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Gods in Exile by J.J.

Van Der Leeuw

Gods in Exile
by J. J. Van Der Leeuw
Published in 1926
The Amerian Theoso!hial "oie#y$ %hia&o
Au#hor o' (The )ire o' %rea#ion( and o#her wor*s
T+ ,- TEA%.E/ %.0.LEAD1EATE/
T+ 0.+, 2 +0E ,+/E T.A3 %A3 EVE/ 1E /EPA2D
Pa&e 1
Gods in Exile by J.J. Van Der Leeuw
T.E 'ollowin& !a&es are based on an awa*enin& o' E&o4onsiousness whih ame #o me some li##le
#ime a&o. 2# brou&h# wi#h i# *nowled&e whih$ #hou&h i# ame in bu# a sin&le momen#$ has #a*en many
days #o reali5e and many !a&es #o desribe.
2 do no# laim any redi# 'or #he #eahin&s. 2 reei6ed #hem as we reei6e all #hin&s on #he Pa#h$ and !ass
#hem on #o o#hers in #he ho!e #ha# #hey may hel! #hem as #hey ha6e hel!ed me.
J. .J. VA3 DE/ LEE70
Pa&e 2
Gods in Exile by J.J. Van Der Leeuw
Chapter Contents Pae
)+/E0+/D 8
1 T.E D/A,A +) T.E "+7L 23 E92LE 11
2 T.E 0A- T+ T.E EG+ :;
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: T.E P+0E/" +) T.E EG+ =:
> T.E /ET7/3 +) T.E E92LE 1;9
A)TE/0+/D 119
Pa&e <
Gods in Exile by J.J. Van Der Leeuw
C!"P#ER $
#!E DR"%" OF #!E &O'L () E*(LE
T.E Pa#h o' +ul#ism is o'#en alled #he !a#h o' 0oe.
There is no reason why we should all i# a Pa#h o' 0oe ra#her #han a Pa#h o' Joy? #he same
ahie6emen# whih means woe #o our lower na#ure$ s!ells @oy #o our hi&her "el'$ and i# de!ends on #he
s#and!oin# we #a*e whe#her our ex!eriene will be @oy'ul or sorrow'ul. The immedia#e &oal on #he Pa#h o'
+ul#ism is #o aom!lish #he union +Pae $,- o' #hese #wo$ o' wha# we ommonly all our lower and our
hi&her "el'? and #his union is ahie6ed in #he 'irs# o' #he &rea# 2ni#ia#ions. "ine #he momen# o'
indi6iduali5a#ion #here is no &rea#er e6en# in #he his#ory o' #he human soul #han 2ni#ia#ion. 2# is$ as #he word
im!lies$ a new be&innin&$ #he be&innin& o' a new li'e$ o' onsious li'e in our own #rue "el' or E&o.
#!E "W".E)()G OF #!E &O'L
As lon& as man$ in his !il&rima&e #hrou&h ma##er$ iden#i'ies himsel' en#irely wi#h his bodies and 'ollows
en#irely #heir di#a#es$ in u##er obli6ion o' his own #rue$ di6ine na#ure$ he does no# su''er$ bu# is on#en#ed
in an animal way. 2# is only when #he soul in her ear#hly !rison be&ins #o reall #he di6ine +Pae $/- .ome
'rom whih she li6es exiled$ when #hrou&h lo6e$ beau#y or #ru#h$ onsiousness o' her own #rue na#ure
awa*ens$ #ha# su''erin& be&ins. 0e are li*e Prome#heus$ hained #o #he ro* o' ma##er$ bu# i# is no# un#il
we beome onsious o' wha# we #ruly are$ #ha# we are a# all aware o' bein& !risoners$ o' bein& exiles.
Thus mi&h# one li6e$ who in #he days o' his you#h had been banished 'rom his na#i6e land and who$ 'or
many years had been amon& s#ran&ers$ hardly rememberin&$ in #he !ri6a#ions and miseries o' his exile$
#ha# one he *new di''eren# surroundin&s. 1u# some day$ !erha!s$ he hears a son& whih he *new in his
you#h$ and in sudden a&ony remembers all he has los#$ reali5in& in !ain #ha# he is an exile$ 'ar 'rom all
#ha# was dear #o him. 2n #ha# +Pae $0- memory #he yearnin& 'or his na#i6e land is born a&ain$ and
beomes s#ron&er #han i# e6er was. 2# is only #hen #ha# su''erin& and s#ru&&le be&in? su''erin& beause o'
#he *nowled&e o' wha# he has los#$ s#ru&&le in #he a##em!# #o re&ain #ha# whih one he !ossessed.
2n a similar way$ #he awa*enin& o' #he soul$ when i# omes in #he ourse o' human e6olu#ion$ brin&s no#
only @oy$ bu# also su''erin& in i#s wa*e. As lon& as man li6ed #he animal li'e o' his bodies$ he *new
on#en#men# o' a sor#? bu# wi#h #he remembrane o' his #rue na#ure$ wi#h #he 6ision o' #he world #o whih
he belon&s$ #here is born #ha# a&e4lon& s#ru&&le in whih he #ries #o 'ree himsel' 'rom #he en#an&lemen#
wi#h #he worlds o' ma##er whih he has brou&h# +Pae $1- abou# by iden#i'yin& himsel' wi#h his bodies.
0here u! #o #his momen# he was no# onsious o' his bodies as a limi#a#ion$ #hey now beome #o him as
#he burnin& &armen# o' 3essus$ lin&in& #o him #he more he #ries #o 'ree himsel' 'rom #heir on#a#. )rom
now onwards$ he is #o *now himsel' as #wo !ersons in one? he is #o be onsious o' a hi&her di6ine "el'
wi#hin$ e6er allin& him ba* #o his di6ine .ome? and a lower animal na#ure$ whih is his onsiousness
bound #o and domina#ed by #he bodies.
Pa&e :
Gods in Exile by J.J. Van Der Leeuw
%OR"L &#R'GGLE () %")
There is no &rea#er !roblem$ no &rea#er di''iul#y in human li'e #han #his onsiousness o' bein& #wo
!ersons in one. Thus +Pae $2- "#. Paul &roaned under #he s#ri'e o' #he law o' his members a&ains# #he
law o' #he s!iri# and exlaimed in dis#ressA ()or #he &ood #ha# 2 would 2 do no#A bu# #he e6il whih 2 would
no#$ #ha# 2 do. 3ow i' 2 do #ha# 2 would no#$ i# is no more 2 #ha# do i#$ bu# sin #ha# dwelle#h in me. 2 'ind #hen a
law$ #ha#$ when 2 would do &ood$ e6il is !resen# wi#h me. )or 2 deli&h# in #he law o' God a'#er #he inward
man? bu# 2 see ano#her law in my members$ warrin& a&ains# #he law o' my mind$ and brin&in& me in#o
a!#i6i#y #o #he law o' sin whih is in my members. + wre#hed man #ha# 2 amB 0ho shall deli6er me 'rom
#he body o' #his dea#hC( D/oman. 8$ 1942:.E 3owhere !erha!s is #his s#ru&&le in man more !ro'oundly
desribed #han in #he Confessions o' "#. Au&us#ine. +Pae $3- .e saysA (2 was ra6ished #o #hee by #hine
own 1eau#y? and 2 was #orn 'rom #hee by my own wei&h#$ #hrowin& mysel' wi#h &roanin&s u!on #hese
lower #hin&s$ and #his wei&h# was #he us#om o' my 'lesh.( D8$18.E And a&ain he saysA (The @oys o' #his my
li'e whih deser6e #o be lamen#ed$ are a# s#ri'e wi#h my sorrows whih are #o be re@oied in$ and whih
way #he 6i#ory will inline$ 2 ye# *now no#.( D1;$ 2=.E 2# is #he e#ernal ex!eriene o' s#ri6in& man$
ex!ressed by Goe#he where he exlaimsA (Two souls$ alas$ li6e in #his breas# o' mine.( 2# is #he
ex!eriene o' e6ery as!iran# on #he Pa#h o' +ul#ism$ or e6en o' any human bein& who #ries #o li6e nobly
aordin& #o #he di#a#es o' his hi&her "el'$ and 'inds himsel' re#arded and im!eded by #he desires o' his
lower sel'. +Pae $4- There is no# a human li'e 'ree 'rom #his 'undamen#al s#ru&&le? in oun#less 'orms$ #his
many4headed .ydra on'ron#s us$ and #he li'e o' many a andida#e 'or +ul#ism is a #ra&edy beause o'
#his inner s#ri'e$ whih no# only auses au#e su''erin& and sel'4on#em!#$ bu# whih exhaus#s #he bodies
and drains #he 6i#ali#y. 2s #here any#hin& in human li'e harder #o bear #han #o see #he 6ision o' #he s!iri#
and #he nex# momen# #o deny #ha# 6ision in #he !ra#ie o' our li6esC 0e$ #hen$ 'eel #he sel'4on#em!# o'
whih P.1."helley s!ea*s as Fbi##erer #o drin* #han blood$G #he des!air o' 'ailin& a&ain and a&ain #o li6e as
we would li6e.
Grea# as is #his human #ra&edy$ #he mos# #ra&ial !ar# o' i# is #ha# i# is lar&ely unneessary and a resul#
o' our i&norane? i&norane +Pae $5- wi#h re&ard #o #he wor*in& o' our own onsiousness.
(G)OR")CE #!E C"'&E
The las# #hin& man diso6ers is himsel'. 2# is a s#ran&e ye# uni6ersal #ru#h #ha# manHs #hirs# 'or
*nowled&e should be&in wi#h #ha# whih is 'ur#hes# and end wi#h #ha# whih is neares#. Primi#i6e man
already has s#udied #he hea6ens$ bu# only modem man is be&innin& #o ex!lore #he mys#eries o' his own
,os# men are a mys#ery #o #hemsel6es? many are e6en unaware o' #he exis#ene o' #he mys#ery. 2' we
were #o as* #he a6era&e man wha# he$ #he li6in& human bein&$ really is? wha# ha!!ens when he 'eels$
and #hin*s$ IPa&e 2;J and a#s? wha# #he ause is o' #he s#ru&&le be#ween &ood and e6il o' whih he is
onsious in his own breas#$ he would no# only be unable #o answer$ bu# #he 6ery Kues#ions would seem
s#ran&e and no6el #o him. -e#$ wha# ould be s#ran&er #han #ha# any human bein& should &o #hrou&h li'e
and bear wi#h all i#s 6iissi#udes$ su''er #he miseries ommon #o all men$ re@oie in #he e6anesen#
!leasures o' li'e$ bear i#s inessan# burden and ne6er as* whyC 2' we were #o see a man #ra6ellin& under
&rea# disom'or# and many hardshi!s$ and i'$ when we as*ed him whi#her he was &oin&$ he were #o
answer #ha# #he Kues#ion had ne6er ourred #o him$ we should er#ainly onsider suh a man ra5y. -e#
Pa&e >
Gods in Exile by J.J. Van Der Leeuw
#ha# is exa#ly #he ase o' mos# !eo!le in ordinary li'e. They &o on #he @ourney 'rom IPa&e 21J bir#h #o
dea#h$ #hey #oil alon& #he weary road o' li'e$ and ne6er as* why$ or i' #hey do$ #hey as* #he Kues#ion in a
su!er'iial way$ no# really arin& whe#her #hey 'ind #he answer or no#.
1u# #he #ime omes 'or e6ery soul in her lon& !il&rima&e$ when li'e beomes im!ossible #o her unless
she does *now why? when$ disillusioned by #he world around in whih las#in& sa#is'a#ion an ne6er be
'ound$ #he soul eases 'or a momen# her 'ran#i hase a'#er illusions and in u##er exhaus#ion$ res#s silen#
and alone. 2# is #hen #ha# wi#hin #he soul is born #he onsiousness o' a new world? i# is #hen #ha#$ ha6in&
#urned her 'ae away 'rom #he &lamour o' #he world around$ she diso6ers #he abidin& reali#y o' #he world
wi#hin$ #he world o' #he "el'. Then$ and +Pae ,,- #hen alone are Kues#ions o' li'e answered$ bu#$ as
Emerson has i#$ #he soul answers ne6er by words$ bu# by #he #hin& i#sel' sou&h# a'#er.
#!E .)OWLEDGE OF O'R #R'E )"#'RE
Durin& #he !eriod o' s#ru&&le$ Kues#ions as #o #he !ur!ose o' li'e and manHs own bein& had 'ormula#ed
#hemsel6es$ bu# when #he answers ome #hey do no# answer #he Kues#ions bu# ra#her obli#era#e #hem in
#he ex!eriene o' #he reali#y i#sel'. Thus$ wi#h re&ard #o #he mys#ery o' manHs own bein&$ #he answer is no#
an in#elle#ual ex!osi#ion o' #he ons#i#u#ion o' man$ bu# ra#her an awareness o' his own inner "el' +Pae
,/- and as a resul#$ #he diso6ery o' #he world o' #ha# "el'. 0hen$ in #ha# world$ we onsider #he !roblem
o' #he duali#y whih we all ex!eriene in daily li'e$ o' a hi&her "el' on #he one hand and a lower sel' on
#he o#her$ we 'ind a wonder'ul #ru#h.
