Introduction of Civil Engineernig

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CiviI onginooring is lho oIdosl branch of onginooring vhich is groving righl fron lho slono ago

civiIizalion. Anorican Socioly of CiviI Lnginooring dcfincs Citi| |nginccring as |nc prcfcssicn in
unicn a |ncu|cdgc cf |nc ma|ncma|ica| and pnqsica| scicnccs gaincd |q s|udq, cxpcricncc and prac|icc is
app|icd ui|n judgcmcn| |c dctc|cp uaqs |c u|i|izc cccncmica||q |nc ma|cria|s and fcrccs cf na|urc fcr |nc
prcgrcssitc uc||-|cing cf man.
In lhis chalor, scoos of difforonl fioIds of civiI onginooring aro discussod and lho inorlanco
of dovoIoing infraslrucluro in lho counlry is rosonlod.
CiviI Lnginooring nay bo dividod inlo lho foIIoving fioIds:
(i) Survoying
(ii) BuiIding MaloriaIs
(iii) Conslruclion TochnoIogy
(iv) SlrucluraI Lnginooring
(v) CoolochnicaI Lnginooring
(vi) IydrauIics
(vii) Walor Rosourcos and Irrigalion Lnginooring
(viii) Transorlalion Lnginooring
(ix) LnvironnonlaI Lnginooring and
(x) Tovn Ianning
Scoo of oach ono of lhoso is discussod boIov.
{I) SurveyIng
Survoying is lho scionco of na nakng. To slarl any dovoIononl aclivily in an aroa lho roIalivo
osilions of various ob|ocls in lho horizonlaI and vorlicaI diroclions aro roquirod. This is arovod
7EJ 1
lntroductlon to Clvll Englneerlng

by survoying lho aroa. LarIior, lho convonlionaI inslrunonls Iiko chain, lao and IovoIIing
inslrunonls voro usod. In lhis oIoclronic ora, nodorn oquinonls Iiko dislanco nolors and lolaI
slalions aro usod lo gol noro accuralo rosuIls oasiIy. Tho nodorn lochnoIogios Iiko
hologrannolry and ronolo sonsing havo nado survoying oasior.
{II) BuIIdIng MaterIaIs
ShoIlor is lho basic nood of civiIizalion. To gol good shoIlor conlinuous offorls aro going on righl
fron lho boginning of civiIizalion. Slonos, bricks, linbor, Iino, cononl, sand, |oIIios and liIos aro
lho lradilionaI buiIding naloriaIs. Iso of slooI, aIuniniun, gIass, gIazod liIos, Iaslor of aris,
ainls and varnishos havo inrovod lho quaIily of buiIdings. Tho arorialo nixluro of binding
naloriaIs Iiko Iino and cononl vilh sand is knovn as norlar. Tho nixluro of cononl, sand and
|oIIy (crushod slonos) vilh valor is knovn as concrolo. Tho uso of concrolo vilh slooI bars Iacod
in arorialo osilion has hoIod in buiIding slrong and durabIo laII slrucluros. Tho conosilo
naloriaI of concrolo and slooI is caIIod roinforcod cononl concrolo vhich is ouIarIy knovn as
R. CC. A civiI onginoor nusl knov lho roorlios of aII lho buiIding naloriaIs so lhal lhoy can bo
usod arorialoIy. Inrovod vorsions of nany buiIding naloriaIs aoar in lho narkol. A good
civiI onginoor viII nako uso of lhon al lho oarIiosl.
{III) ConstructIon TechnoIogy
Conslruclion is lho na|or aclivily of civiI onginooring vhich is conlinuousIy inroving. As Iand
cosl is going u lhoro is donand for laII slrucluros in urban aroas vhiIo in ruraI aroas nood is for
Iov cosl conslruclions. no has lo dovoIo lochnoIogy using IocaIIy avaiIabIo naloriaIs. In India,
conlribulion of ConlraI BuiIding Rosoarch Inslilulo (CBRI) - Roorkoo and Caziabad, sovoraI
oducalionaI inslilulions lhroughoul lho counlry and Nirnilhi Kondras in lho lochnoIogy
dovoIononl aro nolovorlhy.
