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This activity has two paits. The fiist pait involves matching statistical analyses teims anu
uefinitions fiom Chapteis 19 & 2u. The seconu pait involves pioblem solving of basic
statistical pioblems. |0ne peison in the gioup can wiite the answeis in anu then
scansaveuploau to the uiscussion foiumj

Pait I
Natching. Natch the teim on the left with a uefinition fiom the iight.

Chaptei 19
Teim Befinition
1. Range A. failing to ieject the null hypothesis when it is false
2. Noue B. mathematical foimulas that test the hypotheses baseu on
thiee assumptions: 1) samples come fiom populations
that aie noimally uistiibuteu, 2) theie is homogeneity of
vaiiance, anu S) uata geneiateu fiom the measuies aie
inteival level
S. vaiiance C. iejecting the null hypothesis when it is tiue
4. Nean B. estimate iange of values in which an unknown
population paiametei is likely to exist
S. Type I eiioi E. point in a uistiibution at which Su% of the cases fall
above anu Su% below
6. Statistic F. numbei ueiiveu fiom a mathematical pioceuuie as pait
of the analytical piocess in expeiimental-type ieseaich
7. Type II eiioi u. type of statistic to uiaw conclusions about population
paiameteis, baseu on finuings fiom a sample
8. Inteiquaitile iange B. uiffeience between the highest anu lowest obseiveu
value in a collection of uata
9. Bispeision I. set of pioceuuies uesigneu to iuentify ielationships
between multiple vaiiables
1u. Besciiptive Statistics }. uistiibution of values foi a given vaiiable anu the numbei
of times each value occuis
11. Associational Statistics K. aveiage scoie calculateu by auuing the objects oi items
anu then uiviuing the sum by the numbei of objects oi
12. Paiametiic Statistics L. inuicatoi of the aveiage ueviation of scoies aiounu the
1S. Neuian N. summaiy measuie, such as iange oi stanuaiu ueviation,
that uesciibes uistiibution of obseiveu values
14. Stanuaiu Beviation N. piobability that uefines how iaie oi unlikely the sample
uata must be befoie the ieseaichei can ieject the null
1S. Non-Paiametiic Statistics 0. value that occuis most fiequently in a uata set
16. Confiuence Inteival P. foimulas useu to test hypotheses when 1) noimality of
vaiiance in the population is not assumeu, 2)
homogeneity of vaiiance is not assumeu, S) uata
geneiateu fiom measuies aie oiuinal oi nominal, anu 4)
sample sizes may be small
17. Infeiential Statistics Q. pioceuuies useu to ieuuce laige sets of obseivations into
moie compact anu inteipietable foims
18. Levels of Significance R. uesciiptive statistic foi inteipieting vaiiability; ueiiveu
by squaiing the uiffeience between each scoie fiom the
mean, which aie then summeu
19. Sum of Squaies S. ieflects the mean oi aveiage of the sum of squaies
2u. Fiequency Bistiibution T. usually iepiesenteu as peicentage, the piobability value
associateu with a confiuence inteival
21. Confiuence Level 0. measuie of vaiiability in expeiimental-type ieseaich that
iefeis to the iange of scoies that compose the miuule
Su% of subjects, oi the majoiity of the iesponses

Chaptei 2u
1. tiiangulation A. teim useu in natuialistic inquiiy to iefei to the accuiacy
of inteipietation oi how closely the analytical scheme
ieflects the natuial context oi focus of the investigation
2. constant compaiison B. use of multiple stiategies oi methous as a means to
stiengthen cieuibility of an investigatoi's finuings
ielateu to the phenomenon unuei stuuy
S. categoiies C. tiuthfulness anu accuiacy of finuings in natuialistic
4. tiuth value B. natuialistic uata analysis technique in which each uatum
is compaieu anu contiasteu with pievious infoimation
to fit all the pieces togethei inuuctively into a biggei
S. taxonomic analysis E. analytical piocess useu in natuialistic inquiiy in which
the investigatoi iuentifieu patteins anu topics fiom
which a theme is ueiiveu
6. inteipietation F. point at which an investigatoi has obtaineu sufficient
infoimation fiom which to obtain an unueistanuing of
the phenomena
7. satuiation u. analytical step in natuialistic inquiiy in which the
investigatoi examines the ueiiveu categoiies anu themes
anu uevelops a conceptual unueistanuing of the
8. cieuibility B. natuialistic uata analysis technique in which the
ieseaichei oiganizes similai oi ielateu categoiies into
laigei categoiies anu iuentifies uiffeiences between sets
of subcategoiies anu laigei oi oveiaiching categoiies
9. theme I. basic analytical step useu in natuialistic inquiiy in which
the investigatoi gioups phenomena accoiuing to
similaiities anu labels the gioups

Pait II
Pioblems Solving.
Neasuies of Cential Tenuency
1. Retaileis who sell tiavel packages want to know the aveiage age at which people get
maiiieu. Tiavel piofessionals believe that couples who aie oluei when they maiiy
spenu significantly moie on honeymoons than those who maiiy youngei, theiefoie
they will cieate moie elaboiate packages if the aveiage age of maiiiage is getting
highei. The following ages of biiual couples weie
gatheieu in an unscientific sampling at a biiual show.