,an is essen#ially di6ine? as a son o' God he !ar#a*es o' #he na#ure o' his )a#her and shares .is
Godhead. ,anHs own and #rue home is #here'ore #he world o' #he Di6ine? #here we li6e and mo6e and
ha6e our bein& ('rom e#erni#y #o e#erni#y(. 2n his own world #he E&o o' man has his own a#i6i#ies and li6es
a li'e o' @oy and s!lendour beyond all ear#hly one!#ion. There is$ howe6er$ one lesson or ex!eriene
whih he anno# learn in his own world$ bu# 'or whih he has #o !u# 'or#h his onsiousness in#o #he +Pae
,0- worlds o' ou#er mani'es#a#ion where #here is mani'oldness and #he an#i#hesis o' (2( and (no#42(. 2# is
#here alone #ha#$ #hrou&h #he medium o' bodies om!osed o' #he ma##er o' #hese ou#er worlds$ #he E&o
an &ain sel'4onsiousness$ #ha# is #o say$ onsiousness o' himsel' as a se!ara#e indi6idual. The di6ine
world whih is #he #rue home o' #he E&o is a world in whih #here is no# #ha# dis#in#ion be#ween "el' and
no#4"el'$ bu# in whih e6ery !ar# shares #he uni6ersal onsiousness o' #he whole. Tha# is why in #his
world #he !ar#iular sel'4reali5a#ion whih is neessary #o #he E&o anno# be &ained. 2# is only in #he #hree4
'old uni6erse o' ou#er mani'es#a#ion$ #he !hysial world$ #he emo#ional world and #he men#al world$ #ha#
we 'ind #he duali#y o' sub@e# and ob@e# +Pae ,1- neessary 'or #he &ainin& o' sel'4onsiousness. Thus i#
is #ruly 'or #he &ainin& o' *nowled&e #ha# #he E&o !u#s himsel' 'or#h in#o #hese ou#er worlds and assumes
bodies o' #he ma##er o' #hese worlds. 2# is #his &oin& 'or#h o' #he soul in#o #he worlds o' dar*ness whih we
'ind symbolially desribed in #he s#ory o' Genesis. Primi#i6e Paradise is no# a s#a#e whih an las#$
howe6er &rea# i#s beau#y and harmony. The soul mus# ea# o' #he #ree o' &ood and e6il$ #he #ree o'
*nowled&e$ e6en #hou&h a# #he os# o' Paradise. .a6in& #hus beome onsious o' #he desire #o *now
#he worlds o' ma##er$ #he soul is lo#hed in (oa#s o' s*in$( #he bodies o' ma##er$ and hene'or#h has #o li6e
under #he ondi#ions o' ma#erial exis#ene$ (labourin& and brin&in& 'or#h in !ain(. +Pae ,2- The end o' #his
lon& exile is #he redem!#ion or re&enera#ion$ whih #a*es !lae when #he soul re&ains *nowled&e o' her
own di6ini#y$ and %hris# is born in #he hear# o' man. Then Paradise is re&ained$ bu# now in 'ull sel'4
onsiousness$ #he E&o in his own di6ine world !ossessin& #he 'rui#s yielded by #he soulHs desen# in#o
#he worlds o' ma##er.
Pa&e 6
Gods in Exile by J.J. Van Der Leeuw
#!E DR"%" OF #!E &O'L
0e may #hus loo* u!on #he re!ea#ed inarna#ions o' #he di6ine soul in #he worlds o' ou#er
mani'es#a#ion as an es!eial a#i6i#y o' #he E&o$ 'or #he s!ei'i !ur!ose o' aKuirin& *nowled&e whih
an only be &ained in #his manner. 0i#h #his !u##in& 'or#h o' #he di6ine onsiousness in#o #he #hree +Pae
,3- bodies$ #he !hysial body$ #he body o' emo#ions and #he body o' #hou&h#$ #here #a*es !lae #he
#ra&edy$ #he #rue 'all in#o ma##er$ whih is #he ause o' all subseKuen# su''erin& in #he !il&rima&e o' #he
soul. )or in #he !roess o' !u##in& 'or#h a !ar# o' her onsiousness in#o #he #hree bodies$ #ha# !ar#
iden#i'ies i#sel' wi#h #he bodies in#o whih i# is ex#ended$ and in #ha# iden#i'ia#ion$ 'eels i#sel' #o be #he
bodies whih are mean# #o be i#s ser6an#s. )eelin& i#sel' #o be #hese bodies$ #he inarna#e onsiousness
no lon&er shares #he all4embrain& onsiousness o' #he di6ine "el' #o whih i# belon&s$ bu# shares #he
se!ara#eness o' #he bodies and beomes an en#i#y$ se!ara#e 'rom and o!!osed #o o#her bein&s 4 #he
!ersonali#y. 2# is #he anien# s#ory o' 3arissus$ who$ beholdin& +Pae ,4- his ima&e mirrored on #he
sur'ae o' #he !ool$ yearns #o embrae #ha# ima&e and in so doin& is en&ul'ed in #he wa#ers whih
mirrored him. Thus #he inarna#e onsiousness is en&ul'ed in #he sea o' ma##er and$ in i#s iden#i'ia#ion
wi#h #he se!ara#e bodies$ is shu# o'' 'rom #he "el' o' whih i# is !ar# and no lon&er *nows i#sel' as #ha#
whih i# #ruly is 4 a son o' God.
Then be&ins #he a&e4lon& #ra&edy o' #he soul in exile$ obli6ious o' her own di6ine heri#a&e and
de&raded in her unonsious submission #o #hose bodies whih should be her willin& ins#rumen#s. 2# is
#he old Gnos#i my#h o' "o!hia$ #he di6ine soul$ li6in& in exile amon&s# #hie6es and robbers who abuse
and humilia#e her un#il she is redeemed by #he %hris# and re#urns #o her di6ine home. +Pae ,5-
%an #here be a &rea#er #ra&edy and a more !ro'ound de&rada#ion #han #ha# in whih #he di6ine soul$
member o' #he hi&hes# 3obili#y$ #ha# o' #he Godhead i#sel'$ is sub@e# #o #he humilia#ion and indi&ni#y o' an
exis#ene in whih$ 'or&e#'ul o' her own hi&h ran*$ she su''ers hersel' #o be ensla6ed by ma##erC
"ome#imes when we see humani#y a# i#s wors#$ u&ly in i#s ha#red$ disharmonious in i#s es#ran&emen# 'rom
3a#ure$ oarse and bru#al or s#u!id and su!er'iial$ we 'eel #his in#ense #ra&edy o' #he exile o' #he soul
and are au#ely onsious o' #he de&rada#ion su''ered by #he immor#al "el' wi#hin.
" C!")GE OF "##(#'DE )ECE&&"R6
Thus #hen our onsiousness o' bein& dual$ o' bein& a hi&her "el' wi#hin and a +Pae /7- lower sel'
wi#hou#$ is based on i&norane. 0e are no# #wo$ bu# one. 0e are #he di6ine "el' and no#hin& else. .is
world is our world$ his li'e our li'e. 0ha# ha!!ens is #ha# when we !u# 'or#h our di6ine onsiousness in#o
#he bodies #hrou&h whih we ha6e #o &ain er#ain ex!erienes$ we iden#i'y oursel6es wi#h #hese bodies
and beome obli6ious o' wha# we #ruly are. Then #he im!risoned onsiousness$ ensla6ed by #he #hree
bodies$ 'ollows #heir desires and we all i# #he lower sel' or !ersonali#y. The 6oie 'rom wi#hin$ our own
#rue 6oie$ we 'eel as #he all o' #he hi&her "el'? and be#ween #hese #wo$ E&o and !ersonali#y$ our
s#ru&&le and su''erin&$ our 6eri#able rui'ixion$ #a*es !lae. -e# mos# o' #ha# su''erin& is due #o our
i&norane and eases when we reali5e +Pae /$- our #rue na#ure. This$ howe6er$ means an en#ire han&e
o' a##i#ude. To be&in wi#h$ our one!#ion o' #he duali#y o' our na#ure is wron&. 0e always s!ea* o' #he
soul$ s!iri#$ hi&her "el'$ E&o$ or wha#soe6er else we all our hi&her na#ure$ as o' some#hin& or some one
u! abo6e$ while we oursel6es$ #he lower na#ure$ or !ersonali#y$ li6e down below. 0e #hen loo* u!on our
e''or#s #o reah #he hi&her as #he a##em!# #o &ain some#hin& essen#ially 'orei&n #o oursel6es and
Pa&e 8
Gods in Exile by J.J. Van Der Leeuw
onseKuen#ly hard #o ob#ain. "o$ o'#en we s!ea* o' #he (#remendous e''or#( reKuired #o reah #he hi&her
"el'? a# o#her #imes a&ain we s!ea* o' ins!ira#ion or *nowled&e$ s!iri#ual s#ren&#h or lo6e$ as omin& 'rom
#ha# hi&her "el' #o us down below. 2n all #hese ases$ we ommi# #he 'undamen#al +Pae /,- error o'
iden#i'yin& oursel6es wi#h #ha# whih we are no#$ and we a!!roah #he en#ire !roblem in #ha# a##i#ude. The
'irs# ondi#ion o' s!iri#ual ahie6emen# is #he er#ain#y beyond any doub# #ha# we are #he s!iri# or hi&her
"el'? and #he seond ondi#ion$ as im!or#an# and essen#ial as #he 'irs#$ is #he on'idene in our own
!owers as #he E&o and #he oura&e #o use #hem 'reely$ 2ns#ead o' loo*in& u!on our usual s#a#e o'
onsiousness as na#ural and normal$ and loo*in& u!wards #owards #he E&o as a lo'#y bein& #o be
reahed by on#inuous and #remendous e''or#$ we mus# be&in #o loo* u!on our ordinary s#a#e o'
onsiousness as abnormal and unna#ural and u!on #he li'e o' #he s!iri# as our own #rue li'e$ 'rom whih
by on#inuous e''or# we *ee! oursel6es es#ran&ed. +Pae //-
&EP"R"#E)E&& #!E "8)OR%"L &#"#E
2# hardly e6er ours #o us wha# !ersis#en# and 'ormidable e''or# we all ha6e #o ma*e in order #o
main#ain #he illusion o' our se!ara#e !ersonali#ies. All day lon& we ha6e #o asser# oursel6es$ de'end our
belo6ed indi6iduali#y 'rom a##a*s by o#hers$ see #ha# i# is no# i&nored$ sli&h#ed$ o''ended or in any way
denied #ha# reo&ni#ion whih we 'eel is owin& #o i#. Then$ a&ain$ in all #he #hin&s whih we desire 'or
oursel6es we see* #o s#ren&#hen our se!ara#e !ersonali#ies by #he aKuisi#ion o' #he desired ob@e#s.
2# is by #he iden#i'ia#ion o' our #rue s!iri#ual "el' wi#h #he #em!orary bodies #hrou&h whih #he "el' is
mani'es#$ #ha# #he illusion +Pae /0- o' our se!ara#e sel' is born. 2# is as i' #he onsiousness o' #he #rue
"el' or E&o were s#re#hed downward in#o #he bodies and #here &o# en#an&led and #wis#ed in suh a
manner #ha# i# 'orms a se!ara#e s!here o' onsiousness en#ered round #he bodies #o whih i# is #hus
a##ahed. 1u# i# is no# a normal s#a#e$ i# is dis#in#ly and essen#ially abnormal and unna#ural. As well mi&h#
we all i# normal and na#ural i' a band o' 2ndia4rubber were #o be !ulled down and s#re#hed ou# in one
!ar#iular s!o# and #he ex#ension #hus 'ormed be a##ahed #o some 'ixed ob@e#. The a##ahmen# is
abnormal and #he momen# i# is disen#an&led 'rom #ha# 'ix#ure i# will resume i#s na#ural sha!e and #he band
o' rubber will one a&ain be one harmonious whole. 2n li*e manner we need +Pae /1- only release our
onsiousness 'rom #he bodies #o whih we ha6e a##ahed i#. 0e need only surrender #he illusion o'
se!ara#eness whih we so #enderly 'os#er all day lon&$ and #he ex#ension o' onsiousness$ whih 'orms
#he se!ara#e !ersonali#y$ will na#urally and au#oma#ially 'low ba* in#o #he &rea#er "el' whih we really
are. 0e s!ea* a &rea# deal abou# #he e''or# and s#rain needed #o a##ain #o s!iri#ual onsiousness$ bu#
how muh a##en#ion do we e6er &i6e #he a!!allin& s#rain and e''or# needed #o main#ain #he illusion o'
se!ara#enessC 2# is #rue$ we are no# onsious o' main#ainin& i#$ i# has beome a seond na#ure #o us #o
asser# oursel6es a# #he os# o' our surroundin&s$ #o &e# wha# we wan# and #o *ee! wha# we ha6e$ and in
onseKuene$ #he &i&an#i e''or# +Pae /2- needed 'or #his sel'4asser#ion and ma&ni'ia#ion o' #he
!ersonali#y is unno#ied by us. 2# is #here ne6er#heless.
Le# us$ #hen$ by a de'ini#e e''or# o' #he will sha*e o'' #ha# mi&h#y su!ers#i#ion whih holds us ensla6ed #o
#he worlds o' ma##er and !re6en#s us 'rom seein& wha# we #ruly are? and le# us reo&ni5e$ asser# and
main#ain our own di6ini#y. There is ne6er !ride or se!ara#eness in #ha# asser#ion$ 'or #he *eyno#e o' #ha#
world in whih we #hus en#er$ our own #rue world$ is uni#y$ and suh a #hin& as sel'4onei# or !ride in
!ersonal &rea#ness anno# exis# in #ha# a#mos!here. Pride is a !lan# whih an only 'lower in #he hea6ier
re&ions o' #he worlds o' ma##er? #he momen# we en#er our #rue .ome suh #hin&s mus# neessarily ease
#o be. +Pae /3- 2# is only by #hus libera#in& our onsiousness 'rom #he #hralldom o' #he bodies$ by
Pa&e =
Gods in Exile by J.J. Van Der Leeuw
reali5in& #he !owers whih we$ e6eryone o' us$ ha6e as a di6ine "el' or E&o$ and 'inally$ by re'usin& #o
beome en#an&led a&ain in #he web o' ma#erial exis#ene$ #ha# we an a##ain #ha# whih we se# ou# #o
reah? 'reedom 'rom #he exhaus#in& and embi##erin& s#ru&&le be#ween hi&her and lower sel' whih
!oisons #he li'e o' so many an earnes# as!iran#? wi#hdrawal o' lower in#o hi&her "el' 4 2ni#ia#ion.
DO()G9 )O# "GREE()G
There is no use in readin& a #hin& and reo&ni5in& #ha# i# is #rue$ a!!reia#in&$ as i# were$ i#s orre#ness
'rom a dis#ane. +Pae /4- 2' we would bene'i# by i#$ i# mus# beome more #han a #eahin&$ i# mus# beome
!ra#ie. And so in #he 'ollowin& !a&es we shall #ry #o ma*e #he ex!erimen#$ no# merely o' reo&ni5in&
#ha# we in our #rue onsiousness are #he E&o$ bu# o' a#ually disen#an&lin& #ha# onsiousness 'rom #he
limi#a#ions$ in whih i# is im!risoned$ and brin&in& i#$ #hus released$ in#o #he world o' di6ine @oy and
'reedom where i# belon&s.
