Maori History

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Maori history
1 Jan 0600 - 31 Dec 1300
The first inhabitants of New Zealand, the Maori, arrive from eastern Polynesia.
European exploration
1 Jan 1642 - 31 Dec 1642
Dutch sailor Abel Tasman becomes the first European to reach New Zealand.
Captain Cook
1 Jan 1769 - 31 Dec 1769
English explorer Captain James Cook makes the first of his three voyages to the islands. His
journals inspire other Europeans to explore New Zealand.
1 Jan 1840 - 31 Dec 1840
The Maori sign the Treaty of Waitangi giving control to the British in exchange for protection and
guaranteed Maori possession of their lands.
1 Jan 1860 - 31 Dec 1870
A decade of land wars between the Maoris and European settlers.
1 Jan 1947 - 31 Dec 1947
New Zealand gains independence from Great Britain.

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