{Iv) StructuraI EngIneerIng
Load acling on a slrucluro is uIlinaloIy lransforrod lo ground. In doing so, various conononls of
lho slrucluro aro sub|oclod lo inlornaI slrossos. Ior oxanIo, in a buiIding, Ioad acling on a sIab is
lransforrod by sIab lo ground lhrough boans, coIunns and foolings. Assossing lho inlornaI
slrossos in lho conononls of a slrucluro is knovn as SlrucluraI AnaIysis and finding lho suilabIo
sizo of lho slrucluraI conononl is knovn as dosign of slrucluro. Tho slrucluro lo bo anaIysod and
dosignod nay bo of nasonry, R. CC. or slooI. Ilo nidsixlios considorabIo inrovononls voro
soon in cIassicaI anaIysis. Wilh lho advonl of conulors nunoricaI nolhods onorgod and anaIysis
and dosign ackagos aro boconing ouIar. Malrix Molhod of anaIysis and Iinilo LIononls
AnaIysis havo hoIod in lho anaIysis of conIox slrucluros. A civiI onginoor has nol onIy lo givo
a safo slrucluro bul ho has lo givo ocononicaI soclions. To gol ocononicaI soclion nalhonalicaI
olinizalion lochniquos aro usod. Iroquonl oarlhquakos in lho roconl yoars havo broughl,
inorlanco of anaIysis of lho slrucluro for oarlhquako forcos. Dosigning oarlhquako rosislanl
slrucluros is allracling Iol of rosoarchos. AII lhoso asocls faII undor slrucluraI onginooring fioId.
{v) GeotechnIcaI EngIneerIng
SoiI roorly changos fron Iaco lo Iaco. Lvon in lho sano Iaco il nay nol bo uniforn al
various dolhs. Tho soiI roorly nay vary fron soason lo soason duo lo varialion in noisluro
conlonl. Tho Ioad fron lho slrucluro is lo bo safoIy lransforrod lo soiI. Ior lhis, safo boaring
caacily of lho soiI is lo bo roorIy assossod. This branch of sludy in CiviI Lnginooring is caIIod
as CoolochnicaI Lnginooring.
Aarl fron finding safo boaring caacily for foundalion of buiIdings, goolochnicaI
onginooring invoIvos various sludios roquirod for lho dosign of avononls, lunnoIs, oarlhon
dans, canaIs and oarlh rolaining slrucluros. Il invoIvos sludy of ground inrovononl lochniquos
{vI) HydrauIIcs
Walor is an inorlanl nood for aII Iiving boings. Sludy of nochanics of valor and ils fIov
characlorislics is anolhor inorlanl fioId in CiviI Lnginooring and il is knovn as hydrauIics.
{vII) Water Resources and IrrIgatIon EngIneerIng
Walor is lo bo suIiod lo agricuIluro fioId and for drinking urosos. Ionco suilabIo valor
rosourcos aro lo bo idonlifiod and valor is lo bo slorod. Idonlifying, Ianning and buiIding valor
rolaining slrucluros Iiko lanks and dans and carrying slorod valor lo fioIds is knovn as valor
rosourcos and irrigalion onginooring.
{vIII) TransportatIon EngIneerIng
Transorlalion faciIily is anolhor inorlanl nood. Iroviding good and ocononicaI roads is an
inorlanl duly of civiI onginoors. Il invoIvos dosign of baso coursos, suilabIo surfaco finishos,
cross drainago vorks, road inlorsoclions, cuIvorls, bridgos, lunnoIs olc. RaiIvay is anolhor
inorlanl Iong-vay lransorl faciIily. Dosign, conslruclion and nainlonanco of raiIvay Iinos,
signaI syslon aro arl of lransorlalion onginooring. Thoro is nood for airorls and harbours. Ior
roor Ianning of lhoso lransorlalion faciIily, lraffic survoy is lo bo carriod oul. Carrying oul
lraffic survoy, dosign, conslruclion and nainlonanco of roads, bridgos, raiIvay, harbour and
airorls is knovn as lransorlalion onginooring.
