Mozart's Magnificent Voyage Worksheet

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Mozarts Magnificent Voyage

1) What will happen if Mr. Mozart doesnt finish the opera? _________________________________________
2) Where does Mr. Mozart work? _______________________________________________________________________
3) What city is Mozart living in 1791? __________________________________________________________________
4) What is the name of Mr. Mozarts son? ______________________________________________________________
5) What kind of trouble is he getting into? _____________________________________________________________
6) How many Dream Children are in the opera? _______________________________________________________
7) How do the children travel to Carls school? ________________________________________________________
8) Does Carl live with his parents? ______________________________________________________________________
9) What age is Mr. Mozart in the beginning of this story? _____________________________________________
10) Who was Mr. Mozarts teacher? _____________________________________________________________________
11) Who does Carl want to see when he was young? __________________________________________________
12) Which direction are they traveling? _________________________________________________________________
13) What musical activities did he do at age 8? _________________________________________________________
14) Who did Mozart want to marry at age 8? ___________________________________________________________
15) How did Mozart fall asleep when he was sick? ____________________________________________________
16) Who did they think that Mozart stole from? ________________________________________________________
17) How did Mozart get out of trouble? _________________________________________________________________
18) How old was he visited Rome? ______________________________________________________________________
19) What position did the Pope bestow on Mozart? ___________________________________________________
20) When was Mozart married? _________________________________________________________________________
21) What did Mozart send to his bride? _________________________________________________________________
22) What did the bride send back to Mozart? ___________________________________________________________
23) Who was the gentleman in the cemetery? __________________________________________________________
24) What did Mozart do while entertaining visitors? __________________________________________________
25) What did Mozart bring to Carl? ______________________________________________________________________

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