2# has almos# beome a !la#i#ude #o say #ha# wha# we wan# in our #imes is a#ion and no# words$ bu# ye#
i# is !ro'oundly #rue$ and i# should be arried ou# in a #y!e o' le#ures and boo*s$ in whih #he au#hor or
s!ea*er does no# merely say #hin&s whih may or may no# be a!!reia#ed by his !ubli$ bu# in whih he
and his readers or +Pae /5- hearers #o&e#her &o$ as i# were$ on an ex!edi#ion in#o #he realms o' #he
un*nown$ where one may lead and o#hers may 'ollow$ bu# where all ha6e #o &o 'or #hemsel6es. Thus our
le#ures should be a#ion4le#ures$ our boo*s a#ion4boo*s and #hose who read or lis#en should under&o
in #heir own onsiousness #ha# whih is s!o*en abou#. Le# us #hen do so in our a##em!# #o *now
oursel6es as #ha# whih we #ruly are$ no# readin& #hese !a&es in an ob@e#i6e way as i' on#em!la#in& a
s!e#ale ou#side oursel6es$ bu# #ryin& #o iden#i'y oursel6es wi#h wha# is said$ and doin& in our own
onsiousness #ha# whih we read abou# in #hese !a&es. +Pae 07-
Pa&e 9
Gods in Exile by J.J. Van Der Leeuw
C!"P#ER ,
#!E W"6 #O #!E EGO
1EG23 #hen by #hin*in& abou# yoursel6es and wa#h wha# omes in#o your mind when you do so #hin*.
-ou will 'ind #ha# you na#urally #hin* o' yoursel' as you a!!ear !hysially$ as you loo* in #he mirror wi#h #he
'ae whih is 'amiliar #o you and bearin& #he name whih is a# !resen# yours. This is #he 'irs# illusion you
ha6e #o onKuer$ 'or as lon& as we #hin* o' oursel6es as #he !hysial body we on#inue #o iden#i'y
oursel6es +Pae 0$- wi#h #ha# body and #ha# is exa#ly wha# we should no# do. 1y iden#i'yin& oursel6es wi#h
#he !hysial body$ or i#s sub#ler oun#er!ar# #he e#heri body$ we ma*e oursel6es subser6ien# #o #heir
desires and #heir ondi#ions o' exis#ene? onseKuen#ly our body res!onds #o e6ery han&e o'
irums#anes #o whih i# is sub@e#ed and i# 'ollows i#s own way ins#ead o' ours. The resul# is wea*ness
and ill4heal#h$ and a er#ain hea6iness or dullness in #he body whih ma*es i# unable #o res!ond #o #he
"el' wi#hin.
#!E C!")GE () #!E P!6&(C"L 8OD6
All #ha# han&es when we o6erome #he illusion o' bein& #he body and see i# as @us# wha# i# is$ as our
ser6an# or ins#rumen# in +Pae 0,- #he !hysial world. 0e mus#$ as i# were$ han&e #he !olari#y o' #he
whole rela#ion? ins#ead o' #he !hysial world domina#in& us #hrou&h #he !hysial body wi#h whih we ha6e
iden#i'ied oursel6es$ we mus# on#rol #he !hysial world #hrou&h #he !hysial body whih we ha6e made
subser6ien# #o oursel6es. The en#re o' &ra6i#y mus# be shi'#ed 'rom #he !hysial body #o #he
onsiousness whih is ours$ we mus# as i# were 'eel #ha# we wi#hdraw #he en#re o' our onsiousness
and 'eel oursel6es s#andin& behind and wor*in& #hrou&h #he !hysial body$ no# one wi#h i#. The resul#
!rodued by #his han&e o' a##i#ude #owards #he !hysial body is !ro'ound? as small !ar#iles o' iron
'ilin&s &rou! #hemsel6es round one ommon en#re when a ma&ne# is brou&h# +Pae 0/- near$ and
beome all arrayed alon& #he lines o' 'ore in #he ma&ne#i 'ield #hus aused$ e6en so #he !ar#iles o' #he
e#heri and !hysial bodies$ ins#ead o' bein& hao#i and aimless and sub@e# #o any hane in'luene
'rom wi#hou#$ beome subser6ien# #o #he one on#rollin& in'luene o' #he will wi#hin. 0e mus# 'eel #hem
li*e #ha#$ 'eel #he han&e brou&h# abou# by our asser#ion #ha# we are no# #he body bu# #ha# #he body is
ours. 0e mus# 'eel #ha# hene'or#h i# is 6i#ali#y 'rom wi#hin whih nourishes and ener&i5es #he e#heri and
!hysial bodies$ more so #han 6i#ali#y 'rom wi#hou#. The en#ire han&e is one whih mus# be ex!eriened
and 'el# ra#her #han #hou&h# abou# and disussed. 0e mus# 'eel our !hysial body beomin& 6ibran# and
res!onsi6e #o #he +Pae 00- onsiousness wi#hin$ sub@e# #o i#s laws and ondi#ions ra#her #han #o #hose o'
#he !hysial world around.
2n all we do durin& our daily li'e #ha# a##i#ude mus# be main#ained. 0e mus# 'eel all #he #ime #ha# we
onsiously wor* #hrou&h #he !hysial body and #ha# i# does no# wor* o' i#s own aord. Thus we mus#
&i6e i# re&ulari#y o' habi#s$ o' ea#in& and slee!in& and o' exerise$ so #ha# i# may be a !er'e# ins#rumen#.
7nless #he musles o' our !hysial body are #rained daily by !hysial exerise we anno# ex!e# our
body #o be resilien# and res!onsi6e$ and 'ar more de!ends on !hysial heal#h #han is reo&ni5ed in
!ra#ie. 2n a similar way we mus# re&ula#e our ea#in& so #ha# i# beomes !ossible 'or #he !hysial body #o
be aler# and +Pae 01- res!onsi6e. 2ns#ead o' ea#in& any 'ood in any way$ we mus# ea# only #hose 'orms o'
'ood whih will ma*e #he body a leaner$ s#ron&er and 'iner ins#rumen# 'or us #o use$ and while we ea# we
mus# be onsious o' wha# we are doin&$ buildin& #he nourishmen# in#o #he body 'rom wi#hin. This a&ain is
some#hin& we mus# do and ex!eriene ra#her #han a!!roah in#elle#ually. 0e mus# ha6e #he 'eelin& #ha#
Pa&e 1;
Gods in Exile by J.J. Van Der Leeuw
we ea# onsiously and #ha# while we #a*e a mou#h'ul o' 'ood$ we s!iri#ually build i# in#o #he #ex#ure o' #he
body. Those amon&s# %hris#ians who belon& #o a hurh whih reo&ni5es #he 6alue o' #he "aramen#s
*now #he meanin& o' %ommunion$ *now also #he !ar#iular way in whih #he onsera#ed elemen#s are
onsumed. 2n @us# #he same way we should +Pae 02- #a*e all 'ood$ 'or all ma##er is onsera#ed by #he
!resene o' %hris#$ and .is Li'e is in all #hin&s$ e6en #hou&h in #he onsera#ed .os# and 0ine #ha#
Presene is mani'es# in 'ullness.
2n #hose and in many o#her ways we an assis# #he han&e in #he e#heri and !hysial bodies$ whih #he
.erme#i !hiloso!hers *new so well as #he re&enera#ion o' #he body$ and ma*e #hem !er'e# ins#rumen#s
'or #he "el' wi#hin. 2# is a 6ery real han&e and$ when aom!lished$ 'or e6er brea*s #he dominion o' #he
!hysial body o6er our onsiousness$ ma*in& i# a well4a##uned ins#rumen# 'or us #o use.
#!E C!")GE () #!E "&#R"L 8OD6
3ow wi#hdraw #he en#re o' onsiousness 'rom #he !hysial body$ a !roess whih +Pae 03- #a*es
!lae na#urally when we han&e our a##i#ude wi#h re&ard #o #he body. +' ourse we do no# wi#hdraw #he
onsiousness en#irely$ 'or #hen we should 'all aslee! or &o in#o a #rane$ bu# we no lon&er *ee! our
onsiousness in #he body$ we *ee! i# a# a hi&her le6el and wor* #hrou&h #he body$ and #ha# is a 6ery
di''eren# ma##er.
.a6in& done so we mus# brin& abou# #he same han&e wi#h re&ard #o our emo#ional or as#ral body as
we did wi#h re&ard #o our !hysial body. A&ain we 'ind #he same di''iul#y. As a rule we allow our
emo#ional bodies #o belon& #o #he emo#ional world$ we allow #ha# world #o de#ermine #hem and allow
desires and emo#ions #o be 'ormed in #he emo#ion4body by in'luenes 'rom wi#hou#. +' ourse we do no#
always *now i#? +Pae 04- we ha6e no# ye# learned #he dis#in#ion be#ween (2( and (no#42( wi#h re&ard #o
wha# we all #he (inner( worlds$ #he world o' #he emo#ions and #he world o' #hou&h#$ and in onseKuene
we 'eel emo#ions and #hou&h#s (omin& u! wi#hin us($ whereas in reali#y #hey ome o6er us 'rom wi#hou#
or a# leas# are ini#ed 'rom wi#hou#. The resul#$ when loo*ed a# lair6oyan#ly$ is #ha# #he as#ral body shows
di''eren# !a#hes o' olour$ dis#ribu#ed irre&ularly o6er i# and han&in& readily under ex#ernal in'luenes.
All #ha# mus# be han&ed. 0e mus# see our emo#ion4body and reali5e i# as our 6ehile in #he as#ral world.
0e mus# #a*e i# in #he 'irm &ri! o' #he E&o and e''e# #he same han&e in i# whih we made in #he !hysial
body? we mus# 6i#ali5e #he emo#ional +Pae 05- body 'rom wi#hin and send #hrou&h i# #he emo#ions whih
we de#ermine #o ha6e.
Try #o 'eel #ha# han&e in yoursel'. Try #o 'eel your as#ral body swe!# lean o' all #hose !e##y desires and
emo#ions whih are so #roublesome$ and de#ermine wha# emo#ions you$ #he di6ine "el'$ are &oin& #o allow
in #ha# emo#ion4body o' yours. )eel #hese emo#ions and le# #hem radia#e ou# onsiously. )irs# o' all 'eel
lo6e$ no# lo6e whih desires #o !ossess$ bu# lo6e whih &oes ou# 'reely #o all bein&s and all #hin&s. Then
'eel de6o#ion 4 de6o#ion #o #he ,as#er$ de6o#ion #o #he &rea# wor*$ de6o#ion #o #he hi&hes# you *now 4 and
'lood your as#ral body wi#h #ha# de6o#ion. 3ex# 'eel sym!a#hy 'or all who su''er? 'eel #ha# your hear# &oes
ou# in om!assion #o e6eryone who su''ers in #he +Pae 17- wide world. )inally 'eel s!iri#ual as!ira#ion? 'eel
yoursel' as!irin& wi#h in#ensi#y #o hi&her #hin&s$ and 'eel #ha# #rue s!iri#uali#y radia#in& ou# #hrou&h your
emo#ion4body. 0hen in #his way you$ #he "el'$ de#ermine wha# 'eelin&s #o ha6e and onsiously send ou#
#hese hi&her emo#ions #hrou&h your as#ral body$ i# beomes a 6ery di''eren# #hin& indeed. 2ns#ead o'
showin& dri'#in&$ loudy emo#ions whih han&e ons#an#ly$ i# beomes a radian# ob@e#$ s#eadily sendin&
Pa&e 11
Gods in Exile by J.J. Van Der Leeuw
'or#h #he emo#ions whih you de#ermine #o ha6e and #hrobbin& rhy#hmially under #he im!ulse 'rom
wi#hin. "een lair6oyan#ly also i# beomes a 6ery di''eren# ob@e#? ins#ead o' showin& loudy !a#hes o'
olour i# shows a 'ew learly de'ined emo#ions$ onen#rially arran&ed$ +Pae 1$- radia#in& ou# s#eadily
'rom #he en#re o' #he as#ral body. Thus a&ain #he same han&e is brou&h# abou# in i#$ o' whih we s!o*e
in onne#ion wi#h #he !hysial body.
.ere a&ain we an om!are #he han&e #o #ha# in a mass o' iron 'ilin&s brou&h# under #he in'luene o' a
ma&ne#i 'ield. There is now in #he as#ral body a en#ral &o6ernin&$ domina#in& 0ill and onseKuen#ly i# is
now 6i#ali5ed and de#ermined by #ha# 0ill 'rom wi#hin. 2# has now beome our ser6an#$ and no
exi#emen#s$ emo#ions or #em!#a#ions 'rom wi#hou# an awa*en wi#hin i# emo#ions or desires whih we do
no# wish. The as#ral body is no lon&er @us# !ar# and !arel o' #he as#ral world around i#$ bu# has been
sin&led ou# +Pae 1,- 'rom #he remainin& as#ral world and beomes o4ordina#ed wi#h #he "el' wi#hin. The
!olari#y has$ as i# were$ been han&ed? i# is now 6i#ali5ed 'rom wi#hin and radia#es ou# s#eadily #he hi&her
emo#ions 'or #he hel!in& o' #he world around.
2n brin&in& abou# #his han&e in #he as#ral body we ha6e #a*en one more s#e! #owards o6eromin& #ha#
duali#y o' hi&her and lower sel' whih aused us so muh #rouble in #he !as# and was due #o our
i&norane in allowin& !ar# o' our onsiousness #o be domina#ed o6er by #he bodies. 2n ma*in& #he as#ral
body subser6ien# #o #he "el' wi#hin$ we a&ain wi#hdraw #he en#re o' onsiousness 'rom i#$ disen#an&le
#he onsiousness$ as i# were$ 'rom #he body in whih i# had beome en#an&led$ and lead +Pae 1/- i# one
s#e! nearer #o #he world where i# belon&s$ holdin& i# li*e #ha#$ 6i#ali5ed 'rom wi#hin$ our ser6an#.
