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Who are the Qualified Dependents under BIR?

Not all dependents can claim to for additional 25,000 pesos additional exemption. That
is the why the term being used is QU!"#"$% %$&$N%$NT '("!% )Q%'*.
To +now more do read on.
The most common concern regarding this, that if one can claim his,her parents as their dependents or
their brother or sisters, cousins or any immediate relati-e that they say they support.
#urthermore, some also claim cases where they support their brother or sister who is mentally
incapacitated or physically unable to wor+ and needs support.
."/ states in RR 10-2008 "An individual whether single or married, shall be allowed an
additional exemption of 25,000 pesos for eah !"A#$%$&' '&(&)'&)* +,$#' -!'+.,
provided that the total number of dependents shall not exeed four -/. dependents0 *he
additional exemptions for !'+ shall be laimed b1 2)#3 2)& of the spouses in the ase of
married individuals0"
%$&$N%$NT '("!% means a legitimate, illegitimate or !$0!!1 %2&T$% '("!% chiefly dependent
upon and li-ing with the taxpayer if such dependent is not more than 23 years of age, unmarried and
not gainfully employed or if such dependent, regardless of age, is incapable of self4support because of
mental or physical defect. )Taken from RR 10-2010*
This pro-ision disallows our parents to be our dependents based on term 5QU!"#"$% %$&$N%$NT
'("!% or '("!%/$N )Q%'*5.
"f a person claims his brother or sister or relati-e as his,her dependent who is not o-er the age of 23
and is li-ing with them. They need to be !$0!!1 %2&T$%. 2therwise they cannot be 6ualified as
dependents per se.
#or those dependents regardless of age who is "N'&.!$ of 7$!# 7U&&2/T due to 8$NT! or
&(17"'! %$#$'T. These type of dependents can be 6ualified pro-ided one can show proof thru a
'$/T"#"$% 8$%"'! %2'U8$NT attesting to said 58$NT! or &(17"'! %$#$'T5.
%o understand that any claim of Q%' for additional exemptions will be ascertained by the employer
thru ."/ #orm 2905 which one will file with regards to this update of additional exemption.

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