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Standard six: Engage in professional learning

The following excerpts are from EDFD452: Transition into the profession; this
assessment task required me to draft an individual teaching philosophy before
undertaking individual research to identify and strengthen any gaps in my
philosophy. The following excerpts are taken from my essay and my revised
individual teaching philosophy.

The ongoing debate between educational reformers suggests that for teachers to be successful in
developing new skills and knowledge for classroom implementation, they require opportunities to
participate in a professional community (Putnam & Borko, 2000, p. 8). For teachers, the most
successful way to encourage this kind of learning is to allow them to be actively engaged in
professional development. This is crucial for teachers as engagement within a community assists in
fostering personal growth and developing individual identity. It is therefore imperative for teachers to
be engaged in a community of practice so that they may better themselves as educators and enhance
student learning through new training and ideas.
Revised individual teaching philosophy:
I believe that students learn successfully when they work collaboratively with their peers to achieve
common goals. I understand that as a teacher this will be my greatest strength, to work alongside my
colleagues sharing ideas and experiences in the hopes I may better myself as a teacher. As a lifelong
learner I plan to attend professional development days to foster my personal growth as a teacher and
transform my teaching through shared learning and experiences with my colleagues.

Comment [M1]: Discussed critically
here is my knowledge of the importance of
professional development. In both these
artefacts I have presented a concise
argument that expresses my understanding
of professional development, as well as my
willingness to engage in professional
learning in the future. I have therefore
demonstrated my achievement of focus area
6.2 as I have shown that I am aware of the
benefits that come with engaging with
colleagues and how this can be transferred
in to teaching strategies to benefit student
This is a photograph of a certificate I received for my involvement in the ASFLA
conference as well as a copy of my notes taken throughout the conference as I
engaged with colleagues.

Functional grammar:
Allison Lester for teaching
Identifying parts of the clause with blog (computer time)
Drama create and colour code
Participants: who or what is involved
Think, pair share ideas to elaborate
where when how
Games open up dialogue
Game 1: Race to build a clause (using coloured die for participant etc.)
Game 2: Fish or steal (fish out participant, process etc. to make clause)
Game 3: Come in spinner (spin spinner for circumstance then select from examples)

Australian Systematic Functional Linguistics Association (ASFLA)
Seizing the moment October 1-3, 2013
Certificate of Participation
in the Australian Systematic Functional Linguistics Association Conference 2013
Presented to
Monica Ryan
Held at Australian Catholic University, Melbourne

Comment [M2]: In artefact 2 and 3 for
this standard I have demonstrated my
willingness to engage in professional
learning, as I have actively contributed to
collegial discussions in an attempt to
improve my professional knowledge. These
two pieces of evidence thereby demonstrate
my achievement of focus area 6.4 as I have
been engaged in a professional learning
program and am now better equipped at
addressing specific literacy learning needs.

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