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Millie Kim 9

September 12, 2013

Introduction to Publications
Snowball Article
Winter Snowball 2013-2014
The annual Winter Snowball is a party for
high school students, mainly for freshmen
and sophomores. As it holds an importance as
the freshmans first party in high school, the
Sophomore Student Council tries to make it
better each year by putting in a lot of work.
However, this work has brought recent
controversy among the parents and high
school administrators regarding costs, venue,
and style.
For this years Snowball, the Student
Council has decided to alter the location to
school grounds in order to minimize the
expense. They are also aiming to create a
casual party where students can feel free to
dance with their peers.
At the party, everybody is just there to get their picture taken, said Jarret Lambie, High School
Principal. If we are going to have a dance, lets actually have a dance, not an extended
photography session. We havent picked a venue yet, but there is talk about using the small gym on
the sixth floor.
Not only is the cost and style controversial, but other factors as well. According to Mr. Lambie, by
making the Snowball fantastic, it puts more pressure on the Prom to be even more spectacular. He
described that they were running out of ways to be bigger and better for the Prom because they had
tried all possibilities. Also, the issue of celebrities performing at the party has come to attention.
Roy Kim, a well known celebrity in Korea, performed at the Snowball last year and made it
memorable for the freshman and sophomore students. However, this year, there seems to be no
plans for celebrities.
Celebrities came in previous years because the prior Sophomore Class President had connections
to those types of people, said Nagyon Kim (10), Sophomore Class President. I dont think thats
an expectation of Snowball because it was only possible through those connections. We are not
expecting any celebrities at Snowball this year.
By making these changes, the parents and student council members seem satisfied with their
ongoing plans. On the other hand, freshman and sophomore students seem to be disappointed with
the current proposal.
Photo courtesy of Facebook/ Jinny Park.
Claire Yun (10), Joyce Han (10), Jinny Park (10), and Juwon
Choi (10) pose for the camera with actor, Park Joong-hoon, at
last years Winter Snowball.
Although Im very excited for Snowball because I will get to hang out with my friends, I prefer a
different location than the gym. The campus is literally where we go to everyday and it would be
not as exciting as going to a fancy hotel. said Jennifer Kim (9). The preparation for the party is
one of the most exciting aspects, but if it is set at school, people would put in less effort to dress
With these new changes of location, venue, and style, students have a dilemma in whether to attend
the party or not.
The most lasting memory about Snowball last year was the fact that I got to meet Roy Kim. If
there are no celebrities this year, I think it will bring huge disappointment for the new freshmen,
said Jane Lee (10). Also, if the party is in the gym, I think students will take it like a casual party
and think of it too lightly, leading to less participation.
Although the freshman students dont seem to embrace the idea of a campus party, most are excited
to experience mingling and dancing with their peers. Overall, students seem to be excited for what
will happen this year.
Im looking forward to seeing what other people wear, eating the food, and just having time to
chill with my friends. I think it will create great memories for the beginning of our high school
career. Claire Kim (9) stated.

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