Finu the mean, meuian, anu moue foi:

a. women: Nean ______; Neuian ______; Noue ______

b. men: Nean ______; Neuian ______; Noue ______

2. Auveitising executives aie woiking on a campaign to sell a bloou piessuie meuicine.
These executives want to select (S) actois to use in the aus that will appeal to the
bioauest maiket in neeu of such meuications.

Finu the mean, meuian, anu moue BP (in some cases theie may be no moue) foi:
a. Caucasian women
b. Caucasian men
c. Afiican-Ameiican women
u. Afiican-Ameiican men
e. Latino women
f. Latino men
g. All women combineu
h. All men combineu

Raceuenuei Age
Raceuenuei Age
Caucasian Women Su-S9 11u Caucasian Nen Su-S9 141
Caucasian Women 4u-49 116 Caucasian Nen 4u-49 1S2
Caucasian Women Su-S9 12S Caucasian Nen Su-S9 1S8
Caucasian Women 6u-69 1Su Caucasian Nen 6u-69 17S
Caucasian Women 7u-79 129 Caucasian Nen 7u-79 179
Caucasian Women 8u-89 127 Caucasian Nen 8u-89 17S
Afiican-Ameiican Women Su-S9 126 Afiican-Ameiican Nen Su-S9 1S6
Afiican-Ameiican Women 4u-49 1S2 Afiican-Ameiican Nen 4u-49 161
Afiican-Ameiican Women Su-S9 141 Afiican-Ameiican Nen Su-S9 172
Afiican-Ameiican Women 6u-69 147 Afiican-Ameiican Nen 6u-69 18S
Afiican-Ameiican Women 7u-79 1SS Afiican-Ameiican Nen 7u-79 188
Afiican-Ameiican Women 8u-89 16u Afiican-Ameiican Nen 8u-89 187
Latino Women Su-S9 122 Latino Nen Su-S9 146
Latino Women 4u-49 12S Latino Nen 4u-49 1Su
Latino Women Su-S9 1Su Latino Nen Su-S9 1S9
Latino Women 6u-69 1S6 Latino Nen 6u-69 167
Latino Women 7u-79 14S Latino Nen 7u-79 172
Latino Women 8u-89 1S1 Latino Nen 8u-89 172

Neasuies of vaiiability

S. Finu the +#,-. foi the following sets of /#"# $, 0+123.4 56:
a. Caucasian women
b. Caucasian men
c. Afiican-Ameiican women
u. Afiican-Ameiican men
e. Latino women
f. Latino men
g. All women
h. All men

4. Sum of the Squaies - finuing the sum of the squaies is an inteiim step to finuing the
stanuaiu ueviation. 0se the test scoie uata sets below anu finu the sum of the
squaies. Remembei, you must fiist finu the mean, then subtiact the mean fiom each
scoie, then squaie the answei. Auu all the squaieu numbeis foi each uata set.

Set I Nean Sum Squaieu Set II Nean Sum Squaieu
94 98
76 94
S2 88
98 9u
8u 84
78 86

S. Stanuaiu Beviation - using the sum of the squaies fiom question 4, finu the
stanuaiu ueviations foi:
a. Set I
b. Set II

6. Finu the %"#,/#+/ /.)$#"$1, foi the following sets of uata iepiesenting the numbei
of books ieau by stuuents in (4) uiffeient classiooms.

a. Class I
b. Class II
c. Class III
u. Class Iv

7. Z-scoies: Z scoies tianslate uata fiom numbeis specific to a uata set to a scoie that
iepiesents wheie that numbei woulu fall on a noimal cuive that iepiesents the uata
set. The z-scoie is the uistance, in stanuaiu ueviations, fiom the mean. Z-scoies can
be negative, the numbei is less than the mean, oi positive, moie than the mean. The
closei the z-scoie is to u the closei the numbei is to the mean.

0sing the uata foi 73#%% 8 $, 9:.%"$1, ;, finu the z-scoies foi the 16 scoies.
a. Scoie = 4, z =
b. Scoie = 1, z =
c. Scoie = 1u, z =
u. Scoie = 7, z =
e. Scoie = 6, z =
f. Scoie = 2, z =
g. Scoie = 11, z =
h. Scoie = 6, z =
i. Scoie = 22, z =
j. Scoie = S, z =
k. Scoie = 8, z =
l. Scoie = 1u, z =
m. Scoie = S, z =
n. Scoie = 4, z =
o. Scoie = 9, z =
p. Scoie = 6, z =

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