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Neighbourhood Weekly Newspaper

Covering Porur, Valasaravakkam, Virugambakkam, Saligramam & Vadapalani areas

Date of Publication : Every Saturday
Postal Registration No.TN/CC(S) Dn/28/12-14
k D
Vol : 9 - No : 21 May 17 - 23, 2014
Re.1/- Editorial & Advt. Cell: 98405 73043, 90030 39483
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2 22 22
VALASAI TIMES May 17 - 23, 2014
45/105, Arcot Road,
Chennai - 600 087.
2486 6663, 98405 73043
Editor & Publisher
Advt. Incharge
Valasai Babu
Design & Layout
Arcot Road,
Date of
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VALASAI TIMES May 17 - 23, 2014
98401 50211
Free Dental Check-up at
43/24, Trunk Road, (Opp. SBI),
Porur, Chennai - 600 116.
May 10 - June 10, 2014
Weekdays : 10 am - 9 pm
Sunday : 10 am - 2 pm
For details, contact
64500500, 99415 11444
A landmarkjudgement
on top Babus
he Supreme Courts five judge bench on
May delivered a landmark judgement
which will leave the bureaucrats at Joint-
Secretary level and above, anguished and
perplexed, unanimously ruled at Section 6A in the
Delhi Special Police and Establishment Act null and void since it
violated the fundamental right to inequality before law, guaranteed
under the constitution. They gave the CBI nod to enquire into
corruption charges against top officials. Justice Lodha said,Can
there be sound differentiation corrupt public servants based on their
status? Not,because irrespective of their status or position, corrupt
public servants are corruptors of public power.
This is the second time, first on 18
December 1997, the Supreme
Court had overruled a legislative action to fetter the CBI from enquiring
against the senior babus.
The Government argued in vain as a defence to the single
Directive earlier that officials at the rank of Joint-Secretary and above
are decision makers who required protection against malicious or
vexatious allegations. It was also contended that officials tend to
make no decisions or limit themselves to safe decisions.
The Court overruled this and said corruption was the enemy of
the nation and the Prevention of Corruption Act mandated tracking
down the corrupt and punishing them. The provision thwarts
independent, unhampered, unbiased, efficient and fearless enquiry/
investigation to track down corrupt public servants. The disapproval
of the single Directive is also a major fillip for accountability as
the verdict dovetails with the RIT provision of disclosure of file
The CBI said that the judgement provided them autonomy that
would prevent the high and mighty from misusing Section 6A of the
Delhi Special Police Act. Overall, the verdict thus arm the Agency
failed to do over the years.It has also restored the tune of VineetNarain
however high you may be, the law is above you. This if any, is a sine
qua non for good governance paving way for honesty in public life.
he coalition era has just come to an end since history
is recreated after 30 years for BJP attaining as the
single largest majority party with 282 seats in the
Parliament. Obviously, Narendra Modi swept to power as
Prime Minister as a tsunami. It is truly an epoch making
verdict for BJP that a party which did not even exist at the
time of Independence era which never crossed a watermark
of 200 seats in Parliament, has become the largest party to
form the government at the centre on its own, is stupendous.
Modis achievement has even surpassed all of his
predecessors including Vajpayee and Advani. Modis campaigns are all historical- hard fought,colourful
with a wide coverage of population, covered throughout the length and breadth of India, widely travelled,
is a classic example of hard work,capturing the imagination of the countrys 14.5 million voters in India and
people living around the world. The General Election of 2014 has been widely different on various parameters
like the style of campaigning coverage, change in voter profiles, shift in ideologies, voter preference in
caste compositions and relevance of political parties etc.
The BJP returns to power after a gap of 10 years which is challenging. His public address is electric
and emphatic like good days are ahead, I am mazdoor number 1,government will be for everyone,every bit
of my body and limbs is dedicated to the 125 crore people of India emphasising on change, development,
stability etc. His Presidential style of campaign worked miraculously well. BJPs media and social media
campaigns worked brilliantly in tandem. The Modi wave which simplifiedand personified the anti-
incumbency anger against Congress led UPA against corruption scandals and high inflation etc. has
added to his fame. The UPA has been reduced to an ignominious defeat, humiliatingly reduced to a double
digit figure of 44 in the Parliament.
His mantra of economic change, development, governance and change worked on well like a magic.
The voter turn-out of 66.38% was the highest in electoral history. A large number of young new voters also
made the history to fructify. Undoubtedly, all these factors has taken him and party to the summit of power.
The new government should work relentlessly hard as promised to make India truly glittering to the summit
of its potential power since the peoples expectations are very high.
