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T o': Senator Bruno J

F r om : Jolm Cordo J
Date: May 15,2000
Subject: United Correction Officers Coalition Speech

The United Correction Officers Coalition is holding its first full assembly
Tuesday May 16,2000 at the Crowne Plaza. You are scheduled to address this group
at 10:45 am. .

Unifor med Correction Officers Coalition

The uniformed Correction Officers Coalition is a newly created entity.

consisting of all county correction organizations, the New York City Correction
Officers Benevolent Association, and the New York State Correction Officers
Benevolent Association. It 1s headed by our frien~ Norman Seabrook.

. The purpose of the organization is to bring together all correction officers to

'advocate for increased recognition of the work that correction officers perform on a
daily basis.

2000 Ks~me~

The group is generally interested in securing benefits-for correction officers

which more closely mirrors those provided to police and fire groups. \Ve in the
Senate agree with tills philosophy and have moved significant benefit increases for
state, county and New York City correction officers ~ver the past several years.

Specifically the group is interested in:

o S7302 Heart Bill- this bill would allow localities to opt to provide a' heart
disability presumption for county' correction officers. At the Senate's
insistence; the governor has recently signed .a NYC heart bill and a state
heart bill for correction officers;

o S 3137 Line ofDutv Widows- this bill provides NYC correction officers =
widows with the same line of duty death ben.efit currently provided for
police and fire line of duty widows;

o S21 47a Local Option 20 Year Plan- this bill passed by the Senate last year
and vetoed by the Governor, provides counties with an option to provide a
20 year enhanced pension plan for county correction officers;

o Privatization- this group has always been interested in securinglegislation

which prohibits the operation of secure facilities by private entities. We
have never passed such a measure but have quietly advocated with the
executive to ensure that no such privatization occurred.

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