#!E C!")GE () #!E %E)#"L 8OD6
3ex# we mus# onsider #he #hou&h#4body and han&e i# round #oo. 2n some ways #he han&e #o be
brou&h# abou# in #ha# men#al body is #he mos# essen#ial o' all$ 'or in #ha# #hou&h#4body our real dan&er
lies$ e6en #hou&h we may be i&noran# o' suh dan&er.
0e ne6er a#$ we ne6er s!ea* unless we ha6e 'irs# #hou&h#$ 'irs# made an ima&e o' wha# we are &oin&
#o do$ 'irs# (ima&ined( i#. 0e are no# aware o' #his? #he wor*in&s o' #he mind are so ra!id and our
onsiousness is suh un*nown #erri#ory #o us #ha# we +Pae 10- do no# *now #he #hin&s #ha# ha!!en in i#.
1u# when we so muh as li'# our hand we 'irs# #hin* #he mo6emen#$ we ma*e an ima&e o' i# and #ha#
ima&e$ bein& rea#i6e$ is reali5ed in a#ion. Thou&h# in us is #he mani'es#a#ion o' #he .oly Ghos#$ God #he
%rea#or$ and i# is #ha# su!reme rea#i6e Ener&y whih is mani'es# in our !ower o' #hou&h#$ ma*in& i# a
double4ed&ed sword$ all #he more dan&erous #o us when we do no# *now i#s !ower. 0hen we #hin* we
ma*e an ima&e in #he men#al body$ we rea#e a #hin& and 'ill i# wi#h di6ine rea#i6e Ener&y$ whih mus#
dishar&e i#sel' in a#ion. "ome#imes a number o' re!ea#ed #hou&h#s are neessary be'ore #he #o#al
har&e o' rea#i6e ener&y is su''iien# #o brin& abou# a#ion$ and$ when o'#en +Pae 11- re!ea#ed$ #hou&h#s
se# u! a habi# or us#om and many a #ime we beome !owerless #o resis# #he #hin& we oursel6es ha6e
All #ha# would no# be harm'ul i' we de#ermined our #hou&h#4ima&es 'rom wi#h4in$ i' we$ #he di6ine "el'$
made #he ima&e in 'ull onsiousness. The dan&er$ #he #errible dan&er #o our en#ire li'e$ lies in #he 'a#
#ha# we allow #he rea#ion o' #hou&h#4ima&es #o be ini#ed 'rom wi#hou#$ #ha# we allow s#imuli 'rom #he
Pa&e 12
Gods in Exile by J.J. Van Der Leeuw
ou#side world #o all u! ima&es in #he men#al body$ #o #hrow #he rea#i6e men#al ma##er in#o #hou&h#4
'orms$ har&ed wi#h ener&y$ whih will neessarily see* #o dishar&e and #hus reali5e #hemsel6es. 2n #his
un&o6erned a#i6i#y o' #he men#al body lies #he soure o' !ra#ially all our inner s#ru&&le and s!iri#ual
di''iul#ies. +Pae 12- 2# is i&norane whih allows #he undisi!lined 'un#ion o' a body whih should be
ours #o use and whih should no# use us. 0hen we do so allow our men#al bodies #o be roused 'rom
wi#hou# #o #he ma*in& o' ima&es we are los# and our s#ru&&le be&ins.
#!E D")GER OF ") ')D(&C(PL()ED (%"G()"#(O)
%onsider #he exam!le o' a man ra6in& 'or drin*. .e *nows #he misery aused by his wea*ness$ he
*nows how i# was#es his wa&es and s#ar6es his 'amily$ and$ in his sane momen#s$ he de#ermines #o &i6e i#
u!. 3ow he !asses a !lae in #he s#ree# where he an &e# drin*$ sees !eo!le &o in and ou# and !erha!s
e6en smells #he drin*. 7! #o +Pae 13- #ha# momen# he is sa'e 'rom #em!#a#ion$ sa'e 'rom s#ru&&le? bu#
wha# ha!!ens nowC 2n #ha# shor# 'ra#ion o' a seond he ima&ines himsel' drin*in&? he ma*es a #hou&h#4
ima&e and 'or a momen# li6es and a#s in #ha# #hou&h#4ima&e o' himsel' en@oyin& his drin*. .e 'eels how i#
sa#is'ies his ra6in&$ bu# in reali#y i# has only inreased i# and made #he ensuin& a#ion almos#
una6oidable. Then$ ha6in& rea#ed #he ima&e$ he bela#edly alls u!on his will and saysA (2 do no# wan# #o
do #his #hin&.( 1u# #hen i# is #oo la#e$ #hen #he s#ru&&le is !ra#ially 'u#ile. +ne #he #hou&h#4ima&e has
been rea#ed$ reali5a#ion in a#ion &enerally 'ollows. "ome#imes o' ourse #he ima&e is no# Kui#e s#ron&
enou&h and he sueeds in re!ressin& i#. 1u# e6en +Pae 14- #hen #here is all #he s#ru&&le and exhaus#ion
o' #he bodies and #he su''erin& whih resul#s. The be##er way is #o !re6en# #he rea#i6e #hou&h#4ima&e
'rom bein& 'ormed$ #o in#er6ene when in#er6en#ion is s#ill e''e#i6e.
,ore su''erin& is aused by #his undisi!lined ima&ina#ion #han we #hin*. All #he oun#less oasions #o
be 'ound in #he li6es o' so many where #hey 'ail #o on#rol #heir lower !assions$ es!eially sex4desire$ are
#he resul# o' an undisi!lined ima&ina#ion$ no# o' a wea* will. A s#ron& desire may be 'el#$ bu# i# is rea#i6e
#hou&h# whih brin&s abou# a#ion. ,os# !eo!le i&nore #heir ima&inin&s$ day4dreams or #hou&h#s and
#hin* #hey are harmless beause no# #an&ible or 6isible #o #he ordinary eye. +Pae 15- 2n reali#y #hey are #he
one and only dan&er. )or #he man wi#h s#ron& sex4desire #here is no dan&er in seein& or #hin*in& o' #he
ob@e# o' his desire unless in so #hin*in& he be&ins #o ima&ine #he sa#is'a#ion o' his ra6in&. 2# is when he
has made #he ima&e o' himsel' as &i6in& way #o his desires$ and when he has allowed his desires #o
s#ren&#hen #he ima&e whih he has made$ #ha# his dan&er be&ins. A man mi&h# be surrounded by ob@e#s
o' desire and ye# no# ex!eriene any di''iul#y or s#ru&&le i' he ould only !re6en# his ima&ina#ion$ his
rea#i6e #hou&h#4!ower$ rea#in& on #he ob@e#s he sees. 0e ne6er reali5e su''iien#ly #ha# #here is no
!ower wha#soe6er in ob@e#s o' desire unless we allow oursel6es #o rea# u!on #hem$ unless we +Pae 27-
indul&e in ima&ina#ions whih are rea#i6e. 1u# one ha6in& done #ha#$ s#ru&&le is er#ain #o ensue. 0e
#hen all u!on wha# we #hin* #o be our will$ and #ry #o esa!e 'rom #he resul#s o' our own ima&ina#ion by a
'ran#i resis#ane. )ew !eo!le ha6e learn# as ye# #ha# anxious or 'ran#i resis#ane ins!ired by 'ear is
some#hin& 6ery di''eren# 'rom #he will.
#!E '&E OF #!E W(LL
0hen ,. %ouL$ in his e!oh4ma*in& ex!osi#ion o' #he !ower o' #he ima&ina#ion or #he rea#i6e !ower o'
#hou&h#$ said 2 #ha# when #he will and #he ima&ina#ion are a# war #he ima&ina#ion always wins$ he was
Kui#e ri&h# as lon& as by will we unders#and only #ha# 'ran#i and anxious +Pae 2$- resis#ane whih #o
Pa&e 1<
Gods in Exile by J.J. Van Der Leeuw
mos# !eo!le is #he subs#i#u#e 'or will. Thus when we learn #o ride a biyle and$ seein& a soli#ary #ree in
our way ma*e s#rai&h# 'or #he one obs#ale whih is sure #o brin& us #o &rie'$ our mis#a*e lies in an
unon#rolled ima&ina#ion? we allow oursel6es #o ima&ine #ha# we are &oin& #o hi# #he #ree$ rea#e a
#hou&h#4ima&e o' oursel6es doin& #ha# and #hen s#ren&#hen i# by emo#ion$ in #his ase 'ear. Then we be&in
#o resis# i#$ bu# we should no# all #his anxious and 'ran#i resis#ane (will(. Tha# resis#ane er#ainly
s#ren&#hens #he ima&ina#ion and e6en assis#s in brin&in& abou# #he e6en# 'rom whih we #ry #o esa!e.
1u# i' we used #he real will we would no# allow #he ima&ina#ion #o rea# on #he #ree a# all$ in 'a#$ ha6in&
+Pae 2,- no#ied #he #ree and almly re&is#ered i#s exis#ene$ we would no# allow i# #o in'luene our
onsiousness$ bu# on #he on#rary *ee! our ima&ina#ion busy wi#h #he lear and o!en road$ whih we
desire #o #a*e. The #ree would #hen be !ra#ially none exis#en# 'or us and all we would see would be #he
o!en road.
There is an old s#ory o' #hree arhers who had a on#es# as #o who ould hi# a bird in a 'ar4o'' #ree. The
'irs# one saw #he #ree bu# missed #he bird? #he seond one saw #he bird$ bu# only #ouhed i#? #he #hird
aimin& a# #he bird Di# mus# ha6e been a 6ery !laid birdE saw nei#her #he #ree nor #he bird bu# only #he eye
a# whih he aimed$ and he sueeded. Tha# is #he !ower o' #he real will$ #he !ower #o see only #he one
ob@e# we +Pae 2/- desire #o ahie6e and no#hin& else. 2' #he drun*ard used his real will he would only
see #he one !ur!ose o' &oin& alon& #he road #o his real des#ina#ion$ and !assin& a !ubli house would
no# ause him any s#ru&&le or #em!#a#ion. 2# is by #he !ower o' #he real will #ha# we an *ee! #he
ima&ina#ion onen#ra#ed on #he one !ur!ose we ha6e de#ermined #o ahie6e? #he es!eial 'un#ion o'
#he will is no# #o do #hin&s or #o s#ru&&le a&ains# #hin&s$ bu# #o hold one !ur!ose in #he onsiousness and
exlude all else.
#!E %E)#"L 8OD69 #!E V(#"L &PO#
Thus i# is in #he men#al body #ha# #he wed&e mus# en#er? we mus# re'use #o allow any ima&es #o be
'ormed in #he men#al body wi#hou# our san#ion$ unless we$ #he +Pae 20- "el' wi#hin$ de#ermine i#. "wee!
#he men#al body lean o' all #hou&h#4'orms$ all ima&es$ all #rains o' #hou&h# whih are irrele6an#. Then do
#he same #o i# as we did #o #he o#her bodies$ han&e #he !olari#y$ ma*e all i#s !ar#iles res!onsi6e and
obedien# #o #he onsiousness wi#hin and no lon&er subser6ien# #o #he world around. .ere a&ain #he
han&e is readily e6iden# #o lair6oyan# si&h# and #he whole men#al body a!!ears luminous wi#h #he li&h#
o' #he "el' wi#hin$ a radia#in& ob@e#$ a##uned #o and in line wi#h our own #rue onsiousness.
1u# e6en #ha# is no# enou&h? #hus we an !re6en# #he men#al body 'rom harmin& us and beomin& an
obs#ale in our way$ bu# no more. 0e mus# ma*e #he rea#i6e !ower o' #hou&h# a de'ini#e !ower 'or &ood$
no# +Pae 21- merely !re6en#in& i# 'rom harmin& us bu# usin& i# #o hel! us. This means #ha# we mus# rea#e
and s#ren&#hen wi#h our emo#ion #hose #hou&h#4ima&es whih we desire #o see reali5ed in our daily li'e.
The &oal o' our e6olu#ion is !er'e#ion$ no# 'or #he sel'ish !ur!ose #ha# we may be !er'e#$ bu# ra#her #ha#
#hrou&h us #he burden o' #he world may be li'#ed a li##le. 2ns#ead o' ima&inin& oursel6es$ as we o'#en
unonsiously and unwi##in&ly do$ as bein& #he #hin&s and doin& #he #hin&s whih in reali#y we nei#her
wan# #o be nor #o do$ we mus# ima&ine oursel6es as #he !er'e# man we desire #o be and shall be one
day. Thin* wi#h all #he rea#i6e #hou&h#4!ower you ha6e o' yoursel' as di6ine in lo6e$ di6ine in will$ di6ine
in #hou&h# and word and a#ion$ +Pae 22- and 'ill your whole men#al body wi#h #ha# ima&e$ s#ren&#henin& i#
wi#h emo#ions o' @oy and lo6e$ o' onsera#ion and as!ira#ion. This ima&e #oo will reali5e i#sel'$ #he same
law holds &ood 'or i# as 'or #he undesirable ima&ina#ions whih aused us so muh #rouble. 3ow we ha6e
wielded #ha# !ower o' #he ima&ina#ion onsiously we are no lon&er i#s sla6es$ no lon&er used by i#$ bu#
Pa&e 1:
Gods in Exile by J.J. Van Der Leeuw
we oursel6es use i#? #he same !ower whih was our enemy has now beome our 'riend.
There is no limi# #o #he di''eren# ways in whih #he rea#i6e !ower o' #he ima&ina#ion an be used
ons#ru#i6ely ins#ead o' des#ru#i6ely. 3o# only in our beha6iour and daily a#ions$ bu# in #he wor* we do
and in #he way in whih we rerea#e oursel6es we an use #his unlimi#ed !ower when we +Pae 23- ma*e
our men#al body our ser6an# and willin& ins#rumen#.
3ow wi#hdraw #he en#re o' onsiousness 'rom #he men#al body also and hold i# res!onsi6e #o #he "el'
wi#hin$ as you are holdin& #he !hysial and as#ral bodies. 0e now hold #he #hree bodies as our ser6an#s
in #he #hree worlds o' illusion? #hey are #he #hree horses whih draw our hario# in #he lower worlds$ bu#
#he "el' is #he di6ine hario#eer$ no lon&er allowin& #he horses #o run #heir own way$ bu# ma*in& #hem run
his way. .e has wi#hdrawn #he onsiousness 'rom i#s en#an&lemen#s wi#h #he #hree bodies. .e has
brou&h# i# ba* #o #he world where i# #ruly belon&s$ and 'rom #here he an hene'or#h use #hese bodies as
his willin& ser6an#s. +Pae 24-
Pa&e 1>
Gods in Exile by J.J. Van Der Leeuw
C!"P#ER /
0.E3 #he onsiousness is libera#ed 'rom #he #hree bodies in whih i# was im!risoned$ i# will na#urally be
reuni#ed #o #he "el' whih i# #ruly is.
