Name 2. Location 3. Playroom and Computers 4. Dishes 4. Cost 5. Service 6. Working Hours

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Read the text and answer the questions:

1. Whats the name of the caf?
2. Where is it located?
3. What can you order there?
4. ow does it wor!?

"#unny $rocodile caf was o%ened on &arch the '
in 2(12. )t is situated
on the *reen Road. +he caf is ,ery modern and comforta-le.
+his caf is desi.ned for %arents with their children. +here is a lar.e
%layroom where children can freely %lay and their %arents can either come in
and %lay with them or ta!e their time to sit and relax in the caf area with
a coffee/ meal and ma.a0ine or meet u% with friends. +he caf also has
com%uters connected to the )nternet1 %u00le -oo!s and .reat art %ac!s for
older children.
+he food is well2coo!ed here. +he menu allows lots of choice for children
to mix and match whilst remainin. .ood healthy food. 3ou can choose ,ery
tasty dishes here: ,e.eta-le sou%/ roast chic!en/ fish and rice/ %asta with
cheese sauce/ different ,e.eta-le and fruit salads/ s%ecially %re%ared a%%le
%ie/ a ,ariety of ice2creams slices of fruit with home 2 made caramel sauce.
&ost dishes are delicious.
+his caf is not ex%ensi,e. 4ne hour in the %layroom costs only 52.2(
which includes the use of the facilities and any art and craft material. +he
waiters are ,ery friendly here.
"+he #unny $rocodile6 caf is o%en from 1( a.m. till 1( %.m. daily.

2. #ill in missin. words and ma!e u%
sentences with them:
1. 77777777777 cafe
2. 77777777777 %layroom
3. 77777777777 -oo!s
4. 77777777777 food
8. 77777777777 dishes
9. 77777777777 sou%
:. 77777777777 salads
;. 77777777777 a%%le %ie
'. 77777777777 caramel sauce
1(. 77777777777 waiters
3. <%ea! a-out this caf/ usin. the
1. =ame
2. >ocation
3. ?layroom and
4. @ishes
4. $ost
8. <er,ice
9. Wor!in. hours
2. #ill in missin. words and ma!e u% sentences with them:
1. "the #unny $rocodile6 Amodern and comforta-leB cafe
2. lar.e %layroom
3. %u00le -oo!s
4. well2coo!ed food
8. tasty dishes
9. ,e.eta-le sou%
:. different ,e.eta-le and fruit salads
;. home2made a%%le %ie
'. home2 made caramel sauce
1(. friendly waiters

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