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Senior Professional Route Rsum Template

RICS Assessment of Professional Competence

How many years relevant surveying experience do you
have? !ar" with #$%
&'( )*+
Please indicate your APC faculty pathway please select only one pathway%,
Anti-ues and fine arts Planning and development
.uilding control Pro/ect management
.uilding surveying Property finance 0 investment
Commercial property 1uantity surveying 0 construction
2nvironment Research
3acilities management Residential
4eomatics Rural
Infrastructure 5axation allowances
!anagement consultancy 6aluation
!inerals and waste management 6aluation of 7usiness and intangi7le assets
When making this decision please refer to the APC Requirements and Competencies Guide as the pathway you
choose determines the competencies that you will e assessed on!
"! Personal details
3ull name,
8ate of 7irth,
Personal 5elephone,
!o7ile 5elephone,
Personal 2mail,
Home Address,
#! $mployment %etails
Current Position,
3irm Address,
:or" 5elephone,
:or" 2mail,
&! $ducation' please list all relevant academic -ualifications%%;
+please include country,
%egree*diploma name
Type of study
+full time- part
time- placement
year- fle.ile
%ate started
+and year of
course if not
year ",
%ate completed
/! Any other rele)ant professional qualification+s,' if it applies%
0ame of organisation Grade
1ow memership was achie)ed
+e!g! e.amination,
2ear gained
3! Senior Professional Checklists' 5he following two chec"lists will help you decide whether you are li"ely to 7e
regarded 7y a review panel as senior; 5hey are not exhaustive lists 7ut simply examples to help you focus on whether this
is a suita7le route for you to follow; Please also refer to the guidance document availa7le;
0ote' 2ou should not e.pect all of these to apply to you ut please indicate where you feel your strengths lie!
Checklist "' senior management position !ar" #$ if applica7le%
Position in the organisation structure !anaging resources
8ecision ma"ing !anaging people
International dimension Client 7ase
Recognition <ther
please specify%
Checklist #' e.pert status !ar" #$ if applica7le%
Position in the organisation Pu7lications
Record of specialist consultancy wor" Record as expert spea"er at high level
=sed 7y other professional 7odies as an adviser>
author> 7oard mem7er
2xpert witness> court or other official
appointment as an expert
Record of guest% lecturing 8egree -ualification 7eyond masters
level Ph8 or similar%
8ispute resolution in a specific technical area
In the text 7ox 7elow> please write a concise summary of how you feel you have met your selections from the chec"lists
0ote' Roughly a paragraph for each selection is acceptale!
Are you applying as an expert specialist? ?2S 9<
If ?es> what is your specialist area?
How many Senior Professional Characteristics do you
meet? see chec"list ) in section @%
Have you included an <rganisational Chart ?2S 9<
If you have selected 9< please advise the reason
7ehind this
(this is a requirement of the route but it is taken in to
consideration that some applicants are unable to provide
this in certain circumstances)
3! Professional e.perience'
Please list all employer details to date> starting with the most recent> going 7ac" at least )* years if needed;%
Period 4o title $mployer
Type and scope of responsiilities
+in detail,
5! 6rganisational Structure Chart
Please attach a structure chart of your organisation to this template
If any additional paper is needed> please mar" clearly the section it refers to> and attach it securely to this document;
Please forward your completed rsum 7 structure chart to'
The information on the form should e typed 8 handwritten forms will not e accepted!
Please ensure that your application form is sent in 9icrosoft Word format and not P%:- thank you!
;;:6R ASS$SS6R (S$ 60<2;; 8elete as appropriate
); Is this person of sufficient seniority> 7ased upon declared SPR characteristics?
?es 9o
B; 8oes this persons experience 7roadly match their chosen APC pathway?
?es 9o
Please include your comments about the application

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