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(For the post of Administrative cum Accounts Officer on

deputation basis)
Applicants Name in Full (in bloc letters)
Fathers "#usbands Name
$ate of %irth !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A&e as on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nationalit' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A) Address for correspondence (in bloc letters)
Pin (ode !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Telephone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )-Mail *$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
b) Permanent Address (in bloc letters)+
Pin code !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
,hether 'ou belon& to (please tic) -( !!!!-T!!!O%( !!! P# !!!! .)N !!!!
(Attach cop' of certificate if 'ou belon& to -(/ -T/ P# or O%()
)ducational 1ualifications+-
-2 No $e&ree"
$ivision or
6ear of passin& Percenta&e or
)mplo'ment Record (details in reverse chronolo&ical order/ startin& 7ith the latest
-2no Name 8
Address of the
Period of service in
each post ($uration
in Months)
From To
$esi&nation of post
held 8 -cale of Pa'
Nature of 7or and
level of
Please state 7hether 7orin& under+
a) (entral .overnment b) -tate .overnment
c) Autonomous Or&ani3ation d) .overnment 4ndertain&
e) 4niversities f) An' other
An' other information 'ou ma' 7ish to furnish !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(*n brief and no anne9ure be enclosed)
PART-( (4ndertain& b' (andidate)
* certif' that the fore&oin& information is correct and complete to the best of m' no7led&e
and belief and nothin& has been concealed"distorted2 At an' time * am found to have
concealed"distorted an' material information/ m' appointment shall be liable to be
summaril' terminated 7ithout notice"compensation2
Place !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
$ate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-i&nature of the (andidate
*N-T*T4T) OF #OT); MANA.)M)NT/ (AT)R*N. 8 N4TR*T*ON
P4-A/ N), $);#*
Ph2 No2 <==-0>?@=@==/ 0>?@0@0A FAB No2 0>?@:=CC
)-mail2 ihmpusaDrediffmail2com
Recruitment for the post of Administrative-cum-Accounts officer on
$eputation basis2
Applications are invited on deputation for the post of Administrative Cum Accounts
Officer (Unreserved) from officers holding analogous posts under
C&AG/CGA/National Council for Hotel Management & Catering echnolog!/
officers from an! Central/"tate #nstitute of Hotel Management/$ood Craft
#nstitute /other autonomous %odies and &"Us in the &a! "cale 's( )*+,,-
./),,0G& *1,, plus usual allo2ances in accordance 2ith terms and conditions of
deputation as applica%le to Central Govt( emplo!ees(
)ssential 1ualification+ 3achelor of Commerce degree from a recogni4ed universit!
securing not less than *, 5 mar6s in aggregate(
)9perience+ At least 7 !ears of service in Administration and Accounts in an!
Central/"tate Govt( #nstitute of Hotel Management or $ood Craft #nstitute or &u%lic
"ector Underta6ing or Autonomous %od! in the Grade &a! of 's( 18,,/- or
Computer Competenc! is essential(
Nature of appointment: On ;eputation %asis for ma<imum period of . !ears(
A&e ;imit: Not e<ceeding *, !ears as on closing date (i(e( 87(,8(8,)1)
Applications should %e dul! filled and su%mitted as per the prescri%ed &erforma 2ith
attested copies of relevant certificates/testimonials along 2ith AC' of the preceding five
!ears and vigilance clearance certificate and NOC through proper channel ma! %e sent to
the principal= #nstitute of Hotel Management Catering & Nutrition= >i%rar! Avenue= &usa=
Ne2 ;elhi-)),,)8( The last date of submission of complete application is 0?2<020<=@(
#ncomplete and applications received after last date of su%mission 2ill not %e entertained(
his #nstitute 2ill not %e responsi%le for an! postal dela!s( he selection to the a%ove
posts 2ill %e done %! a selection committee( Onl! short listed candidates 2ill %e called
for #ntervie2 after a screening process(
The competent authorit' reserves all ri&ht to cancel"republish the advertisement 7ithout
assi&nin& an' reason2

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