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Yanai Perry

English 7
Waters 7
Fact to Fiction


Give us back our money!
Look, fellas, I cant! Roger meekly responded
Well then, youll just have to do us another favor

In a dreary Alaskan fishing village, Roger owed money. He owed money to two local
gangsters, Donny and Carl. He couldnt pay it back, however, he lost all of it and
more gambling. He owed money to the casino owner too, now. On March 15, 1995, a
week after he should have paid the money back, he approached Donny and Carl in
their fishing shack
Why didnt you bring our money back a week ago? Carl asked.
I, well, you see, er I lost it all, Roger was not a brave man; he was terrified while
talking to Donny and Carl.
You lost it? Carl replied.
Yes, well you see I lost it all when I was gambling Roger said. Please let me just
have a little bit more time! Roger sobbed.
You have one day, Carl calmly answered.
I cant get 40,000 dollars in one day! Roger reacted.
Well then, I guess well just have to break your legs or something.
No! Roger shouted. There must be something I can do!
There is
What is it?
Give us back our money!
Look, fellas, I cant! Roger meekly responded
Well then, youll just have to do us another favor


Francis sighed. His bank was losing thousands of dollars. Many people in the
town had borrowed money hoping to buy fishing utilities and boats but the Sitka
Fishing Corporation had moved in and started staking all fishing areas as their own.
Now one hundred people were unable to repay the loans they had taken. He was at
the verge of bankruptcy. He had a plan however. He would start a fire to collect
insurance money. He had started planning it a month ago when all the troubles

Francis started stockpiling explosives. An employee had noticed.
He asked, Sir, what are planning to do with these?
Well, we are going bankrupt Francis answered
Are you going to set the bank on fire?
Of course, I need the money! Francis really did need the money. He barely had
enough to feed him and his wife.
Thats illegal! The worker gasped.
Well youre not going to tell anyone are you? Because if you did, there would be


The bank, we need you to rob the bank. Carl said as he poured himself a
glass of wine. Carl was a small man. He had gray, slicked back hair and a stubbly
How am I going to rob the bank? Roger said. He was stupefied.
Break in at night, they dont have a night guard. Then find the key to the vaults,
they probably keep it hidden around somewhere, Carl said, And give us all the
money, if you keep any, bad things will happen.
Okay, Ill keep that in mind.


Roger met his friend Frank at a bar around 8:00 p.m.
I just want to get out of Alaska, but I dont have enough money. Frank said.
Frank always had high ambitions; he just never had the ability to achieve those
ambitions. But now, now Roger could help Frank, and Frank could help Roger.
The bank, I need you to help me rob the bank, Roger mimicked Carls words.
He wanted to have the same confidence as Carl. You can keep enough of the
money to get out of Alaska, just dont tell anyone.
Alright. Franks willingness to commit a crime did not shock Roger. He knew
Frank was just sick of Alaska and would do anything to get out.


Albert Pearson was enraged. Roger had played poker at his casino. He played
and lost. Roger still had to repay some of his debt. Pearson had contemplated
how to regain the money he was owed. He decided to call the police. He
threatened to ruin everything Carl and Donny had planned.

Pearson gathered his employees, two of whom were his brothers. He explained
the situation to them.

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