Guidelines For The Presentations

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Guidelines for the presentations

10-12 minutes presentation; 5-8 minutes Q&A (for strict compliance)

Dress appropriately
Make sure presentations will work in any laptop; only one laptop to
be used for all presentations (save your presentations in a flash drive)
Order to determine by the lot
The group can decide who will speak (everyone, just one, etc.).
Participation points will be awarded (to be discussed before the start
of the presentations).
Criteria for final evaluation
Presentation (50%)
Content (40%) accuracy of the science and the thoroughness of the research
Presentation (40%) effective communication of the proposal (both through
oral delivery and visual cues), coherence and clarity
Q&A (20%) addressing of questions by the panel
Proposal Paper (50%)
Written Content (50%) accuracy of science and thoroughness of the
research in the written output; appropriate writing styles; effective
communication of the research; intellectual honesty
Research Criteria (50%) scientific thought, relevance, feasibility, novelty

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