Nterjection: Ramon Eduardo Macedo Salgado Gonzalo Curiel Olivares

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Ramon Eduardo Macedo Salgado

Gonzalo Curiel Olivares
Interjections are a common component of the
English language, though they may be found in
other languages as well. These parts of speech
generally consist of brief, often spontaneous
phrases or utterances. In English, types of
interjection typically occur in the following
classifications: strong emotional expressions,
onomatopoeia, conversational additives, and
expressions indicating a pause. Emotion-based
types of interjection may range from expressions of
pain to surprised expressions.
An interjection is a short exclamation like "Ooooh!"
or "Wow!" or "Huh?". You use it when you want to
express emotions or attract attention:

Hey! Watch where you're walking!
No! I won't go!
Ouch! That hurts.
Interjections can express a variety of feelings from
anger to joy and everything in between
disappointment, surprise, shock. You name it.

Yippee! It's the weekend!
Boo! Ha ha! I scared you!
Interjections can be found at the beginning or end
of a sentence:

Darn! I missed the O-train by a minute.
We missed the children's choir, alas !.
Often, you need an exclamation point after an interjection, specially if you're
expressing the interjection with strong emotion:

No way! She said that!

But you can also use a dash:

Heywatch it!

If you're expressing a mild emotion, use a period or a comma:

Hello, David.
Okay. I'll do that.
Whats a cognitive interjection?
Its knowledge that we can use to get information.
This knowledge is familiarity an understanding of
someone or something acquired through
experience or education.

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