Try #o brin& ba* #he onsiousness in#o #he e&o$ more #han #ha#$ #ry #o reali5e 4 #o *now beyond a
shadow o' a doub# 4 #ha# you are #ha# E&o$ a di6ine soul whih was in exile. 1rin& i# ba* #o #ha# world
where i# belon&s$ en#er #he world whih is #ruly your world and in #ha# sel'4same momen# you will *now
yoursel' as #he di6ine "el' +Pae 25- wi#hin$ one wi#h #he di6ine in all #hin&s. .ene'or#h #here anno# be
any doub# as #o wha# we are$ #he hi&her or #he lower sel'$ no lon&er an #here be #he exhaus#in& s#ru&&le
be#ween #he #wo o!!osi#e !oles o' our na#ure? #hey are no lon&er #wo? #he im!risoned and exiled
onsiousness has been brou&h# ba* in#o #he !aren#4onsiousness 'rom whih i# s#rayed$ and one
a&ain man is one$ #he di6ine "el' wi#hin$ onsiously usin& #he #hree bodies as his ins#rumen#s$ bu# no
lon&er bound #o #hem.
Do no# brin& #he onsiousness ba* in#o #he E&o merely in #hou&h#$ do no# a&ree merely in#elle#ually
#ha# you are #he E&o$ bu# do i# in reali#y$ be #he E&o and li6e in your own world. 2' you ha6e sueeded in
disen#an&lin& #he onsiousness 'rom #he +Pae 37- bodies$ #here an be no di''iul#y in brin&in& i# ba*
in#o #he E&o$ 'or i# is #he onsiousness o' #he E&o and #he world o' #he E&o is our own #rue home.
0hen we #hus re4en#er #he world 'rom whih we ha6e been exiled 'or so lon&$ our 'irs# ex!eriene is an
o6erwhelmin& sense o' 'reedom and @oy. Li*e a man who has been im!risoned 'or many years in a !lae
where #he rays o' #he sun do no# !ene#ra#e and who$ released 'rom his !rison$ is almos# blinded by #he
li&h# wi#hou#? so are we$ en#erin& our own world a'#er our lon& exile in #he !rison4house o' ma##er$
o6erwhelmed by #he li&h# surroundin& us and #he 'reedom 'rom #he limi#a#ions whih held us. .ere in #his
world all is #ruly li&h# and @oy? #he E&o in his own world li6es a li'e +Pae 3$- o' suh inom!arable bliss and
beau#y #ha#$ e6en #hou&h we were #o see i# bu# one$ we an ne6er a&ain 'all a 6i#im #o #he world o'
illusion. 0e now *now who we are. 0e ha6e seen oursel6es in our own di6ine beau#y in #he world whih
is our home$ and no !ower on ear#h an e6er a&ain en#ie us in#o belie6in& #ha# we are #he bodies. The
s!ell is bro*en whih held us$ and now 'or #he 'irs# #ime we *now !eae and absene o' s#ru&&le.
2# is wonder'ul how sim!le e6ery#hin& suddenly beomes when we reah #ha# world o' #he E&o? how
na#ural i# now is #o do #he ri&h# #hin&. +ur 'ormer li'e seems 'ull o' om!lia#ions$ almos#
inom!rehensible in i#s !roblems? one we ha6e dared #o reo&ni5e oursel6es 'or wha# we #ruly +Pae 3,-
are all s#ru&&le and e''or# 6anish and li'e beomes sim!le and na#ural$ 'lowin& harmoniously alon&.
+ne o' #he #hin&s whih sur!rises us mos# when we reali5e oursel6es as E&os is #ha# in our own world
we ha6e a li'e o' our own beyond and abo6e wha# we all li'e down here. E6en #hose who reo&ni5e #ha#
our ear#hly sel' is bu# a #em!orary mani'es#a#ion o' #he di6ine "el' wi#hin$ o'#en ma*e #he mis#a*e o'
loo*in& u!on #ha# #em!orary mani'es#a#ion as o' su!reme im!or#ane and o' absorbin& in#eres# 'or #he
Pa&e 16
Gods in Exile by J.J. Van Der Leeuw
di6ine "el'. The reali#y is 6ery di''eren#$ #he "el' whih we #ruly are has a li'e o' his own$ in whih +Pae 3/-
#he subsidiary a#i6i#y whih we all li'e on ear#h has no# by any means #he im!or#ane we would 'ain
a##ah #o i#. As we are onsious o' oursel6es as E&os we are simul#aneously aware o' #he a#i6i#ies in
whih we as E&os are en&a&ed. 2# is na#urally 6ery hard$ i' no# im!ossible$ #o &i6e any idea o' #hese
a#i6i#ies. 0e in our wa*in& onsiousness only *now #hin&s o' #his !hysial world$ and unless we an
desribe a #hin& in #he #erms and reali#ies o' #his world down below$ i# has no meanin& 'or us.
2n his own world #he E&o is e6er a#i6e in #he &rea# wor* o' rea#ion? in om!any wi#h #he an&eli hos#s
and o#her &rea# bein&s he assis#s in #he wor* o' world4rea#ion$ by whih #his uni6erse is sus#ained. GodHs
wor* is rea#ion? and #he E&o$ bein& di6ine$ +Pae 30- is en&a&ed in #ha# same di6ine rea#i6e a#i6i#y. +nly
ar# an s!ea* o' #his #rue wor* o' #he di6ine man$ and i# is #o #he !oe#s and musiians #ha# we mus# &o i'
we would unders#and some#hin& o' our wor* as E&os. Thus in Prometheus Unbound some#hin& o' #he
wor* o' our #rue "el' is 'el#$ where #he (%horus o' "!iri#s and .ours( sin&sA
(Then wea6e #he web o' #he mys#i measure?
)rom #he de!#hs o' #he s*y and #he ends o' #he ear#h$
%ome$ swi'# "!iri#s o' mi&h# and o' !leasure$
)ill #he dane and #he musi o' mir#h$
As #he wa6es o' a #housand s#reams rush by +Pae 31-
To an oean o' s!lendor and harmonyB(
and somewha# 'ur#her where #he (%horus o' "!iri#s ( sin&sA
(And our sin&in& shall build
2n #he 6oidHs loose 'ield
A world 'or #he "!iri# o' 0isdom #o wield.(
"in&in&$ musi$ sound$ are words whih bes# on6ey an idea o' #he wor* o' #he E&o in his own world$
and ye# o' ourse in #ha# world #here is no#hin& li*e wha# we *now down here as sound. -e# #he whole
wor* im!resses one li*e a &rea# sym!hony$ #he no#es and hords o' whih are li6in& bein&s$ sin&in& #he
"on& whih is #heir own na#ure and rea#in& by i#s !ower. A&ain we mi&h# !i#ure i# as #he wea6in& o' a
web o' li&h# in whih #he bein&s are li*e radian# !oin#s onne#ed by lines o' li&h#. 1u# no#hin& +Pae 32-
an &i6e an ima&e o' #he !ure Joy$ #he u##er 1liss whih !ermea#es #he world o' #he E&o and #he
sensa#ion o' bein& ba#hed in li&h# and (beau#y unbeheld(. There is a !hrase in #he Old Testament whih
says #ha# when #he world was rea#ed ( #he$ "ons o' God shou#ed 'or @oy$( and in #his ex!ression #here is
some#hin& whih reminds us o' #he E&o$ #ruly a son o' God$ in his own world$ 'ull o' @oy.
The whole wor* is li*e a mi&h#y ri#ual$ a eremonial .ymn o' rea#ion by whih #he worlds are
main#ained$ and wha# we *now as /i#ual here on ear#h is as a shadow o' #ha# #rue and &rea#er ri#ual
whih we all *now so well in our own #rue world. Tha# is why in #he ri#uals o' #he &rea# 0orld4/eli&ions
and o' )reemasonry$ #here is #ha# +Pae 33- whih reminds us o' #he land #o whih we belon&? in #hem we
Pa&e 18
Gods in Exile by J.J. Van Der Leeuw
hear 'ain# ehoes and 'ra&men#ary melodies o' #he son& whih we are always sin&in& in #he world o' #he
O'R L(FE O) E"R#!
0hen in #his s#a#e o' E&o4onsiousness we #hin* o' our li'e on ear#h$ #he li'e whih$ in our ordinary
wa*in& onsiousness down here$ seems so all4im!or#an# #o us$ i# a!!ears #o us unreal$ almos# li*e a
dream and er#ainly no# o' #he im!or#ane whih we &enerally a##ah #o i#. As E&os we loo* u!on i# in #he
li&h# o' a #as* whih mus# be done$ a lesson whih has #o be learned and whih !erha!s an be bes#
ex!ressed as (sel'4reali5a#ion(. 2# is only in #hese +Pae 34- denser worlds #ha# #here is su''iien# resis#ane
and se!ara#eness #o de6elo! #he sense o' indi6iduali#y and o' (2( onsiousness$ whih #hen has #o be
brou&h# ba* in#o #he &rea#er uni#y.
"eein& #hus our li'e 'rom #he world o' #he E&o we &ain a &rea#er eKuanimi#y in #he exis#ene we ha6e #o
li6e on ear#h$ 'or i# is !ro'oundly #rue #ha# no#hin& in i# ma##ers muh and mos# #hin&s do no# ma##er a# all.
0hen one we *now oursel6es in our 'ull &lory as E&os$ li'e down here seems bu# a subsidiary a#i6i#y$ #o
whih we &i6e a li##le o' our onsiousness$ a li##le o' our a##en#ion$ in #he same way as a s#a#esman wi#h
mi&h#y wor* #o do mi&h# &i6e a li##le o' his a##en#ion #o some small !ersonal a#i6i#y in whih he is
in#eres#ed. +Pae 35-
#!E 8E"'#6 OF #!E EGO
2n #he world o' #he E&o #here is no# 'orm and olour suh as we *now here$ bu# #here is #ha# whih we
an #ransla#e in#o #erms o' olour and sha!e. Thus we an s!ea* o' #he a!!earane o' #he E&o$ e6en
#hou&h he does no# a!!ear #o us as ob@e#s in #he world o' !henomena do. "o i# mus# no# be
misunders#ood when we say #ha# #he E&o a!!ears #o us in a &lori'ied human 'orm$ and #ha# in #his 'orm
we #hen see oursel6es as we #ruly are. The human 'orm in whih we #here see oursel6es is a# #he same
#ime re!resen#a#i6e o' our real #y!e or &enius$ o' our mission in #he &rea# 0or*. Thus one E&o 2 *now
a!!eared as a radian# you#h$ li*e a Gree* A!ollo ar6ed ou# o' &lis#enin& +Pae 47- marble and ye#
imma#erial$ wi#h ins!ira#ion as his *eyno#e. Ano#her E&o was in a!!earane somewha# li*e #he sul!#ure
o' Deme#er in #he 1ri#ish ,useum$ a di&ni'ied$ serene and !eae'ul 'i&ure$ broodin&$ as i# were$ o6er #he
world whih i# hel!ed #o 'os#er and !ro#e#. Thus e6ery E&o has his own radian#ly beau#i'ul a!!earane
ex!ressin& his mission or &enius.
0hen we ha6e brou&h# ba* our onsiousness in#o #he world o' #he E&o and *now oursel6es as suh$
we mus# #ry #o see wha# we are li*e in #ha# world and hene'or#h #hin* o' oursel6es only in #ha# way.
.a6in& seen wha# we really loo* li*e we mus# ne6er a&ain allow oursel6es #o #hin* o' oursel6es as #he
ima&e we see when we loo* in#o a mirror. +ne we ha6e reali5ed #ha# we +Pae 4$- are #he di6ine "el'
wi#hin$ we mus# ne6er$ no# e6en 'or a momen#$ su''er oursel6es #o sli! ba* in#o #he old illusion #ha# we
are #he !hysial body and ha6e a di6ine "el' somewhere u! abo6e. .ene'or#h #he !osi#ion is re6ersed
and$ when s!ea*in& o' oursel6es$ we s!ea* o' #he radian# 1ein& we #ruly are$ no# o' #he bodies #hrou&h
whih a !ar# o' our onsiousness is #em!orarily mani'es#.
Pa&e 1=
Gods in Exile by J.J. Van Der Leeuw
%"()#"()()G #!E EGO:CO)&C(O'&)E&&
"ine we ha6e behind us a&es o' e6olu#ion in whih we were on#en# #o su''er exile in #he dar*ness o' #he
ou#er world$ #here is$ e6en when we reali5e oursel6es 'or a shor# +Pae 4,- while as #he E&o$ always #he
#endeny #o sli! ba* in#o #he old aus#omed ways o' iden#i'ia#ion wi#h #he bodies.
Tha# is o'#en our mis#a*e. 0hen we ha6e ex!eriened a momen# o' &rea# s!iri#ual u!li'#men# durin&
medi#a#ion or durin& some eremony$ we si# down and say #o oursel6esA (0ell$ #ha# was 6ery 'ine? 2 am
sorry i# is o6er.( Do no# ma*e #his mis#a*e? when you ex!eriene some#hin& &rea#$ when you *now
yoursel' as #he di6ine "el'$ sayA (This is 6ery 'ine$ and i# is &oin& #o remain wi#h me.( Tha# is #he &rea#
di''erene. +ur wea*ness is so o'#en #ha# we ex!eriene #hese hi&her #hin&s$ and #hen are resi&ned #o
see #hem !ass away a&ain. 3e6er be resi&ned in #ha# way$ be rebellious and say #o yoursel'A (2 am no#
&oin& #o le# #his &o? +Pae 4/- ( will *ee! #his di6ine reali5a#ion? 2$ #he di6ine "el'$ will #o *ee! i#.( 2# is
!ossible. 2# has been done? i# mus# be done. 0e mus# all some day reali5e our di6ine !owers$ and learn
#o *ee! as an abidin& reali#y #ha# onsiousness whih usually we ha6e bu# 'or a 'ew momen#s? so why
no# do i# nowC
Mnowin& yoursel' #hen as #he E&o$ sharin& #ha# li'e o' di6ine @oy$ o' bliss unu##erable$ deide #o remain
#here. Do no# &o ba* a&ain in#o #he dar*ness o' exile. 0hy &o ba* #o #ha# ram!ed exis#ene in a dar*
dun&eon whih is #he li'e o' #he !ersonali#y$ when you an li6e in #he sunli&h# o' di6ine Li'eC 0hy no#
remain #here$ wor* 'rom #here$ li6e #hereC +Pae 40-
Pa&e 19
Gods in Exile by J.J. Van Der Leeuw
C!"P#ER 0
.AV23G es#ablished oursel6es in #he reali5a#ion #ha# we are #he E&o we mus# reali5e !owers whih$ as
E&os$ we an wield.