The resounding,emphatic and unparalleled mandate of the ruling AIADMK government winning
37 out of 39 seats on its own led by Chief Minister Jayalalithaais truly historical and epoch making. The
AIADMK thus became the 3
largest party in the Lok Sabha. She has decimated all the opposition parties
to her success. Despite its sterling performance, unlikely to play a crucial role in the formation of central
government, the state can now heave a sigh of relief in getting justice from the central government and her
aspirations can be fulfilled for further development of Tamilnadu in all spheres if she maintains cordial and
close relationship with it. - S.Ganapathy
Epoch making history - Kudos to Modi and Jayalalithaa!
Babycorn Capsicum Curry
ngredients: 12-15 sliced Babycorn,1 Big green capsicum diced,
2 Onions sliced, 3 Tomatoes chopped, 7-8 cashewnuts(or 2-3
tbsp Watermelon seeds), 2 tsp Ginger-Garlic paste, 1 tsp Red
chilli powder, 1 tsp Coriander powder, 1 tsp Kasuri methi, 1/2 tsp
Garam masala, 1/2 tsp Cumin powder, 1/4 tsp Turmeric powder,
1/2 tsp Amchur powder, 1/2 tsp Cumin seeds, a pinch of Sugar, 2-
3 tbsp Cream(or 1/4 cup Milk), 2 tbsp chopped Coriander, Salt to
taste, 2-3 tbsp Oil, 1 tbsp Butter
Method: Cut baby corn into 1" pieces and cut them into
halves and boil them in water for 4-5 mins or microwave on HIGH
for 3 mins.They should be crisp and not completely cooked.
Heat 1 tbsp oil in a pan add babycorn and fry for 2-3 mins
and then add sliced capsicum and fry for another 2-3 mins.Add a
fat pinch of salt while frying the vegetables.The vegetables should
be really crisp and slightly soft.
Heat 1 tbsp oil in a kadai,fry the sliced onions till pink,add
ginger-garlic paste and chopped tomatoes and fry until it forms a
pulpy mixture.Add cashewnuts(or water melon seeds), red chilli
powder,coriander powder,jeera powder,turmeric powder,a pinch
of sugar,amchur powder and salt and fry until the masalas are
Cool the mixture and grind all these ingredients to a smooth
paste.Add enough water while grinding but make it into a real fine
Heat 1 tbsp oil and 1 tbsp butter in the same kadai and crackle
cumin seeds.Add the ground paste and fry until the oil leaves the
edges. Add the roasted babycorn and capsicum and kasuri methi
to it and cover it and cook for 3-4 mins.Switch off the flame. Add
the cream(or milk) and chopped corriander to the curry and mix
Serve it hot with Roti/Phulka/Chapati/Naan or Pulao / Jeera
rice.Serve Onion juliennes(soaked in lemon juice), Aam ka achar
and few lemon wedges along with it to have a nice meal. A sprinkle
of lemon juice on top of curry will definitely take it to another
Narayaneeyam Bhama
Krishnan ( 9790944800) will
be conducting FREE
Narayaneeyam Classes
at Alwarthirunagar.
Duration : 2 Weeks
Monday to Saturday.
Classes beginning on
26th May 2014.
For details contact
KAYALVIZHI -9445686406
Sri Krishna Institute, Plot
No.313, Door No.30,
Kamarajar Salai,
To place an Advt in Valasai Times
Call : 9003039483, 9840573043
Email :
4 44 44
VALASAI TIMES May 17- 23, 2014
sually Days of
important personalities
are observed and days
dedicated for a noble cause Like
Mothers Day is celebrated, to
emphasis the qualities of
personalities and in the case to
highlight the importance and
noble qualities that Mothers
would have.
The emphasis is with an idea
of taking forward these
qualities to generations to come
, not only to know but also to
imbibe and follow. Catch them
as Children is a saying,
KIDZEE, Manapakkam by
organizing this even has stood
as an example to this saying .
Events started the event with
Mother s writing a quote
affixing their signature in the
plaque kept for the purpose as
a token of their love and
affection to the children. In turn
Children stood in the line to
express their gratitude to their
mothers was moving.
On the occasion as a part of
Summer Galatta, they have
conducted Painting on the
topic of Picnic Spot for the
children of Sub Junior level and
Too Much of Anything is
not good for others. The
Paintings were amazing.
The craft work of parents
and Students are worth
praising, as it was on the
idea of making wealth out of
The water games and other
games was true to the Summer
Galatta, as they have taken part
with enthusiasm and interest.
5 55 55
VALASAI TIMES May 17 - 23, 2014
6 66 66
VALASAI TIMES May 17 - 23, 2014
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7 77 77
VALASAI TIMES May 17 - 23, 2014
Applications invited for Scholarships
Karuna International invites applications for scholarships worth
Rs.10 lakh, aimed at students pursuing higher education.
Students who have secured above 75 per cent in qualifying
examinations (Class XII or undergraduate programmes) and those with
a total annual family income of below Rs. 4 lakh are eligible to apply
for scholarship.
