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Lesson Plan

Lesson Topic : Reading Book/activity Date: 24/06/2013

AusVELS Domain(s): English Grade/Year Level: Grade 1
AusVels Substrands Duration of Lesson: 40 mins
Dimension(s) Sond and letter kno!ledge
Learnin !utcome(s)/Standard(s):
"ani#late sonds in s#oken !ords inclding #honeme deletion and s$stittion
Stdents !ill:
% demonstrate the se and &nction o& #nctation
% se &amiliar sond letter com$inations to &orm !ords '#articlarly those nkno!n(
Assessment: )$servation
#riteria: *o read and com#rehend a te+t
Teac$in %ocus:
,- .estioning
B- "odeling reading voice
#ontent of Lesson:
A& "ntroduction
Read alod / online $ook 0 *itle #age:
1hat do yo think this story is a$ot2
1hat is the name o& the #erson !ho dra!s the #ictres in the $ook2 '3llstrator(
1hat is the name o& the #erson !ho !rites the te+t in the $ook2 ',thor(
'& Development
'Reading the $ook(
1- 1hat do yo think has ha##ened2
2- Read alod the te+t together / highlighting n&amiliar !ords4 #nctation4 tone o& voice
#& #onsolidation and (ractice
,ctivity: 1ord decoder
5inking meaning 'e-g- small rond lea&y vegeta$le( !ith !ord in the te+t 'e-g- ca$$age(
(ost Lesson )evie* and Evaluation:
6#il ,chievement
*eacher E&&ectiveness

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