There is 'irs# o' all #he lo6e o' #he E&o$ #he !ower o' uni#y$ #he as!e# o' #he E&o whih$ in Theoso!hial
#erminolo&y$ we all 1uddhi.
Par# o' #he #ra&edy whih #a*es !lae when #he onsiousness o' #he E&o is !u# 'or#h in#o #he #hree
bodies$ and is sei5ed u!on by #heir elemen#al onsiousness$ is #ha# i# be&ins #o 'eel i#sel' as a se!ara#e
+Pae 41- bein&$ mo6in& abou#$ se!ara#e 'rom all #he world around i#. The momen# we re#urn #o #he E&o$
#his illusion o' se!ara#eness 6anishes and we reali5e wha# uni#y is. The wonder #hen #a*es !lae #ha# we
s#ill *now oursel6es as indi6idual bein&s$ bu# a# #he same #ime we are in #he li'e o' e6ery one o' our 'ellow
bein&s$ o' e6ery rea#ure. 0e are #he li'e o' &rowin& #rees$ #he li'e in #he wa#ers o' #he sea$ we are #he li'e
in #he louds and in #he sunshine$ #he li'e in all #hin&s. "uh is #he lo6e4!ower o' #he E&o 4 our reali5a#ion
o' uni#y a# #ha# le6el 4 and it is the only motive power on the Path of perfection. 2# is no# will or #hou&h#
whih mo6es us alon& on #he Pa#h #owards di6ine 7nion$ 2# is only lo6e. Lo6e is reali5a#ion o' uni#y$ and
#he more we reali5e uni#y$ #he more we +Pae 42- 'eel we an lo6e all our 'ellow men$ lo6e #he 6ery #rees
and ro*s$ #he more we are drawn in#o union wi#h #he di6ine Li'e 4 ma&ne#ially drawn #owards union. Try
#o 'eel #ha# !ower o' #he E&o #o be a# one wi#h all #hin&s? #ry #o 'eel your onsiousness dissol6e in#o #he
&rea#er %onsiousness un#il i# becomes #ha# &rea#er %onsiousness.
)irs# #ry #o 'eel your own onsiousness as !ar# o' #ha# o' #he ,as#er$ losin& yoursel' en#irely in .im. Do
no# on#em!la#e #ha# uni#y wi#h #he ,as#er$ bu# 'eel i#$ le# i# be an a#ual #hin& wi#h you so #ha# you 'eel
yoursel' #o be merely a !ar# o' .im. Doin& #ha# you an easily 'eel how i# is #ha# lo6e is #he only mo#i6e
!ower on #he !a#h? i# is #he in#ensi#y o' our lo6e and adora#ion 'or #he ,as#er$ #he measure in whih we
an +Pae 43- 'eel one wi#h .im$ whih ma*es i# !ossible 'or .im #o #a*e us as .is !u!ils.
2n #he same way$ bu# in a 'ar &rea#er measure$ does our onsiousness ex!and when we #ry #o 'eel our
uni#y wi#h #he &rea# 1ro#herhood i#sel'$ and #ry #o 'eel some#hin& o' #he ama5in& uni#y o' #ha#
%onsiousness$ ha6in& only one 0ill$ #he 0ill o' #he Min& .imsel' and ye# onsis#in&$ as i# does$ o' many
&rea# 1ein&s. .ere a&ain$ when we an reali5e #he uni#y o' #ha# %onsiousness$ #his reali5a#ion will draw
us in#o i# and ma*e us one wi#h i#? i# will lead us #o #he 'irs# o' #he &rea# 2ni#ia#ions. Lo6e is li*e a ma&ne#? i#
draws us in#o and ma*es us one wi#h wha# we lo6e$ and when we sueed in reali5in& #he lo6e o' #he
E&o and 'eel how i# &oes ou# #owards e6ery#hin&$ +Pae 44- #owards e6ery rea#ure in #his wide world$ i#
anno# 'ail #o brin& us #o #he &oal o' e6olu#ion 4 union wi#h #he Di6ine.
0hen we 'eel #his we an unders#and wha# is mean# by #he oul# maxim (&row as #he 'lower &rowsG.
0hen #he 'lower 'eels #he warm#h o' #he sunli&h#$ i# ex!ands and in i#s yearnin& 'or #he sunli&h# &rows
#owards i#. 2# is #he lo6e o' #he 'lower 'or #he sunli&h# whih ma*es i# &row$ and in #he same way i# is #he
lo6e o' #he soul 'or #he di6ine "unli&h# whih auses #he soul #o &row. There is no e''or# in #his &rowin&$ i#
is no# a !ushin& or s#rainin& 'orwards$ i# is a na#ural a#4one4men# wi#h wha# we lo6e. Tha# is why our lo6e
Pa&e 2;
Gods in Exile by J.J. Van Der Leeuw
mus# be all4embrain&$ no#hin& exludin& why i# mus# 'low ou# 'reely #o all #hin&s$ 'or in all #hin&s is #he
+Pae 45- di6ine Li'e whih we see*. 2' we exlude i# in one #hin& or bein&$ whih we se!ara#e 'rom
oursel6es$ we exlude #he di6ine Li'e i#sel' and ma*e our onsious union wi#h i# harder. Thin* o' #he
%hris# as #he .ear# o' #his 7ni#y o' all #hin&s$ 'eel .is Lo6e as #he lo6e whih binds all #hin&s$ and in lo6in&
.im you will ome #o lo6e all #hin&s. 0e shall #hen be&in #o see how !ro'oundly #rue is .is own sayin&
#ha# wha#soe6er we do un#o #he leas# o' our bre#hren$ we do un#o .im.
+ne a&ain$ in reali5in& #his !ar#iular !ower o' #he E&o$ #here mus# be no mere on#em!la#ion or
in#elle#ual one!#ion o' lo6e? we mus# 'eel #ha# lo6e o' #he E&o$ beome i#$ and #hen$ on i#s win&s we
an asend #o hi&her #hin&s. 2# is a !ower whih we mus# learn #o use onsiously. +Pae 57-
The nex# !ower o' #he E&o whih we mus# learn #o reali5e as our own is #he !ower o' #he will$ wha# we
all in Theoso!hy$ #he A#ma. 0e mus# no# on'use #his #ruly di6ine !ower wi#h #he 'eeble #hin& whih we
all (will( in daily li'e. There is hardly any word whih is so misunders#ood and abused. 0e use i# when
we really ou&h# #o say (wish( or (desire(? we s!ea* o' a !erson as ( ha6in& a wea* will( when #here is no
suh #hin& as a wea* will$ we s!ea* o' #he (lash o' wills( when we merely mean #he lash o' sel'ish
desires. As already men#ioned abo6e$ %ouL and 1audouin use #he word where #hey really mean anxious
and 'ran#i resis#ane$ and +Pae 5$- so$ e6en in one o' #he mos# im!or#an# wor*s o' modern !syholo&y
#he issue is on'used.
)irs# o' all we mus# abandon #he wides!read idea #ha# #he will does #hin&s? #ha# we arry #hrou&h
some#hin& by an e''or# o' #he will. To do and #o arry ou# is no# #he 'un#ion o' #he will$ bu# o' a Kui#e
di''eren# as!e# o' #he E&o$ #he rea#i6e a#i6i#y. The will is #he /uler$ #he Min& who says (#his shall be
done($ bu# who does no# &o #o do #hin&s .imsel'. "!ea*in& !syholo&ially #he will is #he !ower #o hold
#he onsiousness 'oussed on one #hin& and exlude e6ery#hin& else. 0e #hus see wha# an exeedin&ly
serene$ Kuie#$ unmo6in& !ower #he will is? i# is @us# #he !ower #o hold one #hin& and exlude all else. 1u#
+Pae 5,- #ha# is a #remendous !ower$ #he more so beause i# is so li##le unders#ood.
)O# " WE". W(LL9 8'# ") ')CO)#ROLLED (%"G()"#(O)
0e an unders#and #his bes# by analysin& some ins#anes where$ as we !u# i# in ordinary lan&ua&e$ our
will is no# s#ron& enou&h. 2ma&ine #ha# we de#ermine #o &e# u! a# six oHlo* in #he mornin&. 0hen #he
hour omes and we wa*e u! we na#urally 'eel slee!y and #ired. 2' now we used #he will in #he ri&h# way
#here would be no di''iul#y in &e##in& u!$ we would @us# hold #he one #hou&h# o' &e##in& u! and exlude
e6ery#hin& else and #here would be no s#ru&&le. 1u# wha# we do in reali#y is +Pae 5/- #o allow our rea#i6e
ima&ina#ion #o !lay abou# wi#h #he !roblem o' &e##in& u!$ and we be&in #o ima&ine on #he one hand how
un!leasan# and old i# will be #o &e# ou# o' our warm bed$ how unom'or#able #o dress in #he dar*$ and on
#he o#her hand we ima&ine how 6ery !leasan# i# would be #o lie in bed a li##le lon&er or #o &o #o slee!
a&ain. Thus we ha6e rea#ed ima&es whih na#urally #end #o reali5e #hemsel6es and ma*e us s#ay in bed.
0hen #hen we be&in #o resis#$ #ha# resis#ane is bu# a 'eeble #hin&$ and e6en i' i# should win we ha6e
made 'or oursel6es a Kui#e unneessary s#ru&&le whih uses u! 6i#ali#y and ould easily ha6e been
a6oided had we bu# unders#ood #he #rue 'un#ion o' #he will. 2n no# &e##in& u! we ha6e shown si&ns no#
Pa&e 21
Gods in Exile by J.J. Van Der Leeuw
+Pae 50- o' a wea* will$ bu# o' an unon#rolled ima&ina#ion. The ri&h# use o' #he will would ha6e been #o
*ee! #he rea#i6e #hou&h# or ima&ina#ion en#red and 'oussed on one idea onlyA #ha# o' &e##in& u!$ and in
exludin& e6ery o#her #hou&h#. 2n #ha# way we would no# ha6e allowed #he ima&ina#ion #o #oy wi#h suh
#hou&h#s as #he un!leasan#ness o' &e##in& u! and #he om'or# o' remainin& in bed$ and we would ha6e
ex!eriened no di''iul#y wha#e6er in &e##in& u! a# one. Truly .amle# u##ered a dee! !syholo&ial #ru#h
when he said #ha# (#he na#i6e hue o' resolu#ion is si*lied oHer wi#h #he !ale as# o' #hou&h#(. 2# is #he
!ower o' #he will wi#hin #o *ee! #he onsiousness 'oussed on #he one #hin& in hand and exlude e6ery
idea$ 'eelin&$ !erson +Pae 51- or in'luene #ha# would in#er'ere wi#h #ha# or #em!# us aside.
To &i6e one more exam!leA !ra#ially e6eryone has ex!eriened #he un!leasan# sensa#ion whih
omes o6er us when we are abou# #o @um! or di6e in#o #he wa#er 'rom a &rea#er hei&h#. 0e ha6e
de#ermined #o do i#$ bu# when we a#ually 'ind oursel6es abou# #o @um! we shrin* ba* and !ossibly i#
#a*es us Kui#e a lon& #ime be'ore we an$ as we all i#$ srew u! enou&h oura&e #o do #he #hin&. 0ha#
really has ha!!ened is #ha# we ha6e allowed #he ima&ina#ion #o rea#e 'or us a #erri'yin& ima&e o' #he
!lun&e we are abou# #o ma*e$ and o' #he ad6isabili#y o' no# doin& i#. .a6in& made #ha# rea#i6e ima&e we
na#urally 'ind oursel6es im!eded by i# and #he @um! in#o #he wa#er +Pae 52- be&ins #o hold #error 'or us$
whereas be'ore i# seemed a##ra#i6e. The way ou# is a&ain #o *ee! #he will 'oussed on #he one #hin&
onlyA #he @um! #o be made$ and #o exlude e6ery #hou&h#$ 'eelin& or in'luene #ha# mi&h# in#er'ere wi#h
#his. Then we 'ind #ha# #here is no di''iul#y$ in @us# doin& #he #hin&.
#!E '&E OF #!E W(LL () OCC'L#(&%
0hen we a!!ly all #his #o #he use o' #he will in reahin& #he !er'e#ion whih is our &oal$ we an readily
see how i# is #ha# we 'ail so o'#en. 0e de#ermine #o reah #he &oal$ #o ahie6e #ha# whih is our s!iri#ual
des#iny. 2n doin& so we lay down a line o' +Pae 53- a#ion and er#ain !rini!les o' ondu# whih we see
as essen#ial. 3ow i' we an only *ee! #he will 'oussed on #ha# one !ur!ose and exlude any#hin& #ha#
would in#er'ere wi#h i#$ we shall ex!eriene no di''iul#ies$ no s#ru&&le. 0ha# we do in reali#y is some#hin&
on #he 'ollowin& lines. 0hen oasion o''ers #o arry ou# #he line o' a#ion u!on whih we ha6e deided$
we be&in #o ima&ine #he ad6an#a&es and disad6an#a&es$ #he !leasan#ness or un!leasan#ness o' #he
!ar#iular a#ion and ha6in& rea#ed ima&es$ or #hou&h#4'orms as we all #hem$ we s#ren&#hen #hem by
'eelin& or desire$ and #hey beome obs#ales in our way when we #ry #o arry ou# our ori&inal in#en#ion.
