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Dallas County Childrens Advocacy Council

Monthly Meeting Agenda

Thursday, May 22, 2014
ISU !tension "##ice $ 2%0&' (airground )oad, Adel
8:00 a.m. Executive Board Members
I* Call to "rder
II* A++roval o# Agenda Action Ite,
III* A++roval o# Minutes Action Ite,
I-* Treasurers )e+ort Action Ite,
8:30 a.m. Members Meeting
-* Introductions
-I* .resentation o# the Treasurers )e+ort
-II* "+en (oru,
-III* "ld /usiness
A* 0ra+ u+ and su,,ary o# Child A1use .revention Month activities
I2* 3e4 /usiness
A* DCCAC +riorities ,oving #or4ard
/* /oard o# Su+ervisors $ in5ury a1out Dallas County child a1use +revention
2* Colla1oration ##orts 6 Announce,ents 7 This is an opportunity for entities to share
what is happening around the county and how the council can assist in promoting
activities and/or how the council could benefit from supporting such activities.
2I* Ad5ourn Action Ite,
.lease stay a#ter the DCCAC ,eeting and attend the arly Childhood Io4a ,eeting
The 8une ,onthly DCCAC ,eeting 4ill 1e held on Thursday 8une 29*
The 1oard ,eeting 4ill 1e held at % a*,* and general ,e,1ers ,eeting 4ill 1egin
at %:;0 a*,*
ACEs: Adverse Childhood Experiences ECI: Early Childhood Ioa
CBCA!: Community Based Child Abuse !revention ICA!!: Ioa Child Abuse !revention !ro"ram
CIAC: Crisis Intervention and Advocacy Center !CA#Ioa: !revent Child Abuse Ioa
C!!C: Community !artnerships $or !rotectin" Children !%&: !artners in %amily &evelopment
&CCAC: &allas County Childrens Advocacy Council

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