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(also called Ambras syndrome) is an

abnormal amount of hair growth over the

body;extensive cases of hypertrichosis have
informally been called werewolf syndrome.

are caused by genetic
mutations, and are
extremely rare, unlike
acquired forms.
appears after birth.
exclusive to women and
children, resulting from
an excess of androgen-
sensitive hair growth.

is noticeable at birth, with the infant completely
covered in thin lanugo hair.

characterized by the presence of fully pigmented terminal
hair that covers the entire body.

characterized by rapid growth of lanugo hair, particularly on the face.

Hair also appears on the trunk and armpits, while palms and soles
are unaffected.The excess hair is commonly referred to as malignant
down. This hair is very fine and unpigmented

Hypertrichosis is diagnosed clinically via the occurrence
of hair in excess of what is expected for age, sex, and
ethnicity in areas that are not androgen-sensitive.

The excess can be in the form of excessive length or
density and may consist of any hair type (lanugo, vellus,
or terminal).

What causes
Other possible causes of acquired hypertrichosis include:
Metabolic disorders such as porphyria cutanea tarda.

Drugs or chemicals (oral phenytoin and ciclosporin are
the best known)

Anorexia nervosa

Treatment of hypertrichosis is basically hair
Repeated shaving.
Chemical epilation.
Electrolysis and thermolysis.

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