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University of Scranton
Education Department
Name: Natasha Date: 04/7/2014
Lesson Plan Title: Math-3 Times Ta!e
Grade Level: 3
o Students #i!! e a!e to understand the 3 times ta!e and the re!ationship et#een addition and
o Students #i!! e a!e to represent repeated addition in picture form to further understand the concept
of mu!tip!yin" y 3s$
o Students #i!! e a!e to reca!! the 2 times ta!e from previous c!ass$
Sequence of activities
Lesson elements, e.g. anticipatory set, procedure, guided practice, independent practice, assessment, closure, etc.
ntroduction!"ntici#ator$ Set%
&!ass #i!! e"in #ith a #arm'up usin" f!ashcards to reca!! the 2 times ta!e$ Today #e are "oin" to !earn
the 3 times ta!e$ Give students a hand out of the new table%
Lesson &ontent!Procedure!'od$%
Emphasi(e previous!y !earned materia! aout mu!tip!ication) reinforcin" the fact that it is repeated addition
and that there is a re!ationship et#een addition and mu!tip!ication$ *rite 3+1, 3 3+2,- 3+3,. on the
oard and i!!ustrate each e/uation y0 dra#in" three p!ates #ith 1 stra#erry0 another three p!ates #ith -
stra#erries and three more p!ates #ith . stra#erries$ Te!! them #e are usin" 3 p!ates0 ecause #e are
!earnin" that ta!e$ 1s2 the students if they noticed the steps 3 used to so!ve each pro!em$ 3f they didn4t0
e5p!ain one more time$ *rite three more e/uations and have three students come up front to so!ve them
usin" the aove steps$ No# e5p!ain to them0 the same criteria used for previous!y !earned 2 times ta!e
6instead of addin"0 #hich #i!! ta2e a !on"er time0 #e simp!y mu!tip!y0 and is #hat peop!e re!y on in the rea!
#or!d0 your parents0 myse!f0 the nei"hors0 etc$0 it is much faster0 7ust ima"ine ho# !on" it #ou!d ta2e to
add . stra#erries in each of three p!ates8$ 9ets ta2e a !oo2 at a video that #i!! he!p us !earn0 in a fun #ay0
the 3 times ta!e$ Play video on the Ppt. 1fter the video0 te!! students it #i!! e p!ayed one more time and
to pay attention$ 1s2 students if they !i2ed the video$ 1s you can see !earnin" the times ta!e is fun and if
you practice it comes easy to you$
' :!ashcards 62 times ta!e8 3 times ta!e on ;pt$
' &o!ored paper
' &rayons
' ;pt$ or ;ri(e
' Students #i!! #or2 individua!!y to so!ve mu!tip!ication e/uations i!!ustratin" their #or2 on a co!ored paper
#ith crayons$
' Students #i!! #or2 in "roups to p!ay a 7eopardy "ame #ith f!ashcards in ;pt$ 63 "roups'"roup 1 < 2
students < "roup1 teacher8$ The "roup to score hi"her #i!! "et = points on the 3 times ta!e /ui(0 comin"
up soon$
"ssessment: Informal
a$ Students #i!! fi!! in a 3 times ta!e #or2sheet$
' Sho# students the ;re(i presentation to further assist #ith !earnin" the ta!e$ >ive them the handout #ith
the !in2 to the ?ouTue video p!ayed in c!ass to practice at home$ @and in the home#or2 #or2sheet and
te!! them to come prepare for ne5t c!ass0 for fun activities usin" the 3 times ta!e$ 1s2 the students if they
en7oyed !earnin" the ne# ta!e$
;ost'!esson notes or ref!ection%

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