Then #he s#ru&&le be&ins wi#h all i#s a##endan# e6ils$ su''erin& #o oursel6es$ +Pae 54- exhaus#ion #o #he
bodies and #he dan&er o' 'ailin& in #he #as* we ha6e se# oursel6es. All #ha# is no# only wron& bu# is
su!er'luous. 0hen we use #he will as i# should be used$ #o hold one !ur!ose and no#hin& else$ #here an
be no di''iul#y. 1u# #he momen# we allow an in#er'erin& #hou&h# or in'luene #o en#er our onsiousness
and laim i#s a##en#ion we are los#. 0e mus# er#ainly onsider irums#anes$ always usin& ommon
sense and delibera#e @ud&men#$ bu# we mus# no# allow ex#raneous in'luenes #o di6er# us 'rom our line o'
Try #hen #o reali5e #his will wi#hin you$ see i# 'illin& your onsiousness as a blindin& whi#e li&h#$ 'eel #ha#
i# is irresis#ible and has !ower #o hold any !ur!ose un#il ahie6ed. +Pae 55- .a6in& one 'el# and reali5ed
#his #rue !ower o' #he will we an ne6er a&ain s!ea* o' #he will bein& wea*B 2# is a #ruly di6ine Power$ and
unless we unders#and i#s 'un#ions and meanin& in our li'e we anno# ahie6e our des#iny.
7se #his !ower o' #he will #hen #o hold in your onsiousness one !ur!ose and one !ur!ose onlyA
Pa&e 22
Gods in Exile by J.J. Van Der Leeuw
!er'e#ion 'or #he sa*e o' #he world. Tha# mus# be your one absorbin& and domina#in& !assion and
no#hin& mus# be allowed #o in#er'ere wi#h i#. Do no# #hin* i# is a sel'ish desire? as lon& as you #hin* #ha#$
you ha6e no# ye# en#ered #he world o' #he E&o and do no# ye# reali5e wha# uni#y means. 2# is only when we
unders#and$ when we *now #ha# all rea#ion is one$ u##erly and indestructibly one$ +Pae $77- #ha# we
reali5e #he im!ossibili#y o' suh a #hin& as indi6idual sal6a#ion. "al6a#ion or !er'e#ion means union wi#h
#he di6ine Li'e whih is in all #hin&s$ and #here'ore i# an ne6er be indi6idual$ an ne6er be 'or a 'ew ele#.
The ahie6emen# o' any one is #he ahie6emen# o' all? when one human bein& a##ains #o Ade!#shi!$ in
him #he whole o' humani#y$ #he whole o' rea#ion is #rium!han#$ and ano#her ord has been 'ormed #o bind
humani#y ba* #o God$ ano#her !ower has been born #o li'# #he burden o' #he worldHs su''erin&. 0hen$ in
Dan#eHs Divina Comedia a soul &ains release 'rom Pur&a#ory and en#ers Paradise #he whole o' ,oun#
Pur&a#ory #rembles 'or @oy. And #his is li#erally #rue. The ahie6emen# o' any human bein& is a @oy #o all
rea#ion +Pae $7$- and is ne6er an indi6idual ahie6emen# only. The desire 'or !er'e#ion is #he desire #o
&i6e u! #he illusion o' #he se!ara#e sel' 'or #he reali#y o' uni6ersal li'e and #hus sel'ishness and !er'e#ion
are mu#ually exlusi6e.
Try #hen #o use #his #ruly di6ine !ower$ whih e6eryone o' us has$ 'or #he &rea#es# !ur!ose o' all and
*ee! #he onsiousness 'oussed on #he idea o' !er'e#ion. Le# #ha# domina#e all we do. 2n #he be&innin&
#his may be a s#rain and we may 'ind i# di''iul# #o do our ordinary wor* while *ee!in& our onsiousness
'oussed on #he &rea#er #hin&s$ bu# 6ery soon i# will beome a habi# and #he will #o !er'e#ion will beome
#he !ermanen# ba*&round on whih #he !a##ern o' our daily li'e is embroidered. +Pae $7,-
WE "RE #!E P"#!
There is a sense in whih we are already !er'e# and di6ine a# #his 6ery momen#. The real you$ #he real
bein&$ is no# #he #ransien# and e6er4han&in& &lim!se whih we all !resen#$ bu# i# is your en#ire !as# and
your en#ire 'u#ure? i# is #he om!le#e bein& wi#h his whole yle o' e6olu#ion on#ained wi#hin him. Thus we
are !rimi#i6e man as well as !er'e# man and #ha# whih we s#ri6e 'or is in reali#y ours already? the secret
of evolution is to become what we are. +nly #hen an we unders#and #he meanin& o' ano#her muh used
oul# maxim$ namely #ha# (we oursel6es mus# beome #he Pa#h(. 2# is so u##erly #rue and ye# we *now i#
only when$ in our onsiousness as E&os$ we ha6e +Pae $7/- seen #he &oal$ #he !ur!ose o' !er'e#ion$
#he a##ainmen# o' Ade!#shi! no# as a 'ar away$ ex#raneous #hin& #o be a!!roahed 'rom wi#hou#$ bu# as
our own inner di6ini#y$ our own inmos# "el'. 0hen we #hus *now wha# i# means #o beome #he Pa#h
oursel6es we also *now #ha# no#hin& on ear#h an e6er a&ain ome be#ween us and our &oal? we ha6e
seen i# and we ha6e beome one wi#h i#? i# is as i' we had seen our own di6ini#y and as i' #he &oal were in
#he en#re o' our own bein&. The Pa#h o' !er'e#ion #hen beomes bu# #he un'oldin& o' our own di6ini#y.
.a6in& reali5ed #he E&oHs !owers o' lo6e and o' will$ we mus# now diso6er i#s #hird +Pae $70- &rea#
!ower$ #ha# o' rea#i6e #hou&h# or$ as we all i# in Theoso!hy$ ,anas. Thou&h# in us is #he mani'es#a#ion
o' God #he .oly Ghos#$ @us# as will is #he mani'es#a#ion o' #he )a#her and lo6e o' #he "on. God #he .oly
Ghos# is God in rea#i6e a#i6i#y$ God #he %rea#or$ and when we reali5e #ha# !ower in us we 'eel
oursel6es ins!ired$ !ossessed by boundless rea#i6e abili#y$ by #he !ower #o do #hin&s. 2# is only #hou&h#
in us whih does$ only #hou&h# whih rea#es and arries ou# #he derees o' #he will. 2' #he will is #he Min&$
#hou&h# is #he Prime ,inis#er and #he a#i6i#y o' our rea#i6e #hou&h# should e6er be dire#ed by #he will.
Pa&e 2<
Gods in Exile by J.J. Van Der Leeuw
2#s !ower #o rea#e seems unlimi#ed? when one we reali5e i# we *now #ha# as E&os we an (do all
#hin&s$( we +Pae $71- 'eel a boundless rea#i6e ener&y wi#hin us #o arry ou# wha#soe6er #he will may
deree. 2# is only when #his #hird !ower$ #he rea#i6e #hou&h# or ima&ina#ion$ does i#s wor* #ha# reali5a#ion
in a#ion 'ollows. Tha# is why i#s !ower is so dan&erous #o man un#il he unders#ands #ha# he mus#
onsiously dire# i#$ 'or i' he 'ails #o do so i# will be dire#ed by his lower nature and he will beome i#s
#!E '&E OF #!E #!REE POWER&
These #hen are #he #hree !owers o' #he E&o$ or ra#her i#s #hree'old !ower$ 'or #he #hree as!e#s are one$
#ruly a #rini#y. .a6in& reali5ed #he #hree !owers and 'el# #heir use +Pae $72- in #he &rea# wor*$ le# us now
#ry #o use #hem simul#aneously as #hey should be used$ bein& a uni#y. 7se #he will #o hold #he one
!ur!ose o' !er'e#ion 'or #he sa*e o' #he world? use lo6e #o ma*e you one wi#h i# and draw you in#o i#? and
use #hou&h# #o rea#e i# and arry i# ou#. 2# is only when #hese #hree are used #o&e#her #ha# resul# 'ollows$
bu# #hen #here is no#hin& whih we anno# ahie6e$ 'or #he !ower o' #he E&o is di6ine and #here'ore
2# is no# a #hin& whih we should do only a# odd momen#s. 2# should beome a habi#ual a#i6i#y$
on#inuin&$ wha#soe6er else we are doin&. Tha# more #han any#hin& else is #he sere# o' s!iri#ual
ahie6emen#A #ha# ha6in& reali5ed oursel6es as E&os and beome onsious o' our !owers as suh$ we
+Pae $73- should no# a&ain subside in#o #he ru#s o' #he ordinary body4onsiousness$ bu# should main#ain
#he le6el whih we ha6e reahed e6en #hou&h i# may seem a# 'irs# a su!erhuman e''or# #o do so. The
har# o' our s!iri#ual li'e shows #oo o'#en bu# a on#inual series o' u!s and downs? we a##ain #o some lo'#y
s!iri#ual hei&h# only #o 'all ba* a&ain #he nex# momen# #o #he old le6el. 2' we would a##ain$ we mus# no#
su''er #ha# #o ha!!en? when #he rare momen# o' s!iri#ual exal#a#ion and reali5a#ion omes #o us$ in
medi#a#ion or o#herwise$ we mus# lin& #o i# wi#h u##ermos# #enai#y$ main#ainin& #he le6el we ha6e
reahed re&ardless o' any#hin& and e6ery#hin&. 2# may be an a&oni5in& s#rain 'or #he 'irs# 'ew days$ bu# i#
soon beomes habi#ual and we learn #o do our +Pae $74- ordinary wor* 'rom our new4'ound le6el. A'#er all
i# is bu# our own #rue home in whih we li6e now$ no# a 'orei&n s#a#e u!on whih we see* #o en#er$ bu# our
own di6ine .ome o' whih we were obli6ious 'or a while. +Pae $75-
Pa&e 2:
Gods in Exile by J.J. Van Der Leeuw
C!"P#ER 1
#!E RE#'R) OF #!E E*(LE
/EAL2N23G oursel6es as E&os$ we an loo* down u!on #he #hree bodies and de#ermine #ha# #hey shall
be our #hree ser6an#s in #he #hree worlds o' illusion$ and no#hin& more. 0e do no# a&ain desend in#o
#hem? we do no# a&ain beome en#an&led in #hose worlds o' illusion? we do no# a&ain iden#i'y oursel6es
wi#h #he #hree bodies nor allow #he elemen#al onsiousness #o sei5e u!on #he E&o4onsiousness and
domina#e i#. 0e mus# remain in our moun#ain #o!$ seein& be'ore us #he unlimi#ed 6iew o' li'e$ and +Pae
$$7- 'rom #here we mus# a# and #hin* and 'eel. 2# is !ossible$ and we mus# do i#.
)rom #ha# moun#ain #o! #hin* o' your #hree bodies. "ee your men#al body$ swe!# lean o' #he 'u#ili#y o'
ordinary #hou&h#4ima&es$ and 'rom within$ rea#e in i# #ha# !ower'ul #hou&h#4'orm o' !er'e#ion for the
sake of the world. .old #ha# always wi#h some !ar# o' your will$ ne6er le# i# dissol6e$ 'or #ha# is #he
#hou&h#4'orm whih hene'or#h is #o &o6ern your daily li'e. .old #he mind4body li*e #ha#$ and &i6e i# #he
order #ha# hene'or#h$ wha#e6er #he #em!#a#ion 'rom wi#hou#$ no #hou&h#4ima&es$ no #hou&h#4'orms$ shall
be made wi#hou# your onsen#.
Then loo* down on your desire4body a&ain. Deide #o hold i# as you ha6e seen i#$ +Pae $$$- 6i6i'ied 'rom
wi#hin by #he emo#ions o' #he "el'. )lood i# wi#h lo6e 'or all bein&s$ wi#h de6o#ion$ wi#h sym!a#hy$ wi#h
s!iri#ual as!ira#ion? see #hese 'eelin&s radia#in& ou# 'rom #he en#re o' #ha# body$ see i# #hrobbin& wi#h #his
new !ulse o' li'e$ and de#ermine #ha# ne6er a&ain will you allow your as#ral body #o be swayed 'rom
Then loo* ba* on your e#heri$ and !hysial bodies$ and deide #ha# hene'or#h$ #hey #oo are #o be
6ehiles o' #he will. "ee how #ha# will ex!ress i#sel' #hrou&h #he body? see #he di6ine Ener&y 'rom #he "el'
'lowin& down in#o #he !hysial body$ and 'eel #ha# body bein& re&enera#ed 'rom wi#hin. Tha# is #he #ru#h o'
#he re&enera#ion o' #he !hysial body? when we reali5e i# as #he 6ehile o' #he A#ma i# is renewed$ +Pae
$$,- i# beomes heal#hy and s#ron&$ 'ree 'rom disease$ 'ree 'rom all #he #roubles whih i# has when i# is
merely !ar# o' #he !hysial world. Li'# i# ou# o' #ha# bonda&e. 2# mus# be in #he world$ bu# no# o' #ha# world.
2#s loses# lin* should be wi#h #he "el'$ and no# wi#h #he world. All your bodies should be sub@e# #o #he
"el'$ and #he !owers o' #he "el' should radia#e #hrou&h #hem. ,a*e #hem !er'e# hannels 'or #he #hree
&rea# !owers o' #he E&o$ bu# a# all #imes do no# beome en#an&led$ all #he #ime remain u!on your
moun#ain #o!$ and see #he lower worlds 'rom #here.
2n #ha# way your li'e will beome di6inely ha!!y? in #ha# way all your di''iul#ies will be swe!# away? 'or
how an #here be disord when you reali5e yoursel' as di6ineC +Pae $$/- .ene'or#h$ when #he same
#hin&s our whih be'ore aused you so muh #rouble and su''erin&$ beause you allowed yoursel' #o be
iden#i'ied wi#h #he bodies$ you will reali5e yoursel' as #he E&o and #here will no# be any on'li#. -ou ha6e
now made #he one #hou&h# o' !er'e#ion whih domina#es your mind4body$ and no#hin& an #rouble you$
'or i# is a law #ha# no #wo #hou&h#4ima&es an domina#e #he men#al body a# #he same #ime. 0hile we hold
#his men#al ima&e o' !er'e#ion we an do our usual wor*$ bu# #ha# #hou&h#4'orm will always domina#e$
and no#hin& else an sei5e u!on #he mind4body and sha!e i# in#o a 'orm whih we do no# wan#.
