Smart Grid

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Corporate Taxpayer's ID (CNPJ/MF): 0.!".#$%/000%&!#

Co'pa(y )e*+stry (NI),): .00.$-.%-&%
P./0+10y&He02 Co'pa(y
Light S.A. (Company), pursuant to CVM Instruction 358 o !anuary 3, "##", h$r$%y inorms
its shar$ho&'$rs an' th$ pu%&ic in g$n$ra& that a (oar' o )ir$ctors m$$ting on May *, "#+,,
appro-$' th$ contracting o an $.uipm$nt supp&i$r an' s$r-ic$ pro-i'$r or th$ automation o
o-$rh$a' an' un'$rgroun' n$t/or0s or an int$grat$' syst$m using smart gri's an' '$-ic$s (Smart
1ri' 2ro3$ct), in its su%si'iary, Light S$r-i4os '$ 5&$trici'a'$ S.A.
6o&&o/ing a rigorous s$&$ction proc$ss, Lan'is71yr 5.uipam$ntos '$ M$'icao Lt'a
(Lan'is71yr) /as a/ar'$' th$ $.uipm$nt an' s$r-ic$ contract, /hich in-o&-$s in-$stm$nts
o s$-$n hun'r$' an' orty8nin$ mi&&ion, t/o hun'r$' an' orty8nin$ thousan', nin$ hun'r$'
an' ity8our r$ais an' t$n c$nta-os (9:;,*,",*,*5,.+#) or th$ ac.uisition o on$ mi&&ion
(+,###,###) $&$ctronic $&$ctricity m$t$rs. 9$p&ac$m$nt o th$ curr$nt m$t$rs /i&& ta0$ i-$
y$ars, %$ginning in "#+,, /ith th$ insta&&ation o aroun' "##,### units p$r y$ar.
In a''ition, th$ construction o a r$&ia%&$ c&ou' communications syst$m, /ith amp&$ co-$rag$
o th$ m$t$ring an' automation '$-ic$s, /i&& p$rmit r$a&8tim$ ana&ys$s, th$r$%y contri%uting
'ir$ct&y to r$'ucing non8t$chnica& &oss$s an' '$au&t, as /$&& as impro-ing 'ata .ua&ity an'
9io '$ !an$iro, May +<, "#+,.
!o=o (atista >o&ini Carn$iro
Chi$ 6inancia& an' In-$stor 9$&ations ?ic$r

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