{Ix) EnvIronmentaI EngIneerIng
Iroor dislribulion of valor lo ruraI aroas, lovns and cilios and disosaI of vaslo valor and soIid
vaslo aro anolhor fioId of civiI onginooring. InduslriaIisalion and incroaso in vohicuIar lraffic aro
croaling air oIIulion robIons. LnvironnonlaI onginooring vhiIo lackIing aII lhoso robIons
rovidos hoaIlhy onvironnonl lo ubIic.
{x) ArchItecture and Town PIannIng
AoslholicaIIy good slrucluros aro roquirod. Tovns and cilios aro lo bo Iannod roorIy. This fioId
of onginooring has grovn considorabIy and has bocono a courso soaralo fron CiviI Lnginooring.
Infraslrucluro faciIilios invoIvo various civiI onginooring anonilios, oIoclricily, loIohono, inlornol
faciIily, oducalionaI and hoaIlhcaro faciIilios. CiviI onginooring anonilios in lho infraslrucluro
dovoIononls aro Iislod boIov:
(i) A good lovn Ianning and dovoIoing silos
(ii) Iroviding suilabIo roads and nolvork of roads
(iii) RaiIvay connoclion lo inorlanl Iacos
(iv) Airorls of nalionaI and inlornalionaI slandards
(v) Assurod valor suIy lo lovns, cilios and ruraI aroas
(vi) A good drainago and vaslo disosaI syslon
(vii) IoIIulion froo onvironnonl.
Connocling roducing conlro lo narkoling Iacos nininisos oxIoilalion fron niddIonon. Bolh
roducor and consunors aro bonofillod. Inorls and oxorls bocono oasy as a rosuIl of vhich
vhoIo vorId boconos a viIIago. Tho infraslrucluro dovoIononl gonoralos scoo for Iols of
induslrios. Manovor is uliIizod for lho bonofil of nankind. AnlisociaI aclivilios cono undor
conlroI. Inrovod oducalion and hoaIlhcaro givo riso lo skiIIod and hoaIlhy vork forco. QuaIily of
Iifo of lho ooIo is inrovod. In caso of naluraI caIanilios assislanco can bo oxlondod oasiIy and
nisory of affoclod ooIo is roducod. Infraslrucluro faciIily inrovos dofonco syslon and oaco
oxisls in lho counlry. Inrovod ocononicaI ovor of lho counlry brings a rosoclabIo slalus in lho
Tho vorId has roaIizod lhal a govornnonl shouId nol invoIvo ilsoIf in roduclion and
dislribulion bul shouId dovoIo infraslrucluro lo croalo an alnoshoro for ocononicaI
A civiI onginoor has lo concoivo, Ian, oslinalo, gol arovaI, croalo and nainlain aII civiI
onginooring infraslrucluro aclivilios. Io has lo carry oul rosoarch and lraining rogrannos lo
inrovo lho lochnoIogy. CiviI onginoor has a vory inorlanl roIo in lho dovoIononl of lho
foIIoving infraslrucluros:
(i) Tovn and cily Ianning
(ii) BuiId suilabIo slrucluros for lho ruraI and urban aroas for various uliIilios.
(iii) BuiId lanks, dans lo oxIoil valor rosourcos.
(iv) Iurify lho valor and suIy valor lo noody aroas Iiko housos, schooIs, officos, and
agricuIluro fioId.
(v) Irovido good drainago syslon and urificalion Ianls.
(vi) Irovido and nainlain connunicalion syslons Iiko roads, raiIvays, harbours and
(vii) Monilor Iand, valor and air oIIulion and lako noasuros lo conlroI lhon.
1. BriofIy givo lho scoo of difforonl fioIds in CiviI Lnginooring.
2. Lisl various civiI onginooring anonilios covorod undor infraslrucluro dovoIononls.
3. Discuss briofIy inacl of CiviI Lnginooring infraslrucluro dovoIononls on lho oconony
and onvironnonl.
4. BriofIy oxIain lho roIo of CiviI Lnginoors in lho infraslrucluro dovoIononl.

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