Pa&e 2>
Gods in Exile by J.J. Van Der Leeuw
"o remember hene'or#h #o li6e 'rom wi#hin? ne6er a&ain allow your bodies$ +Pae $$0- #o sei5e u!on
your onsiousness and #o obsure *nowled&e o' "el'. De#ermine #ha# you$ #he soul$ ha6in& re#urned #o
your di6ine home$ are &oin& #o remain #here. Do no# a&ain ma*e #he mis#a*e o' !ermi##in& yoursel6es #o
re#urn #o a le6el #o whih you do no# belon&. .a6e no 'ear #o all yoursel6es di6ine. There is no onei# in
i#$ #here an ne6er be !ride in i#$ beause !ride is se!ara#eness and one we reali5e oursel6es as E&os$
we 'eel dissol6ed in a "ea o' onsiousness$ we *now oursel6es #o be one wi#h a %onsiousness so
6as#$ so all4embrain&$ #ha# #he 6ery #hou&h# o' se!ara#eness beomes ridiulous. 0e are sa'e 'rom #ha#
illusion$ 'or we *now #ha# wha#e6er we do is done #hrou&h us$ #ha# when we 'eel and #hin* and a# i# is #he
li'e o' #he "el' whih +Pae $$1- #hrou&h us as a hannel 'lows ou# u!on #he world.
2n #ha# onsiousness$ #oo$ we *now oursel6es as one wi#h #he ,as#er$ we share #he bliss o' .is
Presene$ and in .is Presene all #hin&s beome easy. 2n .is Presene #here an be no desire exe!#
#he desire #o draw loser #o .im. 2n .is Presene i# is im!ossible #o do #he !e##y$ u&ly #hin&s whih in #he
!as# we ha6e done. 0e an only #ry #o be &rea# as .e is$ &rea# in our swee! o' 'eelin& and #hou&h#$
di6ine as .e is di6ine.
Thus #he way o' #he E&o is #he way o' 2ni#ia#ion. 2ni#ia#ion means a !ermanen# reunion o' #he
onsiousness whih was inarna#e in and iden#i'ied wi#h #he bodies$ #o #he !aren#4onsiousness o'
whih i# was +Pae $$2- obli6ious? i# is #he be&innin& o' a new li'e? onsious li'e as #he E&o while
'un#ionin& #hrou&h #he #hree bodies.
The Kuali'ia#ions 'or 2ni#ia#ion are &i6en in di''eren# ways$ bu# when we sueed in &ainin& E&o4
onsiousness as a !ermanen# #hin& we shall o' neessi#y ha6e aKuired #he o#her Kuali'ia#ions #oo.
E&o4onsiousness brin&s Disrimina#ion$ sine we see li'e 'rom #he world o' #he E&o in #rue !ers!e#i6e.
E&o4onsiousness brin&s Desirelessness$ 'or when #he inarna#e onsiousness has beome
disen#an&led 'rom #he bodies whih domina#ed i#$ #he bodies no lon&er 'ollow #heir own desires$ bu# #he
will o' #he E&o. E&o4onsiousness means Good %ondu#$ sine our ondu# is no lon&er #he ondu# o'
onsiousness ensla6ed by #he bodies$ bu# +Pae $$3- #he ondu# o' #he E&o himsel'$ and #ha# o'
neessi#y is &ood ondu#. E&o4onsiousness means Lo6e in i#s wides# sense sine #he world o' #he
E&o is #he world o' 7ni#y and we anno# #ouh E&o4onsiousness wi#hou# 'eelin& a# one wi#h all #ha# is.
1u#$ a!ar# 'rom #he 'a# #ha# #he !ra#ie o' #he !resene o' #he E&o leads us #o #he immedia#e &oal o'
our e6olu#ion whih is 2ni#ia#ion$ i# arries i#s own reward wi#h i# in #ha# i# bes#ows a dee! and abidin& @oy
and !ower and !eae on him who a##ains i#$ in #ha# i# is #he be&innin& o' a new li'e.
0e an all ome #o #his reali5a#ion? we an all laim wha# we are. 2# is no# some#hin& s#ran&e$
some#hin& ou#side oursel6es whih we ha6e #o onKuer? we ha6e only #o +Pae $$4- en#er #he world #o
whih we belon&$ only #o laim #ha# whih we #ruly are.
Le# us #hen #a*e @oy in our own di6ini#y$ laim #he di6ine bir#hri&h# whih is ours$ and deide #o re#urn #o
#ha# na#i6e land$ whene we ha6e been exiled 'or so many #housands o' years in #hese worlds o'
dar*ness and su''erin&. And may #he blessin& o' #he ,as#ers 0hom we ser6e be wi#h us$ may Their lo6e
!ro#e# and shield us$ un#il we #oo s#and where They s#and$ un#il we #oo ha6e beome #he Per'e# ,an.
+Pate $$5-
Pa&e 26
Gods in Exile by J.J. Van Der Leeuw
T.E ex!lora#ion o' #he world o' our onsiousness$ so li##le *nown #o mos# o' us$ is a neessi#y 'or him
who would reali5e himsel' as he #ruly is$ #he E&o li6in& in his own world$ usin& #he #hree bodies as
6ehiles 'or his onsiousness$ bu# no# bein& used by #hem. 2n 'a#$ #he mys#ial @ourney desribed in #he
!reedin& !a&es is an exerise #o be !ra#ised by all as!iran#s un#il #hey are so !ro'iien# in i# #ha# #hey
an main#ain E&oi onsiousness all #he #ime. The ideal is$ #ha# ha6in& a##ained #he le6el o' #he E&o$ we
should s#ay #here and re'use #o be drawn in#o #he old ru#s o' sla6ery #o #he bodies a&ain. +Pae $,7- "ome
may sueed in doin& #ha# #he 'irs# #ime$ o#hers may 'ind #hemsel6es #a*en unawares by some
exi#emen# or #rouble and sli! ba* in#o #he old a##i#ude be'ore #hey ha6e had #ime #o !u# #hemsel6es on
#heir &uard. 2n bo#h ases #he re&ular !ra#ie o' #he onsiousness o' #he E&o is a neessi#y$ in #he 'irs#
ase in order #o main#ain wha# has been ahie6ed? in #he seond ase #o re#rie6e wha# is in dan&er o'
bein& los#.
"ine in #he !reedin& ha!#ers a &ood deal o' ex!lana#ion had #o be &i6en a# di''eren# !oin#s$ #he
a#ual s!iri#ual exerise is !erha!s no# so easily 'ollowed by #hose who would #ry i# in !ra#ie. 2# may
#here'ore be well #o re!ea# #he main !oin#s o' #he exerise as a #en#a#i6e rou#e 'or #hose +Pae $,$- in
Kues# o' E&oi onsiousness. 2# should be unders#ood #ha# #here are many ways #o a##ain #he same end$
bu# #he one desribed in #his boo*le# has been 'ound use'ul in many ases and sui#able 'or !eo!le o' 6ery
di''eren# #em!eramen#s. 2 should ra#her all i# an exerise #han a medi#a#ion$ #hou&h e6ery medi#a#ion
should be an exerise. 2' done by a &rou! o' !ersons #o&e#her i# may be 'ound use'ul 'or one o' #he
number #o india#e sotto voce #he s#a&es o' #he exerise so #ha# #he e''or#s may be made simul#aneously.
As in all medi#a#ion #he om'or# o' #he !hysial body is more im!or#an# #han #he s#ri*in& o' some unusual
orien#al !os#ure$ bu# i# is well #o 'ind a !lae where dis#urbane is unli*ely and where Kuie# an be 'ound.
+Pae $,,-
#!E EGO %ED(#"#(O)
2' #he exerise is done in a &rou!$ be&in by #hin*in& o' #he uni#y o' #he &rou! and #ry #o 'eel #ha# uni#y.
Then #hin* o' some hi&h ideal$ !re'erably o' one o' #he ,as#ers o' #he 0isdom and #ry #o 'eel lo6e and
de6o#ion 'or .im.
3ow #hin* o' #he !hysial body and see i# as your ser6an# in #he !hysial world$ 'eel i# as heal#hy and
s#ron& and 6i#ali5ed 'rom wi#hin.
0i#hdraw #he en#re o' onsiousness 'rom #he !hysial body and e#heri body$ and loo* a# #he as#ral
body? swee! i# lear o' all !assin& emo#ions and desires and !our ou# #hrou&h i# #he hi&her emo#ions? 'eel
lo6e 'or all rea#ures$ de6o#ion #o #he +Pae $,/- .i&hes#$ sym!a#hy 'or all who su''er$ and s!iri#ual
as!ira#ions? le# #hese emo#ions radia#e ou# 'rom #he as#ral body$ s#eadily.
0i#hdraw #he en#re o' onsiousness 'rom #he as#ral body and loo* a# #he men#al? swee! i# lear o' all
Pa&e 28
Gods in Exile by J.J. Van Der Leeuw
#hou&h#4'orms and ima&es and !our ou# #hrou&h i# #he li&h# o' #he hi&her mind? le# i# radia#e ou# #hrou&h
#he men#al body.
%rea#e in #he men#al body #he ima&e o' yoursel' as #he !er'e# man? !er'e# in lo6e$ will and #hou&h#
and 'ill #he men#al body wi#h #ha# ima&e.
0i#hdraw #he en#re o' onsiousness 'rom #he men#al body #oo$ and 'eel #he #hree bodies as !er'e#ly
on#rolled ins#rumen#s in #he !ower o' #he E&o. +Pae $,0-
3ow reali5e yoursel' as #he E&o$ brin& your onsiousness ba* in#o i#$ and *now #ha# you are #ha# E&o$
li6in& in your own world o' @oy and beau#y? 'eel #he @oy and 'reedom and see #he s!lendour o' your own
world and *now #ha# i# is your own #rue home.
3ow reali5e #he !owers o' #he E&o. )irs# i#s lo6e4!ower o' uni#y wi#h all #hin&s.
)eel uni#y wi#h #he ,as#er$ #ry #o 'eel #ha# you are !ar# o' .is onsiousness.
3ex# #ry #o 'eel #he uni#y o' #he 1ro#herhood? 'eel #ha# mi&h#y %onsiousness !er6adin& #he en#ire world
and *now #ha# all in 2# are one$ u##erly one.
Then 'eel uni#y wi#h all #ha# li6es$ wi#h all 3a#ure$ wi#h all man*ind? 'eel lo6e 'or all bein&s and 'eel your
onsiousness dissol6in& in #he uni6ersal onsiousness. +Pae $,1-
)eel #he bliss o' #ha# uni#y and 'eel how$ arried alon& by #his lo6e$ you reah #he hear# o' #hin&s$ #he
lo6e o' %hris#? 'eel yoursel' as !ar# o' .is li'e and .is lo6e.
3ow reali5e #he will o' #he E&o$ #he A#ma? 'eel i# 'illin& your onsiousness li*e a searhin& li&h# and 'eel
#ha# i#s !ower is irresis#ible.
7se #he will #o see only #he one !ur!ose whih is F!er'e#ion 'or #he sa*e o' #he world$( and exlude all
o#her #hin&s$ 'illin& #he whole onsiousness wi#h #ha# one !ur!ose$ un#il you beome i#.
3ow reali5e #he rea#i6e ener&y o' #he E&o$ #he ,anas? 'eel #ha# boundless rea#i6e ener&y and use i#
#o rea#e #he idea o' !er'e#ion$ 'illin& i# wi#h rea#i6e !ower so #ha# i# mus# be reali5ed. +Pae $,2-
3ow use #he #hree !owers #o&e#her? #he will #o see #he one !ur!ose D!er'e#ion 'or #he sa*e o' #he
worldE$ lo6e #o draw us in#o i# and ma*e us one wi#h i#? and #hou&h# #o rea#e i# and arry i# ou#. Mee! on
doin& #his all day lon&.
Pa&e 2=
Gods in Exile by J.J. Van Der Leeuw
3ow reali5e yoursel' one a&ain as #he E&o$ #ry #o see #he beau#y o' your own world$ your own beau#y
in #ha# world$ and de#ermine #o main#ain #ha# s#a#e o' E&o4onsiousness wha#e6er may ha!!en #o you
durin& #he day.
3ow loo* ba* u!on #he #hree bodies$ bu# do no# &o down in#o #hem a&ain.
)irs# #he men#al body$ !our ou# #hrou&h i# #he li&h# o' #he hi&her mind and one a&ain rea#e in i# #he
ima&e o' yoursel' as #he !er'e# man. +Pae $,3-
3ex# loo* down on #he emo#ion body and !our ou# #hrou&h i# #he emo#ions o' #he E&o$ lo6e 'or all
bein&s$ de6o#ion #o #he hi&hes#$ sym!a#hy 'or all who su''er$ and s!iri#ual as!ira#ion$ and le# #hese radia#e
ou# s#eadily all #he #ime.
)inally loo* ba* on #he e#heri and !hysial bodies$ see #hem as #he ex!ression o' #he will$ #he A#ma$
and will #hem #o be heal#hy and s#ron&$ radia#in& ou# 6i#ali#y 'rom wi#hin 4 re&enera#e.
Mee! #he #hree bodies li*e #ha#$ !er'e# hannels 'or #he !owers o' #he E&o$ and le# #he !owers o' #he
E&o radia#e ou# #hrou&h #hem.
1u# always and under all irums#anes *now yoursel' as #he E&o and main#ain wi#hou# in#erru!#ion #he
s#a#e o' E&o4onsiousness.+Pae $,4-
)inally send ou# a s!iri#ual blessin& u!on #he world around$ #hus !ourin& ou# #he !owers you ha6e
2n 'inishin& #he exerise do no# a# one &o ba* #o #he ordinary body onsiousness$ bu# #ry #o main#ain
#he E&o4onsiousness all #hrou&h #he day$ *ee!in& !ar# o' your a##en#ion onen#ra#ed on i# while doin&
#he ordinary #hin&s o' daily li'e.
Pa&e 29

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