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Piedad M Quintanar Verdguez


Nowadays, hunting is a controversial and we can basically two points of view
completely different. So what are the arguments for and against?
On the one hand, hunting is a hobby for some people, even its considered a
sport like fishing. What is more, there are a lot of international competitions which have
as main contestant an animal. For example you can see horse competitions or dog
exhibitions. Another argument for is that you can hunt your own food and eating fresher
meat and even cheaper, so you can save money. Moreover, some scientist think hunting
helps keep the balance of certain animal species.
On the other hand, part of the population thinks right the opposite. Hunting is
very cruel because animals are scared and its so traumatic for them. Also, if hunting
isnt supervised, can be the reason of the extinction of some species.
In conclusion, I think hunting can be bad or good depending on the human
control. Both sides should be respected if they arent dangerous for animals and

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