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Chiropractic Care For Weight Loss Success

Do you need to lose weight? Whether this is to shed just a few pounds, or perhaps to
address a more serious long-term problem that has led to a BMI that has been categorized
as obese or e!en morbidly obese, we need to rethin" our current lifestyles for lasting
success and not just loo" for the #uic" fi$%
While most of us "now that we need to reassess our diet and e$ercise, most of us probably
ha!e not considered &hiropractic as an aid to losing weight but thousands of people around
the world are finding that &hiropractic care and support can help them achie!e their weight
loss goals%
Being Overweight Leads to More Musculoskeletal Disorders
'ccording to the M(' Media &hiropractic and )besity *ur!ey published in 'ugust +,--,
carrying e$cess weight leads to an e$acerbation of a whole list of musculos"eletal health
Bac" problems featured prominently% &hronic bac" pain, degenerati!e disc disease,
herniated discs and .acet *yndrome /where problems with the joints in the spine
lead to bac" pain and possibly to )steoarthritis and *pondylitis0, being top of the list%
Many patients suffered from *ciatica resulting from their bac" problems%
*pinal *tenosis and chronic nec" pain were also high on the list - although these
conditions were not as common%
)ther major problems included chronic pain in the "nees, an"les and feet and
degenerati!e joint diseases%
How Can Chiropractic Care Help You?
1. Diet and Nutritional dvice
We all "now that the way to lose weight is to ta"e in fewer calories than we burn off%
&arefully managing our diets is only part of the solution though% In order to be successful, a
diet has to be one that we can stic" to and which pro!ides the nutritional support our bodies
.or this reason, ongoing help, ad!ice and encouragement from a &hiropractor will help in
stic"ing with a healthy diet and ta"ing any necessary supplementation to ensure our bodies
are getting correct amounts of !ital nutrients%
In fact, the support recei!ed from a &hiropractor will help in de!eloping life-long healthy
eating habits rather than treating a diet as a #uic" fi$ and just a way of reaching short-term
weight loss goals%
!. "upporting Your #$ercise %rogra&
If e$ercise hurts, nobody is going to stic" with it - end of story1 2his is one of the prime
reasons why so many peoples resolution to join the 3ym and lose weight fails within the first
month or two%
' Doctor of &hiropractic can help patients before they embar" on any e$ercise program by
realigning and rebalancing the body and, if appropriate, suggesting gentle stretching and
strengthening e$ercises to do at home so that becoming more acti!e and participating in an
e$ercise plan can be loo"ed forward to - not dreaded1
's we lose weight, our centre of gra!ity changes - so the stresses and strains placed on the
bac" and lower limbs in particular, change too% 'n ongoing course of &hiropractic care
throughout a weight loss and e$ercise plan will continuously rebalance our bodies, impro!ing
posture, range of mo!ement and generally ma"ing us wal" tall and feel great1
'et (he "upport You Need to chieve Your 'oals)
If you are serious about achie!ing your weight loss goals, at L*gon Chiropractic+ we are
serious a,out providing *ou with the ongoing support *ou need. -e can help *ou
throughout *our weight loss .ourne* so please call us on /0 1021 1111 and arrange
*our preli&inar* assess&ent toda*.
)riginally posted on http455www%lygonchiropractic%com%au5chiropractic5chiropractic-weight-

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