The charitable trust has reserved 25 percent of the scholarship
amount for children of widows, the physically challenged and stu-
dents from socially backward communities. For details, call 98400 95050
Art Camp for students
DakshinaChitra conducts an eight-day summer programme on in-
troducing the arts to students from 12th standard through college. To
be held from 10 am to 6 pm from May 28 to June 7, the workshop is an
opportunity for students to develop their knowledge on varied fields
of art. Sessions will cover south Indian temple art, architecture, folk
performing arts, contemporary arts and craft and an exposure to the
working of a museum. Conveyance to and from DakshinaChitra will
be arranged. Registration is mandatory and an interview will be held
on May 26. For details, call 98414 36149, 98410 11785.
Dessert Workshop
A Kamalika Krishy teaches Kids Special Dessert Workshop where
children above 5 years will be taught basic chocolate making, oats
raisin cookies, mousse and much more.
Workshop at Ashvita Nirvana, Besant Nagar, Chennai on May 20,
4 pm to 7pm. For details, contact 97910 88189.
Grow Strong
A one-week workshop for students between 13 and 19 years to
build their strengths, set and achieve goals, develop positive attitude
and much more. Venue : Neha Foundation, Bells Road, Chepauk.
Date : May 19-24 , 10 am to 1.30 pm.
For details, contact 9884826162, 4231 0573
Kids Workshop
Brain Flower organises Blook Your Mind, a workshop for chil-
dren above five years, on quick mathematics, stone work, 3 D picture
framing, map reading and much more.
Venue : Kanchana Paati. Date : May 19 onwards, 2pm - 4pm.
For details, contact 9884177753.
Cooking Workshop
Hippocampus organises a cooking workshop for children between
8 and 13 years featuring pies, tarts and shortbreads, sandwiches,
pastas, salads and more.
Venue : Hippocampus childrens Company, Indra Nagar, Adyar.
Date : May 30, 10 am to 12.30 pm.
For details, call 4211 6417, 24433544
clYF Fia
jU siu btW t
Fof ntL vw tHf
kfilna UJ tUwJ.
Mdh cik mgo
rhl TlhJ. siu
rhlhTl ~ gh[
MFkh. nkY clYF
gntW ghig VgLJ
iy mf UwJ.
cjhuzkhf xU Nlhd
k ghu jiu
L nghJ, clnd mJ
btoJ r L
myth... mJnghy jh e
tW mj jikia
cilaJ. u
kD klm zVy...
fhiy vG nghJ tW
rW Nlhf, vryhf U
gij czUf.
mgo UF nghJ mf
Fia cila siu
FoF nghJ, y neu
f cl cs uj
ehsf btof
thf cL.
nkY s FS
nfh, bghlha ngh
wit mf csJ. mij
FoF nghJ mtiw br
khdgLj mf khf
ntiy bra ntoU
F. y rkaf mj
ah rahf ntiy
bra Koahk ngh L,
mjdhY clYF gh
f tuyh.
btW t siu
rhlh uj r
fiu ms mf Mt
jF thf cL.
Mfnt cz ilntis
siu rhLtJ jh
f wjJ.
mnjngh siu
btoa clnd rhl
ntL. mij L
ghuf, ghog
lh itJ rhLt
bjyh f MgjhdJ.
nkY filf UJ
siu thFnghJ, s
uhdJ eF ~uZhf
Ujh kL th
rhl ntL.
suhdJ gJ
thufz, khj
fz Uj kh
fhJ ngh njhdh,
mij th rhLtij
jJLf. yh
lh mjdhY ~
gh[ ML. s
rhLtJ clYF f
eyJ jh. Mdh btW
t Fof ntlh.
x Vok
njitahd bghUf: fh~st- 1, Kil - 3,
sfh - miu nl , kr - miu O,
sF, uf- 1 O, gir sfh- 2, jah -
miu nl , vbz - bghf njitahd ms,
c - njitahd ms.
brKiw : fh~stiu bga JLfshf eW
nyrhf c nrJ Kfh ntfhL ntf itJ
bfhs. Kilia cilJ, ewhf moJ
bfhs. sfh, jah, kr, sF
uf, c, miuj gir sfh GJ Mtiw
nghL ewhf fy ntf itj fh~stiu
xbthwhf j fyit K vbz bghw
khf bghbjLf. Nlhf gkhw.
VALASAI TIMES May 17 - 23, 2014
Registrar of Newspapers of India TNBIL/2004/14657
Owned and Published by T. Sivagami M.A., from Plot No. 2/4 Muthumariyamman Koil Street, Ist Floor, Janaki Nagar Annexe, Valasaravakkam, Chennai - 87, and Printed by her
at Yogiram Surathkumar Prints No.12, Gajapathy St., Ice House, Chennai-5. Editor:T. Sivagami M.A. Phone : 2486 6663, 98405 73043, Email:
To place an Advt in
Call : 9003039483, 9840573043
Email :

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