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It all began when I was just a little fetus swimming in my

. mother s belly She told me that she listened to classical

music while she was pregnant because it would make me a
. , smarter kid Well I don't know about the smarter part but I
. can tell you this that's where it all began My passion for
. music
, , My passion for playing music listening to music dancing to
, . music and acquiring music I've studied classical ballet
, since the young age of 5 my aunt gave me my first ipod when I
, . was 7 and I began to play the violin at the age of ! "hese
- are the top three aspects that have influenced my forever
. connected passion and appreciation for music
, I love the way music transports me to a whole other world
. opens my mind to new ideas and restores my energy every time
Most of all I love those occurrences when I listen to a song
so many times and there's that one time where I catch on to a
. lyric I didn't notice before Its like I ve discovered a
. little pot of gold
When I envision music and #eadership sharing something in
common I first think of all its many different . genres $ut not
only do I imagine the various genres imbedded in this
intangible word called music I also consider the type of
leader one would imagine just off of the vibe one gets after
. listening to music associated with that genre
%or e&ample when I listen to reggae music the kind of leader
I envision is a thought provoking mellow leader who is
, , conscious about the environment politics and the welfare of
. the people 'ne the most iconic faces of reggae music is $ob
, Marley . and he represented all of those qualities $ut another
a leader not commonly associated with music that e&udes these
same qualities is . (enry )avid "horeau
"horeau was a humble leader and that was evident through the
spontaneous way he decided to live in a *abin in the middle
of the woods to e&perience nature and simplicity at its
. fullest "horeau was also a thought provoking leader and
, conscious of his surroundings which can be seen through his
connection with nature and supporting causes like the
. abolitionist movement
+ow when I envision classical music I see a poise leader who
, . carries themselves very well with dignity and astuteness
. (ere you have a thorough leader ,ven through tumultuous
. symphonies everything is handled well "hese attributes can
, fit well with Mo-art but that can also represent the
. personality of .ueen ,li-abeth
. "he .ueen s energy is very much so reserved and astute She
, . plays no games and handles everything with class .ueen
,li-abeth holds the throne so there is no time for mistakes
. even though (arry at times runs a muck
& /nd then when I consider the music genre 0ock 0oll I
. envision a hell raising kind of leader / leader who has
something to say and could care less about the judgments
. others 1oan 1ett definitely fit this bill with musical lyrics
like I love rock and roll so put another dime in the 1ukebo&
, . baby and I don t give a damn 2bout my reputation )o you
know whom else I think of as a 0ock and roll leader3 Malcolm
. 4
I ve always had a fascination for Malcolm & and his resilient
. , form of leadership (e may have been an aggressive activist
but he was a fantastic activists who knew how to speak his
, . mind whether through his speeches or his protests
, "his may not be my most favorite genre but country music has
. , its leader to I imagine a humble down to earth leader who is
. comforting and wants everyone to feel welcomed Many of you
might not recogni-e this picture but that s the one and only
! )olly 5arton
Mahatma 6andhi e&pressed humility constantly while he fought
. for the people "hrough his sacrifices and determination to
. help the people he remained humble and down to earth %or this
reason I can see 6andhi fitting in well with the country
. genre of music
My final e&ample of musical genre s and the leaders who
. possess similar qualities is (ip (op music (ip (op music is
. known for its raw e&pression Standing up proudly for what s
. , right %or those of you that aren t familiar the individuals
in this picture make up the revolutionary (ip (op group
5ublic ,nemy who made their opinions known through their
. powerful music
Muhammad /li without a doubt possesses traits very similar to
. those of (ip 5op +ot only was he an aggressive professional
, . bo&er that stung like a bee but he also was an activist /li
is famously known for refusing to fight in the 7ietnam War
, saying 8ou won t even stand up for me right here in /merica,
. for my rights and my religious beliefs
, , It is truly ama-ing to see some in a sense ironic leaders
. parallel almost perfectly with various genres of music Who
would have known that some of histories most widely known
leaders had musical personalities3
"his is the why I love music for everything it is because it
relates to so many ideas including #eadership while remaining
. understandable by so many people If leaders had the ability
to possess all of these great qualities than the world
, . seriously benefit but it isn t e&actly realistic
Music lives forever just like the legacy of some of the
, - world s most appreciated leaders and just like the never
- ending genres that make up music there are also never ending
. types of leaders that make up this thing called #eadership
"he wise man 5lato once said Music gives a soul to the
, , universe wings to the mind flight to the imagination and
. life to everything "his is coming from a man who was not
, even e&posed to the hundreds of genres in music today but he
. still recogni-ed its importance
. /nd I recogni-e the importance of music everyday too +othing
, , compares to that symphony by (andel that soulful Motown song
, the sound of smooth ja-- on a spring afternoon or the get up
. and dance feeling of disco music
, . Without music I don't know what I would do or who I'd be "he
. world to me would be so empty and lackluster I wouldn't be
, the ballet dancer the violinist or the avid music listener
. , , that I am today So yes my passion is and always will be
, music and if you ever find yourself in need of a *) or two
. I've got you covered

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