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Foundation Department

Theme of November: Health and Safety

*Duration: 21
November, 2013
*Target: Foundation Department- Grade 3
*Objetive: !earning about Ora" #ea"t$
%ssemb"& in t$e Gir"s' setion on 21
November, 2013 and t$e program as
*eitation o( #o"& +uran- Grade 3G2
*eitation o( #adit$ - Grade 3G3
,ma"" p"a& to portra& importane o( Ora" #ea"t$
Nationa" %nt$em
*Duration: 21
November, 2013
*Target: Foundation Department- Grades 1, 2 - 3
*Objetive: ,tudents )i"" "earn about $ea"t$& (ood
% memo to be sent b& t$e s$oo" administration to t$e parents t$em to send
(ruits and vegetab"es or an& ot$er $ea"t$& sna. as "un$ (or t$e da&/ T$e students )i""
eat on"& t$ose and some oat oo.ies $eese et/ to en$ane t$e importane o( a
$ea"t$& sna./

*Duration: !ast )ee. o( November
*Target: Foundation Department- Grades 1, 2 - 3 as )e"" as Grade 0 and 1
*Objetive: To invite a dentist to ta". about ora" $ea"t$
% dentist an be invited to t$e s$oo" and s$e 2 $e an e3p"ain t$e students about ora"
*Duration: !ast )ee. o( November
*Target: Foundation Department- Grades 1, 2 - 3 as )e"" as Grade 0 and 1
*Objetive: To invite peop"e (rom an& $and)as$ ompan& su$ as "i(ebuo&
and ta". to t$e $i"dren about importane o( )as$ing $ands/

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