience problems ith this dri'e, make sure it is configured
as a master, and then run the game again.
29* Acer C.8F:9a ; If you e8perience problems ith this dri'e hen using read-mode
dri'ers, install protected-mode dri'ers.
30* Memore7 ::1F ; 4ou may e8perience problems ith this dri'e. There are no knon
31* Memore7 :::9 ; 4ou may e8perience problems ith this dri'e. The dri'e may take up to
3 minutes to load from the ./.
32* 2le7tor ; 4ou may e8perience problems ith this dri'e. The dri'e may be sloed to -B
speed. There are no knon solutions.
33* Gamaha ::1FE and 991FS/ ; 4ou may e8perience problems ith this dri'e. There are
no knon solutions.
34* Error reH-esting C. insertion ; When launching a multiplayer game from the 7one,
you may recei'e an error message asking you to insert the ./ although the ./ is already in
the dri'e. If this occurs, e8it and relaunch from the 7one.
Command 4ine 2arameters
4ou can add parameters to the Age of Empires II command line to customiFe startup or resol'e
problems ith certain hardare configurations.
$o add parameters to the command line in the Age of Empires II shortc-t
,. 1ight-click the Age of Empires II shortcut, click 2roperties, and then click Shortc-t.
-. In the $arget bo8, type the name of the parameter after the e8isting command line te8t. *or
e8ample, if you add the parameters )oStart-p and )o$errainSo-nd, the command line ill
read E.9O(rogram *ilesOMicrosoft 6amesOAge of EmpiresOEmpires-.e8eE #ostartup
#oterrainsound. (arameters must be separated by a space= capitaliFation is not important.
$o add parameters to the Age of Empires II registr0 for m-ltipla0er games -sing the MS)
+aming Ione
,. .lick the Start button, and then click R-n.
-. Type Regedit, and then click (%.
3. /ouble-click ,Ae0JlocalJmachine5Soft6are5Microsoft5.irect2la05Applications5Age of
Empires II5Command4ine.
$. In the 1al-e data bo8, type the name of the parameter after the e8isting command line te8t.
*or e8ample, if you add the parameters )oStart-p and )o$errainSo-nd, the command line
ill read EGobby #o&tartup #oTerrain&ound.E (arameters must be separated by a space=
capitaliFation is not important. /o not remo'e the ord ElobbyE from the command line.
The command line parameters include9
35* )oStart-p ; &kips all cinematic se0uences before the game starts.
36* ><<, 1<:9, 1:>< ; &ets the screen resolution to >%% ?%%, ,%-$ @?>, or ,->% 8 ,%-$.
*or e8ample, ><< sets the screen resolution to >%% ?%%, 1<:9 sets the screen resolution to
,%-$ @?>, and 1:>< sets the screen resolution to ,->% 8 ,%-$. 4ou can also set the screen
resolution by clicking the Men- button during gameplay and then clicking (ptions. If you use
a command line parameter to set the screen resolution, the game alays starts at that
resolution, e'en if you use (ptions to choose another resolution. #ote that the interface
screens before the game ill alays be displayed in >%% 8 ?%% mode.
37* Mfill ; *i8es horiFontal line problems and black screen areas that may occur ith some
'ideo adapter configurations.
38* )ormalMo-se ; 1eplaces the custom mouse pointer ith a standard mouse pointer.
39* )oSo-nd ; Turns off all sounds, e8cept those played in cinematics.
40* )o$errainSo-nd ; Turns off all terrain sounds.
41* )oM-sic ; Turns off all music.
42* Ms0nc ; *i8es lock-up problem that may occur ith some &ound:laster AWE
2oor Frame Rate
1oodoo ; 1ideo Cards ; If you are running Windos -%%%, you may e8perience poor frame
rate. If this occurs, contact your 'ideo card manufacturer for the latest dri'ers.
3. M-ltipla0er $ro-bleshooting
43* *est performance ; *or best performance, connect to the Internet before starting an
Internet multiplayer game.
44* Age of Empires 1ersions ; In a multiplayer game, all players must be using the same
'ersion of Age of Empires. *or e8ample, if you are using Age of Empires II, only Age of
Empires II games appear in the multiplayer list, not Age of Empires or Age of Empires9 The
1ise of 1ome E8pansion games.
45* Serial or Modem Connections ; 4ou may ha'e difficulty 5oining a multiplayer game or
you may be dropped from a game before it starts hen playing o'er a serial connection or a
modem connection. To fi8 this problem, all players should install /irect(lay" ?.,A.
$o install .irect2la0 F.1A
,. 2pen My .omputer, and then right-click the Age of Empires II ./.
-. .lick Install .irect2la0 F.1A.
3. *ollo the instructions that appear on the screen.
46* M-ltiple I2 Addresses ; If other players are not able to connect to a game you ha'e
created by typing the I( address that appears hen you click the I2 button on the
M-ltipla0er +ame screen, you may ha'e multiple I( addresses. 4ou can display all of your
I( addresses by running Winipcfg.
$o r-n !inipcfg
,. .lick the Start button, and then click R-n.
-. Type !inipcfg, and then click (%.
3. &elect 222 Adapter. The correct I( address is displayed in the I2 Address bo8.
47* M-ltipla0er 2erformance ; If you e8perience performance problems during a
multiplayer game, try playing at a loer screen resolution or ha'e the host set the game
speed to Slo6 in the M-ltipla0er +ame screen.
48* Comp-ter 2la0ers in M-ltipla0er +ames ; It is not recommended that computer
players play in a multiplayer game o'er the Internet as it may slo the game. If you ould like
to add computer players to a multiplayer game, make sure the player ith the fastest
computer and fastest connection hosts the game.
Connection $0pe ; Alays select Internet T.(<I( .onnection for /irect(lay hen starting a
multiplayer game o'er the Internet. )&elect the Gocal )GA#+ T.(<I( .onnection if you are
playing on a pri'ate or home netork.+ If you choose GA# and you are playing on the
Internet, the game may hang. If this occurs, restart Age of Empires II and select Internet
T.(<I( .onnection for /irect(lay.
3oining a restored game ; If you attempt to 5oin a restored game 'ia direct I( and the game
as launched from the 7one, you ill not be able to 5oin the game. If a 7one restored game
fails, all players should e8it the game and re5oin through the 7one.
.ifferent modem speeds ; If to players ha'e different modem speeds, they ill be unable
to play ith each other. To fi8 this problem, use the same modem speed as your opponent.
,ome net6orAs and dial8-p connections ; If you ha'e a netork card and you dial in to
the Internet 'ia modem, you may ha'e trouble launching multiplayer games. To fi8 this
problem, unplug the netork cable from your netork card before connecting to the Internet.
%. Map Editor
4ou may e8perience problems hen creating your on background art for campaigns in the Map
Editor. If this occurs, do not use the first or last ,% colors in the color palette.
4. Age of Empires II Information
49* *or more information about Age of Empires II, 'isit our Web site at
50* If youMd like to play against opponents o'er the Internet, check out the M&# 6aming 7one
at http#55666.Eone.com5.

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